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BS HEA! Ger Ady (SOME IMPORTANT INFIN SSA ITE SERIES) ey (Binomial Theorem for any Index) See 161. SRE Mntroduction) : BF Fe ys € Ri Bn wes or gute wa (14x) = 1+ "Cyr Cox? + + MC gat a, mn n(n-1) -l)@m- Sat eae 24 MO DOD) se ae hrercx 3 wi art & fee oer 8 wer get ort vex" ain we am pits oT Ue Aa Tem (oie ae) eat MOD 2 MOD 9 srt, +: 4 (14x)? =1l+nx4 wi-llak CaseL, al bi 1al, a avon (ore) GU eo [ietigt oa nin=0(2)'4., sto] mt lbi> tat. incl Se 16-3. (1+ x)" Prent F enV TW [General Term in (1 +x)"] ; _ nin = 1Yin = Mn) nae _n(n=1)(n— 2) r factors én r! C+ DA, 44) 16-4. ye Pate Raftat : al xl< i, aalq—-l0 gern HOTT IE SPan-re1 o + 1 fen ray St VCs ge), “ye 5G) =e m the seties) Lie 1,13. 1133 16.9 5 +24 gro dae’ te aid? netenre Me 2, nnt Nagy at Aft wt Gea THAT A ge 31k 3 mead +1) 1.3 ) mat Paina i! ) ga (2) (1) S TH eT A Ty, -(2) (n+) 2n an+1=3n mM Wn=1 a nak. g(a x=-2 A 1 L aa: oie artes = (1-x)-"= ty? ar . a-arte (148) 2) EXERCISE 16-4 Type Leah eras & Fog Fwe mare wet ques we sien et ¢ 1 aft (ip) |x <1 at Reerereg FF (show that) @ a-sy! H14 xt Pt P+... 10% {NCERT] @) (+x! = x+R—8 +... 100% INCERT] (ii) (I+? 1-2x + 3x2 - 409 +... 10.0% {NCERT] (yy (1-2)73 = 1 43x + 62? + 10H HO @) (L4ay-3 = 1-3 + 622 = 1088 st 2 afe (ip |x |< 1 a eet ee (show tha) « 1 -bo) yg 32 UP, toed (+x) Sa1—5* 95 1250 a 3 ses er er er ena ne EPL & 2)? {Roorkee 71 3 92x, 4, Prise & Reece SH, 4 [Explaned the following !x!<7] 6 ai | ) ss XI 18:10 Mathematics i668 5 afr 5. (1= 2x) 2 & fear x6 ony goes ion of (1 = 2x) 2, [Find the co-efficient of x6 In the expansion fe 1 afer | 4 6 (La Dey 2H (pa 1) a Ge AT TT TU HTT ; 3. ( co-efficient in (1 =2x) 2.) [Find the (r+ 1)th term and its co-e! a een “1 7. 1001 a TRS aeTTs & cae oat om ETE FT ; [Find the cube root of 1001 correct to four places of decimal.) 9.( 7 8 Reerarge fe (Show that) (1 + 2x + 3x? + 4x3 + ««. 10 e9) = 14 3x +612 + 10x? + ., “to 00 HA (where) Ix <1 Type 1. oraar Art & eer Te erent ET = 9. Britta Afra ant ares ara afar [Find the sum of the following series] : 7 c , W1+} +igt+app +. toe (P. U, 46S; Bhag.U. gy 2,21 27 33 14343. Tee Hat. toce 3 (i Fee Po... 10.0 {B.U. 664) 354 = 2 coins ris Tie te tO 343 3.195, 1357 | igen “i Oar + toe0 IP. U. 335, 65; RU.) 10. a (I) y=x-12 +48 +... 000, 12, afer wife f& (Show that)x=y+y2 4934. 40 1 : * Texey® Pr # Reoay Rx" er mis 1,om-lkaenme 4 3m, 3m-1 3m +1 weak) [Show that the co-efficient of x" in the expansion of ae 1, 00r sie = ~1 according as n is of the form 3m, 3m—Lor3m+1} [P. U. 54; RU. 62) Fra tf x” ar is (1 —4y)° 78 treme ee) o. (ey Prove thatthe coefficient of x” in the expansion of (1 44 vA] Al 74) 2) .. Which one of the following is the su Some Important Infi nite Serieg ———S> ANSWERS bL 16. ——— M1 22 BSc 4:2!" 