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Maharaja’s Technological Institute, Thrissur

Department of Electronics Engineering


Submitted by
REG NO:2201042301
Internship II report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Award of

Submitted by


Under Supervision of

Mr. Prince
SMEC Automation Pvt.Ltd, Kochi

Maharaja's Technological Institute


To be a premier institute in the field of engineering to serve society by moulding
technically competent professionals.
1. Providing value-based quality education through state-of-the-art technologies
and eco-friendly environments.
2. Ensuring a continuously improving teaching learning process to meet the
current trends in the industry.
3. Involving development of society through inculcating leadership qualities and
entrepreneurial skills among students.
To be a model Institute for providing academic and skill excellence in
Electronics Engineering.
1. Impart quality teaching-learning-experience with state-of-the-art curriculum.
2. Enhance Training, Industry Institute Interaction and Entrepreneurship
3. Encourage students to improve their Creativity and Innovation to find solutions
to common needs of society in a simpler way.
4. Foster sustained interaction with the alumni, industries, organizations and other
stake holders to stay relevant in the globalized environment.



This is to certify that the “Internship report” submitted by NAME (Regd. No.:) is

work done by his/her Internship II in Fourth Semester Electronics Engineering and

submitted during 2024 – 2025 academic year, in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of the Diploma in Electronics Engineering by Board of Technical Education

during the academic year 2024-2025, at SMEC Automation Pvt . Ltd

Internship Coordinator Head of the department

Place : Thrissur

Date :

Dept. of Electronics MTI Thrissur


We owe our heartfelt gratitude to God almighty for all the blessings showered
on us during this endeavor. We take this opportunity to express our sincere
gratitude to all the people who have been instrumental in the conduct of this
Internship II.
First I would like to thank Mr Prince Head, of SMEC Automation Pvt. Ltd,
Kochi for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within their organization.
I also would like all the people that worked along with me SMEC Automation
Pvt. Ltd Kochi with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable
working environment. It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense
sense of gratitude that I acknowledge the help of these individuals.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Principal, MTI Thrissur,
Smt.Minimol L for providing necessary guidance and facilities for the successful
completion ofthis Internship.

We are very much thankful to, Mr. BABU K K, HOD in charge, Electronics
Engineering Department, for his timely help and encouragement. We thank
Mr. Harikrishnan I, Lecturer in Electronics Engineering Department for the
proper guidance and support during the course of this Internship II.

We also thank the Staff members of Electronics Engineering Department,

for their co-operation for the completion of the project. Finally, we thank our
friends, classmates and family for providing us the strength and endurance.


Dept. of Electronics MTI Thrissur


Embedded Systems Consist of Interacting Components That Are Required to Deliver a Specific
Functionality Under Constraints on Execution Rates and Relative Time Separation of The
Components. In This Article, We Model an Embedded System Using Concurrent Processes
Interacting Through Synchronization. We Assume That There Are Rate Constraints on The
Execution Rates of Processes Imposed by The Designer or The Environment of The System,
Where the Execution Rate of a Process Is the Number of Its Executions Per Unit Time. We Address
the Problem of Computing Bounds on The Execution Rates of Processes Constituting an
Embedded System, And Propose an Interactive Rate Analysis Framework. As Part of The Rate
Analysis Framework, We Present an Efficient Algorithm for Checking the Consistency of The
Rate Constraints. Bounds On the Execution Rate of Each Process Are Computed Using an Efficient
Algorithm Based on The Relationship Between the Execution Rate of a Process and The Maximum
Mean Delay Cycles In The Process Graph. Finally, If the Computed Rates Violate Some Of The
Rate Constraints, Some Of The Processes In The System Are Redesigned Using Information From
The Rate Analysis Step. This Rate Analysis Framework Is Implemented in A Tool Called RATAN.
We Illustrate by An Example How RATAN Can Be Used In An Embedded System Design.
Categories And Subject Descriptors: C.4 [Computer Systems Organization]: Performance Of
Systems-Modeling Techniques; Performance Attributes
General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Performance, Theory
Additional Key Words And Phrases: Average Execution Rate, Concurrent System
Modeling, Embedded Systems, Interactive Rate Violation Debugging, Rate Analysis,
Rate Constraints.


