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Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300

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Acute effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms

depending on particle size, concentration and surface modification*
Lingzhan Miao a, b, Jun Hou a, b, *, Guoxiang You a, b, Zhilin Liu a, b, Songqi Liu a, b,
Tengfei Li a, b, Yujuan Mo b, Song Guo b, Hao Qu b
Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lake of Ministry of Education, College of Environment, Hohai University,
Nanjing, 210098, China
College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microplastics (MPs) can disintegrate into smaller sized microplastics and even nanoplastics (NPs). The
Received 6 May 2019 toxicity of nanoplastics and microplastics on freshwater organisms have been well explored recently,
Received in revised form however, very little is known about the potential impacts of NPs on freshwater biofilms, which are
20 September 2019
essential for primary production and nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we studied the
Accepted 22 September 2019
Available online 2 October 2019
acute effects (3 h of exposure) of polystyrene beads (PS, with diameter range from 100 nm to 9 mm) on
five biological endpoints targeting community and ecosystem-level processes in biofilms: chlorophyll a,
photosynthetic yield, and three extracellular enzyme activities. The results showed that the large size PS
beads (500 nm, 1 mm, and 9 mm) exhibited negligible effects on the determined biological endpoints in
Microplastics biofilms within the range of concentrations (5e100 mg/L) in this study. However, high concentration of
Biofilm PS beads (100 nm, 100 mg/L) significantly decreased the content of chlorophyll a, and the functional
Extracellular enzymes enzyme activities of b-glucosidase and leucine aminopeptidase, suggesting negative effects on the car-
ROS generation bon and nitrogen cycling of freshwater biofilms. Moreover, the influences of PS NPs (100 nm) on biofilms
strongly depended on the surface modification of PS particles, with the positively charged PS NPs
(amide-modified) exhibiting the highest toxicity to biofilms. The excess generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) in this study indicated oxidative stress induced by PS NPs, which might lead to the
observed nano-toxic effects on biofilms. In response, the antioxidant activity of biofilm was enhanced as
indicated by the increased total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC). Overall, our findings highlight nanoplastics
have potential to disrupt the basic ecological functions of biofilms in aquatic environments.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction essential roles in carbon fixation and nutrient cycling in aquatic

environments (Battin et al., 2016). Further, biofilms have long been
Periphytic biofilms are complex microbial communities present used in ecotoxicological studies because they serve a bioindicator
on submerged surfaces, and are ubiquitous in freshwater environ- for the evaluation of pollutant effects on aquatic ecosystems (Battin
ments (Battin et al., 2016). They are taxonomically diverse and et al., 2016; Besemer, 2015).
mainly consist of algae and bacteria, assembled in a polymeric As biofilms are typically found in streams, river and lakes, they
matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Flemming et al., might represent a first environmental medium that interact with
2016). Biofilms not only provide community structure and primary potential stressors (Tang et al., 2018), such as microplastics (MPs),
productivity that support higher trophic levels, but also play commonly defined as plastic particles diameter less then 5 mm
(Thompson et al., 2004). The discharge of MPs into environment
has drawn increasing environmental concerns in the past decade
due to their potential impact on aquatic organisms in freshwater
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Lian-Jun Bao. systems (Li et al., 2018; Su et al., 2016). Polyethylene (PE), poly-
* Corresponding author. Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource
styrene (PS), and polypropylene (PP) were the most common types
Development on Shallow Lake of Ministry of Education, College of Environment,
Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, China. of microplastics found in aquatic environments (Koelmans et al.,
E-mail addresses:, (J. Hou). 2019; Silva et al., 2018). Variable concentrations of microplastics
0269-7491/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300

