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Ashoka: Portrait of a philosopher king

Patrick Olivelle’s book, "Ashoka: Portrait of a Philosopher King," offers a

meticulous scholarly analysis of Emperor Ashoka’s reign, emphasizing his
philosophical transformation and innovative governance. The book relies
heavily on Ashoka's inscriptions, providing a self-portrait that transcends the
fragmented nature of historical sources.

Part 1 examines Ashoka's departure from his predecessors' bloody traditions,

influenced by a cosmopolitan upbringing. Olivelle delves into Ashoka’s
renunciation of sacrificial rituals and alignment with Buddhist morals,
portraying him as a ruler who redefined kingship through moral governance.
However, the analysis sometimes overlooks the practical challenges of
implementing such ideals in a diverse empire.

Part 2 focuses on Ashoka's Minor Rock Edict I, highlighting his gradual

conversion to Buddhism and the complexities of his inscriptions. Olivelle
underscores Ashoka’s self-identification as a lay devotee and his strategic use of
military and royal jargon within a Buddhist framework, suggesting a nuanced
blend of religious and political endeavors.

Part 3 explores Ashoka’s promotion of Dharma as a universal moral philosophy,

emphasizing non-violence and ethical behavior. Olivelle illustrates Ashoka’s
shift from personal spirituality to the moral upliftment of his empire, examining
how he propagated Dharma through edicts and example. The detailed analysis
of Ashoka’s philosophical evolution provides a comprehensive understanding of
his moral governance.

Part 4 investigates Ashoka’s religious pluralism, analyzing the term "Pāṣaṇḍa"

and its evolution. Olivelle portrays Ashoka as an ecumenical leader who valued
religious diversity and promoted harmonious coexistence. This section
highlights Ashoka’s inclusive policies and his efforts to establish a unifying
ethical framework transcending individual religious boundaries.

Overall, Olivelle's book presents Ashoka as a complex, multidimensional figure

whose philosophical and moral legacy continues to influence Indian culture and
thought. The nuanced portrayal, grounded in inscriptional evidence, offers
valuable insights into Ashoka’s innovative approach to kingship and his
enduring impact on history.

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