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Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing with Special Reference to


Social media marketing is a technique that enables people and organizations to

advertise their websites, goods, or services through online social networks as well
as to connect with and engage a far bigger population. The social media
marketing offers its unique advantage such as targeted communication, quick and
cost-effective research while comparing to tradition media advertising and
promotion. Ad spending in the Social Media Advertising segment is projected to
reach US$1.06bn in 2022. Social Media includes Instagram, Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter etc. Instagram and Facebook are two such platforms which are used for
social media marketing a lot. Facebook is most commonly used by people to build
connections with strangers whereas Instagram is associated with flashing a
lifestyle and showcasing a higher standard of living. Both Facebook and Instagram
are different platforms with a different user base, although some users are
available on both the sites their behaviour differs on each platform. Taking this
point of view, the Authors believe that one marketing strategy cannot work on
both the platforms thus marketers should keep their campaigns different on both
of these platforms. Instagram Marketing: Instagram marketing is the process
through which businesses use the social media platform to communicate with and
promote their target markets. Instagram basically helps in targeting a larger
audience, increasing source of sales, reduces cost of campaigns, customer
engagement, immediate feedback and helps build brand credibility. Instagram
enables advertisers to quickly and easily contact their target demographic. If the
product fits with Instagram's nature and design, the visual communication service
could be a useful tool for marketers to connect with consumers. In a dynamic
context, Instagram also offers co-creation, communication with brand managers,
and brand community. Brand awareness can be generated by the focused visual
material, and devoted customers can promote the brand. As of January, 2022
there are 230.25 million users on Instagram. There are many ways to advertise on
Instagram which are: Image ads, Stories ads, Video ads, Carousel ads, Collection
ads, Explore ads, IGTV ads, Shopping ads and Reels ads.

Overview of Instagram
History and Evolution of Instagram

Founding and Early Days

Instagram was founded in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger as a
photo-sharing social network. Initially launched as an iOS app, Instagram quickly
gained popularity due to its simple interface and unique photo filters. Within two
months, it had attracted over a million users.

Acquisition by Facebook

In April 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for approximately $1 billion in

cash and stock. This acquisition allowed Instagram to leverage Facebook's
resources and infrastructure, contributing to its rapid growth and feature

Key Milestones in Instagram's Evolution

1. 2010: Instagram launches on iOS.

2. 2011: Introduction of hashtags, allowing users to tag and discover content
more easily.
3. 2012: Acquisition by Facebook; Instagram launches on Android.
4. 2013: Introduction of video sharing, allowing users to post 15-second
5. 2015: Launch of Instagram Ads, enabling businesses to promote their
content to a broader audience.
6. 2016: Introduction of Instagram Stories, a feature that allows users to post
photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours; launch of Instagram Live.
7. 2018: Introduction of IGTV, a standalone vertical video application; launch
of shopping features like product tags and a dedicated Shop tab.
8. 2020: Launch of Instagram Reels, a feature for creating short, engaging
videos similar to TikTok.
9. 2021: Expansion of e-commerce features with Instagram Checkout, allowing
users to complete purchases directly within the app.

Key Features and Functionalities

Photo and Video Sharing

Instagram allows users to share photos and videos on their profile, which can be
edited with various filters and creative tools. Users can also add captions, tag other
users, and include location information.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories enable users to post photos and videos that disappear after 24
hours. Stories can be enhanced with stickers, text, drawings, and interactive
features like polls and questions. Highlights allow users to keep their favorite
Stories on their profile indefinitely.

Instagram Live

Instagram Live allows users to broadcast live videos to their followers. Followers
can comment in real-time, fostering interactive and engaging experiences. Live
sessions can be saved to IGTV or the user's profile for future viewing.


IGTV (Instagram TV) is a feature for sharing long-form vertical videos, designed
for both professional content creators and everyday users. IGTV videos can be up
to 60 minutes long and are accessible via a standalone app or directly within


Instagram Reels is a feature for creating and discovering short, entertaining videos
set to music or original audio. Reels can be edited with various creative tools,
including AR effects, timed text, and speed controls.

Shopping Features

Instagram has integrated several e-commerce features to facilitate shopping

directly within the app. These include:

 Shoppable Posts: Businesses can tag products in their posts, allowing users
to view product details and make purchases.
 Shop Tab: A dedicated shopping section where users can browse products
from various brands.
 Instagram Checkout: Allows users to complete purchases directly within
Instagram, streamlining the shopping experience.
Advertising and Promotions

Instagram offers various advertising options for businesses, including:

 Photo Ads: Sponsored photo posts that appear in users' feeds.

 Video Ads: Sponsored video posts.
 Carousel Ads: Ads that allow users to swipe through multiple images or
 Stories Ads: Full-screen ads that appear between users' Stories.
 Explore Ads: Ads that appear in the Explore section, where users discover
new content.

Direct Messaging and Communication

Instagram Direct allows users to send private messages, photos, videos, and posts
to other users or groups. Businesses can use Direct Messaging to engage with
customers, answer queries, and provide customer support.

User Demographics and Statistics

Global Reach

As of 2023, Instagram boasts over 1.4 billion monthly active users worldwide. It is
one of the most popular social media platforms, particularly among younger

Age Distribution

Instagram is especially popular among younger users:

 13-17 years: 8%
 18-24 years: 29%
 25-34 years: 33%
 35-44 years: 16%
 45-54 years: 8%
 55-64 years: 4%
 65+ years: 2%

Gender Distribution

The gender distribution on Instagram is relatively balanced:

 Female: 52%
 Male: 48%

Geographic Distribution

Instagram has a diverse global user base:

 North America: 140 million users

 Europe: 250 million users
 Asia-Pacific: 450 million users
 Latin America: 150 million users
 Middle East and Africa: 90 million users

Engagement Statistics

Instagram is known for high user engagement:

 Daily Active Users: Over 500 million users engage with Instagram Stories
 Average Time Spent: Users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on
 Interaction Rates: Instagram posts have an average interaction rate of
1.22%, higher than most other social media platforms.

Business Usage

Instagram is a powerful tool for businesses:

 Business Accounts: Over 25 million business profiles.

 Ad Revenue: Instagram's ad revenue is projected to surpass $18 billion by

Influencer Marketing: Instagram is the leading platform for influencer

marketing, with over 70% of marketers planning to increase their influencer
marketing budget in 2023. Visual Content and Brand Storytelling

2.Importance of Visual Content in Marketing

Visual Content Dominance

In today's digital landscape, visual content reigns supreme. Research shows that the
human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, making visual content
a powerful tool for grabbing attention and conveying messages quickly. On social
media platforms like Instagram, where users scroll through vast amounts of content
daily, compelling visuals are essential for standing out and engaging the audience.

Enhanced Engagement

Visual content significantly enhances user engagement. Posts with images produce
650% higher engagement than text-only posts. On Instagram, which is inherently a
visual platform, high-quality images and videos can attract more likes, comments,
shares, and saves, driving higher engagement rates.

Improved Brand Recall

Visual content improves brand recall, with studies indicating that people remember
80% of what they see, compared to only 20% of what they read. By consistently
using distinctive visual elements, such as colors, fonts, and imagery, brands can
create a memorable visual identity that resonates with their audience.

Emotional Connection

Visual storytelling allows brands to connect with their audience on an emotional

level. Images and videos can evoke emotions, tell stories, and convey complex
ideas quickly, creating a more profound and lasting impact on viewers. This
emotional connection can lead to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

Strategies for Effective Visual Storytelling

Consistency in Visual Identity

Maintaining a consistent visual identity is crucial for brand recognition. This

includes using a cohesive color palette, typography, and style across all posts.
Consistency helps create a unified brand image and makes it easier for users to
recognize and remember the brand.

High-Quality Visuals

Investing in high-quality visuals is essential. Clear, well-composed images and

videos reflect professionalism and attention to detail. Brands should use high-
resolution photos, professional photography, and well-edited videos to ensure their
content looks polished and appealing.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) can enhance authenticity and build

community. Brands can ask their followers to share photos or videos of them using
their products, often incentivized through contests or features on the brand's
profile. UGC not only provides fresh content but also fosters a sense of belonging
among customers.

Leveraging Instagram Stories and Reels

Instagram Stories and Reels offer dynamic ways to engage with the audience.
Stories, with their ephemeral nature, are perfect for sharing behind-the-scenes
content, product launches, and time-sensitive promotions. Reels, on the other hand,
are ideal for creating short, engaging videos that can go viral. Brands should use
these features creatively to keep their audience entertained and engaged.

Incorporating Influencers

Collaborating with influencers who align with the brand's values and aesthetics can
amplify reach and credibility. Influencers bring their unique style and audience,
providing fresh perspectives on the brand's products or services. These
collaborations should be authentic and feel natural to resonate with followers.

Storytelling through Captions

While visuals are the primary focus, captions play a crucial role in storytelling.
Captions should complement the visual content by providing context, telling a
story, or prompting engagement. Brands should use a conversational tone, ask
questions, and include call-to-actions (CTAs) to encourage interaction.

Case Studies of Successful Visual Content Campaigns on Instagram

1. National Geographic: Stunning Visuals and Compelling Narratives

National Geographic (@natgeo) is renowned for its breathtaking photography and

powerful storytelling. Their Instagram account showcases stunning images of
nature, wildlife, and cultures from around the world, each accompanied by detailed
captions that tell the story behind the photo. This combination of high-quality
visuals and compelling narratives has garnered them over 250 million followers
and consistently high engagement rates.

2. Nike: Inspirational and Authentic Content

Nike (@nike) excels in using Instagram to inspire and connect with their audience.
Their posts often feature athletes, both professional and amateur, showcasing their
journeys, challenges, and triumphs. By sharing authentic stories of perseverance
and achievement, Nike creates an emotional connection with their audience. Their
"You Can't Stop Us" campaign, which used powerful visuals and videos to
highlight athletes overcoming obstacles, received widespread acclaim and high

3. Glossier: User-Generated Content and Community Building

Glossier (@glossier), a beauty brand, has effectively leveraged user-generated

content to build a strong community. They encourage customers to share their
experiences and photos using Glossier products, often featuring this content on
their profile. This approach not only provides authentic testimonials but also
fosters a sense of community and belonging among their followers. Glossier's
consistent use of soft pastel colors and minimalist design in their posts further
strengthens their visual identity.

4. GoPro: Capturing Adventures

GoPro (@gopro) uses Instagram to showcase the adventurous and dynamic

lifestyle associated with their products. Their feed is filled with high-energy photos
and videos submitted by users, capturing everything from extreme sports to travel
adventures. GoPro's emphasis on user-generated content and stunning visuals helps
them connect with their target audience and showcase the capabilities of their
products. The "Photo of the Day" campaign, which highlights the best user-
submitted content, has been particularly successful in driving engagement and
showcasing the brand's versatility.

5. Airbnb: Showcasing Unique Experiences

Airbnb (@airbnb) uses Instagram to highlight the unique and diverse experiences
available through their platform. Their feed features beautiful photos of
destinations and properties, along with stories of travelers and hosts. By focusing
on the personal experiences and cultural insights offered by their listings, Airbnb
creates an emotional connection with potential customers. Their "Made Possible by
Hosts" campaign, which shared stories of memorable stays facilitated by hosts,
resonated deeply with their audience and reinforced the brand's mission of creating

Chapter 3: Engagement on Instagram

User Interaction and Engagement Metrics

Definition of Engagement

Engagement on Instagram refers to the interactions that users have with a brand's
content. These interactions can take various forms, including likes, comments,
shares, saves, direct messages, and interactions with Stories and Reels. High
engagement indicates that the audience is actively interacting with the content,
which is a positive signal for brand visibility and loyalty.

