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Operational Advantages

TRIGAT MR meets all the new requirements of the infantry units which will be present in tomorrow's
theatres of operation.
destroys heavily protected and highly mobile targets: tanks, helicopters and bunkers
instantaneous firing: missile reload < 5 seconds
high rate of fire (up to 3 per minute).
suitable for combat in urban or wooded areas: firing from enclosed spaces and high accuracy even at
short ranges
deployable on multiple carriers: portable and adaptable on a wide range of vehicles
high availability
easy, low-cost training on high performance simulator


The TRIGAT MR user knows that a target engaged is a target destroyed.

excellent SSKP against highly protected mobile targets

fully effective from 200 metres to 2 400 metres
the aim point is the hit point (direct attack)
highly powerful double charge
operational in adverse visibility
resistant to counter-measures
possible to change target during missile flight


With the guarantee of performance, the system also ensures the safety of the user.

low launch signature

low rear effects, minimum limitation of firing position
low-sensitivity munitions
system resistant to NBC
suitable for harsh environments (resistant to shock, vibration, EMC etc.)
electro-magnetic compatibility

Technology : the cutting edge


TRIGAT MR employs thrust vector control techniques which enable firing from enclosed spaces and provide
enhanced manoeuvrability. Due to the low launch velocity (<20m/s), back blast and gas efflux are reduced,
thus eliminating problems of detection, counterfire, overpressure and noxious gas. Application of propulsive
forces at the missile's centre of gravity significantly increases missile agility, leading to full effectiveness
against even rapidly moving targets: 60km/h at short ranges to more than 150 km/h at 1500 metres.

The firing post generates a low-energy coded laser beam which, by scanning, creates a virtual tunnel. The
laser receiver situated at the rear of the missile detects the laser beam and calculates the position of the
missile with reference to the centre-line of the tunnel, the aiming axis of the system.

Thrust vectoring during the flight phases allows the missile to automatically adjust its position to coincide
with the centre of the tunnel, and thus the missile autonomously guides itself up to the point of target impact.

Beam-riding guidance provides surgical accuracy no matter what the environment of the type of terrain
(night, mist, snow, above water etc.). Laser guidance cannot be jammed, firstly, as the laser receiver is
located in the rear of the missile, thus out of reach of the enemy and, secondly, as there are no commands
transmitted from the firing post to the missile.

Thermal Imager

The thermal imager, with its IRCCD detectors, fitted on the firing post provides excellent identification out to
maximum range. The thermal imager and the guidance laser operate in the same wavelength, thus ensuring
that a target seen can be engaged and therefore can be destroyed. The thermal imager is available in two
versions: Joule-Thomson (compressed air bottle) or closed cycle compressor.

Fire power

Lethality is assured by the double shaped charge warhead which is capable of penetrating all types of
armour. The direct attack mode allows TRIGAT MR to be used against tanks and all types of secondary
targets: helicopters, bunkers, buildings etc.

Technical characteristics

Range: 200m to 2400m

Flight time: 2000m in < 12s
Guidance: laser beam riding resistant to countermeasures
Control: thrust vector control
Speed of crossing targets: 60km/h at 200m, > 150km/h at 1500m
Operational temperatures: min: -46°C, max: +63°C (+71°C transport)
Munition (ready to fire): L = 1045mm, M = 17kg
Missile: diam. = 152mm, M = 15kg
Firing post: M = 17kg
FOV = 105mrd (6°) or 148 & 87 mrd
Magnification: x 10 or x 7 & x 12
Thermal imager: M = JT: 9,35kg, CM: 8,85kg
Endurance = JT: 2h, CM: >5h
FOV: wide: 8° x 4°, narrow: 3° x 1,5°

A target engaged is a target destroyed

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