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Column Reinforcement

Lp Column length = 0.15 m

Bp Column width = 0.15 m
db Designed rebar dia. = 13.00 mm
As1 Area of single flexural reinforcement bar = 132.73 mm
ds Diameter of shear reinforcing bars = 8.00 mm
Asv Area of shear reinforcement bar = 50.27 mm
Lp Column length = 0.40 m
Bp Column width = 0.15 m
Ag Gross pedestal section area = 0.06 m
= 60,000 mm
d' Concrete cover = 0.050 m
d Effective pedestal depth = Lp - dc - ds - 0.5*db
= 0.34 m

Øv Shear capacity reduction factor = 0.75 unitless

Øc Axial capacity reduction factor = 0.65 unitless
Ø Flexural capacity reduction factor = 0.90 unitless

Minimum and Maximum bar spacing

● Minimum Bar Spacing = 1.000 in
= 25.400 mm
● Maximum Bar Spacing = 18.000 in
= 457.200 mm
.5.2.1.Column Interaction Diagram

Hence, utlimate loading can be determined :

Column Load
Pu Ultimate axial loading = 254.26 kN (Output ST
Mu Ultimate bending moment = -13.26 kN-m (Output ST
Vu Ultimate shear loading = -5.77 kN (Output ST

Minimum Reinforcement
ρ min Minimum reinforcement ratio = 0.005 unitless

Maximum Reinforcement
ρ max Maximum reinforcement ratio = 0.080 unitless

Flexural Reinforcement
db Deformed Reinforcement Bar Dia. = 13.0 mm
Total nos of Reinforcement Bar = 8.0 ea.
As2 Reinforcement Bar - Compression Section 1 = 398.20 mm 2
As1 Reinforcement Bar - Tension Section 2 = 398.20 mm 2
As3 Reinforcement Bar - Tension Section 3 = 265.46 mm 2
Ast Total Area of Reinforcement Bar = 1,061.86 mm 2
ρ = Ast = 0.018
1. Ultimate Axial (Compression) Capacity

ØPo Ultimate compression capacity

= [ ( Øc * fc' * (Ag - Ast) ) + ( fy * Ast ) ]
= [0.65 * 35 * ((400 * 150) - (1061.86)) + ( 390 * 1061.86 ) ]
= 1,754.967 kN

2. ØPn and ØMn in Balanced Condition

εst1 Strain in tension reinforcement = 0.002 unitless

εc Strain in concrete = 0.003 unitless
cb Neutral axis
= d * c = 201.30 mm
c + st1
s2 Strain in compression reinforcement 2
= cb - (d' +ds+0.5db) * c = 0.002 unitless
a Height of compression block
= 0.85 * cb = 171.11 mm
Cc Concrete block compression capacity
= 0.85 * fc' * a * B = 763.56 kN
Cs2 Compression Capacity of Reinforcement Bar
= (Es * s2 - 0.85 fc') * As2 = 150.52 kN
Cs1 Tension Capacity of Reinforcement Bar
= Es * s1 * As1 = 159.28 kN
Cs3 Tension Capacity of Reinforcement Bar
= Es * s1 * As3 = 106.19 kN
Pn Total Compression force
= Cc + Cs2 - Cs1 - Cs3 = 754.80 kN
Øc.Pn Ultimate Compression Capacity = 490.62 kN
Mn Moment capacity
= Cc * (d - 0.5 a)) + Cs2 * ( d - d' - ds - 0.5 db )
= 190.849 + 40.79
= 231.6 kN.m
Øb.Mn Ultimate moment capacity = 208.48 kN.m

3. ØMn in Moment Absolute Condition

c Strain in concrete = 0.003 unitless

s2 Strain in compression reinforcement
= c - 50 * 0.003
fs2 = ES * s2
= 600 * c - 50
s1 Strain in tension reinforcement 1
c = c
d s1 + c
s1 = c * d - c
s1 = 1.007 - 0.003
fs1 = ES * s1
= 201,300 - 600
Cc Concrete block compression capacity
= 0.85 * fc' * a * B = 3.79 * c kN
Cs2 Compression capacity of reinforcement bar
= (fs2 - 0.85 fc') * As2
= 238.91812 * c - 50 - 11.846 kN
Cs1 Tension capacity of reinforcement bar
= fs1 * As1
= 80157.030 - 238.918 kN
Cs3 Tension capacity of reinforcement bar
= fs1 * As3
= 53438.020 - 159.279 kN
Condition P = 0
Cc + Cs2 - Cs1 - Cs3 = 0
3.8 c + 239 * c - 50 - 11.8 - 80157.0 + 238.918
c c
- 53438.0 + 159.279 = 0

3.8 c^2 + 238.92c - 16246.43 - 11.85c - 80,157 + 238.9

- 53438.0 + 159.28 c = 0

3.8 c^2 + 625.269c - 149841.482 = 0

From trial and error :

c = 94.353 mm

So :
Cc Concrete Block Compression Capacity = 357.89 kN
z1 Distance Cc to As1 = 295.40 mm
Cs2 Comp. capacity of ceinforcement bar ( As2) = 54.88 kN
z2 Distance Cs2 to As1 = 267.50 mm
Cs1 Tension Capacity of Reinforcement Bar (As1) = 610.62 kN
Pn Total Compression force
= Cc + Cs2 - Cs1 = -197.85 kN
Øc.Pn Ultimate Compression Capacity = -128.60 kN
Mn Moment capacity
= Cc * z1 +Cs2 * z2 = 120.40 kN.m

Øb.Mn Ultimate moment capacity = 108.36 kN.m

Condition Øc.Pn (kN) Øb.Mn (kN.m)
Axial 1,754.967 0.000
Balanced 490.617 208.475
Moment 0.000 108.363

Design loading is based on ultimate loading applied to each column, show in Table Celow.

Condition Axial (kN) Moment (kN.m)

Design Loading
254.262 -13.262

Pedestal's Interaction Diagram
Maximum Axial

Pu (kN)

Loading 1
Moment Capacity

0 200 400
Mu (kN.m)

4. Shear Reinforcement Design

Vu = -5.77 kN
Øv Vc = Øv * 1/6 * (1 + Pu / (14*Ag)) * (fc')^(0.5) * Bp * d
= 0.00 kN
Φ Vc = 0.75 * 1/6 * √fc' * b * d
= 0.75 * 1/6 * 35^0.5 * 150 * 335.5
= 37.216 kN
Φ Vs = Vu - Φ Vc
= -42.98 kN
Vs = -57.31 kN
Ø Vc < Vu No Shear Reinforcement Needed, OK !!
Shear Reinforcement will be practically designed.
Stirrups Spacing

s Minimum Stirrups Spacing

s = 0.5 x H
= 0.200 m Stirrups spacing, s = min (200, 600)
= 200.0 mm = 200.0 mm

s = 24 inch
≈ 600.0 mm
D-v Stirrup Reinforcement Bar
D-v = 8 mm
legs = 2
Av = legs x 1/4 x π x db
= 2 x 1/4 x π x 8^2
= 100.53 mm
s = (Av x fy x d)/Vs
= 100.53 x 390 x 335.5/(-57.31 x 1000)
= -229.5 mm => 200 mm
Use D8 - 150 for Column stirrups

Conclusion of Reinforcement Design Both Direction

● 8-D13 for Column Reinforcement
● D8 - 200 for Shear Reinforcement

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