Key Engagement Metrics

1. Likes: The simplest form of engagement, indicating that a user appreciates

the content.
2. Comments: More valuable than likes, as they show that a user is willing to
invest time to share their thoughts.
3. Shares: When users share a post with others, it extends the content's reach
and indicates strong approval.
4. Saves: Saved posts show that users find the content valuable enough to
revisit later.
5. Profile Visits: Clicking on a profile indicates interest in learning more about
the brand or user.
6. Follower Growth: An increasing number of followers shows growing
interest and reach.
7. Story Views: The number of views on Stories indicates how many users are
interested in short-term content.
8. Story Interactions: Replies, swipe-ups, and other interactions on Stories
show active engagement.
9. Reel Views and Interactions: Metrics specific to Reels include views,
likes, comments, and shares.
10. IGTV Views and Interactions: Engagement with longer video content on
11. Direct Messages: Private messages between users and brands, which can
indicate strong engagement and interest.
12. Click-through Rates (CTR): The ratio of users who click on a link (in bio,
Stories, ads) to the number of users who view the content.

Engagement Rate Calculation

Engagement rate is typically calculated as the sum of all engagements (likes,

comments, shares, etc.) divided by the total number of followers, multiplied by 100
to get a percentage. This metric helps compare the performance of different posts
and understand overall audience engagement.

Engagement Rate=(Total EngagementsTotal Followers)×100\text{Engagement

Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Total Engagements}}{\text{Total Followers}} \right)
\times 100Engagement Rate=(Total FollowersTotal Engagements)×100

Strategies to Increase Engagement

1. Posting High-Quality Content

Consistently posting high-quality images, videos, and well-crafted captions can

significantly increase engagement. Content should be visually appealing, relevant,
and provide value to the audience.

2. Consistent Posting Schedule

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule helps keep the audience engaged.

Brands should analyze when their followers are most active and post during those
times to maximize reach and engagement.

3. Using Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags can increase the discoverability of posts. Brands should use a mix of
popular, niche, and branded hashtags to reach a broader audience. Researching and
using relevant hashtags can help attract users who are interested in similar content.

4. Engaging with Followers

Brands should actively engage with their followers by responding to comments,

liking posts, and participating in conversations. This interaction can foster a sense
of community and loyalty.

5. Hosting Contests and Giveaways

Chapter 4: Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Role of Influencers in Social Media Marketing

Definition and Importance of Influencers

Influencers are individuals who have built a substantial following on social media
platforms due to their expertise, knowledge, or influence in a particular niche.
They are seen as trusted sources of information and inspiration by their followers,
making them valuable partners for brands looking to reach targeted audiences.

Types of Influencers

1. Mega-Influencers: Individuals with over a million followers. They often

have celebrity status and wide-reaching influence.
2. Macro-Influencers: Individuals with followers ranging from 100,000 to 1
million. They have a significant impact and are often experts in specific
3. Micro-Influencers: Individuals with 10,000 to 100,000 followers. They
typically have a more engaged and niche audience.
4. Nano-Influencers: Individuals with less than 10,000 followers. Despite
their smaller reach, they often have very high engagement rates within their
niche communities.

Role in Marketing

Influencers play several key roles in social media marketing:

 Brand Ambassadors: Influencers serve as brand ambassadors, endorsing

products and services to their followers.
 Content Creators: They create engaging content that showcases the brand's
products or services in an authentic way.
 Trendsetters: Influencers can set trends and influence purchasing decisions
through their recommendations.
 Community Builders: They foster communities around shared interests,
which brands can tap into to reach targeted audiences.

Benefits and Challenges of Influencer Marketing

1. Increased Reach and Visibility: Collaborating with influencers allows
brands to reach a wider audience, often beyond their own followers.
2. Enhanced Credibility and Trust: Influencers are trusted by their followers.
When they endorse a product, it adds credibility and trust to the brand.
3. Targeted Marketing: Brands can partner with influencers who have
followers that match their target demographic, ensuring more effective and
relevant marketing.
4. Content Creation: Influencers create high-quality content that brands can
use across their marketing channels, saving time and resources.
5. Improved Engagement: Influencer content often generates higher
engagement rates compared to traditional advertising because it feels more
authentic and relatable.
6. SEO Benefits: Influencer collaborations can improve a brand’s search
engine rankings through backlinks and increased online mentions.


1. Finding the Right Influencers: Identifying influencers who align with the
brand’s values and have a genuine connection with their audience can be
2. Cost: Collaborating with influencers, especially mega and macro-
influencers, can be expensive. Brands need to balance the potential return on
3. Authenticity Concerns: If an influencer partnership feels forced or
inauthentic, it can backfire and damage the brand's reputation.
4. Measuring ROI: Tracking the return on investment from influencer
marketing campaigns can be complex, requiring sophisticated tools and
5. Compliance and Disclosure: Ensuring that influencers adhere to
advertising regulations and disclose paid partnerships is essential to maintain
transparency and trust.
6. Maintaining Control: Brands have limited control over how influencers
present their products, which can sometimes lead to misalignment with
brand messaging.

Case Studies of Successful Influencer Collaborations

1. Daniel Wellington
Campaign Overview: Daniel Wellington, a Swedish watch brand, leveraged
micro-influencers to build its brand from the ground up. By gifting watches to
influencers and asking them to share discount codes with their followers, the brand
quickly gained visibility and credibility.

Results: This strategy led to massive growth in a relatively short time. Daniel
Wellington became one of the fastest-growing watch brands, with a strong social
media presence and high engagement rates.

Key Takeaway: Partnering with micro-influencers can be highly effective for

building brand awareness and driving sales through authentic recommendations
and discount codes.

2. Glossier

Campaign Overview: Glossier, a beauty brand, frequently collaborates with micro

and nano-influencers who align with their target demographic of millennial and
Gen Z consumers. These influencers share their personal experiences with Glossier
products, creating authentic and relatable content.

Results: Glossier’s influencer strategy has resulted in a highly engaged community

and strong brand loyalty. Their customers often become brand advocates, further
amplifying their reach.

Key Takeaway: Building a community of engaged influencers and customers who

genuinely love the brand can drive long-term loyalty and organic growth.

3. Calvin Klein

Campaign Overview: Calvin Klein’s #MyCalvins campaign involved celebrities

and influencers posting photos wearing Calvin Klein underwear with the hashtag
#MyCalvins. The campaign aimed to create a sense of personal connection and

Results: The campaign went viral, generating millions of posts and significantly
increasing brand visibility. Celebrities like Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner
participated, further boosting the campaign’s reach and impact.

Key Takeaway: Using a memorable hashtag and involving high-profile

influencers can create viral campaigns that significantly enhance brand visibility
and engagement.
4. Gymshark

Campaign Overview: Gymshark, a fitness apparel brand, partnered with fitness

influencers and athletes who embody the brand’s values of fitness and community.
These influencers share workout tips, lifestyle content, and Gymshark products
with their followers.

Results: Gymshark’s influencer strategy has been instrumental in building a loyal

community of fitness enthusiasts. The brand has grown rapidly, achieving
significant sales and a strong social media presence.

Key Takeaway: Aligning with influencers who genuinely represent the brand’s
values and lifestyle can build a passionate and engaged community.

5. Fashion Nova

Campaign Overview: Fashion Nova collaborates with a large number of

influencers, including mega-influencers and celebrities, to promote its fast-fashion
products. Influencers post photos wearing Fashion Nova outfits, often with
discount codes for their followers.

Results: Fashion Nova has become one of the most popular fashion brands on
Instagram, with millions of followers and high engagement rates. Their influencer
strategy has driven substantial sales and brand recognition.

Key Takeaway: Utilizing a broad range of influencers, from celebrities to micro-

influencers, can maximize reach and drive significant sales.

Chapter 5: Advertising on Instagram

Overview of Instagram Advertising Options

Instagram offers a variety of advertising formats to help brands reach and engage
their target audience. Each ad type has unique features and benefits, allowing
brands to tailor their campaigns to specific marketing goals.

1. Photo Ads

Description: Photo ads are single-image advertisements that appear in users’

feeds. They can include a caption, call-to-action (CTA) button, and a link to a
website, product page, or another destination.

 Simple and visually appealing

 Easy to create and can be highly effective with high-quality images
 Ideal for promoting products, events, or brand messaging

Example: A skincare brand could use a photo ad to showcase a new product,

highlighting its benefits and including a “Shop Now” CTA to drive traffic to their
e-commerce site.

2. Video Ads

Description: Video ads can be up to 60 seconds long and appear in users’ feeds.
They can tell a more comprehensive story than photo ads, using both visuals and
audio to engage viewers.


 Captures attention with motion and sound

 Effective for storytelling, product demonstrations, and showcasing brand
 Can convey more information than static images

Example: A travel agency could use video ads to highlight a destination, showing
clips of beautiful scenery, activities, and happy travelers, with a “Learn More”
CTA linking to booking information.

3. Carousel Ads

Description: Carousel ads allow brands to include multiple photos or videos in a

single ad, which users can swipe through. Each card in the carousel can have its
own link and CTA.


 Provides a dynamic and interactive user experience

 Great for showcasing multiple products, features, or stories in one ad
 Encourages deeper engagement as users swipe through the content
Example: An online clothing retailer could use carousel ads to showcase a new
collection, with each card highlighting a different outfit and a “Shop Now” CTA
leading to the product pages.

4. Stories Ads

Description: Stories ads appear in Instagram Stories and take up the full screen,
providing an immersive experience. They can be photos or videos and often
include interactive elements like polls, swipe-up links, and CTAs.


 Full-screen format captures users’ full attention

 Can include interactive elements to boost engagement
 Ideal for time-sensitive promotions, behind-the-scenes content, or engaging

Example: A fitness brand could use Stories ads to promote a limited-time discount
on workout gear, with a swipe-up link directing users to the sale page.

5. IGTV Ads

Description: IGTV ads are longer-form video ads that appear in IGTV videos.
These ads are designed for content that requires more time to convey, such as
tutorials, interviews, or in-depth product reviews.


 Allows for more detailed storytelling and content

 Ideal for brands that have established an IGTV channel with engaged
 Can be used to provide valuable content that resonates with the audience

Example: A tech company could use IGTV ads to showcase a detailed product
demonstration, explaining the features and benefits of a new gadget.

Targeting Options and Ad Placement

Targeting Options
Instagram ads benefit from the sophisticated targeting options provided by
Facebook’s ad platform. Brands can define their audience based on various

 Demographics: Age, gender, location, language

 Interests: Activities, hobbies, and interests indicated by users’ behavior on
Instagram and Facebook
 Behavior: Purchase behavior, device usage, travel patterns, and other
 Custom Audiences: Allows brands to target users based on their own
customer data, such as email lists or website visitors
 Lookalike Audiences: Targets users similar to a brand’s existing customers
 Engagement: Targets users who have previously interacted with the brand
on Instagram or Facebook

Ad Placement

Instagram ads can be placed in various locations within the app, each offering
unique advantages:

 Feed Ads: Appear in users’ main feed, blended seamlessly with organic
 Stories Ads: Displayed between users’ Stories, taking up the full screen
 Explore Ads: Shown within the Explore tab, where users discover new
 IGTV Ads: Displayed within IGTV videos, usually after the first few
minutes of viewing

Examples of Effective Instagram Ad Campaigns

1. Airbnb: “Live There” Campaign

Objective: To encourage travelers to experience destinations like locals

Strategy: Airbnb used video ads in Instagram Stories to showcase various

destinations and the unique experiences available through their platform. The ads
featured vibrant visuals and short clips of travelers enjoying local experiences,
with a swipe-up CTA leading to booking options.

