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sth Mach 2024

) 84% Qas Tndias Real Gmoss Domestie procuct (6DP)

n the
grd quarter (oct -Dec) of 2023-2y
financial yeas Ca BFV24)
’GVA giooth of India 6.5%
’out of all the majo economies Loe ae the only country
ohich is ghowing at more than 7%

2) pM
PM Modi has The go0 MW unit 2
navquate J of the
NTPcS Te langana sypes Themal
pouaes praject Cstage-)?

pedda pali .Telangana

’pM Modi visited telangana veently and Bnavgusated
lot ot projects there.
x-beO MW Unit 2 o% North kahan pusa super Thermal
power project n ghasthand.
-Ply ash Bosed light oeight Aggheqate plantchvtisgoah.
Themal powes project, stage- n %M
sinqaui super
Sonebhada uttan:
- Fly ash Based FALG Aqgr
Aggregate plant kor ba supes
Thermal powes station, chhattis qah.
The Bio Asia sommit recently ha ppened Bn Hyderabad
-’ Medhaam jatra festiva Csam makka sasakka Med ham
jatra) n mulugu
-’ In nmuloqu sa mmatka Sahatka central tribal oniveastty
has also been set up recently
’centre for energy transition has also been set up fn
Hyd by the govt ob Tndia £ TERT (The Energy anod
Resouhce Dnstitute )
Tndias (st National mu seun of Eprgiaphy has been
Snstalled at the salaa fung moseumy Hyd
’More than 3000 chi ldhan telangana oere escve

past of the opesation Smile -x

vLf Cvery louo freguene
5Ihdian Navy has set p the?r 2nd VLF
based commonication trans mission station Bn vi karabad
’ oings event happened recenty at the
begumpet Arpot
ohieh is agan n Hydera bad
’ PM has laid the foundati on ot Bundel thand saus urja
timiteds CBsULS ) 200 MW Jalaun Utra Mega Reneoable
tnesgy power pask JalaUn, u-p
’ NHPcs 380 MW solas project at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
-’Naitwas Mori Hycho power station. n vttas kashi
’ 2 solaa projects of sIVN n Bilaspur, H. P & Dho br?
fn Assam and also 382 Mw sonnt dam Hycho tlectrie
project s H-p
- 6oo MW latitpun so los pouoes project n latitpo distrite
ob UP
3) PM Modi ortnessed , The commence ment ot COre

J at
Jndia's first Dndigenous fast
Breeder Reactor at kalpakkam
Tamil Nadu e
’ 500 MWe is its capacity
kal pakkam is locatedl n chennaf B TamilNadu aud
we also have ano ther nveleas poDes plant n TN that is
kundankulam which ?s Tirunelveli distict made
with the help of Russia :
’P-M Mooli also havgusated a demonstration fast
veactor fuel re pro cess ng plant at the Srodra Ganclhr
cen ter for atomic Reseasch n kalpakkam