16x4 BO ox ..| est, 1 ROA ions 5 Gi) 128 Gi) () (iv) 3V6-7 (v3 Q —Y WDSey3 5) ‘ais NH (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) EXERCISE 16-2 ‘he correct option for each statement : Select #1 ‘The sum of the series 1 +x4248 4... tocris oa-o-h label Gi) 1-2 lated jadea- baled (iv) (+2) ixl> 1 The sum of the series 1-x +2?—x° +... toovis @d-ahlxl<1 Gi) VeayIxl>1 Gi) V+ talc (iv) Vahl xl>d ‘Which one of the following is the sum of the series 142+ 3x2 + 4x3 +... too @ (1-2-3, Ixt<1 Gii) (1+x)-2,1xl>1 Gi) Q-2, Ixl>d (vy +92, tl1 @Q-x3 lal >4 (ii) Q-x)-3, 1x1 <1 m of the series xe Mathematics : class X! (22023 +... to 00jg + sion of (1 4 x)-4 in 1 = Ae + 10 (@) True Gi False 2 +20x4 +... toe 8. The expansion of (1 — a)-4is 1+ 4x + 10%? + 20x +... t @ True i) False ~ ANSWERS "ANSWERS "__ LG) 2G) 3@ 4) 50 6G) 76) BG Q (Exponential Series) 165, Soh + yt ryt ay + oo ST TEE oH TAT We Pala He ay B sit ee afta at F |e ax eraiat dea (exponential number) Seer $) WOH 14+ tT +... oT TE aw Evvtes 5 1 i n=o"! 166.¢ aM 2 a 3% tre Hat B (Value of e lies between 2 and 3): ell) Pires ily a 7 sled yt Fe TITFET+ST# .to0> 1414 (ha ty toe) (1) str 2) &, ‘ aa: (1) Qa AFA Pe C ‘ Some Important Infinite Sen, ae ee - ies 167.6%% after der & (¢ is an irrational numbe, 1649 rat ar ar He o *) goarer: RO em afte deg | 7 ore m ott n wr TS ARS 1 stat Ey ematedede he aan 12) nl* @a © UT Hem 8) a a’ mite ten Dayo nt nt ay = (n-)im nl areata ten) oe + tear Fi 1 a eae aw Ret i Ge OH) tt 1, 1.4 vat Genera OMS ntgt pte a (1) Som(n= 1) 1 = a a + TE A (2) eae er ge tes & ar eft ow pts 6 FR ET ara Pe coe ete Hea Bot 1 a Gs seta He 1\n 168.e= Lt (ee n> seat : foe wa &, ial series) + 16.9, ecard Soft (Exponent | oh, tain i> 1 EE oe 1 ep nx nx 1, meee (+5) = lee at y 2 x ete es LS eas re wel rata esl +yp+a7 +37 tart ~~ foe 2g) 1 acca aa aoe craic] (se wr e-e™ tea(te e+ de. toe) eran x, erie We ctatetie dep tait toc 2g x2 s xi “Tit 21734 gyn toe Mioa magne 2 x4 al WH ek enka [= Eas 2 Ty ayes 16-11. a = eo, 0 = ONE = Nc = log cy oan eeeta ta al+ __ Some Important infinite Se ries et in aig er 2m TRI TR +) AN ome ar Soran RAN TT Mahe OT a Pr | Cnn 1 gy cm daa & wT A a 1 BRT On we Frc ites gga Sar OT | ar aT cy WEN BH factorial re ‘AUNT TETEW (Solved Examples) ype HIE. € edt ora Bart Proves site Preset oe arenite wet: #8 Poh on or is cdesrtt am (Working Rule) : at & Pare a? a ym =D fart) +x" & Preare F at x7 TS @ Sele a (nt raV Gi) eye! & Reem at wt as = +1 ns nee Herm Pree we CH? BES HE +9 gs-a series in ansion of ¢* NCERTI (Find the coefficient of x3 in the €xP! powers of x.] ws ettt3a ele r, 2x, Oat, Oa? | 3 [Bere at 4... 