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Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark) Define a worker. What is the basic difference between workforce and labour force ? Define worker population ratio. What is casualisation of workforce ? ‘What is informalisation of workforce ? What is jobless growth 2 (Geax Who is 2 casual wage worker ? What is unemployment ? Who is 2 self-employed worker ? Who are formal sector workers ? Whaat is the basic difference between formal sector and informal sector ? INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-XIl Scanned with CamScanner Yr Chopter 6 : EMPLOYMENT = pte YMENT : GROWTH, INFORMALISATION aND OTHER Issucs 193 - ural unemployment, urban unempl 4 pefine = ployment, open unempl idl + bara unemployment ‘educated unemployment and cyclical pcan wnemplarssnt sey two sources of daa on unemplayment men 2 XI pee NSSO define unemployment? 1 pe sted unemployment ae Short Answer Type Questions_(3/ Marks) 1 ephin briefly the difference between workforce and labour force. » qasify hired workers. ution of workforce by (i) gender and (i) region. 4 Baplsin distrib {LBsplain sectoral distribution of workforce mentioning recent trends in the distribution. £ chsify rural unemployment {Menton briefly the causes of unemployment in India. + ive some measures to salve the problem of unemployment. {Wht are the economic consequences of ‘unemployment ? «sate the meaning of "worker population ratio”. ne urban unemployment. Explain the two types of unemp [CBSE AI 22C (Tern M} joyment found in urban India. 1 Deh Ih Dicuss briefly the concept of informalisation of workforce in India. {CUSE At 29 :SP 2021] tb ‘THis necessary to create employment inthe formal sector rather than in the informal sector”. Defend oF rete the given statement with valid arguments {CBSE AI 2) th Analyse the recent trends in sectoral distribution ‘of workforce in India + ‘Trends in Employment Pattern (Sectorwise), 1993-2012 (in %) | Sector 1993-94 1999-2000 sus | Primary ot 604 489 . ‘Secondary 16 158 243 | Services 20 Be 268 [cose A120) [CSE A120, 2; CBSE AL 22 (Term IO employment ? lion of the workforce. This 1t. Why are Jess women found in regular salaried 15 “Ineccont times the Indian Economy has experienced Ne problem of Casualis | problem has only been aggravated by the ‘outbreak of COVID-19"- Discuss any two disadvantages of casualisation of the workforce | CBSE SP 22 (Term UD] | Doyyou agree with the given statement? in the light of the above statement. 16 Explain why regular salaried employees are generally more in urban areas than in rural areas. {CBSE Al 22 (Term IL sion its willy. [USE AI 2 (Term 1. Define ‘Worker Population Ratio’ and met 1 true or false, ther the following statement i ed satisfactory progress rownrds, swith valid arguments : nmization of wosfre i Me eM [CBSE AL 23) 18. State and elaborate whe! | acncence fur employe Ne | “Indian economy has show re around 60% employees. THe poss sia, the seemployed consti highest amoug the self-employed” het Asan economist, SUB) and elaborate any (wo measures that may’ be taken to ensure More peatuctive iptipet orate any : [CBSE A231 employment for the self-employed INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-XI SCaIINEU WILT UL: nner rr — Y , 194 univ wi cunnent CHALLENGES FACING INDIAN ECONOM hers", True or (ease by 20, “Seif employed workers are different fron hired worket ; ; E02) ” indirectly”. Diseuss. (cose sey) 2 Identify the situation depicted in the given image. Suggest the impact of the indicated situation, on the Indian economy. [CBSE SP 24) 23. “Casual workers often work in very poor working conditions”. Justify the given statement, {CBSE AI 23C] 24. The following diagram shows distribution of workforce in India. Analyse and compare the nature of ‘workforce distribution. , (CBSE ANI] -Arezwise Employment Distouton Self-employed Bil cons worters ee BB Recutarctared workers Urban workers Rural woikers 25. Defend or refute the following statement with valid explanation : ‘Disguised unemployment is a common forn of unemployment in rural India’ [case se 203) 26. “Casual wage work is the major source of employment in rural India Defend or refute the given statement with valid reason. [case sP 2031 27. “Workers working in formal sector earn more thaw those in informal sector”, Defend or refute the given stalement with valid arguments, {CBSE A122 (Teen tl 28, “The nature of work in urban areas is different from rural areas”, Justify the given statement with valid explanation. [CUSE AL22 (Term WL ly about 21% are women found in regular salaris! {cose al 22 Tem 28, ‘Out of 30 million formal sector workers, onl employment”, Elucidate. Long Answer Type Questions (6 Marks) ag reer type Questions (6 Marks) 1. Explain changing structure of employment (sector wise and status wise), 2 Write short notes on : (i) Organised sector (i) Unorganised sector 3. Explain briefly the types of unemployment in India, 44 What are the causes of unemployment in India ? Explain briefly, INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-Xi TT dvarineu win CarnsCanner Chopler 6 : EMPLOYMENT : GROWTH, INFORMALISATION AND OTHER Issues 19.5 4, suggest ny four measures to solve the problem of unemployment in India, what are the consequences of ever increasing unemployment ? 