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Text 1 : Hailstones

Hailstones Tittle

Hailstones are bundles of layered ice that form in air that is rising within thunderstorms, General
known as updraughts. The formation of hailstones starts when the water vapour turns into Statement
little water droplets in the updraughts. The temperatures around the top of the thunderstorm
clouds are usually around -50 to -60 C, including in summer. When the droplets are swept
into this area and encounter substances like a dot of dust or dirt, they freeze into small lumps
of ice, which are called 'hail embryos'.

When these small lumps enter the 'hail growth zone', in which the air temperature is around Series of
-10 to -25 C, they became fully developed hails. These embryos freeze when they bump into sequenced
chilled water droplets. The more impacts they receive, the bigger their sizes are. Once they events
are heavy enough to be pulled down by gravity, they begin to fall.

It is possible for hailstones to occur at any time of the year. However, in Australia, hailstones
usually occur during spring and early summer due to the temperature difference. During that
time, temperatures are warm enough to stimulate the occurrence of thunderstorms, and the
upper atmosphere's temperature is cold enough to encourage the formation of stronger

The size of the hailstones is determined by the strength and size of the updraught. Hailstones
are usually smaller than 25 mm. Nevertheless, it is also possible that the hailstones resemble
the size of golf balls or cricket balls in an intense thunderstorm. It may happen due to the
updraught's rapid air movement.

Hailstones can be destructive to some degree. The most destructive to some degree. The most Closing
destructive hailstorm in Australia occurred in Sydney on 14 April 1999. Thousands of houses
and cars were badly damaged. The cricket ball-sized hailstones hit the city at a speed of 200
km/h. The hailstones also affected the area of the southeast suburbs of Kensington,
Kingsford, Botany, Mascot, Randwick, and Paddington.

Scource : ESPS English Grade 11

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. updraughts : aliran udara ke atas
2. vapour : uap air
3. turns : belokan
4. droplets : droplet
5. including : termasuk
6. lumps : gumpalan
7. embryos : embrio
8. occur : terjadi
9. occurrence : kejadian
10. resemble : mirip
Text 2 : Lightning
Lightning Tittle

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to a potential difference or charge that General
exists between clouds and the earth or with other clouds, so that a bright flash of light Statement
appears in the sky. This natural phenomenon usually occurs during the rainy season in the
sky and is sometimes seen to penetrate to the ground

Lightning occurs due to differences in charge in the cloud. The charges in this cloud move Series of
continuously and regularly, so that during this moving process, the charges interact with sequenced
each other and the charges in other clouds. This interaction causes the negative charge to events
gather on one side only, for example at the top or the bottom. The positive charge also
gathers on one side, to be precise on the opposite side of the negative charge.

This means that there is a potential difference that exists in the clouds and the earth. If the
difference in potential charge is large enough, the discharge of negative charges (electrons)
will also take place from the cloud to the earth or vice versa in order to achieve equilibrium.
During the process of discharging this charge, there was an explosion of sound accompanied
by the appearance of a very bright flash of light. Lightning occurs more frequently during
the rainy season because the air flow is greater due to the relatively higher water content in
the air.

Lightning is common in the rainy season when it occurs if the airflow is higher. High airflow Closing
creates a greater potential difference or charge, making it easier to generate lightning.

Source :

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. that occurs : yang terjadi
2. appears : muncul
3. penetrate : menembus
4. precise : tepat
5. opposite : di depan
6. vice : keburukan
7. versa : sebaliknya
8. achieve : meraih
9. equilibrium : keseimbangan
10. accompanied : ditemani
Text 3 : The Aceh Earthquake
The Aceh Earthquake Tittle

A terrible earthquake occurred in Aceh, December 26, 2004, at 17.58 WIB. The epicenter General
was located west of Aceh with a depth of 10 km. This disaster is the most powerful earthquake Statement
in the last 40 years. The impact of the damage covered Aceh, North Sumatra, the West Coast
of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, the East Coast of India, Sri Lanka, and even the East Coast
of Africa.

his earthquake resulted in sea waves as high as 9 meters. The strength of the earthquake at Series of
the end of 2004 reached 9.0 Richter with a death toll of 283,100, 14,000 people missing and sequenced
1,126,900 homeless. The earthquake accompanied by the tsunami waves was a disaster that events
resulted in the biggest deaths in history.

In Indonesia, the earthquake claimed more than 126,000 lives. Dozens of buildings were
destroyed by the main earthquake, especially in the Meulaboh and Banda Aceh areas on the
tip of Sumatra. In Banda Aceh, around 50% of all buildings were damaged by the tsunami,
while the death toll caused by the tsunami that hit the West coast of Aceh and North Sumatra
reached 230,000 people.