Results: The campaign effectively communicated Airbnb’s value proposition,

resulting in increased brand awareness and engagement. The immersive Stories
format helped capture users’ attention and drive interest in booking unique

2. Nike: “You Can’t Stop Us” Campaign

Objective: To inspire and connect with their audience during the COVID-19

Strategy: Nike used a series of video ads featuring split-screen clips of athletes
and everyday people continuing their training at home. The powerful and
motivational message resonated with users, highlighting themes of perseverance
and community.

Results: The campaign received millions of views and high engagement rates. The
use of video ads helped convey a strong emotional message, reinforcing Nike’s
brand values and connecting deeply with their audience.

3. Glossier: Product Launches with Carousel Ads

Objective: To drive sales and engagement for new product launches

Strategy: Glossier frequently uses carousel ads to showcase new products. Each
card in the carousel highlights different features, benefits, and user testimonials,
with a “Shop Now” CTA linking to the product page.

Results: The carousel ads effectively engaged users by providing comprehensive

information in a visually appealing format. This strategy contributed to high click-
through rates and increased sales for new product launches.

Chapter 6: E-commerce Integration

Instagram Shopping Features

Instagram has evolved into a robust platform for e-commerce, offering various
features that enable businesses to sell products directly to consumers. These
features streamline the shopping experience, making it easier for users to discover,
explore, and purchase products without leaving the app.

1. Shoppable Posts
Description: Shoppable posts allow businesses to tag products directly in their
photos and videos. When users tap on a tagged product, they can view additional
details such as the product name, price, and a link to the product page on the
business’s website or Instagram Shop.


 Seamless integration of shopping into the browsing experience

 Increased product discoverability
 Simplifies the purchase journey for users

Example: A fashion brand can post an image of a model wearing a new dress and
tag the dress, allowing users to tap on the tag to view more details and make a

2. Shop Tab

Description: The Shop tab is a dedicated section on Instagram where users can
browse products from various brands. It acts as a virtual storefront, showcasing
personalized product recommendations based on user preferences and activity.


 Centralized location for users to explore and discover products

 Personalized shopping experience
 Enhanced product visibility

Example: A beauty brand can feature their best-selling products in the Shop tab,
making it easier for users to find and purchase popular items.

3. Instagram Checkout

Description: Instagram Checkout allows users to complete their purchase directly

within the app. Users can add products to their cart, enter payment information,
and place an order without leaving Instagram.


 Streamlined and convenient shopping experience

 Reduced friction in the purchase process
 Increases the likelihood of completing a purchase
Example: A skincare brand can use Instagram Checkout to enable users to
purchase a face serum directly from their Instagram page, providing a smooth and
efficient transaction process.

Benefits of E-commerce Integration for Businesses

1. Enhanced Customer Experience

Integrating e-commerce features on Instagram enhances the overall customer

experience by providing a seamless and convenient way for users to shop. The
ability to discover products, view detailed information, and make purchases
without leaving the app simplifies the shopping journey and increases customer

2. Increased Sales and Conversion Rates

E-commerce integration on Instagram can lead to increased sales and higher

conversion rates. Features like shoppable posts and Instagram Checkout reduce the
steps needed to complete a purchase, minimizing the chances of cart abandonment
and driving more sales.

3. Improved Product Discoverability

Instagram’s e-commerce features improve product discoverability by showcasing

products in users’ feeds, Stories, and the Shop tab. This increased visibility helps
brands reach potential customers who may not have discovered their products

4. Direct Engagement with Customers

Instagram allows businesses to engage directly with customers through comments,

direct messages, and interactive features. This direct communication helps build
relationships, answer customer queries, and provide personalized
recommendations, ultimately driving sales and customer loyalty.

5. Data Insights and Analytics

Instagram provides businesses with valuable insights and analytics on how users
interact with their products and ads. This data helps brands understand customer
behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing them to optimize their marketing
strategies and improve their product offerings.
6. Enhanced Brand Presence

By leveraging Instagram’s e-commerce features, businesses can enhance their

brand presence on the platform. Consistent product tagging, shoppable posts, and
engaging content help establish a strong brand identity and increase brand recall
among users.

Examples of Brands Effectively Using Instagram Shopping

1. H&M

Strategy: H&M utilizes shoppable posts and the Shop tab to showcase their latest
collections and promotions. They frequently post high-quality images and videos
featuring their clothing and accessories, with product tags that allow users to shop
directly from the posts.

Results: H&M’s seamless integration of shopping features has led to increased

engagement and sales. The ease of discovering and purchasing products directly
from Instagram has enhanced the customer experience and boosted their online

2. Kylie Cosmetics

Strategy: Kylie Cosmetics leverages Instagram Checkout to enable users to

purchase their beauty products directly within the app. They use shoppable posts
and Stories to highlight new product launches, tutorials, and user-generated

Results: The streamlined shopping experience provided by Instagram Checkout

has significantly contributed to the brand’s sales. The convenience of in-app
purchases has driven higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

3. Warby Parker

Strategy: Warby Parker uses shoppable posts to showcase their eyewear products
in various styles and settings. They also utilize Instagram Stories to provide a
behind-the-scenes look at their design process and customer reviews.

Results: The engaging and interactive content, combined with easy-to-shop posts,
has increased product discoverability and sales. Warby Parker’s use of Instagram
Shopping features has helped them connect with a broader audience and drive
online purchases.

4. Sephora

Strategy: Sephora employs shoppable posts, the Shop tab, and Instagram
Checkout to provide a comprehensive shopping experience. They feature a mix of
product shots, tutorials, and influencer collaborations to engage their audience and
promote their beauty products.

Results: Sephora’s strategic use of Instagram Shopping has led to increased

engagement and sales. The ability to shop directly from posts and complete
purchases within the app has enhanced customer convenience and loyalty.

Chapter 7: Community Building on Instagram

Importance of Building a Community Around a Brand

Building a community around a brand on Instagram is crucial for fostering loyalty,

engagement, and trust among customers. A strong community not only supports
the brand but also advocates for it, amplifying its message and helping it reach a
broader audience. Here are some key reasons why community building is

1. Increased Engagement and Loyalty

A vibrant community encourages active participation, resulting in higher

engagement rates. When followers feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely
to interact with the brand’s content, share their experiences, and stay loyal to the
brand over time.

2. Enhanced Brand Credibility and Trust

A strong community adds credibility to a brand. Positive interactions and

testimonials from community members build trust among potential customers.
When users see others vouching for a brand, they are more likely to trust and
engage with it.

3. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Community members often create and share content related to the brand, known as
user-generated content. UGC serves as authentic, word-of-mouth marketing,
showcasing real experiences with the brand’s products or services. This content
can be repurposed by the brand to enhance its own marketing efforts.

4. Insights and Feedback

Engaged communities provide valuable insights and feedback about products,

services, and overall brand perception. This information helps brands understand
their audience better, improve offerings, and develop more effective marketing

5. Organic Reach and Growth

A dedicated community helps spread the brand’s message organically. Community

members are more likely to share content, recommend the brand to others, and
participate in word-of-mouth marketing, leading to organic growth and increased
brand awareness.

Strategies for Community Building

Building a community on Instagram requires a strategic approach that fosters

engagement, encourages participation, and nurtures relationships. Here are some
effective strategies for community building:

1. Hashtags

Creating Branded Hashtags: Developing unique, branded hashtags helps create a

sense of identity and encourages users to participate in the brand’s community.
Branded hashtags make it easy to find and engage with content related to the

Participating in Trending Hashtags: Joining conversations around popular and

relevant hashtags helps increase visibility and attract new followers who share
similar interests.

Example: Nike uses the hashtag #justdoit to encourage users to share their athletic
achievements and experiences. This branded hashtag has become synonymous
with the brand’s motivational message, creating a strong sense of community
among fitness enthusiasts.
2. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encouraging UGC: Brands can motivate followers to create and share content by
running contests, challenges, or simply asking them to post their experiences with
the brand’s products using specific hashtags.

Sharing UGC: Featuring user-generated content on the brand’s official Instagram

account validates users’ contributions and encourages others to participate. This
practice also adds authenticity to the brand’s content.

Example: GoPro often shares UGC captured by its customers using GoPro
cameras. These user-generated videos and photos not only showcase the product’s
capabilities but also celebrate the adventures of its community members.

3. Collaborations

Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers who have a loyal

following can help introduce the brand to new audiences. Influencers can create
authentic content that resonates with their followers, fostering trust and interest in
the brand.

Brand Collaborations: Collaborating with other brands can help reach new
audiences and create unique, engaging content. Joint campaigns and co-branded
content can attract followers from both brands, expanding the community.

Example: Glossier frequently collaborates with beauty influencers to promote its

products. These influencers create tutorials and reviews, encouraging their
followers to engage with the brand and join its community.

4. Engagement and Interaction

Active Engagement: Responding to comments, direct messages, and mentions

shows that the brand values its followers’ input and is interested in maintaining a
two-way conversation. Prompt and thoughtful responses foster a sense of
connection and appreciation.

Interactive Content: Polls, quizzes, Q&A sessions, and live videos encourage
followers to participate actively. Interactive content not only boosts engagement
but also provides valuable insights into the audience’s preferences and opinions.
Example: Starbucks often uses Instagram Stories to run polls and quizzes about
their products and seasonal offerings. This interactive approach keeps followers
engaged and involved in the brand’s decision-making process.

5. Community Events and Initiatives

Hosting Events: Organizing virtual or in-person events, such as meetups,

workshops, or product launches, helps bring the community together. These events
create memorable experiences and strengthen the bond between the brand and its

Supporting Causes: Aligning with social or environmental causes that resonate

with the audience can foster a sense of shared purpose. Supporting initiatives that
matter to the community demonstrates the brand’s values and commitment to
making a positive impact.

Example: Patagonia, an outdoor clothing brand, is known for its environmental

activism. The brand’s initiatives, such as the #BuyLessDemandMore campaign,
encourage followers to engage with the brand’s mission and become part of a
community committed to sustainability.

Examples of Brands with Strong Instagram Communities

1. Glossier

Community Building Strategy: Glossier has built a strong community by

encouraging user-generated content, collaborating with influencers, and actively
engaging with followers. The brand often shares photos and stories from its
customers, creating a sense of authenticity and trust.

Results: Glossier’s community-driven approach has resulted in high engagement

rates and strong brand loyalty. The brand’s followers feel like they are part of a
supportive and inclusive beauty community.

2. Nike

Community Building Strategy: Nike uses branded hashtags, influencer

collaborations, and motivational content to build a community of fitness
enthusiasts. The #justdoit hashtag encourages users to share their athletic
achievements, fostering a sense of camaraderie and inspiration.
Results: Nike’s community-centric approach has led to a highly engaged and loyal
following. The brand’s message of empowerment and determination resonates
deeply with its audience, driving organic growth and brand advocacy.

