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1. Which of the following certifications is 5.

How many exams must you pass to

the de facto requirement for entrance into become CompTIA A+ certified?
the PC industry?
A. One
A. Certified Cisco Network Associate
B. Two
B. CompTIA A+
C. Three
C. CompTIA Network+
D. Four
D. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
6. How much practical IT experience do
2. John loves the Internet and wants a you need to become CompTIA A+ certified?
career working on the machines that make
A. Six months
the Internet work. He has completed both
CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network+ B. One year
certifications. Which of the following
certifications would make a good next step? C. Two years

A. Cisco Certified Network Associate D. None

B. Certified Cisco Network Professional 7. How many questions should you expect
on the 220-901 exam?
C. CompTIA Security+
A. 25
D. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
B. 50
3. Which of the following exams focuses
on installing, configuring, and maintaining all C. 90
the standard hardware technology involved D. The number of questions varies
in a personal computer? because the exams are adaptive.
A. Certified Cisco Network Associate 8. The CompTIA A+ certification covers
B. CompTIA A+ 220-901 which of the following operating systems?
(Select three.)
C. CompTIA A+ 220-902
A. Linux
D. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
B. Mac OS X
4. At which of the following Web sites can
you register to take the CompTIA A+ C. Windows XP Media Center
certification exams? D. Windows 7
A. www.comptia.org 9. What percentage of questions should
B. www.microsoft.com you expect on Windows operating systems
in the 220-902 exam?
C. www.totalsem.com
A. 12%
D. www.vue.com
B. 22%
C. 24%
D. 29%
10. What percentage of questions should D. Never
you expect on networking in the 220-901
1. You become CompTIA A+ certified by
passing the CompTIA A+ 220-901 and
A. 34% CompTIA A+ 220-902 exams.
B. 17% 2. A(n)
____Certification______________ gives
C. 28%
clients and employers a level of confidence
D. 21% that you can do what you say you can do.

11. How much does it cost to take each 3. A term for a person who builds and
exam (at the time of this book’s maintains computers is __PC
publication)? Tech________________.

A. $100 each 4. The ___Pearson

VUE_______________ company
B. $138 each administers the CompTIA A+ certification
C. $194 each exams.

D. $150 each 5. You can use a(n)

____Voucher______________ when you
12. What percentage of questions should schedule your exam to save some money.
you expect on Windows 10 in the 220-902
exam? 6. Persons desiring to work in Windows-
based networking should pursue
A. 10% ___Microsoft Certified Solution Expert
(MCSE)_______________ certification after
B. 13%
completing their CompTIA certifications.
C. 20%
7. You can find the latest information about
D. 0% the CompTIA A+ certification exams here:
13. The 220-901 exam will not test you on
which of the following computer 8. Typically, techs who attain CompTIA A+
components? certification then pursue ____CompTIA A+
certification______________ to add to
A. Biometric devices their computer credentials.
B. Keyboards 9. A grouping of computers that enables
C. Printers people to share resources is called a(n)
D. Zip drives
1. Always place an expansion card or
14. If you skip the continuing education other computer part into a(n) ____Anti-
path to recertify, how often do you need to static bag______________ when it’s not in
take the CompTIA A+ exams to retain your use to protect against electrostatic
status as a CompTIA A+ certified discharge.
2. A few screwdrivers and an antistatic
A. Every year wrist strap should be in your tech tool
B. Every three years

C. Every ten years

3. An effective use of _assertive 1. While troubleshooting a fairly routine
communication_________________ printing problem, the customer explains in
means clearly stating a problem without great detail precisely what he was trying to
accusing the user of creating that problem. do, what happened when he tried to print,
and what he had attempted as a fix for the
4. Accomplished computer techs should
problem. At what point should you interrupt
treat anything said to them as a personal
confidence, not to be repeated to coworkers
or bosses. A tech brings A. After he describes the first problem
__integrity________________ to the job.
B. As soon as you understand the problem
5. You should avoid learning
___passwords_______________ to other C. As soon as you have a solution
folks’ computers so you don’t get blamed if D. Never
something happens to those computers.
2. While manning the help desk, you get a
6. A magnetic field interfering with call from a distraught user who says she
electronics is ____Electromagnetic has a blank screen. What would be a useful
Interference (EMI)______________. follow-up question? (Select two.)
7. To begin troubleshooting a computer A. Is the computer turned on?
problem, start by talking to the customer
and allowing the customer to explain the B. Is the monitor turned on?
problem fully. Actively listen; then ask C. Did you reboot?
follow-up questions. This process is called
__Eliciting Answers________________. D. What did you do?

8. A customer complains that he can hear 3. Al in marketing calls in for tech support,
music coming from his computer speakers, complaining that he has a dead PC. What is
even though the computer is not playing any a good first question or set of questions to
music. This is most likely caused by begin troubleshooting the problem?
___Radio Frequency Interference
A. Did the computer ever work?
B. When did the computer last work?
9. Once you have determined the problem
with the machine and come up with C. When you say “dead,” what do you
probable causes, you should __test the mean? What happens when you press
theory________________. the power button?
10. Once you have successfully repaired D. What did you do?
the machine, it is important to
__verify________________ with the user
that everything is working correctly.
4. While manning the help desk, you get a 6. While fixing a printing problem on Paul’s
call from Bryce in sales complaining that he computer, you check his e-mail out of
can’t print and every time he clicks on the curiosity to see if there are any interesting
shared network drive, his computer stops messages there. You find several personal
and freezes. He says he thinks it’s his hard e-mails he has sent. Using the company
driver. What would be a good follow-up computer for personal e-mail is against
question or statement? regulations, so what should you do?
A. Bryce, you’re an idiot. Don’t touch A. Leave the e-mail on the computer and
anything. I’ll be there in five minutes. notify your boss.
B. Okay, let’s take this one step at a B. Delete the e-mails from the computer
time. You seem to have two problems, and notify your boss.
one with printing and the second with
the shared network drive, right? C. Delete the e-mails from the computer
and remind Paul of the workplace
C. First, it’s not a hard driver; it’s a hard regulations.
drive. It doesn’t have anything to do with the
D. You shouldn’t be looking in his e-
shared network drive or printing, so that’s
mail folders at all as it compromises
just not right.
your integrity.
D. When could you last print?
7. You are solving a problem on Kate’s
5. When troubleshooting a software computer that requires you to reboot several
problem on Phoebe’s computer and times. Upon each reboot, the logon screen
listening to her describe the problem, you appears and prompts you for a username
get a text message on your phone. It’s your and password before you can continue
boss. What would be an acceptable action working. Kate has gone to another office to
for you to take? continue her work on another computer.
How do you proceed?
A. Excuse yourself, walk out of the cube,
and text your boss. A. Call Kate, ask her for her password,
type it in, and continue working on the
B. Pick up Phoebe’s phone and dial your
boss’s number.
B. Insist that Kate stay with you and have
C. Wait until Phoebe finishes her
her type the password each time it is
description and then ask to use her phone
to call your boss.
C. Call Kate and have her come in to type
D. Wait until Phoebe finishes her
the password each time it is needed.
description, run through any simple
fixes, and then explain that you need to D. Have Kate temporarily change her
call your boss on your cell phone. password for you to use as you work;
then have her change it back when you
are through.
8. You are working in a customer’s home 12. Which of the following tools would you
and his five-year-old child continues to find in a typical PC tech’s toolkit? (Select
scream and kick the back of your chair. two.)
What do you do?
A. Phillips-head screwdriver
A. Ignore the child and finish your work as
B. Torx wrench
quickly as you can.
C. Hammer
B. Discipline the child as you see fit.
D. File
C. Politely ask your client to remove the
child from your work area. 13. What term describes the flow of a
static electrical charge from a person to the
D. Tell your client you refuse to work under
inside of the PC?
such conditions and leave the premises with
the job half done. A. EMI
9. After replacing a keyboard a user has B. ESD
spilled coffee on for the fifth time, what
should you say to the user? C. HDMI

A. I can’t guarantee the new keyboard D. TTFN

will work if it gets dirty. 14. At what point during a repair should
B. I can’t guarantee the new keyboard will you escalate the problem?
work if you continue to spill coffee on it. A. After the user describes the first
C. These keyboards are expensive. Next problem
time we replace one because you spilled B. As soon as you understand the problem
coffee, it’s coming out of your paycheck.
C. As soon as you have a solution
D. You need to be more careful with your
coffee. D. When you have tried all your theories
and still can’t resolve the problem
10. When is it appropriate to yell at a user?
15. You have been working all afternoon
A. When he screws up the second time on a user’s workstation and you have finally
B. When he interrupts your troubleshooting fixed the user’s problem. What should you
do next?
C. When he screws up the fifth time
A. Tell the user the computer is fixed and
D. Never leave.
11. What’s the best practice when working B. Invite the user to sit down and use
inside a system unit removing and installing the computer to make sure the problem
components? is completely gone from the user’s
A. Wear an antistatic wrist strap.
C. Tell the user the machine is fixed, go
B. Touch a doorknob to ground yourself
back to your office, and document the
before going into the case.
C. Place components on the motherboard
D. As you leave for the tenth time,
to keep them grounded.
complain to the user that you are tired of
D. Use plastic tools. always fixing his computer.
1. The term _User 1. What is the standard main screen/user
Interface______________ refers to the interface used in all versions of Windows?
software parts of the operating system with
A. Control Panel
which you can interact.
B. Dock
2. Computers work through three basic
stages, what’s called the ___Computing C. Taskbar
D. Desktop
3. You can access frequently used
applications in Mac OS X by clicking their 2. How do you open an application in
icons on the ____Dock___________. Windows?

4. Windows 8’s tile-based interface is A. Left-click its icon.

called the Metro/Modern UI or _Start B. Right-click its icon.
C. Left double-click its icon.
5. Move the cursor to the top or bottom
right corner of the screen in Windows 8 to D. Right double-click its icon.
access one of the tools called a(n)
3. Which of the following operating
___Charms Bar____________.
systems has a Sidebar?
6. The ___Mission
A. Windows Vista
Control.____________ utility in Mac OS X
enables you to switch easily among B. Windows 7
applications, windows, and Spaces.
C. Windows 8.1
7. You can use __File
Explorer_____________ in Windows 8.1 to D. Mac OS X
access files and folders. 4. Which version of Windows introduced
8. The ___Control Panel____________ the Metro UI?
enables a tech to perform most of the A. Windows 7
maintenance, upgrade, and configuration
aspects of Windows. B. Windows 8

9. __Administrative C. Windows 8.1

Tools_____________ enables you to set
D. Windows 10
up hard drives, manage devices, test
system performance, and much more. 5. Which Windows 8 feature did Microsoft
not include in Windows 10?
10. You can access the ___System
Preferences_____________ tool from the A. Metro/Modern UI
permanent Apple menu to administer a
Mac. B. Start button
C. Control Panel
D. Charms bar
6. Which Windows 7 feature—that’s not in 11. 32-bit programs are installed into which
Windows 8—did Microsoft bring back in folder by default in a 64-bit edition of
Windows 10? Windows?
A. Sidebar A. C:\Program Files
B. Charms bar B. C:\Program Files (x32)
C. Start menu C. C:\Program Files\Wins\Old
D. Start button D. C:\Program Files (x86)

7. What Mac OS X feature is essentially 12. Which Mac OS X feature is functionally

multiple desktops? equivalent to Windows File Explorer?
A. Charms A. Finder
B. Desktop B. Dock
C. Mission Control C. Quartz
D. Spaces D. File Manager
8. Which of the following is a well-known 13. Which of the following paths would
Linux distribution? open Administrative Tools in Windows 8.1?
A. Ubuntu A. Right-click on the taskbar and select
Administrative Tools from the context menu.
B. Brownstone
B. Right-click on the Start button and
C. Trinidad select Administrative Tools from the
D. Haswell context menu. C. Right-click anywhere on
the desktop and select Administrative Tools
9. What is the default Ubuntu Desktop from the context menu.
A. Metro UI combination to open Administrative Tools.
B. Unity 14. What feature of Mac OS X is the
C. KDE equivalent of the command-line interface in
A. Dock
10. The user, Mike, has downloaded files
with his Web browser. Where will they be B. Spaces
stored by default? C. Terminal
A. C:\Downloads D. Unity
B. C:\Mike\Desktop\Downloads 15. What Windows app in Windows 10
C. C:\Users\Mike\Downloads combines many utilities into a unified tool?

D. C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Downloads A. Settings
B. Control
C. Command Center
D. Control Center processor to protect certain sections of

1. All of the machine language commands

that the CPU understands make up the 1. What device enables a PC to retrieve a
CPU’s __instruction specific row of data from system memory
set________________. and place it on the external data bus?
2. By lifting the arm on the ___zero A. Advanced micro device
insertion force (ZIF)
sockets_______________, you can easily B. Arithmetic logic unit
remove a PGA CPU. C. Floating point processor
3. Computers use __Dynamic RAM D. Memory controller chip
(DRAM)________________ for main
system memory. 2. Which of the following statements is
4. Computers use the
______binary____________ numbering A. The address bus enables the CPU to
system. communicate with the MCC.

