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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process

(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)



Procedure No. X-XX-XX-X-017
Version [v0]

Reviewed by:

Program / Project Director: Date

Approved by:

General Manager: Date

Rev. Description Author Date

V0 First draft to be approved Anne-Sophie RODDE /2015

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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

1. This policy and procedure is controlled and centralized by the Quality Assurance Department.
2. Only the controlled electronic version is true and correct.
3. All printed or other copied versions are uncontrolled and should be destroyed when finished with.
4. The user is responsible for consulting the latest electronic version online.

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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Version Page Modifications


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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)


1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................4
3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES............................................................................................4
5. POLICY AND PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................5
5.1 Task Order.............................................................................................................................5
5.2 Schedule Requirements.........................................................................................................5
5.3 Field Instruction.....................................................................................................................6
5.4 Investigation and Pre-Existing Work......................................................................................6
5.5 Mobilization of Resources......................................................................................................7
5.6 Request For Information........................................................................................................7
5.7 Redline and As-Built Documents............................................................................................9
5.8 Construction Material............................................................................................................9
5.9 Punch List...............................................................................................................................9
5.9.1 Initial punch list (Construction phase)..........................................................................10
5.9.2 Formal punch list (Commissioning phase)....................................................................10
5.10 Deliverables Review and Approval.......................................................................................11
5.11 Document Preparation........................................................................................................12
5.12 Construction Close-Out........................................................................................................12
5.12.1 Operational close-out..................................................................................................13
5.12.2 Administrative close-out..............................................................................................13
5.12.3 Contracts close-out......................................................................................................13
5.12.4 Lessons learned............................................................................................................14
6. ATTACHMENTS............................................................................................................................14
7. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................14

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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The purpose of the procedure is to identify the various activities involved in managing the
construction phase of the program.

The procedure covers basic activities to start the construction phase and manage the work through
investigating on the existing work, mobilizing resources and determining processes to request
information and to deliver work, until the close-out step.


ASY: Assystem who is the program management consultancy contracted to manage the program
under the name of the project’s owner.
PMC: Program Management Consultancy.
PROGRAM: All works to be performed as part of the [NAME OF THE PROJECT] under the supervision
of the client and the supervision and administration of ASSYSTEM.


According to the size and scope of the program, management resources may be replaced by senior
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Reviews and approves any reports that are issued to the project’s owner for
his approval.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ASY representative who is responsible for the management of the
construction phase of the program. He reports to the program director.
PROJECT TEAM: ASY representatives who are responsible for the management of the construction
activities of the program. They report to the construction manager.
PROJECT’S OWNER: Is the final decision-maker.
STAKEHOLDER: Any party that has an interest in the program.
CONTRACTOR: Any contractor involved in the construction activities of the program.
REGULATORY BODY: Authority in charge of controlling the respect of regulations, legislation, and
safety on the construction site.
PLANNING ENGINEER: Reports to the construction manager.
Updates the schedule every week/month depending on required frequency with the
progress data, resources, and timescales in accordance with the dedicated procedures on
the dedicated scope of work
 Provides analyses and what-if scenario on the dedicated scope of work

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Reports on the progress of the program regarding its baseline

PROJECT CONTROLS MANAGER: Coordinates the project controls department. He reports to the
program director.
DESIGN MANAGER: ASY representative who is responsible for the management of the design phase
of the program. He reports to the program director.


A construction process sets out guidance to the construction manager and to all the people involved
in construction activities ensures that the requirements of the contract are met.
The process identifies different activities that should be carried out, controlled, and documented to
ensure conformity to construction input requirements.

5.1 Task Order

Task orders are contractual and obligating documents addressed to the contractors as part of a
contract that should include a task description, duration with starting and ending dates with a
baseline schedule reference, cost reminder when necessary etc.
The construction manager assisted with the relevant project team should issue and address the task
orders to the contractors and ensure that the scope of work has been well understood by all parties
involved in order to transmit the field instruction when relevant to supplement the task order.
The task order issuing should depend on the type of contract the contractor may have agreed with
the project’s owner.
Refer to Task Order procedure X-XX-XX-002.

5.2 Schedule Requirements

The contractor should generate and submit an initial construction schedule to the construction
manager in accordance with the contract requirements. Upon receipt of the contractor construction
schedule, the construction manager should review and approve the schedule assisted by the
relevant project team and the planning engineer and forward an electronic copy, in primavera or any
other planning software, to the planning engineer for incorporation of the schedule in the program
master schedule if acceptable by the project’s owner.
The review may include:
 Constructability
 Logic
 Resource allocation
 Critical path
 Cash flow projection
 Contract milestone
 Interface points with other concurrent activities
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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Adequate schedule detail to manage the construction step etc.

