A molecule is found to have a 3

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A molecule is found to have a 3-carbon backbone with two long hydrocarbon

chains attached to two of the carbons in the backbone and another side chain on
the third carbon. Which of the following could be the identity of this molecule?

Possible Answers:



Any of these could be the correct identity


Which of the following is an essential fatty acid?

I. Vitamin A

II. Oleic acid

III. Alpha-linoleic acid

Possible Answers:

III only

II and III

I and III

II only

An individual's lipid profile shows low levels of LDL in the blood. What can you
conclude about this patient?

Possible Answers:

There is an increased level of prostaglandins in the blood

There will be increased inflammation in the walls of arteries

There is an increased level of a free 4-membered ring structure in the blood

The patient is at risk for a heart attack

Which of the following is true regarding saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?

Possible Answers:

Saturated fatty acids can participate in geometric isomerism

A 15-carbon saturated fatty acid has a greater molecular weight than a 15-carbon
unsaturated fatty acid

A 15-carbon saturated fatty acid has more oxygen atoms than a 15-carbon unsaturated
fatty acid

A 15-carbon saturated fatty acid has the same number of hydrogen atoms as a 15-
carbon unsaturated fatty acid

What is the name of the molecule shown above?

Possible Answers:



Phosphaditic acid


Which of the following statements concerning lipids are correct?

Possible Answers:

Cholesterol is the most common steroid produced in animals

Proteins and carbohydrates embedded in the bilayer impart transverse symmetry (un
sym)to the membrane

Lipids of the bilayer matrix most commonly move by transverse(lateral) diffusion

An increase in the number of double bonds increases ( => decre) the melting point of
a triacylglyceride

Most lipid double bonds are conjugated( => non)

In terms of energy storage, __________ store the most energy per unit weight of
any molecule in the human body.

Possible Answers:



nucleic acids


amino acids

Which of the lipids listed below is usually the most abundant phospholipid
present in a cell's membrane?

Possible Answers:





Which of the following is not a correct function of cholesterol?

Possible Answers:

A precursor to steroid hormones, such as vitamin D

All of these are normal functions of cholesterol

A component of animal cell membranes

Helps maintain rigidity of blood vessels

A precursor to bile salts

The electric potential gradient of an ion across a plasma membrane __________.

Possible Answers:

increases as the ion's charge increases

is around 1V in an animal cell at rest

increases with temperature

decreases with temperature

is independent of the concentration gradient

You have a membrane bilayer composed of phospholipids with saturated fatty

acid tails. What can you change to increase the fluidity of this membrane without
changing temperature?

Possible Answers:
Modify the lipids with oligosaccharides

Remove the phosphate groups

None of these

Add membrane proteins

Make the fatty acids tails unsaturated by adding cis-double bonds

What does "amphipathic" mean?

Possible Answers:

Having both positive and negative charges

Having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions

Having two stereoisomers

Having both acid and base properties

Which group is not present in a phosphatidic acid?

Possible Answers:



Fatty acids


Which of these statements is false?

Possible Answers:

Unsaturated fatty acids cause higher levels of LDL than saturated fatty acids.

Heart disease is associated with diets high in saturated fatty acids.

Plant oils contain extremely low quantities of cholesterol.

Saturated fats decrease the ratio of HDL to LDL in the blood.

Plant oils are healthier because they generally contain more unsaturated fats than
found in animal fats.

Which of these vitamins is lipid-soluble?

Possible Answers:

Vitamin D

Vitamin B12. (A; d; e; k solube) >< b and c not

Vitamin B6

Vitamin C

Which of the following is not a major type of membrane lipid?

Possible Answers:

These are all major types of membrane lipids




Free fatty acid

Why are lipids insoluble in water?

Possible Answers:

All lipids dissolve completely in water.

Lipids are nonpolar, while water is polar.

All lipids dissolve at least somewhat in water.

Lipids are polar, while water is nonpolar.

Which is not a characteristic of an unsaturated fatty acid?

Possible Answers:

One or more double bonds

An amino group

A bent or "kinked" structure

A smaller number of hydrogens than a saturated fat acid of the same length

A lower boiling point than a saturated fatty acid of the same length

Cholesterol has what effect on membrane fluidity at low temperatures?

Possible Answers:

The same effect as it would at high temperatures

Decreases membrane fluidity

No change in membrane fluidity

Increases membrane fluidity

It depends on the cell type

Saponification involves cleavage of what type of bond?

Possible Answers:

Peptide bond

Ester bond

Anhydride bond

Glycosidic bond

Which of these are not found in cell membranes?

Possible Answers:





Which of these fatty acids is expected to have the highest melting point?

Possible Answers:






Which of the following can be used to describe fatty acids?

Possible Answers:






What is an amphipathic molecule?