5. Areas inside the CPU where it B. The external data bus enables the CPU
temporarily stores internal commands and to communicate with the MCC.
data while it is processing them are called C. The address bus enables the CPU to
_____registers_____________. communicate with the hard drive.
6. Divided into L1, L2, and L3, the D. The system bus enables the CPU to
______cache, ____________ consists of a communicate with the memory.
small amount of static RAM (SRAM) that
serves as a holding area. This provides data 3. What do 64-bit processors expand
to the CPU beyond what 32-bit processors have?

faster than getting it from regular memory or A. System bus

when RAM is unavailable because of
B. Frontside bus
C. Address bus
7. A CPU with a(n) __integrated memory
controller (IMC)________________ can D. Registers
handle RAM directly.
4. What is the first stage in a typical four-
8. If a stock heat-sink and fan assembly stage CPU pipeline?
can’t handle an overclocked CPU, a solution
based on ____liquid A. Decode
coolking______________ might do the B. Execute
C. Fetch
9. In a process known as
___throttling_______________, a CPU D. Write
can slow itself down in lowdemand times or
if it gets too hot.
10. Use of the ___NX
Bit_______________ technology enables a
5. Which of the following terms are 9. Joey has a motherboard that advertises
measures of CPU speed? support for x64 processors. Which CPU will
definitely work in that motherboard?
A. Megahertz and gigahertz
A. AMD A-Series
B. Megabytes and gigabytes
B. Intel Core i3
C. Megahertz and gigabytes
C. Intel Core i7
D. Frontside bus, backside bus
D. There’s not enough information to
6. Which of the following statements is
answer the question.
10. Which feature enables a single-core
A. If you have an AMD-compatible
CPU to function like two CPUs?
motherboard, you can install a Celeron
processor. A. Hyper-Threading

B. You should always overclock your CPU. B. SpeedStep

C. As the size of the address bus C. Virtualization
increases, the amount of RAM the CPU can
D. x64
use decreases.
11. What feature differentiates an AMD FX
D. You can upgrade your CPU if you
make sure that a new CPU will fit into the CPU from an AMD A-Series CPU?
socket on your motherboard. A. The FX has an integrated memory
7. Which CPU feature enables the
microprocessor to support running multiple B. The FX has an integrated graphics
operating systems at the same time? controller.
A. Clock multiplying C. The A-Series has an integrated memory
B. Caching
D. The A-Series has an integrated
C. Pipelining
graphics controller.
D. Virtualization support
12. What improvement have CPU
8. Into which socket could you place an manufacturers put into processors to deal
AMD A-Series CPU? with pipeline stalls?
A. Socket LGA 775 A. Added multiple pipelines
B. Socket LGA 2011 B. Increased the speed of the SRAM
C. Socket FM2+ C. Created new die sizes with more pins
D. Socket AM3+ D. Bundled better fans with their retail
13. What steps do you need to take to D. He used an Intel CPU in an AMD
install a Core i5 CPU into an FM2 motherboard.
A. Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU
1. How does an NMI manifest on a Mac
according to the orientation markings; snap
OS X system?
on the heat-sink and fan assembly.
A. Blue Screen of Death
B. Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU
according to the orientation markings; add a B. Pinwheel of death
dash of thermal paste; snap on the heat-
sink and fan assembly. C. Interrupt of death

C. Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU D. NMIs only happen on Windows
according to the orientation markings; snap systems.
on the heat-sink and fan assembly; plug in 2. Silas has an AMD-based motherboard
the fan. with two sticks of DDR2 RAM installed in
D. Take all of the steps you want to take two of the three RAM slots, for a total of 2
because it’s not going to work. GB of system memory. When he runs CPU-
Z to test the system, he notices that the
14. A client calls to complain that his software claims he’s running single-channel
computer starts up, but crashes when memory. What could be the problem?
Windows starts to load. After a brief set of (Select the best answer.)
questions, you find out that his nephew
upgraded his RAM for him over the A. His motherboard only supports single-
weekend and couldn’t get the computer to channel memory.
work right afterward. What could be the B. His motherboard only supports dual-
problem? channel memory with DDR RAM, not DDR2.
A. Thermal paste degradation C. He needs to install a third RAM stick to
B. Disconnected CPU fan enable dual-channel memory.

C. Bad CPU cache D. He needs to move one of the

installed sticks to a different slot to
D. There’s nothing wrong. It usually takes activate dual-channel memory.
a couple of days for RAM to acclimate to the
new system. 3. If you upgrade your memory but notice
that the RAM count does not reflect the
15. Sam has installed a new CPU in a additional memory, what should you do?
client’s computer, but nothing happens
when he pushes the power button on the A. Remove the RAM and try to reinstall
case. The LED on the motherboard is lit up, it.
so he knows the system has power. What B. Restart the computer.
could the problem be?
C. Return the memory because it’s
A. He forgot to disconnect the CPU fan. probably bad.
B. He forgot to apply thermal paste D. Go to Setup and configure the memory
between the CPU and the heat-sink and to reflect the new amount.
fan assembly.
C. He used an AMD CPU in an Intel
4. What does a non-maskable interrupt 9. What package does DDR3 SDRAM use
cause the CPU to produce? for desktop PCs?
A. The Blue Screen of Death A. 30-pin
B. A parity error B. 168-pin
C. Excessive heat C. 172-pin
D. An incorrect memory count D. 240-pin
5. What does the CPU use to access the 10. Which of the following is a valid
system’s RAM? package size for DDR4 DIMMs?
A. The system bus A. 172-pin
B. ReadyBoost B. 184-pin
C. The address bus C. 240-pin
D. The expansion bus D. 288-pin
6. What is the best way to determine the 11. What happens if you mix RAM sticks of
total capacity and specific type of RAM your different speeds?
system can handle?
A. Your computer will work fine as long as
A. Check the motherboard book. it uses dual-channel architecture.
B. Open the case and inspect the RAM B. Your computer may slow down.
C. Your computer will work fine if all the
C. Check the Device Manager. memory sticks are slower than the speed of
the motherboard.
D. Check the System utility in the Control
Panel. D. Your computer may lock up every
few seconds or provide corrupted data.
7. Which of the following PC speed ratings
matches up with DDR3-1600 RAM? 12. Why is SDRAM faster than regular
A. PC3-6400
A. It makes two processes per clock cycle.
B. PC3-8500
B. It runs synchronously with the
C. PC3-10600 system clock.
D. PC3-12800
C. It uses dual-channel architecture.
8. Which of the following is a valid package
D. It has fewer pins, resulting in fewer
size for DDR2 DIMMs?
corrupt bits.
A. 168-pin
13. What is true about a double-sided
B. 172-pin DIMM?

C. 184-pin A. It has memory chips on the front and

D. 240-pin
B. It can be installed forward or backward.
C. It is twice as fast as a single-sided 5. A(n) ___Non-maskable interrupt
DIMM. (NMI)_______________ is an interruption
the CPU cannot ignore.
D. It has half the capacity of a quad-sided
DIMM. 6. Unlike regular DRAM, ECC RAM
enables error checking and correcting.
14. What is the minimum requirement for
RAM for Windows 7? 7. The time lag between when the memory
controller starts to fetch a line of data from
A. 128 MB
RAM and when the RAM actually starts to
B. 256 MB deliver the data is known as
C. 512 MB
8. Systems automatically detect new RAM
D. 1 GB by polling the module’s ____Serial
15. What happens if you add two RAM Presence Detect (SPD)______________
sticks to your PC, and one has a bad SPD? chip.

A. When your system boots, it will 9. ___Virtual Memory_______________

recognize both RAM sticks but will not uses a portion of the HDD or SSD as an
register any special features (such as ECC) extension of your physical RAM.
of the stick with the bad SPD. 10. Memory chips are soldered to a small
B. When your system boots, it will only circuit board called a(n)
register the presence of the RAM stick with ______Stick____________ or a(n)
the good SPD. ___module_______________.

C. When your system boots, it won’t

register the presence of the RAM stick with 1. A user calls first thing Monday morning
the bad SPD until you configure the RAM saying she has an error message at boot-up
settings by using the Setup utility. that says her case was opened. She’s
D. When you try to boot the system, looked at the computer, but it seems
you will get a POST error message and normal. What does this tell you about her
the system will not boot. computer?
A. Her computer has TPM enabled in the
1. The lowest voltage version of DDR3 is
__DDR3U (1.25v)________________. B. Her computer has fan monitoring
enabled in CMOS and the fan stopped over
2. If the LED for your hard drive stays on the weekend.
most of the time, your computer is suffering
from __Disk thrashing________________, C. Her computer case has chassis
a sure sign you need to add more memory. intrusion detection/notification and the
feature is enabled in CMOS.
3. A special kind of memory stick for
laptops is called a(n) __Small-outline D. It doesn’t tell you anything about the
DIMM (SO-DIMM)________________. computer, only that the user has a problem.

4. Memory that makes two data accesses

during each clock tick is called ____ DDR
SDRAM ______________.
2. To which of the following can a PC 6. Which of the following statements is true
boot? about CMOS?
A. Hard drive A. CMOS is a configuration program that
runs from the hard drive during booting.
B. CMOS is a low-energy chip that
C. USB drive draws power from a battery while the
D. All of the above computer is turned off.

3. When you turn on your computer, what C. CMOS includes the power-on self test
is accessed first? (POST) routines.

A. The CPU D. CMOS is the Southbridge chip that

controls input and output devices.
B. The setup program
7. How can you access the system setup
C. The POST utility from within Windows 8.1?
D. The CMOS chip A. Through the Setup applet in the Control
4. What does BIOS provide for the Panel.
computer? (Choose the best answer.) B. Through the Boot applet in the Control
A. BIOS provides the physical interface for Panel.
various devices such as USB, FireWire, and C. Through the Settings charm in the
Thunderbolt ports. Charms bar.
B. BIOS provides the programming that D. You can’t. You need to reboot the
enables the CPU to communicate with other system and access the system settings by
hardware. pressing the appropriate key or key
C. BIOS provides memory space for combination.
applications to load into from the hard 8. Which of the following most typically
drive. enables you to upgrade a flash ROM chip?
D. BIOS provides memory space for A. Remove the chip and replace it with a
applications to load into from the main different one.
system RAM.
B. Reboot the computer.
5. Which of the following will most likely
result in a POST beep code message? C. Install a different operating system.

A. The system is overheating. D. Plug in a USB drive containing a new

BIOS file and run the updating utility in
B. The video card is not seated CMOS.
9. After a sudden power outage, Morgan’s
C. The keyboard is unplugged. PC rebooted, but nothing appeared on the
D. The hard drive has crashed. screen. The PC just beeps at him, over and
over and over. What’s most likely the
A. The power outage toasted his RAM.
B. The power outage toasted his video D. Mohinder should find a replacement
card. motherboard. Unless he knows the CMOS
password, there’s nothing he can do.
C. The power outage toasted his hard
drive. 12. In classic systems, which chip does the
CPU use to communicate with high-speed
D. The power outage toasted his CPU.
devices such as video cards or RAM?
10. Henry bought a new card for capturing
A. Complementary metal-oxide
television on his computer. When he
finished going through the packaging,
though, he found no driver disc, only an B. Northbridge
application disc for setting up the TV
C. Southbridge
capture software. After installing the card
and software, it all works flawlessly. What’s D. Scan code
the most likely explanation?
13. When your computer boots and you
A. The device doesn’t need BIOS, so press the appropriate key to enter the
there’s no need for a driver disc. CMOS setup utility, a small program loads,
allowing you to specify settings for various
B. The device has an option ROM that
loads BIOS, so there’s no need for a hardware devices. Where is this small
driver disc. program permanently stored?
A. In the ROM
C. Windows supports TV capture cards out
of the box, so there’s no need for a driver B. In CMOS
C. On the hard drive
D. The manufacturer made a mistake and
didn’t include everything needed to set up D. In RAM
the device. 14. When you enter the CMOS setup utility
11. Mohinder finds that a disgruntled (as in the previous question) and make
former employee decided to sabotage her changes, where are your settings stored?
computer when she left by putting a A. In the BIOS
password in CMOS that stops the computer
from booting. What can Mohinder do to B. In CMOS
solve this problem?
C. On the hard drive
A. Mohinder should boot the computer
while holding the left SHIFT key. This will
clear the CMOS information. 15. Jill boots an older Intel-based system
that has been the cause of several user
B. Mohinder should try various
complaints at the office. The system powers
combinations of the former employee’s
up and starts to run through POST but then
name. The vast majority of people use their
stops. The screen displays a “CMOS
name or initials for CMOS passwords.
configuration mismatch” error. Of the
C. Mohinder should find the CMOS following list, what is the most likely cause
clear jumper on the motherboard. He can of this error?
move the shunt on the jumper to clear
A. Dying CMOS battery
the CMOS information.
B. Bad CPU
C. Bad RAM 10. Used in modern systems, ____Unified
Extensible Firmware Interface
D. Corrupt system BIOS (UEFI)______________ supports file
systems that enable booting to drives larger
than 2.2 TB, supports 32-bit or 64-bit
1. Loaded when the system boots, a(n) booting, and handles all boot-loading duties.
____Device driver______________ is a
file that contains instructions to support a
hardware device.
1. Which of the following are part of the
2. If the computer appears dead, with no ATX form factor?
beeps or screen responses, you can insert
A. Mini-ITX
a(n) _____Post Card_____________ in an
expansion slot to diagnose what is wrong. B. macroATX
3. The combination of a specific C. microATX
Northbridge and a specific
_____Southbridge_____________ is D. picoATX
collectively referred to as the 2. Which of the following form factors
_____chipset_____________. dominates the PC market?
4. If a disk contains the operating system A. AT
files necessary to start the computer, it is
called a(n) _Bootable B. ATX
disk_________________. C. Mini-ITX
5. You can reprogram a(n) __Flash D. Pico-ITX
ROM(read only
memory)________________ chip without 3. Which of the following slots features
removing the chip. serial data transfers?

6. Unlike RAM, which loses all data when A. AGP

the computer is shut down, a ROM chip is
retaining the information even when the C. PCIe
power is off.
7. The hundreds of programs in the system
ROM chip are collectively called the 4. A client brought in an old computer that
___Basic input/ output services won’t boot. He wants to see if any data can
(BIOS)_______________. be recovered from the hard drive. When the
tech opened the case, he noted that two
8. A(n) __Pre Boot execution expansion cards were plugged into some
environment (PXE)________________ kind of circuit board that plugged into the
enables a PC to boot to an OS stored on a motherboard. The expansion cards were
server over a network. parallel with the motherboard, in other
words, rather than perpendicular. Into what
9. The low-energy chip that holds
kind of circuit board did the expansion cards
configuration information and keeps track of
most likely connect? (Select two.)
date and time is called the
__Complementary metal oxide A. Daughter board
(CMOS)________________ chip. B. Expansion board
C. Riser card 8. Which of the following enables you to
access the Add Hardware Wizard in
D. Southbridge
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1?
5. Julie installed a new TV tuner card in a
A. addhdware.exe
client’s computer. The card fit perfectly in a
PCIe ×1 slot and clipped down to the case B. hdware.exe
properly. What’s her next step?
C. hdwwiz.exe
A. Research the card
D. addhwiz.exe
B. Install drivers
9. Brian bought a new motherboard that
C. Verify functionality advertised support for eight USB ports.
When he pulled the motherboard out of the
D. Troubleshoot
box, though, he found that it only had four
6. In a routine check of a system newly USB ports. What’s likely the issue here?
built by her latest intern, Sarah discovers A. The extra four USB ports will connect
that everything works except the hard drive to the front of the case or via a dongle to
and power LEDs on the front of the case. an expansion slot.
What could be the problem? (Select two.)
B. The extra four USB ports require an
A. The intern forgot to connect the LED
add-on expansion card.
leads to the motherboard.
C. The FireWire port will have a splitter
B. The intern reversed the LED leads to
that makes it four USB ports.
the motherboard.
D. The motherboard chipset might support
C. There is no power to the motherboard.
eight USB ports, but the manufacturer only
D. There is no activity on the hard drive. included four ports.

