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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management

(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)



Procedure No. X-XX-XX-X-028
Version [v0]

Reviewed by:

Program / Project Director: Date

Approved by:

General Manager: Date

Rev. Description Author Date

V0 First draft to be approved Anne-Sophie RODDE /2015

1. This policy and procedure is controlled and centralized by the Quality Assurance Department.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

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3. All printed or other copied versions are uncontrolled and should be destroyed when finished with.
4. The user is responsible for consulting the latest electronic version online.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Version Page Modifications


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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)


1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................4
3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES............................................................................................4
5. POLICY AND PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................4
5.1 Shared Site Expenses.............................................................................................................4
5.2 Site Preparation.....................................................................................................................5
5.2.1 Zoning............................................................................................................................5
5.2.2 Safety signs and signals..................................................................................................6
5.2.3 Site lighting....................................................................................................................7
5.2.4 Storage and lay down area............................................................................................7
5.2.5 Medical support.............................................................................................................8
5.2.6 Site infrastructure..........................................................................................................8
5.2.7 Waste management.......................................................................................................8
5.3 Site Access Control.................................................................................................................9
5.3.1 People access.................................................................................................................9
5.3.2 Material and delivery access........................................................................................11
5.4 Site Surveillance...................................................................................................................11
5.4.1 Physical Protection System..........................................................................................11
5.4.2 Site Security Patrolling.................................................................................................11
5.5 Regulatory Permits..............................................................................................................12
5.6 On Duty Management.........................................................................................................12
5.7 Shared information..............................................................................................................12
6. ATTACHMENTS............................................................................................................................13
7. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................13

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

The purpose of the procedure is to define basic activities the Program Management Consultancy
should ensure to supervise work on a construction site.

The procedure covers the preparation and maintenance of the construction site to ensure safety and
security to any personnel on site and equipment, and the management of shared facilities between
the contractors involved on site to ensure smoothness and better coordination of the activities.


ASY: Assystem who is the program management consultancy contracted to manage the program
under the name of the project’s owner.
PMC: Program Management Consultancy
PROGRAM: All works to be performed as part of the [NAME OF THE PROJECT] under the supervision
of the client and the supervision and administration of ASSYSTEM.
PRORATA ACCOUNT: The account for managing and allocating shared site expenses between
contractors involved in the construction phase of the program.


According to the size and scope of the program, management resources may be replaced by senior
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Reviews and approves any reports that are issued to the project’s owner for
his approval.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ASY representative who is responsible for the management on site of
the construction phase of the program. He reports to the program director.
PROJECT TEAM: ASY representatives who are responsible for the management of the construction
activities of the program. They report to the construction manager.
PROJECT’S OWNER: Is the final decision-maker.
STAKEHOLDER: Any party that has an interest in the program.
CONTRACTOR: Any contractor involved in the construction activities of the program.
REGULATORY BODY: Authority in charge of controlling the respect of regulations, legislation and
safety on the construction site.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)


5.1 Shared Site Expenses

This procedure provides a guideline for distribution and management of the prorata account of the
construction activities on site as part of the program under the responsibility of PMC until the
contractual transfer of the facilities.

The construction manager, helped with the relevant project team should:
 Define the relationship and obligations of each contractor, in proportion to the volume of its
contract with the project’s owner
 Allocate the various tasks to be covered as per the contract to the contractors and specify
the management of common services
 Define mutual agreements to ensure good coordination of suppliers’ services and clarify the
charges and allocation of costs to be assigned to the prorata account
 Collect and archive the supporting documents for prorata account debit and credit
 Issue the orders for works or supplies attributable to prorate account
 Categorize the type of expenses, for instance:
o Fixed expenses
o Operating expenses
o Exceptional expenses
o Any other contribution
 Amend the agreement between contractors when necessary

5.2 Site Preparation

5.2.1 Zoning
Construction area:
The construction manager should define, assisted by the relevant project team, a zoning on site in
order to:
 Divide the construction site into logical and manageable areas, each of them being under the
authority of an area construction coordinator
 Easy identification of the working areas
 Ensure a better control of the co-activities of all the contractors involved on the site on the
construction activities, as several operations may start at the same time.
 Adapt and monitor the requirements in term of safety of each zone
 Adapt and monitor the requirements in term of logistics on site, with shared equipment and
tools, movement of the people on site, facilities, and commodities such as electrical needs or
water supply etc.
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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Enable the flow of information on the activity progress having one coordinator in charge of
the construction area
These coordinators should report to the construction manager on planned and unexpected activities
to set up a corrective plan when necessary and keep ensuring the safety of their construction area.
The construction manager, according to the deviation and its emergency, may get an approval from
the project’s owner through the program director.
Perimeter protection:
Where security precautions are in place, notices should be displayed around the perimeter warning
this is the case. These should provide enough information to act as a deterrent without providing
details which could be used to vandalize the security measures. In the event of deterioration, the
repairs should be paid by the responsible party.

