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AIM: Preparation of temporary mount of onion peel to study the structure of a plant cell.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Onion bulb, knife, dissecting needle, brush, glass slide, cover
slip, watch glass, glycerine, safranin (stain), water, filter paper, compound microscope.
PRINCIPLE: A thin peel from onion is mounted and stained. Staining makes the parts of
cell more conspicuous under the microscope and easy to identify and study. Structure of a
typical plant cell can be studied using the onion peel.
 An onion bulb is cut into pieces using a knife.
 A thick scaly leaf is selected and folded then a thin transparent portion is peeled off
using the fingers and dissecting needle.
 Onion peel is transferred into watch glass containing water.
 A few drops of safranin are added to the watch glass and left for 2 minutes.
 Excess water is drained off. Water is added to the watch glass containing stained
onion peel.
 One of the peels is selected and put on a slide with the help of forceps and brush.
 The onion peel is cut into regulator rectangular shape.
 A drop of glycerine is put on the peel and then covered carefully using dissecting
needles with cover glass.
 Slide is dried using a filter paper. It is mounted in the 10x and observed.
 Compactly packed rectangular cells are seen, without intercellular spaces.
 Cell wall is distinct.
 Cytoplasm enclosed with in the cell wall.
 A dark stained oval distinct nucleus seen.

 Staining should be appropriate; object should be neither over stained nor under
 The onion peel should not fold on the slide.
 Cover slip should be placed carefully so that there are no air bubbles.
be present on it.


AIM: Preparation of temporary mount of cheek epithelium to study the
structure of a typical animal cell.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Toothpick, slide, cover slip, brush, needle,
glycerin, methylene blue, filter paper, compound microscope.
 The inner slide of check is scraped gently with the help of a toothpick.
 The pale white scraping is transferred on the glass slide with the help of a
 A drop of water followed by a drop of methylene blue is added on the
 The stain is left for 3 minutes.
 Specimen is mounted in a drop of glycerine by placing the cover slip
 Extra stain is removed using filter paper.
 Slide is observed under 10x followed by
40 x magnifications.
 Large irregular shaped cells are seen.
 Thin cell membrane enclosing a dense cytoplasm.
 Dark blue stained centrally located nucleus seen.
 The cheek should be scraped
gently otherwise, the cheek
epithelium could be injured.
 Staining should be appropriate.
 Cover slip should be placed
carefully without
air bubbles.
 Microscope should be handled

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