Evaluation of the Crop Insurance Program

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Crop Insurance in India: rates or to move forward to an actuarial

regime. In the case of crop insurance, the

Changes and Challenges pooling concept needs diversification or

spread not only over areas but also over
time periods. A case for compulsory yield
insurance for those availing institutional
Reshmy Nair credit, as in India, is made on the grounds
that it eliminates the problem of adverse

An evaluation of the crop eather variability and uncer- selection besides taking care of the pool-
insurance programme in India tainty of crop yields is a basic ing concept by ensuring the uninterrupted
risk faced by agriculturalists participation of farmers both in good and
through the multi-peril yield-
worldwide. However, the magnitude and bad years. The crop insurance programme
based National Agricultural intensity of this is particularly high in thus also benefits banks by working as a
Insurance Scheme reveals India owing to extreme dependence of the collateral security. However, less than
that while it has done well on farm sector on weather conditions and the one-third of the farming community avails
poor economic condition of the over- of institutional credit in India and for the
equity grounds, the coverage
whelming majority of farmers who have remaining, insurance continues to be vol-
and indemnity payments are extremely limited means and resources to untary. Insurance in Indian agriculture is
biased towards a few regions and cope with the disastrous consequences of more challenging than in the developed
crops, and there are delays in a crop failure. Given the importance of the countries due to its inherent nature – a
agricultural sector to the growth trajectory large number of small and scattered land-
settlement of claims. And while
of the economy and the inevitability of holdings, varying climatic and soil condi-
the emergence of weather-based climatic aberrations playing havoc with tions, lack of basic data, and variety of
insurance as an alternative has crop production, the need for and benefits agricultural practices, making it practi-
addressed several limitations of of crop insurance hardly need elaboration. cally impossible to implement the scheme
The focused approach on crop insur- on an “individual basis” on a wide scale.
traditional insurance, it is faced
ance as a planned mechanism to mitigate Further, there is widespread lack of knowl-
by challenges of a different kind. the risks of natural perils in farm produc- edge about the nature and functions of
Both these forms of insurance tion has resulted in the evolution and crop insurance amongst the farmers, a
must thus be looked upon as improvement in the crop insurance majority of whom are illiterate and poor.
programme over the years. The pilot
complementary to each other Evaluating the NAIS
projects carried out within the country
in order to evolve an efficient since 1972-73 gave way to the Comprehen- The countrywide crop-yield insurance
mechanism for dealing with sive Crop Insurance Scheme (1985-99) programme, viz, the NAIS, is nearing a dec-
natural disaster risks and its vastly improved successor, the ade of its implementation. Presently, the
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme scheme is being implemented by all the
in agriculture.
(NAIS). The last couple of years have seen states except Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh,
the entry of private sector in crop insur- Manipur and Nagaland.1 Given the above
ance with the emergence of weather mentioned practical difficulties of imple-
insurance products, widely touted as the menting the scheme on an individual
solution to the inherent drawbacks of the basis, the NAIS continues to be operated
yield-based insurance. on the “area approach”, whereby homoge-
Crop insurance, especially insurance of neous areas are defined as insurance units
yield, is a very complicated concept to ad- (district/taluka/block/mandal/circle/gram
minister. The reasons are many – the sys- panchayat/village, etc) and all the insured
temic nature of agricultural risks going farmers in the defined area get the same
against the working of the “law of large indemnity (when the season’s average
numbers” on which premium and indem- yield per hectare of the insured crop for
nity calculations are based, the tremen- the defined insurance unit falls below the
dous scope for moral hazard that contra- guaranteed yield) per unit of sum insured.
venes the basic “principle of utmost good A disaggregated study of beneficiaries
faith”, the difficulty of curbing adverse se- under the NAIS reveals that more than 60%
lection and, above all, the twin problems of the farmers, who benefited under food
Reshmy Nair (reshmy25@yahoo.com) is with of non-viability and unaffordability that crops and oilseeds, belong to the small and
the Agriculture Insurance Company of India,
result in a see-saw battle of judgment to marginal category (having landholdings
continue with the subsidised flat premium less than two hectares). Also, while small
Economic & Political Weekly EPW february 6, 2010 vol xlv no 6 19