7. Robert installed a new motherboard, 10. Martin bought a new motherboard to

CPU, and RAM into his old case. After he replace his older ATX motherboard. As he
attached the power correctly and pressed left the shop, the tech on duty called after
the power button, not only did the system him, “Check your standoffs!” What could the
not boot up, but he smelled ozone and tech have meant?
realized the motherboard had shorted out.
A. Standoffs are the connectors on the
What could have been the cause?
motherboard for the front panel buttons,
A. Robert installed an ATX motherboard such as the on/off switch and reset button.
into an ITX case.
B. Standoffs are the metal edges on some
B. Robert installed an ITX motherboard cases that aren’t rolled.
into an ATX case. C. Standoffs are the metal connectors
C. Robert used an ITX power supply on an that attach the motherboard to the case.
ATX motherboard.
D. Standoffs are the dongles that enable a
D. Robert left a standoff in the wrong motherboard to support more than four USB
place under the motherboard. ports.
11. Amanda bought a new system that, 14. What purpose does the Super I/O chip
right in the middle of an important serve?
presentation, gave her a Blue Screen of
A. The Super I/O chip handles the
Death. Now her system won’t boot at all, not
communication with RAM.
even to CMOS. After extensive
troubleshooting, she determined that the B. The Super I/O chip handles the
motherboard was at fault and replaced it. communication with video.
Now the system runs fine. What was the
most likely cause of the problem? C. The Super I/O chip handles the
communication with legacy devices.
A. Burn-in failure
D. The Super I/O chip handles the
B. Electrostatic discharge communication between the Northbridge
and Southbridge chips.
C. Component failure
15. What should you do before installing
D. Power supply failure
an expansion card? (Select two.)
12. Solon has a very buggy computer that
A. Attach an anti-static wrist strap
keeps locking up at odd moments and
rebooting spontaneously. He suspects the B. Install the drivers
motherboard. How should he test it?
C. Plug the PC into a grounded outlet
A. Check settings and verify good
components. D. Unplug the PC

B. Verify good components and document

all testing. 1. The _____chipset_____________
C. Replace the motherboard first to see if defines the type of processor and RAM
the problems disappear. required for the motherboard and
determines to a degree the built-in devices
D. Check settings, verify good supported by a motherboard, including the
components, replace components, and expansion slots.
document all testing.
2. The ___Form Factor_______________
13. Which of the following companies determines the physical size of the
makes chipsets? motherboard as well as the general location
of components and ports.
3. The smallest common ATX motherboard
form factor is the _____Micro
C. MSI ATX_____________.
D. AMD 4. The most common small non-ATX
motherboard form factor is _____Mini-
5. The most popular expansion bus in use
today, with speeds up to 16 GBps, is
______PCI Express (PCIe)____________.
6. The ____Motherboard
book______________ is your primary
source for all of the critical information about 3. Under what conditions should a PC
the motherboard. technician work inside the power supply?
7. The motherboard mounts to the case via A. Only when it is unplugged.
small connectors called
_______Standoffs___________ that slide B. Only when the technician is wearing an
anti-static wrist strap.
into keyed slots or screw into the bottom of
the case. C. Anytime, because the power supply
only has low-energy DC electricity that will
8. You can add features to a system by
adding a device to a(n) ___Expansion not hurt the technician.
slots_______________. D. Never, because the power supply
has capacitors that hold electrical
9. A phenomenon known as _Distended
charges that may harm the technician.
capacitors_________________ caused
great damage to early motherboards as the 4. What should you check first if a
result of incorrectly formulated electronic computer will not start and the fan in the
components that store and release energy. power supply will not turn?
10. Microsoft truly wants your computer to A. The voltages coming out of the
work, so they provide an excellent and power supply
rigorous testing program for hardware
manufacturers called the _______Windows B. The motherboard power connector
Hardware Certification C. The power coming into the power
Program___________. supply
D. The power switch
1. Which of the following ATX12V features 5. When you test voltage with a
was introduced as part of the EPS12V multimeter, you can assume the outlet or
standard? connector is functioning properly if the
A. The P4 motherboard power connector reading is within a certain percentage of the
expected number. What is that maximum
B. Voltage rails percentage by which the reading can vary?
C. The 6-pin AUX connector A. 5 percent
D. Soft power B. 10 percent
2. Which kind of fire extinguisher should C. 20 percent
you use for computer equipment?
D. 25 percent
A. Class A
6. What voltage does an ATX12V P4
B. Class B connector provide for motherboards?
C. Class C A. 3.3 V
D. Class D B. 3.3 V, 5 V
C. 5 V
D. 12 V
7. When testing an AC outlet, what voltage D. The system will try to boot, but the
should the multimeter show between the overloaded power supply will fail, burning up
neutral and ground wires? delicate internal capacitors.
A. 120 V 11. Where do you put the multimeter leads
when you test a Molex connector?
B. 60 V
A. The red lead should always touch the
C. 0 V
red wire; the black lead should touch a
D. –120 V black ground wire.

8. What sort of power connector does a B. The red lead should always touch the
traditional hard drive typically use? black ground wire; the black lead should
always touch the red hot wire.
A. Molex
C. The red lead should always touch the
B. Mini yellow hot wire; the black lead should touch
C. Sub-mini the red hot wire.

D. Micro D. The red lead should touch either the red

or yellow hot wire; the black lead should
9. Arthur installed a new motherboard in touch a black ground wire.
his case and connected the ATX power, but
his system would not turn on. He sees an 12. Which of the following problems points
extra 4-wire port on the motherboard. to a dying power supply?
What’s he missing? A. Intermittent lockups at bootup
A. He needs to plug in the P2 connector B. A power supply fan that does not turn
for powering auxiliary components.
C. A multimeter reading of 11 V for the 12-
B. He needs to plug in the P3 connector to V power line
power the case fans.
D. A computer that won’t start by shorting
C. He needs to plug in the P4 connector the soft power jumpers
to power the processor.
13. What is the minimum PSU required for
D. He needs to plug in the Aux connector an ATX system that requires Molex, mini,
to connect to a secondary power supply. and SATA connectors?
10. What is the effect of exceeding the A. ATX
wattage capabilities of a power supply by
inserting too many devices? B. ATX12V 1.3

A. The system will boot normally, but some C. ATX12V 2.0

of the devices will not function properly.
B. The system will boot normally and all of
the devices will work, but only for a limited
time. After an hour or so, the system will
spontaneously shut down.
C. The system will not boot or turn on
at all.
14. Which of the following is not a PSU 6. The measurement unit for the amount of
form factor? electrons flowing past a certain point on a
wire is ___amperes (amps or
B. SFX12V 7. The _______power supply
C. CFX12V fan___________ provides the basic cooling
for the PC.
8. Be sure the _____wattage (watts or
15. Which statement is true? W)_____________ rating for your power
A. Removing the expansion slot covers on supply is greater than the minimum required
the back of your case will improve cooling by all devices in the computer.
by allowing hot air to escape. 9. The ability to split voltage supplies into
B. Shop around when purchasing a case; separate ______rails____________
you will often find good deals that include a ensures that no device will hog all of the
powerful PSU. available power.

C. Always keep the power supply plugged 10. A spare part that a tech typically
in to the wall outlet when working on the carries to replace a failed component in the
inside of a computer, as this helps to ground field is called a(n) ___field replaceable
it. unit (FRU)_______________.

D. If your power supply fails, don’t try

to repair it; buy a new one. 1. Jane replaced two 5400-RPM drives
with a pair of 10,000-RPM drives, but now
her system crashes under heavy use. What
1. The old floppy drive used the can she do to address this problem?
_________mini connector_________ from
the power supply. A. Install drive bay fans to cool the new
2. The electric company provides
___alternating current B. Enable AHCI in the CMOS setup utility.
(AC)_______________ power that the C. Enable NCQ in the CMOS setup utility.
power supply converts to ___direct current
(DC)_______________ for use by the D. There’s nothing she can do; additional
computer components. crashes are the trade-off with faster drives.

3. If the ____slot covers______________ 2. Which of the following SSD form factors

are left off the expansion slots, the might you expect to find in a portable
computer may overheat. device?

4. An ATX form factor power supply A. 3.5-inch

attaches to the motherboard with a(n)
______P1 power connector____________
and a P4 connector, and supplies 5 V to the C. SATAm
motherboard at all times.
5. Be sure your surge suppressor has a(n)
__________joule________ rating of at
least 2000.
3. Josephine discovers an old PATA drive 6. Alex discovered a bunch of SATA drives
sitting in the closet and wants to view the in a box at the office and needs to check the
contents. What does she need to make that contents. What can he do so that Windows
possible? automatically recognizes each new drive?
A. AHCI controller, ribbon cable, Molex A. He needs to enable AHCI in CMOS
power connector setup.
B. ATA controller, ribbon cable, PCIe B. He needs to enable NCQ in CMOS
power connector setup.
C. ATA controller, ribbon cable, Molex C. He needs to disable HBA in CMOS
power connector setup.
D. NCQ controller, ribbon cable, Molex D. He needs to disable RAID in CMOS
power connector setup.
4. André wants to install the fastest SATA 7. Of the following RAID types, which
drive he can into his new system. The clerk offers the best redundancy with the fewest
at the office store threw a bunch of numbers number of drives?
and letters at him. Given such a scenario,
which should he choose?
A. 3 Gbps
B. 6 Gbps
D. RAID 10
8. Which level of RAID is disk striping?
5. Jill wants to add an additional drive to
her portable computer. She has a spare 1- B. RAID 1
TB SATA HDD. Given such scenario, what
would enable her to accomplish her goal? C. RAID 5

A. Put the drive into an external enclosure D. RAID 6

and plug it into a SATAe socket on the back 9. Which of the following techniques
of the portable. provides redundancy by using two disks and
B. Put the drive into an external enclosure two controllers?
and plug it into an eSATA socket on the A. Disk mirroring
back of the portable.
B. Disk duplexing
C. Put the drive into an external enclosure
and plug it into an AHCI socket on the back C. Disk striping
of the portable.
D. Disk striping with parity
D. It can’t be done. She needs to purchase
an external SSD.
10. Which of the following can SSDs use 14. John wants to install two drives in a
to retain data integrity when a system loses new system, a small SSD and a large HDD.
power or is turned off? How should he install the drives to prep the
system to use the SSD for Windows and the
HDD for other applications and storage?
B. RAM drive
A. Set the jumper on the SSD to master
C. NAND and the jumper on the HDD to slave.

D. SDRAM B. Connect the SSD to channel 1 and the

HDD to channel 2.
11. Jeff installs a pair of 250-GB SSDs into
his computer and wants to run them in a C. In CMOS setup, set the SSD to Boot
fast RAID array to speed up his gaming device and the HDD to Storage device.
experience. The motherboard SATA
D. It doesn’t matter. Windows always
controller supports RAID 1, 2, and 5. When
installs on the faster drive by default.
he boots his computer, however, Windows
sees the drives as individual 250-GB drives. 15. Which of the following represent
What’s up? common solid-state drive form factors?
A. Jeff needs to install a RAID controller A. AT, ATX, and BTX
card. The RAID built into motherboards is
B. 8-inch, 2.5-inch, and 5.25-inch
always inferior.
C. 1.8-inch, 2.5-inch, and 3.5-inch
B. Jeff needs to change the HBA from
AHCI to RAID. D. IEEE 1394, USB, and SCSI
C. Jeff needs to change the HBA from
1. Traditional hard drives with spinning
D. Jeff needs to change the HBA from metal disks are known as magnetic hard
SATA to AHCI. drives
12. Which tool in Windows enables you to 2. Traditional hard drives run at a set
implement RAID? spindle speed, measured in RPM.
A. Disk Management 3. A(n) solid state drive (SSD) offers
substantial performance benefits over an
B. Disk Duplicator
C. RAID Management
4. A(n) M.2 form factor drive installs into a
D. System Tools special slot on motherboards.
13. Which version of Windows enables you 5. The older PATA drives send data in
to set up software RAID 0+1? Select the parallel; current SATA (serial ATA) drives
best answer. send data in serial.
A. Windows 7 and later. 6. Windows supports Hybrid Hard Drives
(HDDs) drives that combine flash memory
B. Windows 8 and later.
and spinning platters to provide fast and
C. Only Windows 10. reliable storage.

D. Windows does not support RAID 0+1. 7. Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
Technology (S.M.A.R.T) is an internal drive
program that tracks errors and error 4. You receive an “Invalid media” error
conditions within a drive. when trying to access a hard drive. What is
the most likely cause of the error?
8. The Non-Volatile Memory Express
(NVMe) specification supports a A. The drive has not been partitioned.
communication connection between the
B. The drive has not been set to active.
operating system and the SSD directly
through a PCIe bus lane, reducing latency C. The drive has not been formatted.
and taking full advantage of the wicked-fast
speeds of high-end SSDs. D. The drive has died.

9. Seen in RAID 5, disk striping with parity 5. What does NTFS use to provide security
uses at least three drives and combines the for individual files and folders?
best features of disk mirroring and disk A. Dynamic disks
10. RAID 10 features both nesting and
striping and requires at least four drives. C. Access Control List
6. What graphical program does Microsoft
include with Windows to partition and format
a drive?
1. What is the default file system in A. Format
B. Disk Management console
A. exFAT
C. Disk Administrator console
B. ext4
D. System Commander
7. Which of the following statements apply
D. NTFS to MBR drives? (Select two.)
2. What is the default file system in Mac A. Maximum partition size of 2.2 TB
B. Unlimited number of partitions
A. exFAT
C. Cannot span partitions across multiple
B. ext4 drives
C. HFS+ D. Can stripe partitions across multiple
D. NTFS drives

3. What is the default file system in most 8. How can you effectively expand the
current Linux distros? capacity of an NTFS drive?

