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1.The transformation of the larva into an adult through drastic changes is called
a) Metaphase b) Metastasis c) Meteorite d) Metamorphosis
2. The animals that produce new young ones are called-
(a) viviparous (b) oviparous (c) both (d) none of these
3. In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in the
(a) ovary (b) oviduct (c) testis (d) uterus
4. Sets of reproductive terms are given below. Choose the set that has an incorrect combination.
(a) Sperm, testis, sperm duct, penis (b) Menstruation, egg, oviduct, uterus
(c) Sperm, oviduct, egg, uterus (d) Ovulation, egg, oviduct, uterus
Given below are events that lead to pregnancy and development of the embryo.
i)Fertilization of egg ii) Maturation of egg iii) Release of egg iv) Embedding of the embryo in the
thickened uterine wall.
Which of the following options gives the correct order of sequence in which they occur?
(a) i, ii, iii, iv, (b) ii, i, iii, iv (c) i, iv, ii, iii (d) ii, iii, i, iv
6. For the metamorphosis of tadpoles which of the following elements must be available in the water?
(a) chlorine (b) carbon (c) sulphur (d) iodine
7. Incomplete development of male secondary sexual characteristics is caused due to deficiency in
a) Estrogen. b) Progesterone. c) Adrenaline.d) Testosterone.
8. What do X, Y and Z represent in the given figure?
a) X-Ovum, Y-testes, Z-Ovulation b) X-Testes, Y-Ovum, Z-lmplantation
c) X-Ovum, Y-Testes, Z-lmplantation
d) X-Testes, Y-Ovum, Z-Fertilization
9. Which of the following represents the composition of female destined zygote in
human beings?
a) 22+X. b) 44+XY. c) 33+Y. d) 44+XX.
10. Which of the following hormones controls the menstrual cycle, the ovulation process and the development
of the uterus in the females?
a) Estrogen b) Progesterone c) Testosterone d) Both (A) and (B)
11. Arjun kept losing weight even though he was taking his meals regularly. He felt thirsty all the time. When
doctor tested Arjun's urine, the test showed a high concentration of glucose. What disease is Arjun suffering
a) Goitre. b) Cancer. c) Diabetes d) Cirrohsis of the liver.
12. Which of the following is called the master gland in the human body?
a) Thyroid b) Adrenal c) Pancreas d) Pituitary
13. A list of mediums is given below
(i) Wood (ii) Water (iii) Air (iv) Vacuum
In which of these mediums can sound travel?
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
14. The speed of sound in solid, liquid and gas can be correctly arranged asa) solid > liquid > gas
b) liquid > gas > solid
c) liquid > solid > gas
d) gas > liquid > solid
15. Statement 1: Velocity of sound depends on temperature.
Statement 2: Sound would travel faster on a hot summer day than on a cold winter day.
Choose the correct option -
A) Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B) Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D) Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
16. Ultrasound has a frequency of vibration-
(a) between 20 and 20,000 Hz
(b) below 20 Hz
(c) above 20,000 Hz
(d) between 500 and 10,000 Hz
17. Loudness of sound is determined by-
(a) pitch (b) frequency (c) amplitude (d) time period
18. Voice of man is heavy compared to a woman because
(a) Female vocal cord is longer (b) Male vocal cord is shorter
(c) Male vocal cord is longer (d) The concept is not related
Fill in the blanks with suitable word/s.
A) The process of reproduction involving fusion of male and female gametes is called __________
B) Above __________ the noise becomes physically painful.
c) The human voice box is called __________.
D) An ova or egg is a __________ cell.
E) In __________ reproduction only a single parent is involved.
State whether the given statements are true or false.
1. Zygote is an unfertilised egg.
2. External fertilisation occurs in frog.
3. A new young one is developed from a cell called gamete.
4. Insulin is secreted by pituitary gland.
5. The chemical substances secreted by endocrine glands are called hormones.
6. Light travels much faster than sound.
7. The time taken to complete one oscillation is called frequency.
8. The pitch of a sound depends in the frequency of the waves.
1. An alarm bell is kept inside a vessel as shown in figure. A person standing
close to it can distinctly hear the sound of alarm. Now, if the air inside the
vessel is removed completely, how will the loudness of alarm get affected for
the same person?
