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3Ye Mach 2024

) PM Narendaa Modi nauquated The Hsndustan UYvarak

X Rasayan limited
CHURL) sindi
Fer ti liser plant
’T. ?s în Dhanbad district ok Tharthand
’ sindhi plant oill add 12.9 lakh metrie tonne of ure
every yeas to the Indian Uea production.
of 4q
’ HURL isis aacompany whichis a jont venture
COmpanies NTPC ToCL, CIL and FCIL (ferti Gses
Cor poration of Irdia ltd)
-’ This Company oas laonched B 2ol6
2016 .. t It oas aajort
venture ok 4 Psus
’ NTPC, TOCL OUOn % each
29 62% ard %
CTL They
is ooned by PcIL.
’ They launched this ne HURL Company be cavse they
caan ted to Revive some of the De fonct o very old
fes tilzes production plants of Dhcia.mey oanted to
Revive 3r plonts ’sncbi plant n Dhan bad n Jhaskhand.
Goakpun plant of Up
Banavnj ferti li2er plant
oas stastecl to Revive 3 fey tilizer
’HURL company tonne each.
capacity of 27 lath metric
plant £ add a
Gorakh pus plant has also been vevive Loed

also produce 12.7 akh metric tonne o Urea.
Basauni plant is not revived so tar but they are
tryfng to Revi ve it
5 There is ano they plant n Ramagundam n n Telangana
that oas revived. But it was not Revived by HURL TH
vived by
was revived by Some othes company
-’ There is book oritten called fertilis ho the futore
is about india be coming self Reliant n fertilzes . It
scoritten Dr.Mans uth Mandoviya
’ power project ’ Unit i(660MW) ot North karan pura
Super Thermal pouoer project (sTPP) chatra distict
t is developed at a cost of 2500 crOre by NTPC limited.

2) PM Narendha Modi mauqusatd The Dnclian

Dodian oil imied

Haldia - Banauni crvde

oil pipe line
518 km is tt total length
’Barauni isfn Biha amoUs for Barauni fer tilises
plant, Basauni Re finery .
’Haldia is So west Benga
’ t has been set up at a cost of 2290 cY It oill pags
thoough Bihas Thakhand oest Bengal.
>we ant to sendl the crude oil to the Re fineries
Thìs cYUde ofl oill be sent to the Baauni Refnery Tt
oill be sent to the Bongaiqao Refinery n Ass am and
Guoahati Refinesy also n Assam. t oil be extended
also .
’pM PM Modi vecentty nauqwrated ndian oil con
LPG Cliquified petrollem ias) Botting plart This ag
Bnaugusated mvidya saga Dnalustrial pak ohich is
located B Fharagpr
syama prasad Mookejee port kolkata The
strength of the port befnq ncreased. Nis e
oldest port o Tnodia . Move than 1so yeas old
3) Pndio has
'soccessfolly flagged off its frst
commercial trial shipment
L toough the
Sea oute

Recentty 12:6 tonnes of pomegsana tes ere exportec

fn 42oo boxes
’ These ase the famous pomeghonates from san gola
Mahanashtra . Al of these is done by APEDA CAgiicoltoral
and processed Food products Ex port Development
Authori ty) National Research cete
’In Dndia oe also have the
located n solapus fn Mahaashtra . Tt
woTks nder Inian council of agiicultuxe Reseach
pome granate is a vey gocd fuit . It is vich
’ idants
vit A,c¢ E DA Dt also has lot ot antiox
-> Tndia s one ob the argest pomeg1anate producers m
the uoorld In Tndia Mahatashtra, Gujarat, kasnataka g
harashta produces so % of
And haa pradesh But Maharashtra
India[ Pomegrana tes
) APEDA woYk under the ministry oh commece £
has a contract
4) Ministry of De fence Signed oith
Hindus tan Aeronauties (imited
(HAL) o
procure ment ot RD- 33 fero
engines for MTG -2 arerafts

’ Defence Minister Rajiath Ssngh

’ HAL ’H Q: Bengalu:
’ 29 Aircrafts oill be
RD- 33 AerO engines for MIG- 2q
manufac tured at koraput factory of HBndus tan
imi tecd Ckoraput is a pace n odsha)
-92 contra cts with LRT C larsen Tovbo) for mantactu

-Ying the close- o-oeapon system (cTws) and High

toY CIUs and S00 (3 CY for
powes Radar 7668 82 cY
HPR SO overall this contract is aroUnd /3,300cT
2 contracts oith SrahMos Aerospace private
for manufac torinq BrahMos
These ale some contracts
coh>ch ase signed by the
Ministry of Defence.
MTG -24 ae the Russian soviet Arcafts - vey ght
were fatrodvced fnn Thia h 1485 fn the
Leight They
Ah for ce Bt noo we are trying to replace them.
oith be Her quality Arcrafts (4
) Defence Minister Rajnath singh
J has
SBnavgsated neo Admin -cum
of the
Naval oa College at Goa e
chola ! is the name os the bui ldng
-’Rajendra chola Hoo he built this empre
’nfact Rajenoha chola, he did exp dition to the
srivijaya empire across the high Seas . more than 2000
yeais back.
This buildn is complied with the Green buil?ng
standads Rain oates harvestng oill be there, Reneoable
Energy ill be there, solar powe will be geneated
’ The bui lodrg is next to the pro toguese fort fnBn goa
’ Naval coar colleqe ’ I tP isis one of the 3 oa coleges ot
the Inolian Armny. The other 2 are n Army college
Madlhya pradesh. and
n Mhow mIhdore m Madhyapradesh. and e also have
the colleqe of AiY Loarfare .

