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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan

(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)



Procedure No. X-XX-XX-X-027
Version [v0]

Reviewed by:

Program / Project Director: Date

Approved by:

General Manager: Date

Rev. Description Author Date

V0 First draft to be approved Anne-Sophie RODDE /2015

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GDF 002(F)_R0
GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Version Page Modifications


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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)


1. Purpose..........................................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................4
3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES............................................................................................4
5. POLICY AND PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................4
5.1 Organization and requirements.............................................................................................4
5.2 Job Safety Analysis.................................................................................................................5
5.3 Legislation and regulation......................................................................................................5
5.4 Permits to work.....................................................................................................................6
5.5 Environment protection requirements..................................................................................6
5.6 Housekeeping Management..................................................................................................7
5.7 Inspection and certification of tools and vehicle...................................................................7
5.8 Personal Protective Equipment.............................................................................................8
5.9 Emergency procedure............................................................................................................8
5.10 Site Safety Induction training plan.........................................................................................9
6. ATTACHMENTS..............................................................................................................................9
7. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................9

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The purpose of the procedure is to define the health, safety and environment requirements on a
construction site to manage activities while respecting regulation and legislation of the site location.

The procedure covers any matter relating to health, safety and environment management on a
construction site and is supported by the program HSE management procedure 6-HSE-XX-X-047.


ASY: Assystem who is the program management consultancy contracted to manage the program
under the name of the project’s owner.
PMC: Program Management Consultancy.
PROGRAM: All works to be performed as part of the [NAME OF THE PROJECT] under the supervision
of the client and the supervision and administration of ASSYSTEM.
HSE: Health, Safety and Environment.
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment.


According to the size and scope of the program, management resources may be replaced by senior
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Reviews and approves any reports that are issued to the project’s owner for
his approval.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ASY representative who is responsible for the management on site of
the construction phase of the program. He reports to the program director.
PROJECT TEAM: ASY representatives who are responsible for the management of the construction
activities of the program. They report to the construction manager.
PROJECT’S OWNER: Is the final decision-maker.
STAKEHOLDER: Any party that has an interest in the program.
CONTRACTOR: Any contractor involved in the construction activities of the program.
REGULATORY BODY: Authority in charge of controlling the respect of regulations, legislation and
safety on the construction site.

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)


5.1 Organization and requirements

The construction manager assisted by the project’s owner should list the requirements in term of
HSE organization the project’s owner and the regulatory body require on the construction site.
An HSE committee should be set up including members of project’s owner, project team and
contractor. He should analyse accident situations and also situations near miss. His role should be
defined in the Program HSE Management procedure 6-HSE-XX-X-047.
The construction manager should:
 List the expectations of the project’s owner and the local regulatory body in term of
standards and regulation for instance
 Draft the organizational chart that may be based on the program HSE management
Please refer to procedure 6-HSE-XX-X-047 – Program HSE Management.

5.2 Job Safety Analysis

A Job Safety Analysis is a risk assessment tool developed and submitted by the contractor to the
construction manager. It is used to identify and control workplace hazards with the aim of
preventing personal injury to any personnel on site. The job safety analysis should be related to on
specific construction area and specific conditions while performing the activity.
The construction manager assisted by the relevant project team should review and approve that:
 Workplace hazards have been identified by the contractors
 Hazards have been assessed
 Types of control that should be applied to reduce the associated risk have been selected
The list of hazards is subjective and depends on the type of construction activity. It is usually a form
with basic information such as:
 Activity
 Hazard identified: Any factor that can cause damage to personnel, property or to the
 Control measures: Any process for controlling and preventing the hazard
The construction manager may assess the hazard and add a risk level rating the priority of the hazard
and the responsible delegated to apply the control.
If at any time during the activity circumstances change, work should be stopped, and the hazards
and controls described in the job safety analysis should be reassessed, additional controls used, or
alternative methods devised.
When the activity is complete, the project team should have a close-out meeting with the
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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

construction manager to discuss the lessons learned that may be incorporated into the job safety
analysis the next time a similar activity is undertaken.

