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I. Write means of trasnport

II. Complete the sentences

1. How_______ is it from your house to the city centre?
2. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest __________? It is about 1 kilometer from this restaurant to the
nearest bank.
3. How far__________it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City?
4. It is about 5 kilometres from my house__________yours.
5. How far is_________from your company to your apartment?
6. It is __________3 kilometres.
7. How far is it from my school to yours? __________is about 8 kilometres
8. How far is it __________where you live to your company?
III. Find and correct mistakes
_________ 1. How far is from your house to the nearest restaurant?
_________ 2. It is at 2 kilometers from my house to La Villa French restaurant.
_________ 3. How far is it from your university and my university?
_________ 4. It is not far from my university to yours
_________ 5. How far is it from here to our destination?
_________ 6. How far it is from our school to the camp site?
_________ 7. Its not far from our school to the camp site.
_________ 8. How far is it at the train station to the nearest drugstore?

IV. Complete the sentences with should/ shouldn’t so many lollipops. It's bad for his teeth.
2. He's fifteen. He........................ drive a car.
3. Pregnant women..............smoke as it can damage the baby.
4.We...................go somewhere exciting for our holiday.
5. People fast in the town centre.
6. You ...................ask the teacher to help you if you don't understand the lesson.
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7....................I buy the dress or the skirt?
8. She ...................tell lies.
9.That's a fantastic book. it
10. The doctot said: you healthy food. fast food.You ................... watch so
much TV. You ................... walk 1 hour a day. You................... drink fruit juice and water.
You...................drink wine or beer.
11. You ................... be so selfish.
12. I don’t think you ................... smoke so much.
13. You................... exercise more.
14. I think I you ................... try to speak to her.
15. You are overweight. You ................... go on a diet.
16. Where................... we park our car?
17. You ................... never speak to your mother like this.
18. The kid ................... spend so much time in front of the TV.
19. ................... I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?
20. I think we................... reserve our holiday in advance.
V. Match A with B
Cột A Cột B
1. It's too far to walk. a. You should learn the language before you go.

2. Someone doesn't know which way to go. b. You should ask a policeman.
3. Someone is going to live overseas. c. You should wear an overcoat.

4. It's going to be a cold day. d. You should pay by cheque.

5. Someone is feeling hot and has a headache. e. You should call the police.
6. Someone has seen somebody breaking into a shop window. f. You should see a doctor.

7. Someone hasn't got any money with them. g. You should take a rest.
8. It's raining. h. You should take a taxi.

9. Someone has to get up early in the morning. i. You should set your alarm clock.

10. Someone is tired out. j. You should take an umbrella.

1........... 2........... 3........... 4........... 5...........

6........... 7........... 8........... 9........... 10...........
VI. Arrange words to make meaningful sentences
1. up/I / smoking/./ should/ give ……………………………………………………………………
2. I/ not/?/ tell/ her/ or/ Should……………………………………………………………………………………
3. think/should/I/take/you/easy/./ it……………………………………………………………………………
5.Jeff/ much/. /work/ so/ shouldn't……………………………………………………………………………
6.We/ our/ take/ should/ umbrellas/.………………………………………………………………………………
7.don't/ accept/ this/ Anita/ job/./ think /I /should
……………………………………………………………………………………… should/ sure/ we/ Are/ it/?/ do……………………………………………………………………………
9.What /should/ is/ do/ home/, /go/ you
10.speak/ should/ think/ to/ Do/ police/?/ you/ the/I