A. exFAT A. Create an extended partition to extend

the capacity.
B. ext4
B. Install a second drive and mount it to a
C. HFS+ folder on the original smaller NTFS drive.
D. NTFS C. Convert the drive to a dynamic disk and
create a mirrored set.
D. Format the drive with the Quick Format 13. Which two terms identify a bootable
option. partition?
9. Which storage option in Windows 8 or A. Master, FAT
later offers the best mix of resiliency and
B. Slave, FAT
performance with two drives?
C. Primary, Active
A. Simple space
D. Primary, NTFS
B. Two-way mirror space
14. For what purpose can you use disk
C. Three-way mirror space
D. Parity space
A. Limit users to a specific drive
10. Jaime wishes to check her hard drive
B. Extend the capacity of a volume
for errors. What tool should she use?
C. Manage dual-boot environments
D. Limit users’ space on a drive
B. Format
15. Martha the tech adds a new hard drive
C. Disk Manager
to a user’s system for extra storage. She’s
D. Error checking installed the drive and it shows up in the
System Setup utility. When she opens File
11. To make your files unreadable by
Explorer, naturally the drive does not
others, what should you use?
appear. What’s her next step?
A. Clustering
A. Run Disk Management and format the
B. Compression drive.

C. Disk quotas B. Run Disk Management and initialize the

D. Encryption
C. Run Disk Management and partition the
12. Martha the tech gets a frantic call from drive.
a junior engineer who says he seems to be
losing files and thinks maybe his hard drive D. Reboot the computer. Windows will
is bad. After some discussion, it turns out prepare the drive automatically.
the engineer’s system runs Ubuntu Linux. In
such a scenario, which tool should Martha
run (or have the engineer run) to scan his 1. The MBR checks the partition table to
hard drive for errors? find the active partition or bootable partition.
A. chkdsk 2. If a file is not stored in contiguous
clusters, you can improve hard drive
B. Disk Management
performance by using a tool to defragment
C. Error checking the drive.

D. fsck 3. Instead of using a FAT, NTFS uses a(n)

Master file table (MFT) with a backup copy
placed in the middle of the disk for better
4. On modern versions of Windows, the 3. Which of the following is a high-speed
best file system to choose is NTFS alternative to existing technologies such as
USB, FireWire, and DisplayPort?
5. The Windows tool that attempts to fix
invalid filenames, erases lost clusters, and A. Lightning
seals off bad clusters is called Error-
checking (or chkdsk).
C. USB 3.1
6. The GPT partitioning scheme enables
you to create more than four primary D. Thunderbolt
partitions without needing to use dynamic
disks. 4. What do digitizers enable people to do
on a PC?
7. A logical drive must be created inside
a(n) Extended partition. A. Capture video

8. Only a single Primary Partition may be B. Draw, paint, and write

set to active on one drive. C. Secure using fingerprints
9. The Disk cleanup utility is useful for D. Switch between multiple computers
purging your system of unnecessary using the same keyboard, mouse, and
temporary files. monitor
10. A(n) Mirrored volume requires exactly 5. Which FireWire standard is properly
two volumes and is extremely fault tolerant matched with its speed?
A. IEEE 1394a, 400 Mbps
1. How many devices can a single USB B. IEEE 1394a, 480 Mbps
host controller support?
C. IEEE 1394b, 400 Mbps
A. 2
D. IEEE 1394b, 480 Mbps
B. 4
6. FireWire supports a maximum of how
C. 63 many devices?
D. 127 A. 2
2. What is the maximum USB cable length B. 4
as defined by the USB 2.0 specification?
C. 63
A. 4.5 feet
D. 127
B. 4.5 meters
7. What icon does Windows Device
C. 5 feet Manager display over disabled devices?
D. 5 meters A. Yellow triangle
B. Down-pointing arrow
C. Blue I
D. Green D
8. When triggered, which of the following 13. Which of the following lists the
sends a signal to the computer to start technologies in order from slowest to
recording? fastest?
A. Smart Card A. SuperSpeed USB, Full-Speed USB, Hi-
Speed USB, IEEE 1394a, IEEE 1394b
B. Motion sensor
B. Full-Speed USB, IEEE 1394a, Hi-Speed
C. KVM switch
USB, IEEE 1394b, SuperSpeed USB
D. Digitizer
C. Full-Speed USB, SuperSpeed USB, Hi-
9. To what does the .1 in 5.1 or 2.1 refer? Speed USB, IEEE 1394a, IEEE 1394b

A. Volumetric sound positioning D. Low-Speed USB, SuperSpeed USB,

IEEE 1394a, Hi-Speed USB, IEEE 1394b
B. Subwoofer
14. In Windows 8.1, which Control Panel
C. Subchannels applet enables you to configure a game
D. Reverb positional matrices controller, such as a joystick or gamepad?

10. Which device is a biometric device? A. Devices and Printers

A. Bar code reader B. Joysticks and Gamepads

B. Optical mouse C. Input Devices

C. Retinal scanner D. Game controllers are only configured

within a PC game.
D. Flatbed scanner
15. While testing a newly installed KVM
11. John’s boss tasks him to buy a set of switch, you can’t display the second
four SD cards for a new video project, two connected system while tapping the scroll
for each camera. The video will be captured lock key. What is most likely the problem?
in high definition, so the files will be huge.
Given such a scenario, what type of card A. Incorrect KVM UPC code
will John have to buy to support 128-GB B. Crossed video cable
capacity for each card?
C. Locked scroll lock key
D. Active KVM
1. A(n) Full-speed USB or USB 1.1 device
D. xD transfers data at up to 12 Mbps on the
12. Which Blu-ray Disc format enables you universal serial bus.
write and erase the media several times? 2. A(n) IEEE 1394b FireWire device
A. BD-ROM transfers data at up to 800 Mbps.

B. BD-R 3. The Thunderbolt standard connects

computing devices with a Mini DisplayPort
C. BD-RE connector.
4. A(n) Smart Card reader scans the chip 3. What’s a good guide to use when
embedded in such devices as ID badges to deciding on hardware for a basic thick
enhance access and security. client?
5. A(n) Touch Screen is a monitor with A. Buy whatever is on sale.
some type of sensing device across its face
B. Always start with the most expensive
that detects the location and duration of
contact, usually by a finger or stylus.
C. Check the recommended requirements
6. Bar code readers read standard
for the OS you want to use.
Universal Product code bar codes, primarily
to track inventory. D. Check the MSDS for the OS you want
to use.
7. A(n) Digital camera captures digital
images on removable media; a(n) Webcam 4. How do you share a printer in Windows?
transmits digital images across the Internet
for video communication. A. Open Device Manager, right-click on the
printer, select Properties, and select Share
8. Unlike recorded sounds, Musical this printer.
Instrument Digital Interface uses specialized
text files that tell the sound card which B. You have to install special drivers for
sounds to play. your printer.

9. A series of instructions telling a computer C. Open the Devices and Printers applet in
how to read a compressed file is called a(n) the Control Panel, right-click on the printer,
Codec select Printer properties, and then check the
Share this printer checkbox on the Sharing
10. While a CD-ROM disc holds about 650 tab.
MB of data, a(n) Digital Versatile Disk stores
from 4.37 GB to 15.9 GB, depending on the D. You have to have Windows Home
number of sides and layers used. Server in order to share printers.

1. What is a thin client? 5. What program that comes with some

versions of Windows turns your PC into a
A. computer with a 32-bit-wide address home theater PC?
A. Kodi
B. A portable computer
B. Windows Media Center
C. A system designed to handle only very
basic applications with the minimum C. Plex
hardware required by the operating system D. Windows Home Theater
D. A computer in a narrow, small form- 6. What is the most important component
factor case for building a virtualization workstation?
2. What three functions does a home A. CPU
server PC provide? (Select three.)
B. Power supply
A. Media streaming
B. File sharing
D. Large monitor
C. Web hosting
D. Print sharing
7. What three things does a video editing C. Microsoft will not know how to contact
workstation benefit from? (Select three.) you to provide upgrade information.
A. High-end motherboard D. It will work if you check the “I promise to
pay for Windows later” box.
B. Fast, multicore CPU
12. If Windows locks up during the
C. Lots of RAM
installation, how can you determine at what
D. Professional-level GPU point it locked up?

8. Which of the following are Microsoft A. Reboot and start the installation
compatibility tools that enable you to scan process. Pay attention to the text in the
your current hardware to see if it can handle lower third of the screen and write down the
upgrading to a new version of Windows? error message revealed.
(Select two.)
B. Push the Reset button to restart the
A. Windows Upgrade Advisor installation process. Pay attention to the text
in the lower third of the screen and write
B. Hardware Compatibility Upgrader down the error message revealed.
C. Reboot and start the installation
C. Upgrade Assistant process. After it starts, press the ESC key to
D. Hardware State Migration Tool (HSMT) cancel the installation process and show the
previous installation notes.
9. What is the most common boot method
for installing Windows 8? D. Review the setuperr.log files to track
any errors discovered.
A. Boot to a Windows DVD
13. Which term describes a combination of
B. Boot to a Windows CD-ROM many updates and fixes in Windows
C. Boot to a PXE drive
A. Hot fix
D. Boot to a recovery partition
B. Hot pack
10. When you install an operating system
alongside an existing operating system, C. Service pack
what do you create?
D. Service release
A. A clean installation
14. Your boss has tasked you to load
B. An upgrade installation identical images onto a series of Mac OS X
workstations to get the classroom ready for
C. A multiboot installation
the new group of students. In such a
D. A network installation scenario, what’s the best tool to use?

11. If you do not complete the activation A. MultiBoot

process for Windows 7, what will happen to
B. NetBoot
your computer?
C. OS Push
A. Nothing. Activation is optional.
D. User State Migration Tool
B. The computer will work fine for 30 days
and then Windows will be disabled.
15. Your boss has decided to retire several 8. During the Windows installation, you will
systems and tasks you to make absolutely need to agree to a legal document called
sure the data on the drives is obliterated. In the End User License Agreement (EULA)
such a scenario, how could you best
9. Windows tracks the installation progress
demonstrate that you have fulfilled the task?
with a set of text files called log files
A. Run a software utility to wipe the drives.
10. Windows uses the Windows Easy
Show the boss the empty drives.
Transfer (WET) tool for migrating user files
B. Partition and format the drives. Show and settings.
the boss the empty drives.
C. Take the drives to a professional hard
1. Which of the following tabs is not found
drive disposal service and request
in the Task Manager?
A. Users
D. Take the drives to a professional hard
drive disposal service and insist on a B. Processes
certificate of destruction when they finish
the job. C. Services
D. Objects

1. A(n) thin client is a system designed to 2. Which of the following root keys
handle only very basic applications with an contains the data for a system’s non-user-
absolute minimum amount of hardware specific configurations?
required by the operating system. A. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
2. A(n) audio interface is a box that you B. HKEY_USERS
hook up to your PC with inputs that enable
you to connect professional microphones C. HKEY_CURRENT_USER
and instruments.
3. (HTPC) Home Theater PC cases are
3. Tim needs to register an important DLL
used to make your computer blend in with
file as a command component in the
the rest of your home theater equipment.
Registry. What command-line tool should he
4. If you want to share files and printers use?
over your home network, you can set up
A. regedt64
a(n) Home Server PC
B. regedt32
5. If you have a new hard drive with
nothing on it, you will likely choose to do C. regsvr32
a(n) clean installation
D. regmgr64
6. A(n) patch is a fix for a single problem
with the OS, while a(n) service pack is a 4. What is the name of the command-line
combination of fixes. command for killing tasks?

7. If you wish to have only one OS and A. kill

keep the applications and configuration of B. taskkill
the current system, you should choose to do
a(n) upgrade installation of the new OS. C. processkill
D. appkill
5. With what is every application and D. notepad
service in Windows associated?
10. Which of the following statements
A. An object about booting in Windows is true?
B. A counter A. BIOS does not use bootmgr.
C. A component B. UEFI looks for the MBR, which finds the
boot code that launches bootmgr.
D. A process
C. BIOS looks for the MBR, which finds the
6. Which of the following are organized
boot code that launches bootmgr.
inside the Registry’s root keys? (Select
two.) D. UEFI does not use bootmgr.
A. Subkeys 11. Which task moved from the System
Configuration utility to the Task Manager
B. Subfolders
beginning with Windows 8?
C. Values
A. Controlling Windows boot mode and
D. Objects options

7. When using Performance Monitor, B. Managing Windows services

which settings are defined to track resource
C. Controlling which processes start when
usage? (Select two.)
Windows loads
A. Processes
D. Access to a variety of Windows tools
B. Objects
12. What is the name of the coding
C. Counters standard that enables programmers to write
databases and applications that interact
D. Values independently of the operating system
8. Which of the following options are used?
available when you right-click on a process A. Open Database Connectivity
in the Windows 7 Task Manager’s
Processes tab? (Select two.) B. Data Collector Sets

A. Start Service C. Component Services

B. Go to Service(s) D. Reliability and Performance Monitor

C. Go To Process 13. How do you open the Registry Editor

from the command prompt?
D. Set Priority
A. regedit
9. Mark needs to edit the Registry on
Mary’s Windows 8 box. Which tool enables B. regsvr32
manual editing of the Registry from a
C. regeditor
command prompt?
D. bcdedit
A. reg
14. Which file does the boot manager
B. tasklist
check to determine the operating systems
C. bootmgr installed at boot-up?
A. BCD 1. What process determines the identity of
a user?
B. bootmgr
A. Authentication
B. Authorization
C. Identification
15. Which of the following key
combinations opens the Task Manager? D. Indemnification
A. CTRL-ALT-SHIFT 2. Which of the following user account
types can create other user accounts?
A. Administrator
B. Limited user
C. Restricted user
D. Standard user
1. The Startup tab in Task Manager shows
applications that will run on boot. 3. Which of the following groups enables
someone who does not have an account on
2. Tasklist is a command-line version of the
the system to log on? Assume the group is
Task Manager.
3. The Performance tab in the Task
A. Administrators
Manager displays overall CPU and memory
usage. B. Power Users
4. The Performance Monitor requires a(n) C. Standard Users
Counter and a(n) Object to create logs
D. Guests
about resource usage.
4. Which utility enables you to add users
5. When you open the Registry Editor, you
and groups in Windows 7 Professional?
will see the five Root keys on the left side of
the window. A. User Account Control
6. You can right-click on a user in the B. User Accounts applet
Users tab of the Task Manager to
disconnect them. C. Users and Groups applet

7. Windows 8.1 uses Boot mgr to boot the D. Local Users and Groups
OS. 5. Which of the following is the strongest
8. The Registry tracks everything about password?
your computer, from file types to user A. 5551212
B. Spot01
9. You can open the Task manager directly
by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ESC. C. 43*xv

10. When programmers need to use D. 479love*

objects across multiple applications, they
turn to Component Services
6. Marjorie has files of a delicate nature 10. As a member of the accounting group,
that she doesn’t want other users on a John has Write permission to the Database
shared Windows system to access. What folder; as a member of the technicians
must she use to secure these files, even group, John has Read permission to the
from administrators? Database folder. What permission or
permissions does John have to the
A. Secure Boot.
Database folder?
B. Encryption.
A. Read only
C. SecurePassword.
B. Write only
D. She can’t. Administrators can access
C. Read and Write
anything using Take Ownership permission.
D. Full Control
7. Which of the following groups can you
assign a user to in Windows Vista Home 11. When you copy a file from one folder
Premium? (Select two.) on the C: drive to another folder on the C:
drive, by default what permissions will the
A. Administrators
copy of that file have if the C: drive is
B. Power Users formatted with NTFS?

