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I. Match 1–6 with a–f.

1 tennis a race
2 football b ball
3 cycling c stadium
4 swimming d match
5 golf e player
6 basketball f pool
III. Choose the correct words.
1 You use a ball that looks like an egg in football / rugby.
2 We have a swimming / sailing pool at our school.
3 Running and jumping are athletics / wrestling events.
4 When you play volleyball / hockey you hit the ball with a stick.
5 Skiing / Wrestling is a popular winter sport in the mountains.
6 The Tour de France is a famous cycling / sailing race.
7 My favourite sport is athletics / horse-riding. I like animals.
8 I don’t like wrestling / climbing. I’m scared of heights.
9 You can’t play golf / football in a stadium.
10 I like to play tennis / rugby in town. There is a great court there.
III. Complete the sentences.
1 Rafael Nadal is a famous tennis p __ __ __ __ __.
2 John and Simon are f __ __ __ of football. Their favourite team is Manchester United.
3 Maria is good at cycling. She won the r __ __ __!
4 I am going to watch a football match at Wembley S __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 The O __ __ __ __ __ __ Games were held in London in 2012.
6 I play for my school hockey t __ __ __.
7 Petra Kvitova was the women’s Wimbledon C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in 2014.
8 My brother is playing in a football m __ __ __ __ today.
9 A rugby b __ __ __ isn’t round. It looks like an egg!
10 The World Cup is a famous football c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
IV. Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of was / wasn’t or were/ weren’t
1 Zidane and Beckham played football. They ____________ wrestlers. . ()
2 Michael Phelps ____________ an Olympic swimming champion. (ü)
3 When I was younger, my sports hero ____________ Abebe Bikila. (ü)
4 Table tennis ____________ in the Olympics until 1988. . ()
5 Julia ____________ born in 1996. (ü)
6 Women ____________ competitors in the Olympics until 1900. . ()
7 Muhammad Ali ____________ a famous sports star. (ü)
8 Marilyn Monroe and James Dean ____________ famous actors. (ü)
9 When I was younger, my favourite sports ____________ tennis and football. (ü)
10 There ____________ an Olympic flag until 1920. . ()
11 We ____________ at the sports centre. (ü)
12 We ____________ at school. ()
13 Where ____________ he last night?
14 He ____________ at home. ()
15 I ____________ at the cinema yesterday. ()
V. Complete the sentences with there was, there were, there wasn’t or there weren’t.
1 ____________ 10,000 fans at the match.
2 ____________ only one apple in the bowl.
3 ____________ any women in the room.
4 ____________ an Internet café in my town.
5 ____________ eleven players in the team.
6 ____________a big parade at the carnival. _
VI. Read the text. Then choose the correct words.
The World Cup is the most famous football competition in the world. Every four years, thirty-two
teams from all over the world compete for the famous gold cup.
The first World Cup was in 1930. It was in Uruguay, in South America. The people of Uruguay
were excited about the competition, and they built a new stadium. But there was a problem: the
journey across the Atlantic by ship was long and expensive. There weren’t any jet planes in those
Other countries in the Americas (like Brazil and Mexico) agreed to be in the competition because
the journey wasn’t difficult for them. But a lot of players in Europe stayed at home. Only four teams
from Europe decided to come, and there were thirteen teams in the competition. There weren’t any
teams from Asia, Africa or Australia.
In the final, Uruguay played Argentina. More than 93,000 came to the stadium – there was no TV in
those days. Uruguay won 4–2!
The World Cup is a tennis / football competition.
1 The World Cup is every three / four years.
2 The first World Cup was in Uruguay / Brazil.
3 The people built a new ship / stadium for the competition in 1930.
4 The journey across the Atlantic was long / easy.
5 It was / wasn’t possible to travel by jet plane.
6 It was difficult / easy to travel from Mexico.
7 Four / Thirteen teams from Europe played in the competition.
8 There weren’t / were any teams from Asia in the competition.
9 More than 9,300 / 93,000 watched the final.
10 Uruguay / Argentina won the cup.
VII. Correct the mistakes.
1 There wasn’t any fans in the stadium. ________
2 There weren’t some cars 200 years ago. ________
3 Last Friday there was some swimming races. ________
4 There was a lot of people at the match. _______
5 There weren’t a maths exam yesterday. ______
6 Lan spends a month in the UK last year. ____________
7 We play volleyball this morning. _______________
8 The men come to this city in 2012. _______________
9 We see a good film last Saturday. ________________

