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SESSION 2023-24

Revision Worksheet

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [8]

[1] No man can control the weather. But if we read the signs correctly,
we can tell what more important changes in the weather would be. This
way of telling what the weather will be like in the following day or two
is called weather forecasting. People predict the weather using their
skills of observation and knowledge of weather patterns. We all
understand how important and useful it is especially for the farmers as
they can make plans to fit in with the weather.
[2] People for many centuries and in all countries have studied the weather and tried to predict
weather without a forecast or technological device. Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall
trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water vapour in the air, and therefore
rain will probably come. When distant sounds (such as the noise from a train, birds singing, or
people shouting) are heard very clearly, then wet and stormy weather is on the way. Rings around
the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather.
Their joints ache.
[3] Some birds like swallows fly high if the weather is fine, but they fly near the ground during
unsettled and cold weather as they hunt for insects that seek shelter in trees and buildings. If you
see a rainbow in the evening during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will clear up and
become fine, or if a mist appears in the early morning, just about sunrise, then the day will be
warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. When big clouds
disappear at sunset, then fine weather will follow the next day. But a rainbow appears in the
morning, then it would probably be a rainy day. Most of the above-observed cycles of events, also
known as pattern recognition, were used in ancient weather forecasting methods. Temperature,
humidity, precipitation, air pressure, wind speed, and wind direction are key observations of the
atmosphere that help forecasters predict the weather.

Based on your reading of the passage, complete the following statements:

i. Changes in the weather can also be told if ________________________. [1]
ii. When distant sounds are heard very clearly, ________________________. [1]
iii. Many people can sense the coming of wet weather ________________________. [1]
Answer the following questions in not more than one or two sentences:
iv. Why do swallows fly near the ground during cold weather? [1]
v. What kind of weather is expected if a rainbow is seen in the evening during rainy weather? vi.
To predict the weather, what factors of the atmosphere are observed by the forecasters? [1]
vii. Select the word which is the synonym of ‘uncertain’ from paragraph (3). [1]
(a) unsettled
(b) appear
(c) disappear
(d) stable
viii. Identify the part of speech the word ‘seek ‘ belongs to in the given statement. [1]
’As they hunt for insects that seek shelter in trees and buildings.’
(a) adverb
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(b) verb
(c) noun
(d) adjective

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions

that follow: [7]
[1] You have probably read about quicksand in adventure stories.
Perhaps you have seen a movie in which somebody was trapped in
quicksand and sank from sight. The whole idea of quicksand seems
terrifying, and people were terrified by it for centuries. They
believed quicksand had some strange kind of suction that pulled
victims under.

[2] But all this was before scientists studied quicksand and found
out what it really is. Despite those movies and adventure tales, the truth is that quicksand cannot
hurt you if you know how to handle yourself in it. Quicksand is not always made of sand. It can
be any kind of loose soil. The thing that makes it ‘quick’ is the water flowing upward through it.
Quicksand can form in standing water or upward-flowing water. The sand you walk on at a beach
is not quicksand. No matter how wet it gets—even when it is underwater, you cannot sink into it.
This is because the water is just lying on top of it or soaking downward through it.

[3] Most often quicksand is found in valleys, swamps, and river or stream beds. You cannot
always recognize it by looking at it, for it may be covered by dead leaves or water or grass. If you
ever find you have stepped into quicksand, here's what to do: If you sink too fast to run, drop
anything heavy you are carrying. Lie flat on your back. The quicksand will maintain you up.
Shout for help if you know help is nearby. If no help comes, slowly roll yourself to firm ground.
This may take you an hour or more, but don't panic. Remember, you can't sink. Whatever you do,
make all your movements slow and deliberate. The quicksand must have time to flow around
your arms and legs as you move them, and since it's thick, it flows slowly. Quicksand—that is,
sand that behaves as a liquid because it is saturated with water—can be a murky nuisance, but it's
impossible to die in the way that is depicted in movies.
Source: The New Book of Knowledge
Based on your reading of the passage, complete the following statements:
i. People believed for centuries that quicksand had some ---------------- that pulled victims under.
ii. Most often quicksand is found in --------------.
iii. The best way to maintain oneself up in quicksand is to ------------.
Answer the following questions in not more than one or two sentences:
iv. Where is quicksand formed?
v. Why can’t we sink in the wet sand we walk on at the beach?
vi. Choose the synonym for the word ‘stuck’ from the first paragraph (1).
(a) terrified
(b) trapped
(c) suction
(d) pulled
vii. Identify the part of speech the word ‘slowly’ belongs to in the given statement. [1]
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‘If no help comes, slowly roll yourself to firm ground.’
(a) Interjection
(b) Verb
(c) Adjective
(d) Adverb

3. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow: [5]
Ballad of the Tempest
James T Fields

(1) We were crowded in the cabin,

Not a soul would dare to sleep,
It was midnight on the waters,
And a storm was on the deep.

(2) As thus we sat in darkness

Each one busy with his prayers,
“We are lost!” the captain shouted,
As he staggered down the stairs.

(3) But his little daughter whispered,

As she took his icy hand,
“Isn’t God upon the ocean,
Just the same as on the land?

(4) Then we kissed the little maiden,

And we spake in better cheer,
And we anchored safe in harbour
When the morn was shining clear.