10° er. || =e fre2peetpe tare : : 7. 2s = arty p GH! Bae ; 7 pa } mous Mathematics : C1888” ay \ — apy i eee wrt ATT ' Ex. 2. 2 1 ATT, a ear er OF Gi jo one decimal place] Weng, mA 4.5 10% [Find the value of e? correct W E 1121" 3! ach pias vans + 0666 + 0266 + 0.088 + 0025 | => e2= 7378 , | esi (correct to one decimal place) ea Ex. 3. aR ange = Bo + Bix + Bot? +--+ Bax" +... By —B, PT Bt Ty ATe BPTI (then find the value of Bn ~ Bn -1-) Fes aT aq = Bot Bix + Box? tit By xt +... to =) => eF(1—x)-! = By + Byx + Bzx? +...+ Byx” +... t0 uta) X(L4ay +22 4...4x4 ol xe) = Bo + By + Byx +...+ Bax” +... toc x aax"-|, & yoiel at war Her Te eA Peat & =i 1 1 Baan i Pl oi {saat beet ooidh tateh +) Iie! | Ta Ba} = ait Gp! ae stoitytl 2) ipo tle a Type LV. wx wraist & air ae orate wet: ‘srtartt Prat (Working Rule) : 1. Cee Ae se eS os ror aaa +4 = THI THe aE n= 1,2,3,,., we caer ats & ote “= oe ca) aie Peters ae & reek arazaern eh seen sei a: @ 2 ‘i ‘Some Important Infinite Sey Series rH 18-17 cee witnta Ler aire (Show that) ee Leateite: end i,2 a IR.U.7; pre ee 1.114 Roorkee 81;. i sP.U. 52) we e=l+qitatait. ‘ (i) (i) (ii) im ete ; iv) ivy 3 Gil 1 pitat _ete'=2 vad ha ET Fails Ex. 2. fre #ifire P25 (Show that) =2\5y ten ¢ 1usiaes [M. U. 66; P. U. 66, 755 R. U. 785 Mithila U.75; Bhag, U.75] B onl = (n+)! (Qn+1)! 1 1 € 2 He Steel Ex. 3. franfeg (Find) 1+ 34% 317 41 Jee ess Mathematics : Class X!_ Ms a, | n=1 1 Lay i=! Drea Dt m=! es cette { e nade ‘a tet heyitat Sa: RY ay oh, ar aleTHS n(botete )oGiehe) 5 10.20 [Roorkee 81; M. U. 64, 66; P. U. 64) : od _12%=1) we: = ~(2-1)n! Let Ter tact ta 2 1)-(v 1) =e =e(e-1) Ex. 5, nck oie 3* aeons xlog3 (x log3)? BW: 3x6 slit any + Fy t+ toe Ex. 6. aftr afer £ (Prove thay) x? xt x6 ( “21*4ar-6it ; Some Important Infinite Serie: 8 ix x? ix* x* ix 1619 @eltq als) 4) 5) ae x? Xx ne age g yee Oe re ag ee(Ipital Jil ks 517 “| jarisvan- y ATT, HT BS su(l) 2 xf ; : Sg ne ORTH |= x See a ) (ni 31 sy 1s | \ afte (2) BISA rn x? x4 1 pasa ign oR Ba ete) oi ble eri bee x * = ~ 1 pai st oo EW 9; (Cea) (4) 2 = oa | Leitre ay? Lem—e)? sheet tee git erty (ete ete“) 1=RHS. =). 2ei% 2e Me EXERCISE 163 Type Il. «feck ora 0 Pret oi Praret 1 Tenfest AT 1. Pret an Preare atforg (Expand the following) : w= a (vi) eX + O* ra — amt ara Frere | Find the value of 2 stall nein 21|0 et x bs 3. ee 16-20 S_______ Mathemat 4 urfte ae 5 (Prove that) at= ae 5. anit aifre £ (Prove that) ate = loga + Type LV. ere arid & ater oe crrenf tt HE + 6. Freaiia Bt Re aire (Prove the following) : Gi) -(14+37+ 7. Find the