In Sri Lanka, 45,000 confirmed fatalities fell and more than 1 million in habitants of this
country were directly affected by the earthquake. In India, including the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, it is estimated that more than 12,000 people died.

In Thailand, many foreign tourists were also affected by the disaster, especially in the Phuket
area, it is estimated that there were around 4,500 victims. Bhumi Jensen, grandson of King
Rama IX or better known as Bhumibol Adulyadej was also one of the victims. Bhumi Jensen
is only 21 years old.

Even in Somalia, on the African continent thousands of kilometers from Indonesia, more than
100 victims were reported. However, most of them are fishermen.

The Aceh Earthquake and Tsunami also hit Thailand. In addition to occupying the position Closing
of the second largest magnitude earthquake after the 1960 Chile earthquake which reached
9.5 on the Richter scale, the Aceh earthquake was ranked first as the earthquake with the
longest disintegration time (duration), which was around 10 minutes. This earthquake is large
enough to make the entire globe shake along with it.

Source : Yusuf Akbar

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. terrible : sangat buruk
2. epicenter : pusat gempa
3. toll : korban
4. accompanied : ditemani
5. tip : tip
6. reached : dicapai
7. directly : secara langsung
8. affected : terpengaruh
9. scale : skala
10. disintegration : kehancuran
Text 4 : Poverty
Poverty Tittle

Poverty is the level of community in capacity, so that they cannot meet their basic daily needs. General
These basic needs include clothing, food, education, and health. People who are classified as Statement
poor, usually cannot meet their basic needs. For example, with regard to clothing needs, it is
not uncommon for poor people to build their own houses in a makeshift manner. In fact,
many of them have built houses on other people's land, state-owned land, or public facilities.

Poverty can be caused by several things. Starting from the scarcity of tools to meet basic Series of
needs, the difficulty of access to education, to the difficulty of getting a job. Poverty can be sequenced
a factor of social inequality in a country. events

Social structure and behavior are the biggest factors in the occurrence of poverty problems.
In addition, consumptive behavior, prestige, spending money that is not in accordance with
income further adds to the poverty factor.

In the social structure, poverty leads to a lack of education. Poor people tend not to think that
education is important, so they do not have the ability to compete in the world of work.

Therefore, the government has also made a program to eradicate poverty. For example Closing
increasing the minimum wage for work, expanding employment opportunities, free
education, housing at affordable prices. However, this must be supported by community
behavior that does not waste money, avoids prestige, saves money, and helps people around
it. Community and government cooperation is crucial in overcoming poverty.

Poverty in essence can be avoided by doing things that cannot cause harm, for example not
living extravagantly, prioritizing education, and knowing priorities. Government programs
to eradicate poverty will work well if the community wants to participate, because without
support from the community, government programs will only become discourse.

Source : Yusuf Akbar

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. Poverty : Kemiskinan
2. regard : pandangan
3. manner : tata krama
4. scarcity : kelangkaan
5. occurrence : kejadian
6. prestige : prestise
7. accordance : sesuai
8. further : lebih jauh
9. eradicate : membasmi
10. affordable : terjangkau
Text 5 : Lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipse Tittle

Lunar eclipse is one of the natural phenomena that we often encounter. This natural event General
occurs when the moon is in opposition to the sun. But the moon's opposition to the sun doesn't Statement
always result in a lunar eclipse.

Why is that? This is caused by the tilt of the plane of the moon's orbit to the plane of the Series of
ecliptic. There will be a moment when there is an intersection between the plane of the moon's sequenced
orbit and the plane of the ecliptic, which will then cause the appearance of two points which events
are also known as nodes. It is at this node that a lunar eclipse occurs. It takes about 29.53
days for the moon to move from one point of opposition to another.

In fact, sometimes the appearance of the moon can still be seen when a lunar eclipse occurs.
This is due to the deflection of the remaining sunlight towards the moon caused by the earth's

The deflected sunlight has a reddish light spectrum. This is the reason why during a lunar
eclipse, the appearance of the moon will appear darker, which is usually dark red, orange or
even brown.

You can observe a lunar eclipse with the naked eye without the slightest danger. It is sunnah Closing
for Muslims who see and observe the eclipse event to perform eclipse prayers (khusuf
prayers) when a lunar eclipse occurs.

When the earth's shadow covers part or all of the moon's cross section, then that's when a
lunar eclipse will occur. Especially when the earth occupies a position between the sun and
the moon which are in the same straight line. This makes sunlight unable to reach the moon
because it is blocked by the position of the earth at that time.

