Poetry Workbook (Unit 1) 2022 - 23

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Name: Class: School:

Grade 7 - Unit 1
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7

1. The cloth has a ________________ of red and white squares.

2. Snoozing deep inside the cave, the bear continued to ________________ all winter

3. Adventure is a popular ________________ in children’s books.

4. The video game is designed to give the ________________ that you are flying an

5. His poems were written in a local _______________ of English.

1. It can be exciting to explore your _______________ and see where your family
came from.

2. When I shop, I like to go to stores that have a welcoming __________________.

3. Many fairytales include _________________ about animals.

4. The _______________ worked exactly as I’d hoped.

5. He whistled the song and tapped out the _______________.

1. She enjoys shocking people by saying the most ___________________ things.

2. There was a ___________________ for the best seats at the concert.

3. The lights in the theatre __________________ around the room like fireworks.

4. He scored with the last ____________ of the football match.

5. The restaurant offers a wide _____________ of local specialties.

1. The _________________ of the universe will probably never be explained.

2. The music at the concert was so loud it felt like a _________________ attack.

3. I have no words to __________________ how much I love the present you gave me.

4. He plays the piano very well. His ____________________ is almost perfect.

5. I am starting small by going ___________ just one day a week with Meatless Mon-

1. The first living _______________________ sent into space was a dog.

2. Are these bracelets just a __________, or are they here to stay?

3. The __________________ drew such funny characters.

4. His positive _________________ helped everyone enjoy the trip during the

5. People _____________ out across night skies to find beautiful stars.

1. People often go hiking to find the ________________ of adventure.

2. I like to ___________________ the best photographs on my camera.

3. Her paintings are of ___________________ everyday objects.

4. The plant has _____________________ red flowers.

5. Be careful to perform the actions in the correct __________________.

The Hike
By: Jennifer Larson

My backpack is packed, hiking shoes laced,

Water, snacks, and sunscreen, all carefully placed.
Out of the car and onto the trail.
Map in my hand, no way I can fail.

Walking and walking, and searching the trees.

Looking for chipmunks and squirrels in the leaves.
Searching the woods, on the lookout for deer.
Finally see a baby, with his mom really near.

The Cat
My cat is my best friend,

I'll love her to the end.

If I'm upstairs or down,

She follows me around.

The Mouse
Creeping under boxes,

Looking for a bite,

Hoping not to be noticed,

Running out of sight.

The Hike
By: Jennifer Larson

My backpack is packed, hiking shoes laced,

Water, snacks, and sunscreen, all carefully placed.

Out of the car and onto the trail.

Map in my hand, no way I can fail.

Walking and walking, and searching the trees.

Looking for chipmunks and squirrels in the leaves.

Searching the woods, on the lookout for deer.

Finally see a baby, with his mom really near.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Underline or highlight the similes

Urdu Poets
By Benjamin Zephaniah

Urdu poets speak wonders,

They are like magical wordsmiths,

They pluck words out of the sky,

And create something for you to live for.

Underline or highlight any metaphors you can find.

Salsa For the music to be really spicy,

By Jorge Argueta it's important to use chilies.
My family loves hot peppers.
I am ready with four tomatoes.
They are bongos and kettledrums. We always put hot peppers in our salsa.
My onion is a maraca. MMMM, the hotness is so delicious.
Cloves of garlic are trumpets, The bubbly taste of chilies
and the cilantro is the orchestra conductor makes me feel like I'm dancing among
with his shaggy, green hair. rainbows and stars.

Device Definition Effect Example






Underline or highlight any personification you can find.

Follow The Moon

By Marie Tully

I followed the moon, A cloud passed before it.

Or did it follow me? Now was my chance,
I turned a corner, But the stars in the sky
It was still there, you see. Never could lie.

I tried to trick it. I walked on through the night.

In the shadows I hid, The moon followed me home,
But the moon kept on watching. Or did I follow the moon?
That's what it did. I don't quite know.

Underline or highlight any alliteration you can find.

