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Artistic Skills are abilities that are possessed by artists who operate within a fine art capacity.
medium defined as the material or the substance out of which a work is made. Through these materials, the
artists express and communicate feelings and ideas.
Technique is how artists use and manipulate materials to achieve the desired formal effect and communicate
the desired concept or meaning, according to his or her style (modern, neoclassical, etc.).
Some of the Art Techniques used by artists:
1. Collage- is a technique of an art production used in the visual arts where the artwork is made from on
assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
2. Decollage- is the opposite of collage; instead of an image is being built up all or parts of existing images,
it is created by cutting, treating away or otherwise removing pieces of an original image. The French word
‘Decollage’ in English means “Take-off” or “to become unglued” or “to become unstuck”.
3. Graffiti- are drawing or writings that have been scribed, scratch or painted illicitly on a wall or other
surface, often in a public space.
4. Land Art- earth works or earth arts is an art movement in which landscape and the works of art
inextricably linked. It is also an art forms that is created in nature.
5. Digital Arts- is work made with digital technology or presented on digital technology. This includes
images done completely on computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a computer and finished using a
software program like Adobe Illustrator.
6. Mixed Media- It refers to a work of visual art that combines various traditionally distinct visual art. For
example, work on canvas that combines paint, ink and collage.
7. Frottage - is the technique of rubbing with crayon on a piece of paper which has been placed over an
object or an image.
Edit with
8. Decalcomania is the the Docs
process app gouache to a paper or glass and then transferring a reversal of
of applying
the image onto canvas or other flat materials.
Make tweaks, leave comments and share with
9. Decoupage is done
others by adhering
to edit cutouts
at the same of paper and then coating these with one or transparent coating of
10. Eggshell mosaic- is an artistic technique that uses tiny parts of eggshell to create a whole image or

Mosaics are usually assembled using small tiles that are square, but they can also be round or
randomly shaped.
11. Trapunto Painting- is the technique used by Pacita Abad where her canvases are padded, sewn and
often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, bits of glass, rickrack, swatches of precious
textiles, and other things that she picks up from her travels and journey
12. Print Making process of making artworks by painting, normally in the paper, screen or other material. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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LESSON 6: Visual Arts (Techniques and Application)
1.PAINTING - a two-dimensional form of art that showcases artistic expression created on a flat surface.
Images are made by applying pigment on a prepared surface using typically one or a combination of the
flowing tools: brush, palette knife, spray, finger, etc.
Medium – oil, acrylic, watercolor, poster color, pastel, ink, etc.
A. RELIGIOUS THEMES - Primary subject for the artworks during the Spanish colonial times. In
the present, many religious-themed paintings can be seen in the murals of many churches and in
paintings with social commentaries like that of Joey Velasco (1967-2010) and Renato Habulan
B. HISTORICAL THEMES can be seen in the Works of Angono, Rizal native Carlos “Botong” V.
Francisco whose masterpiece Filipino Struggles through History depicts Manila’s Historical events.
(Blood Compact, First Mass in Limasawa)
C. PORTRAITURE PAINTINGS used to commemorate personalities and are seen in many formal
institutions such as government offices. The latest as of writing is the official portrait of President
Rodrigo Duterte by Davao artist Daryl de Leon Descallar
D. STILL LIFE portrays inanimate objects. It was traditionally composed of a basket or bowl of
fruits and flowers in vases on the table. More contemporary artists who were notable still -life artists
were the Filipino Chinese Ang Kiukok and the cubist and Kapampangan artist Vicente Manansala.
E. LANDSCAPES depict the beauty of the outdoors. It can be in the countryside and rural scenery
such as seascapes which focuses on the imagery of bodies of water.
F. NUDE as a subject of painting in the Philippines, was rare before the 20th century but has been
accepted and popular subject in Philippine Contemporary Visual Arts. (Fernando Amorsolo’s
Dalagang Bukid).
