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Journal of the Operational Research Society (2001) 52, 401±408 #2001 Operational Research Society Ltd.

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Assessing systems for offshore emergency evacuation

GI Mould*
University of Stirling, UK

Emergency evacuation is a rare event in the offshore oil industry. Nonetheless, emergency procedures must be practiced
routinely for the bene®t of the work force and the emergency services. These practices typically take place in good
weather conditions where there is little threat to those involved. However, in reality an emergency could occur in adverse
weather conditions which can affect the capabilities of vessels and helicopters. This paper describes a study in which the
data from various sources are synthesised in order to estimate the effectiveness of emergency evacuation and rescue
systems in a stochastic environment. The study employed a discrete event simulation incorporating a model of the
evacuation and rescue operations interfaced with a ®le of weather data. This approach provided a measure, the probability
of completing the evacuation within N hours, for the comparison of alternative systems.

Keywords: simulation; oil; emergency; offshore

Introduction time span, usually a few minutes. The signi®cant wave

height re¯ects the general state of the sea; high values
The emergency evacuation of an offshore oil installation is
indicate a large relative motion between ¯oating objects,
fortunately a rare event. There have been two major
preventing any lifting, or coupling operations. The safe
incidents,1,2 and a number of minor events, in the offshore
working conditions for many weather-sensitive rescue
oil industry. Data are available from these incidents but
activities may be approximately speci®ed by critical
they inevitably describe a very speci®c set of conditions.
values of signi®cant wave height. The limiting conditions
When assessing the suitability of a proposed emergency
for the operation of helicopters and rescue craft are de®ned
evacuation and rescue (EER) system a range of possible
in terms of signi®cant wave height and wind speed. Data
conditions need to be considered. The effectiveness of
describing the weather and sea state at 1 h intervals for a 212
various procedures is tested in emergency drills which are
year period were employed as a basis for comparing the
routinely practiced by the rescue services. These drills
effectiveness of different evacuation systems. The key
provide useful experience for the personnel and also data
requirement is for the evacuation to be completed within
on aspects such as the time to search for, and rescue, people
the anticipated survival time for a person in the water
from the sea. Considerable data are available from such
equipped with a survival suit.
practices on the response and rescue times in good condi-
tions and computer simulations have been developed using
this data,3,4 but less is known about the effects of adverse Emergency procedures offshore
weather. However data are available from other sources:
the search and rescue services and the Royal National The procedures that must be followed in an offshore
Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) have records which constitute a emergency are well documented.5 A number of events
vast data set covering a wide range of locations and could give rise to an emergency evacuation of an offshore
weather conditions. Using these various sources it is structure, for example: ®re; explosion; structural damage
possible to extrapolate the experience of the offshore caused by collision with another vessel. In the event of an
industry's trials in good conditions to provide estimates emergency the crew make their way to the safe haven: this
of the likely response times in poor weather. is a specially constructed area of the rig which is blast proof
The major environment parameters considered were the and designed to withstand several hours of ®re. Here the
wind speed and the wave height, as measured by the workforce can survive for some time whilst awaiting
signi®cant wave height, which is de®ned as the average rescue; they will have time to put on survival suits and
height of the one-third highest waves observed in a short life jackets. The preferred method of escape from the safe
haven is by helicopter. However, some structures may
exhibit an excessive motion in adverse weather conditions
*Correspondence: GI Mould, Department of Management and Organiza- preventing helicopter landing or winch operations. If the
tion, The Faculty of Management, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA,
Scotland, UK. incident develops such that the safe haven is no longer safe,
E-mail: manorg@stir.ac.uk then the work force must escape to the sea. This will be by
402 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 52, No. 4