If the contractor initial construction schedule is not acceptable, the construction manager should
send a letter to the contractor, copying the relevant project team, stating the issues and request that
the schedule be resubmitted after correction.
The construction manager should carry out the construction schedules coordination of the different
contractors and parties involved in the construction phase.
Refer to the Schedule Management System Procedure X-XX-XX-030.

5.3 Field Instruction

The Construction Manager should issue a field instruction to the contractors involved in the
construction process with the understanding that the form should have no cost or schedule impact
on the contractor’s work on the project. The project’s owner may also issue a field instruction that
would be managed by the construction manager and would follow the process described above.
The construction manager should enter the action to be taken in the instruction section of the form,
attach any drawings, sketches, or other documentation in clarification, and sign and date in the
spaces provided.
The field instruction should be logged into a log and a copy retained in the field instruction file with
the original transmitted to the contractor. Copies could be distributed as required.
If it is determined that the field instruction will have a cost or schedule impact, the contractor should
provide justification for such claim for review by the construction manager and approval by the
project controls manager.
Depending on the urgency of the activity, the contractor may proceed to the field activity without
formal approval and any cost and schedule impacts may be discussed and mutually agreed between
the contractor and the project’s owner.

5.4 Investigation and Pre-Existing Work

When the contractor receives a contract that requires work around prior or existing work, or to start
new work that affects or is affected by prior or existing work, an investigation plan may be required.
The contractor should prepare and submit a plan to the construction manager for review and
approval. The plan may include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Description, inventory, and configuration of the work area
 Proposed method of investigation, including how to determine current work conditions
 Method of continued monitory of the condition of existing work
 Documentation and reporting
 Recording of any discrepancies in pre-supposed information
 Plan to mitigate any impacts etc.

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The construction manager should review, comment, and approve when appropriate, the plan for
use. The contractor should perform the work as planned and the construction manager should:
 Monitor, inspect and review all in-process documents and plan implementation to
 Review the investigation results including any discrepancies which may require modification
or re-design of the scope of work. The contractor should issue a statement summarizing the
found condition of prior or existing work and a clear statement whether or not work can
start as planned
 Depending on the recommendation of the contractor, the construction manager should
determine the impact of any discrepancies found and should either request further
investigation or indicate the required actions or changes in any elements to facilitate the
commencement of the contractor’s work
Based on the investigation and report, the contractor should prepare a mobilization plan including
providing protection of existing facilities for instance. He should reflect the impact of any
discrepancies into the plan and into the construction schedule to perform the work.
The construction manager should confirm and request for approval to the project’s owner the plan,
the construction schedule and also any necessary changes to the work. Once the approval requested
is received, the contractor may start the work.

5.5 Mobilization of Resources

The construction manager may supervise the mobilization plan of the human resources assets
required for the construction phase of the program in order to ensure the respect of the schedule,
the costs and the quality of the work to be performed during the construction phase.
The resource mobilization is based on an estimate of needs made by all contractors involved in the
construction phase. The construction manager should ensure:
 The conformity between specifications on contract for the work to be performed and skills
and qualifications of the identified resources: technical, managerial, craft etc.
 The availability and number of the resources to ensure the respect of the construction
schedule in alignment with working time regulations and workload. An alternate plan should
be planned in case of needs
 The well training of the resources according to the specificity of the contract: The
responsibility for training, developing and qualifying operational workers should be included
in the contract under the contractor responsibility
 All permits to work issued by the regulatory body should be valid
 Access control applications should be under process
 The insurance system should be aligned with the regulatory body and as per the contract:
The responsibility for insuring workers may be included in the contract under the project’s
owner responsibility

