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Group: Bí kíp đỗ VSTEP B1 B2 C1 | cùng team Thầy Dương Nguyễn Anh



Đề Speaking part 1:
Let’s talk about university:
1. What do you like about your university?
2. What are some challenges you’ve had to face at university?
3. Who’s your favorite teacher at university?

1. What do you like about your university?

academic subjects
 /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈsʌbʤɪkts/
 Nghĩa: môn học (mang tính học thuật)
 Ví dụ: High school students study many different academic subjects such as mathematics,
science, and literature.
(Học sinh cấp ba học nhiều môn học học thuật khác nhau như toán, khoa học và văn học.)
attend lectures
 /əˈtend ˈlɛkʧərz/
 Nghĩa: nghe giảng
 Ví dụ: I attend lectures regularly because I want to get high scores.
(Tôi nghe giảng đều đặn vì tôi muốn được điểm cao).
tuition fees
 /tjuˈɪʃən fiːz/
 Nghĩa: học phí
 Ví dụ: The tuition fees for engineering programs are quite high, so I have to save up more
(Học phí của các chương trình kỹ sư khá cao, nên tôi phải tiết kiệm nhiều tiền hơn.)

Câu trả lời mẫu:

I like my university because it offers many interesting academic subjects. I can also attend
lectures of famous professors in my field. Finally, the low tuition fees make education more
affordable for students.

2. What are some challenges you’ve had to face at university?

register for a course – cụm động từ
 /ˈrɛʤɪstə fər ə kɔːs/
 Nghĩa: đăng ký một khoá học
 Ví dụ: I need to register for a course in IT for the next semester.
(Tôi cần đăng ký một khoá về công nghệ thông tin cho học kỳ tiếp theo.)
sit for exams – cụm động từ
 /sɪt fər ɪɡˈzæmz/
 Nghĩa: làm bài thi
 Ví dụ: Students are often nervous when they have to sit for an exam.
(Học sinh thường lo lắng khi phải làm một bài thi.)
graduate from – cụm động từ
 /ˈɡræʤuət frɒm/

Tải bản đầy đủ và cập nhật theo định dạng đề thi mới nhất qua 1
Group: Bí kíp đỗ VSTEP B1 B2 C1 | cùng team Thầy Dương Nguyễn Anh

 Nghĩa: tốt nghiệp

 Ví dụ: I will graduate from university next year with a degree in history.
(Tôi sẽ tốt nghiệp đại học với một tấm bằng về lịch sử vào năm sau.)

Câu trả lời mẫu:

I go to university in a new city, so everything is difficult. I have to learn how to do many things
on my own, from registering for a course to doing housework. I also have to sit for exams; I
have to study really hard to graduate from university with good results.

3. Who’s your favorite teacher at university?

do research – cụm động từ
 /dʊ rɪˈsɜːʧ/
 Nghĩa: làm nghiên cứu
 Ví dụ: In my biology class, I have to do research for a project on human cells
(Trong lớp sinh học, tôi phải làm nghiên cứu cho một dự án về tế bào người).

revise for exams – cụm động từ

 /rɪˈvaɪz fər ɪɡˈzæmz/
 Nghĩa: ôn thi
 Ví dụ: She spent hours revising for exams to make sure she got good results.
(Cô ấy dành ra nhiều giờ ôn thi để chắc chắn rằng cô ấy đạt kết quả tốt.)

Câu trả lời mẫu:

My favorite teacher is Professor Adam, who is very kind. My favorite thing about him is that he
taught me how to do research, take notes and revise for exams effectively.

Luyện tập:
Điền cụm từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu sau. Chữ cái đầu tiên đã được cho sẵn.
1. T____ for international students are usually much higher than for local students.
2. To understand the course and do well on tests, you have to a_______ regularly.
3. I want to r______ in photography at the art center near my house to improve my skills.
4. Some people say that a______ are more important for students than arts subjects.

(1. tuition fees 2. attend lectures 3. register for a course 4. academic subjects)

Chọn một từ đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau:

1. After I graduate from / graduate of university, I will start my own company.
2. I’m usually not nervous about the results when I have to take for exams / sit for exams
because I always study hard.
3. I usually start to revise for exams / revise about exams a few weeks before the exam dates
because I want to be well-prepared.
4. My favorite thing about this university is the opportunity to make research / do research. I
want to explore more of my academic interests.

Tải bản đầy đủ và cập nhật theo định dạng đề thi mới nhất qua 2
Group: Bí kíp đỗ VSTEP B1 B2 C1 | cùng team Thầy Dương Nguyễn Anh

(1. graduate 2. sit for exams 3. revise for exams 4. do research)

Vận dụng:
Trả lời các câu hỏi sau đây. Dùng các cụm từ gợi ý trong ngoặc.
Let’s talk about exams:
1. How do you often feel before exams?
(nervous, sit for exams, high tuition fees, register for (another) course)

2. What do you often do to prepare for exams?

(revise for exams, attend lectures)

3. Which do you prefer: a home assignment or a written exam?

(home assignment because: do research, academic subjects, graduate from, good results)

Câu trả lời mẫu:

1. Before I sit for exams, I often feel nervous. This is because of the high tuition fees of my
courses. If I don't pass the test, I might need to register for another course, which would cost so
much money. So, that pressure often makes me quite anxious.

2. To prepare for a test, I often do several things. Firstly, I make sure to attend lectures regularly
so I can understand the topics. I also take notes during these lectures, which helps me remember
important information. On top of that, I revise for exams by reviewing my notes and textbooks,
and I try to solve practice questions to test my understanding

3. I prefer a home assignment to a written test. You know, when I go to university, what I want is
knowledge and a good degree. So, with home assignments, I have more time to do research, and
that helps me understand the academic subjects I learn more effectively. In that way, I can also
graduate from university with better results.

Tải bản đầy đủ và cập nhật theo định dạng đề thi mới nhất qua 3

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