lifeboat or directly into the sea. Conventional lifeboats are required. If escape is necessary then the location of the
lowered into the water but others are designed to free incident will dictate whether lifeboats can be used or
fall.6,7 However, the emergency may be such that the escape is to be made directly to the sea. The number or
lifeboats have become damaged, inaccessible or there is personnel involved will re¯ect the type of structure: a small
insuf®cient time to make them operational. Environmental drilling rig may have a crew of less than 10 while a large
conditions may be too bad for launch, with a high risk of production platform could have over 200 personnel. The
the lifeboat smashing into the structure. In these circum- structure itself may also respond to the weather. For
stances the work force must escape directly into the sea, example, the motion of ¯oating structures in adverse
preferably with the aid of chutes or ladders. Wearing weather may well be suf®cient to prevent a helicopter
survival suits, people can be expected to survive in the landing. Lastly, the geographical location of the structure
cold waters of the North Sea for some hours whilst awaiting will lead to differences in the prevailing environmental
the response of the rescue services. Without such aids, it is conditions: sea areas to the west of Shetland are charac-
unusual to survive for more than a few hours in summer terised by big waves from the Atlantic whereas the northern
and only a matter of minutes in winter. North Sea has a tendency for strong winds. The geogra-
Rescue form the sea is either by helicopter or fast rescue phical location will also affect the availability of rescue
craft (FRC). Helicopters are part of the search and rescue services: structures sited just 50 miles offshore may be
service, while FRCs are launched from the standby support close to an onshore base of helicopters while others may
vessels. FRCs can be on the scene quickly in good condi- be relatively isolated, distant from the shore-based facilities
tions since standby ships are usually located within a 5 mile and also with limited standby vessel facilities.
radius of the structure.
Data availability
The effects of adverse weather
One problem encountered in modelling disaster situations
Rescue by helicopter is relatively weather insensitive. is, fortunately, the lack of real data from actual events.
Helicopter ¯ying can take place in all but the most extreme There have been 2 major offshore rescues: Ocean Ranger in
winds with the ability to ¯y being little affected by wind 1982 and Piper Alpha in 1987, plus a number of minor
strength, although the speed is reduced when ¯ying into a incidents. These are well documented and provide useful
head wind. Sophisticated station keeping technology means information for improving the reliability of safety proce-
that a helicopter can hover in a static location despite high dures.1,2 However, this information is for the speci®c
winds. However, when rescuing from the sea, winching operational, geographical and environmental conditions of
operations are affected by the size of waves. High waves the particular incidents. As indicated above, there is a large
make the location of personnel in the sea more dif®cult and number of variables to consider in any rescue situation and
winching times increase sharphy as a wave heights hence a sizeable database of experience is required.
increase. Winching operations are only halted when there In addition to the data from offshore EER incidents,
is a threat to the safety of the winch man, such as danger information is available for most installations based on the
of drowning in high waves or being blown against the emergency drills which are routinely undertaken. These
structure. drills cover escape to the safe haven in a variety of
Rescue by FRC is more weather-sensitive. The limiting conditions, for example in smoke. Escape to lifeboats and
factors are the launch and recovery of the craft from the the unmanned lowering of lifeboats is practised in emer-
standby vessel. The nominal limit for this is a signi®cant gency drills. Although escape to the sea is not practised on
wave height of 5.5 m, though these operations have been location, it is an integral part of the safety training course
performed in wave heights of up to 7 m.8 FRCs can operate taken by all offshore personnel. Rescue from the sea is
in quite adverse conditions, though the main problem is practised with the aid of life-sized dummies but such drills
visibility when trying to locate survivors in high seas. are only undertaken in good weather conditions as there is
no wish to put personnel at risk. Consequently, data for this
exercise is only available for response and rescue times
Variability in emergency evacuation and rescue
undertaken in good conditions and little is known about the
effects of adverse weather conditions. Once an EER opera-
When modelling EER situations there is the potential for a tion moves into the escape phase, the operation has simila-
large number of variables to be taken into account. Firstly rities to other offshore rescues. Substantial databases of
there is the incident itself, which could be due to collision, rescue incidents exist, maintained by the RNLI, the air ± sea
®re or blast. The nature of the incident will contribute to its rescue services and the Standby Ships Operators Associa-
speed of development as will the established emergency tion. These sources provide a means of determining the
procedures and the actions of the crew. The nature of the feasibility and response times for various procedures in a
incident will determine whether evacuation or escape is large range of environmental conditions.
GI MouldÐAssessing systems for offshore emergency evacuation 403