C. Replicators A. The copy will retain the permissions the

original file has.
D. Users
B. The copy will inherit the permissions of
8. Which tool in Windows enables an the new location.
administrator to create a log that shows all
of the applications a user runs or attempts C. The copy will lose all permissions.
to run?
D. You can’t do that.
A. Create Log
12. Which of the following commands is
B. NTFS used to change file permissions in Linux?

C. Parental Controls A. chmod

D. User Account Control B. chown

9. Which of the following is not a standard C. users

NTFS permission?
D. pwn
A. Copy
13. John needs to perform many changes
B. Full Control and updates to a Windows 8.1 system. How
does he turn UAC off?
C. Modify
A. Select User Account Control settings in
D. Read & Execute the User Accounts Control Panel applet,
change the slider to Never notify.
B. In the User Accounts Control Panel
applet, check the box next to Disable User
Account Control and click OK.
C. Access User Account Control options in 5. A(n) Group is a collection of user
the System Tools and select Disable User accounts that share the same access
Account Control. capabilities.
D. You can’t turn UAC off in Windows 8 or 6. User Account Control (UAC) enables
later. standard users to perform common tasks
and provides a permissions dialog box
14. Which tool in certain Windows editions
when standard users and administrators do
enables you to encrypt the contents of a
certain things that could potentially harm the
drive, including folders of users other than
7. By default, any file you drop into a folder
A. BitLocker
on an NTFS drive gets the same
B. Drive Encryptor permissions as those assigned to the folder,
a feature called Inheritance.
C. Encrypting File System
8. The chown command enables you to
D. TrueCrypt change the owner and the group with which
15. In Windows 7 and later, how do the a file or folder is associated in Linux and
two middle levels of UAC security differ? Mac OS X.

A. One creates a prompt for verified 9. BitLocker Drive requires a special

programs; the other creates a prompt for Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on the
unverified programs. motherboard to verify on boot that the
computer has not changed.
B. One uses a consent prompt that blocks
all other actions; the other uses a consent 10. The Encryption enables you to
prompt that does not block other actions. scramble a file or folder and thus hide the
contents from anyone, even an
C. One creates a prompt that requires a administrator.
password; the other creates a prompt that
does not require a password.
D. One uses a prompt for standard users 1. What tool enables you to modify which
only; the other uses a prompt for all users. programs start when Windows 8.1 starts?
A. msstartup

1. The User Account applet enables you to B. msinfo32

manage user accounts in Windows. C. msconfig
2. To log on to a standalone Windows PC, D. Task Manager
you need a(n) local user account
2. Mark loaded a new video card on his
3. The process that defines what system, but now everything looks very bad.
resources an authenticated user may What should he do first?
access and what he or she may do with
those resources is called authorization A. Go to Event Viewer and check the log.

4. When you create a new file or folder on B. Go to Device Manager.

an NTFS partition, you become the Owner
C. Go to the printed manual.
of that file or folder.
D. Call tech support.
3. Marsha the tech has been tasked to 7. What tool is used in Mac OS X to
support a set of Mac OS X computers. Upon perform full system backups?
examining the first few, she realizes the
A. AppleBack
core operating system on the machines is
two generations out-of-date. Given such as B. Users and Groups
scenario, what should she do?
C. Time Machine
A. Open System Preferences and select
Update from the options. D. Backups

B. Open System Preferences and select 8. What tool is used in Ubuntu Linux to
Software Updater from the options. perform full system backups?

C. Open System Preferences and select A. AppleBack

the App Store pane. B. Users and Groups
D. She needs a physical disc to update the C. Time Machine
core operating system in Mac OS X
machines. D. Backups

4. What tool enables you to correct a 9. Diane complains that her system seems
corrupted Windows operating system by sluggish and she keeps running out of hard
reverting your computer to a previous state? drive space. What Microsoft Windows–
based tool can she use to get rid of
A. Windows Restore unnecessary files and compress older files?
B. Restore State Manager Select the best answer.

C. Time Machine A. Disk Cleanup

D. System Restore B. Disk Doctor

5. Which of the following backup features C. CCleaner

does Windows 7 not support? D. Registry Cleaner
A. System Restore 10. Alberto installs a video card into a
B. Backup and Restore Windows 8 computer and it seems to work
just fine until he tries to run a game. Then
C. Tape Backup he gets low-end graphics and it just doesn’t
look right. What might he try to fix the
D. Setting differential vs. incremental
problem? Select the best answer.
A. Check the video card manufacturer’s
6. What program can you use to keep your
Web site and download updated drivers.
systems patched and up to date?
B. Check the video card manufacturer’s
A. Windows Dispatcher
Web site and download the FAQ.
B. Windows Patcher
C. Run the Driver Update utility.
C. Windows Update
D. Reinstall Windows.
D. Windows Upgrade
11. What feature included in Windows 8, C. Use a restore point in System Restore
8.1, and 10 allows you to regularly back up to return the PC to a functioning state.
your important files and folders?
D. Use Device Manager to automatically
A. System Configuration search for new drivers.
B. Backup and Restore
C. AutoPlay 1. In Windows, you use the Program and
Features applet to uninstall, change, or
D. File History
repair programs.
12. Which of the following commands
2. In Mac OS X, you access updates
opens the System Information tool?
through the App store pane in System
A. msconfig Preferences.

B. msinfo 3. To change which programs and services

start with Windows 8/8.1/10, you would use
C. msinfo32 the task manager.
D. mscnfg32 4. If installing a new driver causes
13. Mary wants to create a custom tool for problems in your system, device manager
maintaining her Windows clients. What tool enables you to roll back the driver to a
enables her to accomplish this goal? previously installed version.

A. MMC 5. In Windows Vista and 7, Microsoft

occasionally packaged several updates for
B. msconfig Windows together into a(n) service pack
C. msinfo32 6. You can use performance options to
disable certain graphical flourishes, such as
animations, transparencies, and more.
14. Chuck wants to run Disk Defragmenter
7. Mac OS X uses launch hd and most
on his Windows 7 machine once every
Linux distributions use cron to run all sorts
week. Which tool enables him to set
of tasks automatically in the background.
Windows to do this automatically?
8. The process of keeping software
A. msconfig
updated in a safe and timely fashion is
B. Defragment later known as patch management

C. Error checking 9. When you insert an optical disc into your

PC, Windows uses the autorun and
D. Task Scheduler autoplay features to start the disc
15. Joan recently bought a new gamepad automatically.
and used the Add a Device wizard to install 10. The system restore tool enables you to
it, but it still won’t work. What should she do create a restore point, a snapshot of your
next? (Select two.) computer’s configuration at a specific point
A. Check the manufacturer’s Web site for in time
updated drivers.
B. Run the Automated System Recovery
tool to return the PC to a functioning state.
Chapter 16 Working With The Command- can use in place of part of a filename when
Line Interface executing a command-line command. -
1. The __________________ tells you
it’s ready to receive commands by
displaying a specific set of
9. The ____________ command is
characters called a(n)
used by Linux systems to copy entire block
__________________. –command-
volumes. - dd
line interface, prompt

10. The _________ command is used

2. Extra text you type after a
in Mac OS X to change a password. –
command to modify its operation is
called a(n) __________________. -

1. Which command pauses after

displaying a screen’s worth of
3. The copy command is to move in
directory contents? - ls |
Windows as cp is to
more" and "dir /p
__________________ in Linux. -mv

2. Which of the following commands

will delete all of the files in a
4. The Terminal __________________
directory in Terminal? –rm*
command enables you to delete a
file. –rm
3. Which command can you use to
determine an exact folder location or
path in Terminal? –pwd
5. Your system knows what program is
associated with a particular file by 4. Which Windows command is
that file’s ____________. - functionally equivalent to the Linux ls
extension command? -dir

5. What can you type before a

6. The __________________ Terminal command to access help
command enables you to restart a computer for that command? –man
remotely from the command line. -
shutdown 6. What command can you type in the
Search box to access the command-
line interface in Windows? -cmd
7. Type _____ or ______ before a
Terminal command to get root privileges. – 7. Which of the following Linux
su, sudo commands will show detailed
information about the contents of a
folder? –ls -l
8. The asterisk is a special character
called a(n) __________________ that you
8. The Windows xcopy command was 1. The __________________ tool
superseded by the faster and more enables you to view and modify
efficient ________ command. – the BCD store. –bcdedit
2. Use the __________________
9. What command, identical in both to check and replace any
Windows and Linux, will tell you the corrupted critical Windows files,
name of a computer? - hostname such as DLLs. – System File
10. Of the following, which best
describes the function of the 3. If Windows 7 fails to boot but you
Windows gpresult command? –list have not logged on, you can
the group policies applied to a select __________________ to
user restore the computer to the way
it was the last time a user logged
11. Which of the following commands on. -Last Known Good
will show you any line that has the Configuration
string “fred” in it? –ls –r l grep fred
4. To start Windows using only the
12. How do you run a command at the most basic and essential drivers
Windows command prompt with and services, use
elevated or administrative __________________. -Safe
privileges? - Right click a Mode
command prompt shortcut and
then select Run as administrator. 5. The __________________,
accessed by pressing CTRL-
13. Which of the following commands SHIFT-ESC once, enables you
will shut down a Linux system to see all processes and services
immediately without restarting it? – currently running or to close a
shutdown now process that has stopped
working. -Task Manager
14. What Terminal command will display
a workstation’s IP address? - 6. Use the __________________
ifconfig in Windows 8 to see an
aggregation of event messages,
15. Which Terminal command enables warnings, maintenance
you to search through text files or messages, and quick access to
command output to find specific security and maintenance tools. -
information? -grep Action Center
CHAPTER 17 Troubleshooting
Operating Systems 7. In Windows Vista and Windows
7, you can use the
__________________ feature to
recover previous versions of
corrupted or deleted files. -
System Protection
6. You’ve just installed a software
8. To run a program written for update, rebooted, and now your
Windows XP in a Windows 7 system experiences random
computer, use crashes. Which too in Windows 8.1
__________________ if you enables you to see various event
encounter problems. -Windows messages and warnings that might
XP Mode give you a better sense of what is
causing problems? -Action Center
9. The __________________
applet provides a relative feel for 7. John’s computer has an error that
how your computer stacks up says bootmgr is corrupted. What tool
against other systems using the can he use to fix this problem? –
Windows Experience Index. - bcdedit
Performance Information and
Tools 8. What does Microsoft call the 32- or
64-bit installation environment in
10. Current versions of Windows Windows 7? –WinPE
include a set of repair tools
known as the 9. Ralph suspects a bad RAM stick is
__________________. - causing Windows to fail to boot.
Windows Recovery What default Windows tool can he
Environment (Win RE) use to check the RAM? -Windows
Memory Diagnostic Tool

10. Which of the following commands

1. Which utility is useful in identifying a will repair a damaged master boot
program that is hogging the record in a Windows 8.1 PC? -
processor? -Task Manager bootrec / fixmbr
2. Which Windows utility uses points in
time that allow you to return your 11. Ellen tries to boot into Windows 7,
system to a previous date and state? but the computer crashes at the
-System Restore logon screen. What tool should she
use first to try to fix the problem? -
3. Scott’s Windows 8.1 computer isn’t Reboot the PC, press F8 to open
performing as well as it once did. the Advanced Startup Options
What option can he use to reset his menu, and select Safe Mode
system without deleting any
personal files or changing any 12. Which feature in Windows 7 enables
settings? -Refresh your PC you to right-click a file or folder and
restore previous versions of that file
4. What can device drivers and failing or folder? -System Protection
hardware in Mac OS X and Linux
cause? -Kernel panic 13. Which of the following can cause a
computer to lock up or unexpectedly
5. shut down? (Select two.) - Bad
RAM, Poorly written application
14. Bob is concerned that his new PCIe 4. You can create a(n)
video capture card device driver is _______________ or
causing startup problems. Which _______________ as a restore point
utility enables him to see if Windows for a virtual machine. - Snapshot,
recognizes the driver? -Device checkpoint
5. You can use basic
15. Tom notices after his system starts _____________________________
up that a critical service has not ______ to create and run virtual
started, even though it is configured machines on a local system. -
to do so. Given such a scenario, Client-side virtualization
where should he look first to see
why it failed to start. -Event Viewer 6. A(n) __________________
translates commands issued by
16. Which of the following problems software in order to run it on
would most likely cause a Blue hardware it wasn’t designed to run
Screen of Death in Windows 8.1? on. - Emulator
(Select two.) -Bad RAM,
Incompatible device driver 7. A(n) _______________ is a virtual
machine running on a hypervisor. -