P a g e 2 | 10
I. Choose the word that has different sound in the underlined part
1. A. ship B. bicycle C. dish D. taxi
2. A. hole B. cold C. motorbike D. bowl
3. A. hand B. traffic C. cancel D. park
4. A. subject B. truck C. ambulance D. luck
5. A. railway B. law C. may D. today
6. A. entered B. loved C. kicked D. discovered
7. A. opened B. invented C. considered D. married
8 .A. attacked B. stopped C. laughed D. surrounded
II. Choose the correct answer
1. A road ( pedestrian/ policeman/ boy/ user) is anyone who use a road, such as a pedestrian, cyclist or motorist.
2. Does your father ( drive/ ride/ fly/ walk) his motorbike carefully?
3. A ( bus driver/ pedestrian/ passenger/ road user) is a person travelling in a car, bus, train…but no driving.
4. My brother wants to become a pilot. He is learning to( ride/ drive/ buy/ fly) planes.
5. We must stop when the ( school/ traffic/ car/ home) light turns red.
6. “How did she get here?”
- ( She came here last night/ Is it far from here?/ She came here by train/ The train was crowded.)
7. My mum ( catches/ goes/ runs/ does) the bus to work every morning, but my dad drives.
8. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people ( remember/ obey/ go after/ take care of) the traffic rules.
9. You should look right and left when you go ( along/ up/ down/ across) the street.
10. Hurry up, or we’ll ( lose/ avoid/ miss/ drop) the last bus.
11. She’s always tired. She (wouldn’t/ shouldn’t/ couldn’t/ mustn’t) go to bed late every night.
III. Give advice to the situation
Take medicine / take up swimming/ worry about it/ eat so much sweets/ do little jobs or go
babysitting/ ask your teacher to explain it again/ study harder/ watch too much television/
practice a lot/ get up earlier
1. We are often late for school.
2. My friends laugh at me because I don't have expensive clothes.
3. My mother has a terrible headache. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. I don't understand how to give advice in English.
5.My brother gets very bad marks at school.
6.We're going to write a Maths test tomorrow.
7. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to Greece next summer.
8. I always feel tired. ………………………………………………………………………………………
9. My friends love eating and they're very fat.
10. I want to buy some new clothes but I don't have any money.
IV. Complete the sentences
clean eat fasten go stay study takex2 visit watch
1. If you have time you should............................ the National Museum.
2. When you are driving a car, you should. .........................your seatbelt.
3. When you play football, you should .........................the ball .
4. It's late and you are tired. You should...................... to bed.
5.You should .....................your teeth at least twice a day.
6. It's too far from here. You should....................a taxi to get there.

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7. If you want to pass the exam, you should....................more.
8. He wants to lose weight, so he should.................... less
9. It's raining now. I think you umbrella.
10. He is ill. He should............................ at home.
V. Write complete sentences, using should/ shouldn't.
1.(drink much soft drink) You ........................................................................................................
2.(go on a diet) You ........................................................................................................
3.(get exercise) You ........................................................................................................
4.(drink soda) You ........................................................................................................
5.(eat more vegetables) You ........................................................................................................
6.(eat apple) You ........................................................................................................
7.(eat too much bread) You ........................................................................................................
8.( only drink plain water) You ........................................................................................................
9. (eat too much chocolate) You ........................................................................................................
10. (change your health habits) You ........................................................................................................
VI. Labe the picture
Traffic lights, cycle lane, Turn left ahead, Parking lot, No cycling, One way traffic, Turn right ahead, Road work

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
VII - Read the passage and do the tasks below.
Traffic jams in Viet Nam frequently take place in big cities, such as Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City.
There is no fixed rule for the time a traffic jam to happen. But It is worst during the rush hour when everyone is in
a hurry to get to work or come back home. Apart from peak hours, the time between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and between
3 p.m. to 4 p.m. also witnesses long lines of vehicles, mainly motorbikes. When it rains, the traffic jam gets more
terrible. Taxis are extremely hard to catch or wave during the downpour.
However, the most annoying thing about the traffic jam is the way people react to it. Most road users ride their
motorbikes on the pavement rather than waiting calmly. Moreover, they constantly use their horns to hasten riders
in the front, even shouting at them from time to time.
Part 1: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. the causes of traffic jams in Viet Nam B. the effects of traffic jams in Viet Nam
C. the reality of traffic jams in Viet Nam D. the solutions to reduce traffic jams in Viet Nam
2. When is traffic congestion in Viet Nam the worst?
A. when everyone goes to work B. between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
C. between 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. D. at the weekend
3. It’s difficult to catch a_________during the downpour.
A. bus B. taxi C. train D. motorbike
Part 2: Decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. There is a certain time for traffic congestion in Viet Nam. 
2. The traffic jam becomes more serious when it rains. 
3. To get through a traffic jam, road users usually break traffic rules. 

