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A patient diagnosed with heart failure has a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) in
place. What information about the patient’s hemodynamic functioning will the
healthcare provider obtain from this monitoring device?
a. Pulmonary Valve function
b. Stroke volume
c. Left Ventricular functioning
d. Coronary artery patency

2. A patient who has a history of pulmonary valve stenosis tells the healthcare
provider, “I don’t have a lot of energy anymore, and both of my feet get swollen in
the late afternoon.” Which of these problems does the healthcare provider
conclude is the likely cause of these clinical findings?
a. Acute pericarditis
b. Deep vein thrombosis
c. Peripheral artery disease
d. Right ventricular failure
3. A patient has been admitted to the cardiac unit with a diagnosis of right
ventricular failure. Which of the following assessment findings would the
healthcare provider expect to observe? is most likely to be observed by the
healthcare provider?
a. Fatigue and Hemoptysis
b. Bradycardia and Circumoral Cynosis
c. Dyspnea and Pulmonary crackles
d. Peripheral edema and Jugular Vein Distension
4. Nurse Berlinda is assigned to a 41-year-old client who has a diagnosis of chronic
pancreatitis. The nurse reviews the laboratory result, anticipating a laboratory
report indicates a highest level of:
a. Serum Lipase
b. Serum Amylase
c. Tumor Necrosing Factor
d. Liver Function Tests
5. A male client who is recovering from surgery has been advanced from a
clear liquid diet to a full liquid diet. The client is looking forward to the diet
change because he has been “bored” with the clear liquid diet. The nurse
would offer which full liquid item to the client?
a. Tea
b. Custard
c. Juice
d. Coconut Water
6. Dr. Smith has determined that the client with hepatitis has contracted the
infection from contaminated food. The nurse understands that this client is most
likely experiencing what type of hepatitis?
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
7. A client is suspected of having hepatitis. Which diagnostic test result will assist in
confirming this diagnosis?
a. Decreased Erthrocyte sedimentation Rate
b. Elevated Hemogloin level
c. Elevated Serum bilirubin level
d. Elevated Blood Urea Nitrogen level

8. A client is suspected of having hepatitis. Which diagnostic test result will assist in
confirming this diagnosis?
a. Inform about the potential for gall stones to recur post surgery.
b. Discuss the importance of fat free diet post operatively.
c. Explain how to care for the drainage system post surgery.
d. Advise that the chronic diarrhea is a common post operative
9. Write very short Answers on any three: (2 marks each)
a. What is Jaundice and how it occurs?
b. What is Diabetes Mellitus and how it occurs?
c. What is the main difference between Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer?
d. How Wound Healing occurs?
10. Write Short Answers on any two:(5 MARKS EACH)
a. Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema Pathophysiology
b. Heart Failure management (Medical & Nursing)
c. Cholelithiasis management (Postop- care)
11. Long answer: Write any One
a. Define Pnacreatitis , its symptoms, Pathophysiology and management.
b. Define Cirrhosis of Liver, its symptoms, complications and management.

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