in surface water have been reported from different freshwater 2. Materials and methods
environments, and the highest abundance of microplastics in
plankton net samples was observed in Taihu Lake with 3.4e25.8 2.1. Nano- and microplastics preparation and characterization
items/L (Su et al., 2016). The fate and potential impacts of MPs on
aquatic ecosystems have widely investigated (Silva et al., 2018). Polystyrene beads (milk white suspension, 25 mg/mL) were
MPs can undergo further degradation or fragmentation, eventually purchased from BaseLine Chromtech Research Centre (Tianjin,
disintegrating into nanoplastics (Gigault et al., 2016; Lambert and China). The polystyrene beads were monodisperse and supplied in
Wagner, 2016; Song et al., 2017), which exhibit larger surface area 10-mL aqueous suspensions. The PS beads of different sizes and
than their bulk particles and also interact with living organisms surface modifications were applied: carboxyl PS (100 nm, PS-
differently (Gonza lez-Pleiter et al., 2019; Triebskorn et al., 2019). COOH), amino PS (100 nm, PS-NH2), and unibead PS in four
Although there is no suitable monitoring method to directly different sizes (100 nm, 500 nm, 1 mm and 9 mm). These particles
determine the amounts of nanoplastics in aquatic environments were chosen due to that they are widely used in ecotoxicity tests of
(Gigault et al., 2016), the environmental concentrations of nano- micro/nano plastics, and therefore the results obtained here could
plastics are predicted to be much higher than microplastics (Chae be compared with those in previous studies (Besseling et al., 2014;
and An, 2017). The inherent nano-specific properties of NPs can Nolte et al., 2017; Sjollema et al., 2016). According to the manu-
enhance the risk of their uptake into cell and tissues, and induce facturer’s description, the PS suspension contained up to 0.25%
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting their physi- sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS; surfactant to prevent particle aggre-
ological processes (Tallec et al., 2018). Therefore, with the particle gation). The PS stock suspensions (500 mg/L) were prepared in
size shrinking, the potential toxicity might increase, even if the Milli-Q water by sonication (20  C, 250 W, 40 kHz) for 10 min
same material is relatively inert in bulkier form (Silva et al., 2018; (Zhang et al., 2018). Prior to the exposure experiments, the stock
Triebskorn et al., 2019). solution was transferred to a dialysis bag (8000 molecular weight
Adverse effects of NPs have been observed on the aquatic en- cut-off) for two days to remove the SDS present within the solution
vironments, and most of ecotoxicological studies were conducted (Pikuda et al., 2019).
using freshwater organisms, including daphnia, zebrafish, shrimp, In this study, the hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential of
macroalgae, cyanobacteria, and phytoplankton (Besseling et al., micro/nano PS after the remove of SDS were measured in Milli-Q
2014; Gonza lez-Pleiter et al., 2019; Prata et al., 2019; Triebskorn water (pH 6.9 ± 0.1) and filtered (through 0.22 mm) experimental
et al., 2019). Periphytic biofilms are suggested to encounter NPs solution (used for biofilm cultivation in the hydrodynamic flume,
after their releases into freshwater, yet, to our knowledge, there is see section 2.2) by a Zetasizer Nano ZSP instrument (Malvern In-
little information of the potential impacts of NPs on natural biofilm struments, UK). The measurements were performed in triplicate,
communities. Numerous studies have investigated the toxicity of and each containing 12 runs for the Z-average and 11 for the zeta
nanomaterials (such as Ag, TiO2, and Fe2O3) to microbial commu- potential (Miao et al., 2018). The morphology of micro/nano PS used
nities in aquatic environments (Chen et al., 2019; Gil-Allue et al., was determined by a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S-
