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S/n Question Mark Correct Answer Option A

1 The anchor man in a relay race runs the 0.4 D First leg
2 The ability to perform any task well is know as 0.4 A Accuracy
3 The measurements of the crossbar used during the 0.4 C FIFA
4 All are reason for human trafficking except 0.4 B Cheap labor
5 ____ disease can be transmitted easily in over crow 0.4 A Contagious
6 Which of the following is not an indoor activity 0.4 B Whot
7 Which of the following does not belong to the grou 0.4 C Long jump
8 Disease causing organisms is known as 0.4 D Virus
9 Which one is a team event in athletics 0.4 C 100m
10 Which of the following is an offence in soccer game 0.4 A Pushing
11 The following are symptoms of STI except 0.4 D Itching
12 All are effect of STI excluding one 0.4 C Pelvic inflammatio
13 Judo is a combat game founded by the 0.4 B American
14 In 1902, judo was introduced to the 0.4 A American
15 The first world judo championship was held in 0.4 B New York
16 Judo was originated and developed by 0.4 D Dr. James Naismit
17 Judo is done in a building called 0.4 B Fujo
18 In judo, contestants face each other at a distance o 0.4 D 5m
19 In judo the referee calls ____ for fight to begin 0.4 C Kazami
20 In judo, ______ is not effective in scoring until the 0.4 C Waza- ari
21 Karate is a traditional _____ martial art the emphas 0.4 B Korean
22 The modern type of karate was developed on an is 0.4 A Okinawa
23 In 1939, Funakoshi built a school where he taught 0.4 B Shotoki
24 The first world championship of karate was held in 0.4 C 1980
25 Which of these postural defects is referred to as " 0.4 A Kyphosis
26 Factors responsible for postural defect include the 0.4 D Heredity
27 One of these does not contribute to the maintenan 0.4 B Back straight
28 Which of the following equipment is not used in ka 0.4 C Head gear
29 Which of these is not a postural defects 0.4 D Flat foot
30 _____ is a situation where the arch of the foot is lo 0.4 A Flat foot
31 Which of the deficiency in vitamins could cause ky 0.4 C Vitamins B
32 Which of these could cause flat foot defect 0.4 B Constant exercise
33 The second point in tennis counts 0.4 D 10
34 The next score by the server after a deuce in tenni 0.4 B Advantage-out
35 In the game of tennis, the prolonged exchanged of 0.4 A Rally
36 The game of tennis was introduced in U.S.A. by wh 0.4 C Lady Macbeth
37 Who declares the winner and loser in table tennis 0.4 C Referee
38 False start in athletics is when a competitor 0.4 A Beat the gun
39 All are causes of sports violence except 0.4 C Overcrowding
40 When the scores in tennis stands at 40-40 it is call 0.4 D Let
41 What happens if a player fails to dribble while movi 0.4 A Possession is give
42 In basketball how many players are allowed on the 0.4 D 4
43 In basketball how many points is shot worth when i 0.4 B 1
44 Effects of sports violence exclude one 0.4 B Death
45 When the scores are 10-10 in table tennis game, it i 0.4 A Tie
46 What is the name of the governing body in the worl 0.4 C MLB
47 In which country is basketball a major sport 0.4 C Canada
48 Volcanic eruption, fumes and smoke are sources of 0.4 C Noise Pollution
49 Which of the following class of food build and repai 0.4 A Protein
50 Physical education is best defined as the process of 0.4 B Training the body
Option B Option C Option D Option E Option F Option G
Second leg Third leg Fourth leg
Fitness Solution Strength
Charity Service of prostituWickedness
Sexually transmitCholera Malaria
Picnic Scrabble Table tennis
High jump Marathon Pole vault
Fungi Bacteria Pathogens
Marathon Relay race Cross country
Tackling Shooting Heading
Tingling sensatioSmall fluid filled blInfertility
Infertility Backache Pregnancy complications
Japanese Korean Jamaicans
Canadian Portuguese Brazilian
Tokyo New Zealand Greece
Parker Brothers Ginchin Funakoshi Prof. Jigaro Kano
Dojo Cajo Zijo
7m 6m 4m
Hajima Hajime Kanji
Buko Yuko Ipon
Japanese Chinese Kuwait
Okiwa Japan Yokohama
Shotokan Kun-fu Ti-chi
1990 1970 1960
Lordosis Scoliosis Flat foot
Muscular weakneOccupation/habit Adequate nutrient
Eyes down Head up Sit up right
Belt Stick Mouth guard
Sunken chest Genu valgum Low hip
Obesity Kyphosis Scoliosis
Vitamins E Vitamin D Vitamins A
Over Weight Sleepless night Splintage
20 15 30
Advantage-in 50-40 40-40
Lob Passing Stroke
Alfredo Mary Ewing OuterbGreen Jennifer
The scorer Umpire Net Court judge
Falls down Goes beyond the stStart too late
General administWeather Poor officiating
Rally Draw Deuce
3 point is award The player is sent The game ends
8 7 5
2 3 4
Promotion Injuries and destruDisruption of the flow in the sports games
Love Deuce Draw
United Kingdom USA Germany
Water pollution Air pollution Land pollution
Fat and oil Vitamins Carbohydrates
Developing the sTraining the body, Developing the body
Option H Option I

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