Possible Answers:

Basic ions
A molecule that has both polar and nonpolar region

Molecules in crystalline form

Acidic ions

A class of wax molecules

Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac produce a compound called urushiol.
Urushiol is a mixture of compounds containing catechols with long-chain alkyl
groups. The severity of the allergic reaction depends on the degree of
unsaturation of the alkyl groups.

If you are exposed to poison ivy, which treatment would be most effective?

Possible Answers:

Wash the area with soap and water

Wash the area with soap, water, and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

Wash the area with dilute vinegar or lemon juice

Wash the area with saline

Wash the area with cold water

Which component of a phospholipid imparts a charge upon the macromolecule

and therefore makes the head hydrophilic?

Possible Answers:

Saturated fatty acid

Unsaturated fatty acid

Phosphate group

Glycerol backbone

Ketone group
In sufficient concentrations, one-tailed phospholipids will form a __________ in

Possible Answers:


bilayer. whereas two-tailed phospholipids will form a bilayer (liposome).



Which of the following is false about phospholipids?

Possible Answers:

Their hydrophilic tails are exposed to the interior of membranes, and their
hydrophobic heads to the exterior.

Typically, at least one tail is saturated and another tail is unsaturated.

When, in water, they form a sphere, it is called a micelle.

If a phospholipid bilayer slightly breaks apart, the lipids rearrange on their own to
refill the layer.

The fluidity of membranes composed of phospholipids is affected by the length and

degree of saturation of fatty acid tails.

Why do phospholipids and glycolipids form bilayers rather than micelles when
placed in an aqueous media?

Possible Answers:

Phospholipids and glycolipids are far less unsaturated than free fatty acids

Phospholipids and glycolipids do not have hydrocarbon tails, and so there is nothing
to drive them towards micelle formation

None of these
The two fatty acid chains present in glycolipids/phospholipids are too bulky to form

Hydrophobic interactions do not drive the fatty acid hydrocarbons inwards in

phospholipids and glycolipids as they do for free fatty acids

Which of the following is not a component of a typical phospholipid?

Possible Answers:

Phosphate group


Amino group

Carbon chain

Ester group

Lysosomal storage diseases occur when mutations cause defects in which of the

Possible Answers:

Lysosome transformation

Sphingolipid biosynthesis enzymes

Lysosome formation

Formation of N-acetylgalactosamine derivatives

Sphingolipid degradation enzymes

Which of the following is the smallest sphingolipid in terms of molecular mass?

Possible Answers:




Ceramide is a precursor to which of the following?

Possible Answers:

Sphingolipids only

Sphingomyelin only

Glycoshingolipids only

Sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids


Which of the following is amphipathic, polar, and are formed by long-chain


Possible Answers:






The myelin sheaths of neurons typically contain large quantities of __________.

Possible Answers:




n fat, which glycolysis metabolite is a reactant in single-step synthesis of glycerol


Possible Answers:



Dihydroxyacetone phosphate

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate


Which of these lipid molecules has a different fundamental structure than the

Possible Answers:



Fatty acids



Glycolipids are characterized by which non-lipid component?

Possible Answers:




The prefix "glyco-" means "sugar." Glycolipids are thus lipids that have a sugar
component. Glycolipids containing sphingoid bases are called sphingolipids.
Glycolipids containing phosphate are called phospholipids. Lipoproteins are m
olecules that contain both lipid and peptide componen
Lipids built from the five-carbon unit isoprene are called __________.
Possible Answers:






There are many different lipoproteins used by the body to transport lipids and
cholesterol. Which of the following is a true statement about lipoproteins?

Possible Answers:

VLDL is the largest of the lipoproteins.

HDL carries lipids that are synthesized in the liver.

Chylomicrons are very dense lipoproteins that carry dietary fats.

LDL is a dense lipoprotein that carries dietary fats around the body.

HDL is a dense lipoprotein that carries cholesterol from the body to the liver.

What properties of phospholipids make the formation of cell membranes possible?

Possible Answers:

Phospholipids are inorganic

Phospholipids are completely polar

Phospholipids are completely non-polar

Phospholipids are amphiphatic

Correct answer:

Phospholipids are amphiphatic

Which if the following lipids is responsible for the storing of energy in the body?

Possible Answers:


Sterol lipids




Which of the following best describes steroid molecules?

Possible Answers:

Steroids are nonpolar and cannot travel across the plasma membrane

Steroids are nonpolar and can travel across the plasma membrane

Steroids are polar and can travel across the plasma membrane

Steroids are polar and cannot travel across the plasma membrane

Which of the following is false regarding steroids?

Possible Answers:

Steroids are the major component of plasma membranes

Steroid hormones bind to receptors on the nuclear membrane

Steroids and triglycerides are both classified as the same type of macromolecule
All steroids contain at least four rings

Which of the following will you most likely find in a steroid molecule?

Possible Answers:

Nitrogenous base

Pentose sugar

Phosphate group

Cyclohexane ring

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