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 Advertising

Strategy and execution

1. Overview of strategy: We have properly identified our target audience and usage the startegy
which was called as low cost for example – referall, and social media advertising

As this is completely boot strapped currently

2. Overview of media and timing: We have used social media mostly in advertising we used every family
and friends contact for low budget marketing posted on their social media pages also used promotion
through some big Instagram pages.

3. Overview of ad spending: After purchasing of machinery, taking out the fund of working capital and
miscellaneous expenses a small part of investment was putted in ad spending

 Other promotion

Direct marketing

1. Overview of strategy ,vehicles and timing – as we are engaged in both b2c and b2b so we also directly
contacted some b2b customers and they also liked the finishing and the 3d cardboard of our notebooks
so we directly gave them some prototypes for personal use so that they can understand

2. Overview of response target and budget: As we are a completely bootstrapped and we purchased
some heavy machinery so already we have a tight budget so we successfully implemented the social
media strategy and the hoardings and the response is also very good in few days it started giving us the

 Third party marketing

1 co -marketing arrangements with other companies : Doesn’t depend more on this marketing but used
it in some things like display marketing and influencer marketing through different pages

 Marketing programs

1.Other promotional programs: Using of product sampling and cause marketing because of the
recyclable use

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