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.6 Request For Information

Any contractor that identifies a basic or technical question related to the construction phase of the
program or requests further clarification to properly perform his work may issue a Request for
Information to the construction manager.
Either the construction manager assisted by the relevant project team suggest a solution or submit
the request to the design manager when relevant to the design phase. The design manager should
assess the requested information and transmit when relevant to the design contractor.
Refer to Design Management General Process procedure X-XX-XX-013 for support from the design
team to the construction team.
Completing the request form:
The contractor issuing a request should look up the database prior to complete the form in order to
release a request consistent with the already existing ones. Then he should complete the template
form and obtain approval of his management before completing the database. If the request is valid
and appropriate, a unique reference number should be obtained from the Document Management
department. Refer to Document Management procedure 2-DOM-XX-023.
 General information:
o Name
o Subject
o Origin
o Reference to the drawing number when relevant
 Query: The contractor should compile the description of the request in this section. Each
request should explicitly define the question that is to be answered, should contain a well-
defined scope and should provide as much information as is possible. This should enable the
form to be processed quickly and reduce the risk of the form being returned for further
Prioritization is determined by the contractor and classified as:
 High priority when a response is required asap if a serious impact to the program is
 Normal priority
Tender batch:
The directly or potential impacted documents should be identified as much as possible by the
contractor. The tender batch to which the impacted documents are used as input data should also
be identified to allow an adequate traceability and the acknowledgement by all the project team of
any request, besides the resolution that could impact to their scope of work.
Release approval:

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GDF 002(D) – PMC AMP – Construction Management Process
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Once the review of the proposal is done, the form should be signed by the contractor and his
The request should be uploaded into the database, transmitted to the construction manager who
may distribute it to the relevant project team. At least, the same distribution will apply for any
revision of the request. The distribution of the request should follow the record process. Refer to
Document Management procedure X-XX-XX-023.
When receiving the request form approved, the construction manager should:
 Monitor if the request is fully filled by the contractor and use the recommended form. Any
document for clarification should be attached and referenced in the form. The form should
also be signed and dated by the contractor
 Review and assess the request
 Identify if a modification has to be initiated. In such a case, refer to the contract execution
procedure for change management X-XX-XX-025
 Transmit the request response to the contractor:
o If more clarifications are required, a revision should be issued following the above
o If new additional or complementary information is needed, a new version of the
request should be issued where explicit reference to the new or
complementary requirements will be made
o When the response is considered adequate and complete, the contractor should
inform the Document Management department on the closure of the request and
the status of “closed” will be identified in the database. The final response should
be considered as a validated input data.
After completion of the work, the construction manager should ensure the contractor incorporate
the changes on a reproducible set of drawings that have been clearly marked as-built. The
construction manager should also ensure that the as-built documents are incorporated into the final
project record documentation for hand over to the project’s owner upon contract completion.
Requests are considered as records and should be identified according to the Document
Management procedure, filed, and conserved.
The construction manager assisted by the project team should track the request status and issue
periodically status reports monthly that will be sent to the project’s owner.

5.7 Redline and As-Built Documents

The contractor should create a record set of contract drawings and specifications to be identified as
the record set of redline drawings. This record set of redline documents should be controlled and
maintained by the contractor.

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

All approved changes to the original drawings or specifications should be noted in red ink, with a
reference to the approved document that precipitated the change, for instance request for
information number, field instruction number, variance number etc.
The process of creating redline drawings may include the following:
 Marking installed, removed items, or deleted items
 Incorporating approved variances, change orders, submittals, substitutions
 Incorporating newly located items not depicted on project drawings
When a change is recorded on a drawing and this change affects information depicted on other
drawings, the contractor should note the change on all affected drawings and redline them
accordingly. These redline drawings and specifications should be used by the contractor to develop
the as-built documents for final completion.
The field construction drawings should be maintained according to the same process. These
documents should be monitored by the project team on a regular basis to verify that all drawings are
being properly maintained by the contractor.

5.8 Construction Material

The construction manager should ensure that the contractors provided material for the construction
phase in line with contract specifications.
Prior to the use of this material, the contractor should provide either samples or physical mock-up as
per the contract requirements. The physical mock-up should also be an input that may be used to
check the constructability of the part and selection of the construction material. The contractor
should request for inspection to the construction manager and eventually to the project’s owner to
ensure the right compliance.

5.9 Punch List

A punch list is a list of outstanding work or material by sub-system, necessary to complete the sub-
system. It may be categorized by discipline and priority. Such a list should track the contractor’s
corrective action and should be initiated as soon as practical during each stage of the construction
The lists are likely to contain fewer and fewer outstanding items as punch list work is corrected.
When the work of the contract has been completed to the extent possible, and any non-conforming
or omitted work has been accounted for by contract change order, the phase is ready for a final
inspection and subsequent close-out.
The final inspection is conducted with the commissioning team in the commissioning phase of the
program to ensure that all punch list items have been corrected and that the contractor has
completed the work in accordance as per contract.