Based on your reading of the poem, complete the following statements:

i. Despite it being midnight, nobody on the ship was asleep because __________________ [1]
ii. The captain of the ship shouted that they ______________________________. [1]
Answer the following question in not more than one or two sentences:
iii. How did the words of the captain’s daughter affect the people on the ship? [1]
iv. Identify the poetic device used in the given statement. [1]
‘We were crowded in the cabin?’
(a) Personification (b) Hyperbole (c) Alliteration (d) Metaphor
v. What is the rhyme scheme of the second stanza? [1]
(a) abcb (b) aaba (c) abab (d) aaab

4. Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally friendly activities that
people can participate in to protect our environment against air pollution and global
warming. Design a poster for your school to create awareness about the need to plant trees. [5]

5. Growing up, you most likely saw tons of commercials for cereal, toys, video games, etc.
Advertisements often target children because they're more prone to being influenced by those
things when compared to adults. Write an article in about 120-150 words on the ‘Impact of
Advertisement on Children’. [8]

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6. Your friend has won the first position in the OPEN MIC: Debate Competition. Send an e-mail
congratulating her on her achievement. You are Nisha and your friend is Ananya. [7]

7. Choose the correct option to complete the passage in indirect speech. [1x4=4]
Ram: (i) Mohan, are you going to Kerala?
Mohan: (ii) Yes, it is one of the most beautiful places in India.
Ram: (iii) Please go to Alleppey, the most popular backwater destination in Kerala.
Mohan: (iv) Okay, I will also hire a local tour guide to explore Kerala.

Mohan asked Ram (i) ------------------ to Kerala. Ram replied in the affirmative and said (ii)
------------------ in India. Ram requested Mohan (iii) -------------- the most popular backwater
destination in Kerala. Mohan acknowledged and said that (iv) -------------- a local tour guide to
explore Kerala.

i. (a) that he was going (b) if he had been going

(c) if he is going (d) if he was going

ii. (a) that it is one of the most beautiful places (b) that it was one of the most beautiful
(c) it is one of the most beautiful (d) it had been one of the most beautiful

iii. (a) go to Alleppey (b) to go to Alleppey

(c) that to go to Alleppy (d) that he must go to Alleppy

iv. (a) he will also hire (b) he would also hire

(c) he also would hire (d) he must also hire

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb.
Gardening is a good and enjoyable pastime. Yesterday, a fence (i)
------------ around my grandmother’s garden. Usually, fences (ii)
------------ of wood or bamboo. A bamboo fence (iii) ------------
around my grandmother’s garden to match her surroundings. Her
garden (iv) ------------ into various sections. Different types of
vegetables are grown in different seasons. Her garden is kept neat
and clean.

i. (a) fixed (b) were fixed (c) was fixed (d) are fixed
ii. (a) are made (b) has made (c) is made (d) were made
iii. (a) raised (b) will raise (c) is raised (d) are raised
iv. (a) were split (b) has split (c) can be split (d) is split

9. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate verbs from the ones given
below. [1x4=4]
Last night, when I (i) ---------- dinner, my mom (ii) ---------- me up. While talking to her, I
totally (iii) ---------- that I (iv) ---------- the roast in the oven. As a result, it turned into a
burnt roast, and I had to sleep without having dinner.
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i. (a) am making (b) was making (c) will make (d) make
ii. (a) was calling (b) will call (c) is calling (d) called
iii. (a) have forgotten(b) forgot (c) forget (d) forgets
iv. (a) had kept (b) has kept (c) kept (d) will keep

10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate linking words. [1x3=3]

My sister and I made a deal According to that the loser of the game would make sandwiches for
lunch. (i) ---------- I lost, I was happy (ii) ---------- I love making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I took out the bread slices and dressings. At the same time, I turned on the music to dance to my
favourite song. My sister peeked into the kitchen and started dancing too. (iii) ----------, she helped
me make the sandwiches.

i. (a) Although (b) Even (c) Whatever (d) Whereas

iii. (a) so that (b) besides (c) moreover (d) because
iii. (a) Otherwise (b) Whereas (c) Because (d) Additionally

11. Pick out the non-finite verbs in each of the following sentences and state whether they are
gerunds, infinitives, or participles. [1x3=3]
Non-finite Verb Kind
i. You need to paint the whole cupboard. ------- -------
ii. The frightened cat jumped over the wall. ------- -------
iii. Sleeping in the afternoon is not healthy at all. ------- -------

12. Rewrite the sentences using suitable contractions of the words given in brackets. [1x2=2]
i. (You are) going to be late if you don’t hurry.
ii. (They would) go horse riding when they were young.


13. Read the following lines given below and answer the questions that follow: [1x3=3]
‘“Can I ride back with Mill-wheel and see if I can
find it?”
“Tell your Ma I said you can go.”
He sidled back to the table and sat down. His mother
was pouring coffee for everyone.’

i. In the given lines, who is talking to whom?

ii. Who is the speaker trying to find?
iii. Where does he want to go with Mill-wheel and why?

14. Read the following extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [1x3=3]
‘The poetry of earth is ceasing never:
On a lone winter evening when the frost
Has wrought a silence, from the stone there shrills
i. What makes lone winter night silent?
ii. What sound breaks the silence on a winter evening?
iii. Name the literary device used in the last line.

15. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: [2x4=8]
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i. Why did the boy hold all four coins tight in his fist? (Jalebis)
ii. Why couldn’t the author sleep on August 2 night? [A Short Monsoon Diary]
iii. What makes the schoolboy so unhappy?[The School Boy]
iv. How did the author feel when he first saw Hawking Why? (A Visit to Cambridge)
v. Mention any two features of the education system in ancient India.

16. Imagine you are Bepin Choudhury. You are quite relieved
that your power of the mind is intact. However, you feel quite
betrayed because your so-called friends ganged up against
you. Write a diary entry elucidating the range of emotions
that you are experiencing over the turn of events. [6]

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