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1) Review whether the Payment of 3.9M has recorded in the cash book as well as bank
2) Obtain a breakdown of cash consideration, cast it, recalculate the amount and agree the
amount with the payment
3) Inspect the sample of new vehicles and agree to the Non Current Asset Register
4) Review the sample of old vehicles disposed and agree whether it is removed from the Trail
5) Inspect whether the vehicles disposed and additions has been recorded in the disclosure
notes as per relevant standards


1) Obtain a year end trade receivables, cast it, recalculate the amount and agree the amount in
the P/L Account
2) Obtain a break down of Irrecoverable receivables, cast it, recalculate the amount and agree
the amount in the P/L Account
3) Review the aged receivables and find whether there is any post date cash payment
4) Inspect the board minutes to know whether any receivable has a chance of non
5) Inquire with the management why there is an increase in receivable days from 49 to 66 as
there is no change in provision

Potential Breach

1) Obtain a Break down of Breach amount, cast it, recalculate the amount and agree the
amount in the P/L Account
2) Review a sample of Breach amount and agree to the Trail Balance
3) Inspect the Board minutes to know whether there is any discussion regarding the complaint
to the Transport authority
4) Inspect whether the breach amount has been shown in the cash book as well as bank

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