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ProEnvironment 1 (2008) 55 - 58

Original paper

Measures for reducing pollution produced by ash spoil

banks of thermoelectric stations, by biological

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj – Napoca, Faculty of Agriculture, Mănăştur 3 – 5,
400372 Cluj – Napoca, Romania

Received 4 March 2008; received in revised form 10 April 2008; accepted 29 May 2008
Available online 1 November 2008


Worldwide, the thermoelectric power stations produce 70% from the total of electric energy. This intensely
pollutes all environment compartments. The thermoelectric power stations produce as much gaseous (CO, CO2,
NOx, SOx) as solid (ash and heavy metals) pollutants. Ash spoil banks from Romania occupy 3102 hectares. The
most efficient measure of rehabilitation is biological recultivation (agricultural, forestry, agricultural continued
by forest). The world and national researches on this domain shows that forest recultivation is the most
advantageous, because requires a minimum of works towards agricultural recultivation, improves the local
landscape and contributes to the restore in circuit a part from total carbon emission mass of thermoelectric power

Keywords: thermoelectric station, pollution, ash spoil banks, agricultural recultivation, forestry recultivation

Introduction ƒ Nuclear power, which use nuclear fuels

(fissionable elements under the slow
The electric energy became the most neutrons action: U 325, U 233, Pl 239);
important form of energy available for modern ƒ Unconventionally power, which enclose:
civilization and represents the fundamental eolian - electrical stations (using air flow
element for durable expand civilization and energy), solarium (sun radiant energy)
reduced poverty. According to the type of geothermal (geothermal energy) [1].
primary energy used, the electrical stations are Worldwide, the thermoelectric power
classified: stations produce 70% from the total of electrical
ƒ Thermoelectric power, which is based on the energy. The advantages of these stations consist
coal, petroleum and gas utilization; in fact of they can be projected for different
ƒ Hydroelectric power, which use waterfalls, fuels, are proper for any size units, have a
waves, tides; moderate noises level and can be build in just
1,5-3 years. The disadvantages of thermoelectric
* Corresponding author. power stations are: long time for starting, very
Tel.: 0040 264 596384; Fax: 0040 264 593792 big water consumption, not renewing fossil
MAXIM A./ProEnvironment 1 (2008) 55 – 58

fuels consumption, environnemental pollution. sums 84% from the total of install energetic
The hydroelectric power stations assure just power [6].
19% from the total of global power. Europe in a The main gas emissions by thermo electric
continents classification, is on the first place power stations in atmosphere are - CO, CO2,
from the point of view of electrical energy NOx, SOx – solid component is represented by
produced through this energy source (735.655 ash and heavy metals. The ash resulted by coals
GWh) followed by North America (711.159 burning in thermo power stations is the most
GWh) [7]. important industrial residue. Thus, at each coal
Rotaru et al, consider “nuclear energy ton burned results an amount of 0.15 - 0.6 tons
represents the principal alternative to response to of ash, depending on coals quality (5 - 15% for
conventional fuels utilization” and this energy superior coals, respectively 27 - 55% for inferior
form corresponds Kyoto Protocol which ones).
prognosticated the decrease of gas emissions. Countries with developed economy burn in
From table 1 result, on world plane, the biggest thermoelectric power stations quality coals, with
annual rates of the electrical energy is register at high caloric power and low ash mass (about
nuclear fuel [3]. 11%). Coal thermoelectric power stations from
Romania use especially lignite. The lignite from
Table 1. Annual growing rate of electrical energy in Oltenia coalfield has a 40 percent of ash. In table
industrial and progress development countries 2 are represented principal characterization of
depending on fuel used (Rotaru et al, 2004) coal thermoelectric power stations from
Romania [1].
Combustible Industrial Development
type countries countries Table 2. The characterization of the Romanian main
Coal 2.7 7.9 coal thermoelectric power stations
Petroleum 202 5.2
Natural gases 2.9 10.3 Station Fuel Power Units Building
Nuclear 12.0 20.7 name insta- date
Hydro 1.6 6.4 llation
No renewing 11.2 0
resources Turceni Lignite 2,310 7 x 330 1978-
Total growth 3.3 7.6 1987
Rovinari Lignite 1,720 4 x 330 1972-
According to supplying date by International 2 x 220 1979
Agency for Atomic Energy from Vienna, in Mintia Pit coal 1,260 6 x 210 1969-
2002, 441 nuclear energetically were reactive in 1980
Craiova Lignite 1,035 2 x 315 1965-
30 countries. The total capacity installed is
2 x 100 1976
coming to 359 GW and 16% delivered from 1 x 55
electricity world production. In that moment 3 x 50
were in construction 33 nuclear units [4]. Doicesti Lignite 520 2 x 220 1952-
In Romania, by Report, concerning the 6 x 20 1978
electrical energy market monitoring, from Paroseni Pit coal 300 1 x 150 1956-
February 2006, the structure on energetic types 3 x 50 1964
of power delivered in production is: hydro =
25%, nuclear = 9%, gaseous = 16%, liquid = In Romania, ashes and slag are transported
6%, solid = 44%. together, in air - hydraulic system, on hydro
Electrical energy produced in Romania in mixture form, the solid-water report of transport
thermo electrical station represents 49, 4% from been between 1:7 – 1:10. A million tons of ash
the total of energy. fills about 1.2 ha of surface. In the moment when
Thermo energetically implication on maxim quotas of impletion were touched,
environment is, as much direct (soil, air, thermo stations banks are reallocated, because of
superficial and ground waters) as indirect (acid the lack of interest for thermoelectric power
rains, climatic changes). station. Vegetation spontaneous installation on
In Romania, the negative impact of banks surface is achieved in long period of time,
thermoelectric power stations on environment is 5 - 10 years (fig 1).
accented by uses and age of these stations. The Pollution phenomenon stop, through
statistics shows a 40% from thermoelectric different plant species recultivation was named
power stations are 20 years older, and 37% have “biological recultivation” which is the esthetics
an age from 11 to 20 years. These two categories improvement, the most efficiencies measure of
MAXIM A./ProEnvironment 1 (2008) 55 – 58