2015; Tang et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2017). Given the nano- 4800 SEM). The PS stock was further ultrasonicated for 10 min
particulate nature of both NPs and nanomaterials, could there be before use.
similar toxic potential of these two particles to microbes in aquatic
environments? (Bundschuh et al., 2018; Huffer et al., 2017). A very 2.2. Biofilm cultivation
recent study demonstrated that PS NPs (50 nm) increased the
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and negatively affected Biofilms were cultivated in an indoor hydrodynamic flume
the inorganic nitrogen conversion efficiencies of marine bacterium described in our previous study (Liu et al., 2018). Briefly, the micro-
Halomonas alkaliphlia (Sun et al., 2018). Thus, when exposed to bial communities colonizing rocks in Xuanwu Lake were scraped and
biofilms, NPs may interact closely with microbial cell and enzymes, served as initial inoculum of biofilms. The water quality parameters
affecting their ecosystem functioning. in Xuanwu Lake were: pH ¼ 7.7; total nitrogen (TN) ¼ 2.3 mg/L; total
In order to address this issue, we explored the potential impacts phosphorus (TP) ¼ 0.13 mg/L; ammonia ¼ 0.62 mg/L; and ni-
of MPs and NPs on periphytic biofilms through a 3 h exposure ex- trate ¼ 0.85 mg/L. The flume was situated in a greenhouse (14/10-h
periments. As one of the most detected plastics in freshwater, PS light/dark cycle) and the flow velocity were initiated and maintained
with various sizes (with diameter range from nm to mm) frequently at 0.12 m s1. Pebble with a diameter of 2 cm was used as solid
serve as model particles to evaluate the environmental behaviors substrate for biofilm development. In addition, the nutrient was
and potential impacts of plastic particles (Nolte et al., 2017; Sun maintained by adding WC medium (Tang et al., 2017) (Table S1)
et al., 2018; Triebskorn et al., 2019). Therefore, PS plastics (with every 7 days. The biofilms were cultivated for two months, and after
diameter range from 100 nm to 9 mm) at a dosage ranging from 5 to that, dense and mature biofilms (Fig. S1) with moisture content ~ 85%
100 mg/L (reaching or exceeding the upper limit of environmen- were used in the following exposure experiments.
tally relevant concentrations) were used in our exposure experi-
ments. A series of biological endpoints targeting community and 2.3. Exposure experiment
ecosystem-level processes in biofilms were selected to evaluate
the impacts on biofilms, including chlorophyll a, photosynthetic The pebbles colonized by biofilm were taken out and transferred
yield and three extracellular enzymes activities. The extracellular to 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, and each flask contained 5 pebbles
enzymes, including b-glucosidase (GLU), leucine aminopeptidase and 120 mL of water collected from the hydrodynamic flume. After
(LAP), and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) were measured to assess the the biofilms were acclimated for 2 h, they were exposed to micro/
effects on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition by nano plastics. Certain amounts of the PS stock suspensions of
periphyton. In addition, the generation of ROS and the level of T- different size (unibead, 100 nm, 500 nm, 1 mm and 9 mm) were
AOC were measured to assess the effects on oxidative stress in added to obtain the final concentrations of 5, 10, 50, and 100 mg/L.
biofilms. This is the first study exploring the impacts of nano- This experimental setup was intended to investigate the effects of
plastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms, and the results are particle size and concentration on biofilms. The reasons for
expected to deepen our understanding of the potential impacts of selecting these particle concentrations were that: because of the
plastics debris on aquatic ecosystems. limitation of the currently monitoring methods, the detectable
L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300 3

