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The Wayback Machine -


Geo-political strategy
In the twenty-first century, front-line or infantry troops will need a powerful, effective, highly accurate
weapon. Anti-tank weapons must, therefore, have the following capabilities:

safe launch-to-target distance

operational in urban and wooded areas
permanent observation and night sight capability
surgical accuracy
avoidance of fratricide and collateral damage
resistant to counter-measures
easy-to-use with a built-in test system
adaptable to any vehicle

Europe and the Mediterranean still command large numbers of tanks. Tank speeds are increasing
and armour-protection (e.g.composite, reactive) is constantly being improved. Jamming provides
further tank protection.

The main battle tank plays a key role on the battlefield. It poses a dangerous threat. However, it is
proving increasingly difficult to defeat tanks with the current generation anti-armour weapon

Additionally, there are a number of other battlefield targets which must be defeated such as
bunkers, machine gun nests, armoured vehicles, command posts and other strategic positions.
However, in heat of the battle, it is not always possible to select a specific weapon system to
counter individual targets.

A weapon designed to destroy the hardest targets will naturally be capable of dealing with lesser
ones. What is required is a cost-effective system capable of destroying all types of target - a true
multi-target, multi-mission weapon system.

Medium Range Anti-tank Systems -

Mission Objectives
"A medium range anti-tank system's primary mission is to destroy main battle tanks protected with
modern and reactive armour modules. Its secondary role is to take out other targets, such as
helicopters, armoured vehicles, shelters, bunkers etc. A MR system must have round-the-clock
operational capability, on all terrains (including enclosed spaces) and in all conceivable battlefield
conditions. In addition, it must be capable of extended battlefield surveillance."

TRIGAT MR, with its single mode of attack defeats all main battle tanks and all secondary targets at
distances from 200m to 2400 m. A feature of TRIGAT MR's design is its stable and rugged tripod,
which provides the gunner in a prone position with the ideal weapon system for long-term battlefield
Hit Probability and SSKP
"The success of a weapon system depends on three main factors: it must be reliable, it must be
accurate and its warhead must be powerful enough to wipe out the target."

TRIGAT MR possesses an extremely powerful warhead and a highly accurate guidance system.
The gunner is thus able to destroy all targets, regardless of size or mobility (60 km/h at 200 m or
150 km/h at 1500m) even at oblique angles of engagement.

The exceptional rapid engagement performance offered by TRIGAT MR, a weapon system which is
immediately ready to fire, achieves its first target engagement in under 20 seconds followed by a
second engagement in less than 40 seconds, is a key design feature. (Recent trials in Australia
have successfully demonstrated 3 target engagements in less than 55 seconds). In addition to
TRIGAT MR's high rate of fire, the man-in-the-loop system ensures that the target is kept in view
until the moment of target impact. Thus, the gunner is able to verify that the mission has been
successfully accomplished.

Operational Use
"This term is employed to describe the suitability of the system to fulfil the mission requirements. It
comprises various phases: the logistic phase (transporting and setting up the system), observation
(target detection, recognition and identification) and survivability (ability to accomplish the mission
without being detected)."

TRIGAT MR meets all these requirements. It is easily man-portable over short distances, and
readily adaptable for fitment on to light vehicles. Use from vehicles presents the added advantage
of more munitions being available for further engagements. The day-view optics combined with the
thermal imager provide an unparalleled detection, recognition and identification system. Finally, the
firing post and the operator are virtually undetectable, due to the gunner's prone position, the
periscopic sight and the missile's low launch signature.

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