G. GENRES are paintings whose themes showcase people doing everyday activities and chores.
Earliest examples of this type in Philippine history is the Boxer Codex (1590), which illustrated the
different social classes and attires of the different inhabitants of the country at the time.
2. SCULPTURES - are artworks that are three-dimensional. Sculptures are made by either adding or
subtracting materials.
Carving - Subtracting
Sculpting – Addition
A. FREE STANDING SCULPTURES - also known as in the round, are sculptures that are raise
independently in its given space. It has a flat horizontal base. It can be often observed from all points
of view.
B. RELIEFS - sculptures that are raised or projected from the flat surface or background.
● Low or bas relief - projects slightly from the flat surface.
● High relief - prominently raised against background, giving the sculpture more
C. ASSEMBLAGE is term used by French artist Jean Dubuffet in 1952 to describe a series of
artworks made from paper collages, wood, scraps and other found objects.
3. POTTERY - is the art and craft of making pots and other wares using clay or mud.
Studio pottery is a handmade one -of a -kind ceramic that is sought after by collectors (cookware and
tableware). A notable artist of studio pottery is Ugu Bigyan of Tiaong, Quezon.
4. CARVING - the art of manipulating and creating objects by subtracting and shaping solid materials such
as wood and stone.
5. WEAVING - the art of interlacing threads or fibers to create textiles, fabric, or other similar products.
Philippine textiles are often made from indigenous plants such as pineapple, abaca, maguey and cotton. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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6. METALWORK - art of creating and manipulating metal to create various items such as jewelry,
weapons, etc.
7. PERFORMANCE ART - a mix of visual arts and performing arts. The medium used in performance art
is the artist himself, and the artwork is the acting and the movements of the artist.
8. INSTALLATION ART - Involves the arrangement of objects in a given space. It incorporates different
materials such as wood, metal and different objects as well as technology-based mediums such as lights,
sound, videos and digital media.
9. PRINTMAKING - refers to transferring images from a firm surface, such as metal or wood, to a pliable


Architecture is one of the most functional branches of visual arts. It involves designing the form of a
building while allowing the building to serve its function. It is considered to be the “art to inhabit”.
I. Domestic Buildings and Houses
II. Government Buildings
III. Commercial Buildings
IV.Public Buildings and Structures
V. Other Forms and Structures


APARTMENT –refers to a building composed of many residences called units. This is usually built in
populated areas urban areas.
condominiums are larger offshoots of apartments.
BAHAY NA BATO –Built in many areas during the 19th and 20th centuries, the bahay na bato is considered
to be a residence of the wealthy.
BARONG-BARONG –The barong-barong are the houses of the landless poor that are built on any land
BUNGALOW –This refers to a one-story house with a wide front porch and large windows. It may also
have a terrace, which may be roofed or not.
Bahay Kubo is considered an ethnic house of Christian peasant families living in lowland areas.
HOUSEBOAT –The houseboat is a boat that also serves as a dwelling. The Badjaos or Sama Laut typically
reside in households. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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ONE-AND-A-HALF-STORY HOUSE –The one-and-a half story house is characterized by an upper level
or story covering just a half level of the lower level. (The main level is larger than the upper level).
SPLIT-LEVEL HOUSE (tri-level home) –The split-level house in the Philippines has two main levels. The
lower level houses the kitchen, living, and dining areas, while the upper level has the bedrooms. These are
separated by about half or less than half a story.
TSALET –The Philippine tsalet refers to a suburban house that has one story, a two-story house with living
quarters on the upper level, or an elevated one-story house. The term tsalet was derived from the term
“chalet” which refers to a peasant’s house in Switzerland that has upper levels jutting over the lower levels, a
steep roof, and a decorated gable.
CAPITOL (Kapitolyo) –This refers to the building of the provincial government.
TOWNHALL (Munisipyo) –This refers to the building of the municipal government.