3. Starbucks

Community Building Strategy Starbucks engages its community through

interactive content, such as polls and quizzes, and by responding to customer
feedback. The brand also aligns with social causes, such as sustainability and
inclusivity, to connect with its audience on a deeper level.

Results: Starbucks has cultivated a strong and engaged community that actively
participates in the brand’s initiatives and conversations. This community-driven
approach has enhanced customer loyalty and brand reputation.

4. GoPro

Community Building Strategy: GoPro leverages user-generated content to

showcase the adventures of its customers. The brand frequently shares UGC on its
official Instagram account, celebrating the creativity and experiences of its
community members.

Results: GoPro’s emphasis on UGC has created a vibrant community of adventure

enthusiasts who actively share their content and engage with the brand. This
approach has strengthened brand loyalty and increased organic reach.

Chapter 8: Challenges and Disadvantages

Algorithm Changes and Their Impact on Organic Reach

1. Reduced Organic Reach

Instagram's algorithm is designed to prioritize content that is most likely to engage

users based on their previous interactions. This means that posts from brands may
not always appear at the top of users' feeds, reducing organic reach.


 Brands may see a decline in the visibility of their posts, requiring them to
adapt their strategies to maintain engagement.
 Increased reliance on paid advertising to reach a wider audience.
Example: When Instagram introduced algorithm changes in 2016, many brands
experienced a significant drop in organic reach, prompting them to invest more in
Instagram ads to regain visibility.

2. Constant Adaptation

Brands must continuously adapt to algorithm updates to maintain their reach and
engagement. This involves staying updated on changes, experimenting with
different types of content, and analyzing performance metrics.


 Increased workload for social media managers and marketers.

 The need for ongoing education and adaptation to new trends and features.

Example: The introduction of Instagram Stories and IGTV required brands to

diversify their content strategies to leverage these new features and remain

Content Saturation and Competition

1. High Competition

With millions of posts shared daily, Instagram is a highly competitive platform.

Brands must produce high-quality, engaging content to stand out in a crowded


 Increased pressure to create visually appealing and innovative content.

 Greater investment in professional photography, videography, and design.

Example: Fashion brands, such as H&M and Zara, invest heavily in high-quality
visuals and creative campaigns to differentiate themselves in a saturated market.

2. Short Lifespan of Posts

Due to the constant influx of new content, the lifespan of a post on Instagram is
relatively short. Brands need to post frequently to stay visible and maintain

 Continuous content creation and scheduling.
 The need for a consistent and well-planned content calendar.

Example: Beauty brands like Sephora post multiple times a day to ensure their
content remains at the top of users' feeds and to keep followers engaged.

Managing Negative Feedback and Public Criticism

1. Public Criticism

Negative comments and feedback are visible to all users, which can impact a
brand's reputation. Brands must handle criticism professionally and swiftly to
mitigate potential damage.


 The need for dedicated resources to monitor and respond to comments.

 Potential reputational damage if negative feedback is not addressed

Example: A poorly received product launch by a major brand like Apple can lead
to a flood of negative comments, requiring quick and effective damage control

2. Trolls and Spam

Dealing with trolls and spam comments can be time-consuming and may require
additional resources to manage effectively.


 The need for moderation tools and strategies to filter out spam and
inappropriate comments.
 Possible distraction from other important social media tasks.

Example: High-profile brands like Nike often face spam and trolling on their
posts, necessitating robust moderation strategies to maintain a positive online

Privacy Concerns and Data Protection

1. Data Privacy
Users are increasingly concerned about their privacy and how their data is used.
Brands must ensure they comply with data privacy regulations and build trust with
their audience by being transparent about data usage.


 Compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
 Need for clear and transparent data policies to reassure users.

Example: Facebook's data privacy scandals have heightened awareness and

scrutiny around data protection practices, impacting how users perceive data
privacy on Instagram.

2. Platform Changes

Instagram's policies and features can change, affecting how businesses interact
with their audience. Staying updated with these changes is crucial for maintaining
effective marketing strategies.


 The need for ongoing monitoring of Instagram's policy updates.

 Adaptation of marketing strategies to align with new guidelines and features.

Example: Changes to Instagram's API policies in 2018 impacted how third-party

tools could access data, requiring brands to adjust their social media management

Chapter 9: Measuring Effectiveness

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Instagram Marketing

To assess the effectiveness of Instagram marketing, businesses rely on a variety of

key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics provide insights into how well a
campaign is performing and help guide future strategies. Here are some essential
KPIs for Instagram marketing:

1. Engagement Rate
Description: Measures the level of interaction (likes, comments, shares, saves)
with a brand's content relative to the number of followers or impressions.

Importance: A high engagement rate indicates that the content resonates with the
audience, fostering stronger connections and community.

Engagement Rate=Total Engagements (likes, comments, shares, saves)Total Follo
wers or Impressions×100\text{Engagement Rate} = \frac{\text{Total Engagements
(likes, comments, shares, saves)}}{\text{Total Followers or Impressions}} \times
100Engagement Rate=Total Followers or ImpressionsTotal Engagements (likes, co
mments, shares, saves)×100

2. Reach and Impressions

Reach: The number of unique users who have seen the brand's content.

Impressions: The total number of times the content has been displayed, regardless
of whether it was clicked on.

Importance: High reach and impressions indicate effective distribution and

visibility of content.

3. Follower Growth Rate

Description: Tracks the increase in the number of followers over a specific period.

Importance: A steady growth rate signifies a growing interest in the brand and
successful content strategies.

Follower Growth Rate=New FollowersTotal Followers at Start of Period×100\text
{Follower Growth Rate} = \frac{\text{New Followers}}{\text{Total Followers at
Start of Period}} \times
100Follower Growth Rate=Total Followers at Start of PeriodNew Followers×100

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Description: Measures the number of clicks on a link in a post, ad, or bio relative
to the number of impressions.
Importance: A high CTR indicates that the content effectively encourages users to
take action.

Calculation: CTR=Total ClicksTotal Impressions×100\text{CTR} =

\frac{\text{Total Clicks}}{\text{Total Impressions}} \times
100CTR=Total ImpressionsTotal Clicks×100

5. Conversion Rate

Description: The percentage of users who take a desired action (e.g., making a
purchase, signing up for a newsletter) after interacting with the content.

Importance: A high conversion rate demonstrates the effectiveness of the content

in driving valuable actions.

Calculation: Conversion Rate=ConversionsTotal Clicks×100\text{Conversion

Rate} = \frac{\text{Conversions}}{\text{Total Clicks}} \times
100Conversion Rate=Total ClicksConversions×100

6. Customer Sentiment

Description: Gauges the overall sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) expressed

in user comments and interactions.

Importance: Understanding customer sentiment helps brands refine their

messaging and address any issues promptly.

Tools and Methods for Measuring Effectiveness

1. Instagram Insights

Description: Instagram's built-in analytics tool provides detailed information about

a brand's performance on the platform.


 Audience demographics and activity

 Post and story performance
 Engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares, saves)
 Reach and impressions
Usage: Businesses can use Instagram Insights to track performance over time,
identify trends, and optimize content strategies.

2. Third-Party Analytics Tools


 Hootsuite: Offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features, allowing

brands to track performance across multiple social media platforms.
 Sprout Social: Provides detailed engagement and audience insights, along
with tools for social listening and competitor analysis.
 Later: Focuses on Instagram-specific analytics, including best time to post,
hashtag performance, and user-generated content tracking.


 Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities

 Cross-platform performance tracking
 Customizable reports and dashboards

Usage: Third-party tools can complement Instagram Insights by providing

additional metrics, deeper analysis, and actionable insights.

Case Studies Showing ROI and Campaign Success

1. Glossier

Campaign: Glossier's community-driven Instagram strategy.


 Engagement Rate: High engagement through user-generated content and

interactive posts.
 Follower Growth Rate: Rapid increase in followers due to authentic content
and influencer collaborations.
 Conversion Rate: Significant conversions from Instagram traffic to e-
commerce site.

Results: Glossier's focus on community and user-generated content resulted in a

strong, engaged following and substantial sales growth.
2. Nike

Campaign: Nike's #justdoit campaign.


 Reach and Impressions: Millions of users reached through the hashtag and
associated content.
 Engagement Rate: High engagement from motivational and visually
appealing posts.
 Customer Sentiment: Positive sentiment driven by inspirational messaging.

Results: The #justdoit campaign successfully boosted brand visibility,

engagement, and positive sentiment, reinforcing Nike's position as a leading
athletic brand.

3. Airbnb

Campaign: Airbnb's Instagram content showcasing unique travel experiences.


 Engagement Rate: High interaction with visually stunning travel photos and
 Follower Growth Rate: Steady increase in followers due to appealing and
shareable content.
 Click-Through Rate: Effective links to listings and travel guides driving
traffic to the website.

Results: Airbnb's strategy of highlighting unique travel experiences led to

increased engagement, website traffic, and bookings.

4. Sephora

Campaign: Sephora's interactive Instagram Stories and tutorials.


 Engagement Rate: High engagement from interactive content like polls,

quizzes, and live tutorials.
 Conversion Rate: Effective use of swipe-up links in Stories driving e-
commerce sales.
 Customer Sentiment: Positive feedback on educational and entertaining

Results: Sephora's interactive and educational content strategy resulted in high

engagement and increased sales from Instagram traffic.

5. Starbucks

Campaign: Starbucks' seasonal promotions and user-generated content.


 Engagement Rate: High interaction with seasonal product posts and

customer photos.
 Reach and Impressions: Wide reach through strategic use of popular
hashtags and user shares.
 Customer Sentiment: Positive sentiment around seasonal offerings and
community engagement.

Results: Starbucks' focus on seasonal promotions and UGC fostered a strong

community, driving engagement and sales during peak seasons.

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Instagram Marketing

Emerging Trends

1. Augmented Reality (AR) Filters

Overview: AR filters allow users to overlay digital images and effects onto their
real-world surroundings using their smartphone cameras. These filters are
increasingly popular on Instagram, providing a fun and interactive way to engage

Usage: Brands can create custom AR filters to promote their products, enhance
user experience, and encourage user-generated content.

Example: Gucci's AR filter allows users to try on virtual sunglasses, providing a

unique way to experience the product before purchase.

 Increased user engagement through interactive content.

 Enhanced brand visibility as users share their experiences with the AR

2. IGTV (Instagram TV)

Overview: IGTV allows users to upload longer videos compared to regular

Instagram posts, making it ideal for more in-depth content such as tutorials,
interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage.

Usage: Brands can leverage IGTV to share detailed product information, host
Q&A sessions, and create serialized content that keeps viewers coming back.

Example: Sephora uses IGTV to post makeup tutorials and product reviews,
providing valuable content that helps customers make informed purchasing


 Ability to deliver longer, more informative content.

 Improved storytelling and deeper audience engagement.

3. Reels

Overview: Reels are short, engaging videos that can be up to 60 seconds long.
They often feature music, text overlays, and creative editing, making them highly

Usage: Brands can use Reels to showcase products, share user-generated content,
and participate in trending challenges to increase visibility.

Example: Adidas uses Reels to highlight new product launches, share athlete
stories, and participate in viral challenges, creating a dynamic and engaging brand


 High potential for virality and increased reach.

