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Intermetallics 12 (2004) 1191–1195

Molecular dynamic simulation of glass formation in binary

liquid metal: Cu –Ag using EAM
L. Qi, H.F. Zhang*, Z.Q. Hu
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
No. 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China
Available online 28 May 2004

Based on the embedded-atom method, a constant-pressure, constant-temperature molecular dynamics technique is applied to obtain an
atomic description of glass formation process in eutectic Cu40Ag60 alloy. By using radial distribution function and pair analysis methods, the
structure and glass forming ability of this alloy is studied by quenching from the liquid at different cooling rates (1 £ 1011, 1 £ 1012, 5 £ 1012,
1 £ 1013 and 1 £ 1014 K/s). It is observed that the retention of amorphous structure requires extremely high cooling rates. Structure analyses
of the alloys in the simulations reveal the evolvement of the different clusters at various quenching rate during the quenching process.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: B. Glasses, metallic; C. Rapid solidification processing; E. Simulations, atomistic

1. Introduction Mei [19] applied the nearest-neighbor model of EAM

proposed by Johnson [3] to the liquid state by using MDs
When a liquid metal is quenched through the supercooled simulations; the results for structure factors and diffusive
region, a phase transition from liquid to glass takes place. coefficients of noble metals are in good agreement with
Several techniques have been proposed to obtain a experiments. In 1999, Qi and Çagin [20] had simulated the
disordered state [1 – 3]. Among them the rapid solidification glass formation and crystallization of Cu –Ag alloy using
method is widely used for the amorphous phase. However, MDs in conjunction with the quantum Sutton –Chen (Q-SC)
due to the demand of a high cooling rate this method is force fields (FF), last year Sheng et al. [21] also studied
restricted in most experimental cases. The computer Cu – Ag alloy based on the same potential. In this paper,
simulation of molecular dynamics (MD) is therefore a different potential—EAM developed by Mei is
applied. used to discuss the structure and glass formation ability
Recent years have witnessed considerable progress in the of the eutectic Cu – Ag alloy (Cu40Ag60) with different
development of empirical or semi-empirical many-body cooling rates (1 £ 1011, 1 £ 1012, 5 £ 1012, 1 £ 1013 and
potentials for MDs simulations. The embedded-atom 1 £ 1014 K/s).
method (EAM) of Daw and Baskes [4,5] (and further
developed by Johnson [6 –9]), N-body potentials proposed
by Finnis and Sinclair (FS) [10] (and further developed by 2. Simulation methods
Ackland et al. [11 –13]) and the tight-binding model of
many-body potentials given by Rosato et al. [14] consist of In the EAM, the total energy of an N-atom system has the
three main aspects of the present empirical or semi- form [4]
empirical many-body potentials [15]. The EAM has been X X
successfully applied to a wide range of aspects in the solid Etot ¼ F i ð ri Þ þ fi;j ðri;j Þ
i i;j
state, such as in point defects, dislocations and surfaces i–j
[16 – 18].
where Fi;j ðri;j Þ is a two-body central potential between atom
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ 86-24-23891320. i and j with the separation distance ri;j; ; Fi ðri Þ is
E-mail address: (H.F. Zhang). the embedding energy of atom i with the electron density
0966-9795/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1192 L. Qi et al. / Intermetallics 12 (2004) 1191–1195

Table 1
Model parameters for the Cu and Ag metals

Cu Ag

EC 2.95 4.44
fe 1.0 2.4118
a 5.909 5.082
b 5.85a 5.96a
d 12.06a 12.77a
g 6.82054a 7.00515a
fe 0.1217a 0.0990a

fe is in unit of eV. Other parameters are dimensionless.

Reference [19].

ri due to all its neighbors:

ri ¼ fj ðrij Þ Fig. 1. Average volume of Cu40Ag60 during cooling at a series of cooling
jð–iÞ rates.