MARKET (PALENGKE, BUILDINGS) –This refers to a place or a building for buying and selling goods.
This is also referred to as tindahan, and tiyangge.
Supermarket - puts the wet market and grocery together in the same complex.
mall refers to a one or multiple story building or a square filled with shops.
SCHOOLS –This refers to a place where young people are educated to become productive members of the
The Gabaldon School Buildings simply known as the Gabaldon is a term used to refer to heritage
school buildings in the Philippines built during the American colonial era. They are noted for the
architecture inspired by the bahay kubo and bahay na bato.
KAMALIG –The kamalig is the Tagalog term for a building used for storing grain.
MASJID –The masjid or mosque refers to the place of worship of Muslims.
A typical Philippine Mosque has the following features:
Minaret – tower
Mihrab - a prayer niche
Mimbar - a pulpit
a dome, arches that are reinforced with pillars.
CEMETERY –A cemetery is a place where people bury the dead. It has other names such as kampo santo,
pantyon, and libingan.
mausoleums were developed and used by the wealthy.
memorial parks, which have wide green areas covering the vaults, and columbariums, which are
buildings for storing cremated remains, are developed.
–Aglipayan Churches. Considering that the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, more popularly known as the
Aglipayan church, is an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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–Protestant Churches. Most protestant churches have the Neogothic architectural style, meaning rib vaults
and pointed arches can be seen in the structure. In addition to those, stained glass windows were also used to
add colorful effects brought about by the sun’s rays.
–Iglesia ni Cristo (INC). Churches A typical facade of INC has a triangular arch that is lined with tall
slender towers. There are also two additional towers at the rear part of the church.
These towers and spires are ornamented with openwork (i.e., creating gaps or holes through the solid
material). The entrance has a wavelike canopy. Galleries connect the front and rear parts of the church.
Movie House (Sinehan) –The sinehan is a place where people watch films or motion pictures. This is used
to be a separate large building and considered a landmark in a community.
Theatre (Teatro) –The Teatro is a building intended for dance, musical, and theatrical presentations.
Fort (Kuta) –This is a structure that is built to defend a community against enemies. These are usually
found in areas with natural areas with natural barriers, such as cliffs, hills, narrow passes, mountains, and
Lighthouse (Parola) – The lighthouse is a structure built on an island, peninsula, or rock to ensure that ships
will be able to pass through a narrow area safely.
Bridge (Tulay) –The Tulay is a horizontal structure that serves as a passageway between two areas separated
by a body of water, a hollow area, or a road.
Film – refers to a movie, motion picture, or sequence of moving pictures that is typically shown on
television or in a cinema.
Broadcasting – is the transmission of programs or information by radio or television.
Filmmaking became an industry in the Philippines during the 1950s. However, the 1970s’ was considered to
be a remarkable era in the history of cinema in the Philippines.
Alternative filmmakers started producing highly critical and imaginative works. These alternative films
include animation, traditional documentaries, docu-dramas, experimental films, mixed media, short features,
and many others.
1.Time –considered as the most significant element of cinema.
● Physical Time –refers to the time for an action to take place as it is being filmed and projected on
the screen. This can be altered through accelerated motion, slow motion, stopped motion, and
reverse motion.
● Psychological time –refers to the impression of the viewer on how long it takes for a certain
action to take place and how he or she feels when watching that particular action.
● Dramatic Time –signifies the timeline of events portrayed in the film.
2. Space –Just like in a painting or a photograph, a film, when projected on the screen has two dimensions.
However, the viewer is able to perceive space because of the following aspects of space;
● Scale –This aspect indicates the size of the objects on the screen how these objects relate to the
area surrounding them. It may also involve where the camera is situated very far from the object,
and an expansive view on a small scale is produced. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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● Shooting Angle –This denotes the location or angle from where the camera records the scene
shots. For example, when the camera is situated very far from the object, an expansive view on a
small scale is produced.