Dept. of Electronics MTI Thrissur


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................II
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... III
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 2
2. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ................................................................................... 4
2.1 Internet of Things (IoT) ............................................................................... 4
2.2 Automation and Robotics............................................................................. 4
2.3 Automotive Systems ...................................................................................... 4
2.4 Consumer Electronics .................................................................................. 5
2.5 Healthcare and Medical Devices ................................................................. 5
2.6 Industrial Control and Monitoring ............................................................. 5
2.7 Energy Management .................................................................................... 5
3. IMPORTANCE OF EMBEDDED C ............................................................... 6
3.1 Low-Level Programming ............................................................................. 6
3.2 Efficiency and Performance......................................................................... 6
3.3 Portability ...................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Access to Hardware Features ...................................................................... 7
3.5 Real-Time Capabilities ................................................................................. 7
3.6 Community and Tool Support..................................................................... 7
3.7 In summary, Embedded C is important in the field of embedded
systems due to its ........................................................................................... 7
4. The Internet of Things (IoT) ............................................................................. 8
4.1 Key Components of IoT ............................................................................... 8
4.2 BENEFITS OF IOT ...................................................................................... 9
4.3 KEY SCOPES OF IOT .................................................................................
iv 10
5. IOT COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS .................................................... 12

Dept. of Electronics MTI Thrissur

6. DEMONSTRATION ....................................................................................... 15
7. ABOUT SMEC ................................................................................................. 15
8.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE ........................................................ 17
9. INTERNSHIP LEARNINGS .......................................................................... 19
10. REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 19

Dept. of Electronics MTI Thrissur

MTI Thrissur


The objectives of internship training are:

 Expose students to safety standards in industry.

 Provide possible opportunities to learn, understand, and sharpen the real time
technical / supervisory skills required at the job.
 Provide exposure to the current technological developments relevant to the
subject area of training.
 Apply the Technical knowledge in real industrial situations.
 Expose students to the engineer’s responsibilities and ethics.
 Familiarize students with various materials, processes, products and their
applications along with relevant aspects of quality control.
 Promote academic, professional and/or personal development.
 Expose the students to future employers.
 Introduce the social, economic and administrative considerations that
influence the working environment of industrial organizations
 Expose students to the psychology of the workers and their habits, attitudes
and approach to problem solving.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


1st WEEK
01-04-2024 Monday Introduction of. Embedded System
02-04-2024 Tuesday Features of Embedded System
03-04-2024 Wednesday Introduction of Microcontroller
04-04-2024 Thursday Introduction of Microprocessor
05-04-2024 Friday Continuing Microprocessor


08-04-2024 Monday Introduction to RTOS
2nd WEEK

09-04-2024 Tuesday Understanding Design of Embedded System

Wednesday Continuing understanding Design of Embedded
10-04-2024 System
11-04-2024 Thursday Introduction to Role of IoT in Embedded System
12-04-2024 Friday Continuing IoT in Embedded System


15-04-2024 Monday Introduction Embedded System Linux Basic
16-04-2024 Tuesday Introduction to C in Embedded System
3rd WEEK

17-04-2024 Wednesday Understanding what is Automative System

18-04-2024 Thursday Understanding Arduino and ARM Microcontroller

19-04-2024 Friday Introduction Embedded Hardware


4th WEEK

22-04-2024 Monday Understanding classic Embedded Hardware

23-04-2024 Tuesday Introduction to Interfacing sensors
24-04-2024 Wednesday Working with Sensor in Embedded
25-04-2024 Thursday Practice simulation in Tinkercad
26-04-2024 Friday Introduction to Wireless Technologies

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


SMEC Automation Pvt. Ltd., headquartered in Kochi, Kerala, is a prominent

player in the field of industrial automation and control systems. Established with a
vision to provide cutting-edge automation solutions, SMEC has carved a niche for
itself as a leading automation company, serving a diverse range of industries
Company Overview
Founded in 2001, SMEC Automation Pvt. Ltd. has grown to become a trusted name
in the automation sector. The company specializes in designing, implementing, and
maintaining sophisticated automation systems that enhance operational efficiency,
safety, and productivity in various industrial processes.
SMEC Automation offers a comprehensive suite of services and solutions,
including: Industrial Automation Solutions: Customized automation systems
tailored to specific industry needs, including PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
systems, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, and DCS
(Distributed Control Systems).Marine Automation: Advanced automation solutions
for the maritime industry, including navigation and communication systems, engine
room automation, and cargo handling systems. Process Control: Integrated process
control systems for industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, water
treatment, and food and beverage manufacturing.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