4, Discuss measures undertaken by the government to solve the problem of unemployment in India Discuss the men-women distribution of workforce an the bass of regions in Indio ¢, smudy the following chart showing the Growth of Employment and Gross Domestic Produc! and analyse INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-XI the trend of the two variables: from 1990-2012. {CBSE SP 20) -o cop | 2- Employment ‘ TEEN TOSSSI osr-65 1968-74" 197479" 1SEDES” 198590" 199092 oa FE, 2005-10" 201042 10. (2) Define worker-population ratio. What does it signify ? (b) Analyse the trends in sectoral distribution ‘of work force in India on the basis of data: ‘Trends in Employment Pattern (Sector-wise), 1972-2012 (in %) Sector 1972-73 1983 1993-946 1999-2000 2011-12 Primary 743 686 a 60 489 Secondary 109 re 6 158 243 Services: 148 16.9 20 38 26.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 1000 | 1000 [CBSE AL2O) 11, (@) Why are less women found in regular salaried ‘employment ? (b) Analyse the recent trends in sectoral distribution of workforce in India : Trends in Employment Pattern (Sector wise), 1993-2012 (in Sector 1993-94 | _1999-2000 al 2011-12 | Primary a 604 $89 Secondary 16 158 m3 Services 20 28 268 [ous AL sP 21) ovarinieu wit 1 Development Experience of India : A Comparison with Neighbours Scanned with CamScanner Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark) When did India and Pakistan get freedom ? When were reforms introduced in India, China and Pakistan ? Where was ‘one child norm’ introduced ? Name any two indicators of human development. When did Pakistan start planning its development strategy ? 1 2 3. ‘4 5. 6. Mention some examples of regional and economic groupings. 7. Define infant mortality rate. 8. Which country out of India, China and Pakistan has the highest life expectancy ? 9. Mention the demographic indicators of India, Pakistan and China. What is the name of the programme started in China towards industrialisation ? Which country has the largest percentage of undernourished people ? 12. Which country has the highest HDI value ? 33. Which country/countries follow the mixed economy system ? 14. Which country has the highest GDP growth rate? 15. Which sector contributes the lowest to India’s GDP ? 16. Which country has the highest percentage of population below the poverty line ? 10. nL Short Answer Type Questions (3/4 Marks) Discuss the similarities in the development plans of India, Pakistan and China. Describe the main development policies of China. Discuss briefly various indicators of human development in China, Stale any two reasons for slow economic growth ancl re“ ‘emergence of poverty in Pakistan ? [CBSE AL 2022€ (Term ID} Give @ brief account of indicators of human development in the economy of Pakistan. Explain the great leap forward campaign of China, 7. Discuss the contribution of agricultural sector in gross domestic product of India and Pakistan. INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-XI Scanned with CamScanner a 254 unt vm, DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE OF INDIA 8. Explain the commune 9. Discuss the liberty 10. n. system of agriculture in China, indications for Indi Compare sectional contribution of In. Answer the following questions on the China and Pakistan, ia with sectional contribution of China. basis of the following data: CDSE SP apy ‘growth rates among the three countries. has most skewed in sex ratio ? (@) Comment upon the population () Which country Estimated Populato ih 0 ; ay (in mtfony population in) sevihati India 1311 12 929 China 1371 05 o41 Pakistan 188 24 947 Source. World Development Indicator 12, “India, China and Pakistan have results”. Explain the giv 5, 2015, fravelled more than seven decades of developmental path with varied fen statement with valid arguments. (cose ata) 13 Compare and analyse the given data of India and China, with valid reasons: {BSE Ar 2m Annual Growth rote of Gender Ratio Country population (2015) (Per thousand mates) India 12% 929 China 05% on Source. World Development Indicatars, 2015, 34. Compare India and Pakistan on the basis oftheir demography. (case arg 435. Discuss any two similar development strategies followed by India and Pakistan after 1947. [CBSE AI21C ; CBSE AL 22 (Term In} 16. Compare and analyse the given data of India and China with valid arguments, Annual Growth of Gross Domestic Product (%), 1980-2017 Country 1980-90 2015-17, India 37 73 China 103 68 Source. Key Indicators for Asia and Pacific 2016, Asian Development Bank, Philippines ; World Development Indicators 2018. Icuse $P 21 ; CUSED 2) Read the following text carefully and answer question number 17 and 18 given below : SINO-PAK FRIENDSHIP CORRIDOR | Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has deepened the decades-tong strategic relationship etween the une nations, Butt has alo sparked cllsm for bidesing Pane oi mountains of debt a allowing