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II. Odd one out
1. A. ambulance B. taxi C. sign D. plane
2. A. bus B. driver C. motorbike D. bicycle
3. A. train B. yesterday C. tomorrow D. today
4. A. artist B. engineer C. painter D. transport
5. A. pavement B. sheep C. pedestrian D. footpath
6. A. increase B. supermarket C. restaurant D. cinema
7. A. helmet B. vehicle C. accident D. narrow
8. A. pizza B. spaghetti C. obey D. hamburger
10.A. secretary B. rule C. nurse D. dentist
III. Read and choose the best answer
a. You must turn right. a. Pedestrians can enter.
b. You must turn left. b. Pedestrians mustn’t enter.
c. You must go ahead. c. Pedestrians must enter.
1. 2.
a. Trains must stop. a. You can park here.
b. Trains mustn’t enter. b. You must park here.
c. You must be careful with c. You mustn’t park here.
3. the train. 4.
a. You can turn back. a. Cyclists must enter.
b. You mustn’t turn back. b. Cyclists mustn’t enter.
c. You must turn back. c. Cyclists can park here.
5. 6.
IV. Choose the best answer
1. They often choose ( slower/ faster/ smaller/ worse) cars with bigger engines to get higher speed.
2. The underground in Japan is much (slow / quick / quicker / more quick ) than taxis or buses.
3. What ( toy/ card/ ball/ game) did you use to play when you were six years old?
4. The traffic…………….tell people to do, warns people about possible dangers in the street.
A. jams B. signs C. lights D. rules
5. Always look ( quickly/ well/ carefully/ safely) when you cross the street.
6. What must you do before you turn left or right when ……………a motorbike?
A. holding B. taking C. making D. riding
7. He is driving his car too fast but he is not wearing his……………..
A. seatbelt B. helmet C. hat D. coat
8. The little boy is walking at the side of the road towards a zebra………………….
A. passing B. crossing C. taking D. doing
10. Why should pedestrians wear light colored …………….in the dark?
A. gloves B. hats C. clothes D. jeans
11. Big cities often ………………..from traffic jams every day.
A. cross B. suffer C. start D. come
12. One problem in big cities is that too many people…………the road.
A. take B. do C. make D. use
13. There was an( accident/ car/ pavement/ bus station) here this morning. The traffic was congested for an hour.
14. A zebra crossing is for pedestrians who want to cross a road.
15. There is a three – kilometer traffic ( accident/ light/ rule/ jam) on the road approaching the town.
16. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is one of the ( busy/ busier/ busiest/ the busiest) city in the world.
17. One of the quickest and ( more convenient/ most convenient/ convenient/ less convenient) ways travelling
around the city is to take a bus.
18. Children ( can’t/ shouldn’t/ should/ must) ride their bikes too fast.
19. This is a big park. You (should/ can/ must/ will) run or cycle here.
20. You ( shouldn’t/ mustn’t/ can’t/ won’t) drink too much soft drink. It’s not good for your health.
21. When you ride a bike, wear a helmet and always use the ( railway/ bus lane/ cycle lane/ highway).
22. How( long/ much/ many/ far) is it from your house to the bus stop?
23. You ( should/ shouldn’t/ are/do) put the rubbish in the waste bins over there.
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24. You must/ could/ will/ can) be 18 to ride a motorbike.
25. The public ( car/ road/ travel/ transport) in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive.
26. ( That/ This/ There/ It) is not far from here to the train station.
V- Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
In the UK, bus journeys are just boring and simply a necessity. This public means of transportation is often
convenient when you live or work in the city centre, as you can avoid traffic jams by moving very quickly in the
bus lanes, and do not have to pay to park the car. After all, though, taking the bus is just a necessary and tedious
part of life: you board the bus, pay the driver and sit down or find a place to stand. Very boring.
In Latin America, however, bus trips can be very lively. For a start, long-distance buses put on films so that you
have entertainment for at least some of the journey. Naturally, local transport does not show films but drivers
usually switch on the radio and that can be a great way to hear new songs and new styles of music. Therefore,
taking the bus doesn’t sound like fun but it is much more exciting than any UK bus journey.
(British Council)
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Buses in the UK are very convenient.
B. Bus journeys are different in the UK and in Latin America.
C. Bus journeys in the UK are boring.
D. Films are shown on long-distance buses in Latin America.
2. Public transport in the UK is convenient because you can avoid_________.
A. traffic accidents B. policemen C. traffic jams D. bus lanes
3. The word “tedious” in line 3 means_________.
A. not interesting B. exciting C. wonderful D. important
4. The phrasal verb “put on” in the first sentence of the second paragraph can be replaced with “_________”.
A. close B. wear C. play D. open
5. Which of the following statements is NOT MENTIONED about bus journeys in Latin America?
A. Passengers can entertain during their trip by watching films.
B. Drivers play new styles of music on the radio.
C. They are more exciting than bus trips in the UK.
D. They are more expensive than bus trips in the UK.
VI- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. have/ trip/ hometown/ brother/ two days ago.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. 15 kilometres/ my place/ my hometown.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. go/ there/ train/ and/ it/ comfortable.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. there/ a lot of/ vehicles/ road.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. trip/ exciting/ meaningful.
→ ________________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite the sentences as directed
1. The distance from Ha Noi to Hue City is about 540 km. ( IT).
2. Our teacher always drives carefully. ( DRIVER).
3. A train leave for Da Nang at 5 o’clock every morning. ( THERE)
4. Most of my classmates go to school by bike. ( HOW)
5. There are often traffic jams in the city centre during rush hour. (WHEN)
6. It’s about 170km from HCMC to Can Tho City. ( HOW)