Embedded systems have become increasingly important in recent scenarios due to

their wide-ranging applications and impact on various aspects of our lives. Here are
some key reasons why embedded systems are significant in the present context
2.1 Internet of Things (IoT)
Embedded systems form the foundation of the IoT, where devices and objects are
interconnected, enabling data exchange and automation. Embedded systems
facilitate the integration of sensors, actuators, and communication modules into
everyday objects, making them "smart" and enabling seamless connectivity. IoT
applications span various domains, including home automation, healthcare,
transportation, industrial automation, agriculture, and more. Embedded systems
enable the functionality and communication required for IoT devices, leading to
increased efficiency, convenience, and improved quality of life.
2.2 Automation and Robotics
Embedded systems play a critical role in automation and robotics, where precise
control and real-time responsiveness are essential. They are used in industrial
automation to control machinery and processes, optimize production, and enhance
efficiency. In robotics, embedded systems provide the intelligence and control
necessary for autonomous operation, enabling applications in manufacturing,
healthcare, logistics, exploration, and other fields. Embedded systems ensure that
robots can perceive their environment, make decisions, and execute tasks accurately
and safely.
2.3 Automotive Systems
The automotive industry heavily relies on embedded systems for various functions,
including engine management, safety systems, entertainment, navigation, and
connectivity. Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles
rely on embedded systems to process sensor data, make real-time decisions, and
control vehicle behaviour.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur

Embedded systems in automobiles enhance safety, improve fuel efficiency,

enable intelligent features, and contribute to the development of self-driving
2.4 Consumer Electronics
Embedded systems are prevalent in a wide range of consumer electronic devices,
including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, wearables, and home appliances. They
enable the functionality and intelligence required for these devices, such as user
interfaces, processing power, connectivity, and power management. Embedded
systems have transformed these devices into powerful tools for communication,
entertainment, productivity, and home automation.
2.5 Healthcare and Medical Devices
Embedded systems have revolutionized healthcare by powering medical devices and
systems. From wearable fitness trackers to advanced medical imaging equipment,
embedded systems are integral to monitoring, diagnosis, treatment, and patient care.
They enable accurate sensing, data processing, real-time monitoring, and
communication in medical devices, contributing to improved healthcare outcomes,
personalized medicine, and remote patient monitoring.
2.6 Industrial Control and Monitoring
Embedded systems are widely used in industrial control and monitoring systems,
such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. They enable
real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes, ensuring efficient
operations, fault detection, and safety. Embedded systems in industrial settings
provide automation, data acquisition, and analysis capabilities, enhancing
productivity, reducing downtime, and enabling predictive maintenance.
2.7 Energy Management
Embedded systems play a crucial role in energy management systems, including
smart grids, energy monitoring devices, and home energy management systems.
They facilitate real-time monitoring of energy consumption, enable efficient control
and optimization of energy distribution, and support renewable energy

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur

integration. Embedded systems contribute to energy efficiency, grid stability, and

the transition to sustainable energy sources.
In summary, embedded systems have gained immense importance in recent times
due to their pivotal role in enabling IoT, automation, robotics, automotive systems,
consumer electronics, healthcare, industrial control, and energy management. Their
widespread applications have transformed various industries, leading to increased
efficiency, connectivity, and innovation.


