DEVOTION [June 5-7, 2024]

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June 5, 2O24

Slowness of Wisdom

Key Text: Jn. 12:5O

 Upon reading this verse, I had a bit of difficulty in grasping its message but as I continue
reading the passage, there was something that really struck me - the slowness of wisdom.
What does it mean? This should be something that will give us the opportunity to listen to
what God wants us to hear and to do.

 If you’re going to read this verse, you will see that when the Pharisees came to Jesus with the
woman caught in adultery and asked Him what should be done with her. He knelt for a
moment and scribbled in the sand <Jn. 8:6-11>. We even tend to question ourselves what did
Jesus write on it. We don’t have any idea what He wrote there. But when they continued
asking Him, Jesus responded in one short and powerful feedback. “He who is without sin
among you, let Him throw a stone at her first.” <v. 7>. His few words accomplished much in
confronting the Pharisees with their own sin, for they walked away one by one. Even they
today those words resound around the world.

 It teaches us to be forgiving and I was given the chance to realize and learn that Jesus had
such a closeness to and dependence on His Father that He said of Himself, “Whatever I speak,
just as the Father has told me, so I speak.” <v. 12:5O>. There was this kind of relationship that we
had with our heavenly Father that we knew how to respond with His wisdom. This is not the
slowness of ignorance, emptiness, timidity, quilt or shame, but rather, the slowness of
wisdom born of dwelling quietly on the Lord and His thoughts.

 I learned that we are often told to stop and think before we speak, but I think we should
delve it deeper and take it much further and live a life where we are always listening for
God’s wisdom. We should listen to God before we speak for Him.
June 6, 2O24

Kumain Ka Na Ba?

Key Text: 1 Pet. 4:9-1O

 “Kumain ka na ba?” is one of the common questions that we used to hear from people. This is
what you’ll always hear in many homes in our country. It serves as a Filipino way of
expressing care and kindness for our guests. This has something to do with how you show
hospitality to others, similar to what the Bible is teaching us.

 This verse has reminded me about Rebekah. Her daily chores included drawing water from
the well outside the town and carrying the heavy jar of water home. When Abraham’s
servant, who was very thirsty from his journey, asked for a little water from her jar, she
didn’t hesitate to give him a drink. <Gen. 24:17-18>. But then Rebekah did even more. When
she saw the visitor’s camels were thirsty, she quickly offered to go back to draw more water
for them <vv. 19-2O>. Without hesitation, she helped even if it meant making an extra trip or
more to the well and back with a heavy jar.

 Based on this text, I personally realized that life is tough especially for more people, and
often a small gesture of practical kindness can encourage them and lift their spirits. Being a
channel of God’s love doesn’t always mean delivering a powerful sermon or planting a
church. Sometimes, it can simply be giving someone a drink of water

 I learned that all of us need some encouragement. We should ask God to give us open eyes to
the needs of people around us and give us wisdom to know how to show kindness and care
for others.
June 7, 2O24

Longing To Seek You

Key Text: Psa. 42:1

 When we worship, we desire for the Holy Ghost to dwell. We long to seek the Lord’s
presence to rule over our entire being. Yes, the trials and troubles that we are experiencing
hinder us to move forward in life. But we need to realize that maybe it’s a form of God’s
goodness and grace, a blessing in disguise. Because true worship is not about how good or
groovy the songs are, but it’s all about obedience - obeying God without holding back <1 Jn.

 This verse has reminded me about the things that we are facing, every single day of our lives.
Sometimes, we tend to offer God the best worship and praise that He deserve, unfortunately
these unwanted circumstances seem to hinder. Our flesh and spirit are trying to pull us to be
on their side. <Matt. 26:41>. We all know that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is very
near, so we really have to be vigilant and truly surrender our lives to Him. Let us not waste
our time to unnecessary things.

 Based on this text, I personally realized how we are being reminded that no one has the right
to say that they wanted to offer good works to others because they love God but no. We must
be afraid of sin. God doesn’t want us to stop, instead, he wants us to serve Him

 I learned that when we offer our lives to God, it must be the purest and finest. Despite the
obstacles that we are facing, we must serve the Lord excellently with gladness and full of
.determination in accordance with what the Bible is saying.

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