 Perimeter fencing: Fencing should be installed around the site perimeter and their
measurements and nature should be agreed in the contract. They should be strong and high
enough to keep intruders out. The perimeter fencing may be removed when there is no
longer outside storage of building materials or building fixtures and when there are no
remaining exterior construction activities requiring separation of non-construction related
personnel from exterior construction activity. Any change in the site fences should be agreed
prior by the construction manager.
 Gates: The number of access points onto the site should be minimized and if possible,
situated in locations that are highly visible. The vehicle and pedestrian gates and openings
should have gates secured after hours of operation that have padlocks to prohibit cutting of

5.2.2 Safety signs and signals

When preparing the construction site, the construction manager should consider the regulatory
body requirements and the project’s owner requirements in terms of safety signs and signals on site,
either to warn and reduce residual risks or to regulate road traffic for instance:
The construction manager should:
 Determine where to use safety signs and signals by assessing hazard identification and risks
o To mark areas
o To mark obstacles and traffic roads
o To identify dangerous substances
o To direct hazardous operations etc.
 Ensure that safety signs and signals are in place and maintained. The construction manager
may provide a report to the regulatory body (and obtain approval if required) and to the
project’s owner with a regular checking of all the safety signs and signals required on site

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

 Provide instruction and training to any personnel entering the construction site explaining
the circumstances in which safety signs and signal are needed and the meaning if they come
into contact with during their attendance on site
The construction manager may list the basic types of signs and signals needed on his site and the
regulatory body may approve the list:
 Prohibition signs
 Warning signs
 Mandatory signs
 Emergency escapes
 Safety colours
 Illuminated signs
 Acoustic signals
 Fire safety signs etc.
At the entrance of the construction site, a program board sign should be erected to inform about
basic information required by the regulatory body such as:
 Program work permit number
 Program details
 Project’s owner name
 Main contractors
 Subcontractors
 Program Management Consultancy name
 Engineering consultants etc.

5.2.3 Site lighting

A site lighting plan should be approved by the construction manager to lid the construction site
during the dark time. The main purpose is to ensure safety on site to avoid for instance poor visibility
of any construction activity, and to deter potential intruders, particularly in vulnerable areas.
The construction manager should:
 Supervise the site locations definition by the relevant contractor
 Supervise the establishment of the level of lighting necessary according to the site locations
 Approve the lighting techniques to use, for instance motion sensors if the required lighting
affect residential areas, or due to environmental and economic conditions
 Supervise the preparation of an emergency site lighting plan
The construction manager should be responsible for the respect of regulations in terms of lighting a
construction site from the regulatory body and the insurance contracted. He should also be able to
provide regular control reviews of the lighting on site and respond to needs in term of lighting.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.2.4 Storage and lay down area

The storage and lay down area should be developed by the construction manager as per the
contract, assisted by the relevant project team and the involved contractors.
The installation drawing of the storage area should be established by the contractors when non-
sharing material and submitted to the construction manager for prior approval and implementation.
After approval, each storage area should be marked out by a physical perimeter and the necessary
equipment should be supplied, installed and maintained by the contractor. The contractor should be
responsible for their security.
Each contractor requiring an additional temporary storage area should send a written request along
with the application form to the construction manager for approval. The construction manager
should assess the request and if required obtain an approval from the project’s owner to grant the
extra storage area to the contractor, with or without cost.
For sharing equipment and tools for the construction site, the storage area may be managed by the
construction manager who could delegate to a specific contractor. To manage this area, an inventory
management tool should be implemented and provide an identification system and a planning
system according to the priority of the on-going operations of the contractors on site.
Any storage of chemicals or inflammable products such as fuel should be the subject of a detailed
request to the site manager and an authorisation should only be granted if the installation fulfils the
health and safety requirements.
When the construction is over, the contractor should dismantle the installation and restore the land
to the original state after completion of the activities. It is the responsibility of the construction
manager to make sure that the common storage areas are dismantled.