Embedded C is a variant of the C programming language specifically designed for

developing software for embedded systems. It plays a vital role in the field of
embedded systems due to its importance and several key reasons:
3.1 Low-Level Programming
Embedded systems often operate at a low level, interacting directly with hardware
components. Embedded C provides low-level programming capabilities, allowing
developers to access and manipulate hardware registers, memory addresses, and
peripheral devices. This level of control is crucial for tasks such as configuring
hardware, handling interrupts, and optimizing system performance.
3.2 Efficiency and Performance
Embedded C allows developers to write code that is highly optimized for memory
usage and execution speed. This is essential in resource-constrained environments
where embedded systems typically operate. By leveraging the features of Embedded
C, developers can write efficient code that minimizes memory footprint, maximizes
processing speed, and meets real-time constraints.
3.3 Portability
Embedded C offers a high degree of portability, making it possible to write code that
can be easily ported to different embedded systems with minimal
modifications. This is crucial in the embedded systems domain, where software
often needs to be migrated between different hardware platforms or
microcontrollers. The standardized syntax and libraries of Embedded C ensure
Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
that code can be easily adapted and maintained across various embedded
3.4 Access to Hardware Features
Embedded C provides direct access to hardware features and peripherals, enabling
developers to harness the full capabilities of embedded systems. This includes
interfacing with sensors, actuators, communication modules, and other hardware
components. By leveraging Embedded C, developers can control and utilize the
specific features and functionalities of embedded systems effectively.
3.5 Real-Time Capabilities
Many embedded systems require real-time responsiveness, where tasks need to be
executed within strict timing constraints. Embedded C allows developers to write
code that meets real-time requirements, including handling time-critical events,
managing interrupts, and implementing real-time scheduling algorithms. This is
crucial for applications such as control systems, robotics, and automotive systems,
where timely and deterministic behaviour is essential.
3.6 Community and Tool Support
Embedded C benefits from a large community of developers, libraries, and tools that
cater specifically to the embedded systems domain. There are numerous resources,
forums, and online communities dedicated to Embedded C programming, providing
a wealth of knowledge, code examples, and support. Additionally, various integrated
development environments (IDEs) and debugging tools offer extensive support for
Embedded C development, facilitating the coding, testing, and debugging processes.
3.7 In summary, Embedded C is important in the field of embedded systems
due to its
low-level programming capabilities, efficiency, portability, access to hardware
features, real-time capabilities, and the availability of a robust development
ecosystem. It enables developers to write optimized, hardware-centric code for
embedded systems, ensuring efficient utilization of system resources and meeting
the specific requirements of embedded applications.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur

4. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Transformative concept that refers to the interconnection of everyday physical

objects, devices, and systems through the internet. It involves embedding sensors,
actuators, and connectivity capabilities into objects to enable them to collect and
exchange data. This network of interconnected devices, often referred to as "smart"
devices, can communicate with each other, as well as with humans, creating a
seamless and intelligent ecosystem.
The core idea behind IoT is to enable objects to become intelligent, capable of
sensing and reacting to their environment, and sharing data in real-time. By
collecting and analysing vast amounts of data, IoT allows for improved decision-
making, automation, and the development of innovative applications across various
4.1 Key Components of IoT
4.1.1 Devices and Sensors: IoT devices are equipped with sensors to capture data
from the surrounding environment. These devices can range from simple sensors
like temperature or humidity sensors to complex devices such as wearables or
autonomous vehicles.
4.1.2 Connectivity: IoT devices rely on various communication technologies to
connect to the internet and transmit data. This includes Wi-Fi, cellular networks,
Bluetooth, Zigbee, or even satellite communication, depending on the specific use
case and requirements.
4.1.3 Data Processing: IoT systems involve the processing and analysis of the
collected data. This can occur on the device itself, at the edge of the network, or in
the cloud. Advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning and artificial
intelligence, can be applied to extract valuable insights from the data.
4.1.4 Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud platforms provide the necessary infrastructure
and services for storing, managing, and analysing the massive amounts of data

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
generated by IoT devices. Cloud computing allows for scalability, flexibility, and
centralized management of IoT deployments.
4.1.5 Applications and Services: The data collected by IoT devices can be
leveraged to create a wide range of applications and services. These can include
smart home automation, industrial monitoring and control, healthcare solutions,
agriculture optimization, transportation systems, and more.
4.2.1 Improved Efficiency: IoT enables the automation and optimization of
processes, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. By collecting and
analyzing data, IoT systems can identify inefficiencies and enable predictive
maintenance, saving time and resources.
4.2.2 Enhanced Decision-Making: Real-time data from IoT devices provides
valuable insights for decision-making. With access to accurate and up-to-date
information, businesses and individuals can make more informed choices and
respond promptly to changing conditions.
4.2.3 Cost Reduction: IoT can help optimize resource utilization, reduce energy
consumption, and minimize operational costs. By monitoring and controlling
devices remotely, organizations can identify areas of improvement and implement
energy-saving measures.
4.2.4 Improved Quality of Life: IoT applications in healthcare, smart homes, and
wearable devices have the potential to enhance the quality of life. These applications
can enable remote patient
monitoring, personalized healthcare, energy-efficient homes, and assisted living for
the elderly and disabled.
4.2.5 Innovation and New Opportunities: IoT opens up new avenues for
innovation, product development, and business models. It enables the creation of
new services, improved customer experiences, and the development of smart,
interconnected ecosystems. The scope of IoT is vast and encompasses various
industries and applications. Here are some