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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. far B. hate C. crazy D. plate
2. A. ancient B. radio C. nature D. village
3. A. enter B. mention C. vehicles D. helicopter
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A traffic B. cycle C. ahead D. hospital
5. A. transport B. bicycle C. railway D. obey
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. All of us have to obey _____ strictly.
A. traffic B. traffic rules C. traffic jam D. regular
7. It is _____ for teenage under 18 to ride a bike in Vietnam.
A. legal B. legally C. illegally D. illegal
8. Yesterday Ba and Nga _____ round West Lake. It took them an hour.
A. cycled B. cycle C. cycling D. cycles
10. Hurry up or we can’t _____ the last bus home.
A. keep B. follow C. go D. catch
11. Pete and Liz used to go to school _____.
A. by foot B. on foot C. by feet D. on feet
12. They really enjoy _____ the boat.
A. driving B. catching C. sailing D. riding
13. When the bus stops, the students say goodbye to the driver and _____.
A. walk on B. walk of C. get on D. get off
14. His father is a pilot and he began to _____ planes 10 years ago.
A. flying B. fly C. flew D. flown
16. We should _____ the street at the zebra crossing.
A. walk B. walk through C. walk on D. walk across
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. You have to strictly obey traffic signals when riding on the road.
A. catch B. follow C. see D. buy
18. Hoian used to be a peace and quiet city.
A. peaceful B. busy C. crowded D. noisy
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOPSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
19. Mr. Huy used to ride his motorbike dangerously.
A. riskily B. safely C. carelessly D. annoyingly
20. Hanoi is clean and peaceful.
A. quite B. restful C. noisy D. gentle
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. “_____ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” – “About 50 metres”.
A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How often
22. Linh and Long often _____ their bikes in their spare time.
A. ride B. rides C. riding D. rode
23. It _____ me 45 minutes to go school by bus.
A. take B. takes C. took D. taking
24. I _____ a horse when I was young, but now I don’t.
A. ride B. have ridden C. used to ride D. was riding
25. _____ does it take to go from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city by plane? – About 2 hours
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How far

26. _____ he use to sail a boat when he was 15?

