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Course Description:
This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to environmental science, focusing on key
concepts, issues, and methodologies in the field. Students will explore the complex interactions between
humans and the environment, with an emphasis on sustainable practices and solutions through lectures,
discussions, readings, and field visits. The course will also emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving,
and effective communication skills necessary for addressing complex environmental issues.

Any units in Biology, Chemistry, or Earth Science

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamental principles and concepts of environmental science.
2. To recognize and analyze the interactions between human activities and the environment.
3. To identify major environmental issues facing the planet and their potential solutions.
4. To develop an appreciation for the importance of biodiversity and the conservation of natural
5. To explore the ethical and societal implications of environmental decisions and policies.
6. To gain practical knowledge of environmental impact assessment methods and their application.
7. To foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of environmental issues.
8. To enhance communication skills for effectively discussing and presenting environmental science
9. To cultivate a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment.
10. To prepare students for further study or careers in environmental science, sustainability, or
related fields.

Time Topic Activity

1st week Orientation/Giving of
2nd week 1. Introduction to Environmental Science
a. Definition and scope of Class Discussion
environmental science
b. Historical perspective and Hand outs
development of environmental
science Journal Article review (e)
c. Importance of environmental
science in addressing global
d. Interdisciplinary nature of
environmental science
e. Principles of sustainability
f. Environmental systems and cycles
(e.g., water cycle, carbon cycle)
g. Human population growth and its
environmental impact
3rd week 2. Ecology Q1
a. Ecosystem Structure and Function Class Discussion
b. Population Ecology
c. Community Ecology
d. Biodiversity
e. Biogeography
f. Ecological Succession
g. Ecosystem Ecology
h. Conservation Biology
i. Landscape Ecology
j. Global Ecology
4 week 3. Environmental Pollution
a. Sources of Pollution
i. Industrial, agricultural, and Class Discussion
household sources
ii. Contributions to
environmental degradation
b. Types of Pollution:
i. Air pollution
ii. water pollution
iii. soil contamination
iv. noise pollution and
v. plastic pollution
c. Impact on Human Health
i. direct and indirect impacts
of pollution on human
health, including respiratory
diseases, cancer, and
neurological disorders.
d. Ecological Impact
i. Ecosystems
ii. biodiversity
iii. habitat degradation,
iv. ecosystem services.
e. Mitigation and Control Strategies
i. Strategies to mitigate and
control pollution
ii. technological solutions
iii. regulatory measures, and
iv. public awareness campaigns
5th week 4. Climate Change Q2
a. Greenhouse Effect  Class Discussion
b. Causes of Climate Change  Submission of scientific
c. Impacts of Climate Change paper
d. Mitigation Strategies
e. Adaptation Measures
f. Policy and Governance
g. Climate Justice
h. Climate Communication
6th week 5. Biodiversity  Submission of proposal
a. Importance of Biodiversity for Special Project
b. Threats to Biodiversity  Class Discussion
c. Conservation Biology
d. Biodiversity Hotspots
e. Biodiversity and Human Health
8th week 6. Natural Resource Management
a. Sustainable Resource Use Class Discussion
b. Ecosystem Services
c. Land Use Planning
d. Water Resource Management
e. Energy Resource Management
f. Policy and Governance
9th week 7. Environmental Policy and Regulation Q3
a. Environmental Laws and Regulations Class Discussion
b. Policy Instruments
c. Environmental Impact Assessment
d. International Environmental
e. Policy Implementation and
10th week 8. Environmental Ethics
a. Anthropocentrism vs. Ecocentrism Class Discussion
b. Intrinsic Value of Nature
c. Stewardship and Responsibility
d. Environmental Justice
e. Sustainability and Intergenerational
11th week 9. Human Population Dynamics Q4
a. Population Growth
b. Demographic Transition Class Discussion
c. Urbanization
d. Ageing Populations
e. Population Policies
12th week 10. Environmental Impact Assessment
a. Purpose and Principles
b. EIA Process Class Discussion
c. Environmental Impact Statement
d. Cumulative Effects Assessment
e. Role of Stakeholders
13th week Field Trip
14th week Special Project
15th week Special Project
16th week Special Project
17th week Presentation of Special Project
18th week Final Exam

1. Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2018). Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. Wiley.
2. Carson, R. (2002). Silent Spring. Mariner Books.
3. Cunningham, W. P., Cunningham, M. A., & Cunningham, W. P. (2018). Principles of Environmental
Science. McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Diamond, J. (2005). Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Penguin Books.
5. Gore, A. (2006). An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What
We Can Do About It. Rodale Books.
6. Hawken, P. (2007). Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being
and Why No One Saw It Coming. Viking.
7. Miller, G. T., & Spoolman, S. (2020). Environmental Science. Cengage Learning.
8. Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockström, J., Cornell, S. E., Fetzer, I., Bennett, E. M., ... & Sörlin, S.
(2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science,
347(6223), 1259855.
9. United Nations Environment Programme. (2022). UNEP Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6:
Healthy Planet, Healthy People. Cambridge University Press.
10. Withgott, J and Brennan, S. (2019). Essential Environment, The Science Behind the Stories 6th
Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

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