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1) Obtain a detail statement of year end receivables listing , cast it and recalculate the amount and

agree the amt in journal and ledger

2) Review the aged receivables whether there is a after date cash payment
3) Review the aged receivables and identify any long term receivables and take necessary step by
creating provision
4) Review the Board minutes to know whether any receivables has a chance of non recoverability.
5) Inquire the management about maintaining the same provision on rational increasing in
receivable days from 49 to 66 days


1) Review the Non Current asset register to know the useful life, sale value, Depreciation and
confirm the amounts(Valuation)

2) Inspect the cash consideration of 3.9 million have put down in the cash book as well as bank

3) Review whether the asset purchased have set down in the non current register book or not

4) Inspect whether this loss on disposal 1.1 million have recorded this year in the Trial Balance and
Profit or loss or not (Completeness)

5) Review the Non current asset register whether the asset disposed have set down this year or

6) Inspect whether the Assets have recorded in the disclosure notes as per relevant standard IAS

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