5.9.1 Initial punch list (Construction phase)

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The construction manager should initiate as soon as practical during the construction phase and until
the substantial completion an initial punch list. Indeed, corrective actions may be required while
construction work is still performed by the contractors.
Assisted by the relevant project team, the construction manager should develop the initial punch list
as a basis to begin the formal punch list that is dedicated to the commissioning activities.
Significant items contained therein should be discussed with the contractor to ensure these are
covered and the construction manager should keep the responsibility for integrating the relevant
items into the initial punch list. He should also be responsible to close the list when all the items
have been completed.
Upon notification by the contractor that the phase is ready for a final inspection and before
completing the formal punch list, an intermediate inspection should be scheduled by the
construction manager.
There may be different categories of punch list items:
 Either the punch list item is minor that does not have direct impact to the commissioning
 Or the punch list item is major and does impact the commissioning activities. In such case,
the contractor should complete this punch list before the starting of the commissioning

5.9.2 Formal punch list (Commissioning phase)

Upon receipt of the contractor’s notice of substantial completion, the construction manager should
pass it to the commissioning team to schedule an inspection with the project’s owner and the
contractor to inspect the work in accordance to the contract drawings and specifications. The formal
punch list should be developed during this inspection noting each item to be corrected. If there are
items found to be listed on a punch list, this should be known as the contractor’s first notice of
substantial completion.
The formal punch list may include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Items pertaining to the work in place and testing, adjustment and balancing of all systems
and equipment on the project
 Code inspection deficiencies as well as items not required by code, but required to complete
the work in full compliance with the contract documents
 Name of the individual who noted the deficiency, in case questions arise one will know who
to contact to ask for more details
 A detailed description of deficiency
 Responsible contractor to show who is responsible to complete the item
 Each item should indicate reference to the related specification section and/or pertinent
 A drawing should be attached and marked to show the location of the item that requires
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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 The punch list should have a location for each item to be signed off as completed, a place for
the completion date to be inserted, a comments section for each item listed, and also a
section for the contractor to mark to show if the item is within contract scope of work or out
of contract scope of work
The commissioning manager should review the punch list weekly and note any items that have been
completed, and when relevant sign the list. He should provide a weekly status report and an
updated punch list to the contractor.
If punch list inspections determine that the contractor is not substantially complete due to major
systems or portions of the work being incomplete, a checklist noting the major areas of incomplete
work should be prepared. If deemed necessary, the punch list items may be elevated to the status of
deficiency notice, non-conformance report, or corrective action request depending on the urgency
of the punch list item. This procedure should continue until the contractor reaches a stage of
substantial completion, at which time the detailed work remaining list should be prepared.
Upon receipt of the contractor’s second notice of substantial completion, the punch list should be
updated and forms the basis for determining if the contractor is finally complete. Again, if the
contractor has not completed all punch list items, a letter should be sent notifying the contractor
that the work is not finally complete and outlining punch list items that remain open.
When the majority all of the originally noted deficient, omitted or non-complying work is remedied,
and following completion of systems and equipment start-up, the commissioning manager should
conduct a final inspection to confirm substantial completion of the project. Any items remaining to
be done, or omitted as agreed upon, should be noted on an attachment to the statement of work
accepted and should become known as the remaining work list items. The statement of work
accepted establishes the project completion date and the commencement date for equipment
warranties and product guarantees.

5.10 Deliverables Review and Approval

The contractor should be responsible to prepare a complete submittal register of all deliverables
including all items to be submitted as identified in the contract documents, including drawings,
specifications, general conditions, and special conditions.
The contractor should enter details of each submittal on the submittal register and review the
submittal for compliance and completeness with contract document requirements. The submittal
register should be maintained and accessible to the construction manager and the relevant project
team at any time, and to the project’s owner. Submittals noted as being incomplete; revise and
resubmit; and rejected should be resubmitted by the contractor within a determined period of time
of returned receipt as per contract.
The construction manager should confirm each submittal to confirm that is in compliance with the
contract. Once the submittal is determined to meet contract requirements it should be transmitted
to the relevant project team for review.