5.2.5 Medical support

Working on a construction site may involve inherent risks for the workers. A medical plan based
notably on the local regulatory requirements and as per the contract should be approved by the
construction manager and provided on site by the relevant contractor to cover any medical
assistance required while the work is on-going. The medical plan should cover the day-to-day
medical operations and be the interface with external medical support in case of emergency:
 Number of qualified medical staff including emergency response team
 Proportion of medical vehicles according to the construction workforce
 Basic non-prescribed medication
 Establishment of a clinic with basic equipment and first aid kits
The construction manager should make sure the medical plan is implemented and regular audit are
conducted through the HSE team.
The attendance of the medical team and expenses should be covered by all contractors through the
shared site expenses.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.2.6 Site infrastructure

While preparing the site, the construction manager should plan, assisted by the relevant project
team, the construction of facilities and infrastructure necessary for the on-going work, and
anticipate the use of existing infrastructures:
 Proceeding of the site cleaning and land levelling when necessary
 Construction of temporary roads, parking areas, railroad spurs, exterior utilities
 Connection with existing access road
 Construction of temporary office building, equipment storage sheds, warehouse and on-site
testing and controlling laboratory
 Installation of coupling with water and electrical supply to provide potable water systems,
lighting systems, transmission lines
 Installation of sanitary or sewage treatment facilities etc.
The construction manager should think about the location of the facilities to make easy the access
point according to their importance. For instance, the office building should be accessible by visitors
who do not know the site.

5.2.7 Waste management

A waste management plan should be set up by the construction manager and the relevant project
team to manage wastes on site.
The construction manager should make sure the plan is implemented and applied to all construction
areas on site and to all the contractors and stakeholders on site.
The plan should contain guidelines on:
 Policies and environmental regulations
 Estimates of the type of waste that should be produced on site and the quantity
 Rules on treatment, recycling, removal, and transportation
 Rules on collection, storage, and landfill disposal
 Planning and implementation strategy of the plan
 Defining reporting format and frequency to comply with audit requirements from the
relevant regulatory body
All necessary training for waste protocol should be organized by the construction manager and
followed by all stakeholders involved on the construction site.

5.3 Site Access Control

The site manager should define in the first place the level of access on the construction site
depending on the zoning defined in section 5.2.1.
The site access control is divided on two main topics: people access and material.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.3.1 People access

This step provides a guideline for worksite access and applies to any personnel on site.
Access to a worksite should be subject to relevant safety and environmental rules and general
worksite regulations, specifically regarding the access to restricted areas.
All the access request forms for authorized people should be filled by the project’s owner or the
contractor and managed by the site manager. The form should contain at least the following
 First and last name
 Company and position
 Justified reason to access the worksite
 Level of authorization
 Zone to access
 Contact details
 Signature
A list gathering all the access request forms should be created by the site manager for history
tracking and should be stored with all the forms in a relevant database. The list should be updated
when necessary.
Company access:
When a new contractor is required to work on site or access the site, a “contractor access request”
form should be submitted to the site manager and the access badge must be issued before
mobilizing to site and start any activity.
A “contractor identification” sheet should be filled in order to identify the contractors required by
contract working on site and a number of prerequisites are requested:
 Having an official request letter signed by the authorized signatory
 Having a purchased order for activities on site
 Having an approved and specific health and safety plan
 Filling the access request forms
 Providing a proof of professional indemnity insurance if requested by the contract
 Having a trade license
 Providing any other necessary documents specified in the contract

Any signed contract issued with a purchase order should provide its own contractor identification
form, even when a contractor has several contracts on the program.
When a subcontractor is under a contractor’s contract, the relevant contractor is responsible for his
subcontractor access and should follow the same process.
The “contractor access request” form and the “contractor identification” form should be approved
by the site manager before processing the access badges.
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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

Individual access:
When an individual is required to work on site or access the site, he needs an access badge and a
“contractor identification” form must be approved first.
Temporary and permanent badges can be requested for a duration defined in the contract with at
maximum the duration of the contract. The “individual access request” form should be filled by the
applicant and approved by the site manager in advance of the start date specified on the form. Once
the badge has been issued, the applicant should collect it with a valid identity document to the
relevant security personnel.
Permanent badges should not exceed:
 The end date of the contract of the contractor
 The end date of a temporary residency permit
 The end date of a work permit
If the project’s owner changes the contract a contractor or individual is working under, a new badge
request should be issued.
Every badge is personal and is obligatory to access the site. If a badge is forgotten, the holder should
report to the relevant contact people with a valid identity document to obtain a temporary pass and
deactivate the lost one.
All badges should be returned to the relevant security personnel on final departure. A contractor
that has not returned his access badge may be held liable for its non-return.
Meeting requests apply to everyone not involved in the construction site but who are about to
attend a meeting. It should be a one-day access badge. It does not allow to work on site. The form
should be filled and submitted prior to the visit to the site manager by the relevant stakeholder
requesting the meeting and the visitor access. Once it has been approved, the visitor should collect
the temporary access badge at the main entrance gate to the relevant security personnel with
submitting a valid identity document.
The stakeholder who requested the access is responsible for the visitor who should access only the
zone he has been allowed for:
 Administrative area
 Construction area