5.3 Legislation and regulation

Standards and regulations from the project’s owner and the regulatory body should be applied on
site to ensure a good health, safety, and environment management.
The construction manager should draft a list of all the standards required by the project’s owner and
the regulatory body in the organisation and requirements section. Refer 5.1.
Once the list has been filled, the construction manager should get an issuance approval from the
project’s owner and make sure those standards are applied by the contractors or any personnel on
site involved in the program, as he is responsible in case a problem occurs.
The list of standards requirements depends on the type of construction activity. It should be in line
with the program HSE management plan.

5.4 Permits to work

The permits to work procedure is a control procedure that ensures workforce on site has the right to
work on the construction activities:
 This is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that his workforce is allowed to work
on site
 This is the responsibility of the construction manager to make sure that the workforce has all
the authorizations required to work on site
Permits to work could include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Cold work permits used in hazardous construction or maintenance work that does not
involve “hot work”
 Hot work permits issued when heat or sparks are generated by work such as welding,
burning, cutting etc.
 Confined space entry permits issued when entering any confined space
 Special permits issued to cover specific hazards such as extremely hazardous conditions,
radioactive materials etc.

5.5 Environment protection requirements

Before starting any work on the construction site, the construction manager should approve an
environmental protection plan that should be applicable by the contractors to comply with the
requirements of both the project’s owner and the relevant regulatory body.
The contractor should list and provide to the construction manager the documented identification of
all environmental impacts and hazards generated by its activities and products, with:
 The detailed measures to be implemented to reduce environmental impacts
 A suitable monitoring plans
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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 All documents required ensuring correct environmental management.

The environmental protection plan could contain at minimum:
 An environmental statement with general applicable measures
 A waste management system with all legal documents concerning contractors in charge of
remove and treatment of wastes
 All impacts with the means to implement in order to control and reduce them at their source
both inside and outside the construction site enclosure.
All the environmental documents that are required should be approved by the construction manager
prior starting any work on site and all procedures to be applied should be implemented by the
contractor and approved by the construction manager.
Reporting between the contractor and the construction manager
On a regular basis as per contract, the contractor should send an environmental report to the
construction manager that should contain:
 Modifications of facilities that impact the environment
 Results of all types of consumption
 Quantities of waste by type
 Number of observations and references of environment observation forms
 Any other actions in place or done
The construction manager should send to the project’s owner and the regulatory body on their
request a regular report based on results coming from the contractors.
He should also draft an annual report that summarizes all results and actions improved during the
year on the construction site and identifies all the matters to follow in particular during the coming

5.6 Housekeeping Management

A housekeeping management procedure should be set up to identify and explain the rules and
recommendations necessary for the establishment of clean and tidy construction site areas.
The construction manager should:
 Define the rules between the contractors working on site according to their scope and
volume of business and the step of work
 Supervise the implementation and the management and respect of good practises to ensure
the legal safety standards:
o How equipment is delivered, stored, and handled
o How site is cleaned
o How the waste is treated including segregation and treatment disposal
 Ensure that the attendance of the cleanliness companies is covered by all contractors
through the shared site expenses

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Provide all necessary training for housekeeping protocol that should be followed by all
contractors involved on the construction site.
The procedure should be applied into the construction site areas concerned and each contractor is
responsible for his own part. The contractor may require a cleanliness company that will be in
charge of the housekeeping management for his scope and should provide to the construction
manager its name.

5.7 Inspection and certification of tools and vehicle

Inspection and certification of the tools, vehicle and equipment used on the construction site should
be planned on a defined frequency in order to comply with safety regulation. Compliance certificates
should be issued by the relevant certified inspection body to approve their use. The construction
manager should collect and store all the certificates and be able to submit them in case of audit.
It is the responsibility of the construction manager to conduct random audits to make sure that all
the contractors have the required certification for their equipment, as operations do not start at the
same time on site.
The construction manager should list the certificates that the certified inspection body may require:
 Calibration certificate
 Lifting tools and cranes
 Scaffolds and temporary structures
 Compression tools
 Transportation equipment etc.