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


4.3.1 Smart Homes

IoT enables the creation of smart homes where various devices and systems,
such as lighting, thermostats, security cameras, and appliances, are interconnected
and can be controlled remotely. This allows for increased convenience, energy
efficiency, and improved home security.
4.3.2 Industrial Automation
IoT plays a significant role in industrial automation, often referred to as the Industrial
Internet of Things (IoT). It involves connecting and monitoring machines,
equipment, and systems in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and energy.
IoT enables real-time data collection, predictive maintenance, and process
optimization, leading to improved productivity and cost savings.
4.3.3 Healthcare
IoT is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling remote patient monitoring, wearable
devices, and smart medical equipment. IoT devices can collect health data, monitor
vital signs, and transmit information to healthcare professionals for timely
intervention. This allows for personalized healthcare, early detection of health
issues, and improved patient outcomes.
4.3.4 Agriculture
IoT technologies are applied in smart agriculture to monitor and manage crops,
livestock, and environmental conditions. Sensors placed in fields can measure soil
moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels, optimizing irrigation and fertilizer usage.
Livestock monitoring devices can track animal health and behaviour, ensuring their
4.3.5 Smart Cities
IoT is instrumental in creating smart cities that utilize technology to enhance

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
urban living. IoT systems can monitor and manage traffic flow, parking, waste
management, energy consumption, and public safety. By optimizing resource
utilization and improving infrastructure efficiency, IoT contributes to sustainable
and liveable cities.
4.3.6 Environmental Monitoring
IoT is employed to monitor and analyse environmental conditions such as air quality,
water quality, and weather patterns. Sensors and devices collect data, enabling early
detection of pollution, efficient resource management, and effective response to
natural disasters.
4.3.7 Retail and Supply Chain Management
IoT improves supply chain visibility and efficiency by tracking goods and assets
throughout the entire supply chain. Connected devices enable real-time inventory
monitoring, demand forecasting, and automated replenishment, reducing stock-outs
and optimizing logistics.
4.3.8 Energy Management
IoT facilitates smart energy management by monitoring energy consumption,
optimizing grid efficiency, and enabling demand response. Connected devices can
adjust energy usage based on real-time data, reducing costs and promoting
4.3.9 Transportation and Fleet Management
IoT enables intelligent transportation systems and fleet management by connecting
vehicles, traffic signals, and infrastructure. It facilitates real-time tracking, efficient
routing, predictive maintenance, and safety enhancements, improving overall
transportation efficiency.
4.3.10 Wearable Technology
IoT integrates with wearable devices such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and
healthcare monitors. These devices collect and analyse personal data, providing
insights into health and wellness, promoting active lifestyles, and enabling
personalized experiences. These scopes of IoT represent just a fraction of the

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
potential applications. As IoT continues to advance, new and innovative use cases
emerge, transforming industries, and improving various aspects of our lives.


IoT devices rely on communication protocols to establish connectivity and exchange
data efficiently and securely. Here are some commonly used IoT communication
5.1 MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol that is designed for
low-bandwidth and unreliable network connections. It is widely used in IoT
applications, particularly in scenarios where devices have limited resources
or operate on low-power networks. MQTT enables efficient and reliable data
transmission, making it suitable for IoT devices with constrained bandwidth and
battery life.
5.2 CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
CoAP is a specialized protocol designed for IoT devices that have limited processing
power and memory. It is built on the HTTP protocol and operates over UDP (User
Datagram Protocol). CoAP supports lightweight communication, efficient resource
discovery, and is suitable for resource-constrained IoT devices and networks.
5.3 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTP is a widely used protocol for communication between web browsers and
servers. While not specifically designed for IoT, it is still utilized in many IoT
applications, particularly when devices need to interact with web-based services and
APIs. HTTP provides a familiar and standardized way of transmitting data, but it
may have higher overhead compared to other lightweight protocols.
5.4 Zigbee
Zigbee is a low-power, wireless mesh networking protocol commonly used in home
automation and industrial applications. It provides reliable and secure

