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Physics (Electromagnetism) (171] TechnicalSeries


1. Answer any seven of the following questions:

Ta) Find the electrie ield inside a spherical shell of

radius Rthatarries a uniform charge density o.
Ans. From, Gauss's law aus lq Stete teat t e
total e. ctric. toe out of
Cloged Swfae is eua o tho Core

Inside sphere,

|E. da =0
RePeateol da )
Einside = 0
(b) Write down Poisson's equation for electrostatic
potential V.
Technical Seri
Phvsics(Electromacnetism) [170)

Sin. +
r sin 0
sin 0

-(r.2rcosØ) + sin (sin.1)

or, Vy=

-.(-r´ cos

J6rcoso+ -cos
r sin 9 sin 9

cos cos
= 6cos¢+ sin 9
r´ sin
Hence it does not satisfy the Laplace's equation.

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Question so that
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Physics (Electromagnetism) [172] Technical Series
Ans.A useful approach to the calculation of electrical potentials,
Rclates potential to the charge density.
The elcctric field is related to the charge density divergence

E =electric field
p= charge density
en = permittivity
The electric field is related to the electric potential by a
gradient relationship.

Therefore the potential is related to the charge density by

poison's equation.
V.VV= V=
(c) What is the physical interpretation of bound
Ans.When we have uniform magnetization, we have, on surface
bound current due to canccllation of curents of all the
internal sides of tiny current loops within the material.
In a non-uniform magnetization, we have also volume bound
current due to net current from the internal tiny current
In both cases, current is due to motion of bound charges
attached to each atom.
teromay neti's
(d) Define diamagnetism. Give two examples of
diamagnetic materials.
A diamagnetic material is one that has a very low or
minimal magnetic effect due to the absence of any unpaired
electrons in them.
Diamagnetic materials get induced dipoles in the presence of
an external magnetic ficld and this happen in such an order
Diamaqne4ic mateial s 9, ubktanCe

fher t,MToand ron

ren treng qttract
Technical Series
Physics (Eleetromagnetism) |173) Technical Series Physics (Electromagnetism) |174]
the induced electric
that the magnetic field and the induced dipoies repel cach is changing with time, what is
other. field?
Example of dimagnetic materials are copper and gold. B()
(e) Find the magnetic field at point P for the
following steady-state current / Configuration :

P A D Amperian loop of radius s

Ans.Thc straight segment produce no field at . circumferential directions, just like the
Ans. E point is in the
straight wire carrying a unifom
The two quarter-circle given magnet ic ield inside a long
Amperan loop of radius S, and
current density. Draw an
B 8
) (out) apply Faraday's law.

() A uniform
magnetie field B (t). Armperian loop of radiss
up. fills the shaded pointing straight
circular region ofgiven figure. If B
Ans. (Electromagnetism)
Given wave
amp/meter. (h) electric
blow : charge inWhen can of
capacitor.Displacement (g) IfB
('=2.998 (=
charge the
C= I£
in be is
V1rX u Eo lo:free th e between
ficld a rate Define
= = capacitorexplained
4n8.85 = accumulation
x 4 Displacement of
10* X space. magnitude
find JDS= In =changer displacement
10-7 x x current E.
m/s. 1010-7
the E= &l
1 start E
H/M 12Hm the plates. by of runs =
C/N-m² causing 2 S E
× and nmagnitude S•D charging. the
the current is dt dB d/tdt-d
10 and of with a clock
However. dtdB
12 & H
electricquantity current.
= the time phenomenon's wise B(t))
8.85 in definition
displacement there
displacement as
x of a above
because appearing viewed
10-12 plane is
for the no is
C/N.m² observed defined from Technical
conduction of
the wave currentplates. the field in
Maxwell above.
same change (D). in
is in term
1 asthe of a It

(2. Ans.
(i) [176]
(2049)2 Ans. Ans.The 0
(a)Find Maxwell
So,for forequations in
by (i i) B=0(i )ý. Maxwell
Inoortandof electromagnetism
given point
bya an Define vaccum
square the dB= Bio-Savart
electric .E=0 down
P equation
due we
electric Biot-Savart
Regecte(beu) loop (Idssin
small a to
-•B equation know,
(side field vaccum
It is la differential
a) at states an 0,
tcase element J
carrying a equation = :
>E2in distancez that the VL 0)
currentmagnetic form
uniform used
above Technical
ds field in
line the at the Maxwell's
Repetec point field
centre field
dB ...(iii) ...(1) ..i)
Q . .(iv)
is at of
Physics (Electromagnetism) [177] Technical Seies Physics (Electromagnetism) [178] Technical Series
E= 4E cos 8 ... 6)
For line chargeclectric field, öE = 2reoR