Source : Xin Yung Suf

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. encounter : bertemu
2. ecliptic : ekliptika
3. tilt : memiringkan
4. intersection : persimpangan
5. deflection : defleksi
6. towards : terhadap
7. deflected : dibelokkan
8. reddish : kemerahan
9. spectrum : spektrum
10. slightest : sedikit pun
Text 6 : Tsunami
Tsunami Tittle
A tsunami is a sequence of waves that are caused by the displacement of a huge amount of General
water, usually due to tectonic or volcanic activities. A tsunami begins as tectonic activity Statement
shifts the earth's tectonic plates. One plate usually descends under the other nearby plate. The
boundary between these plates is known as the subduction zone. When there is a sudden
movement of the plates in that zone, an earthquake occurs.

Before the occurrence of the earthquake, the top plate gets squeezed as it is stuck to the Series of
subducting plate. The front edge of the plate is forcibly dragged down. Meanwhile, the other sequenced
edge of the plate bulges upward. This movement may take decades or centuries. events
Consequently, it builds up stress on the tectonic plate.

Then the earthquake in the subduction zone occurs as the front edge of the top plate breaks
into the sea. As a consequence, it raises the seafloor as well as the water above. It causes the
formation of a series of huge waves known as a tsunami. As the bulge on the other edge
begins to collapse, it diminishes and lowers the coastal areas.

Finally, the sequence of huge waves ripples across the sea toward the nearby land. Within Closing
hours, their speed decreases, and their height increases. The height of the waves can reach up
to 10 meters, depending on the tectonic activities.

Source : ESPS English Grade 11

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. sequence : urutan
2. displacement : pemindahan
3. amount : jumlah
4. descends : turun
5. boundary : batas
6. subduction : subduksi
7. sudden : tiba-tiba
8. subducting : subduksi
9. forcibly : secara paksa
10. dragged : menyeret
Text 7 : Penitentes
Penitentes Tittle
Penitentes are natural snow phenomena that occur on high altitude glaciers. They are also General
known as nieves penitentes. It is a Spanish term for the hardened snow or ice that has the Statement
shape of penitent. They were given the name because they look tike a massive group of people
doing the religious procession of penance during the Holy Week in Spain. Those groups were
wearing tall, narrow, pointed white hoods during the procession They have the shape of
extended thin edges of ice or hardened snow, just like the hoods of those people. They point
towards the direction of the sunlight and stand very closely to each other. These hardened
snow and ice blades appear in the Dry Andes, specifically in snow-covered areas. Their
heights range from around a few centimeters tall to more than 5 meters tall. This phenomenon
occurs in an area where the air is dry. Such as the Andes Mountains and the Piuquenes Pass
from Santiago de Chile to Mendoza Argentina.

The formation is caused by the climate condition, specifically the ablation's difference. The Series of
dew point in the area, which remains below freezing, elicits the formation of penitentes dry sequenced
air is combined with this condition, the sublimation of snow will occur. events

The formation begins with a sublimation process in which the sun's rays turn snow into Closing
water vapour without melting it first. As the rapid random sublimation happens, the smooth
snow surface starts to develop depressions and curves. These curved surfaces concentrate
towards the sun's direction which speeds up the sublimation process. This leads to the
formation of a bunch of towering spikes. On a small scale these spikes also assist the solar
cell surfaces to maximize their absorption of the sunlight.

Source : ESPS English Grade 11

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. altitude : ketinggian
2. nieves : nieves
3. hardened : mengeras
4. penance : penebusan dosa
5. ablation's : ablasi
6. dew : embun
7. elicits : memunculkan
8. sublimation : sublimasi
9. rays : sinar
10. vapour : uap air
Text 8 : Salar de Uyuni
Salar de Uyuni Tittle

Salar de Uyuni, also known as Salar de Tunupa, is the largest salt crust in the world. It General
occupies an area of 10,582 square kilometres. It is located in the Province of Daniel Campos, Statement
in Potosi, Southwest Bolivia. It is very close to the crest of Andes. This area is covered by a
large amount of salt crust with an exceptionally flat surface as the result of prehistoric lake
transformations. The salt from this crust contains more than 50% lithium assets. It Is the
largest lithium reserve in the world, Moreover, it is also used as a breeding place for
flamingos and is the main route of the Bolivian Altiplano, which is a high plateau in the
Andes Mountains. During certain times of year, this Salar also mirrors the clear appearance
of the sky.