Further experience relevant to EER can be obtained from system was recorded in terms of the time to complete the
a considerable body of knowledge on the effects of lethargy rescue, and hence distributions of completed rescue times
and panic in emergency situations compiled from a range of were compiled.
incidents, not only offshore oil.8,9 This is useful in model-
ling the human response in the initial phases of the
The model
The structure of the model is shown in Figure 1. The main
part of the ®gure, the EER model, shows the sequence of
the major events in an emergency situation where evacua-
In an emergency there is a pre-speci®ed routine for the crew tion is by helicopter; these are denoted in capitals with a
to follow which re¯ects the nature and location of the suitable icon attached. The diagram in the bottom left-hand
emergency situation. Once the alarm has been raised, the corner depicts the weather model. This illustrative incident
rescue services will also follow their appropriate set proce- model involves 30 men working on the offshore structure.
dures. There are uncertainties about the duration of speci®c The EER model shows the paths of the two main elements
activities and the possibility of alternative courses of in the rescue, the workforce and helicopters. The ®rst
action. However, the situation to be modelled is essentially activity is the emergency event itself, the alarm is then
a sequence of events and could thus be modelled as a form sounded and the work force evacuate the structure and
of stochastic project network. The uncertainty surrounding make their way to the safe haven. At the same time a call is
the duration of events, the weather-sensitive nature of made for help to the rescue services. The evacuation takes
certain activities and the inherent uncertainty of the differing times according to the original location of the
weather can all be incorporated into the model by using workers and the route taken to the safe haven. Here they
the technique of project risk analysis. Discrete event wait until the situation deteriorates and they must escape to
simulation was adopted as this provided a more ¯exible the sea.
modelling medium which allows the addition of a rule base. When the call is received by the rescue services; there
For example, rules are required to modify the ¯ying speed will be a short delay before a response is mounted when
of helicopters as the wind speed increases. Similarly the helicopters take off to ¯y to the scene of the emergency.
operation of FRCs is heavily weather dependent and rules The helicopters travel at speeds between 100 and 120 knots
are required to determine whether conditions are suitable depending on the weight of the craft. In strong headwinds
for their use. This approach has previously been found there will be a signi®cant reduction in speed. An alternative
useful for evacuation modelling.10,11 Witness12 simulation EER system is also assessed in which FRCs are also
software was used since it provides a robust and rapid launched from nearby standby vessels. The FRCs make
development environment. The package offers valuable their way to the scene; typically these will be travelling
features such as a graphical display and user interface, an relatively short distances since standby vessels are usually
easy interaction with ®les of weather data and an experi- located within a 5 mile radius of an offshore installation.
mentation facility. Other simulation packages offer similar In the illustrative incident, the situation develops quickly
capabilities, but Witness was readily available and also and the order is given for the crew to abandon the safe
familiar to the author. haven and to escape directly into the sea (no lifeboats are
In order to illustrate the approach of the study, a used in this example). When the boats and helicopters
computer simulation of an offshore EER event has been arrive the men are then rescued from the sea, either by
constructed of a simpli®ed ®ctitious incident occurring winch to a helicopter or they are pulled from the sea by the
100 miles to the north east of Aberdeen. The model has crew of a FRC. One of the limiting factors of rescue by
been interfaced with a ®le describing the weather and sea FRC is the fatigue of the crew who have to haul the
state of real weather data in this sea area for a 212 year personnel into the boat from the sea. The duration of
period. Since the main concern of the analysis is the these activities is heavily dependent on the prevailing sea
behaviour of the EER system in adverse weather, only state as detailed in Table 1. The time elapsed from the start
the data describing the poorer weather and sea states were of the emergency until the time of the rescue of the last man
employed. Storms were identi®ed and the data describing is recorded in an Excel ®le for later analysis. The model is
the period from the development of the storm through to its then re-set to its initial state and re-run under different
end were employed. This represented approximately 30% weather conditions. It is not possible to validate a model
of the original data set. Using the simulation, 1000 runs such as this in extreme conditions as there is no real data
were performed. Each run of the simulation used a different available. Should data become available then a validation
randomly selected period of weather data. This extensive exercise could be undertaken. Data from the Piper Alpha
replication ensures that a distribution of results could be incident would be of little value as this accident occurred in
compiled to be representative of the variability in the almost perfect weather conditions. However, data is avail-
weather data. The effectiveness of the speci®ed EER able from rescue exercise, the main assumptions of the
404 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 52, No. 4

Figure 1 Screen shot of the EER simulation model.