dg d¡ = Àdl q= l; q=a

COs .z

From figurc,


Relation between line charge & surface charge

pL = dy ps
So, dE= dyp.
X COs H.
=4x1xe(z'+ (al2)) Vz +(al2)²

COs =
(z+ (a/2)) V:+ a/2)
dE: dy p1
p xdy
InEo 22 + 2reo (r*+y)
(al2)'+ (al2)+ (a/2)
20942b) 47E B= de = 2reop.(r2+
x dy
(b) Write
down the expression for
Reatsurface charge distribution of
electric field due to 2Te)
020 surfacc charge density
Ans.Electric field due tosurface charge density o. tan
There is no y& z
connponent of eleetiic field.
Rereted 2e

(Electromagnetism) [179) Technical Series
distance a fro Physics (Electronagnetism) |180] Technical Series
a) A point charge q is situated at a sphere of R+a
e3. grounded conducting radius a -R
Peatedthe centre of a images,find the potential R+b R-b
Ke R. Using the method of R'- bR + aR-ab = aR + ab - R'- bR
o o l )qutsidethe 2 R2 = 2ab
Repetec) R'

a- R
R' >qR-=(R - a) q²

Method of image charges. - qR = (R- a)q'

q'=- 9
q. -yYcal ciagc R
Vr) =
V(r) =
Vo= ) where. e=Vr2 + a'- 2ru cos
Now we need to determine boundary condition. e'=Vr + 62- 2rb cos 0
(1) :at point A, Vr) = 0 (R'
2r CO

InER+o R+ =0
V) = ATen(y2 + a'-2ra cos 0)1 (r'
..(0) + R'- 2racos
R+u R+b

(2) At point B. Vo) =0 (b) What is Faraday cage?

Ans. Faraday cage or farnday shicld is an enclosure used to block
clectromagnetie ficlds. A faraday shicld may be formed by a
continuous covering of conductive material, or in the case of
...(i) a faraday cage, by a mesh of such materials faraday cages
named after sCientist
are Michael faraday. who
By using cq" () and (i) invented/them in 1s36.
Technical Series
Physics Electromagnetism ) |181]
because an external
electric fields Physics (Electromagnetism) [1 82] Technical Series
cage operates conducting
A faraday
charges with in the cages fields effect (1i1) Vout ’Eo r cos 6, for r >> R
cause the clectric that they cancel the
material to bedistributed 30phenomenon is used to protect The second of these fo!lows, since there is no free charge at
This the surface, inside the sphere.
in the cage interior. (for exanmple RF receiver).
sensitive electronics equipment interference, (RFl) often Vbekos
frequency Enbov Ebckow
from external ratio used On
during testing or alignment of the device. thev are also
clectrostatic discharges faradav cages
to protect people and
slowly varying nagnetic ficlds. such
as Vr. 9) = (Ar'+ P (cos 0)
n o t t cannot block stable orfold (with still work insite).

the carth's magnctic

linear material is placed in Vin (r, 0) = A P (cos 0):
1. A sphere of honcgeneous
electric field Eo as shown in
an otherwise uniform
electric field inside the Outside the sphere, in view of (ii). we have,
Figure given below. Find the
sphere :
Von (r, ) =- Eo r cos + S BL Pi (cos 0)

Boundary condition 6) requires that

S A RP (cos 0) = -Eo Rcos + : B P (cos 0)


|E B
AR= for l 1for I* 1
AR =- E +

Itfollows that.
Ans.This is reminiscent n which on uncharged sphere was
A= B= 0 for /z 1
introduced intoa uniform fcld In that case the ficld of the
induced charge cancelled D withn the phere: in a A=

dhelcctric, the canclation iom the bound charge) i

incomplete. Evidently.
Or problem is to xolve Laplace's equation, for V 0, ) when 3E0
rRand V.c r. te) when R t to the houndary )