The Swing
By Robert Louis Stevenson

How do you like to go up in a swing,

Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,

Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Till I look down on the garden green,
Over the countryside--
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

Chocolate Cake
Quick Let's get out of here
Michael Rosen
and smiling.
I love chocolate cake. I woke up proper.
And when I was a boy " The chocolate cake "
I loved it even more. It was the first thing
I thought of.
Sometimes we used to have it for tea I could almost see it
and mum used to say, so I thought,
"If there's any left over what if I go downstairs
you can have it to take to school and have a little nibble, yeah ?
tomorrow to have at playtime." it was all dark
And the next day I would take it to school everyone was in bed
wrapped up in tin foil so it must have been really late
open it up at playtime and sit in the but I got out of bed,
corner of the playground crept out of the door
eating it,
you know how the icing on top there's always a creaky floorboard, isn't there ?
is all shiny and it cracks as you
Past Mum and Dad's room,
bite into it
and there's that other kind of icing in
careful not to tread on bits of broken toys
the middle
or bits of Lego
and it sticks to your hands and you
with your bare feet,
can lick your fingers
and lick your lips yowwwwwww
oh it's lovely. shhhhhhhhhh
Anyway, into the kitchen
once we had this chocolate cake for tea open the cupboard
and later I went to bed and there it is
but while I was in bed all shining.
I found myself waking up
licking my lips So I take it out of the cupboard
put it on the table
and I see that
there's a few crumbs lying about on the plate,
so I lick my finger and run my finger all over the
scooping them up
and put them into my mouth.

ooooooooommmmmmmmm Knife —
I just take any old slice at it
nice. and I've got this great big chunk
and I'm cramming it in
Then what a greedy pig
I look again but it's so nice,
and on one side where it's been cut,
it's all crumbly. and there's another
So I take a knife and another and I'm squealing and I'm smacking
I think, I'll just tidy that up a bit, my lips
cut off the crumbly bits and I'm stuffing myself with it
scoop them all up and
and into the mouth before I know
I've eaten the lot.
oooooooommmmm mmmmmm
nice. The whole lot.
I look at the plate.
Look at the cake again. It's all gone.

Oh no
That looks a bit funny now,
They're bound to notice, aren't they ,
one side doesn't match the other
a whole chocolate cake doesn't just disappear
I'll just even it up a bit, eh ?
does it ?

Take the knife

What shall I do ?
and slice.
This time the knife makes a little cracky noise I know. I'll wash the plate up,
as it goes through that hard icing on top. and the knife

A whole slice this time, and put them away and maybe no one
will notice, eh ?
into the mouth.
So I do that
Oh the icing on top and creep creep creep
and the icing in the middle back to bed
ohhhhhh oooo mmmmmmmm. into bed
doze off
But now licking my lips
I can't stop myself. with a lovely feeling in my belly.


In the morning I get up,

have breakfast,
Mum's saying,
Have you got your dinner money ?
and I say,
And don't forget to take some chocolate cake
with you.
I stopped breathing.
So I told her,
What's the matter ?, she says,
you normally jump at chocolate cake ?
and she said
I'm still not breathing, well what could she say ?
and she's looking at me very closely now. That's the last time I give you any cake to take
She's looking at me just below my mouth. to school.
What's that ? she says. Now go. Get out
What's what ? I say. no wait
What's that there ? not before you've washed your dirty sticky face
Where ? I went upstairs
There, she says, pointing at my chin. looked in the mirror
I don't know, I say. and there it was,
It looks like chocolate, she says just below my mouth,
It's not chocolate cake is it ? a chocolate smudge.
No answer. The give-away.
Is it ? Maybe she'll forget about it by next week.
I don't know.
She goes to the cupboard
looks in, up, top, middle, bottom,
turns back to me.
It's gone.
It's gone.
You haven't eaten it, have you ?
I don't know.
you don't know ? you don't know if you've eaten
a whole
chocolate cake or not ?
When ? When did you eat it ?

1. Which phrase is repeated in the poem? ______________________________________________
2. Who is the speaker in the poem talking to? ____________________________________________
3. What does the speaker think of tourists? Give your answers with evidence in the table below.

Statement Evidence
He welcomes tourists

He hates tourists

He likes tourists who

protect the

He likes quiet tourists

He needs the income

from tourists

He wants to stop

4. Zephaniah repeats the phrase, “The tourists are coming” in every verse, sometimes with small
changes. Why does he do this?