● Lighting –The position of lights can affect how the illusion of depth is created in the film. The
relationship of light and dark on the object can give that illusion of depth to the object.
● Sound –Aside from dialogue, sound also includes background music, theme melodies, silence.
3. Narrative –Ancient art of storytelling. (story, characters, setting).
4. Cinematography – “writing in movement”, how a shot is framed, lit, toned, and colored.
5. Mise-en-scene – “putting on stage”, everything that appears in a frame to invoke storytelling. (Sets,
locations, actors, props, costumes, light and shadow).
6. Editing – “the key to cinema”, an editor uses time and continuity as tools in presenting the narrative.
A. CUTTING OR EDITING This involves joining one shot with another, making sure that these two shots
are logically connected. This helps in ensuring that only the scenes that are required in the story will be
shown. Transitions are used for emphasis or for smooth changing of one shot to another, such as dissolved
fade, and turn-over.
B. CAMERA MOVEMENT The way a camera shifts to visually narrate and shape a viewer's perspective
of the scene.
C. FRAMING This helps in bringing balance to the film as it is viewed. Framing can also get the attention of
the audience and sustain the attention.
1. FEATURED FILMS A feature-length film is a narrative film (motion picture or movie) with a
running time long enough to be considered the sole presentation in a commercial entertainment
program. A film that runs for more than 40 minutes is considered a feature film.
2. SHORT FILM Any motion picture that is short enough in running time is not to be considered a
feature film. (Less than 40minutes)
3. FILM ADAPTATIONS A cinematic work adapted from a piece of non-film source material which
can either be a work of fiction or nonfiction.
4. ANIMATED FILMS Ones in which individual drawings, paintings or illustrations are
photographed frame by frame (stop-frame cinematography). Animation is a method of
photographing a successive drawing, models or even puppets to create an illusion of movement in a
5. HISTORICAL FILM Showing past events or sets within a historical period.
6. RELIGIOUS FILM Those are often made by devout members of a faith (largely Christians),
with an intended audience usually being other members of that faith. Plots often focus on characters’
struggles with faith and overcoming oppression.
7. BIOGRAPHICAL FILM A biopic (biographical picture) is a type of motion picture that tells the
life story of a non-fictional, real person. It is a film that dramatizes the life of a non-fictional or
historically based person or people.
8. DOCUMENTARY FILM A documentary is a non-fictional motion picture intended to
“document reality, primarily for instruction, education or maintaining a historical record”.
9. INDIE FILM An independent film is a feature film or short film that is produced outside the
major film studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by independent
entertainment companies. (no major movie studio or production company financially backing it).
SOME GENRES OF FILMS 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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1. ACTION. Associated with particular types of spectacles such as explosions, chases, combat, etc. 2.
ADVENTURE. Implies a narrative that is defined by a journey (often including some form of pursuit).
3. COMEDY. Intend to make the audience laugh.
4. DRAMA. Focused on emotions and defined by conflict.
5. FANTASY. Includes magic, supernatural events, mythology, folklore or exotic fantasy world.
6. HORROR. Seek to elicit fear or disgust in the audience for entertainment purposes.
7. THRILLER. Evokes excitement and suspense in the audience.
8. ROMANCE. Emphasis on passion, emotion and the affectionate romantic involvement of main
9. SCIENCE FICTION. Typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advance science.
10. MUSICAL FILM. Songs performed by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes
accompanied by dancing.

Theater- It is an art form that refers to an art that involves performing carefully planned actions and
emotions in front of an audience.
● Performers
● Audience
● Design
● Director
● Text
● Performance space
Philippine theater is described as a wide range of mimetic performances that were created and presented
with specific social objectives in mind.
1.Dulang pahiyang (rituals) - In this category, theater is not viewed as a separate activity, but as part of life.
Ritual falls under this type. Other forms include duplo, balagtasan, bayok and balitaw.
ritual - described as a way to communicate with gods or spirits.