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The project team should forward his comments to the construction manager within a determined
period of time as per contract:
 In the event a submittal is returned to the contractor, the construction manager may copy
the project’s owner on the transmittal to the contractor
 Once the construction manager concurs that the submittal is in full compliance of the
contract requirements, he may forward the submittal to the project’s owner for review and
approval if necessary
In that case, the project’s owner should advise the construction manager of his comments within a
determined period of time as per contract. The construction manager should review the project’s
owner's comments and forward to the contractor for action. The submittal may be marked as:
 Submit: work may proceed subject to incorporation of changes as noted
 Revise and resubmit work may not proceed, on the technical submittal cover sheet and
noting the action in the submittals log.
Anticipation and preparation work may be sent during the lifecycle of the activity to facilitate the
approval process.
The project team should file the submittal on site in accordance with the document management
procedure agreed as per contract.

5.11 Document Preparation

The document preparation should be a standard process common to all phases of the program.
The documents should have a common structure with:
 Title page, brief description, and document classification
 Control of modifications and of preliminary or pending information
 Distribution
 The main text of the document
They also should have a reference respecting an identification process. Refer to Document
Management procedure 2-DOM-XX-023.
The documents should be classified for instance as below, and specified in the cover page as purpose
of issue:
 For use
 For information only
 For project’s owner approval etc.
Under the heading of “Control of modifications and of preliminary or pending information”, any
relevant modification should be listed and any information that is relevant to the document should
be set out.
The distribution list of hard copies should be specified under the heading “Distribution”.
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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Once the document has been prepared as per specifications, it should follow the program document
management process described in procedure “X-XXX-XX-023 - Document Management”.

5.12 Construction Close-Out

The construction close-out finalizes all activities completed across the construction phase of the
program to formally achieve the construction and officially transfer to the commissioning team.
The close-out only applies to the portion of the program scope and associated activities dedicated to
the construction phase.
The construction manager should use a checklist to make sure all key items have been completed.

5.12.1 Operational close-out

Before issuing a “Ready For Commissioning” certificate that allows the transition between the
construction phase and the commissioning phase, the construction manager should ensure that:
 The initial punch list completion is done
 All temporary site facilities, trailers, etc. have been removed
 Final inspections and secure certificates of occupancy have been issued
 Final site cleaning is done
 All product warranties have been secured
 Systems start-up and customer employee training programs have been provided
 Additional material and spare parts per specifications have been provided
 Changeover utility connections and fees such as gas, electric, telephone, etc. are effective
 A project’s owner’s manual per specification is prepared etc.
After the final inspections have been signed off, the responsibility should be transferred from the
construction manager to the commissioning manager.

5.12.2 Administrative close-out

The construction manager should define the activities and related roles and responsibilities of the
project team and any other stakeholders involved in executing the administrative close-out of the
The construction manager should:
 Ensure that as-built drawings have been secured from contractors
 Supervise that construction records have been collected and final versions have been
 Ensure that all the final invoices have been collected
 Analyse with the relevant project team the phase success and failure and conduct the
lessons learned process (see below)
 Close the insurance contract
 Ensure the correct transfer to the commissioning team of the products or services etc.

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.12.3 Contracts close-out

Assisted by the relevant project team, the construction manager should ensure that each parties to
the contract have fulfilled their contractual obligations and there are not responsibilities
remaining when ending the construction phase.
The construction manager should:
 Confirm the phase has addressed the terms and conditions of contracts
 Compare actual performance against performance measures, goals and objectives and verify
that all deliverables due have been delivered and accepted by the project’s owner
 Validate that phase exit criteria have been met
 Formally close-out all contracts associated with the completed phase
 Obtain final completion documents for final acceptance etc.

5.12.4 Lessons learned

The construction manager should conduct a post-phase assessment and surveys to solicit feedbacks
on the phase. He should therefore organize a meeting to review and assess the success of the phase
in order to determine if there are any lessons learned for future similar programs. The meeting
should include the relevant project team, members of the contractors and the project’s owner, and
any other relevant stakeholders.
The construction manager should draft a form with topics to be discussed:
 Did the deliverables meet the requirements and goals of the phase
 Is the project’s owner satisfied with the end product
 Were the costs and schedule met
 Were the risks identified and mitigated
 Identify health and safety lessons learned
 What bottlenecks or hurdles were experienced and what could be improved
 What procedure could be implemented in future similar program etc.
As an outcome of the lessons learned sessions, a recommendation should be drafted in order to
assist in future programs in term of cost saving, constructability, contractual set up, schedule, health
and safety, and design.
The construction manager should gather the feedbacks and store and archive them when done.


 Contract Execution procedure
 Task Order procedure
 Schedule Management System
 Document Management procedure

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(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Information Technology Plan procedure

 Commissioning Management procedure
 Design Management General Process procedure

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