11 Matilak - Platform

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This Royal House seeks to pursue the following platform:

a. Traditional Sector Revitalization: Implementation of
policies to revitalize and promote traditional sectors,
providing incentives for artisans, farmers, and craftsmen
to thrive in a modern economy while preserving their
cultural practices.
b. Da’wah and Family Strengthening: With tremendous
challenges facing the basic unit of our society, the family,
the Royal House commits itself to effectively engage
mothers of the household to better understand their roles
in the society and in molding the future of the
Bangsamoro. Along with this is the need for the Royal
House to strengthen its efforts in Da’wah.
c. Economic Development: Prioritization of initiatives that
stimulate economic growth, create opportunities, and
reduce poverty within community.
d. Education: Investment in education and lifelong learning
to empower individuals, enhance skills, and promote
intellectual development.
e. Security: Prioritization of the safety and security of our
community, implementing measures to prevent crime and
protect individuals from harm.
f. Heritage Conservation: Establishment of measures to
protect and conserve historical sites, monuments, and
artifacts, preserving collective memorabilia and identity.
g. Collaboration with Traditional Leaders: Close
collaboration with traditional leaders to address the needs
and aspirations of their communities, fostering trust,
cooperation, and mutual respect.
h. Coordination with Regional Government: As an
indispensable part of the Bangsamoro, the Royal House
binds itself to work hand in hand with the regional
government for matters related to the development of the
sector of traditional leaders as part of the holistic growth
and development of the region.


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