CHAPTER 18 Virtualization 8. Cloud computing companies provide

_________________________ that
Key term bills users for only what they use. -
1. A(n) _______________ is a measured service
complete environment for a guest
operating system to function as 9. Virtual machines perform better on
though that operating system was CPUs with
installed on its own computer. - _____________________________
virtual machine (VM) ___. - hardware virtualization
2. A program that runs multiple
operating systems simultaneously is 10. A machine running a hypervisor is
called a(n) _______________. - a(n) ___________. – Host
1. Tom is installing a Windows 10
3. John’s hypervisor enables all five of virtual machine onto a VMware
the virtual machines on his system Workstation. Which of the following
to communicate with each other does he need? - A valid copy of
through the _______________ Windows 10 installation media
without going outside the host
system.- Virtual Switch
2. The number of running virtual
machines on a single host is limited
by what factor? - Physical RAM
service,bgFootr—which got hacked
3. When a virtual machine is not when he failed to stay on top of his
running, how is it stored? – Files security updates—Tom has a great
new idea for a new service to report
4. The boss flies into your office yelling UFO sightings. What service would
that malware has replaced every help keep him from having to play
icon on his desktop with purple system administrator? - Network as
dinosaurs. Given that he uses a thin a Service
client to access a virtual desktop,
which of the following would be the 11. BigCorp is a successful Bigfoot-
quickest ways to fix the problem? tracking company with an internal
(Select two.) - Restore from service to manage all of its
backup, Load a new copy of the automated Bigfoot surveillance
department-specific virtual stations. A Bigfoot migration has
machine caused a massive increase in the
amount of audio and video sent back
5. Powerful hypervisors like ESXi are from their stations. In order to add
often booted from short-term capacity, they can create
_______________. - Flash new servers in the public cloud.
memory] What model of cloud computing
does this describe? - Private cloud
6. A _______________ is a computer
running multiple virtual machines. – 12. Which is a term for a computer with
Host minimal hardware that is augmented
by more powerful remote servers? -
7. Which virtual networking technology Thin client
would you use to enable multiple
virtual machines to communicate 13. A network of hospitals wants to
with each other? - Virtual router create a centralized records service
but has to observe serious
8. Tom has a great idea for a new governmental regulations on patient
photo-sharing service for real privacy. Which two of the following
pictures of Bigfoot, but he doesn’t would best meet the network’s
own any servers. Where can he needs? - Community cloud,
quickly create a new server to build Private cloud
his dream? - Public cloud
14. A _______________ hypervisor
9. Ford logs into a site that continually improves the performance of
selects and plays music for him virtualization by removing the
based on how he has rated past underlying operating system. - Bare-
selections. What is this type of metal
service called? - Software as a

10. After the unforeseen failure of his

15. Which of the following are 8. Apple Macs primarily use the
advantages of a virtual machine over ________________________
a physical machine? (Select two.) - display connector type. –Display
Capability to quickly add and Port
remove hardware, Consolidation
of multiple physical machines 9. A(n) __________________ handles
the video processing chores in
modern systems. -GPU

KEY TERM QUIZ 10. The size of the projected image at a

specific distance from the screen is
1. To provide the optimal display for an defined as the projector’s
LCD monitor, always set it to its __________________. –Throw
__________________. –Native

2. The traditional D-subminiature

1. If one of the colors is missing on the
connector on a video card is called a
monitor and you cannot fix the
VGA connector or
problem by adjusting the front
__________________. –HD15
controls, you should then check for
__________________.- A broken
3. DirectX is a(n)
cable or bent pins
__________________, a program
that translates instructions for the
2. Which of the following resolutions
video device driver. -API
will produce the best quality picture
on the monitor (assuming the
4. Using an aspect ratio of 16:10, the
monitor is capable of displaying the
__________________ refers to the
resolutions well)? - 1280 × 1024
number of horizontal pixels times the
number of vertical pixels. -
3. Which of the following problems
would make it impossible to repair
an LCD monitor? - A broken LCD
5. The __________________ bus is
the most common expansion slot for
video cards. –PCI express
4. What do we call the time it takes for
all of the sub-pixels on the panel to
6. Two common projector technologies
go from pure black to pure white and
are LCD and
back again? - Response rate

7. The time it takes to redraw the entire

5. Dudley wants to connect his new
screen is called the
MacBook Pro to an LCD monitor that
__________________.- Refresh
has a Digital Visual Interface. What
type of adapter should he use? -
Thunderbolt to DVI
6. What is 1080p resolution? - 1920 ×
1080 2. Ethernet cables typically use a(n) RJ-45
7. What is the processor on a video
card called?- GPU
3. The most common Ethernet topology is
8. Which projector produces the Star bus.
brightest image?- One with the
highest lumen rating 4. Most Ethernet networks use copper UTP
wiring, but a(n) Fiber optic cable
9. A customer calls complaining that enables much greater distance between
his TV looks awful when he two hosts.
connects it to his laptop. What could
cause this problem? - The second
monitor (the TV) is a PDP. 5. Most Ethernet networks have a central
box called a(n) Switch.
10. What is the most popular API used
by 3-D game developers? – DirectX 6. All NICs have a unique identifier called
a(n) Mac address.
11. Which of the following may have an
integrated GPU built in? (Select
two.) – CPU, Northbridge chip 7. Routers enable multiple LANs to connect
into a(n) Broadcast domain.
12. Which two technologies are used for
backlights in LCD monitors? - CCFL 8. All the cabling from individual work areas
and LED runs via Horizontal cabling to a central
13. What tool enables you to test 3-D
video in a modern PC? – NVIDIA
9. The central location that all cabling runs
14. Which Control Panel applet in to is called the Work area.
Windows enables you to change the
Windows theme and settings that 10. A single piece of installed horizontal
determine the colors of boxes and cabling is called a(n) Run.
other visual items? –
1. How many bits are in a MAC address?
15. A client calls complaining that his A. 24
new LCD monitor is flickering. What
is most likely the problem? - he B. 36
CCFL backlight is failing. C. 48
CHAPTER 20 D. 64

1. The 100BaseT version of Ethernet runs

at 100 Mbps.
2. What is the minimum CAT level cable D. IP addresses
required for a 100BaseT network?

A. CAT 1
7. What is a remote computer providing
B. CAT 5 resources called?

C. CAT 5e A. Web browser


C. Server

3. A typical CAT 6 cable uses which D. Router


A. RJ-11
8. What is the total amount of data that a
B. RJ-45 network can handle called?

C. Plenum A. Protocol

D. PVC B. Broadcast

C. Bandwidth

4. Why would you use STP over UTP D. Client


A. Cheaper.
9. What do you call the discrete “chunks” of
B. Easier to install. data that networks transmit?

C. Better to avoid interference. A. Frames

D. They’re interchangeable terms. B. Stacks


5. What kind of frame gets received by all D. Workgroups

NICs in a LAN?
10. John’s boss asks for a recommendation
A. Ethernet for connecting the company network to a
small satellite building about 1 km from the
B. Broadcast
main campus. The company owns the
C. WAN verdant land in between. Given such a
scenario, what network technology
D. DNS implementation should John suggest?
6. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and A. Ethernet over UTP
Google Chrome are all examples of what?
B. Ethernet over STP
A. Web servers
C. Ethernet over multimode fiber
D. Ethernet over single-mode fiber
C. Web browsers
11. Erin is stuck. She needs data from a 14. What is the structured cabling name for
friend’s laptop to work on her desktop, but the end user’s office space where network
neither of them brought a thumb drive. She computers are set up?
has any number of Ethernet cables at her
A. Backbone
disposal, but the last port on the switch is
taken. What’s her best option, given such a B. Building entrance
C. Cable drop
A. Connect the two computers directly using
a patch cable. D. Work area

B. Connect the two computers directly

using a crossover cable. 15. Which of the follow unit designations is
C. Connect the two computers directly using used for rack-mounted equipment?
an STP cable. A. A
D. Run to the store, buy a thumb drive, get B. P
back to the lab, and physically move the
data. C. T

D. U

12. Eddard hands Will a cable. Will hands it CHAPTER 21

back and says, meaningfully, “That’s a nice
F-type connector you’ve got there.” What
kind of cable does Eddard have? KEY TERM QUIZ

A. Coaxial 1. HTTP and SSH are both examples of

special sharing functions called TCP/IP
B. Fiber optic services.

D. UTP 2. The command-line utility called ping

enables one machine to check whether it can
communicate with another machine.
13. When connecting a cable run onto a
patch panel, which tool should you use?

A. 110-punchdown tool 3. A NIC uses a value called the Subnet

mask to distinguish which part of the IP
B. Crimper address identifies the network ID and which
C. TDR part of the address identifies the host.

D. Tone generator
4. A computer on a(n) IPV4 network gets a
32-bit address.
5. A computer on a(n) IPV6 network gets a 2. Simon’s system can’t contact a DHCP
128-bit address. server to obtain an IP address automatically,
but he can still communicate with other
systems on his subnet. What feature of
6. A(n) Router is a device that has at least Windows makes this possible?
two IP addresses: one that connects to your
A. Subnet masking
LAN’s switch and one that connects to the
“next network.” B. Default gateway


7. Special computers, called DNS servers, D. Client for Microsoft Networks

keep databases of IP addresses and their
corresponding names.
3. Which of the following is the correct net
syntax for discovering which network shares
8. A(n) DHCP server enables computers to on a particular server are mapped on your
obtain IP addresses automatically. computer?

A. net view \\fileserver

9. When troubleshooting a NIC, you’ll need B. net \\fileserver

to crawl behind your computer and look for a
C. net map \\fileserver
Llnk light which should be on or blinking.
D. net share \\fileserver

11. To test a possibly broken Ethernet port,

plug in a(n) Loopback plug. 4. A small device that enables you to test a
NIC’s circuitry is called?
MULTIPLE CHOICE A. Loopback plug
1. Everything worked fine on your B. Port tester
1000BaseT network yesterday, but today no
one can connect to the server. The server C. Multimeter
seems to be in good running order. Which of D. Integrated network and logic probe
the following is the most likely problem?
5. Steven’s Windows system can’t connect
A. Someone changed all of the passwords to the Internet, and he comes to you, his PC
for server access. tech, for help. You figure out that it’s a DHCP
B. A switch is malfunctioning. problem. What program should you run to
troubleshoot his DHCP problem from the
C. Someone’s T connector has come loose client side?
on the bus.
A. ipconfig
D. The server’s cable is wired as TIA/EIA
568A and all of the others are wired as B. ifconfig
TIA/EIA 568B. C. config

D. dhcp /review
6. You are down under your desk organizing 10. Which of the following is a legitimate
some wires when you notice that the activity IPv6 address?
light on your NIC is blinking erratically. Is
there a problem?
B. FEDC::CF:0:BA98:1234
A. Yes, the activity light should be on
steadily when the computer is running. C. FEDC::CF:0BA98:1234

D. FEDC::CF:0:BA98:12345
B. Yes, the activity light should be blinking
steadily, not randomly.
11 You are trying to locate which patch
C. No, the light blinks when there is cable in the main switch traces back to a
network traffic. particular computer. Which tool should you
D. No, the light blinks to show bus activity.
A. Tone probe

B. Cable tester
7. What is a common symptom of a bad
network cable? C. Punchdown tool
A. Rapidly blinking link lights D. Butt set
B. No link lights

C. Solid on link lights 12. Which of the following describes an IPv4

address? (Select three.)
D. Steady blinking link lights
A. Uses decimal, not hexadecimal
8. What command-line utility would you run
B. Uses periods, not colons, as
to show a list of network computers?
A. net send
C. Uses four octets
B. show net_servers
D. Uses eight sets of characters
C. net use

D. net view
13. Which tool in Linux enables you to
determine exactly what information the DNS
server is giving you about a specific host
9. What Windows-based command would
you use to view the path taken by a TCP/IP
packet? A. ipconfig

A. ping B. ifconfig

B. traceroute C. nslookup

C. tracert D. ping

D. nslookup
14. What benefit does full-duplex offer? 4. Computers are in Ad hoc mode when
they connect directly together without using
A. It enables NICs to send and receive
a WAP.
signals at the same time.

B. It enables NICs to send data twice as

fast. 5. The 802.11 protocol is more commonly
known as Wi-Fi.
C. It enables NICs to receive data twice as

D. It enables a switch to connect to both 6. Of the three common wireless encryption

coaxial and fiber optic cables. protocols, WEP is the least secure.

15. What do most techs call a toner or tone 7. The wireless Ethernet standard that runs
generator? at speeds up to 54 Mbps but has limited
range because it uses the 5-GHz frequency
is 802.11a.

8. If you need to share an Internet
D. Fox and Hound connection or connect to a wired network
through your wireless network, you would
use Infrastructure Mode.

CHAPTER 22 9. The MIMO feature enables devices on

802.11n networks to make multiple
simultaneous connections, allowing for a
KEY TERM QUIZ theoretical throughput of 600 Mbps.
1. A technology for setting up wireless PANs
and connecting to some peripherals is called
Bluetooth. 10. 802.11 implements CSMA/CA which
proactively avoids network packet collisions
rather than simply detecting them when they
2. Establishing a unique SSID or network occur.
name helps ensure that only wireless MULTIPLE CHOICE
network devices configured similarly are
permitted access to the network. Chapter 22

1. Two wireless nodes that are

communicating directly with each other,
3. The wireless Ethernet standard that without any intermediary systems or
operates at a maximum of 54 Mbps on the hardware, are using what wireless mode?
2.4-GHz frequency is 802.11g.
A. Ad hoc
B. Bluetooth D. WEP

C. Infrastructure

D. 802.11ac 6. Which wireless standard combines the

longest range with the most throughput?

A. 802.11ac
2. What device centrally connects wireless
network nodes in the same way that a hub or B. 802.11b
switch connects wired Ethernet PCs?
C. 802.11g
A. Bluetooth adapter
D. 802.11n
B. Wireless NIC

7. Personal area networks are created by
D. WAP what wireless technology?

3. What is the approximate range of an A. Bluetooth

802.11b/g network?
A. ~1000 ft
C. Wi-Fi
B. ~300 ft
D. Cellular wireless
C. ~150 ft

D. ~500 ft
8. What is the best technology if you need
Internet access from anywhere in the
4. Which encryption method used on
wireless networks is the most secure? A. Bluetooth


B. Wi-Fi C. Wi-Fi

C. MU-MIMO D. Cellular wireless


9. What standard gained a speed boost in

its second version with Enhanced Data Rate
5. What can limit wireless connectivity to a
list of accepted users based on the hard-
wired address of their wireless NIC? A. Bluetooth

A. Encryption B. IrDA

B. MAC filtering C. Wi-Fi

C. MIMO D. Cellular wireless

10. Which of these Wi-Fi security protocols 14. Which of the following 802.11 standards
is the least secure and is easily hacked? can make use of both the 2.4- and 5-GHz
A. 802.11a
B. 802.11b
C. 802.11g
D. 802.11n

11. What is a cheap and easy way to extend

the range of a WAP? 15. Which of the following can extend a PoE
connection up to 100 meters?
A. Upgrade the antenna.
A. MU-MIMO extender
B. Buy a WAP that advertises a longer
range. B. Power over Ethernet injector

C. You can’t easily boost range. C. Wi-Fi analyzer

D. Upgrade the wireless NICs. D. Advanced Encryption Standard

12. What is the technical name of a wireless CHAPTER 23

1.You can access the Internet by leasing a
B. BSSID connection from a(n) Internet service

D. PoE
2. The time it takes for a packet to travel to
its destination and back is called latency.
13. Which of the following uses
beamforming antenna technology to
optimize 802.11ac wireless connections? 3. Internet Explorer is a(n) web browser.