4) The Ayosh - ICMR Advanced centre

Ihteqrative ttealth Reseasch

Gastro fntestinal Disorders
oill be established ab
Al Tndia nstitute of Medical sciences (AUMS),Ne
TCMR - Dndian ounci I of Medical Reseach
ghative health Reseasch centes
’ There ae other Tntega ce.
that has been set up
for example in AuMS Delhi
Advanced centre for Integhative health Reseahch in
Gastro-Dntestinal Dis orders
Advancecd centre for Inte ghative health Rese asch n
women and child Health
’ AlMS Jodhpu-Advanced centre foy Thteghative Health
Reseasch a Geriatric Health:
’AMs Nagpus - Advanced centre for Dntega tive Heath
Reseasch sn cances cae
’AUMS Rishikesh Advanced centre for Brtegratve Health
Reseasch n Geriatric Health
’ Total -there are 22 ALMS n Zndia that we are settfng up
vnder pradhan mantri soasthya soaksha yojana ot the
ministry f health avd faily el fare.
5) Natioal Finandal Reporting Authority CNPRA)
Jorganized its
mapg uhal edition of Dnternational confevence ?
fnaogio J on
Trans parent Fnavncial Reporting and Audit &ua lity:
pilloas ob corporate Governance
Bhanat Mandapam, Neo Delhi
XERA is an independent Requlator £ it came Beto
existence oct 2018 A coMes ondes min istry ob
corporate affairs
’ FATF Fmancial Action task force chi ch is H-& n
pais H
cheks noney lavndertng
fATE ’ nes president El'sa de Anda Madhazo(mexica)
she replaces TRaja kumas Csingapere )
6) National Pns titute ot social Defence CNISD)
Jhas launehed a
public - private pastnesship 'social
J fn co lla boration oith
Ihe Nudge Institute.
to take the expertise of senì by pri vate
’They oant the
Sector professi onals and they oan t to empouwer
marginalised communities.
’NDSD works uncder ministry of social justice F empousement
and it is a Research 2 trainng Pnstitute.
’ Nudge Tnstitute is based n bengaluno.HDt is a non
-for proft Ihstitute ( pvt)
-’ Depas tment os science 2Technology that oorks onder the
ministry of seience g Technology has recently stasted
the vATBH AV Fellooship (vaishvik Bhasatiya vaigya nik)
ohere he scien tist of fnolian origß they oill be
encouiaged to come to PnciTndi a s£do the Reseasch. They
coill be given montly elloaship gant os e lath Rupees g
can come to hdia tor 2 months per yeas foY a
matmum ot seos8
a) onion Minister Dr -Jtercha Srgh
has laid the foudation stone ob
st ever " Seience Ex perience centre
and an exclusive
Biofuel centre
at the
csIR -Drdian Thsti tute of chemical Technologs

’TH is n Hyderabad
undes csTR Ccooncillof scientific Bnclustrfa!
’IH oorks
Reseaach )
-’TrCT ’ t does gesearch chemistryy Biochemistry
Bio îm formatics and chemical Sngineerng
Tnternational centre for Avtomotive Technology (CAT)
Manesa% <
has awcnded ts
First PLI - Automotive certiicate
J to
ola electrie
L Under the
yrocuction inked Incentive ( PLI) scheme ob Ministy
of Heavy Industries tor Auto mobiles s
’ola electric a the 4st company to be
Under the PLR scheme.
Ministry of Heavy Tholustries Tunnsng t.
’ ola Electrics Battery Electrie veicle they oill be
part ot thts.
oas set
set op m the yeas 20o6- Tt oorks unodes
the ministry of heavy mdustries.
’ Total Outlay of PLT scheme for Automo biles
Auto components is 25, 938 cY. his is the scheme from
FV24-FY 8.

) "Defence Minister Rajnath tngh

has maugvated
Several n frastvc ture projects
L coere leve loped ondes
project Sea birod
3ka oan is fn kasnataka 2 kasoa ol be come the
langest Naval base of the entire country
’ project seabird - phase e 7 cosenty phase T isi:
gong on.
’ Name of Training centre (Naval Rase kara) s
PNS kada mba. kaooas coas tal city n karvataka..
PNS kadamba is vesy large Naval base but it oill be
made the largest Naval base os Inolia
’ PNS Vikramacditya is also the areraft casier ob
Trdia : PH is atso based o
karas, kaonataka
’ Dn karata ka-’ New project that is Commq up (port)
ois trict ot
keni poYt fn Bele keri Tn vttosa kannad
Kaanataka Ch Ankola Tehsil of uttara kannaoa distict
x Hattt kez?
Vesy eas to kasw a and Dn the rves
kyishna Rarsagar damn ’ kasnata ka is located
in Mysore g Mandya Regfon of kaonataka Tn the
20 kwm Yacius o this dam the stone aining has been
banned by the kasna taka high coot
’ Eoeing compong they have set op Rocing Trolia
Sngineerinq technology cente EIETC TeCenty m
’33places n kasnataka they have been declaned as
Kamsas site ecenty)
’, Ankasmuda Bd conservation Reserve
ana Hghanashini Estuasy and Magacli kere consesvation
-that has signed a Mou with kasnataka
’ wistron Company that
govt to set up lap top monufacturtng plant Ynean
Dhstitote N2M HANS » has been Auoarded Nelson
Mandela Auoard for hea lth pronmo tibn by w-H
lo) Sub- TnspectoY Suman kuma
L has become the
FiYs t LOO men sniper