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.3.2 Material and delivery access

Delivery and/or removal supplier:
When the contractor needs to receive a delivery and/or removal supplier for material, he should fill
in the “material access request” form prior to the delivery and/or removal date. The number of days
to access the site should be defined in the contract. The form should be sent to the site manager for
approval and then transferred to the relevant security personnel at the main entrance gate. The
form should contain at least the following information:
 Delivery and/or removal supplier name and details
 Contractor name and details
 Justified reason to access the construction site including material details
 Vehicle details
 Zone to access
 Contact details
 Signature
Oversized vehicles or hazardous materials that request to access the site should be subject to
approval from the site manager and an authorisation should only be granted if the materials fulfil
the health and safety requirements. They may use specific road accesses to avoid any type of
adverse reaction.

5.4 Site Surveillance

5.4.1 Physical Protection System

The site manager should consider the use of digital equipment for the site surveillance:
 Alarms: Monitored alarm systems should be set up to be triggered by the breaking of an
infrared beam, with monitoring station, key holder, or direct response from the security
patrol or even the police if necessary.
 Closed Circuit Television: A CCTV system can offer a deterrent against malicious damage,
arson, or theft attacks. It can also help to provide prosecution evidence for the police.

5.4.2 Site Security Patrolling

The site manager should consider the use of a security patrol undertaken by approved security
companies licensed. Security staff act to protect the site by
 Maintaining a high-visibility presence during opening hours, at night and on weekends to
deter illegal and inappropriate actions
 Monitoring the digital equipment
 Controlling the site access including badges etc.
 Providing support in case of any type of emergency detected
The site manager should assess the risks to security personnel when considering the adequacy of
other security measures and in particular assess the risks from lone working and implement suitable
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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

measures to control those risks.

The attendance of the security company may be covered either by all contractors through the
shared site expenses or by the project’s owner.

5.5 Regulatory Permits

Before starting any construction of a production or utilization facility, or exploitation of existing
structures on site, licenses should be requested by the program director to the relevant regulatory
Any contractor working on site need a work authorization allowing him to perform the construction
activities. The application should be submitted by the relevant project team.
The application could include:
 A safety analysis report with a description of the activities requested to be performed, and
the design and construction information required by the relevant regulatory body. The
safety analysis report should demonstrate that activities will be conducted in compliance
with the technically relevant regulatory body requirements applicable.
 An environmental report
 Urban development plan
 Traffic studies etc.
The relevant regulatory body should issue the licenses only after they determined that the
applicable standards and requirements applicable to the activities have been met. The program
should be then technically qualified to start the authorized activities.
The issuance of the licenses should provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection to public
health and safety requirements.

5.6 On Duty Management

An “On Duty” person is the person assigned on site when exceptional work should be performed.
This person should have the appropriate knowledge regarding:
 Proper understanding of on-going work execution procedures
 Health, safety, and environment
 Construction site activities
 Knowledge of facilities
 Site access
This person is on site, supervises and controls activities performed by contractors at any time
outside regular working hours defined in the contract. These are generally exceptional works.
Those works should be notified to the site manager in advance when special access is required.
Authorization to proceed with these activities should be given by the site manager.

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GDF 002(C) – PMC AMP – Construction Site Management
(refer to GDD 002 – section 3.3.4)

5.7 Shared information

To ensure smoothness and good coordination of activities on site between contractors, the site
manager should make sure information moves freely and safely.
The process should be supported by the Information Technology Plan procedure and managed by
the relevant project team supervised by the site manager.
Improving information transmission should:
 Allow a better control of the on-going work
 Improve fastness of activities to respect the initial deadlines
 Improve the quality of the program
 Avoid incidents or accidents on site


 Project Execution Plan
 Scope Management procedure
 Contract Execution procedure
 Cost Monitoring procedure
 Document Management procedure
 Information Technology Plan procedure

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