B. CSMA/CA 4. The most common method used to

encrypt information, such as credit card
numbers, on the Internet is HTTPS.

5. A(n) proxy server is software that

enables multiple connections to go to the
Internet through one protected PC.
6. By using an anonymous logon, file D. SSH session
transfer protocol allows you to send and
receive files from a public site.
3. Which of the following Internet connection
methods limit the distance you can be from a
7. The service that provides the structure for central office? (Select two.)
the World Wide Web, allowing documents to
be sent across the Web, is HTTP.
B. Satellite

8. Apple developed the Apple Filing

Protocol (AFP) to support file sharing C. Cable
between Macintosh computers on early

9. A(n) Virtual Private Network enables 4. What port does POP3 use?
you to access a remote network over the A. 22
Internet securely.
B. 110

C. 548
10. Using UDP port 161, Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) enables D. 3389
remote management of network devices.

5. Liz can receive her e-mail, but she cannot

MULTIPLE CHOICE send e-mail. Which of the following is most
likely causing her problem?
1. What is the name for the router that your
PC uses to connect to your Internet service A. POP3
provider? B. SMTP
A. Loopback address C. IMAP
B. Backbone D. UART
C. IP address

D. Default gateway 6. What is the name for the extremely fast

networking connections through which
Internet transmissions take place?
2. A Virtual Private Network creates a(n)
_______________ through the Internet. A. Gateways

A. Tunnel B. Tier 1 providers

B. BRI C. Backbones

C. NAT connection D. ISPs

7. Which technology enables you to make 10. Where would you go first if you needed
voice calls over your computer network? to configure a small Linksys router to use a
static IP address?
A. Internet Voice Protocol
A. The Router Configuration applet in the
B. Voice over IP
Control Panel.
C. Digital Telephony Subscriber Service
B. The router’s configuration Web page.
D. Universal Asynchronous Receiver
C. Network and Sharing Center | Router

D. There is no way to give the router a static

8. A user on Windows 8.1 has asked you to IP.
teach her how to use a feature of Microsoft
Word. What tool should you use?
11. Which of the following cellular data
A. Remote Assistance
technologies is considered 4G?
B. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
C. Telnet
D. Secure Shell (SSH)

9. John tried going to www.totalsem.com
with his Web browser, but the Web site
wouldn’t load. He opened a command-line 12. Mandy wants to connect to another
window and typed ping www.totalsem.com. computer using a safe-from-hackers
He received a message that the ping request command-line utility Which should she use?
couldn’t find www.totalsem.com. What is the
most likely reason John received this
message? B. PPP
A. Bad default gateway C. SSH
B. DNS failure D. Telnet
C. Corrupted NIC driver

D. Too many applications using the Internet 13. Which port number(s) is/are used with
connection simultaneously IMAP4?

A. 25

B. 110

C. 143

D. 23, 24
14. A new client lives in a rural area, outside 5. The GPS enables a mobile device to
the connectivity radius of the local cable determine where you are on a map.
company and definitely more than 20,000
feet away from the nearest switching center 6. When you want to buy software for an
for the phone company. Which Internet Android device, you buy from Google Play.
option offers the client the best performance?
7. A wearable device that counts your
A. Cable steps or measures your heart rate is called
a(n) Fitness Monitor.
B. Dial-up

C. DSL 8. The Enhanced 911 (E911) can send

a(n) emergency notification such as an
D. Satellite AMBER alert to devices in the relevant

15. Percy’s office features five users and a 9. App developers use a mobile operating
single cable Internet connection. What system’s SDK(software development kit)
feature should be enabled on the router to to build apps for devices running the OS.
ensure certain users, applications, or
10. Swiping your finger across the screen
services are prioritized when there isn’t
on a mobile device to switch the screen to
enough bandwidth to go around by limiting
the next item, such as the next page in an
the bandwidth for certain types of data? e-book, is one example of the role
A. DUN Gestures play in the user interface.

1. Which operating system powers an Apple
C. QoS
mobile device?
A. Android

B. iOS
Chapter 24
C. macOS
1. All mobile operating systems have a(n)
GUI that enables users to interact with the
D. Windows Mobile
2. Which feature of some mobile devices
2. Many Apple mobile devices use the
allows you to place phone calls over an
proprietary Lightning cable for recharging
802.11 network?
and connectivity.
A. Roaming
3. The feature that enables a user to rotate
a tablet and have the screen rotate with the
B. Airplane mode
device is called a(n) accelerometer.
C. Mobile hotspot
4. A(n) E-Reader is a standalone device
designed to be easier to use for the purpose
D. Wi-Fi calling
of reading.
3. John has a high-resolution image on his discover and select the Bluetooth device
iPad of his 2-year-old son and the family for pairing; enter a PIN code or other
dog. The image initially displays smaller pairing sequence.
than the screen, so he wants to zoom in to
get the details of his son’s expression. What B. Turn on the Bluetooth device; find the
gesture can he use to accomplish this task? device with the tablet; enter a PIN code or
other pairing sequence.
A. Click the mouse in the middle of the
picture to select it, then use the scroll wheel C. Search for a Bluetooth device from the
on the mouse to zoom in. tablet; select pair from the options to enable
the device.
B. Tap the picture with his index finger on
his son’s face. D. Enable Bluetooth on the tablet; turn on
the Bluetooth device; find the device with
C. Long-press on the image and select the tablet; select pair from the options to
zoom from the pop-up menu. enable the device.

D. Touch his son’s face on the screen 7. Which of the following is a 15-digit
with his thumb and finger, then pinch number used to uniquely identify a mobile
outward to scroll in. device that connects to a cellular network?

4. Which mobile device screen technology A. IMEI ( International Mobile

uses no backlight? Equipment Identity)




D. OLED (organic light-emitting diode) 8. Which of the following connectors are

not keyed, allowing them to be inserted in
5. What can a government use to two orientations instead of just one? (Select
determine your location at a specific time as two.)
long as you’re using your mobile device?
A. Lightning
A. Angry Birds
B. Micro-USB
B. Geotracking
C. Mini-USB
C. Google Earth
D. USB Type-C
D. Gyroscope
9. What is the primary feature that
6. What are the steps involved in pairing a separates a smartphone from a tablet?
Bluetooth device with a tablet?
A. iTunes
A. Enable Bluetooth on the tablet; turn
on the Bluetooth device; use the tablet to B. OLED screen
D. Bills after international trips are always
C. Touchscreen reported in the currency of the country
visited. When translated from Bahamian
D. Capability to make telephone calls dollars to U.S. dollars, the amount is the
same she normally pays.
10. What information do you need to
connect an Android-based tablet to an IMAP 13. Galina has an application that tracks
account? her location for people she invites via the
application to know her whereabouts. She’s
A. POP3 server DNS name coming into town a few days early for a
friend’s surprise birthday party but doesn’t
B. User name and password want the friend to notice she’s in town. What
is the best course of action?
C. User name, password, sending and
receiving server addresses A. Turn off the GPS.

D. Exchange server name, user name, and B. Uninstall the application.

C. Turn off location services.
11. Tim wants to listen to music on his
iPad (classic). Which of the following are D. Leave her phone at home.
connectivity options for his headset? (Select
two.) 14. Placing your phone in a basic
protective case will not protect the phone
A. Infrared from:

B. 802.11 A. Scratches

C. Bluetooth B. Impact

D. 3.5-mm audio jack C. A few drops of water

12. Jill returned from a cruise to the D. Immersion in water

Bahamas and got a bill from her cell phone
company (Sprint) that was over $1000. 15. Which mobile OS enables developers
What could have happened? to customize the user experience without
A. Jill connected to the Internet with her
smartphone using the cruise ship A. Android
company’s Wi-Fi.
B. BlackBerry
B. Jill’s smartphone connected to the
Internet in the Bahamas via a cell C. iOS
provider that wasn’t Sprint.
D. Windows Phone
C. Jill used her smartphone to do Internet
gambling, and Sprint frowns on that activity.
Chapter 25 1. After five minutes of struggling with a
painfully sluggish device, you finally
1. Much like a reboot on a regular manage to close the offending application.
computer, a(n) soft reset restarts a device. What’s the best next step?

2. In order to protect against password A. Reopen the application and hope it

guessing, system lockout may occur after doesn’t freeze again.
too many failed attempts to unlock the lock
screen. B. Uninstall the application and look for a
3. A factory reset is also known as a(n)
hard reset or a(n) _ reset to factory C. Perform a soft reset and see if the
defaults . app runs smoothly afterward.

4. Knowledge, possession, and inherence D. Close all open applications and attempt
are the primary elements of multifactor to reopen the application to see if it freezes
authentication. again.

5. A(n) Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 2. What is the difference between a hard
policy enables individual employees to use reset, a factory reset, and a reset to factory
personal mobile devices at work. default?

6. A fingerprint lock is an example of A. A hard reset merely requires holding

biometric authentication. down a few buttons as directed by the
manufacturer, while both factory resets are
7. Android devices can use force stop to the same and require mailing the device to
terminate a single running application and the manufacturer.
all of its services or background processes.
B. A hard reset involves removing or
8. Protect your data from access by putting disconnecting the battery for 20 seconds,
a good screen lock on the device, which but factory resets are performed by holding
requires you to enter a series of letters, down a few buttons as directed by the
numbers, or motion patterns to unlock the manufacturer.
mobile device each time you press the
power button. C. Both of the above.

9. You can remotely wipe a stolen device D. None of the above.

in order to remove any confidential
documents before the thief has a chance to 3. What are the first two things you should
break into the device. try with a device that has an unresponsive
touchscreen? (Select two.)
10. Rooting, Jailbreaking, and
Unlocking are processes for removing A. Make sure you aren’t accidentally
restrictions and gaining elevated access to triggering the touch sensor.
Android and iOS devices.
B. Check whether the device can receive
calls or texts.
C. Wipe the screen down with a 6. When a device is exhibiting strange
microfiber cloth to remove any symptoms such as creaks, pops, heat, gaps
fingerprints, dust, dirt, or grease. between the frame and screen, and
wobbling when laid on a flat surface, which
D. See if the device has a touchscreen should you urgently confirm or rule out?
diagnostic to confirm whether the
touchscreen is damaged. A. Swelling caused by water damage

4. Your cousin Eric called to tell you he’d B. Incorrectly installed protective cover
be in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
and asked you to text when his float was on C. A swollen battery
TV. You did, but he didn’t get the message
until hours later. You ask if his signal was D. Frame damage caused by dropping the
okay, thinking the tall buildings might have device
interfered, but he insists his phone had
three or more bars every time he checked. 7. What is a good reason to avoid saving
What might have happened? user names and passwords for services like
corporate e-mail or VPN?
A. All of the texts he was receiving from
friends and family exceeded his carrier’s A. Users who save their credentials are
texts-per-hour rate and the extra messages more likely to forget them, wasting your time
were queued for later delivery. with avoidable password resets.

B. Electromagnetic interference from the B. Because user name and password are
generators animating nearby floats kept his both the same authentication factor
phone from receiving messages. (knowledge), it isn’t safe to store them
C. The wire framing in parade floats is
notorious for interfering with cellular C. Devices with saved credentials may
reception. attempt to sign in repeatedly if the service is
unreachable, overloading the network.
D. The huge crowd may have
overloaded the nearby cell towers. D. If the device is lost or stolen,
whoever holds it can use the device to
5. What is the first step to managing access and abuse these services.
battery life well?
8. A client calls and is upset that he’s
A. Turn down the display brightness misplaced his iPad. The mobile device has
setting. literally thousands of client records,
including business addresses, e-mail
B. Keep the device in airplane mode while addresses, phone numbers, and, in some
you sleep. cases, credit card information. What is the
first thing he should do?
C. Use a dark theme in any apps that
support one. A. There’s nothing he can do.

D. Make sure the device’s battery life B. He should call his ISP and have them
exceeds the user’s needs to start with. track his iPad.
C. He should access his iCloud account C. Analyze the permissions used by
and reset his iPad to erase all personal installed applications to highlight
data. security risks

D. He should purchase another iPad and D. Analyze Wi-Fi signals to identify evil-
sync with his iTunes account. This twin WAPs
automatically erases the information on the
old tablet. 12. What can cause a device to be unable
to decrypt e-mail? (Select two.)
9. Which of the following authentication
schemes uses three factors? A. The e-mail application doesn’t
support the encryption method used or
A. A door lock requiring a PIN code, an ID is misconfigured.
badge, and a key
B. The device doesn’t have the other
B. A Web application login process user’s key to decrypt the e-mail with.
requiring your user name, password, Social
Security number, and date of birth C. The device is over its data transmission
limit. While it can still download e-mail, you
C. A door lock requiring a fingerprint scan, can’t decrypt it; you’ll need to increase the
a speech sample, and an ID badge plan size or wait for the next billing period.

D. A door lock requiring a fingerprint D. You can only send and receive
scan, a PIN code, and an ID badge encrypted e-mail if the entire device has
been encrypted first.
10. What is the first step toward preventing
unintended wireless connections? 13. If used regularly, which of the following
gives you the best chance of realizing a
A. Configure devices not to Stingray or similar device has been
automatically connect. deployed near your company’s
B. Get a protective cover that blocks the
USB ports. A. Geofencing

C. Set up a geofence to block signals from B. App scanner

outside the building.
C. Cell tower analyzer
D. Use a Wi-Fi analyzer to spot suspicious
access points. D. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

11. What do app scanners do? 14. Which of the following is not a risk
when you root or jailbreak a mobile device?
A. Scan QR codes and barcodes for
hidden codes A. Voiding the manufacturer warranty

B. Analyze the traffic into and out of an B. Being denied access to a corporate
application for suspicious behavior network

C. Bricking the device

D. System lockout 8. The Erase lamp is responsible for
cleaning the photosensitive drum of
15. What is geofencing used for? electrical charge.