Border Secuity Force (BSF) 2

people oho keep an eye fom
’ syiper ae the
target They
dis tance . They ae able to shoot .impecable
Can shoot a tosget from very far off.
snipes cousse at the Indoes
’ she vecenty conmp le tec
central schoo os coeapons tacttes
’BSF Loorks undes the ministry ay home aftin s
protects ous border at pa kistan Bangladesh
I) Saab " has
`Construc tion of its faci lity
CoMpany Thajas, Hrpna
to produce
caal- Gus taf M4 weapon
Saab is also the ast company n Tndlia to get the
appyoval from the ninistry of defence tor oo% FDI nto
the Defence sector
’ The quns are named after the kna cf Sweden Casl
’în Tha jj a,Hasyana ’ here is a city that is set up
Loill manu factore it
by Reliance called MET city They oill
tn MET city n Haryana
12) The us Consulate Mom bai has The frst ever
launched US - Tnolia cy ber
Secusity Ini tiatve
col laboratio
Masatha chamba oh commescey
Thousties and Agticulture (MccrA)
’ MCCA ohich s a business netuoortinq and busines
PA was set up in (934 to
Advocacy ghoop
pro mote busi nesses
’ Dndia s us name of the Defence opesation Called
Trdus -x ohich is a pont of ?CET ( i tiattve on
cxical emesging technologBes
3 The Election CoMmission of Trdia CEC2)
has apPPofn ted
s chockaling am
as the new
chief electoval ottices CC-E·
f Maaoshtra

’ Dr pradeep Mahajan ’founde £ CMD Ot stem Rx

2024 Maharashtra Bhushan Auoand
has Yeceived the
his OOY kSn seqenevaive mecdicine. Tis Auoard is the
highest civi li an awasd cohich is gven by the govt of

4) Recentty silvey filighee CRipa Tara kasi)

L from
cuttack, odisha ?
has veceived the
Geogha phical indication Car) Tage
vesy famoos
’Sven n telangana ?n kahimnagas also it is
-’ There are noo 26 items total got 62 Tag from
odisha so fas .

silves craft it vo lves tyanstorming si lves

’ This is a
delicate tin ore or foils and The
bic ks fnto a

fro the odia lanquage

ved rom
oord Tarakasi is derived (0)
Tara Means oire kasi nne ans
’Recenty proclucts ob oolisha got the GI Tag

paintings of lanjia Saora (by the sa ora tribe),

Dongnia kondh tribe shal, Dhenka nal Magji (ohìch is
a food from Dhekanal, odisha), simii pal kai chutney
Cmade from he ants), kora put kala'j eera Rie (frorn
khajudi Guda (jaggery fom gajapathi distict)
kova put),
ob Tele commonications, Ministry ot
15) De paatment os
has launched the
Digital Pnte lli gence platfor (DP)
and chaksho

Sanchas Saathi portal ?

chakshu hind oord which means
’ This Loll prevent the misuse of the tele com Resourres
fn cyber cime and fhancial
These 2 portas they enhance the capacity $ abilty
to check any kind ot cybes secusity thseat
’ D2P platform ’ t is a secuaed and mtegatecd platfon
for veal me Brtelltgence shassng.
-’chakshu ’ TH oill faciltate the citizen to repot
Suspected fraud communi cation ecei ved oves call, sms
’ DoT - They launched sangam Digital Ton Daitiative
-’ Digì tal twn techno logy ’Pt offers the solotion bu
cyeating a vix tual veplica o7 physical asets.
l5) Bsajesh Mehotya has been Newchief secretay
appom ted
as the

’ chiet Secretary is the highest position of an TAs
ffices n the state.
’ chief Secretasy of karnataba Cne)’ Rajneesh Ghoel
tary is choo sen bu
by the chief Minister.
’ chie f secre

1?) The boorld's first Jet suit Yace

Coas held m

organised by the Dobai Sports councl s
the qhavity company asted for
people took part m the Tace that
> mavity Dndsties based n Britan. Tt wakes
to flyusinq their technolegy
has announced his
1e) Bhamidipati Sai praneeth
7e tirement
Badmin ton
’ He oas associated oith
Orld champion ship bron2e medal.
- He also w On fn 2019. aftes 2
36 yeO9
pra tas h pacukone ’ won Looxld champion ship bronze
medal Bn 1983
-’ pranee th also the oinnes of Arjun Auoards


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