China to use its debt-trap diplomacy to gain access to strategic assets of Pakistan The foundations of CPEC, part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, were laid in May 2013. At the tine Pakistan wes reeling under weak economic growth. China committed to play an integral role in ing Pakistan’s economy. supporting ae a have a strategic relationship that goes back decades. Pakistan turned to China at a | cena ic mesded a rapid increase in external financing to meet ertist eee ea | fine bape particu ly power plants and highways. CPEC’s early harvest projects met this need, | infrast particular Scanned with CamScanner Chopier 8 = DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE OF INDIA : A COMPARISON WITH NeIGHEOURS 25.5 eding oa dramatic increase in Pakistan's power generation capacity, bringing an end to supply-side teas ts that had made rolting blackouts a regular occurrence across the country. fatistan leaned into CPEC, leveraging Chinese financing and technical assistance in an attempt to end poe ahrtages at had paralyzed its country’s economy, Yeas later, Chinas influence in Pakistan has increased at an unimaginable pace. China as Pakistan's Largest Bilateral Creditor Ching’s ability to exert influence on Pakistan's economy has grown substantially in recent years, mainly due to the fact that Beijing is now Islamabad's largest creditor. According to documents released by Pakistan's finance ministry, Pakistan's total public and publicly guaranteed external debt stood at $44.35 hillion in June 2013, just 9.3 percent of which was owed to China. By April 2021, this external debt had ballooned to $90.12 billion, with Pakistan owing 27.4 percent ~ $24.7 billion ~ of its total external debt to China, according to the Intemational Monetary Fund (IME). ‘Additionally, China provided financial and technical expertise to help Pakistan build its road infrastructure, expanding north-south connectivity to improve the efficiency of moving goods from Karachi all the way to Gilgit-Baltistan (POX). These investments were critical in better integrating the country's ports, especially Karachi, with urban centers in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provinces. Despite power asymmetsies between China and Pakistan, the latter still has tremendous agency in determining its own policies, even if such policies come at the expense of the long-term socioeconomic welfare of Pakistani citizens. {CBSE St 22 (Term 1D] >uspsl/ growing problem-its-china-econom 17, Outline and discuss any jwo economic advantages of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEQ) accruing to the economy of Pakistan. {CBSE SP 2 (Ferm 18. Analyse the implication of bilateral ‘debt-trap’ situation of Pakistan vis-a-vis the Chinese Economy. (CBSE SP 2 (Ferm 19. “In the late 1970s, China's population growth rate had sharply declined as compared to India” Elucidate the reason and impact of this situation. CBSE Al 2022 (Term 1 20. Explain the concept of ‘Dual Pricing’ adopted by China. (CUSE AL 2022 (Term I] 21. Based on the given data, compare any two parameters for the economies of India and China. S.No. [items India| China () | Human Development Index (HDI) (Value) 0609 [0727 (i) | HOT Rank 130 ” (ii | Life Expectancy at Birth (in years) 682 738 (iv) | CDP per capita (PPP $ US) 3730__| 13572 Source HDI Report 2014 and WOI. (CWE ALE Ceo IML “India and Pakistan initiated ther journey of development, ucarly atthe same time, yet the tev economies have traveled differen distances”, Justify the given statement with valid arguments. (CUSE AI 2022 (Fern UD ‘On the basis ofthe following information, compare and analyse the popiation growth rate among the given countries [eRSE ALEC Cee I ie Estimated population | Annual growth of Mo (in million) population (in %) 1971 05 Pakistan 188 24 Source. World Development Indicators, 2017 INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-X1, OCAIITNIEU WILT UL ner EEE 256 24, 26. 27. aye ee UNIT Vill : DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE OF INDIA, ‘Compare and analyse the following information related to Imports and Exports of the three neighbouring nations: [CBSE SP 23) Exports from India (in €Crore) | ___Imports to India (in Crore) ed ee ee Pakistan 2341 14,426 37 427 3476 51 hina 25,232 117,289 26 31,892, 4,92,079 103 Explain valid reasons for the slow growth and re-emergence of poverty in Pakistan, “In the late 1970s, China introduced the sex ratio”. Justify the given statem Critically appraise the developm: [CBSE AI 23] with skewed [CBSE SP 24) [CBSE Ar 23¢] One-child policy that led to arrest in the population coupled ‘ent with valid arguments in support of your answer, rental journey of Pakistan since 1947, Long Answer Type Questions (6 Marks) pe Questions (6 Marks) Evaluate Pakistan's development strategy. Compare the demographic indicators of India with China, Explain the sectoral growth of China, Pakistan and Indi Compare the gross domestic product growth of India, Pakistan and China, HDI indications for Pakistan, China, Scanned with CamScanner

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