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Francis School, Baraut

Assignments & Projects 2024
Class X

Dear Parents/Guardians
The holiday assignments are given below. Please see that children do the holiday assignments. Have a pleasant
Summer Vacation
Write any one of the following.
1. If you had the opportunity to live the life of a renowned person from the past, who would you chose to be and
2. Describe on the onset of monsoon in your area depicting the happiness of the people after the hot dry summer.
3. Relate an incident or write a short story which has its central idea ‘Advice not taken’.
Write the answers to the following.
1. Write a letter to your friend describing your career plan for the future.
2. Write a letter to the director of the zoological park in your city expressing your
concerns about the death of some animals in the zoo due to the unhygienic
conditions on extreme heat in the enclosures of the animals.
3. Your school is conducting an online photography contest on the theme of “Nature
Photography” to raise awareness about protecting Our Planet Earth from Global
Warming and Climate Change. Write a notice to be put up in your school
informing the students about the contest and asking them to send their entries online.
4. Write an email to a renowned photographer requesting him or her to judge the
Select any one topic from each section
1. Analyse how the protagonist in “The Girl Who Can” grapples with moral dilemmas and the impact of her
actions on herself and others.

2. How does the protagonist’s journey in “The Girl Who Can” reflect the themes of resilience, identity and
embracing one’s strengths?
3. How does Robert Frost use the image of a microscopic speck to explore larger themes in “A Considerable
Speck”? What does the speck symbolize in the poem?

4. What is the central metaphor used in the poem “When Great Trees Fall”? How does Maya Angelou use this
metaphor to convey her message about loss and resilience?

5. Act 3, Scene 2 features Antony’s masterful funeral oration, which serves as a turning point in the play.
Analyze the persuasive techniques used by Antony to sway the Roman crowd to turn against the conspirators.
Consider elements such as rhetoric, emotional appeal, and manipulation of language. How does Shakespeare
depict the power dynamics between Antony and the crowd, and what does this scene reveal about the nature
of political manipulation and propaganda?
Use A4 paper.
Put Proper Margin on four sides and follow the instructions of writing assignment.
Hindi :-
1. तुलसीदास जी का चित्र बनाकर उनके पद ों के आधार पर उनके भक्ति भावना पर प्रकाश डाचलए तथा उनकी चकन्ीों पाोंि
रिनाओों का सोंचिप्त पररिय दीचजए ।
2. “बात अठन्नी की” कहानी के प्रमुख पात्र ों का पररिय दे ते हुए , कहानी का उद्दे श्य चलक्तखए।
3. समास और अलोंकार की पररभाषा चलखते हुए उनका चवस्तृत वर्णन कीचजए।
4. “सोंसद में मचहला आरिर्” चवषय के पि व चवपि में अपने चविार व्यि कीचजए ।

Maths:- surface area & volume of solids. (cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere, combination of solids)
Physics:- colometry meaning specific meaning specific heat capacity principle of calorimetry heat exchange b/w
Chemistry:- solve all the previous year questions of chapter 1, 2, 3 4 and 6 in a separate copy.
Biology:- Solve all the excises questions of chapter1 to 6 in a sperate copy.
Computer:- Project Topic: Library Management System
1.To create a system for managing books in a library.
2.To implement basic functionalities such as adding, removing, and searching for books.
History & Civics :-
Present a life sketch and contributions of the given presidents of India ( anyone)
a) Droupadi Murmu
b) Dr.A.P.J Abdul kalam
Prepare a project on transportation in India and development of road, rail, water and airways.

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