 Opportunity to connect with younger audiences who prefer short-form video

Predictions for the Future of Instagram Marketing

1. Increased Integration of E-commerce

Trend: Instagram is expected to continue enhancing its e-commerce features,

making it easier for users to shop directly from the app.


 Expanded functionality of Instagram Shopping, including more advanced

product tags and in-app checkout options.
 Increased adoption of social commerce as consumers become more
comfortable with shopping via social media platforms.

Impact: Brands will need to optimize their Instagram profiles for seamless
shopping experiences, ensuring that product information is readily accessible and
that the purchase process is streamlined.

2. Rise of Micro-Influencers

Trend: Micro-influencers (influencers with smaller, highly engaged followings)

are becoming more popular for brands due to their authentic connections with their


 Brands will increasingly collaborate with micro-influencers to reach niche

markets and foster genuine engagement.
 Focus on long-term partnerships with micro-influencers to build trust and

Impact: Brands should develop strategies for identifying and partnering with
micro-influencers who align with their values and target audience.

3. Emphasis on Authenticity and Transparency

Trend: Consumers are demanding more authenticity and transparency from

brands, expecting genuine interactions and honest communication.

 Brands will prioritize user-generated content and real customer stories to

build trust.
 Increased focus on transparent business practices, including ethical sourcing,
sustainability, and social responsibility.

Impact: Brands must ensure their marketing strategies reflect their values and
practices, and they should be prepared to address any concerns or criticisms

4. Growth of Video Content

Trend: Video content continues to dominate social media, with a growing

preference for short-form and live video.


 Further development of video-centric features on Instagram, such as

enhanced Reels and IGTV functionalities.
 Increased use of live video for real-time engagement, product launches, and
interactive sessions.

Impact: Brands need to invest in video production capabilities and develop a

consistent video content strategy that aligns with their overall marketing goals.

How Brands Can Prepare for Upcoming Changes

1. Embrace New Technologies

Strategy: Stay ahead of the curve by experimenting with emerging technologies

like AR, VR, and AI to create innovative and engaging content.

Action Steps:

 Invest in developing custom AR filters and interactive experiences.

 Explore the potential of VR for immersive brand experiences and product
 Utilize AI for personalized content recommendations and customer
2. Adapt Content Strategies

Strategy: Diversify content to include a mix of short-form videos, live sessions,

and long-form IGTV content to cater to different audience preferences.

Action Steps:

 Develop a content calendar that balances different types of content.

 Experiment with Reels and IGTV to understand what resonates best with the
 Leverage live video for real-time engagement and to build stronger
connections with followers.

3. Focus on Authenticity and Community

Strategy: Prioritize authentic interactions and community building to foster trust

and loyalty among followers.

Action Steps:

 Encourage and share user-generated content to showcase real customer

 Engage with followers through comments, direct messages, and interactive
features like polls and Q&A sessions.
 Highlight the brand’s commitment to social and environmental causes to
connect with values-driven consumers.

4. Leverage Data and Analytics

Strategy: Use data and analytics to inform decision-making and optimize

marketing strategies.

Action Steps:

 Regularly review Instagram Insights and third-party analytics tools to track

performance and identify trends.
 Conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective content formats and
posting times.
 Use insights to refine targeting and segmentation strategies for more
effective ad campaigns.
5. Build Strong Influencer Partnerships

Strategy: Develop long-term partnerships with influencers who align with the
brand’s values and can authentically represent the brand.

Action Steps:

 Identify micro-influencers and niche influencers who have a genuine

connection with their followers.
 Foster long-term relationships through consistent collaboration and mutual
 Monitor and measure the impact of influencer campaigns to ensure they
align with marketing objectives.

Understanding Facebook and Instagram marketing and the consumer behaviour
towardsmarketing on social media. Facebook started the trend of using its
platform for social media marketing for small businesses. Instagram is generally
perceived to be a brand engagement than brand awareness medium in this paper
we are going to analyse which social media platform between the two is more
effective for marketing in India. Though numerous researches have explored
Facebook and Twitter users on this context, there is very little research on
Instagram & Facebook despite being the emerging visual communication medium.
The result of this survey-based research indicates that young users perceive the
brand circulatedon Instagram as quality, followed by brand loyalty and brand
association. The brand awareness had a subtle relationship with overall brand
equity, and this result asserts that Instagram is perceived as better of brand
engagement tool than brand awareness medium while building brand equity for a
product. With the help of this paper the Authors want to establish that Instagram
is a better marketing platform for businesses, especially the emerging start-up
businesses than Facebook. It helps you create a brand presence and monetise it
by creating conversions. OBJECTIVE: To determine which marketing platform
between Facebook and Instagram is preferred by the consumers/brands in terms
of likelihood to engage with the ad, buy a product, brand awarenessand quality.
KEY WORDS: Reach, conversion, cost efficiency, timely factor, value for money,
return on investment, cost per click, engagement rate, sponsored ads, brand
awareness, brand loyalty. WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING? Social media
marketing is a technique that enables people and organizations to advertise their
websites, good

Social media marketing has become a crucial strategy for businesses aiming to
reach a broader audience and engage with customers in a more direct and
personalized manner. Among the various social media platforms, Instagram stands
out due to its visually-driven content, high engagement rates, and growing user
base. This essay explores the effectiveness of social media marketing, with a
special focus on Instagram, highlighting its impact, strategies, and benefits for

The Rise of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms to promote

products, services, and brands. The rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and Instagram has revolutionized how businesses interact with their
audience. Social media marketing offers several advantages:

1. Wider Reach: Social media platforms have billions of active users

worldwide, allowing businesses to reach a global audience.
2. Targeted Advertising: Advanced algorithms and user data enable precise
targeting, ensuring that marketing efforts reach the most relevant audience.
3. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media
marketing is often more affordable and provides a higher return on
investment (ROI).
4. Engagement and Interaction: Social media facilitates direct
communication between brands and consumers, fostering relationships and
5. Analytics and Insights: Detailed metrics and analytics help businesses
understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven

Instagram: A Powerful Marketing Tool

Instagram, launched in 2010, has grown to become one of the most popular social
media platforms, with over one billion active users as of 2021. Its focus on visual
content makes it particularly appealing to brands looking to showcase their
products and services creatively. Several factors contribute to Instagram's
effectiveness as a marketing tool:

1. Visual Appeal: Instagram's emphasis on high-quality images and videos

allows brands to create visually compelling content that captures attention
and drives engagement.
2. High Engagement Rates: Instagram boasts higher engagement rates
compared to other social media platforms. Users are more likely to like,
comment, and share posts, increasing the visibility of content.
3. Influencer Partnerships: Instagram has given rise to a new wave of
influencers who have substantial followings and can sway consumer
behavior. Collaborating with influencers can amplify a brand's reach and
4. Stories and Reels: Instagram's features like Stories and Reels provide
opportunities for brands to create ephemeral and interactive content, keeping
audiences engaged and coming back for more.
5. E-commerce Integration: Instagram's shopping features, such as shoppable
posts and the Shop tab, enable seamless e-commerce experiences, driving
sales directly from the platform.

Strategies for Effective Instagram Marketing

To harness the full potential of Instagram, businesses need to implement well-

thought-out marketing strategies. Here are some key strategies for effective
Instagram marketing:

1. Content Quality and Consistency: High-quality visuals are crucial on

Instagram. Brands should invest in professional photography and design to
create visually appealing content. Consistency in posting helps maintain
audience interest and engagement.
2. Understanding the Audience: Knowing the target audience's preferences,
behaviors, and interests is essential. This understanding helps in crafting
content that resonates with the audience and drives engagement.
3. Utilizing Instagram Features: Leveraging Instagram's various features,
such as Stories, IGTV, Reels, and shopping tags, allows brands to diversify
their content and keep the audience engaged.
4. Engaging with the Audience: Active engagement with followers through
comments, direct messages, and interactive content like polls and quizzes
fosters a sense of community and loyalty.
5. Collaborating with Influencers: Partnering with influencers who align with
the brand's values and target audience can significantly boost visibility and
6. Running Paid Campaigns: Instagram's advertising options, including
sponsored posts and Stories ads, enable precise targeting and can drive
significant traffic and conversions.
7. Analyzing Performance: Regularly monitoring key metrics such as
engagement rate, reach, and conversion rate helps in assessing the
effectiveness of marketing efforts and making necessary adjustments.

Case Studies and Examples

Several brands have successfully leveraged Instagram to achieve their marketing

goals. Here are a few examples:

1. Nike: Nike uses Instagram to showcase its products in action, share user-
generated content, and collaborate with influencers and athletes. Their
visually compelling posts and engaging stories resonate with their audience,
driving high engagement and brand loyalty.
2. Glossier: The beauty brand Glossier has built a strong community on
Instagram by encouraging user-generated content and featuring real
customers in their posts. Their approach has created a sense of authenticity
and trust, leading to increased sales and brand advocacy.
3. National Geographic: National Geographic's Instagram account is a
testament to the power of high-quality visuals. They share stunning photos
and videos from around the world, captivating their audience and driving

Measuring the Effectiveness of Instagram Marketing

Measuring the effectiveness of Instagram marketing involves tracking various

metrics and KPIs. Some important metrics to consider include:

1. Engagement Rate: The number of likes, comments, shares, and saves on

posts. High engagement indicates that the content resonates with the
2. Reach and Impressions: The number of unique users who have seen the
content and the total number of times the content has been viewed. These
metrics help in understanding the visibility of posts.
3. Follower Growth: The increase in the number of followers over time.
Steady growth indicates that the brand is attracting new audiences.
4. Website Traffic and Conversions: The number of users who visit the
website from Instagram and complete desired actions, such as making a
purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
5. Return on Investment (ROI): The revenue generated from Instagram
marketing efforts compared to the cost of running campaigns.

Challenges and Considerations

While Instagram offers numerous benefits, there are also challenges and
considerations to keep in mind:

1. Algorithm Changes: Instagram's algorithm changes can affect the visibility

of posts. Brands need to stay updated with these changes and adapt their
strategies accordingly.
2. Content Saturation: With millions of posts being shared daily, standing out
can be challenging. Creating unique and compelling content is crucial.
3. Managing Negative Feedback: Brands must be prepared to handle negative
comments and feedback professionally to maintain a positive reputation.
4. Privacy Concerns: Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and
respecting user privacy is essential.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Social media marketing has become an integral part of business strategies,

allowing brands to engage with their audience on a more personal level. Instagram,
with its emphasis on visual content and high user engagement, has emerged as a
particularly powerful platform for marketers. This essay explores the effectiveness
of social media marketing with a special focus on Instagram, highlighting its
advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Instagram Marketing

1. Visual Appeal
o High-Quality Visual Content: Instagram's focus on images and
videos enables brands to create visually appealing content that
captures attention quickly. This is particularly beneficial for
businesses in industries like fashion, food, travel, and lifestyle, where
visual presentation is crucial.
o Brand Storytelling: Through posts, Stories, IGTV, and Reels, brands
can narrate their stories in a visually engaging way, making it easier to
connect with the audience emotionally.
2. High Engagement Rates
o User Interaction: Instagram users are highly active, often liking,
commenting, sharing, and saving posts. This high level of interaction
helps increase brand visibility and foster community engagement.
o Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers who have a
dedicated following can amplify a brand's reach and engagement
3. Targeted Advertising
o Precise Targeting: Instagram's parent company, Facebook, provides
sophisticated targeting options based on demographics, interests,
behavior, and more, allowing businesses to reach their ideal audience
o Ad Formats: Diverse ad formats, including photo ads, video ads,
carousel ads, and Stories ads, enable brands to create engaging and
varied advertising content.
4. E-commerce Integration
o Shoppable Posts: Instagram's shoppable posts and Shop tab allow
businesses to tag products directly in their posts, making it easier for
users to discover and purchase products without leaving the app.
o Instagram Checkout: This feature enables users to buy products
directly within Instagram, streamlining the shopping experience and
reducing friction in the purchase process.
5. Community Building
o Hashtags and Trends: Brands can leverage hashtags and participate
in trending topics to increase their visibility and connect with a
broader audience.
o User-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their own
content related to the brand can create a sense of community and
authenticity, enhancing brand loyalty.