To create rhythm

To make it seem as if the tourists are coming any minute now

Make it sound as if everyone is talking about it

To make the poem longer

1. What is “show, don’t tell”?

2. Write 2 to 3 sentences showing an emotion. Don’t write the name of the emotion anywhere in
your sentences.

Your thoughts Poem title:

Structure and form



Language (pick out key

words & phrases)

Explain your own ide-

as, likes and dislikes
about the poem
1. Choose a topic. It can be about anything you enjoy.
2. Put your words on paper. Try to include emotive language to share
your feelings about the topic you choose.
3. Edit. Read your work aloud quietly to yourself. Check for any errors or
changes you would like to fix.
4. Add a little drama. Remember, slam poetry is all about performance!
Try to add some variation to your voice or movement to your body.












Write a sentence using each of these words to show you understand its meaning.
Past Passed Of Off Have









The Torch
By Michael Rosen

‘The – er – torch won’t work. It’s broken.’

I nagged my mum and dad for a torch. And my dad says,
‘Oh go on. I’d love a torch. ‘What do you mean, “it’s broken”?
One of those ones with black rubber round It couldn’t have just broken.
How did it just break?’
‘I dunno, it just went off.’
Go on. Pleeeeeease.’
It was no good. I wasn’t getting
‘I don’t believe it. You ask him a simple
Then came my birthday.
On the table was a big box
and you never get a simple answer.
In the box
You must have been
A torch.
Doing something with it.’
My dad took it out the box.
‘Just try telling the truth, will you?
‘You see that torch,’ he says
‘It’s waterproof.
That is a waterproof torch.’
Waterproof. Wow!
‘I was underwater swimming with it.’

So that night I got into the bath

‘Are you mad?
And went under water swimming with it.
When I said the torch is waterproof
Breathe in,
I meant it keeps the rain off.
Under the water,
I didn’t mean you could go deep-sea
switch on
diving with it.
search for shipwrecks
and treasure.
Ruined. Completely ruined.
Up, breathe
For weeks and weeks he nags us stupid
Under again
that he wants
exploring the ocean floor.
One of these waterproof torches
And then first thing he does is wreck it.
Then the torch went out.
How long did it last?
Two minute?
I shook it, banged it but it wouldn’t go.
Three minutes?
I couldn’t get it to go again.
These things cost money, you know.
My birthday torch.
So I got out, dried myself off
I felt so rotten.
Put on my pyjamas and went into the kitchen.
My birthday torch.

At the weekend, he says, He came back a few minutes later and
We’re going into Harrow to take the said that Len
torch back. Couldn’t get it to work either
So he would send it back to the makers.
We walk into the shop,
My dad goes up to the man at the counter ‘You’ll have to have a new one,’ he says.
‘I should think so too,’ says my dad.
And says: ‘Thank YOU.’
‘You see this torch.
I bought it from you a couple of weeks ago Outside the shop
My dad says to me,
It’s broken.’ ‘What’s the matter with you?
Are you crazy?
So the man picks it up. You were going to tell him all about your underwater
‘It couldn’t have just broken,’ says the man, Swimming fandango, weren’t you?
‘How did it break?’
And my dad says,
‘I dunno, it just went off.’
‘Surely you must have been doing
something with it.’

No, no, no,’ says my dad,

‘it just went off.’
‘Come on,’ says the man, ‘these torches
don’t just break down.’
So I said
‘Well, actually, I was in the – ‘
and I got a hard kick on the ankle from
my dad.
‘I was in the, you know, er kitchen and it
went off.’

So the man said that he would take it out

the back to show Len.

Your thoughts Poem title:
Structure and form



Language (pick out key

words & phrases)

Explain your own ide-

as, likes and dislikes
about the poem

Paragraph 1 What is the poem about?

Paragraph 2 How is the poem structured or


Paragraph 3 What kind of language does the poet


Paragraph 4 How has the poet used rhyme and

Paragraph 5 What was the poet’s intention in

writing this poem?

Paragraph 6 What is your response to this poem?















Directions: Choose your favourite poem from the ones you have studied in the
unit. Use the prompts on the P-E-E planning charts to plan and write two para-
graphs about the poem. Try to write at least three sentences per paragraph (and
don’t forget a title at the top!).

Name of poem: __________________________________



and Form
































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