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WingA WingB WingC WingD Dummy

10.7 7.2 10.57 9.3 0

9.89 6.68 11.06 5.28 0
11.83 9.29 8.91 9.23 0
9.04 8.95 11.79 9.25 0
9.37 6.61 10.59 8.44 0
11.68 8.53 9.13 6.57 0
8.36 8.92 12.37 10.61 0
9.76 7.95 9.91 6.77 0
13.67 7.57 0
8.96 6.38 0
9.51 8.89 0
10.85 10.03 0
Null: Mean time to deliver to Wing
Alternative:Mean time to deliver t

Does it take more than 10 min to deliver to Wing A? No Fail to reject

Does it take more than 10 min to deliver to Wing C?
Does it take less than 10 min to deliver to Wing B? Yes

Is there a difference between the average time for the wings? Yes
n time to deliver to Wing A is 10 mins
e:Mean time to deliver to Wing A is more than 10 mins
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum
WingA 12 123.62
WingB 12 97
WingC 8 84.33
WingD 8 65.45

Source of Variation SS df
Between Groups 52.0777916666667 3
Within Groups 73.5016083333333 36

Total 125.5794 39

SS is sum of squares,measures of total varaiability

Average Variance
10.301666667 2.2872878788
8.0833333333 1.4227151515
10.54125 1.4610125
8.18125 3.2092125

MS F P-value F crit
17.359263889 8.5023105503 0.000212 2.866266

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

WingA Dummy
Mean 10.3016666666667 0
Variance 2.28728787878785 0
Observations 12 2
Hypothesized Mean Difference 10
df 11
t Stat 0.690967361051785
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.251953259868888
t Critical one-tail 1.79588481870404
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.503906519737775
t Critical two-tail 2.20098516009164
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

WingB Dummy
Mean 8.08333333333333 0
Variance 1.42271515151518 0
Observations 12 2
Hypothesized Mean Difference 10
df 11
t Stat -5.56644900343226
P(T<=t) one-tail 8.42770668579402E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.79588481870404
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00016855413371588
t Critical two-tail 2.20098516009164
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

WingA Dummy
Mean 10.301666667 0
Variance 2.2872878788 0
Observations 12 12
Pearson Correlation #DIV/0!
Hypothesized Mean Difference 10
df 11
t Stat 0.6909673611
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.2519532599
t Critical one-tail 1.7958848187
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.5039065197
t Critical two-tail 2.2009851601

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