plastic particles in natural environment were always larger than 2.6. Statistical analysis
330 mm in size, while the environmental concentrations of the sub-
micron or the nano plastics are predicted to be more higher than All assays were conducted in four replicates, and data were
microplastics (Chae and An, 2017), and much high putative risk has expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. Data from the
to be allocated to these smaller plastics (Triebskorn et al., 2019). biochemical measurements were converted to percentage of con-
Thus, concentrations higher than those in the natural environ- trol (% control) for easy comparison. Significant differences be-
ments were selected to in this study to explore the concentration- tween treatments were analyzed in Origin version 8.0 using one-
response relationships and the related mechanism. Microcosms way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey test, and p < 0.05 was
were incubated in a rotary shaker at 120 rpm (20  C) to mimic taken as significant cut-off. Asterisk (*) represents significant dif-
water flow across the biofilm surface (Gil-Allue et al., 2015). The ferences between the controls and treatments, and different letter
exposure treatments and the control were replicated four times. (a, b, c) represent significant differences among the various PS
After 3 h, biofilms from each replicate were scraped off and pooled treatments.
together, and used for all biochemical measurements after ho-
mogenization. As extracellular enzymes are located outside the cell, 3. Results
they might represent a first site of interaction with external
contamination, such as plastic particles. The exposure time of 3 h 3.1. Characterization of PS beads in Milli-Q water and experimental
was chosen in this study to balance between naturally occurring solution
enzymatic activity loss in unexposed biofilm samples (Schug et al.,
2014) and a sufficient time to allow for adsorption of plastic par- As seen from the SEM images (Fig. S2), the morphology of the
ticles by biofilms. applied PS beads in this study is basically spherical. As displayed in
In a second set of experiments performed under identical Table 1, the particle size distribution of PS particles (100 and
exposure conditions, biofilms were exposed to PS nanoplastics 500 nm PS) was significantly different when suspended in Milli-Q
(100 nm) with various surface modification: PS NPs, PS-COOH NPs water and experimental solution, however, the particle size dis-
and PS-NH2 NPs. These coatings mimic the variety of engineered tribution of microplastics (1 and 9 mm PS) maintained changeless in
and naturally occurring surface modifications of plastics (Nolte the two solutions. The hydrodynamic diameters of PS (500 nm), PS
et al., 2017; Triebskorn et al., 2019) and allow us to determine (100 nm), PS-COOH NPs (100 nm) were significantly higher in
how surface chemistry influences the effects on freshwater experimental solution than those in Milli-Q water (p < 0.05).
biofilms. Obvious aggregation of PS-NH2 NPs was observed in the two so-
lutions. In addition, the absolute values of zeta potential of micro/
nano PS were significantly lower in experimental solution than
those in Milli-Q water (p < 0.05), suggesting that the electrostatic
2.4. Biological endpoints
repulsion between PS particles were reduced (Xu et al., 2018). Due
to the high ion strength (IS) in the experimental solution, the sur-
At the end of the exposure experiments, the effects on chloro-
face charge of PS particles was decreased through screening effect
phyll a (Chl a) and photosynthesis potential of biofilms were
(Miao et al., 2016), resulting in obvious aggregation of PS beads,
determined. The in vivo chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration and the
especially for the nanoplastics. Similar results were obtained by
microalgal photosynthesis (indicated by ФPSII) were measured on
Sun et al. (2018) who studied the particle behaviors of PS beads in
fresh samples using Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorom-
distilled water and sterile seawater.
etry (Heinz Walz GmbH, Effeltrich, Germany) as described in our
previous study (Liu et al., 2018).
3.2. Effects of nano- and micro- PS on freshwater biofilm
To determine the activities of extracellular enzyme, 0.5 g fresh
samples were ground with PBS (pH 7.2e7.4) and centrifuged at
3.2.1. Effects on the microalgal growth and photosynthesis
2500 g for 15 min. The liquid supernatant was collected for extra-
The dose-effects of PS beads with different particle sizes on
cellular enzyme (b-glucosidase (GLU), leucine aminopeptidase
biofilms were investigated after 3 h exposure, and the surface of PS
(LAP), and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) quantification, which was
used in these experiments was not modified. As shown in Fig. 1, no
accomplished by double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked
significant change of the concentrations of in vivo Chl a in biofilms
immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) using a microbiological ELISA kit
was observed in 5, 10 and 50 mg/L PS treatments, regardless of the
(Feiya Biotechnology, Jiangsu, China) (details given in the SI).
particle size used in this study. Only in 100 mg/L PS (100 nm and
500 nm) treatments, the concentrations of in vivo Chl a were
reduced by 15% and 11%, respectively (p < 0.05). However, large PS
2.5. ROS generation and T-AOC measurements beads (1 mm and 9 mm) didn’t affect the microalgal growth, even at
the highest concentration of 100 mg/L (all p > 0.05). As for the
Oxidative stress was commonly determined in the toxicological photosynthesis, there was no significant effect of PS (<10% inhibi-
studies of nanoparticles, to investigate the disruption of physio- tion compared to control, p > 0.05) on the algal photosynthesis in
logical mechanisms or the damage of biochemical integrity in biofilms, regardless of the particle size and concentration used
exposed organisms (Almeida et al., 2017; Tang et al., 2018). In this (Fig. 1) in this study.
study, oxidative stress was represented by the production of ROS
and the level of T-AOC, which are among the most investigated 3.2.2. Effects on the activities of extracellular enzymes
biomarkers due to their known susceptibility to toxicants (Han In this study, three extracellular enzymes (GLU, LAP, and AKP)
et al., 2016; Jaikumar et al., 2018). Intracellular ROS generation were determined to investigate the short-term effects of PS beads
was determined by a ROS detection kit containing H2DCF-DA ac- on the metabolic potential of biofilms in terms of carbon, nitrogen,
cording to our previous study (Liu et al., 2018). The level of T-AOC in and phosphorus acquisition and transformations. As shown in
biofilms was detected using a T-AOC kit (Jiancheng Bioengineering Fig. 2, only PS NPs (100 nm) affected on the activities of GLU, LAP,
Co. Ltd., Nanjing, China) in accordance with the manufacturer’s and AKP, and the three enzymes exhibited different responses to
instructions. the PS beads within the range of concentrations in this study. When
4 L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300