sum of the following series : i) 2 2 3 4 @azt s+ Ft git. t0% IP. U. 64, 75; ims ee R.U. 65; 1. S.M.87]_ (ei) 1 ee (vii) 1477+ 374+ 94 +... to00 sam 7 32 Soe (iii) 1+ 754374 H+... too 34 4 OTT Fy wie i 2422 12492452 (xi) 1+ a seer ne esa eit? ony (xii) 754 NE a Git) Bs A? aa 4 ard s3 14345 x? x xt x sae Some Important Infi nite Seri nite Series pone aorta to © (iv) 2] 14 GF 16-24 2 4 xp x? x’ x rt ome -602( a w»-| 2% yl-gitar 6! ‘ 41 ts to00 <1) 226 Gi * Sep ! W e 10% gine"! Gil)> Gv) Se (Wy cw 1458 #5 (ix)Se @3e (ME Se 6 (xii) Se Q NS (nil) 44g, (Wi) 3e SQNS WA (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) EXERCISE 16-4 x2 x3 1, The sum of the sreies 1 + ia Fite tn loowis j@e Gir Gi) &* (iv) e“! 2, The sum of the series | HUTT tH tw tomis @e! ide iii) e* (we x2 1x3 = the sum of the series 1-74 +5 4-gyt-~ toms (ii) e* Gii)e! (ive (ye* lowing is the sum of the series 4. Which one of the foll H-Ht Oe Lao tlh Gide* (ie (ii) e* Which one of the following is the sum of the series w Lea tat toe where) (ip e-e 6. Which one of the following is the depts heres) (ize-e' AG xloga # (loa)? Haha 7. ‘The sum of the series 1+ * Th = afl ity} exer! (ig e!- sum of the series 02 sie Guyyle-©) Wet Gi aty Ciena ‘ye 8. The value of es (1ededede =) «(i-Hta at a (iv) (0 Gi) -1 ii) 1 (i) True Ce 16-22 Mathematics | C!@SS xt . 9. The vatue of fe c Hele x(1tT {tae (-¥ ios tom) * 1 ae @. (ii) 2e (ii) 0 @ is an irrational number Li) 24) 2@ aay SC) 6 7G) SG)" 9 TOG Q 22) ee tf wre 3: wre Ait a (Logarithmic Series) z _bearitin 16-13, yftea (Introduction) : #YTS (logarithm) & yt a of oma ¥ BF ofits & ge E 1 act oF sqTrsta Avil (logarithmic series) & art # qf am ah ..00 Tal ae, TET Ach (logarithmic series) x arom & ott ae eel eI faeafta (expanded) &y & | czar q a AL + logf 12 £9 ‘ ee 2 ] Be ihe(,) eam F [Expand ba a -,in ascending powers of x, where [xl<11 he ‘Some Important Infinit alu { Inhnite Se, me Serie a iereleyy 1825 y ¥ .=7 >it ae 4. fra SAfora FH loge (Lt x + x7) S Pree ahem gy Te wry Ei gre 3 ar eee By rere ET BY a prove that the 0+ efficient of x" in the expansion of Be (1 +4 22) ig cording as n is or not a multiple of 3] ws: log( ++ x)= tog ht 4= 2) ar aft n, 3a reared wet et ait x" HL Te = =o+t2) Ex ee nec +bxtc= os wa apa a Tre aE Je eq, ax2 + bx-+ c= 0, show that] (e225, iso [p.U. 14; Bag. U. 62) Ifa, B be-the roots of th log(a - bx + cx?) = loga + (+ Bx - w or, B verre ax? + bx c= 0 ewe ani) b = awa log(a - be + cx?) = log| 4 \ eae soa, {from =logla{1+(a+ B)x+ Bx?) = logla(l + ax) + px) = loga + log(1 + 0) + log(1 +B») ay wer _..|s Br ope | oo a 2 A atop s@eenee 28): ae 16:26 a ___Mathematics : Class X!