model are based on this data and the model can replicate The data were recorded at one hourly intervals over a
the outcomes of these exercises. In extreme conditions the 2 12 year period. The weather parameters used in this analysis
operation of helicopters and FRC is governed by their were wind speed and signi®cant wave height. At the start of
operational guidelines. It is likely that there may be each run of the model the ®le of weather data is randomly
instances where these craft operate without the guidelines sampled for a starting point, data is then read into the model
and this possibility has been included in some of the at hourly intervals (model time) for the duration of the run.
sensitivity analyses undertaken with the model. This process is continued until the last member of the crew is
rescued or 24 h after the start of the emergency. The cut-off
point for this particular set of circumstances was set as 24 h
Modelling the weather
after the initial emergency, as it would be very unlikely for
The weather data used with the model were obtained from anyone to be able to survive for longer than this in the North
the North Cormorant ®eld in the northern North Sea. Sea equipped with only a survival suit.

Table 1 Limiting conditions for weather-sensitive activities

Limiting conditions

Weather-sensitive activities Optimistic Expected Pessimistic

FRC launch and recovery Hs < 7 m Hs < 6.25 m Hs < 5.5 m
FRC speed reduced Hs > 5.5 m Hs > 5 m Hs > 4.5 m
FRC personnel location and rescue Hs < 7 m Hs < 6.25 m Hs < 5.5 m
Helicopter speed reduced Wind speed > 18 m=s Wind speed > 15 m=s Wind speed > 15 m=s
Helicopter winch activities stopped Wind speed > 35 m=s or Wind speed > 35 m=s or Wind speed > 30 m=s or
Hs > 11 m Hs > 10 m Hs > 8 m

Hs: signi®cant wave height

GI MouldÐAssessing systems for offshore emergency evacuation 405

The weather affects a number of the activities in the

model. Some of these, for example ¯ying or sailing, are
slowed down in adverse weather conditions (details of the
precise effects are given in Table 1). Other activities, for
example the launch of FRCs, helicopter hover and rescue,
have to be completely halted in certain conditions. In order
to model this effect weather resources are speci®ed in the
simulation, for example: `calm sea' and `no wind'. The
weather-sensitive activities require the appropriate resource
in order to proceed. In adverse conditions these resources
are withheld, thus prohibiting weather-sensitive activities
from being undertaken.
The weather modelling structure is shown in the bottom
left corner of Figure 1. Weather data is read from the ®le Figure 2 Comparison of the percentage of rescues completed
and is checked against the limiting conditions (speci®ed in over time.
Table 1) by the activity WCHECK. The weather is passed
to gale, rough, rufwind activities or, if calm conditions
prevail, it is passed out of the system (denoted by SHIP in
Figure 1). For example, if high seas are prevalent the
weather entity is passed to the activity rough. This activity
commands the resource `calm sea', thus halting any activ-
ities in the EER model which require `calm sea'. An
example of this is the rescue activity. Similarly the gale
activity commands the resource `no wind' and rufwind
commands both `calm sea' and `no wind', hence halting all
weather-sensitive activities in the EER model. At the end of
the hour period the weather entity is passed out of the
model, the subsequent record in the weather data ®le is read
and the process is repeated.
The model also has facilities for re¯ecting the effects of Figure 3 Sensitivity of response time for helicopter rescue.
the directionality of the environment, where such data are
available. This factor is particularly important in planning
rescues, in which the helicopters approach from north-
easterly direction into the prevailing south-westerly
winds. This is the case for some of the newer oil ®elds to
the west of the Shetlands and the effectiveness of the land
based rescue services may be reduced in such locations.

Use of the model

The structure of the simulation model is apparent from the
main simulation screen (Figure 1). This allows the logic of
the situation to be shown explicitly to the client. Running
the model does not require client interaction. This is
performed in batch mode as 1000 runs of the model are
Figure 4 Rescue time vs signi®cant wave height.
required to capture the variability of the weather. A typical
batch run of the model takes around 30 min on a standard
PC. The results are captured in an Excel ®le and undergo
further processing before being presented to the client in (A) helicopters alone were used;
the format of Figures 2 ± 5. (B) helicopters and up to three FRCs from standby vessels
were employed.
Comparing emergency evacuation and rescue systems
Such a comparison is useful in helping to determine the
The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of differ- importance of the availability of FRCs. The two scenarios
ent EER systems is demonstrated with a comparison of two were simulated assuming `expected' estimates of the
possible scenarios: environmental constraints for the various operations, as
406 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 52, No. 4