and marginal farmers accounted for only An Emerging Alternative where age group-wise yield estimates are
one-third of the total claims (given their The reason for the failure of multi-peril not available. Index-based insurance is less
smaller landholdings and hence the lower crop insurance worldwide is the sheer susceptible to some of the problems intrin-
sum insured), this is significantly higher complexity of risk and lack of adequate sic in traditional multi-peril crop insurance
for crops like paddy, wheat and sugar cane, risk modelling technology to understand and benefits both the insured and the in-
where more than half of the total claims these risks. These complexities have largely surer. For the insured, the most important
disbursed were for these categories. Des- been responsible for the non-entry of pri- advantage over the traditional scheme is
pite these encouraging results from the vate insurers in the field of yield insurance the prospect of receiving timely indemnity
equity point of view, an analysis of the pen- in the country. payouts given that payouts for indexed
etration levels across regions and crops Crop insurance in India was, till recently, contracts are automatically triggered
does not show very impressive results. confined to compensating yield loss. The once the weather parameter reaches the
Even after 23 years of its existence, less recent years have seen a change in this pre-specified level.
than one-fifth of the farmers are insured in trend with the emergence and rising pop- The biggest disadvantage of the yield in-
the country, with only a few notable excep- ularity of weather-based insurance prod- surance scheme is the delayed claim settle-
tions like Rajasthan, where about 50% of ucts. Weather insurance pays indemnities ment procedure (that takes at least a year),
the farmers/holdings are insured.2 The based not on the actual losses experienced denying the insured the benefit of insur-
scheme has not really proved a significant by the insured, rather on the realisation of ance when it matters most, and in the proc-
risk mitigation tool for the farmers in many a weather index that is highly correlated ess negating the very objective of insurance.
regions. Cases of agricultural suicides with actual losses. The index measures a The delay is the result of the time taken for
across the country do imply that risk miti- specific weather variable (e g, rainfall, the crop cutting experiments (CCE) data to
gation measures currently in place have temperature, relative humidity, wind be collated and the inability of the state and
major shortcomings. Though farmer sui- speed, etc) rather than the extent of loss central governments to expeditiously con-
cides can be attributed to a multitude of (in crop yield). In other words, the prod- tribute their share towards claim settle-
reasons, one cannot deny that a successful uct proxies the loss that farmers face ments. The popularity of weather index
insurance programme would have greatly owing to the adverse weather incidence. products also owes it to the transparency as
contributed in ameliorating the suffering The weather insurance product is de- the weather data can be uploaded almost
of the farmers during crisis years. signed after a critical study of the weather immediately so that the insured is aware of
An analysis of crop insurance statistics parameters affecting crop growth in its three weather performance vis-à-vis the given
reveals that the coverage and indemnity critical phases – sowing, growth and flower- trigger. The product also provides the in-
has been clearly biased towards a few ing, and yield formation to harvest. During sured with the incentive to put in additional
regions and crops. Gujarat accounts for a each period, the “trigger” (level below which efforts or cost to save the crop as the claim
quarter of the total indemnity amongst the weather parameter must fall for a farmer to is payable irrespective of the yield.
implementing states. Also, more than one- begin receiving the payouts) and “exit” levels Weather insurance products are easier
third of the total indemnity is for a single (level below which the weather parameter to administer and significantly reduce
crop, namely, groundnut. State-wise in- must drop for a farmer to receive the maxi- costs by eliminating the need for yield es-
demnity payouts also reveal a high level of mum payout) are defined. No additional timation and field visits. Unlike the tradi-
concentration of settlement of claims in indemnity is paid for realised values of the tional scheme, the insured is not likely to
certain regions and crops. index that exceed the exit level. have better information than the insurer
The sharp decline in the coverage of Weather insurance has clearly expanded about the underlying index; neither would
annual commercial horticulture crops the domain of crop insurance programme he be in a position to influence the realisa-
(despite a large number of crops presently in the country as insurance can now also tion of the index. The problems of adverse
being provided insurance coverage) owing be provided for crops with no historical selection and moral hazard thus stand
to the seemingly high actuarial rates, the yield data as also for horticultural crops significantly reduced provided the sales
non-coverage of perennial crops, fruits and
vegetables, the failure of most of the Just Published
implementing states to move down to the Ethnicity, Migration and the Urban Landscape of Kolkata
lower insurance units like village to mini- by Aditi Chatterji
mise “basis risk”, the unappealing guaran- 2009, Pp. 251 (including 42 tables and 8 figures) + xvi+8 colour plates
teed yields3 and most of all, the inability to ISBN: 978-81-7074-316-3 Rs. 250.00
dole out timely indemnity payouts at the The book traces the evolution of the physical and social landscape of Kolkata, formerly Calcutta,
from pre-colonial to contemporary times as moulded by ethnicity and migration. It encompasses
time of crop failures are the major issues a survey of 300 respondents of different ethnic and migrant groups within the area covered by
related to the scheme. the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. It is lavishly illustrated with photographs and diagrams, all
combining to produce a cultural vision of great diversity as far as landscape is concerned.
The fact that less than one-fifth of the
farmers insured voluntarily participate in K P BAGCHI & COMPANY
286, B B Ganguli Street, Kolkata: 700 012
the scheme4 implies that they are either not
E-mail: kpbagchi@hotmail.com, kpbagchi@gmail.com
aware or are not convinced of its benefits.
20 february 6, 2010 vol xlv no 6 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