5.8 Personal Protective Equipment

A Personal Protective Equipment is an equipment worn to minimize exposure to serious workplace
injuries and illnesses and refers to protecting clothing and protective gears.
Protective equipment should be worn for job-related occupational safety and health purposes. They
do not eliminate the hazard at source and may result in workforce being exposed to the hazard if the
equipment fails.
The construction manager should ensure a proper use of the PPE by all personnel involved on the
construction site by approving the proper selection and ensuring the use and care of the protective
equipment through construction site areas hazard assessments and appropriate workforce training.
He should ensure, assisted by all relevant project team, that:
 The appropriate PPE based on the hazards of the construction site area have been identified
 The required PPE have been provided and extra equipment is available
 PPE are properly used by all personnel involved on site
 Maintenance of PPE are ensured in clean and reliable conditions

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Trainings are provided when a PPE is needed, what type of PPE is needed, how to properly
put on, adjust, wear, and remove the PPE, the useful life and limitations of the PPE, the
proper care, storage, and disposal of the PPE
The personal protective equipment may be:
 Eye protection
 Face Shields
 Hand Protection
 Body Protection
 Occupational Foot Protection
 Respiratory Protection
 Hearing Protection
 Occupational Head Protection
 Electrical Protection etc.
The construction manager should ensure that personal protective equipment complies with basic
health and safety requirements. He is responsible for compliance in case of audit from the relevant
regulatory body.
The construction manager has the right to cancel permits to work of contractors if they do not
comply with the requirements in term of use of the PPE.

5.9 Emergency procedure

An emergency is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation that requires immediate
action. To comply with demands from insurers or from the regulatory body, the construction
manager should plan an emergency procedure that should be conducted in response to an
emergency event such as evacuation, natural hazard, accident, or fire:
 Assess the emergency occurrence and its consequences. The emergency procedure should
provide an appropriate and proportionate response to the situation.
 Identify the responsibilities, actions and resources necessary to deal with the emergency.
Once drafted, the procedure may require a testing and training period.
 When the emergency procedure is revised and reissued, the previous versions should be
withdrawn to avoid confusion or errors.
 Creating the emergency procedure may highlight failings in current arrangements and help
reducing the risks.
 Organize reviews to brainstorm on lessons learned from previous emergencies in order to
update the latest version of the plan.

5.10 Site Safety Induction training plan

The project’s owner may require the Project Management Consultancy to be in charge of the safety-
induction training plan.

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GDF 002(F) – PMC AMP – Construction Site HSE Plan
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

In this case, the construction manager and the relevant project team should make sure all the
personnel involved on the construction site understand the work health and safety policies and
undertake any necessary training before using potentially dangerous equipment or materials.
Relevant users could be:
 New site personnel are at greater risk of injuring themselves at work than existing site
 Site personnel returning to work after a long absence
 Site personnel changing roles
Work health and safety training should be on-going on a regular basis (may be annually) to reduce
the risk of incidents and keep all personnel up to date with the processes.
During a work health and safety induction, the construction manager and the relevant project team
should cover:
 Status of the work on site and short-term working plan
 Hazards and risks on site
 Special equipment such as personal protective equipment that may require additional
 Safe work practices
 Work health and safety legislation
 Emergency procedures
 First aid and other emergency contacts.
When the induction is complete, the construction manager should get a training confirmation form
signed by the site personnel certifying they understood the training. He should keep a record of all
the trainings in case of audit from the regulatory body.


 Project Execution Plan procedure
 Scope Management procedure
 Contract Execution procedure
 Cost Monitoring procedure
 Document Management procedure
 Risk Assessment

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