analyses of the scenarios (A) and (B) were repeated using

the optimistic set and pessimistic set of estimates.
The results of these additional simulations are incorporated
in Figure 3. This illustrates the cumulative distribution of
the rescue times for scenario (A) under the three sets of
assumptions. It can be seen that, for 90% of rescues, the
difference in the total rescue time between those under-
taken with optimistic and pessimistic response expectations
is less than two hours. It is only for the 2% of rescues
taking the longest times that the difference in expectations
can lead to variances of ®ve or more hours in the total
rescue time.

Performance in adverse weather

Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between the rescue time
and the prevailing environmental conditions at the start of
the rescue, as measured by signi®cant wave height.
Although there is a correlation (r ˆ 0.64), it is far from
perfect. A similar relationship (r ˆ 0.60) between rescue
time and wind speed was observed. The number of outliers
may be partially explained by the fact that conditions may
improve or deteriorate during the course of the rescue. The
slightly higher correlation of rescue times with wave height
Figure 5 (a) Cumulative frequency of rescue time for different may re¯ect the greater sensitivity of this factor for response
initial signi®cant wave height. (b) Cumulative frequency of rescue times. The wind and wave data is itself correlated, though
time for different initial wind speed. again imperfectly. Further study of these two parameters
indicates that there is a time lag between the parameters,
with peak wave heights being recorded approximately 6 h
recorded in Table 1. 1000 iterations were undertaken in after the peak wind.13 Figures 5(a) and (b) show the effects
each simulation, sampling from the ®le of weather data, in on rescue times of initial signi®cant wave height and wind
order to establish the distribution of the rescue time result- speed, respectively. These indicate that the rescue times
ing from the uncertainties in the weather and sea state. The increase signi®cantly for initial signi®cant wave height
output from the batch run of the simulation was captured in greater than 6 m and for initial wind speeds of more than
an Excel ®le enabling simple analysis to be performed 24 m=s; these results again re¯ect the greater sensitivity of
within the spreadsheet and a range of graphs were rescue operations to signi®cant wave height than to wind
produced. Figure 2 provides a comparison of the rescue speed. Figure 6(a) compares the two rescue scenarios in
times for the two scenarios. There is an advantage in having conditions of extreme wave height (> 8 m). It can be seen
FRCs available for around 97% of rescues. Its use can that in these circumstances the use of FRCs may decrease
reduce rescue times by just under one hour in good rescue times by an average of 1.5 h in up to 40% of cases.
conditions and by up to two hours as conditions worsen. However, with the remaining cases conditions are in excess
Only in the worst conditions will there be no bene®t from of the operational limits of FRCs. Figure 6(b) compares
the use of FRCs. rescue scenarios in conditions of extreme wind (> 24 m=s);
in such high winds the FRCs can still operate usefully and
make a valuable contribution to reducing the rescue times.
Sensitivity analyses
It is dif®cult for anyone to be precise about the conditions
under which offshore operations can take place safely.
Applications of the model
Judgements were obtained from various sources: the
experience of helicopter pilots, standby ship operators One of the main recommendations from Lord Cullen's
and publications from the Health and Safety Executive.8 inquiry into the Piper Alpha Disaster2 was that operators
This resulted in a range of constraints for each operation, should assemble a full safety case identifying potential
summarised as three sets of conditions, representing opti- accidental emergency scenarios. Subsequent legislation
mistic, expected and pessimistic, as noted in Table 1. The has required operators to prepare response plans to the
GI MouldÐAssessing systems for offshore emergency evacuation 407

In assessing any emergency operation there is a problem
with a lack of data: there are few incidents and the
experience cannot be immediately generalised. However,
by collecting data from various sources it was possible to
construct a simulation model of an offshore emergency,
evacuation and rescue. The simulation based methodology
enables the assessment of alternative EER systems, re¯ect-
ing their merits in the variety of environmental conditions
that are found offshore. The approach was demonstrated in
a comparison of two rescue scenarios for a particular
location, which revealed that the use of fast rescue craft,
in addition to the helicopter, has bene®ts in all except the
harshest weather conditions. Further examination of
the simulation results revealed that this was largely due
to the ability of FRCs to operate in high winds. The
simulations provided an objective basis for assessing this
bene®t in terms of the percentile rescue duration. Such a
method of assessment has a signi®cant potential in contri-
buting to the implementation of the recommendations from
the Cullen inquiry to ensure that an appropriate response
plan is devised for the emergencies which might be
experienced offshore.