closing dates are set well in advance. More NAIS. The difference between flat premi- in a country like India and (like the area
importantly, the product can be reinsured um rates and the actuarial premium rates based NAIS) basis risk can only be mini-
in the international markets, a prospect that are borne by the central and the imple- mised if claims structures for these prod-
the NAIS finds almost impossible owing to menting state government on a 50: 50 ba- ucts are worked out at smaller units. Pres-
seemingly unsustainable claim ratios. sis. The private companies are extended ently, weather data is often recorded at
the same level of financial support by the the taluka level (while the Risk Retention
Weather Insurance in India government. Unlike NAIS, the entire claim Groups providing rainfall data do exist for
In India, weather-based insurance was first under the scheme is borne by the insurers. lower insurance units) which may result
introduced in 2003 by ICICI Lombard for Weather insurance is already being treated in the actual impact of adverse weather
groundnut and castor farmers of Mahboo- as an “alternative” to NAIS (at least in the condition at the farm location being sig-
bnagar district in Andhra Pradesh, followed pilot areas) as the latter is not available to nificantly different from that recorded by
by the pilot rainfall insurance scheme by the farmers in areas where the former is the RWS. The poor density of weather sta-
IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance (ITGI) in notified.5 Table 1 shows the coverage expe- tions (and the consequent high basis risk)
2004-05 in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka rience under WBCIS implemented by the and the paucity of weather data in certain
and Gujarat. The Agricultural Insurance dominant insurer AIC. regions has been a major handicap in the
Company of India (AIC), the public sector Table 1: Weather-Based Crop Insurance Scheme: Season-wise Business and Claims Experience
insurer, also introduced rainfall insurance Season Implementing FC SI FP TP TC FB Total Farmers’ Loss
States Claim Claim Ratio Cost
(Varsha Bima) in 20 rain gauge areas (Rs Lakh) Ratio (in %)
spread over Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kharif 2007 Karnataka 0.44 5,301 142 703 524 0.35 74.55 369.75 9.89
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in 2004-05, Rabi 2007-08 Rajasthan, Bihar,
providing five different options suiting var- Chhattisgarh, MP 6.27 1,70,495 4,300 13,845 10,072 1.88 72.74 234.23 5.91

