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LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 5a (9) x9pu ems 994 ay aan won epysuor=14 apy uorssouduiog| ‘ones pion, (Gooidoq) ona 40 Buy 2 no 330 (bs (2) uoysayo9 ( 9) Ayneio aypods 268 27 an (6) 2021009 mys0¥9 ee 138 as GWT (mn): Laboratory Test results ‘1 (ua a) Aysu9phia (no (a) Aysu99 108 98 200 200 (G0) 0 aBe UUs 631.250 apu Avonsera (oe) ana ansei8 (6) 0 pnb (Aer (os 20 2 n [Chainage: Grain sine analyse (0) pues 4s 2 8 a (0) ones “ 45 ‘9 ‘ RL of borehole: ToaWeOgeT tu poranpuos veers ost ost a 1548975 5577 E '3057740.9545 N Feld test resus SPT TEST RESULTS Description of sol with classification Medium dense to dense, Reddish sandy gravel/ Completely weathered rock ‘wonewarendar reowydes9 #321009 wo of/ anien ‘panasqo wo 0g/aniek 2 ro s1 86 a Borehole no: Coordinates: (w)ssoupra jduies jo aamien sor wo ser sr sor ser (w) doa, os 1s 60 7s 90 200 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Borehole nor [2 [chainage: [2043384,9564 E " GWT (m): 55 Coordinates: FOSSSBESSEEE RL of borehole: 632.570 ied test ess ‘aboratoy Test resus SPTTEST RESULTS Gran sie arable elelzle z = 4 slalslZ/$)E| 2/2] é ls glgg| = e z 5 gs g|g|8 2 | ¢ & 18.) 2/3/88) 5 z|i| = ls je. 8 ee ele|. g/z/E/E)/ 2] = 2/5 |29/2/=|23| 2 z BIg g| cncintonatonwin 2 Bel ela) ole] E/z| =F 2 z) 22 g2| 2 a] e] g [SESE BE cm” (PSs) S/Z/ 2/2) 2 |S) e] 8] 2] 2 &] = 58) £]slee] 5 &) | 2 |seiseles Seas) e)elF| e/E/e/2/ 8/2) 8) 2) 2 les) Fl eleal & 2] = |s8iealé e415 * f/a/2/']/ 2] 2 2 let) els ie : 2 z |z 2] . 6/3/85) 2)8] 8 gs 2 os| ser for | « | a Setimesin hy o | a2} 23 | es |si23]are]ases] - | - | - 1s| uo a |i | alos =| - |=} 20} - | os fase} o | ars Medium dene to dense, 60] sor far] a | ot Reaensaraverovel! 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1000 | No. of blows per layer| 25 No. of layers 5 Density (gice) Moisture Trialno, | Type of method bulk oy content (%) 4 Modified proctor 1,958 1,791 9.340 2 Modified proctor 2.098 1.869 12.240 3 Modified proctor 2.208 1914 15.350 4 Modified proctor 2.216 1.880 17.860 5 Modified proctor 2.162 1781 21.390 Modified proctors test curve 2,000 1.900 ATTN 1.800 Ss 8 o 21.700 3 > 1.600 6 4.500 1.400 0 5 10 15 20 25 Moisture content, % —O- Dry density vs moisture content Results 1 Maximum dry density, gice 1.91 2 Optimum moisture content, % 15.35 Modified proctors test (IS: 2720 Part-8 ) Modified proctors test results Testno. | 03 Weight of hammer (kg) 49 | Height of fall (mm) | 450 Volume of mould (cc)! 1000 | No. of blows per layer| 25 No. of layers 5 Density (gice) Moisture Trial no. | Type of method bak oy content (%) 4 Modified proctor 1.698 1.581 7.430 2 Modified proctor 1.824 1.663 9.680 3 Modified proctor 1.988 1741 14.210 4 Modified proctor 1.995 1711 16.570 5 Modified proctor 1.964 1.620 21.240 Modified proctors test curve 2,000 1,900 1.800 4.700 pa 3 > 3 > 1.600 | 6 4.500 1.400 0 5 10 15 20 25 Moisture content, % —O- Dry density vs moisture content Results 1 Maximum dry density, gice 174 2 Optimum moisture content, % 14.21 Modified proctors test (IS: 2720 Part-8 ) Modified proctors test results Testno. | 04 Weight of hammer (kg) 49 | Height of fall (mm) | 450 Volume of mould (cc)! 1000 | No. of blows per layer| 25 No. of layers 5 Density (gice) Moisture Trial no. | Type of method bak oy content (4) 4 Modified proctor 1,751 1.619 8.120 2 Modified proctor 1.968 1.800 9.320 3 Modified proctor 2.047 1.857 10.250 4 Modified proctor 1.969 1727 13.980 5 Modified proctor 1.945 1.647 18.120 Modified proctors test curve 2,000 1,900 1.800 3 > 21.700 3 ! > 1.600 6 4.500 1.400 0 5 10 15 20 25 Moisture content, % —O- Dry density vs moisture content Results 1 Maximum dry density, gice 1.85 2 Optimum moisture content, % 10.25 Modified proctors test (IS: 2720 Part-8 ) Modified proctors test results Testno. | 05 Weight of hammer (kg) 49 | Height of fall (mm) | 450 Volume of mould (cc)! 1000 | No. of blows per layer| 25 No. of layers 5 Density (gice) Moisture Trial no. | Type of method bak oy content (%) 4 Modified proctor 1.964 1,803 8.910 2 Modified proctor 2.105, 1.884 11.760 3 Modified proctor 2.198 1916 14.740 4 Modified proctor 2.199 1.873 17.430 5 Modified proctor 2.106 1728 27.890 Modified proctors test curve 2,000 1,900 ath 1.800 4 glee 21.700 3 > 1.600 6 4.500 1.400 0 5 10 15 20 25 Moisture content, % —O- Dry density vs moisture content Results 1 Maximum dry density, gice 1.91 2 Optimum moisture content, % 14.74

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