and hence the held inside the sphere is (suprisne) uutorm

t =R
Physics (Electronagnetism) [183] Technical Serie, Physics (Electromagnetism) (184] Technical Series (8e-).
Discuss magnetic vector potential.IB is the uniform
check that Beeated Repeate
show that á) =-,FxB), that is, Vy= Yox t Xr
y , =0.
Oand x= 6. Derive the expression for magnetic susceptibility for
that diamagnetic Plot susceptibility Vs.
potential (A) is a vector field
Ans.The magnetic vector temperature for diamagnetic materials.
magnetic field. The curl of th
as the potential for the the magnetic field, Ans. In diamagnetic materials, the magnetization is sustained by
magnetic vector potential is
the ficld. when B is removed, u disappear, in fact. for most
substances the magnctization is proportional to the ficld,
provided the field is not too strong. For rotational
The magnetic vector potential is preferred when workin. consistency with the electrical case, should thus express the
with the Lagrangian is classical mechanics and quantum proportionality thus.
The magnetic vector potential contributed y a length d
with current I running through it is But custom dicates that it be written in terms of H. instead
of B.
4T M= nH.
The constant of proportionality n is called the magnetic
Since B is uniform suspecibility. It is the dimension less quantity that varies
Vx B=0, (r. V) B=0 and Vxr=0, V.r=B, we have from one substance to anot her positive for paramagnets and
ncgative for diamagntes. Typical valve are around 10-5
Materials that Obey's above equation are called linear
VA=-T. (r xB) =-;r.TB +(B.V)r BT)- media.
Ar.V) B)
B= uo(H+ M) = uo (1 +J) H.
=-,(0+B-3B0) =B for linear media. thus B is also proportional to .
A'=A+ V, B=uH
l= uo (1 +m)
VA'= V.A +V,
So, we need y to be linear in
t, v and 2 so that
T,=(0 td', t 0)ñ= 0
Mor exanple we take,
Physics (Electromagnetism) [185) Technical Seri
Technical Series
uis called the permenbility of the materials. In a vacuu physics (Electromagnetismn) [186]
susceptibility, x
RePeates where there is no matter to magnetize the measure of the rate of flow of electromnagnetic energy per
uo is callc
vanishes and the permeability is uo. That's why unit aroa at that point that is
the permeability of free space.
Magnetic susceptibility (1) for a diamagnetic substance is
Here, P is pointing vector and it is named after its
negative value and is independent of temperature.
discoverer. J.H. pointing. The direction of P is perpendicular
7. (a)Derive continuity equation for current densities. toE and Hand in the direction of vector Ex H.
RepeteAns. We know the equation of continuity is Proof : We found that the work necessary to aSsemble a static
charge distribution (against) the coulomb repulsion of like
Bo23 |50) -= 0 ...(
According to Maxwell's first differential cquation.

.D=p ...(0)
From equation () and eq". (i) where, E is theresulting clectrie field,
Wm = 1 Bdt

Where, B is the resulting magnetie field.

= 0
This suggests that the total energy stored in electrie
magnetic fields is
where the term.

Solenoidal vector and it Is alo regarded ax total

current density for time varving cletrie field. I proposetoderive cq". in the context of energy conservation
lawof thermodynamics.
D-The displacement vector. According to the Lorentz force law. the work done by a
charge q is
Keleated àr -Displacement current densitv. F. S/= q(E +Vx B).Vdi
The above = qE. Vdt.
cquatinn is known as the
"equation of
for current densitr." cuntinut! Now, q=pdz and pV=t
(b) State and So. the rate at which the work is done on all the charger in
derive Poynt ing theorem.
901 Ans. Poynting theorem volume V is
states that the cos
field vector, E and
magnetic field vector. Ilprodiet of lee
at any point l5
Physics (Electromagnetism) [187] Technical Serie Physics (Electromagnetism) [188)
Technical Series
unit time. per unit The uniform plane EM wave
Evidently, E.J. is the work done per a vacuum medium (uo, Eo) propagating along x-direction in
volume. which is to say. the power delivered per unit volum. incident normally on the surface of
a flat
terms of the fields alone
We can express the quantity in eliminate. J:
permittivity. z en).
medium permittivity, u o and
Using the ampero Maxwell law to
Here the incoming EM wave is called the
•E incident wave, the
interface is an infinite plane at x= 0. the region
E:J= .V B) - Eo E. to the left of
the interface is medium 1 (* s0) and the
of the interface is medium 2(r 20).
region to the right
From product rule.
V.(Ex B) = B.(V x E) E.(Vx B) At the interface, a part of the incident EM wave will
- OB) penetrate the boundary (interface) and continue its
Invoking faraday's law,VxE= is follows that. propagation