Three formulae to establish the EAM potential of Cu40Ag60 volume for the cooling process is due to the crystallization
can be obtained as follows: of the Cu40Ag60 alloy. Different cooling rate leads to
different crystallization temperature, the larger the cooling
r ¼ re exp½2bðr1 =r1e 2 1Þ ð1Þ
rate the lower the crystallization temperature. At 1 £ 1011
fðrÞ ¼ 2fe ½1 þ dðr=r1e 2 1Þexp½2gðr=r1e 2 1Þ ð2Þ and 1 £ 1012 K/s cooling rate, the crystallization tempera-
   a=b ture is about 880 and 840 K; at 1 £ 1013 K/s cooling rate, the
a r r
FðrÞ ¼ 2EC 1 2 ln crystallization temperature becomes 540 K. However, at
b re re
1 £ 1014 K/s cooling rate, the variation of the volume is
1 X
þ fe sm exp½2ðpm 2 1Þg continuous. This indicates the formation of a metallic glass.
2 m Fig. 2 shows the RDF of the model structure during the
   pm ðg=bÞ
d r r cooling process at different cooling rates. The RDF shows
£ 1 þ ðpm 2 1Þd 2 pm ln ð3Þ the melting structure as the sample is cooled from 1100 to
b re re
900 K. In Fig. 2(a) and (b), it proves the presence of an fcc
The parameters in these formulae are listed in Table 1. The crystal structure at 800 K. However, at 800 K, the RDF still
details can be searched in Ref. [19]. shows the melting structure in Fig. 2(c) which is of 1 £ 1013
The simulations were performed with the system cooling rate, the reason is that fast cooling rate leads to low
consisting of 640 atoms in a cubic box with periodic crystallization temperature, at 1 £ 1013 K/s the sample
boundary conditions along all the three directions. The crystallization temperature is about 530 K (Fig. 1) so the
simulations are based on constant-temperature, constant- RDF still shows the melting structure at 800 K. In Fig. 2(d),
pressure method (NPT-MD). The typical time step is order from 1100 to 700 K, the RDF exhibits the melting structure,
of a few femtoseconds when the system settles down in a at 600 K the RDF shows the splitting of second peak. This
thermal equilibrium. Equations of motion are numerically splitting of the second peak is a well-known characteristic
integrated using the Verlet algorithm. For each quenching feature in the RDF of the existence of a metallic glass. Thus,
experiment, the starting liquid state is obtained by heating quenching the Cu40Ag60 alloy from the liquid to 300 K at
the solid slowly through the liquidus temperature. The the rate of 1 £ 1014 K/s forms a metallic glass. The
system is melted and homogenized at a temperature well
amorphous formation temperature is decided by Wendt –
above the liquidus in the range of 1300– 1500 K and
Abraham parameter RA ; defined by RA ¼ gmin =gmax : Here,
then rapidly cooled with the desired rate (e.g. 1 £ 1011,
gmin ðgmax Þ is the value of gðrÞ at the first minimum
1 £ 1012, 5 £ 1012, 1 £ 1013 and 1 £ 1014 K/s) down to
(maximum) in the RDF, as the result, the amorphous
room temperature, noting the change of volume and
formation temperature is about 620 K.
structure to decreasing of temperature, using pair analysis
One method that can be used to analyze the local
(PA) method [22] to study the change of microstructure
environments is the pair analysis (PA) [22]. The PA is a
during the cooling process, and radial distribution function
method for analyzing structures by a decomposition of the
(RDF) to analyze the glass forming ability of the alloy.
RDF according to the local environment of the bonded pairs.
The PA can be used to distinguish between various local
3. Results and discussion packing orders, in particular fcc, bcc, hcp, and liquid
environments. Specifically, most of bonded pairs in fcc are
Fig. 1 shows the variation of the volume as Cu40Ag60 is of type 1421, bcc are of 1442 and 1661, liquid and
cooled at different cooling rates. A step downward jump in amorphous are of 1551, 1431 and 1541, as shown in Fig. 3.
L. Qi et al. / Intermetallics 12 (2004) 1191–1195 1193

Fig. 2. Radial distribution function (RDF) of Cu40Ag60 during the cooling processes at various cooling rates. (a) 1 £ 1011, (b) 1 £ 1012 (c) 1 £ 1013 and
(d) 1 £ 1014 K/s.

Using the atomic positions stored for the Ag –Cu alloy the liquid structure is held till room temperature, so at this
during cooling, its RDF is decomposed into a set of RDF’s, cooling rate a metallic glass is formed.
each for a specified PA type. The four major types of pairs Fig. 4 shows the two-dimensional cross-sectional
(1421, 1551, 1431, 1541) for Cu40Ag60 are monitored projections of the structures obtained at the different
during quenching. Fig. 3 shows the relative fraction of the quenching rates. These projections straightly exhibit
various PA pair types, as a function of temperature during a
set of quenching rates from 1 £ 1012 to 1 £ 1014 K/s.
Fig. 3(a) clearly indicates that there is an abrupt decrease
of 1431, 1551 and 1541 pairs, at 1 £ 1012 K/s cooling rate,
and the population of 1421 pairs (representing fcc) shows
abrupt increase at the same temperature which indicates the
crystallization of the liquid alloy. In Fig. 3(b) the case is
almost the same as in Fig. 3(a), the only difference is that the
crystallization temperature is lower than (a), this result is in
coincidence with the RDF and volume curve. In Fig. 3(c),
there is no decrease of 1431, 1551, 1541 pairs, and 1421
pairs do not change abruptly also. This indicates that

Fig. 4. Two-dimensional cross-sectional projections of the structures

obtained at different quenching rates. (a) 1 £ 1011, (b) 1 £ 1013, and
Fig. 3. The schematic diagram for some bond pairs. (c) 1 £ 1014 K/s.
1194 L. Qi et al. / Intermetallics 12 (2004) 1191–1195

the structure of the Cu40Ag60 alloy. The open ball represents

Ag and the close ball represents Cu. Note that a clearer
visualization would require a three-dimensional view with
crystal rotations. However, some differences in terms of
homogeneity can already be seen in these two-dimensional
cross-sectional projections [21]. For the two slower cooling
rates Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows clustering. Moreover, the
distribution of atoms in Fig. 5(a) is more orderly than that in
Fig. 5(b), this is because lower cooling rate means more
diffuse time, that is, at 1 £ 1011 K/s cooling rate, the
atoms have more time to move than at 1 £ 1013 K/s
cooling rate. In Fig. 5(c), the open ball and the close ball
distribute unorderly and homogeneously. This means due to
slower atomic movements the alloy remains liquid structure
at the quench rate of 1 £ 1014 K/s, e.g. a metallic glass is

4. Summary and conclusion

This MD study is aimed at studying the glass forming

ability and uncovering the atomic-level structure of the
Ag –Cu alloy obtained through rapid quenching at different
extreme cooling rates. A series of simulations has been
performed and the following results are summarized.

(1) The results presented here shown that the EAM

function can correctly predict the glass transition and
crystallization of liquid alloys during rapid
(2) The retention of amorphous structures requires extre-
mely high-cooling rate (1 £ 1014 K/s).
(3) The crystallization temperature depend on the quench-
ing rate, the larger the quenching rate the lower the
crystallization temperature.
(4) Structure analyses of the alloys in the simulations
revealed the evolvement of the different clusters at
different quenching rates during the quenching process.


This work was supported by the National High

Technical Research and Development Programme of
China (2001AA331010) and National Key Basic
Research and Development Programme of China


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