Disadvantages of Instagram Marketing

1. Algorithm Changes
o Reduced Organic Reach: Instagram's algorithm prioritizes content
based on user interests and engagement history, which can result in
reduced visibility for brand posts. Businesses must continually adapt
their strategies to maintain reach and engagement.
o Pay-to-Play Environment: As organic reach diminishes, brands may
need to invest in paid advertising to achieve their desired level of
visibility and engagement.
2. Content Saturation
o High Competition: With millions of posts shared daily, standing out
in a crowded feed can be challenging. Brands need to invest in
creative and high-quality content to capture user attention.
o Short Lifespan of Posts: Due to the constant influx of new content,
the lifespan of a post is relatively short. Brands must post frequently
to stay relevant and maintain visibility.
3. Managing Negative Feedback
o Public Criticism: Negative comments and feedback are visible to all
users, which can impact a brand's reputation. Brands need to respond
to criticism professionally and swiftly to mitigate any potential
o Trolls and Spam: Dealing with trolls and spam comments can be
time-consuming and may require additional resources to manage
4. Privacy Concerns
o Data Privacy: Users are increasingly concerned about their privacy
and how their data is used. Brands must ensure they comply with data
privacy regulations and build trust with their audience by being
transparent about data usage.
o Platform Changes: Instagram's policies and features can change,
affecting how businesses can interact with their audience. Staying
updated with these changes is crucial for maintaining effective
marketing strategies.
5. Resource Intensive
o Content Creation: Producing high-quality, engaging content requires
significant time, effort, and sometimes financial investment. Smaller
businesses may find it challenging to keep up with the demand for
fresh content.
o Monitoring and Engagement: Actively engaging with followers,
responding to comments, and managing the community requires
dedicated resources, which may be a challenge for businesses with
limited staff.

Social media marketing has become an essential strategy for businesses looking to
connect with their audience on a more personal level. Instagram, known for its
visual content and high user engagement, is a powerful tool for marketers. This
essay explores the effectiveness of social media marketing with a special focus on
Instagram, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages, along with real-world

Advantages of Instagram Marketing

1. Visual Appeal
o High-Quality Visual Content: Instagram's emphasis on images and
videos allows brands to create visually appealing content that captures
attention quickly. This is especially beneficial for industries like
fashion, food, travel, and lifestyle, where visual presentation is
o Brand Storytelling: Through posts, Stories, IGTV, and Reels, brands
can narrate their stories in a visually engaging way, making it easier to
connect emotionally with the audience.

Example: National Geographic uses stunning visuals to share stories about

nature, wildlife, and cultures. Their high-quality content attracts millions of
followers and engages users with breathtaking images and compelling

2. High Engagement Rates

o User Interaction: Instagram users are highly active, often liking,
commenting, sharing, and saving posts. This high level of interaction
helps increase brand visibility and foster community engagement.
o Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers who have a
dedicated following can significantly amplify a brand's reach and

Example: Nike collaborates with athletes and influencers to promote their

products. These partnerships often result in high engagement and increased
visibility due to the influencers' loyal fanbase.

3. Targeted Advertising
o Precise Targeting: Instagram, through its parent company Facebook,
provides sophisticated targeting options based on demographics,
interests, behavior, and more, allowing businesses to reach their ideal
audience effectively.
o Ad Formats: Diverse ad formats, including photo ads, video ads,
carousel ads, and Stories ads, enable brands to create engaging and
varied advertising content.

Example: A local coffee shop can target ads to users within a specific
geographic area who have shown interest in coffee and related products,
ensuring their promotions reach potential customers nearby.

4. E-commerce Integration
o Shoppable Posts: Instagram's shoppable posts and Shop tab allow
businesses to tag products directly in their posts, making it easier for
users to discover and purchase products without leaving the app.
o Instagram Checkout: This feature enables users to buy products
directly within Instagram, streamlining the shopping experience and
reducing friction in the purchase process.

Example: Fashion brand Zara uses shoppable posts to tag items in their
images. Users can click on the tags to view product details and make
purchases directly from the app, enhancing the shopping experience.

5. Community Building
o Hashtags and Trends: Brands can leverage hashtags and participate
in trending topics to increase their visibility and connect with a
broader audience.
o User-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their own
content related to the brand can create a sense of community and
authenticity, enhancing brand loyalty.

Example: Glossier, a beauty brand, often features user-generated content on

their Instagram account. This approach not only builds a community of loyal
customers but also provides authentic testimonials that attract new users.

Disadvantages of Instagram Marketing

1. Algorithm Changes
o Reduced Organic Reach: Instagram's algorithm prioritizes content
based on user interests and engagement history, which can result in
reduced visibility for brand posts. Businesses must continually adapt
their strategies to maintain reach and engagement.
o Pay-to-Play Environment: As organic reach diminishes, brands may
need to invest in paid advertising to achieve their desired level of
visibility and engagement.

Example: Many small businesses have noticed a decline in their organic

reach due to algorithm changes, necessitating a greater reliance on paid
promotions to maintain visibility.

2. Content Saturation
o High Competition: With millions of posts shared daily, standing out
in a crowded feed can be challenging. Brands need to invest in
creative and high-quality content to capture user attention.
o Short Lifespan of Posts: Due to the constant influx of new content,
the lifespan of a post is relatively short. Brands must post frequently
to stay relevant and maintain visibility.

Example: A small bakery may struggle to compete with larger brands and
influencers who dominate the feed, requiring innovative and eye-catching
content to stand out.

3. Managing Negative Feedback

o Public Criticism: Negative comments and feedback are visible to all
users, which can impact a brand's reputation. Brands need to respond
to criticism professionally and swiftly to mitigate any potential
o Trolls and Spam: Dealing with trolls and spam comments can be
time-consuming and may require additional resources to manage

Example: A fashion retailer receiving negative feedback about product

quality must address the concerns publicly and offer solutions to maintain
customer trust.

4. Privacy Concerns
o Data Privacy: Users are increasingly concerned about their privacy
and how their data is used. Brands must ensure they comply with data
privacy regulations and build trust with their audience by being
transparent about data usage.
o Platform Changes: Instagram's policies and features can change,
affecting how businesses can interact with their audience. Staying
updated with these changes is crucial for maintaining effective
marketing strategies.

Example: Changes to Instagram's API affecting third-party tools can disrupt

a brand's social media management workflow, requiring quick adaptation.

5. Resource Intensive
o Content Creation: Producing high-quality, engaging content requires
significant time, effort, and sometimes financial investment. Smaller
businesses may find it challenging to keep up with the demand for
fresh content.
o Monitoring and Engagement: Actively engaging with followers,
responding to comments, and managing the community requires
dedicated resources, which may be a challenge for businesses with
limited staff.

Example: A startup may struggle to maintain a consistent posting schedule

and engage with followers due to limited resources, impacting their ability to
build and sustain an active online presence.

Over the past few years, Instagram has evolved from being a place for flexing
wealth or achievements to a helpful platform for business purposes. There are four
ways Instagram can affect your business positively.
Brand strengthening
Instagram marketing works wonders for brand awareness. 83% of users confess
that this social network helps them discover new products or services. Better yet,
people show more trust in the brands presented on Instagram.

74% of users consider brands with Instagram accounts relevant and 78% perceive
them as popular. In contrast, brands that do not have an Instagram account are
likely to be avoided by potential customers.

Improved engagement
Social networks are one of the best channels to maintain relationships with
customers. They allow you to get feedback from your audience through likes or
comments, engage them with captivating content, notify them about special offers,
and more.

In turn, Instagram works for customer engagement even better than other social
platforms. Usually, a photo on Instagram gets 23% more engagement than a post
on Facebook, though the latter platform has twofold more active users.

Enlarged sales
We already know that the Instagram audience makes purchases willingly. This
buying audience is gigantic – 11% of social media users in the US shop on

Knowing this peculiarity, Instagram lets businesses make the most of their
platform. Instagram offers a robust set of tools that allow users to shop right from
Instagram. Among them are links in Instagram Stories, shopping tags, ads, and
more. Consider reading the full list on the Instagram website.

Audience growth opportunities

Instagram boosts your business’s reach by letting you define your target
audience precisely. This opportunity is available on Instagram ads manager thanks
to its targeting options. With them, you can pinpoint the most suitable audience
according to demographic data, interests, behavior, and more.

Better yet, Instagram ads manager provides you with

robust retargeting options. Targeting and retargeting coupled allows you to not
only drive more qualified Instagram leads but also nudge leads from other channels
down the sales funnel effectively.
The Instagram analytics tool allows you to measure your ad performance. You can
track outreach, total campaign spending, the number of purchases, cost per
purchase, conversions, and more.

To sum it up, Instagram marketing strengthens your brand, brings you a willing-to-
buy audience, and keeps them engaged with your business. Read on if you want to
get maximum value from this channel.



Instagram Marketing Strategy

1. Set your goals

2. Define your target audience
3. Analyze your competitors
4. Get a business account
5. Design your content
6. Build a consistent aesthetic
7. Configure an editorial calendar
8. Grow your follower base
9. Turn followers into customers
Every marketing channel needs a well-designed strategy to drive amazing results
for your business. To build a strategy for Instagram marketing, follow our step-by-
step instructions.

1. Set your goals

Start crafting your Instagram marketing strategy by setting goals. Goals will
underlie everything you do on Instagram, from defining your content formats to
using advertisement mechanics. Popular objectives brands try to leverage through
Instagram are increasing brand awareness, reputation management, building a
community, sales acceleration, getting customer and market insights, and more.

Your goals should correlate with your business needs. If your financial results are
more or less good there is probably no need to boost sales through Instagram. Try
focusing on getting customers or market insight instead.

For higher efficiency, make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and timely. They may sound like “We need to yield a 20% increase in
sales through Instagram in 5 years.”

2. Define your target audience

Determining your audience is an essential step; miss it, and all your efforts to
achieve business goals will fall flat. A pro tip here is to craft a buyer persona.
Learn who your typical customer is, their age, gender, occupation, location,
income level, and so on. The better you know your customers, the better results
you will get.

A major mistake to avoid here is crafting a make-believe persona. Use a data-

driven approach instead of guesswork. To get information about your potential
customers, you can explore Instagram hashtags related to your business. For
instance, if you are marketing an event agency, you can examine #eventplanner,
#events, or #eventstyling.