A. Preventing smartphones from 9. A(n) Flatbed scanner is useful when

accidentally connecting to cell towers in a scanning a page from a book.
neighboring country
10. A scanner’s ability to produce color,
B. Tracking smartphones that enter or hue, and shade is defined by its color
exit an area depth.

C. Blocking smartphones smuggled into a 1. Which part of a laser printer applies a

prison from making calls positive charge to the paper that attracts the
toner particles to it?
D. Preventing applications from installing
or running in a country that has banned A. Erase lamp
B. Transfer roller

CHAPTER 26 C. Laser
1.A printer that creates an image on paper
by physically striking an ink ribbon against D. Primary corona
the paper’s surface is known as a(n) Impact
printer. 2. Janet just bought a new computer. She
wants to install her three-year-old inkjet
2. Laser printers use lasers to create the printer on the new system but has lost the
print image on a(n) Imaging drum, which is driver disc. She can’t get on the Internet to
also known as a(n) photosensitive drum. download the latest drivers. What should
she do for drivers?
3. The Fuser assembly on a standard
laser printer contains a pressure roller and a A. Install a driver for a similar printer.
heated roller.
B. She’s stuck until she can get on the
4. Adobe Systems’ Postscript is a device- Internet.
independent printer language capable of
high-resolution graphics and scalable fonts. C. She can use the Mac drivers.

5. Windows uses the graphical device D. She can install the printer without
interface GDI component of the operating drivers.
system to handle print functions.
3. John just installed a second printer on
6. The resolution of a printer is measured his system. When he prints in Microsoft
in dots per inch (dpi) . Word, the job goes to the wrong printer.
What does he need to do to get print jobs
7. A printer’s speed is rated in pages per always to go to one printer or the other?
minute (ppm) .
A. He needs to set the primary printer.

B. He needs to set the main printer.

C. He needs to set the default printer. that there’s plenty of ink. What should he
consider next?
D. He needs to set the system printer.
A. A printhead is jammed.
4. Frank’s color inkjet printer no longer
prints the color yellow, though it prints all B. A laser is blocked.
the other colors just fine. The printer worked
fine last month, the last time he printed in C. A nozzle is clogged.
color. Which of the following is the most
likely problem? D. An ink cartridge is missing.

A. He turned off the yellow nozzle. 8. The output from Diane’s laser printer is
fading evenly. What should she suspect
B. He has run out of yellow ink. first?

C. He has a corrupt printer driver. A. A laser is blocked.

D. His printer is set to monochrome mode. B. The printer is out of toner.

5. Beth’s laser printer is printing tiny C. A nozzle is clogged.

specks on the paper. What should she do
first? D. Her printer is dirty.

A. Wipe the paper with bleach. 9. The dye-sublimation printing technique

is an example of what method of color
B. Run the printer maintenance program. printing?

C. Clean the nozzles. A. CMYK

D. Vacuum the printer. B. Thermal wax transfer

6. Ursula’s laser printer has stopped C. RGB

working and is displaying this error
message: “Error 81 – Service.” What should D. Direct thermal
she do first?
10. The output from your inkjet printer
A. Update the printer’s firmware. appears much darker than what you see on
your screen. What is the problem?
B. Reinstall the printer driver.
A. You are using a weight of paper that is
C. Try to find the error in the user’s not supported in the MSDS.
guide or maintenance program or online.
B. The printer and monitor need to be
D. Turn off the printer and call the calibrated.
manufacturer’s help line.
C. The color ink cartridges are almost
7. Kevin’s inkjet printer isn’t printing blue empty.
(cyan). He checks the ink levels and sees
D. The black ink cartridge is almost empty.
11. What is the best way to make a printer 14. What is the proper order of the laser
available to everyone on your network and printer imaging process?
maintain the highest level of availability?
A. Process, clean, charge, expose,
A. Use a FireWire printer connected to a develop, transfer, and fuse
user’s PC and share that printer on the
network. B. Process, charge, expose, develop,
transfer, fuse, and clean
B. Use a USB printer connected to a user’s
PC and share that printer on the network. C. Clean, expose, develop, transfer, fuse,
process, and charge
C. Use a network printer connected
directly to the network. D. Clean, charge, expose, develop,
process, fuse, and transfer
D. Use a mechanical switch box with the
printer. 15. The number that defines how many
shades of gray per dot a scanner can save
12. Sheila in accounting needs to print is referred to as what?
receipts in duplicate. The white copy stays
with accounting and the pink copy goes to A. Resolution
the customer. What type of printer should
you install? B. dpi

A. Inkjet C. Color depth

B. Impact D. Grayscale depth

C. Laser CHAPTER 27
1.Mary’s company routinely labels data
D. Thermal wax transfer according to its sensitivity or potential
danger to the company if someone outside
13. Your multifunction device fails to print accesses the data. This is an example of
your print jobs and instead displays a MEM data classification.
OVERFLOW error. What can you do to
rectify the problem? (Select two.) 2. A(n) Trojan masquerades as a
legitimate program, yet does something
A. Install more RAM in the printer. different than what is expected when
B. Install more RAM in the computer.
3. Antivirus software uses updatable
C. Upgrade the RIP. definition files to identify a virus by its
D. Disable RET.
4. Enable object access auditing to
create Event Viewer entries when a specific
file is accessed.

5. Although not all unauthorized access

is malicious, it can lead to data destruction.
6. Most attacks on computer data are 3. Which of the following tools would
accomplished through social engineering enable you to stop a user from logging on to
a local machine but still enable him to log on
7. A(n) firewall protects against to the domain?
unauthorized access from the Internet.
A. AD Policy Filter
8. Many companies authenticate access to
secure rooms using an ownership factor B. Group Policy Auditing
such as a(n) smartcard hardware token, or
security token. C. Local Security Policy

9. Before making a credit card purchase D. User Settings

on the Internet, be sure the Web site uses
the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol 4. Which hardware firewall feature enables
(that replaced the older SSL protocol), incoming traffic on a specific port to reach
which you can verify by checking for the an IP address on the LAN?
HTTPS protocol in the address bar.
A. Port forwarding
10. A virus that changes its signature to
prevent detection is called a(n) polymorph B. NAT

1. What is the process of using or
manipulating people to gain access to D. Multifactor authentication
network resources?
5. Zander downloaded a game off the
A. Cracking Internet and installed it, but as soon as he
started to play he got a Blue Screen of
B. Hacking Death. Upon rebooting, he discovered that
his Documents folder had been erased.
C. Network engineering What happened?

D. Social engineering A. He installed spyware.

2. Which of the following might offer good B. He installed a Trojan horse.

hardware authentication?
C. He broke the Group Policy.
A. Strong password
D. He broke the Local Security Policy.
B. Encrypted password
6. Which of the following should Mary set
C. NTFS up on her Wi-Fi router to make it the most
D. Smart card
7. A user account is a member of several 11. A user calls to complain that his
groups, and the groups have conflicting computer seems awfully sluggish. All he’s
rights and permissions to several network done so far is open his e-mail. What should
resources. The culminating permissions that the tech do first?
ultimately affect the user’s access are
referred to as what? A. Educate the user about the dangers of
opening e-mail.
A. Effective permissions
B. Quarantine the computer so the
B. Culminating rights suspected malware does not spread.

C. Last rights C. Run anti-malware software on the

D. Persistent permissions
D. Remediate the infected system.
8. What is true about virus shields?
12. Which of the following are good
A. They automatically scan e-mails, examples of remediation? (Select two.)
downloads, and running programs.
A. Boot to Safe Mode and run System
B. They protect against spyware and Restore.
B. Boot to the Windows Recovery
C. They are effective in stopping pop-ups. Environment and run System Restore.

D. They can reduce the amount of spam C. Boot to a safe environment and run
by 97 percent. antivirus software.

9. What does Windows use to encrypt the D. Remove a computer suspected of

user authentication process over a LAN? having malware from the network,
effectively quarantining the computer.
13. A user calls and complains that the
B. TPM technician who fixed his computer removed
some software he used to download movies
C. HTTPS and music on the Internet. A check of
approved software does not include the
D. Kerberos uTorrent application. What should you do?

10. Which threats are categorized as A. Applaud the technician for proper
social engineering? (Select all that apply.) compliance.

A. Telephone scams B. Educate the user about the legal issues

involved with movie and music downloads.
B. Phishing
C. Add the uTorrent application to the
C. Trojan horses approved software list and make the
technician apologize and reinstall the
D. Spyware software.
D. Check with the user’s supervisor about 1. Mary’s company routinely labels data
adding uTorrent to the approved software according to its sensitivity or potential danger
list. to the company if someone outside accesses
the data. This is an example of data
14. Mike hands the hard drive containing classification.
suspicious content to the head of IT security
at Bayland Widgets Co. The security guy
requests a record of everyone who has 2. A(n) Trojan masquerades as a legitimate
been in possession of the hard drive. Given program, yet does something different than
such a scenario, what document should what is expected when executed.
Mike give the IT security chief?

A. Chain of custody 3. Antivirus software uses updatable

definition files to identify a virus by its
B. Definition file signature.

C. Entry control roster

4. Enable object access auditing to create
D. Trusted root CA
Event Viewer entries when a specific file is
15. Cindy wants to put a policy in place at
her company with regard to malware
prevention or at least limitation. What
policies would offer the best solution? 5. Although not all unauthorized access is
malicious, it can lead to data destruction.
A. Install anti-malware software on every
computer. Instruct users on how to run it.
6. Most attacks on computer data are
B. Install anti-malware software on every accomplished through social engineering.
computer. Set up the software to scan
7. A(n) firewall protects against
C. Install anti-malware software on every unauthorized access from the Internet.
computer. Set up the software to update the
definitions and engine automatically. Set up
the software to scan regularly. 8. Many companies authenticate access to
secure rooms using an ownership factor
D. Install anti-malware software on such as a(n) smartcard.
every computer. Set up the software to
update the definitions and engine
automatically. Set up the software to 9. Before making a credit card purchase on
scan regularly. Educate the users about the Internet, be sure the Web site uses the
what sites and downloads to avoid. Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) protocol (that
replaced the older SSL protocol), which you
CHAPTER 28 can verify by checking for the HTTPS
protocol in the address bar.
10. A virus that changes its signature to D. Multifactor authentication
prevent detection is called a(n) polymorph
5. Zander downloaded a game off the
Internet and installed it, but as soon as he
MULTIPLE CHOICE started to play he got a Blue Screen of Death.
Upon rebooting, he discovered that his
1. What is the process of using or
Documents folder had been erased. What
manipulating people to gain access to
network resources?
A. He installed spyware.
A. Cracking
B. He installed a Trojan horse.
B. Hacking
C. Network engineering
C. He broke the Group Policy.
D. Social engineering
D. He broke the Local Security Policy.

2. Which of the following might offer good

hardware authentication? 6. Which of the following should Mary set up
on her Wi-Fi router to make it the most
A. Strong password
B. Encrypted password
D. Smart card
3. Which of the following tools would enable
you to stop a user from logging on to a local
machine but still enable him to log on to the 7. A user account is a member of several
domain? groups, and the groups have conflicting
rights and permissions to several network
A. AD Policy Filter
resources. The culminating permissions that
B. Group Policy Auditing ultimately affect the user’s access are
referred to as what?
C. Local Security Policy
A. Effective permissions
D. User Settings
B. Culminating rights
C. Last rights
4. Which hardware firewall feature enables
incoming traffic on a specific port to reach an D. Persistent permissions
IP address on the LAN?
A. Port forwarding
8. What is true about virus shields?
B. NAT A. They automatically scan e-mails,
C. DMZ downloads, and running programs.
B. They protect against spyware and 12. Which of the following are good
adware. examples of remediation? (Select two.)
C. They are effective in stopping pop-ups. A. Boot to Safe Mode and run System
D. They can reduce the amount of spam by
97 percent. B. Boot to the Windows Recovery
Environment and run System Restore.
C. Boot to a safe environment and run
9. What does Windows use to encrypt the
antivirus software.
user authentication process over a LAN?
D. Remove a computer suspected of having
malware from the network, effectively
B. TPM quarantining the computer.

D. Kerberos 13. A user calls and complains that the
technician who fixed his computer removed
some software he used to download movies
10. Which threats are categorized as social and music on the Internet. A check of
engineering? (Select all that apply.) approved software does not include the
uTorrent application. What should you do?
A. Telephone scams
A. Applaud the technician for proper
B. Phishing B. Educate the user about the legal issues
involved with movie and music downloads.
C. Trojan horses
C. Add the uTorrent application to the
D. Spyware
approved software list and make the
technician apologize and reinstall the
11. A user calls to complain that his
computer seems awfully sluggish. All he’s
done so far is open his e-mail. What should
D. Check with the user’s supervisor about
the tech do first?
adding uTorrent to the approved software
A. Educate the user about the dangers of list.
opening e-mail.
B. Quarantine the computer so the
14. Mike hands the hard drive containing
suspected malware does not spread.
suspicious content to the head of IT security
C. Run anti-malware software on at Bayland Widgets Co. The security guy
thecomputer. requests a record of everyone who has been
in possession of the hard drive. Given such a
D. Remediate the infected system. scenario, what document should Mike give
the IT security chief?
A. Chain of custody
B. Definition file
C. Entry control roster
D. Trusted root CA

15. Cindy wants to put a policy in place at

her company with regard to malware
prevention or at least limitation. What policies
would offer the best solution?
A. Install anti-malware software on every
computer. Instruct users on how to run it.
B. Install anti-malware software on every
computer. Set up the software to scan
C. Install anti-malware software on every
computer. Set up the software to update
the definitions and engine automatically.
Set up the software to scan regularly.
D. Install anti-malware software on every
computer. Set up the software to update the
definitions and engine automatically. Set up
the software to scan regularly. Educate the
users about what sites and downloads to

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