E.(VxB) =- B. V.(Ex B) Here (S) is the propagation vector (or) poynting vector
Mean while. Another remainder of the wave is reflected at the interface
and then propagates in the negative x direction. This wave is
OB 10 called the reflected wave
2 dr (B) and E. (E2)
Thus both the incident and transmitted waves propagnte in
E.J=. (euf)-vEx B +i dircction. The reflccted wave will propagate in -x
Repete 20r
direction. So the incident and reflected waves are in modium
8 (20 toPutting this into eq". and applying the divergence theorem
the second term, we have,
1and the transmitted wave is in medium 2
RePeateo Now by considering the clectric ficld Éof the incident wave
201o9 .da. which is polarized in y-direction (plane polarized) and has an
amplitude Fo at the interface as shown in fig.
Where, S is the surface bounding V. This is If (ky =(l/e) is the propagation constant of this wave (with
theorem. H is the work energy theorem of Poynting'
electrodynamics, angular frequency 0 and velocity equal to v) in medium-1,
Derive the expression for reflection then the clectricand magnetic field waves are ropresented as
coefficient of
Refeated electromagnetic Waves from
medium-vacuum interface for
a non-conducting
E (r, )) = Eo cos (o - kx)
o A99 normal incidence.
Ans. Reflection and
transmission of EM and B (r. ) = cos (o - kx) ...(2)
non-conducting medium interface waves vacuum
incidence : for normal

let us consider a
monochronnatic (single
plane wave thattravels
through frequencv) uniform Then, the reflected waves are represented ab,
entersanother medium (non-conducting)medium (vacuum)
of infinite
Physics (Electromagnetism) (189) Technical Series Physics (Electromagnetism) [1901
At the Technical Series
Er(x. ) = Ecos (o + k) interface x=0, the boundary
and Br (x, ) = cOs (o+ 1r)
tangential components of É andconditions
require that
ficlds must be

ÉK, ) = Ecos (o kex) Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave

We know that Eo= cBo

B,(x.) = cOs (ol -hx) Electromagnetic

We know that E = cBo

Bi (x. ) =2 Cos (o -kr) Magnetic

Spark or
Here in eqns 43) and (1). the sign is reversed used in the Molecular Electric
wave number k to denote that this wave is propagating from Dipole
Vectors Figure 1
the interface (boundary) along negative direction
(backward travelling wave). Alsothc wave numbers k1 and k: Fig. (a) Electric field wave patterns
re relatcd to Fig. (b) Magnetic field wave patterns

Since the waves are transversc. E and B fields are entirely

tangential to the interface.
and ky =
Hence at x =0. cqn. (9) and (10) are cqual, so
where and : are the velocities of EM waves in medium- I Eicos (ot - kux) + Eieos (of kx) = bcos (o- x)
and meium-2 respectively. as t= 0, then

The total instantancous clectric field E for any value of x Bo cos (ot) + Ecos (ot) = E cos (o)
with medium 1 is equal to the sum of the incident and (or)
Ieflected waves, sO
Also at boundary a =0, as tangential components are
: (. 0)= Eo cos (ot - )+ Eicos (ot + kx) continuous therefore
dx dx da
The total instantuneous- clectric field E, for any value ofx in which yields
the medium-2 is - EJkI sin (o) - Ek sin (o) = B:kz sin (o)
(or) Euk: - Eki = Ek:
ÉCx, t) = E cos (0ot -kr)
Physics (Electromagnetisnm) [191] Technical Series
(or) k1(Bo - E) = Ek: Physics (Electromagnetisn)
(or) Eo - E,= Ez. () let'sThis time
through, Technical Series
does not dependenceaboutcomplicates
depend on timesomething this
As k1 = and k2 =
then eqn. (16) becomes P which is situation that
called radiation
Eo E = E2) Reeated (Radiation pressure when a wave reflects
Adding eqns (13) and (17) gives gaol4) P = (Radiation
UE absorbed) pressure when a wave is 100%
2E, =E+ E:()
and their Propagation electromagnetic
waves in vacuum
- B.(1+) transverse
Ans. In region of free nature
space (i.e. the vaccum).
charges. no electric currents where no
E=()1+) present. Maxwell's and no matter of any clectric
kind are
equation (in differential) form are.
When mediumn-1 is vacuum v1 =c, and =
(i) .EF,) =0
E-()1) (ii) ¼. Br,t) =0
Subtracting eqn. (17) from eqn. (13) gives
(iii) Vx E(F. 0=2B(T, )
Repeated E-(9)-)
(iv) Vx B(r,)) = uo•0

9 Write short notes on the following :

(a) Momentum carried by electromagnetic wave and
resultant pressure
Maxwell's equation implies that empty space - The
(which is not empty, at the vaccum
Ans. There is no mass an associated with light, or with any M microscopic scale: supports the
propagation of (microscopic ) electromagnetic
wave, despite this, an elcctro magnetic wave
carrieS. waves
wave is the energy which propagate at the speed of light (in
momentum. The momentum of an EM vaccum).
carried by the wave divided by the speed of light. If an EM C=
=3x 10 m/s.
wave is absorbed by an object. or it reflect from an object. the
wave will transfer momentum to the object. The longer the
wave is incident on the object. The more momentun1 is

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