Take a closer look at profiles that use these hashtags. Then try to learn more about
the people who interact with these accounts – what reactions they share, what
comments they write, what they love and loathe about the profiles. To learn more
about creating customer profiles and other techniques, follow our comprehensive
3. Analyze your competitors
To get your head around Instagram marketing, research your competitors’ profiles.
Find out who they are, what kind of content they post, how they interact with their
audience and other brands or influencers. You can also research your rivals’
branded hashtags to get a hint of how popular they are.

Try to focus not only on successful tactics but also spot the things your competitors
might be missing. This will help you come up with effective and unusual tactics for
your brand promotion. Imagine that you are marketing a psychologist’s practice
through Instagram. Typical doctors on Instagram publish static images with
instructions on diagnosing psychological conditions. Thus, to stand out, you can
entertain your audience and post videos with interesting psychological

Researching competitors through Instagram is painstaking work. Luckily, you can

alleviate some of it with social listening services or CRM systems. For instance,
Sprout Social can compose competitor research automatically. Follow
our compilation of great CRM systems for more information.

4. Get a business account

Instagram offers its users two types of accounts: personal and business. The latter
gives you a lot more benefits and opportunities. For instance, you can track your
performance in real time, learn more about your followers' behavior, add
information about your company, and more.

Follow our precise step-by-step guide to switch to a business account, and then
return here for some non-technical marketing tips on setting up your profile. Here
they are:

 Create a perfect bio. Make a 150-character description of your business,

focusing on why it stands out.
 Optimize your profile photo. It should be recognizable and reflect your
business. You may opt for a logo, but remember that Instagram shows it as a
110 x 110 pixel photo.
 Link to your website. This is crucial for lead generation – your profile
description is the only place, apart from Stories, where you can add a link.
 Use business options. You can add a category, contact information, and
CTAs in business mode. Do not neglect this opportunity to get in touch with
Here is an excellent example of an Instagram bio from Beautyblender. The brand
squeezes every bit of value out of this account section.

Beautyblender bio

5. Design your content

Content is king anywhere on social media, and especially on Instagram – users are
finicky both for visual and text parts of it. So, the platform provides a wide variety
of content formats and opportunities to win the audience.
Start by thinking up the main theme and the message you want to deliver. You may
opt for showcasing your products, focusing on your company’s culture, or
entertaining your customers.

The next step is to decide which content formats to use to leverage your goals. You
can make use of static pictures, galleries, short videos, or longer video
formats with IGTV. Bear in mind that images receive 27.55% more likes than
videos, but both of them gain almost the same amounts of comments. However, it
might not work for you the same way, so play around different formats and
monitor engagement statistics.

6. Build a consistent aesthetic

No matter what type of content you choose, keep it beautiful, eye-catching, and
high-quality. To get your head around the best visual style, we’ve picked some
statistics on popular Instagram images:

 Light tones generate 24% more likes than dark ones;

 Blueish images get 29% more likes than the red ones;
 Users like pictures with a high level of texture 79% more.
Avoid using this data thoughtlessly; remember your visuals should correlate with
your brand personality. You can stick to your brand colors and guidelines – it will
make you recognizable from platform to platform.

Another point to consider is your visual consistency. The pictures on your

Instagram profile should make an impression of unity. You can achieve this by
using certain Instagram filters or presets. Look how Hootsuite uses its branded
style for Instagram and creates consistency with visuals.

Hootsuite Instagram profiles

7. Configure an editorial calendar
An essential condition of your Instagram success is delivering content consistently.
Your audience expects you to post updates regularly. To keep the pace without
going insane, create an editorial calendar.

For higher efficiency, keep your calendar in special post scheduling services. They
allow you to not only be aware of what and when to post but also keep the visuals,
posts, and hashtags on hand. Better yet, these tools automate your posting, provide
useful insights on the posting time, help obtain in-depth analytics, and more. Read
our list of scheduling and other tools for social media to get more information.

8. Grow your follower base

Make time to grow your audience and keep them engaged. One organic way to do
so is by following relevant influencers. For instance, if you market kitchen
supplies, it’s a good idea to follow food bloggers, kitchen interior designers, and so
on. Remember to engage with their content – like their posts, leave meaningful
comments, share their stories.

Another option is to use hashtags, which help you reach your target audience,
attract followers, and boost your engagement rate. Be careful here – not all
hashtags are useful for your business. The most popular ones are used in millions
of posts. So, you’d better go for niche hashtags. You can find them on your
followers’, competitors’, and market leaders’ accounts.
Apart from that, you can make use of paid promotion options, such as influencer
marketing or Instagram advertising campaigns. Here is a guide to promotional
formats and mechanics Instagram offers to businesses.

9. Turn followers into customers

An increase in vanity metrics, such as likes and comments, is good, but it doesn't
affect your sales directly. So, take care of converting your followers into
customers. Publish promotional posts, showcase your new products, run teasers,
offer deals and discounts. Remember to include calls to action in your promotional
posts. Although you can’t add a link to your CTA in the publication, you can
always encourage subscribers to tap the link in your bio.

You can create a link page for your Instagram bio with the help of SendPulse drag
and drop landing page builder. It provides the options to create your page from
scratch or use a pre-designed template and design it to your liking. You don't need
any technical skills and much time — it will take your 15 minutes to create a
responsive page. Add buttons, links, useful resources, subscription widgets, and
integrate with a payment system to convert leads into customers. The service is
completely free. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started.

Use the different formats of shopping posts Instagram has created for you. They
allow a user to start a sales funnel right from a specific post and move the journey
towards a purchase, which leads to an increase in conversion rates. Check out
Instagram’s guide on shopping formats and opportunities.

Once your Instagram marketing strategy is ready, start applying it and monitor its
effectiveness day by day. Keeping an eye on your performance will help you make
timely changes and adopt new techniques to boost your KPIs. Let’s discuss some
tricks in the next section.

5 Instagram Marketing Tips

1. Embrace user-generated content

2. Share your Instagram posts on Facebook
3. Use stories and highlights
4. Collaborate with influencers
5. Launch an Instagram shop
Applying ready-made tactics is better than reinventing the wheel; it saves you and
your marketing team precious time and effort. Master the following techniques to
take your Instagram marketing to the next level.

Embrace user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is a magic wand for Instagram marketing. It helps
you get images and videos to post without lifting a finger. Better yet, UGC has a
positive effect on Instagram promotion. It drives a 4.5% higher conversion rate,
boosts engagement, improves cost-per-click metrics and click-through rates for
paid advertisements.

The reason is that UGC works similarly to word-of-mouth and social proof. People
believe recommendations from other customers way more than paid advertising.
To get UGC for your account, encourage your audience to share their photos and
videos with your branded hashtag. Repost the best pieces, but avoid overusing
UGC – it works better in combination with original branded content.
Learn to work with user-generated content from Benefit Cosmetics. The brand
encourages people to use their hashtag, #benefit, to be highlighted on the brand’s
account. For better results, the company not only shares its users’ content but also
adds shopping tags to the products used for creating makeup looks.

User-generated content on the Benefit Cosmetics account

Share your Instagram posts on Facebook

Well, it’s not exactly Instagram marketing, but this tip will help you boost your
overall social media performance. Instagram allows you to share photos and videos
on your Facebook instantly. All you need is to switch on the Facebook slider in the
“Also post to” section while you’re publishing your content.

This feature is not only convenient and time-saving but also great for your
performance. According to Buzzsumo, images posted on Facebook via Instagram
get 23% more engagement.

GoPro uses this trick to achieve amazing results. In the example below, the brand
posted a new product teaser on Instagram and Facebook simultaneously. Thus, the

A GoPro post shared on Instagram and Facebook

Use stories and highlights

It’s easy to downplay the importance of Instagram Stories as they vanish 24 hours
after publication. However, this format is too good for your marketing to leave it
on the table. According to Instagram data, 62% of people said they have become
more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories.

Stories are a perfect way to create emotional proximity with your customers. While
your feed should be flawless, Stories are best for unpolished lifelike content, such
as backstage views and behind-the-scenes content. They are also a format for
posting detailed product reviews with shopping links. The cherry on top is you can
keep your stories forever. All you have to do is to add them to a special section on
your page, which is called Highlights.

Topshop provides an excellent example of making the most of Stories and

Highlights. The company uses Stories to garner interest in new items on their
website. At first, the brand announces a discount on their new garments and then
shows some of them. Each story contains a link to the website section with new

Topshop Story with a link

Highlights keep a bundle of Stories divided into several categories. In Topshop’s
“New in” highlight, visitors can see new items with a link to the specific website
section. The “On the blog” highlight features the best publications on the
company’s blog and leads viewers there.

Topshop Highlights

Collaborate with influencers

79% of marketers consider Instagram the most important channel for their
influencer marketing campaigns. The point in it is that businesses are making
$5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. To create an effective influencer
marketing campaign, stick to several rules:

 Choose the influencer whose audience resembles yours. Otherwise, your

marketing efforts will fall flat – people won’t have an interest in your offer.
 Check the audience – there should be no bots or fake subscribers. Make sure
followers are engaged with the influencers you work with. To check this, use
special tools, such as trendHERO.
 Determine the audience’s feelings about an influencer. Some bloggers with a
huge follower base provoke more hate than love. Promoting through them
won’t get you new subscribers or sales, so check the comment section
Dior used influencer marketing to promote their Spring/Summer 21 fashion show.
The brand's choice fell on Jisoo – a Dior ambassador and blogger with over 20
million followers. Jisoo announced the show in her Stories and went live several
times during the event to share her opinion on it. This tactic not only attracts an
audience but also keeps them engaged with the show.

Screenshots from Jisoo’s Stories before and during the Dior fashion show

Launch an Instagram shop

In 2020, Instagram increased selling opportunities and launched a new format. The
Instagram shop is a separate account section, which resembles a website storefront.
People can get there through their feed or Stories, explore products, and make
purchases without leaving Instagram.

With this tool, businesses can create product catalogs, craft collections, and curate
products into themes that tell their brand story. To set up your shop,
follow instructions on the Instagram website. If you need a dose of inspiration for
arranging your products, look at Etsy's profile. The company not only showcases
some of its best products but also gathers the recently viewed items into a separate
category. This move provides users with easy access to the products they liked.

Etsy Instagram shop

The tactics listed above have proven their efficiency for improving a brand’s
presence on Instagram, growing a follower base, engaging audiences, and driving
sales. If you're looking for more inspiration, check out this guide to Instagram
marketing for eCommerce brands on Insense blog.

Read on to see some interesting examples of Instagram marketing.

3 Instagram Marketing Ideas and Examples

Instagram marketing is a long journey with a lot of pitfalls and rapidly changing
conditions. Thus, promoting your brand through this platform requires all of your
creativity. To encourage your imagination, take a sneak peek at some techniques
brands successfully use on Instagram.

Starbucks – promotional hashtags

The coffeehouse chain Starbucks knows a little something about promotion
through Instagram hashtags. The company employs user-generated content for half
of its posts, and it brings amazing results. On average, such publications
get 28% higher engagement compared to the company’s standard posts.

To encourage UGC, Starbucks is constantly launching campaigns using a handful

of branded hashtags. The latter helps the company inspire followers and promote
new products. For instance, Starbucks used #icedcaramelmacchiato,
#IcedCoconutMilkMochaMacchiato, and #pinkdrink to market new drinks. People
added these hashtags to almost 500 thousand publications in total.