Duplo - described as a poetic debate, in which the balagtasan was derived. The balagtasan involves poems
with four lines with 12 syllables per line.
Bayok – A Maranao joust. The theme of the joust depends on the occasion on which the joust is to be
Balitaw – A poetic debate between a man and a woman. Although the term “balitaw” may also refer to the
song and its lyrics, or dance.
2. Dulambayan (people’s theater) - Also known as people’s theater, this is considered “theater in the
context of social movements.” Common among unions of peasants, groups of workers, and liberationist
movements, these theatrical forms include drama simboliko, historical plays, plays with social realism,
teatrong bayan ng manggagawa, people’s theater, nationalist/ protest/ proganda theater, and street theater. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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3. Teatrong pansimbahan (church-related theater) - This type of theater is concerned with spirituality. This
is usually performed depending on the events in the church calendar (Catholic, Protestant). Some forms are
traditional or folk, such as in the case of the senakulo and the komedya.
Komedya - is a play in verse that portrays the lives of saints. However, the komedya may also depict actual
events, or tales about royalty in the kingdoms of Afica, Europe, Arabia and Persia.
Dapit- It refers to the tradition of fetching the image of the community’s patron saint.
Hudas - This refers to the burning of the image of Judas Iscariot, which is popular in Bulacan, Pampanga,
and Cebu.
Huling Hapunan This is an actual super enacted to commemorate the last supper of Jesus with his disciples
on the night before His crucifixion.
Moriones- This is a short street play portraying the capture and beheading of Roman soldier Longinus, who
was involved in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Paghuhugas ng Paa - This short ritual reenacts Christ washing the feet of his disciples before the Last
Supper. This ritual demonstrates humility and serving others.
Pastores or Shepherd’s Dance- This is a reenactment of shepherds honoring the infant Jesus. This is
typically presented before Christmas Day. In some areas, pastores involves a group of singers dressed as
shepherds who go to every house in the area singing and dancing to Christmas songs.
Siete Palabras This is a reenactment of the last three hours of Jesus Christ on the cross. It was during this
time when the Seven Last Words were stated.
Sinakulo- a play performed during the Holy Week. It depicts the story of salvation, starting from the
creation of the world up to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Salubong - This short reenactment focuses on the meeting of Mary, mother of Jesus and Jesus Christ who
rose from the dead.
Soledad - This procession, which is usually performed late in the evening, portrays Mary’s grief after
burying Jesus Christ.
Tatlong Hari This is a reenactment of the travel of the Magi to worship the Infant Jesus in Bethlehem.
Via Crucis - This tradition is a way of remembering the events leading to Christ’s death and burial.
4. Theater as an Art
Theater under this category is based on Western models. Theater is viewed as a profession. Production
values, including set design, props, and lighting, are being considered seriously.
PUPPET THEATER - This is a form of drama in which puppets portray the roles of the characters in the
OPERA which refers to a form of musical theater that was introduced in the Philippines during the late 19th
INDIGENOUS THEATER These are usually rituals, mimetic customs, and dances.
PLAY WITH SPANISH INFLUENCE These plays include drama, komedya, sinakulo, and sarswela.
THEATER WITH ANGLO-AMERICAN INFLUENCE This comprises bodabil, and modern Filipino
plays written in English and Filipino. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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bodabil is a stage presentation that consists of a range of musical and comedy acts, skits and monologues,
novelty and acrobatic numbers, solos, and chorus lines.
Sarswela is considered to be the most popular form of musical theater in the Philippines.
DOCUMENTARY STYLE This is performed to connect historical persons and events to the present.
BRECHTIAN THEATER They are also known as the theater of instruction. Inspired by Bertolt Brecht,
this play features a social orientation and utilizes mime, dances, songs, stylized sets and costumes, and
typical characters.
DULA-TULA The dula-tula is a variant of dramatic monologue, which involves one actor speaking while
singing out his emotions and thoughts. 4/24/24, 12 08 AM
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