Naval oan college operates unde the sovthern Naval

-’chola Dynasty ’ They began ther empre n he
qdh centvay then they defaa ted the pa lava Dyrasty.
’ The great chola temples -’ UNESCO ODrbl Heri tage
6) Larsen and Toubro company
has commissioned ts

frst md fgenous ly - manfactured eletralyse

Lat the
Gveen Hyhogen plant
A-M.Naik Heavy Engineeing complex
Haz?ra Gujarat

’ Target is to have Tndia when bu 203 ohere oe

can Doduce
produce sMMT Milion Metric Tonne ) ot preen
hydhogen every year.
Anothes company called Tehri Hycbo Development
cor pora tion limited crHDC). They have navgwated
Ihdia[ lagest electrolyser and foel cell based green
hydrogen plant n Rishi kesh Bn uttarakhand.
)Anurag Agaruoal'has been, apported
Jas the
heod of poaliament
secuoity CJont
Secretany Csecuity))
>pasliament Secuaity IS now Undes CISP Ccentral
Industrfal secuity force). They took the secuity ot tha
parliamen t fom Delhi police .

’Recenty Daljit singh choodasy has become the

director Greneral of National secunity guard CNsG) ard
Sashasta seemo Bal CssB) both.
has shakt? - Ivdia Election Fact
Gugle pastneed
chec kng collective profect
’ H oill empoLO e) the neos oYganizatons of Tndia
to tacklemis ntorma tion or Dis în fortmation
’6joogle and shakti together they coill dlo fact
checking %h multiple languages
’ Tagline of the election Elections the biggert festiva |
aud prie of the Nation.
2sth Jan boe celebrated National voters Day
’ chhattisgash got the aand for conaue tng the
smoo thest clections oY Best elec tions n 2023

)chapchas kot festi val ?

boas celebrated &
’ T4 is the tes tival of the
Ni20 conmunity 2t is
cele brated n March ater comple tion of the Jhum
cultiva ti on. Jhum culti'vation is the Jingle cleasng you
bun the forest and cdo the cultiva tion. It is celebated
m 45t friolay of March evey year to thank the god for
Potec ting people from the Are ohen they burn the
fores t

Gusahati Jecen tiy the thelo Pndia

University games happened -’ clordigash university topred
the medal tally
’Recenty the wminis try of youth ir sports they
have unvei led the mascot logo of the North
youth fes tival This s the th elition ok east
North east
youth fstival · P+ oill take place n Tripua and
mas cot ?s phayre's leaf monkey (State animal o
Tripuna) Tt wilI| be
organized by Minisay os
youth affatys & sports n collaboration with Nehu
yuva kenha sangatan.
lo) Tran ! success fully
launched the
pans -I Remote sensnq
and imag mg satellite
L nto
orbit fom RUssia

>Rucsia is hetprg Iran o Remote sens ng and magg

Satellite: B oas launched trom the famous soyu2
Rocket of Russfa
Dran also launched another satelite calle d khayyam
H is also a se mote sensnq satellite.
’ Recen tly Dran has launc hed 33 more satellites
I keihan
2 Hatef
3. Mahda.
-’ Iran also has ther oon rocket called simorgh.
But they generally Use the Russin Roctets

I)odisha has to esta blish

state ater Tnformatics cenbre
This is fo -ordinating collec ting and disena
- ting the oateY Resource .data and National oates
tn fomatic centre ill he p them .
’N TC It oas set
set up
Up Bnm 2018
2018 by the qovt of Dhdia
I works Cndes Ministry of Jal shakti is based
They oill help cdisha to set op
up sTC

Ie) bttar pradesh has
The fist state fn Tndia
to issue e
5CrOre Ayushman cade
you ca
can take the bene f?t of
’ using Ayushman cads . one fami ly is
prodhan man tri jan Aasogya yojana Bnsurance per
gausanted upto s lath RUpees of hea lth
family per yean
This statis tics oere released by the mìnistry ob
Ayushmon Bhaat scheme is run by
tlealth be cause PM-JAY
also call it
the ministry of hea lth you can