2. Boojho saw a cracker burst at night at a distance from his house. He heard
the sound of the cracker a little later
after seeing the cracker burst. Give reason for the delay in hearing the sound.
3. Observe the given figure and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Label A and B.
(b) Identify the process.
(c) What happens during the process and what is formed?
4. In figure, mark the positions of the endocrine glands which
release the hormones that
(a) control the release of sex hormones.
(b) are responsible for the secondary sexual characters in boys.
(c) prevent diabetes.
(d) maintain the correct salt balance in the blood.
5. Observe the diagram & answer the following questions.
(a) Read the following statements and label them in the figure.
i. The part which produces female gametes.
ii. The part where development of the baby takes place.
iii. The part through which the developing embryo passes to reach the
(b) Can a woman with blocked fallopian tube give birth to a baby? How?
1. An electrolyte is
a) a metal b) a solution c) a liquid that conducts current d) none
2._____________ gas deposited on negative electrode during electrolysis of water
a) hydrogen b) carbon dioxide c) oxygen d) nitrogen
3. Copper wire is a
a. Good conductor b. Poor conductor c. Both a and b d. None of this
4. ________________ discovers the chemical effect of electric current.
5. Most of the conducting liquids are the solutions of _____________ ,____________
_____________________ .
6. What is chemical effects of electricity? Write the various chemical changes that
occurs as a result of passage of electricity through conducting solution.
7. Draw a well labelled diagram of passing current through water.
Answer the following questions
a) Name the electrodes.
b) Which metal wire is wrapped around the electrodes?
c) Name the gases formed during electrolysis of water.
1. What is the force present between two charged bodies called?
A) Electrostatic force B) Electromagnetic force C) Gravitational force D) Frictional force
2. What happens when two bodies are rubbed against each other?
A) They acquire equal and similar charges. B) They acquire equal and opposite charges.
C) They acquire different charges but in different amounts depending upon their masses.
D) They do not acquire any charge.
3. What is the S.I. unit of electric charge?
A) Coulomb B) Ampere C) Volt D) Watt
4. Why is a lightning conductor installed on a building?
A) So that it collects the electric power present in the lightning
B) So that it repels the lightning that falls on the building
C) So that it forces the lightning to fall in an area where there are no buildings
D) So that it conducts electric charge to the ground when lightning strikes the building
5. On which of the following scales is the magnitude of an earthquake measured?
A) Celsius B) Richter C) Fahrenheit D) Both (A) and (B)
6. When we rub glass rod with fur, the glass rod will acquire
A) Positive charge B) Negative charge C) Either positive or negative charge
D) Neither positive nor negative charge
7. Two electroscope one positively charged (X) and the other negatively charged
(Y) are connected with a copper wire as shown in figure. Which of the following
will happen?
A) Electrons will move from X to Y. B) Protons will move from X to Y.
C) Electrons will move from Y to X. D) Protons will move from Y to X
8. Which of the following shows the distribution of charges on a neutral metal sphere when a
negatively charged balloon is brought near it? (Assume metal sphere is at insulating stand.)

9. Electroscope is used
A) To detect and test small electric charges.
B) To calculate the amount of electric charge flowing through
the conductor in the given
interval of time.
C) To measure the magnitude of pressure.
D) To test the presence of magnetic field.
10. Consider the list of terms given below:
(i) Tsunami (ii) Landslide (iii) Floods
(iv) Lightning Earthquakes can cause
(a) (i), (ii) & (iii) (b) (ii) & (iv) (c) (ii), (iii) & (iv) (d) (iii) & (iv)
State whether the following are True or False.
(a) Earthquakes occur all the time all over the world.
(b) The plates of the outermost layer of the earth are always in continuous motion.
(c) Tremors on the earth can also be caused by the eruption of a volcano.
(d) The process of electric discharge cannot occur between clouds and the earth.
(e) Bathing outdoors should be avoided during a thunderstorm.
Fill in the blanks with suitable word/s.
1. The electrical charges can be transferred from a __________ object to another object
through a __________ conductor.
2. The crust and mantle is broken into pieces known as __________
3. __________ is an instrument that records seismic waves.
4. __________ is the sudden shaking and trembling of the earth.
5. __________ is an earthquake under sea.