The Salar is formed by the transformation of a couple of vast prehistoric around 30,000 to Series of
42.000 years ago. These prehistoric lakes are Lake Minchin and Lake Coipasa. Coipasa is sequenced
the youngest prehistoric lake in the area. When these lakes dried, they formed two new lakes, events
Poopó and Uru Uru. Their remains also at consist of two major salt deserts, Salar de Uyuni
and Salar de Coipassa. In the rainy season, Lake Poopó usually floods both Salar de Uyuni
and Salar de Coipasa. Then thė Salar de Uyuni turns into a gigantic shallow salt lake that
projects the view of the sky. It creates a magnificent illusion of a beautiful infinite sky.

The surface of Salar de Uyuni is embedded in lacustrine mud. It is caked with salt and soaked Closing
with brine, that comprises the solution of lithium chloride, magnesium chloride, and sodium
chloride in water. The center of the Salar has several islands with a coral-like structure formed
by the ancient volcanoes that sank in the Lake Minchin. Ancient fossils and algae ore often
found in these islands.

Source : ESPS English Grade 11

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. Algae : Alga
2. crust : Kerak
3. gigantic : raksasa
4. shallow : dangkal
5. comprises : terdiri
6. brine : air asin
7. prehistoric : prasejarah
8. infinite : tak terbatas
9. magnificent : agung
10. embedded : tertanam
Text 9 : Columnar Basalt
Columnar Basalt Tittle

Columnar Basalt is a distinctive structure of hexagonal-shaped basalt rocks that form General
columns. Basalt rock is a kind of volcanic rock that is formed from the cooled lava of an Statement
erupted volcano. Columnar basalt is separated by fractures in the rock, as it shrinks. The most
distinctive feature of this rock is its flawless geometric columnar joints.

This columnar basalt rock formation begins when a volcano erupts. As the volcano emits its Series of
lava onto the surface of the Earth, it starts to cool down. Nevertheless, it takes quite some sequenced
time for the lava to completely cool down. Even when it has already cooled down, there may events
still be a temperature gradient. For example, the top of the lava may cool down faster than
the bottom of the lava. As the lava starts to cool down, it contracts due to the temperature
difference and the warmer stuff occupies more than the cooler stuff. When the lava contracts,
it usually creates a fracture. The shrinkage in this lava that creates this national phenomenon
usually occurs at the center. When the spaces between the contractions are equal, it will
develop a hexagonal fracture. If the shrinkage does not occur in the center, it will form other
geometrical shape. The difference in the fracture is due to the different composition and
thickness of the lava flow.

According to scientists, water also improves the formation of columnar basalt as it contributes Closing
to the cooling processof the lava. The pattern formed on the surface will melt as the lava gets
cooler. Consequently, it forms long geometric columns that vary in sizes. It is possible for
the shape to be wider and taller than a human being.

Source : ESPS English Grade 11

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. distinctive : berbeda
2. separated : terpisah
3. fractures : patah tulang
4. shrinks : menyusut
5. emits : memancarkan
6. warmer : lebih hangat
7. occupies : menempati
8. shrinkage : penyusutan
9. wider : lebih luas
10. geometric : geometris
Text 10 : Volcanic eruption
Volcanic eruption Tittle
Volcanic eruption is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to deposition of magma in the General
earth and flushed out by gas that has strong power. Volcanic eruption is one of a very Statement
powerful disasters. Almost all of the volcanic activity relate to the zone of active seismicity
because it is directly connected with the plate boundary of the earth.

The volcanic eruption begins with the activity at plate boundary of the earth that sustains a Series of
significant change in pressure and temperature. So, it can make the rock material around it sequenced
melted which we usually called as incandescent liquid or magma. Magma formed through events
exreme hot temperature in the earth bowels. At a relative depth, a very high temperature can
make the entire material in the earth bowels melted.

When these materials melted, it produces gas that will mixed with with the magma. Magma
that will be released by volcanic eruption formed at a depth of approximately 60 to 160 KM
below the earth’s surface. Then the magma that contains gas will be under the pressure of
solid rocks that are around the crater. This pressure causes the magma erupted and move out
towards the earth’s surface.

The magma and the gas burst at the same time and create a hole which is called the main Closing
hole. Most of the magma and other volcanic materials spurted through this main hole. After
the bursts stopped, the crater that resembles a bowl usually formed at the top of the volcano.
Meanwhile, the main hole is in the bottom of the crater.

Source : Abdul Wakidz

Interesting Vocabularies :
1. sustains : menopang
2. significant : penting
3. melted : meleleh
4. incandescent : pijar
5. entire : seluruh
6. burst : meletus
7. spurted : menyembur
8. resembles : menyerupai
9. seismicity : kegempaan
10. disasters : bencana

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