(Pradhan Mantri - Jan Arogya yojana) or

29 CT0re cards have been
’ Till tooay aPProx
buted. gnd Highest have been isSued by M-P£
highest have been issued by Mahooas htra.
people n Dndia they are co vered
Around 55 CY0re
Undes Ayushman Bhaat scheme. 4 oas launched 2018
So TH has comple ted s yeass alseady
3) Recenty Bison Resorts Madhai, fn NaoImadapwam
Madhya pradesh
J has received the
frst 5 leaf Cs star ) rated suoa chhata oeen
leaf Ratig certiRcate of Recognition
- This Snitia ti ve uoas launched by' Ministry of
Jal shakti and Ministry os Tourism
> Nama dapuam is the neo name of Hoshangabad
located on the bank of Namada
’ Recentty there
there a launch of National pi lot
So a chhata Green leaf rating fn Hos pitality
at different places
’ we oant to provide Oorld class hygiene and
sanitation facilties for the tourist
’ Sarlies Goa be came the st state Bn Dndia to launch
re qenerative tourism. for plhces of coorship ’n
spiritual places ae there %n goa Loe call ?t Ekadasha
Teestha. (Re generative Tourism is sus tainable tourism)
4) The Pnternational Frade centre ITc) ´and
oxldTrade 019anization (w-7-0)
has launched a
USD So million Loomen Expoters n the
Digital Economy CWEr De) fnd
’wT.0 Hâ Geneva
’ Thìs fund Oants to help r assist omen led busfnesee
and enter prenewns obn developng the least cleveloped
countries to adopt digital technology and en hance
their online pesence
That event
recently n UAE
’ There Oas an event
Loas called w-TO-TTC she Tad es summit.
she Trades nitia tive a nitia tive by ITC or
Tuterna tiona! Trade centre poered by o To
agan they oan t to help the oomen oho ane oto the
I5) Trade Ministers at ) t h WTO Ministeria
con ference (MC I3)

Abu DhabibAE !
have approved the
world Trade Organization (wTo)
mem bership
Comoros "and Timor leste 3
with their accession, wTo
’ tota l (66 memben
’ Saalier they ooe r e I64' Noo (6 5 th member is comoroS
and 166th member is Timor -leste
smce 2016 No-Ne0 member oas added. Dn 2o (6
Afghanistan , Liberia be came the mem bers ot wT0.
’The ig th 7.o Ministerial conference happened m
Abu Dhabi n the UAE.

I6) Nicaragua ha
become The Aist Spanish speakng
nation S the oord
ecognise India
pharma cO peia standads
’ Nicaa agua have signed Mou for recogniz?ng the
phomaco pei a coopovation fn the feld of regulation
ob medcPnes
’ Dndian pharma copeia has alseady been recognîsed
by as a book of standasd by Afghanistan ghana,
Nepal,mawsitius swoinqme
’ Nicanagua has beco me the sth country
copeia commission whieh oorts
’ Indian phama
Under the ministry of health. Basically it has all the
nfoma tion . is the official book of the standad fo
dugs which are de frned onder the dhugs £ casme tic
act of 1940
’Nicanaquas sheynnis pa lacios is cussently the miss
Universe .

12) The Ministry ob Minority Afairs

L has signed aa Mou o) th
Dniversity os MUmbai
to es tablish
centre for Aves ta- pa hlavi studies 3
-’Avesta- pahlav? langvage centre · This s the language
f the pars? comunity
’ Avesta - pahlavi is very sinilas to sanshrit and tis
vesy old langvage t isthe aneient 2 sacved bnguage
% the paas? community
-’ Je oant to honous the legacy of the pars? commun?by
Snglsh we call them The basica lly
Zoroas trians .
do thefr pooja ooship at the fre temple.
’ pans? population is decreas m at a sfgniticant ate
Jiyo pasi campaign oas launche by the 2
Ministry oft ninority hfar to enc ourage the parsi people
to have more babies so Jiyo pasi scheme ?s the
scheme to reverse the dec linhng population o7 the
pas? community
’ paosi community came
ca to Dndia rom coOunties lPko
(8) kosovo has Tuskish o me n's cup 2024
the football touma ment

>They defeated Dnd'a the Tndia.

-> This tourna ment ons held Tus kish
’ Manisha kalyan fom Zndia -’she was the best
mid fielder ok the tornament she oas one of the
highest SCOYeY ag oell.

’ here Loas eanier SAFF Csouth Asian Football fedesation)

UH9 Loomeni champi onship that oas Oon by bangladtah
and India togethes
Pmportant Days
’2ero Discrimination bay Mach 1st
Theme: To protect everyone's health protect
every one[ rìghts."
oorld civil Defence DayMarch ast
Theme: Honor Heroes avd promote safety skiIIs
Tnternational oheelchair Day March 1st
The me:Access fo A
-’cìvil Accounts Day Manch st

’ world seagtass Day ’Masch st

Irdia is developng the 1st seaoeeo pak
TamilNadu .
- Intermational polas Beas Day ’ feb 29th
Rase Disease Day ast day of feb every yeas
(29th feb 2024)
Thame :shase yous
you colous


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