Assignment 1

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The Names of Allah

‫( َاْل َعْدل‬al-ʿadl) -The Just, The Authorized and Straightforward Judge of Dealing Justly

Allah’s vision encompasses everything. He is well aware of all that takes place in the world. The
right and the wrong do not go unnoticed by Him and so He is just in His judgement. The
conviction and belief that Allah will render his just judgments in due time is of great comfort to
me. It enables me to face the world head on, knowing and knowing for sure that if I am ever
wronged, Allah will stand beside me and ensure that my suffering does not go in vain. The world
of today is a scary place to live in. It is drenched in envy and hatred and oftentimes, these
ambitions rule the heads of the people that surround us so much so that they latch onto any
opportunity to harm us. During these times, I take refuge in the fact that Allah will deal with the
wrongdoers in the most just manner possible.

‫َاْل َو ِك يل‬ (al-wakīl) -The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate

Allah is free of the need to depend on anyone. He is self sufficient and complete in every way
possible. Us humans, however, are incomplete beings. Oftentimes, I have felt helpless in my day
to day life. May it be because of a task I am unable to complete or a stressful and emotional
ordeal. During these times, I have turned to Allah for help. The bond of trust that I share with Him
enables me to pour my heart out to him, knowing and knowing for sure that He will surely respond.
I depend on him fully because at the end of the day, whatever takes place is by the will of Allah.
Depending on someone else for ease is demeaning to God himself because Allah has
commanded us to ask for whatever we need from Him. He is the manager of all our affairs and
depending on Allah alone will be of utmost benefit to us.

‫( َاْل َعُفّو‬al-ʿafuww) -The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver

Humans are imperfect. They divulge in sins and the path of wrongdoings often intersects their
day to day life. Allah, on the other hand, is beyond the parameters of perfection and imperfection
that us humans have created. To put it simply, He is whole and so He is perfect in every way and
form. His perfection is beyond what the human mind can comprehend. One of the aspects of this
perfection is his ability to forgive. I, like many others, am not foreign to the concept of sinning.
There have been times where I have been engulfed by envy and jealousy, the two things that
Allah dislikes most. Acknowledging my code of conduct, I oftentimes wallow in a pit of shame
and worry over whether Allah will forgive me. But the worry soon vanishes when I realize that
Allah is the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, as has been mentioned so many times in the
Quran. And so, with this in mind, I repent and turn to him for pardon.
‫( َاْل َو ِلّي‬al-waliyy) -The Friend, The Helper

It has been mentioned in the Quran that Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein. The mere
thought that the Creator is so near you at all times is a comforting thought. Oftentimes, I have felt
myself to be in a bubble of loneliness. With no one to share my deepest and innermost thoughts
with, I have time and again turned and found solace in Allah. The fact that He is always listening
and is aware of the conflicts inside you is very reassuring.

‫( َاْل ُمَص ِّو ر‬al-muṣawwir) -The Fashioner, The Shaper, The Designer, The Artist

Kun Faya Kun. That was how to world was created and what a beautiful world it is. Everyday, we
wake up to see the earth, our home, in all its glory. If one observes closely, one is left awestruck
at the intricacies and detail in everything that Allah has created. Everything that this world has to
offer is perfect in its shape and form and in one way or another, it reinforces the supremacy of
God and His workings. I, too am left bedazzled and humbled when I see the world around me. It
amazes me that Allah has put so much thought into everything He has created, from the laws of
physics to a mere rock on the ground. The signs are there for those who want to see it.

Submitted by:
Shiza Rehan

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