Bookeeping Basics Module 2 Exam Answers

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Exam Results

08 July 2024 14:51

Question 1
A schedule that contains all accounts needed to prepare financial statements is
known as:
1 / 1 point

An Income Statement

A Journal Entry

The General Ledger

Correct! The General Ledger provides a record of each financial transaction that
takes place during the life of an operating company.
Question 2
Reorganizing journal entries and grouping them by account is known as:
1 / 1 point

File maintenance

Posting to the ledger

Balancing the journal

Correct. Reorganizing all the journal entries and grouping them by account is called
posting to the ledger.
Question 3
A listing of the names of the accounts that a company has identified and made
available for recording transactions in its general ledger is known as a:
1 / 1 point

Journal Entry

Chart of Accounts

Financial Statement
Correct! A listing of the names of the accounts that a company has identified and
made available for recording transactions in its general ledger is known as a Chart
of Accounts.
Question 4
To find the balance of the account types that increase with a debit (asset and
expense accounts), bookkeepers will:
1 / 1 point

Subtract total debits from total credits (Credits - Debits)

Subtract total credits from total debits (Debits - Credits)

Correct! To find the balance of the account types that increase with a debit, you
Bookkeeping Basics Page 1
Correct! To find the balance of the account types that increase with a debit, you
would subtract total credits from total debits (Debits - Credits).
Question 5
The accounting cycle starts with the:
1 / 1 point

Preparation of adjusting entries

Preparation of a trial balance

Preparation of ledger accounts

Analysis of business transactions

Correct! The accounting cycle starts with the analysis of business transactions.
Question 6
After analysis, the business transaction is recorded in the journal in:
1 / 1 point

Chronological order

Random order
Correct! After analysis, the business transaction is recorded in the journal in
chronological order.
Question 7
A form or statement that lists the titles and balances of all ledger accounts at a given
date is known as:
1 / 1 point

Statement of retained earnings

Balance sheet

Trial balance

Income statement
Correct! A form or statement that lists the titles and balances of ALL ledger accounts
at a given date is known as a trial balance.
Question 8
Sydney is entering a transaction in QuickBooks. What are the two steps of manual
accounting that will happen simultaneously as she does this?
1 / 1 point

Creating a journal entry and producing a profit and loss statement

Creating a journal entry and posting to the ledger

Entering an expense and entering revenue

Correct! Creating a journal entry and posting to the ledger happen
simultaneously when entering a transaction with QuickBooks software.

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Question 9
The digits of the account numbers assigned to general ledger accounts often have
significance. For example, an account number beginning with a "1" might signify that
the account is an asset account, a "6" might signify an operating expense, etc.
1 / 1 point


Correct! Generally, the larger and more sophisticated the company, the more digits
in the account numbers. For sorting the accounts into meaningful reports the various
digits do signify a specific category.
Question 10
A trial balance where total debits equal total credits indicates:
1 / 1 point

One or more transactions have been incorrectly analyzed and recorded in the ledger

The ledger is in balance.

The company made a profit during the accounting period.

Correct! The ledger is in balance when the total debits equal total credits.
Question 11
Zach needs to determine what his company’s financial position was on March 31st of
last year. Which of the following would be the best report to look at?
1 / 1 point

The general ledger

Statement of equity

Statement of retained earnings

Balance sheet
Correct! The balance sheet reports a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a
specific point in time. Zach can use this to determine the financial position on the day
he needs.
Question 12
Which of the following financial statements reports the sources and uses of cash by
a business?
1 / 1 point

The Balance Sheet

Statement of Equity

Statement of Cash Flow

The Income Statement


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Correct! The Statement of Cash Flow summarizes the amount of cash and cash
equivalents entering and leaving a company.
Question 13
Which of the following lists general ledger account balances at the end of a reporting
period, before any adjusting entries are made?
1 / 1 point

Unadjusted Trial Balance

The Balance Sheet

Statement of Equity

Adjusted Trial Balance

Correct! The Unadjusted Trial Balance lists the general ledger account balances at
the end of a reporting period before any adjusting entries are made to the balances
to create financial statements. It is used as the starting point for analyzing account
balances and making adjusting entries.
Question 14
A trial balance that is prepared after taking into account all the adjusting entries is
known as:
1 / 1 point

Cash Flow Statement

Adjusted Trial Balance

Unadjusted Trial Balance

Correct! An Adjusted Trial Balance is a listing of the ending balances in all
accounts after adjusting entries have been prepared.
Question 15
The preparation of financial statements and closing the books is the ______ step of
the accounting cycle.
1 / 1 point




Correct! The preparation of financial statements and closing the books is the last
step in the accounting cycle.
Question 16
Rudiger has just recorded and posted his business transactions to the ledger. His
next step in the accounting cycle is to _______.
1 / 1 point

collect all receipts and invoices

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collect all receipts and invoices

prepare an unadjusted trial balance

prepare the income statement

analyze transactions
Correct! Preparing an unadjusted trial balance is the third step of the accounting
cycle after recording/posting transactions.
Question 17
Francis enters a $100 check received from a customer into QuickBooks online. If she
views the Transaction Journal, which account would show as being debited $100?
1 / 1 point



Business bank account

Accounts receivable
Correct! The $100 check from the customer will increase the bank account balance
by $100, in other words, the account is debited $100.
Question 18
The double-entry system of bookkeeping normally results in which of the following
balances in the ledger accounts?
1 / 1 point

Debit: Assets and revenue

Credit: Liabilities, equity, and expenses

Debit: revenue, capital, and liabilities

Credit: Assets and expenses

Debit: Assets and expenses

Credit: Liabilities, equity, and revenue

Debit: Assets, expenses, and capital

Credit: Liabilities and revenue
Correct! The double-entry system of bookkeeping normally results in:
• Debit: Assets and expenses
• Credit: Liabilities, equity, and revenue
Question 19
In the first month of operations, Pepper Consulting’s total debit entries to the cash
account amounted to $900, and the total credit entries to the cash account amounted
to $600. The cash account has a:
1 / 1 point

$300 debit balance

$900 debit balance

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$600 credit balance

$300 credit balance

Correct! Pepper Consulting has a $300 debit balance because total debits ($900) -
total credits($600) = $300 positive (debit) balance.
Question 20
Pepper Consulting bought computers with credit from PYO Suppliers and entered
the purchase into QuickBooks. The transaction journal for Pepper Consulting would
show the following entry:
1 / 1 point

Debit: PYO Credit Payable

Credit: Computers

Debit: Sales
Credit: computers

Debit: Computers
Credit: Sales

Debit: Computers
Credit: PYO Credit Payable
Correct! When you enter a transaction that involves buying something on credit, you
will debit the asset account (computers) and credit the payable account (PYO
Credit Payable).

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