_ ————e = pa Ex. 6. Re Bir fF (Prove that) | | 3. 4. \ 5 loge(1 + 1)= 1-141 te 3-... 0% 4 Lt ot2 @ rad a ve ord & fs | Doge? = 2-245 -4+3 iN pel 1 | z . stet-fefebe} best h tom 1 ri loge2* 1 = (1- 3)- (2-3) + (3-4) - — | , AE loge 4 ~logee = 733-35 + 34 -a5 + -+- 10° 4 f | am loge = 5-25 + 37-a5 +. 108 10. Ex. 7. Fe ifiry f% (Prove that) | rt m_,[m=-n , 1(m-n | wtolts tesy eyes , x2 x4 B: log(l +x) =x->- s eS Ten log(l—x) = +> | (1) oft (2) a ast az, lex ee | logs rar aresee te 5 ikea tee | - a m_5| man 1 m=n\3 logy fase m+n = Some Important Infinite Song tea xt x aT ans So ‘ 123° 3 ae tty, 1 xt <4) Bae 3, logtarge teee yt gn toes ear. 2) a. Lele? =35 + 35 * G7 + 109 1 5, WB] ox 20 A (1. C1983), 1.6.1991,97, 99) L+x loge yx a) 2 inte '1)=2)| ee a. login + 1) = l0g(n = 1) =2 ieee TRoo 8) 8. abe F , log cee sian al stash Sone wee| Ta" oa 9. log, 1 1 10. loge” n-loge(n= e+ 2 Ea 00 TG nee LL. 2logx — log(x + 1) - logte— padegatast fe mat ne a , logf(t + x)'-# =a)! a bone 56° w=] Free 6 UTR UNL px+ ), show that SE pe. 7p U.T;P.U.05MU: 13. Ifa, B be the roots of equation ; log(1 4epx + gx?) = (+ pyx-™ Qa agers WH (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) EXERCISE 166 4 statement given below Select the correct option for each : 1. Which one of the following is the sum of the series x2 xd x4 Ee xo wsg Oe * 282) (i) loge(l +x) i) - ice cd 2 ce loge’ @ 2. The sum of the series x ~ ioe +x) Gi) Hogel ee oak bs 3. The sum of the series — x —2- 4 yest 2 (i) loge(1 +x) (ii) loge(1 -») =logell +x) Civ) = loge = x 2 , The sum ofthe series 2(+ + 10) ()~logel1 +292 Gi) lot +2) (ii) lopel1 37) Civ) ~ loge — x4) sags , The sum of the series rete E eno) 2 Re 1+ % dex @ loge} == Gi) loge +** ii) logto 2 Gv) logioy s+ 1 e 1 tek i .. “The sum of the series 1-3 +3-4+ 35-6 + tO iS . The sum of the series 3 — @ logy2 (ii) loge2 (iii) -loge2 (iv) - logi02 i Tas, LS it Bois 324 ater is @log3 (ii) log} (iii) -1og} (iv) logs 4 jk lai pat i The sum of the series | + agi Si Fete to eels (log? (ii) -log2_ (ii) og3.__(iv) log4 The sum of the series 745-75 + 7g-75 +... tooo is (log? (ii) 1og3 iii) logs (iv) lon ANSWERS 1 ii) 2() 3.) 4 (iv) 5.7) 6. Gi) y~ questions of Internal Annu y s of Internal Anna Ex Amina watt rattan enfteas tert (11th Internal 4, 2008 "nual Examingy a ) ime 3 HS : F 3 a2 ‘ull Marks : 199 aaft weet aor set Bar atfreny g | Ths: 109 (Answer all Questions) ] wave -‘3' (Group 'A') } vate WE GH is aT (Each question carries 1 mark.) sd et Fi Choose the correct answer.) ) (AU BY) TEE % (is equal to) 1, AYB as (iy A (i) ANB (vy) pra SHE TTT % 2(Which one of the following is false 2) @ Ax(B-O) AxB-AxC (iy (A-B)xC=A*C=BRE fi) (AxB)O(C *D)=(ANO)*BOD) (iv) A (BUC) (A-B)U(A-C) 3. sin(n- @) avrat & (is equal to) ()sin® (ii) sind Git) — cos {iv) 088 4. -2+3i%t dart @ (The conjugate of -2 * 3iis) DEB (i) 243 (i) -2-34 (iy) 2143 (i) 2-3! 