ied requirements of the farming community Kharif 2008 MP, Haryana, Punjab,
Bihar, Rajasthan, Jharkhand,
– seasonal rainfall insurance based on Maharashtra, Karnataka,
aggregate rainfall from June to September, Orissa, Tamil Nadu 1.65 31,313 831 31,68 1,440 1.04 45.45 173.19 4.60
sowing failure insurance, rainfall distribu- Rabi 2008-09 Haryana, Bihar, Rajasthan,
Jharkhand, Karnataka,
tion insurance with the weight assigned to
Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
different weeks, agronomic index based on Chhattisgarh, West Bengal,
the water requirement of crops at different Himachal Pradesh 1.69 42,623 874 3,590 2,651 1.12 73.84 303.26 6.22
phenophases, and a catastrophic option, Total 10.05 2,49,732 6,147 21,306 14,687 4.39 68.93 238.92 26.61
FC = Farmers Covered, SI= Sum Insured, FP = Farmers Premium, TP = Total Premium, TC = Total Claims, FB= Farmers Benefited
covering extremely adverse deviations in Loss cost percentage is the total indemnity payouts as a percentage of the total liability. Total claim ratio is the total claims divided
rainfall during the season. by the total gross premium. Farmers’ claim ratio is total claims divided by the farmers’ premium (premium paid by the farmers).
Source: Agriculture Insurance Company of India.
Weather insurance in the country
received a big boost when the finance min- Around 10 lakh farmers have been spread of this product. The success of the
ister in his 2007-08 budget speech termed insured for a sum of Rs 2,497 crore, and product is critically dependent on
it as a “promising risk mitigation scheme” claims amounting to Rs 147 crore have availability of accurate weather data on a
and earmarked Rs 100 crore for its imple- been disbursed to 4.4 lakh beneficiaries in daily basis as also without gaps. At the
mentation on a pilot basis in a few states as the four seasons since the inception of the same time, the necessity of installing a
an alternative to NAIS. Weather-Based Crop scheme in kharif 2007. Like NAIS, the large number of weather stations to bring
Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) was piloted by claims experience is favourable to the down the basis risk to an acceptable level
the AIC in Karnataka in kharif 2007. Pres- farmers (claims disbursed is 2.4 times the would also result in high start up costs,
ently, these products are being offered in premium paid by farmers), though in thus negating the cost advantage of
selected regions for different crops by AIC terms of the total premium (inclusive of index-based weather insurance over tradi-
and private insurers ICICI Lombard General the premium subsidy by the government), tional insurance for the insurer.
Insurance Company and ITGI. the same is favourable to the insurer. The The success and efficiency of the weath-
WBCIS also operates on the concept of volume of business under WBCIS is mar- er insurance also depend a great deal on
“area approach”, whereby each reference ginal as it is still being tested on a pilot establishing accurate correlation between
unit area (RUA) is linked to a reference basis. An analysis of the performance of productivity levels and weather variations.
weather station (RWS) and all farmers in a WBCIS would hence be more apt after a It is extremely complex to estimate the cor-
given RUA are deemed to have suffered the few more years, after it has been imple- relation arising out of the interactive na-
same level of adverse weather incidence. mented on a wider scale. ture of various agricultural inputs. The
WBCIS is based on actuarial rates of pre- complexity of variables such as tempera-
mium (with a cap at 8-10% for food crops Major Constraints ture, relative humidity, wind speed, etc,
and oilseeds and 12% for commercial Despite the euphoria surrounding weather also comes in the way of establishing cor-
crops) but to make the scheme attractive, insurance, there are major constraints as- rect correlation. However, the effectiveness
premium actually charged from farmers sociated with these products. The spatial of index insurance as a risk mitigation tool
has been restricted to “at par” with the variations in weather parameters are high depends on how positively correlated
Economic & Political Weekly EPW february 6, 2010 vol xlv no 6 21

