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3rd Term Work sheet

Duration: 1 Hour & 15 Mins. Grade: VII

Max. Marks: 50 Date:
Name of the Student: -------------------------------- Exam No:
Attempt all the questions.
Q1. Fill in the blanks (5)

1) Electric current flows from …………………..

positive to ……………terminals.

2) Moon orbits Earth due to………………force.

direct current
3) A current flowing in one direction is called ………………………
4) Our Earth takes……………days
365 to orbit Sun.
lightning conductor is used to protect tall buildings from electric shocks.
5) A …………………….

Q3. A circuit contains a 2 V cell and two lamps connected in parallel. The amount of current flows
through the circuit is 1.5A.

i) What is the voltage across each lamp. (2)

The voltage across each lamp is 2V.


ii) How would you connect the ammeter in the circuit to measure the current in circuit?
You would connect the ammeter in series to the component.


Q4. a) What charge is carried by each of these particles?

i) A proton ………………………… (3)
ii) An electron ……………………….

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No net charge(neutral)
iii) A neutron ……………………….

Q7.a) Write the names of inner planets and outer planets in order. (4)
Inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
b) Write five uses of satellites. (5)
1- TV broadcasting
2- Telecommunication.
3- Business and finance.
4- Weather monitoring.
5- Navigation (GPS).
Q8. a) define Conventional current. (2)
Conventional current is when current flows from positive to negative terminal.

b) define Electronic current.

Electronic current is when current flows from negative to positive terminal.

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