Table 1
Particle size distribution and zeta potential of the different polystyrene beads.

Polystyrene type Primary particle size Particle size distribution (nm) Zeta potential (mV)

Milli-Q water (pH 6.9 ± 0.1) experimental solutionb Milli-Q water experimental solution

Unibead 9 mm a
11240 ± 2130 11480 ± 2340 ND ND
PS 1 mm 1358 ± 245 1495 ± 257 36.2 ± 3.5 23.4 ± 2.8c
500 nm 635 ± 135 985 ± 198c 43.2 ± 6.1 24.3 ± 2.1c
100 nm 129 ± 34 569 ± 124c 39.4 ± 3.9 19.4 ± 3.5c
PS-COOH 100 nm 135 ± 16 685 ± 156c 42.6 ± 4.8 18.6 ± 3.8c
PS-NH2 100 nm 878 ± 198 924 ± 240 10.2 ± 2 5.1 ± 1.8c

The particle size of unibead PS (9 mm) was measured with a Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instruments). The zeta potential of unibead PS (9 mm) was not detected.

Experimental solution used here was filtered through 0.22 mm (pH 7.6 ± 0.1).
An asterisk demonstrates significant differences of mean diameter and zeta potential for the PS beads in the experimental solution compared with those in Milli-Q water
(p < 0.05).

study. In short, the PS NPs (100 nm) resulted in significant in-

fluences on the functional enzyme activity of biofilms, depending
on the concentration of PS beads and the types of enzymes.

3.2.3. Potential impacts on the oxidative stress in the biofilms

Oxidative stress is generally identified as the main potential
mechanism of nanoparticle toxicity to exposed organisms, and
various relevant biomarkers have been used in the toxicological
studies (Fan et al., 2012). In this study, the level of T-AOC and the
generation of ROS in biofilms were determined to represent the
response and outcome of oxidative stress induced by PS beads. As
highlighted in Fig. 3, a concentration-dependent increase in ROS
generation was observed, with significant difference observed from
100 mg/L PS beads (100 nm) treatments (p < 0.05). While, other
large size PS beads (500 nm, 1 mm, and 9 mm) did not induce any
oxidative stress to biofilms within the range of the concentrations
in this study (see Fig. 3).
In response to the excess generation of ROS, an effective anti-
oxidant defense system would be developed by organisms to
maintain normal oxidant stress in the cells (Nel et al., 2006). In this
study, a similar variation in the trend of T-AOC was observed from
the nPS beads (100 nm) treatments, with significant differences
observed at concentration of 50 mg/L and 100 mg/L (p < 0.05).
Accordingly, to prevent the harmful effects of ROS, the antioxidative
mechanisms in biofilms might be activated (enhancing the level of
SOD, CAT, and T-AOC) to eliminate ROS (Han et al., 2017).

