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University of Wah,

Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering
Assignment # 06
Course Title: Process Heat Transfer
Semester: 6th Course Teacher: Dr. Kashif Iqbal
Total Marks: 30 Course Code: Ch.E-312
Student Name_____________________Reg No._______________________

Course Program Learning Domain

Learning Learning
Outcome Outcome
CLO-3 PLO-12 Cognitive, 4

Question #01

Design an exchanger to sub cool condensate from a methanol condenser from 85°C to 40⁰C.

flow rate of methanol is 95000 kg/hr. Brackish water will be used as the coolant with a

temperature rise from 25 to 35°C (select the appropriate heat exchanger from the available

industrial designs) get direction Vol 6, example 12.1

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