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A. Do B. Does C. Did D. Is
27. Lan _____ travel by plane, but now she travels by plane much.
A. used to B. doesn’t use to C. uses to D. didn’t use to
28. When there is a traffic jam, it _____ me a very long time to go home.
A. takes B. costs C. spends D. lasts
29. It is over 100 km _____ my hometown to Danang city.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
30. I _____ relax on Sundays. But Sunday is my busiest day of the week now.
A. used to B. didn’t use to C. use to D. don’t use to
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
32. How does our English teacher goes to work every day?
33. Children must to learn about read safety.
34. Did you used to go to school on foot?
35. It takes me 30 minutes riding from home to school.
Read the passage and then decide whether these sentences are True (A) or False (B)
Traffic jams
For many years, Raze has been driving to work and back every weekday. Every morning, on his way to work,
especially during the rush hour, the highways are usually crowded causing massive traffic jams. The situation is
even worse in the evening when he drives home. All the traffic comes to halt whenever there is an accident or a car
has broken down and blocks an entire lane. In the winter, particularly when it snows, multi-car accidents with
injuries can take emergency paramedics and vehicles removers a number of hours to clear the road. When Raze is
stuck in a heavy traffic jam, he listens to music on the radio to calm his nerves. His boss and his wife know that if
he is late, he is probably stuck a traffic.
(Adapted from
36. Raze has traveled to work by car. A. True B. False
37. There are many traffic jams at the highways during the rush hours. A. True B. False
38. There will be less traffic jams when he drives home. A. True B. False
39. Broken-down cars that block the entire lane is one reason for traffic jams. A. True B. False
40. When Raze is stuck in a heavy traffic jam, he will be angry. A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each of the questions below.
Stuck in traffic
Richard Ryan is stuck in traffic. There must be an accident somewhere up ahead because he’s been sitting in the
same spot for the last few minutes. The cars aren’t moving at all. It looks like it’s going to be another
slow commute.
Even though he left his house early to beat the traffic, if the cars don’t start to move soon, Richard will be late for
a very important meeting. He has to meet with some lawyers who advising his company on a construction project.
Richard is the president of a big company. It he’s late, he won’t get in trouble, but he hates to be late for anything.
(Adapted from
41. What is Richard’s problem now?
A. He is stuck in traffic. B. He has a car accident.
C. His car breaks down. D. When he was 14 years old.
42. In paragraph 1, the word “commute” is closest in meaning to
A. pace B. toad C. movement D. travel
43. In paragraph 2, what does it mean by “to beat the traffic”?
A. to avoid traffic jams B. to travel safety
C. to drive on road D. to move slowly
44. In can be inferred from the second paragraph that
A. Richard is a lawyer B. Richard has a high position in the company
C. Richard is hiring a groups of lawyer for his company
D. Richard has a trouble working with the lawyer
45. Richard hates
A. traffic jams B. working with the lawyers
C. being late for things D. driving his car

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Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the two
given sentences.
46. Lan doesn’t play piano anymore.
A. Lan used to play piano.
B. Lan is playing piano.
C. Lan didn’t use to play piano.
D. Lan wasn’t playing piano.
47. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school.
A. I don’t use to collect stamps when I was in primary school.
B. I didn’t use to collect stamps when I was in primary school.
C. I sued to collect stamps when I was in primary school.
D. I use to collect stamps when I was in primary school.
48. He is not a poor man anymore because he has becomes a rich businessman.
A. He used to be a rich man.
B. He used to be a businessman.
C. He used to be a poor man.
D. He used to be a poor businessman.
49. My hair now is much longer than that in the past.
A. My hair is longer now than it in the past.
B. My hair was longer in the past.
C. My hair used to be shorter in the past.
D. My hair used to be longer in the past.
50. They didn’t use to go to the cinema every Sunday last year.
A. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year.
B. They used to go to the cinema every Sunday last year.
C. They often went to the cinema every Sunday last year.
D. They didn’t go to the cinema every Sunday last year.
_____The end_____


Talk about your favorite means of transportation
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is your favourite means of transportation?
• How often do you use it?
• Where do you usually go?
• Why do you like it?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• bicycle • My favourite means of transportation is ...
• car • ... is my favourite means of transportation.
• helicopter • I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly every day/ every
• boat weekend ...
• convenient • I ride a bike/ sail on a boat/ fly to ...
P a g e 9 | 10
• cheap • I really like this vehicle because ....
• safe • I love this vehicle because of its + N
• environmentally friendly
• healthy
II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) describing a trip to your hometown.
You can answer some of the following questions:
• Where is your hometown?
• How did you get there?
• Who did you go with?
• How was the traffic?
• Did you enjoy the trip?

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