farm-yield losses are with the weather in- Though weather insurance is a promis- The committees set up by the govern-
dex. A poor construction of the index while ing innovation, its success would be criti- ment to suggest measures to reform the
benefiting the insurer would result in a cally dependent on addressing the above scheme have put forth comprehensive
mismatch between payoffs and actual challenges. An active role of the govern- recommendations broadly including steps
farmer losses. Also, unless the index is ment, at least in the initial stages in ex- like lowering the insurance unit to village
based on a weather variable that is the panding the network of weather stations panchayat, provision for mid-season on ac-
dominant cause of loss in the region, basis is highly recommended considering the count payment of claims, coverage to peren-
risk will be unacceptably high. huge start up costs involved and the likeli- nial crops, covers for pre-sowing and post-
The claim payout as per the structure of hood of the insurers shying away from harvest losses, more appealing guaranteed
Mahboobnagar started only with 30% ad- such high investments, while continuing yields, transition to actuarial regime with
verse deviation in the rainfall index, with to implement the scheme with high basis varying levels of premium subsidy, etc. A
the farmers receiving 50% of sum insured risk. Also, for the index weather insurance restructuring of the yield insurance scheme
only when the deviation in rainfall index to be successful, the insured must be in- on these lines is likely to improve its pros-
touched 80%. Similarly, the sum insured stilled with confidence that the index is pects and meet the reasonable aspirations
for the crops under WBCIS is divided into being measured accurately and the data is of the farmers.
various covers say excess rainfall, tempera- secure from tampering. The element of The need of the hour is to address the
ture, high relative humidity, pest disease trust would definitely be higher with the challenges faced by both the area yield
congenial climate, etc, and the event of the government owned weather stations. The and weather insurance schemes so that
insured getting a substantial proportion of capping of the premium rates may also be they can emerge as effective and efficient
sum insured appears less likely. The insured made flexible depending on the claim ex- mechanisms for transferring natural dis-
is likely to benefit only if the sum insured perience of the crop. aster risks that have a negative impact on
and the triggers are accurately set so as to the livelihood of our farming community.
reflect the extent of crop damage due to Complements, Not Substitutes
these parameters. Needless to state, the The experience with weather index insur- Notes
utility of the product would be highly com- ance in India is both limited and too re- 1 Though Mizoram has been notified during kharif
2009, statistics reveal that there has been no busi-
promised and the very concept of insurance cent to draw broad conclusions. The actual ness from the state so far. These four states have
fails if the products are designed in such a experience of settlement of indemnity not joined NAIS and have extended different
reasons for the same. While north-eastern states
way that payouts start only at high devia- reveals that though these products fare were interested in covering perennial horticul-
tion levels (in the weather parameter) or if better than the traditional scheme, the tural crops under NAIS, Punjab was not interested
in the multi-peril crop insurance based on area
the payouts are meagre at the initial levels, data gaps and timely non-receipt of weather approach.
(despite the low trigger levels) as the end data do result in significant delays. Apart 2 The penetration of the scheme has been the hig-
hest in Rajasthan where more than 50% of the
result of both would be compensation not from the technical challenges discussed farmers, (holdings) are covered under the
commensurate with the extent of crop loss. above, it needs to be understood that scheme. In states like AP, Gujarat, Karnataka, MP
and Orissa, about one-fourth of the farmers are
The capping of premium rates under the weather insurance has the limitation of insured under NAIS.
WBCIS also does not augur well for the use- covering only the parametric weather 3 NAIS deploys a three year moving average for rice
and wheat and a five-year average for all other
fulness of the product from the farmers’ events and thereby do not provide protec- crops multiplied by the indemnity level (90%,
point of view since it is most likely to come tion to all risks. Thus, it would be too early 80% and 60% depending on the variability in
yield of the crop) to arrive at the guaranteed
at the expense of payouts. Thus, both basis to over-promote the index-based weather yield, thus failing to provide protection to the
risk and poor design of the weather index insurance as the solution to the problems farmers in states/areas where there has been
consecutive adverse seasonal conditions.
may result in “no claims” despite crop loss- of the yield insurance scheme. 4 More than 80% of farmers insured are borrowing
es at the individual farmer’s level. In any case, index insurance and tradi- farmers, for whom the scheme is compulsory.
5 In areas where WBCIS is implemented, loanee
Also, for the increase in penetration lev- tional insurance are certainly not mutually farmers would be compulsorily covered under the
els, the farmers need to be made aware of exclusive, and these different forms of scheme. Since NAIS is not implemented in these
areas, the farmers do not have the option of
the claim structures, which at present are insurance, each having its own merits and choosing amongst the two.
highly technical and complicated. It is demerits should ideally blend and comple-
seen that even the insured farmers seldom ment and not replace one another. For all its References
have any knowledge of the various covers inherent drawbacks, the traditional yield Binswanger, H P (1980): “Attitudes toward Risk:
as also the extent of weather deviation guarantee scheme is a multi-peril scheme E xperimental Measurement in Rural India”,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62:
that would result in claims. The insurers covering a wide variety of crops on a national pp 174-82.
have to ensure that the same is publicised scale, and achieving such substantial cover- Government of India (2004): “Report of Joint Group”
on Review of Crop Insurance, Ministry of Agricul-
in a coherent manner to enable even the age does not seem possible under single ture, GoI, New Delhi.
illiterate farmers to make an informed peril covers. An analysis of the indemnity – (2007): “Report of the Working Group on Risk
Management in Agriculture for the Eleventh Five
purchase decision. Thus, the successful in- payouts also reveals significant benefits ac- Year Plan (2007-12)”, Planning Commission, GoI,
troduction of weather index insurance crued by the small and marginal farmers New Delhi, India.
World Bank (2007): “India: National Agricultural
will require a significant educational implying the satisfactory performance of the Insurance Scheme: Market Based Solutions for
effort on a continuing basis. programme from the equity point of view. Better Risk Sharing”, Report No 39353.

22 february 6, 2010 vol xlv no 6 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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