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Elijah Ho 6 Joy

Due: 11 August 2023 Friday

A Discovery

I will never forget the day that I made an incredible discovery.

“Sam, pack up the storeroom!” My mother hollered,” It’s in a total

mess.” Sighing, I trudged to the storeroom reluctantly as my mother’s
nagging trailed off. Billows of dust puffed up as I heaved out the first
box. As I opened the box, I chanced upon the diary. The diary that
changed my life forever…

My parents and I had just moved into an archaic mansion and I was
happy as a lark when I heard that we were moving into the new place.

When my parents and I were exploring our new mansion, I spotted a

ladder to the attic. Curious to find out what was up there, I slowly
climbed up the ladder as it was wobbly, and the smell of the attic
effluvia was almost unbearable. Curiosity got the better of me and I
ventured deeper into the attic, where I spotted boxes upon boxes of
vintage items. There were typewriters, old sewing machines and much
more but what caught my attention the most was a diary which had a
worn leather cover with intricate designs and patterns. The pages had
yellowed with age, and I noticed a ribbon sticking out of the diary. I
picked up the diary and brought it down to the living room and started

As I flipped through the pages of the diary, I was transported into

another time. The words painted a vivid picture of the past. I was
completely engrossed in the story. As I read, it was one particular part
that stuck out to me. This was the page where a golden ribbon was
sticking out of it:
"June 12th, 1892
__I have finally done it. After years of searching, I have found the key
to my family’s fortune. It was hidden in plain sight all along. When
pulled, a book on the bookshelf downstairs reveals a secret room. And
inside, oh the treasures that await! Gold, crystals, precious
gemstones… enough to last a hundred genera�ons. I must be careful
not to let anyone know of my discovery. If not…"

I closed the book shut. I couldn’t believe it. Could this be true? A
million thoughts ran through my head. I raced downstairs to the
basement and found the bookshelf. My heart palpitated wildly in
anticipation as I searched for the book men�oned in the diary entry.
There it was. The key. I pulled it out, but nothing happened. As I was
walking away in disappointment, I heard an ear-deafening crack! I
turned around to see what caused the sound and to my amazement,
the bookshelf moved aside to reveal a hidden door. I stepped aside and
gasped in amazement at what I saw. The room was filled to the brim
with gold, crystals, and precious gemstones. It was like something out
of a fairy tale. I couldn’t believe my luck.

At first, I wasn’t sure if I should tell my parents about my discovery.

Then I realised that this was something that could change our lives
forever. So, with a deep breath, I went to find them and share the
incredible news.
“Mum, Dad! I have just made the most unbelievable discovery in our
life�me that could change our lives forever!” I exclaimed. My parents
were shocked when I showed them the secret room and all the
treasures buried in it. They were all speechless, and their jaws
dropped. After their initial shock wore off, we started brainstorming
what to do with our newfound wealth. We decided to use it wisely,
investing in our future. With our newfound wealth, we became the
richest family on earth, and millions of reporters would swarm us
whenever we went out. Our lives were transformed instantaneously,
and living a life of extravagance and comfort. We travelled the world,
experiencing new cultures and adventures. It was truly a phenomenal

“Sam! Are you done yet?” my mother questioned. I jolted out of my

reverie, with a bright smile plastered on my face. Still lost in my
thoughts, I replied absentmindedly, “Almost done, Mom. Just a few
more minutes.”

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