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1. The badminton was Olympic in the games of:
Badminton was Olympic at the Barcelona Games in 1992. After the World Championship, it is
the top international badminton competition.
The badminton tournament at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games was held at the Mar Bella
Pavilion in Barcelona from 28 July to 4 August 1992. In total, four different races were played
in this sport, two male (single and double) and two female (single and double). This was the
first time this sport was included in the Olympic programme and it was also the only time that
the match for third place was not played and two bronze medals were directly awarded per

2. The height of the badminton network will be between:

The netting shall be made of a thin, dark rope of uniform thickness, with a grid of not less than
1.5 cm. and not more than 2 cm. Its width shall be 76 cm. and its length shall be 6.10 metres. It
shall have a white band on its top of 7.5 cm. width, bent on a rope. Its height should be 1´

3. It is lack of service or take out in badminton:

 Perform the service outside the serving area that corresponds to us.
 Perform the service with the steering wheel above the waist.
 Send the service (serve) out of the counter serve area.
 Hit the steering wheel in the opposite field and/or play with our net racquet.
 Touch the net or posts.
 If the shuttlecock gets caught in the racket or net.

 Incorrect execution.
 The server trying to serve and does not hit the steering wheel.

4. The badminton match is won when a player wins:

In each set, players score, provided they win the point they were disputing (this differs from
the old system, in which they only scored on the score by getting the disputed point with the
service). The match consists of 3 sets, and is awarded by the player who manages to win in two
of them, without the need to play the third if they have already achieved the first two.
On the starting serve, the serving player and the receiving player must be placed on opposite
diagonals of the service area. He server must hit the steering wheel below the waist for it to
land in the rival’s service area. The player who is serving should not commit fouls, which are:
hitting the steering wheel with the racket on the waist; hitting the part of the feathers with the
racket before touching the cork; step on any of the demarcated lines on the court or lift one of
the two feet before hitting the steering wheel; place the top of the racket (rope) upwards and
strike the steering wheel with it in that position; make an obvious feint with the racket,
simulating a blow to the steering wheel, which is called a double blow.
Who wins at least 2 sets, will be the winner.
5. Famous Spanish sportswoman today:
Carolina Marín, Spanish sportswoman, badminton player. She has made history in Spain and
around the world, being the first woman and the only one in history to be three times world
champion of badminton.
In Spain, before the debut of Carolina Marín, badminton was a minority sport. The great merit
of this athlete and her coach, Fernando Rivas, has been to bring the name of Spain to the
highest international sporting summits. At age 26, Carolina Marín had been Olympic champion
once, three-time world champion and four-time European badminton champion.
Carolina Marín’s style of play is characterized by being very offensive, with powerful left-
handed shots and a great ability to anticipate the movements of his opponent.
He has great physical and mental strength. His motto is: "I can, because I think I can ". His
capacity for effort is truly exceptional.
-Here’s a video explaining the story of Carolina Marín:

6. Badminton is only played with a backhand, right or false?:

True, the backhand serves to displace the opposite and, at times, force up the net or gaining
the point. In this blow, it is very important the position of the body, we should not stand in
front of the net, but the most advisable position is sideways, with the shoulder pointing to the
net. It is important, as in the right hand stroke, that the weight of the body falls from back to
front at the moment of hitting the ball.

7. Explains the clear hitting:

We are looking for a clarification. That is, we make a long balloon towards the bottom of the
track. The objective, that our rival stops being near the net and goes behind the track. It is a
defensive blow that seeks to counterattack in the next hit. To do this, we must hit at a lower

8. Where does badminton have its origins?

Badminton is a modern version of a primitive and simpler game called battledore, which was
invented in China and in the early years was a simple form of fun. It was practiced with 2
wooden paddles and a ball. This was modified so that its flight was slower, similar to that of
the modern "rooster".

The current game of badminton arose in India, where it was called Poona, the name of a town
in the country where it was originally played. Some British army officers saw the game in India
and took it to England around 1873. There, the Duke of Beaufort became interested in
gambling. Since it was regularly practiced on his country estate of Gloucestershire, known as
Badminton, this name continued to be associated with the game. In its original form,
badminton was a rather formal game that was practiced wearing Prince Albert jackets,
buttoned shoes, bow tie, and bulging silk pants. Get out of a club that expelled a player who
dared to strip off his coat.
The first badminton club was formed in Bath, England, in 1873. The game was introduced in
the United States in 1890 and was also introduced in Canada. The National Badminton
Association of the United States was created in 1895. At that time the rules were unified. The
Canadian Badminton Association was founded in 1931 and the North American Badminton
Association in 1936. By 1910 there were 300 badminton clubs and their number rose to 9000
shortly after World War I.
The first championship tournament for men from all over England was held in 1899, and the
first for ladies in 1900. The first American championships were held in 1937 in Chicago.

9 Name several fouls that may occur in badminton:

*-It is a foul if the serve is not correct.
*-It is foul if the steering wheel:
a) -Gets caught in the net and stays suspended from it.
b) -After going over the net, gets caught in it.
c) -Is hit by the receiver’s partner.
d) -Falls outside the limits of the track.
e) -Passes through the net or below it.
f) -Does not pass the net.
g) -Touches the roof or side walls.
h) -Touches the body or clothing of a player, or any other object.
i) -Is retained and held in the racket and then thrown during the execution of a hit.
j) -Is hit twice followed by the same player in two blows.
k) -Is hit by the player and by his partner successively.
l) -Touches a player’s racket and goes to the bottom of that player’s track.

*-When a player is in play:

a) -Touches the net or its supports with the racket, body or clothing.
b) -Invades the opponent’s track above the net with the racket or body, except if the player
follows the wheel with the racket above the net in the course of the strike.
c) -Invades the opponent’s track below the net with the racket or body in such a way that it
distracts and hinders an opponent.
d)-If during the game a player distracts his opponent in any way.
*-If a player is guilty of serious or repeated infractions.
*-Only the team or player who scores can score. A lack of the team that has the serve forces
the change of serve but does not represent a point. A foul of the team receiving the serve is
a point for the other team.

10. Look for a link where we can see some of his shots, scores, serves, etc:

 The story of the badminton:

 Cristina Marín at the European Women's Championship in 2018 .

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