3.3. Surface modification effects of polystyrene on freshwater


Previously, the surface modification has been demonstrated to

influence the potential impacts of polystyrene to exposed organism
Fig. 1. Effects of PS beads with different particle sizes on microalgal growth and (Bergami et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018). Besides, in the present study,
photosynthesis in biofilms after 3 h exposure (n ¼ 4). * indicates significant difference only PS beads (100 nm) at concentration of 100 mg/L induced sig-
between the controls (100%) and treatments (p < 0.05). Different letters represent nificant changes in most determined biochemical endpoints from
significant differences among the PS treatments (p < 0.05). the first exposure experiments (Figs. 1e3). Therefore, 100 mg/L PS
beads (100 nm) with different functional groups (non-functional-
ized, -COOH and -NH2) were applied in the second experiments to
exposed to PS beads (100 nm), the activity of GLU (123%) was
investigate the surface modification effects of polystyrene on
significantly higher than the control at concentration of 50 mg/L
freshwater biofilms.
(p < 0.05), while, it was significantly decreased (85%) when PS
As shown in Fig. S3, the concentrations of in vivo Chl a in biofilms
concentration increased to 100 mg/L (p < 0.05). These
were significantly decreased by the three nPS beads, with the
concentration-response relationships of biofilms might be attrib-
highest inhibition (25%) observed from the nPS-NH2 treatments
uted to hormesis effects with low dose stimulation and high dose
(p < 0.05). Besides, no significant change of algal photosynthesis in
inhibition (Calabrese et al., 2012; Samarajeewa et al., 2017). As for
biofilms was observed in the three nPS treatments at concentration
LAP, only PS beads (100 nm) at 100 mg/L induced a significantly
of 100 mg/L. These results suggested that PS nanoparticles could
decrease (87%) in the activity compared to the control (p < 0.05).
inhibit the microalgal growth, regardless of the surface modifica-
The activity of AKP remained constant after 3 h exposure of PS
tion in this study, while, the potential for primary productivity
beads, regardless of the particle size and concentration used in this
(algal photosynthesis) are not affected within 3 h exposure
L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300 5

Fig. 2. Effects of PS beads with different particle sizes on the activities of extracellular enzymes in biofilms after 3 h exposure (n ¼ 4). * indicates significant difference between the
controls (100%) and treatments (p < 0.05). Different letters represent significant differences among the PS treatments (p < 0.05).

experiments. growth and photosynthesis, functional enzyme activities and

As for extracellular enzyme (Fig. 4), the activity of GLU was representative biomarkers for oxidative stress. As shown from the
significantly decreased by the three nPS beads (p < 0.05), with the obtained results, the toxic effects of PS beads on biofilms strongly
highest inhibition observed from the nPS-NH2 treatments (140 ng/ depended on the particle size and the surface modification. At the
L) compared to the control (193 ng/g). The activity of LAP was end of experiments, most of the biological endpoints remained
significantly decreased by PS NPs (non-functionalized) and PS-NH2 constant in the large size PS beads (1 mm and 9 mm) treated bio-
NPs (p < 0.05), while only a slight decrease of LAP was observed films, regardless of the concentration applied. While, the small size
from the PS-COOH NPs treatment (p > 0.05). The activity of AKP PS beads, especially nPS beads (100 nm) exhibited nano-toxicity to
remained at similar level among the three PS NP treatments within biofilms through oxidative stress at high concentration of 100 mg/L.
the experiment period (Fig. S4). These results indicated that Significant decreases were observed for microalgal growth, along
extracellular enzyme activities were affected by nanoplastics to with reductions of enzymatic activities (with the exception of AKP)
varying degree, depending on the surface modification of PS beads in biofilms when exposed to 100 mg/L PS NPs, and the inhibition
(100 nm). degree was related to the surface modification of PS NPs. All these
The two representative biomarkers of oxidative stress (T-AOC observed effects highlighted that PS NPs (100 nm) significantly
and ROS) were significantly affected by the PS NP treatments affected biofilms and their associated microbial functions, such as
(Fig. 4). The ROS generation was significantly increased by PS NPs carbon and nitrogen acquisition and cycling in aquatic
(non-functionalized) and PS-NH2 NPs (p < 0.05), especially in the environments.
PS-NH2 NP treated biofilms (increased by 50%) compared to the
control. Meanwhile, obvious increase of T-AOC was observed from
all the three PS NP treated biofilms (p < 0.05). These results indi- 4.1. The potential toxic mechanisms to biofilms
cated that the influences of PS NPs (100 nm) on the oxidative stress
of biofilms depended on the surface modification of PS beads. In this study, the introduced large PS MPs did not induce any
oxidative stress to biofilms, while the high concentration of PS NPs
(100 nm) exposure enhanced the intracellular ROS in biofilms,
4. Discussion likely posing threats to microorganisms due to oxidative stress. As
reported, microplastics are not a highly toxic substance, while the
In this study, the acute toxicity of PS beads with different par- nanoplastics disintegrated from microplastics have been shown to
ticle sizes and surface modifications on biofilms were investigated exhibit toxic effects on freshwater organism of different trophic
by determining integrated biological endpoints, including algal levels, including zooplankter, algae, cyanobacteria, and bacteria
6 L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300

communities from oxidative stress, as proteins and polysaccharose

(two major components of EPS) are reactive with radicals (Coburn
et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2019).