6. Transfer of charge to the earth is called as __________.
7. Richter scale measure __________ of earthquake.
8. When two bodies are rubbed against each other, they acquire __________ and __________
9. There are two kinds of charges __________ and .
10. The uppermost layer of the earth is called __________.
11. All tall buildings must be equipped with __________ to protect them against lightning.
1. If aluminium strips of an electroscope are replaced by plastic strips and a charged body
is brought in contact with the metal clip. Explain what will happen?
2. If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what will
3. During construction of a building, the lightning conductor was a little shorter and cannot
be buried in the ground. Would the lightning conductor be still effective? Explain.
4. The strips of an electroscope diverge when a charged body is brought in contact with the
metal clip.
What will happen to the strips if we gently touch the metal clip with hands?
5. Explain how does lightning conductor protects a building from getting struck by lightning.
6.What precautions would you take if lightning occurs while you are outside the house?
1. If two plane mirrors are inclined at an angle of 90∘
to each other, how many images of an
object are seen?
A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Only 3 D) Any of 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on the position of observer and
2. An optician holds a test card 50 cm behind a patient. The patient then looks in the plane mirror which is 100
cm away. How far away from the patient's eyes is the image of the test card ?
A) 100 cm B) 150 cm C) 200 cm D) 250 cm
4. What is the nature of image formed on the retina of human eye of an object?
A) Virtual and erect B) Virtual and inverted C) Real and erect D) Real and inverted
5. Identify the value of persistence of vision.
A) 1/1 0th of a secondB) 1/12th of a second C) 1/16th of a second D) 1/20th of a second
7. Which of the following is the requirement of nocturnal animals like owl an bat?
A) Large cornea B) Large pupil C) Retina with large number of rods D) All of the above
8. There are 11 letters in the word EXAMINATION. How many letters of this word are not changed when the
word is seen in a plane mirror?
A) 11 B) 5 C) 8 D) 9
9. Observe the figure. Find the angle between the incident and the reflected
A) 65o B) 90 o C) 130 o D) 25 o
10. For a normal eye, in an adult, what is the least distance of distinct vision?
A) 5 to 8 cm B) 10 to 15 cm C) 20 to 25 cm D) 30 to 35 cm
11. Boojho planned an activity to observe an object ‘A’
through pipes as shown in the given figure,
so that he could see objects which he could not directly see.
(a) How many mirrors should he use to see the object?
(b) Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure.
(c) What must be the angle with respect to the incident light at which he should
place the mirrors?
(d) Indicate the direction of rays in the figure.
(e) If any of the mirrors is removed, will he be able to see the object?
12. A student has difficulty reading the blackboard while sitting in the last row. What
could be the defect the child is suffering from? How can it be corrected?
13. Boojho while waving his hand very fast in front of his eyes, observes that his
fingers appear blurred. What could be the reason for it?
14. Eyes of the nocturnal birds have large cornea and a large pupil. How does this
structure help them?
15. What are rods and cones in the retina of an eye?
16. Explain why, an owl can see well in the night but not during the day whereas an eagle can
see well during day but not in the night.
17. Draw the ray diagram to show image formation in plane mirror.
18. Look at the figure. Can the image of the child in
it be obtained on a screen?
19. Explain the process which enables us to
perceive motion in a cartoon film.
a. We use __________to see images of ourselves
or other objects.
b. The line drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror at the point of incidence is
termed as the ____________.
c. The angle of incidence is ________to the angle of reflection.
d. The exposed surface of the eyeball has a transparent covering called _________.
1. Write two examples each of endemic plants and animals of panchmarhi reserve.
2. In sanctuaries ______and ______ of animals is strictly prohibited.
3. What do you mean by flora and fauna of a place?
4. Species found only in a particular area are called ________.
5. Deforestation leads to increase in the water holding capacity of soil. (T/F).
1. Why is it important to conserve forests?
2. What is migration? Why do birds migrate?
3. What is poaching? Give examples of animals which usually become victim of poaching.
4. What is biodiversity? Why should we conserve it?
1. Write the effects of deforestation on:
a) wild animals b) environment c) next generation
2. Explain three major causes of deforestation.
3. Define the following: a) national park b) species c) ecosystem
1. Differentiate between the following with examples:
a) wildlife sanctuary and national park b) endangered and extinct species

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