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
communication among devices in a local network, enabling interoperability and
flexibility. Zigbee supports a range of applications, including lighting control,
security systems, and smart energy management. These are just a few examples of
commonly used IoT communication protocols, and the choice of protocol depends
on factors such as device capabilities, network requirements, security considerations,
and the specific use case. Different protocols offer varying levels of efficiency,
scalability, security, and support for different IoT scenarios, so it's essential to select
the appropriate protocol based on the requirements of your IoT deployment.
5.5 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and IoT
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), also known as Bluetooth Smart, is a wireless
communication technology that has become widely used in IoT applications. BLE is
a power-efficient variant of classic Bluetooth and is designed for short-range
communication between devices. BLE is well-suited for IoT due to its low power
consumption, low cost, and simplicity of implementation. Here's how BLE fits into
the IoT landscape
5.6 Device Connectivity
BLE enables seamless connectivity between IoT devices and smartphones, tablets,
or other BLE-enabled devices. It allows for easy setup, configuration, and control of
IoT devices through mobile applications, making it convenient for end-users.
5.7 Proximity-Based Interactions
BLE's short-range communication capability makes it ideal for
proximity-based interactions and location-based services. IoT applications such as
smart home automation, asset tracking, and indoor navigation can leverage BLE
beacons to detect nearby devices and trigger specific actions or provide relevant
5.8 Wearable Devices
BLE plays a significant role in wearable technology, which is a key aspect of IoT.
Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitoring devices often utilize BLE for

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
wireless connectivity with smartphones or other IoT devices. This enables the
transfer of data, such as health metrics or notifications, between wearables and other
5.9 Home Automation
BLE is commonly used in IoT applications for home automation. It allows for
wireless communication between smart devices such as thermostats, lights, locks,
and sensors, providing a unified and integrated control system. BLE's low power
consumption is particularly useful in battery-powered IoT devices like smart door
locks or motion sensors.
5.10 Industrial IoT
BLE can be utilized in industrial IoT settings where low power consumption and
short-range communication are important considerations. It enables wireless
connectivity between sensors, actuators, and control systems, facilitating data
collection, monitoring, and control in industrial environments.
5.11 Asset Tracking
BLE beacons and tags can be employed for asset tracking in various domains,
including retail, logistics, and supply chain management. BLE enables real-time
tracking of assets, inventory management, and location-based services, improving
efficiency and reducing losses. It's worth noting that while BLE offers advantages
such as low power consumption and ease of use, it may have limitations in terms of
range and data throughput compared to other wireless communication protocols.
However, for many IoT applications that involve short-range and low-power
requirements, BLE is a popular choice due to its widespread adoption, compatibility
with mobile devices, and cost-effectiveness.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur

Explained the working and features of an IoT product developed at SMEC. Smart
Ex, a smart extension board with an android application. The appliances connected
to this board can be controlled by app.


SMEC Automation Pvt. Ltd., is an engineering and technology company based in

India. The company specializes in providing automation and control solutions for
various industries, including power, oil and gas, water, and infrastructure. SMEC
Automation offers a range of services and solutions that leverage advanced
technologies to optimize processes, enhance efficiency, and improve productivity.
Some of their key offerings include:
Industrial Automation: SMEC Automation provides industrial automation
solutions that encompass control systems, process automation, instrumentation, and
data acquisition. We design and implement automation systems tailored to the
specific needs of industries, helping clients streamline their operations, reduce
manual intervention, and enhance overall productivity.
Control Systems: The company specializes in the design and implementation of
control systems for various applications, including distributed control systems
(DCS), programmable logic controllers (PLC), and supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems. These systems enable real-time monitoring, control,
and data acquisition for industrial processes.
Electrical and Instrumentation: SMEC Automation offers electrical and
instrumentation solutions, including design, installation, and maintenance of
electrical systems, instrumentation, and control panels. We provide services for
power distribution, motor control centres, instrumentation calibration, and control
room design.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur
Renewable Energy Solutions: SMEC Automation is involved in renewable energy
projects and offers solutions for solar power plants, wind farms, and hybrid energy
systems. We provide design, engineering, and integration services to optimize
renewable energy generation and distribution.