5, tan 2x+3y gan corer ee aver oa E onthe axis is) (The intercept made by the line 2x * 3y=6 , ) 2 (i) 3 Gi) 6 ww 2 6. fg (4,3. TE! ja aami git che distance between the points (4:35) and( eee @ou qi) 2 i) B a " 7. Fait gy area Tae i feigaii (13, 2,7) HRC 1.6,-5) spe ino eae [The co-ordinates of the midpoint ; (13,-2,7)and(-1,6. 5) are] % “ @) 0,0 @) 02,42) i). 6.2.0. (i) (1% G2 Mathematics : Class Xt = 8. area “an aft wa ar atm @: grate” (The sentence “four plus one equals six” is) @ Fer F (a statement) (i) wart FE % (not a statement) }ou Gil) Pafera BATT (compound statement) i 48 (iv) FAI BF AW (none of the above) 19 ware “2 wm wR om 7 ar Pats “2 OTT AT" | eT te | wet a met ? 2 (The negation of the statement “2 is an even number” is “2 is not an even number”. is it true or false ?) | aE p,q Bea wera Fat He p 3tit g ! @ we (i) THe Gil) St j (if p, q are true statements then the statement p and q is) @ true (ii) false (iii) both avg -‘a' (Group 'B') wee WET Ut ais Te | (Each question carries 4 marks.) afe Asit Bat aaeaa wt at few at fH (AU BY —A'O BY (If A and B are two sets then prove that (A U BY’ —A’ > B'.) i . fe (I) A= {a,b}, Bo {1.2.3} tet at fH A>» B= BxA Beare U(verify © whether A x B= B » Ais true.) i 4 ar wie ait uftar ara at | . af (A+B +C= nat fire at fai (then prove that) anA + tanB + tanC=tanAtanB.tan@, questions of Internal Annu: ee . lal Exay IMinatios n jatical induetion that in a in a nAP, te Q3 (prove PY erm of A.P. and d nay were first tern and d= common differe; n\yq fre (Prove thal) (1-0) (1-0) (logs Nee of A.p.y 17. ay gtt lh 4 gl ak am YO = a8) =! (solve) 5 26 9 1, RE # 54x) VAR iter ua Ta at | 19. ( rind the fourth term in the expansion of (2 + x)’] a0, 304 g+ 14+ at @-aT He 254%? swnich term of the series 449414 + see 18254 a1, aor gas aa vat sr TACT 216 atte aitreret 21% \ ue are at ‘afthe continued product of three numbers in GP. is 216 and thei ' Find the terms.) irsumis 21. » gq eatarror Frere St fig (3,4) 8 THT & maT wT Ta x42) 3-9 wet | (Find the equation of the straight line which passes through (3, 4) and is perpendicular to the line «+ 2y 3=0) avg -'H' (Group 'C’) gare wea G: is TE (Hach question carries 6 marks.) 23, ga @ifam (Solve) tan x + tan 2x +tan3x -0 1(3x 24. 7a Fifa (Solve) ( - v4)z sto xe 25. 6p ote 4 afeerait HB fenat ort ae 3 fr ante Ue eT mittee of 5 persons be as to be net 26. Prove that the line 4x ~ 3y+ 23

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