4.2. Responses of microalgal growth and photosynthesis

In the present study, the influences of PS beads on the micro-

algal growth and photosynthesis in biofilms were strongly depen-
dent on the particle concentration and size applied. Low
concentrations of PS NPs (5 and 10 mg/L) did not induce any in-
fluence on the microalgal growth and photosynthesis in this study,
consistent with previous study reported by Zhang et al. (2018).
High concentration of PS NPs (100 nm) at 100 mg/L induced sig-
nificant decrease of microalgal growth in biofilms, while the value
of ФPSII remained constant in this study. Similar results were ob-
tained in previous study that small sized polystyrene (0.05 mm)
significantly inhibited the growth of microalgae D. tertiolecta at the
concentration of 250 mg/L, and the microalgal photosynthesis
maintained changeless after 72 h exposure (Sjollema et al., 2016).
While, negative effects of mPVC (average diameter 1 mm) on algal
photosynthesis were observed by Zhang et al. (2017) after 1 h
exposure, and the value of ФPSII recovered to a similar level of the
controls after 96 h. This discrepancy among studies might be due to
different microbial communities or plastic types used in the
exposure experiments.
There are two possible reasons for the inconsistent changes of
microalgal growth and photosynthesis. One is that the ROS induced
by PS NPs (100 nm) beads could lead to oxidative damage to the cell
membrane (Liu et al., 2018), and as a result, the growth of micro-
algal community was inhibited. While, the quantum yield repre-
sents the proportion of photons of incident light which are actually
used to drive the photochemistry of photosynthesis (Almeida et al.,
Fig. 3. Effects of PS beads with different particle sizes on the level of T-AOC and the 2017). This normalized index can represent the efficiency of the
generation of ROS in biofilms after 3 h exposure (n ¼ 4). * indicates significant dif- photochemical conversion of light energy in PSII of whole micro-
ference between the controls (100%) and treatments (p < 0.05). Different letters
algal community or individual microalgal cells. Thus, the inhibition
represent significant differences among the PS treatments (p < 0.05).
of microalgal growth might not affected the level of ФPSII in bio-
films. Another reason is that the sensitivity of algae in biofilms to
(Chae and An, 2017; Gonza lez-Pleiter et al., 2019; Zhang et al., nanoparticles varies within algal types, resulting in different re-
2019). The unique characteristics of nanoparticles (small size and sponses of algae to nano-toxic effects. In our previous study, we
high surface-volume ratio) make them easily pass through bio- found that exposure to Ag2S NPs inhibited the growth of cyano-
logical barriers and can lead to oxidative damage to living organ- bacteria and diatoms, however, increased the content of green
isms (Besseling et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2018). Numerous studies algae in freshwater biofilms (Liu et al., 2018). As green algae has
revealed that the toxicity of nanoparticles (such as nPS, TiO2, and higher potential of photosynthetic activity than cyanobacteria and
Fe2O3) to microorganisms are mainly attributed to the oxidative diatoms (Chalifour and Juneau, 2011), the enhanced content of
damage (Sun et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2019). green algae in biofilms could counterbalance the loss of photo-
Accordingly, oxidative stress generally developed from low level synthetic activity induced by other types of algae, and thus main-
to high level with increasing exposure duration and nanoparticle tained the normal photosynthetic yield in biofilms (Liu et al., 2018).
concentrations (Nel et al., 2006). Within the duration in this study,
the antioxidative biomarker of T-AOC increased in response to the 4.3. Responses of the activities of functional enzymes
enhanced generation of ROS, suggesting a relative low level of
oxidative stress (Fan et al., 2012), and the PS NPs did not destroy the In general, the three functional enzymes responded differently
antioxidant system within the experimental periods. During this to PS NPs in this study: GLU was negatively affected in more cases
phase, ROS can be alleviated through enzymatic (such as SOD, CAT) compared to LAP. The activity of AKP remained changeless within
and nonenzymatic actions (such as T-AOC), protecting cells in the exposure duration, regardless of the concentration and surface
biofilms against oxidative stress (Fan et al., 2012). It was probably modification of PS NPs used in this study. These differences in
the same situation with this study. However, if the concentration sensitivity might result from different localization patterns of the
and exposure time of PS NPs keep increased, the continuous three enzymes. Previous studies showed that a major fraction of
accumulation of ROS might breakdown the antioxidant defense GLU are located in the soluble fraction (outside layer) in the biofilm
systems, leading to higher oxidative stress, and consequently cell matrix, and thus, GLU might be more accessible for PS NPs and ROS
death (Fan et al., 2012; Han et al., 2016). This highlighted the need (Schug et al., 2014). Whereas, LAP and AKP were mainly associated
to perform long-term exposure experiments investigating the with the insoluble fraction and they might be less affected
chronic responses of biofilms to PS NPs in aquatic environments. In compared to GLU. Similar results were obtained in previous study,
addition to the response mechanisms of antioxidant action, EPS, in which the activities of GLU and LAP were significantly inhibited
attached to the outer layer of the cells, could protect microbial by Ag NPs, while AKP was not affected after 2 h exposure (Gil-Allue
et al., 2015). The decreased activities of GLU and LAP suggested
L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300 7