Energy Management and Optimization: The company offers energy management

and optimization solutions to help industries reduce energy consumption, improve
energy efficiency, and lower operating costs. They employ advanced technologies
and data analytics to identify energy-saving opportunities, implement energy
management systems, and monitor energy usage in real-time.
Training and Consultancy: SMEC Automation provides training programs and
consultancy services to help clients enhance their technical expertise and improve
their understanding of automation and control systems. We offer training on PLC
programming, SCADA systems, industrial networking, Embedded Systems , VLSI
and other relevant topics. SMEC Automation has a team of experienced engineers
and domain experts who work closely with clients to understand their requirements,
design customized solutions, and ensure successful implementation. The company
aims to deliver innovative and reliable automation solutions that optimize processes
and drive operational excellence.

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


In conclusion, this Internship was simple solution for understanding the working of
the embedded systems and we were able to successfully complete the project under
the given time frame and feasible cost for lab applications.
There are a lot more features that we can add to this project in the future:
The future scope of IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded systems is vast and
continually evolving, with significant advancements and applications expected in
various domains. Here are some key areas where IoT and embedded systems are
poised to make substantial impacts:
1. Smart Cities
Infrastructure Management: Embedded systems will play a critical role in managing
urban infrastructure, such as traffic control, waste management, and energy
distribution. IoT sensors can monitor and optimize the usage of resources, improving
efficiency and sustainability.
Public Safety: IoT-enabled surveillance systems and emergency response
mechanisms can enhance public safety by providing real-time data to law
enforcement and emergency services.
2. Healthcare
Remote Patient Monitoring: IoT devices can monitor patients' vital signs and
transmit data to healthcare providers, enabling remote diagnosis and treatment,
especially beneficial for chronic disease management.
Wearable Devices: Embedded systems in wearable health monitors can track fitness,
detect irregularities, and provide alerts, contributing to preventive healthcare and
personalized medicine.
Precision Farming: IoT sensors can collect data on soil conditions, weather, and crop
health, enabling farmers to optimize planting, watering, and harvesting, leading to
increased yield and reduced resource use.
Livestock Monitoring: Embedded systems can track the health and location of

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur

livestock, improving animal welfare and productivity.

5. Home Automation
Smart Homes: IoT devices such as smart thermostats, security systems, and lighting
can be controlled remotely and operate autonomously based on user preferences,
enhancing convenience and energy efficiency.
Energy Management: Embedded systems can optimize energy consumption in
homes by integrating with renewable energy sources and storage systems.
Smart Traffic Management: IoT-enabled traffic systems can reduce congestion and
improve road safety by providing real-time traffic information and optimizing traffic
6. Energy Sector
Smart Grids: IoT and embedded systems can create smart grids that better balance
supply and demand, integrate renewable energy sources, and enhance the reliability
of electricity distribution.
Energy Efficiency: Embedded systems can optimize the energy usage of industrial
equipment, buildings, and homes, contributing to overall energy efficiency.
Technological Advancements
AI and Machine Learning Integration: The combination of AI with IoT and
embedded systems will enable more intelligent and autonomous systems capable of
advanced data analysis and decision-making.
Edge Computing: The shift towards edge computing will reduce latency and
bandwidth use by processing data closer to the source, which is crucial for time

Dept. of Electronics
MTI Thrissur


During my internship, I had the opportunity to delve into the fascinating

world of embedded systems. This hands-on experience provided me with
a comprehensive understanding of how hardware and software interact
to create efficient and reliable systems. I learned to design, develop, and
test embedded applications, gaining proficiency in various
microcontrollers and programming languages such as C and Python. The
internship also exposed me to real-world challenges and problem-solving
techniques, enhancing my skills in debugging and optimizing embedded
systems. Overall, this experience was invaluable in bridging the gap
between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of
electronics engineering.


2. Wikipedia and google
3. Embedded systems-based text books

Dept. of Electronics

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