Figure 6 (a) Rescue times under conditions of extreme initial AcknowledgementsÐThe author would like to thank Shell UK Exploration
signi®cant wave height. (b) Rescue times under conditions of and Production for the data from the North Cormorant Platform.
extreme initial wind speed.

contingencies identi®ed in the safety case.14,15 This simula-
tion model provides a means of assessing such plans and 1 Royal Commission on the Ocean Ranger Marine Disaster
(1984). The loss of the semi-submersible drill rig,
demonstrating the effectiveness of any proposed EER Ocean Ranger and its crew. Ministry of Supply and Services:
facilities as a response to an offshore emergency. The Canada.
model highlights the lack of data available for planning 2 The Hon Lord Cullen (1990). The Public Inquiry into the Piper
the response to such emergencies, since much evidence is Alpha Disaster Vols 1 & 2. Department of Energy. HMSO:
only available `off-the-record' anecdotal experience from London.
3 Doheny JG and Fraser JL (1996). MOBEDIC Ð A decision
helicopter pilots and FRC operators. The work has high- modelling tool for emergency situations. Expert Syst Appl 10:
lighted the need to extend trials to more extreme condi- 17 ± 27.
tions. The model has been used as the basis for discussion 4 Drager HK, Soma H and Wiklund J (1991). Simulation of an
of further work with the Health and Safety Executive. evacuation process of an offshore structure. In: Cox RF and
Walter MH (eds). Offshore Safety and Reliability: Symposium of
the Safety and Reliability Society, Sutton Cold®eld, September
1991. Elsevier: Barking, UK, pp 218 ± 236.
Future work 5 Wallace IS (1992). Methodology for carrying out an evacuation,
escape and rescue analysis. Major Hazards Onshore and
A likely future development to the model is the incorpora- Offshore, I Chem E symposium series 130: 713 ± 727.
tion of directional wind data. This is of particular value 6 Nelson JK, Hirsch TJ and Fallon DJ (1991). Feasibility of air-
when evaluating EER facilities for the new oil ®elds being launched free-fall boats for use in offshore rescue. Proceedings of
28th Annual Symposium, Safe Association. San Antonio, Texas,
developed west of Shetland. Here the rescue services must USA, pp 171 ± 175.
approach the area from a south-westerly direction thus 7 O'Brien DP, Hinchey MJ and Muggeridge DB (1993). Recent
¯ying into the prevailing wind. Strong winds will signif- developments in offshore rig=platform evacuation. Ocean
icantly increase the ¯ying time to the incident. In such Engng 20: 555 ± 567.
harsh environments the typical EER provision may not be 8 HSE (1998). Evacuation, Escape and Rescue West of Shetlands.
OTO 98 085. HSE Information Services, Shef®eld, UK.
suf®cient. In these circumstances it is particularly impor- 9 Lovas EL and Leitas JA (1991). Organisation of psychosocial
tant to take full account of the effects of weather when disaster management in an exploration and production
planning rescue capabilities. company. SPE Conference, November 1991, The Hague.
408 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 52, No. 4

10 Pidd M, de Silva FN and Eglese RW (1996). A simulation 14 HSE (1992). The Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regula-
model for emergency exacuation. Eur J Oper Res 90: 413 ± 419. tions. SI 1992 No. 2885, HMSO: London.
11 Southworth F (1991). Regional evacuation modelling: a state 15 HSE (1995). Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and
of the art review. ORNL=TAM-11740 Oak Ridge National Explosion and Emergency Responses). SI 1995 No. 743.
Laboratory, Energy Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA. HMSO: London.
12 Witness, Lanner Group, Redditch, Worcs.
13 Bowers J, Morton I and Mould G (2000). Directional statistics Received February 1999;
of the wind and waves. Appl Ocean Res 22: 13 ± 30. accepted October 2000 after two revisions

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