I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

athletics cycling fan football player race sailing skiing stadium team
1 Andy Murray is the best British tennis ________.
2 I enjoy being on the water. ________ is my favourite sport.
3 He loves running and jumping. He’s good at ________.
4 Martina is very fast. She usually wins the 100-metre ________.
5 When you play ________ you can kick te ball, but you can’t touch it with your hands.
6 More than 75,000 people can watch the match at Manchester United’s football _______.
7 ________ with my friends is my favourite activity. We take our bikes to the park.
8 I’m a basketball ________. I watch my local team every weekend.
9 There are fifteen players in a rugby ________.
10 ________ is a popular winter sport in the mountains.
II. Choose the correct answers.
1 The lesson started ten minutes ( ago / last / first)
2 The London Olympic Games were ( last / in / ago) 2012.
3 He first played tennis ( in / when / ago ) he was six years old.
4 We had a geography exam ( in / ago /last week)
5 We moved to this flat when we ( was / were / are ) very young.
6 We went / started / played to stay at home last night.
7 Fantastic! My team won / did/ went the match.
8 I started / became/ visited horse-riding when I was eight.
9 Clara competed / went/ watched to the UK last summer.
10 We watched / travelled/ sang rugby on TV last night.
11 My cousin started / competed / learned in the X Games last year.
III. Write the past simple affirmative form of the verbs.
1 do ________ 6 play ________
2 come ________ 7 run ________
3 watch ________ 8 see ________
4 swim ________ 9 compete ________
5 go ________ 10 become ________
IV. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs. (5 marks)
I did all my homework last night. (do)
1 I ________ to play tennis when I was ten. (learn)
2 They ________ a good film on TV. (watch)
3 He ________ around the world last year. (travel)
4 We ________ to music in my room. (listen)
5 She ________ a star when she was eighteen. (become)
6 I ________ a month in the UK last year. (spend)
7 We ________ volleyball this morning. (play)
8 They ________ to this city in 2012. (come)
9 You ________ two goals in the match. (score)
10 We ________ a good film last Saturday. (see)
V. Complete the sentences using the past simple affirmative form of the words
do win play score run listen run compete watch
1 He ______________ a lot of goals for his country.
2 We ______________ tennis yesterday.
3 Maria ______________ five kilometres this morning.
4 They ______________ their homework at 7.00 p.m.
5 He ______________ the race. He’s very happy!
6 We ______________the match on TV. Our team won!
7 They ______________ to music last night.
8 Robin ______________ in the race.
9 She _______________ the 100 metres in the Olympic Games.
VI. Order the words to make sentences. (10 marks)
decided to / a cake / night / I / make / last I decided to make a cake last night.
1 won / last / we / competition / year / the. __________________________________.
2 September / horse-riding / in / started / she. _____________________________.
3 two months / visited / London / ago / I. __________________________________.
4 visited / they / Spain / first / last year. __________________________________.
5 learned / I / was / I / four / to read / when. __________________________________.
VII. Read the text. Then read the sentences and write true or false. (10 marks)
The World Cup is the most famous football competition in the world. Every four years, thirty-two
teams from all over the world compete for the famous gold cup. But do you know about the
competition’s history?
The first World Cup was in 1930. It was in Uruguay, in South America. The people of Uruguay were
excited about the competition, and they built a new stadium in the country’s capital. But there was a
problem: the journey across the Atlantic by ship was long and expensive. There weren’t any jet planes
in those days!
Other countries in the Americas (like Brazil, Mexico and the USA) agreed to be in the competition
because the journey wasn’t difficult for them. But a lot of players in Europe wanted to stay at home.
In the end, four teams from Europe decided to come, and there were thirteen teams in the competition.
There weren’t any teams from Asia, Africa or Australia.
In the final, Uruguay played Argentina. More than 93,000 came to the stadium – there was no TV in
those days. Uruguay won 4–2!
1 There is a World Cup competition every year. ________
2 The first World Cup was in 1930. ________
3 The first World Cup was in Argentina. ________
4 A lot of people travelled by plane in 1930. ________
5 Brazil played in the 1930 World Cup. ________
6 In 1930 the journey from Mexico to Uruguay was difficult. ________
7 There were thirty-two teams in the 1930 World Cup. ________
8 Australia played in the 1930 World Cup. ________
9 Ninety-three thousand people watched the final on TV. ________
10. Uruguay won the competition. ________
3 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. (5 marks)
learn go watch win start
1 You’re late! The match ________ five minutes ago!
2 I ________ to Spain last summer.
3 We ________ about the Olympic Games in our last history lesson.
4 Our team ________ the match! The score was 3–2.
5 We ________ a film on TV yesterday evening.

Unit 6 Vocabulary page 66 Test A

1 Match 1–5 with a–e.
1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____
1 I go a Olympic medals.
2 They competed b the youngest gold medallist.
3 He became c in 1995.
4 She won two d in the Olympic Games.
5 The X Games started e swimming every Thursday.
2 Complete the sentences.
1 He c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ at Wimbledon last year.
2 Spain b __ __ __ __ __ World Cup champions in 2010.
3 I w __ __ __ __ __ __ the match on TV last night.
4 We l __ __ __ __ __ __ to play volleyball at school.
5 The team t __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ around the world.
Unit 6 Vocabulary page 66 Test B
2 Match 1–5 with a–e.
1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____
1 We do a superstars.
2 I travelled b lots of sports at school.
3 She competed c to ski when he was five.
4 He learned d to London to see the match.
5 They became e in the competition.
2 Complete the sentences.
1 We l __ __ __ __ __ __ to ski on holiday.
2 Germany w __ __ the football World Cup in 2014.
3 They t __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to Brazil last summer.
4 She c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in the X Games last year.
5 We w __ __ __ __ __ __ the game on TV yesterday.
V. Complete the sentences, using there was or there were and many, any, a or an.
In 1950 ...

2 ____________________a river called the Thames in London.

3 ____________________ internet café in Paris.
4 ____________________ shops in New York.
5 ____________________ Harry Potter books.
In 1920 ...
1 ____________________ cafés in Venice.
2 ____________________ laptops.
3 ____________________ a famous shop called Harrods in London.
4 ____________________ rap musicians.
5 ____________________ mobile phone shop in Prague.

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