Fig. 4. Effects of PS beads with different surface modifications on enzyme activities and oxidative stress in biofilms after 3 h exposure (n ¼ 4). Different letters represent significant
differences among the PS treatments (p < 0.05).

negative effects of nPS beads on the carbon and nitrogen cycling of better with long term exposure and low concentration of plastic
freshwater biofilms. particles, and the obtained results could be useful to evaluate the
potential impacts in the aquatic ecosystem. Environmental con-
centrations of the applied plastic particles are not well-known but
4.4. Responses to different surface modifications of polystyrene
are expected to be lower than in the present study (Chae and An,
2017), suggesting that the extrapolation of our results requires
As observed from the second experiments, the nano-toxic ef-
caution. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about the effects on
fects of PS NPs on biofilms was highly dependent on the surface
freshwater biofilms so far, and thus detailed and comprehensive
modification of PS NPs in this study, and the positively charged PS
studies are needed to evaluate the ecotoxicological effects of these
NPs (PS-NH2) exhibited the highest toxicity to biofilms. These dif-
plastic particles. The main purpose of the present study was to
ferences might be possibly attributed to the binding affinity be-
explore the acute toxic effects of PS beads to freshwater biofilms
tween PS NPs and the cell (Nolte et al., 2017). Previously,
after short term exposure and the concentration-response re-
Bhattacharya et al. (2010) found that the positively charged nano-
lationships and the related mechanisms were discussed. Indeed,
plastics exhibited a high binding affinity to algae than negatively
the ecological functions of biofilms were negatively affected in
charged particles, and resulted in more significant effects on algal
terms of carbon and nitrogen cycling. Complementary studies
photosynthesis. Similarly, non-functionalized and positively
aimed to investigate long-term effects would be useful to evaluate
charged PS nanoparticles showed a higher adsorption to the cell
the impacts of PS NPs in aquatic environments, integrating the
wall of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata than negatively charged PS
responses of community structure and functional properties of
beads (Nolte et al., 2017). In addition, these binding affinity be-
biofilms. Also, because that periphytic biofilms are important re-
tween particle and cell might also be affected by medium condi-
sources for consumers in aquatic environments (Gil-Allue et al.,
tions and material properties, which should be further investigated.
2015), the trophic transfer of PS NPs and their effects on aquatic
food webs should receive more attention.
4.5. Environmental implications

Generally, the estimated exposures in the environment might be

8 L. Miao et al. / Environmental Pollution 255 (2019) 113300

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