Posts with the #pinkdrink hashtag on Instagram

IMAX – Instagram ads

The entertainment company, IMAX, used a creative approach to market the The
Rise of Skywalker with Instagram ads. The brand turned regular passively viewed
sponsored Stories into an interactive space. For this purpose, IMAX added polling
stickers to its ads; they allowed viewers to choose one of two answers.

The company created three different versions of similar posts, two of which
contain a poll. The polled versions asked viewers whether they would join the dark
side or use the Force for an IMAX ticket. At the end of the ad, people could tap on
the Book Now CTA and buy tickets to the cinema. It turned out that this version
saw a 12-point higher ad recall than their stories without a polling sticker.

IMAX Stories ad. Source: Instagram

nsight on the more effective elements of brand equity concept. BRAND
ASSOCIATION/AWARENESS Brand awareness is defined as the “strength of
brand‟s presence in the minds of the consumer” (Aaker, 1996). Brand awareness is
the signal of substance, familiarity, visibility and enables recall or recognises the
brand in its category of competing products (Aaker, 1991; Pappu et al.,2005).
Brand awareness is the components of brand recall and brand recognition (Keller,
1993).Social media is used by millions of people so that it can be leveraged for
creating brand awareness with the ability to reach the right audience (Fanion,
2011). The brand association is whatever the consumer cognises with that brand
such as certain image, character; signs and symbols can be attached to it (Aaker
and Joachimsthaler, 2000). The brand association differentiates and communicates
information to the buyers as long as it is positive in nature in relation to competing
products. Creating awareness and brand communication improves brand equity
(Yoo et al., 2000). Low and Lamb (2000) demonstrate that a familiar brand has
more brand association than non-familiar brands and hence proposed a
multidimensional brand association for familiar brands. Langaro et al. (2018)
studied the role of social networks in brand building, the study asserts the positive
role of social network on creating brand awareness. In a survey of private label
brand, brand awareness and perceived quality are key risk relievers and improving
the perceived value of the private label, while building brand equity (Girard et al.,
2017). Cheung et al. (2019) has developed a conceptual model on the impact of
social media on brand awareness and association. Pina et al. (2019) investigated
the effect of appreciative learning on social media found to be engaging brands.
Soler and Gémar (2017) studied the impact of brand awareness on brand value
employing online customer rating data. The interaction of social media The
interaction of social media networks found to have spillover effect of leveraging
luxury fashion brands on Instagram (Romão et al., 2019). BRAND LOYALTY
Brand loyalty is defined is the consumer attachment towards the particular brand,
where they would prefer over the other competing brands [Aaker, (1991), p.39].
Brand loyalty defined as “a deeply held commitment to rebuy or re-patronise a
preferred product or service consistently in the future, despite situational influences
and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviour” [Oliver,
(1997), p.392]. In the context of social media, Facebook, Bruhn, further they found
that Instagram users have high influence on brand community engagement and
identification than other social networks sites, understanding consumer interaction.
BRAND EQUITY Brand equity is defined as “set of brand assets and liabilities
linked to a brand name and symbol,which add to or subtract from the value
provided by a product or service” (Aaker, 1991). Branding is an integral part of the
marketing activities in an organisation and unquestionably endows value to the
product (Farquhar, 1989). The study on the need and benefit for branding is the
main subject of research in marketing discipline in the academic arena. Brand
equity is measured upon in the lenses on the firm-based valuation of the brand
(Simon and Sullivan, 1993) and consumer perspective (Christodoulides and De
Chernatony, 2010). In this research, we adapt Aaker‟s framework of brand equity
which is later empirically validated by Schivinski and Dabrowski (2015) consists
of brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty and perceived quality were
four metrics measuring brand equity as a multifaceted latent construct (Baldauf et
al., 2009; Gil et al., 2007; Pappu et al., 2006; Yasin et al., 2007; Yoo and
Donthu,2001; Zeugner-Roth et al., 2008; Schivinski and Dabrowski, 2015). In the
context of associating brand equity with social media has gained attention recently.
Brand equity was linked with Facebook (Schivinski and Dabrowski, 2015; Bruhn
et al., 2013; Kabadayi and Price, 2014; Ellison et al., 2007; Pempek et al., 2009;
Ross et al., 2009; Gummerus et al., 2012;Shao and Ross, 2015; Kim and Ko, 2012;
Wallace et al., 2012; Stokburger-Sauer, 2010; Phua and Ahn, 2016). Impact of
gratification onbrand content strategies (Gao and Feng, 2016; Phua and Ahn,
2016), positive impact of social media marketing on cognitive, affective and
behavioural attitude (Duffett and Duffett, 2017), consumer engagement and brand
(Colliander and Dahlén, 2011; Phua and Ahn, 2014; Tsai and Men, 2013). Brand
equity also studied by linking with Twitter (Watkins and Lee, 2016; Phua and Ahn,
2016). From the literature on brand equity on the social media content and
Instagram in specific, there is a dearth of study which aims at gaining the insight
on the more effective elements of brand equity concept. BRAND
ASSOCIATION/AWARENESS Brand awareness is defined as the “strength of
brand‟s presence in the minds of the consumer” (Aaker, 1996). Brand awareness is
the signal of substance, familiarity, visibility and enables recall or recognises the
brand in its category of competing products (Aaker, 1991; Pappu et al.,2005).
Brand awareness is the components of brand recall and brand recognition (Keller,
1993).Social media is used by millions of people so that it can be leveraged for
creating brand awareness with the ability to reach the right audience (Fanion,
2011). The brand association is whatever the consumer cognises with that brand
such as certain image, character; signs and symbols can be attached to it (Aaker
and Joachimsthaler, 2000). The brand association differentiates and communicates
information to the buyers as long as it is positive in nature in relation to competing
products. Creating awareness and brand communication improves brand equity
(Yoo et al., 2000). Low and Lamb (2000) demonstrate that a familiar brand has
more brand association than non-familiar brands and hence proposed a
multidimensional brand association for familiar brands. Langaro et al. (2018)
studied the role of social networks in brand building, the study asserts the positive
role of social network on creating brand awareness. In a survey of private label
brand, brand awareness and perceived quality are key risk relievers and improving
the perceived value of the private label, while building brand equity (Girard et al.,
2017). Cheung et al. (2019) has developed a conceptual model on the impact of
social media on brand awareness and association. Pina et al. (2019) investigated
the effect of appreciative learning on social media found to be engaging brands.
Soler and Gémar (2017) studied the impact of brand awareness on brand value
employing online customer rating data. The interaction of social media networks
found to have spillover effect of leveraging luxury fashion brands on Instagram
(Romão et al., 2019). BRAND LOYALTY Brand loyalty is defined is the
consumer attachment towards the particular brand, where they would prefer over
the other competing brands [Aaker, (1991), p.39]. Brand loyalty defined as “a
deeply held commitment to rebuy or re-patronise a preferred product or service
consistently in the future, despite situational influences and marketing efforts
having the potential to cause switching behaviour” [Oliver, (1997), p.392]. In the
context of social media, Facebook, Bruhn et al. (2013) and Schivinski and
Dabrowski (2015) have studied the positive impact of brand communication on
brand loyalty among peers in the brand community. Similarly, also found evidence
of the positive impact of brand communication on brand loyalty.


According to Aaker (1991, p.85), perceived quality also one of the critical
dimensions of the brand equity and defined as “the consumer‟s perception of the
overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to its intended
purpose, relative to alternatives.” Perceived quality is consumer‟s subjective
evaluation which, endows value to the product. There is a positive association of
perceived quality with advertisement spend and higher the advertisement means
better the quality (Kirmani and Wright, 1989;Villarejo-Ramos and Sanchez-
Franco, 2005; Yoo et al., 2000). In the social media context, there is a dearth of
studies on perceived quality; however, there are few studies linked with user-
generated content. The peer to peer and users to company interaction also
communicates about the product quality and customer service (Li and Bernoff,
2011; Riegner. 2007). Product reviews affect consumer perception of product
quality and subsequently affects products sales (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006) .


1) The more the users trust a brand on Instagram the more likely
they are to purchase theproducts/services of that brand. 2)
The higher the engagement of a brand on Instagram the higher
is the Purchase Intentionof users for that particular brand. 3)
The brands putting up quality content on Instagram about
their products and servicessee a higher Purchase Intention
from its users.


Social media is being more and more used as a platform to perform promoting
and advertisingtasks. corporations have disbursed plenty of resources, monetary
and physical on social media advertisements. though they perpetually face a
challenge of designing social media advertising to effectively charm customers
and stimulate their intentions to get. This makes the current study additional vital
and acceptable for marketers to urge an insight on impact of social media
promoting methods in consumer purchase intention. Thus, the current study
titled “Effectiveness of social media marketing: a comparative study of Instagram
and Facebook”, is conducted with an aim to identify the most factors of social
media advertising that would facilitate in predicting the consumer purchase
intention. The paper builds on data gathered through a questionnaire survey. The
survey questionnaire was e-mailed to the randomly selected members. A total of
160 useable answers were received. SPSS 22.0 software is used in this paper to
evaluate the correlation and linear regression among the questions of interest.
This analysis specifically identifies the relationship among the various aspects of
Instagram and Facebook.

Survey Analysis: People find Facebook marketing to be an unreliable source of

information. “Having the experience of running ads on Facebook I can tell
Facebook is the most powerful tool to micro-target the exact audience.”
Facebook helps in educating the users regarding the product. Facebook marketing
is aggressive and doesn‟t work all the time. It attracts a lot of fake ads. Instagram
has good ideas for marketing. The AI algorithm is to the point in targeting people.
Instagram offers a variety of products in ads. A good platform for engaging with
customers. The large customer base on Instagram serves useful for marketers.
Limitations: This paper only focused on the effectiveness between Instagram and
Facebook,a comparative study with other social media platforms such as
Snapchat, Twitter, Reddit is yet to be done. The research can be focused in terms
of conversion rate, socio geographical factorssince the present paper is limited to
only Bangalore, India. RESULT ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS The research includes
questions related to four variables; Trust, engagement, Performance Expectancy
and Purchase Intention the former three are independent variables and the latter
one is a dependent variable. With this research study the authors conclude that:
1) Instagram is a better social media platform for marketing used by small
businesses. 2) Instagram helps users in deciding which product to buy. 3) People
use Instagram to check the trustworthiness of a new business/brand. 4) Users on
Instagram connect with each other to talk about a brand they like. Instagram is no
longer just a social media platform to connect with each other for
socialinteractions rather it has emerged as a great marketing platform for new


Instagram offers a robust platform for social media marketing, with

numerous advantages that can significantly enhance a brand's visibility,
engagement, and sales. Its visual nature, high engagement rates, and
advanced targeting options make it a powerful tool for marketers.
However, challenges such as algorithm changes, content saturation, and
privacy concerns must be navigated carefully.

By leveraging Instagram's strengths and addressing its challenges,

brands can effectively use the platform to connect with their audience,
build brand loyalty, and drive business growth. The examples provided
demonstrate how different brands successfully use Instagram to achieve
their marketing goals, showcasing the platform's potential when used
strategically.Instagram has proven to be a highly effective platform for
social media marketing. Its visual nature, high engagement rates, and
diverse features provide businesses with ample opportunities to connect
with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. By
implementing well-planned strategies and continuously analyzing
performance, brands can harness the full potential of Instagram to
achieve their marketing goals. As the platform continues to evolve,
staying adaptable and creative will be key to maintaining success in
Instagram marketing.

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