landscape. Ash banks recultivation assume Table 3. Ash banks framing on pedoclimatic
banks localization, specify ecopedografic microzone
condition identification, banks operation stage,
Micro- Thermoelectric power Surface
the surface at final quotation of fill and not the zone stations name (Ha)
last of characterization [Rauta et al, 1995]. coe
7 Ovidiu 21.5
30 Calafat 36
31 Işalniţa, Craiova, 488
Giurgiu, Arad
40 Timişoara 51
50 Halânga 50
61 Doiceşti, Turceni, 1342,5
Rovinari, Oradea I şi II,
Vaslui, Iaşi
71 Zalău 43.3
72 Gura Barza 4
75 Paroşeni 109
Figure 1. Spontaneous vegetation on ash banks from 77 Govora, Comăneşti 92
Rovinari 80 Braşov 61
For the last decades were effected ample 91 Bacău, Suceava, 341
researches in this sense, by OSPA specialists and Borzeşti, Deva
ICPA Bucharest territorial units, to 25 of
thermoelectric power stations, respectively 50 Direct biological recultivation on used ash
ash banks. For the elaboration of some ash banks banks permits the realization of important
recultivation technologies was necessary economies toward covering.
grouping these on big ecosystems and then on The optimal variant contains 2 stages: first
pedoclimatic microzone. The ash banks surface stage consists in agricultural recultivation with
on ecosystem is: 1527.1 Ha in South - perennial grass (vegetables + perennial
Carpathian ecosystem, 241 Ha in eastern one, graminaceae) and the second stage with final
449.9 Ha in western part, 312.3 Ha in central – recultivation.
Carpathian one, and 109 in intra - Carpathian Must been taken the following
ecosystem (table 3). pedameliorative measures: deep plough land on
The total number of slag and ash banks from perpendiculars directions, organic-mineral
Romania is 77 and total surface of these rise to fertilizations (manure = 40 - 60 t/Ha),
3102 ha [5]. germinating bed preparation. Sowing time is on
Ash banks recultivation can be: agriculture, spring, early, with double seed dose. If ash
forestry, and agronomy, and forest. dissipated nucleus appear is necessary to spread
On world plane were accomplish numerous again. Researches from both foreign and native
researches concerning ash banks recultivation. countries do not recommended plants,
Many of these are in forest recultivation favor vegetables, fruits trees, grape-vine, and
which require a minimum of works toward of cultivation on ash banks which require persistent
agriculture recultivation, improving local mechanical works. Also, is not recommended
landscape and contributes to reinsertion in the grazing on these surfaces, because the
circuit a part from total carbon emission mass by wrench plants resistance is little.
thermoelectric power station. Banks recultivation of ash banks through
Depending on financial possibility, ash coperting with soil materials has the following
banks recultivation can be done directly, without advantages: the sweep risk elimination through
covering and recovering with soil materials. For deflation, humidity maintain, fertilization effect,
recultivation technologies settlement must done favoring the microbiological activity. Through
physico - chemical characterization of the ashes: recultivation the organic matter is quick
general aspect, mineralogical and oxide accumulate and is changed in humus.
composition, texture, apparent density, porosity, For covering can be used: the peat, mud from
chemical reaction, N, P, K, contains, organic purification stations, soil material resulted from
matter, cationic exchange capacity, sugar beet washing from sugar factories. Can
microbiological characterization, and been used thinly soil coperti (1 - 3 cm) but in
radioactivity. this case are not possible deep soil works. The
natural soil material thickness is 30-70 cm,
MAXIM A./ProEnvironment 1 (2008) 55 – 58

depending of culture position. It is one The Romania integration in European Union

disadvantage, big expenses with this method. suppose ash spoil rehabilitation banks from
The Romania ash banks recultivation thermo electrical power stations, reason for what
researches are coordinated by Bucharest the works must extend and fundamental
Pedological and Agrochemical Research researches in this domain must been done.
Institute. Some researches were done at Rovinari
and Isalnita. The conclusion from these
researches are: covering with 2-5 cm soil
materials assure a properly fixation but not in
plants growing conditions, while 1 - 20 cm References
covering is sufficiently for plants growing; is not
recommended radiculaceae cultivation (sugar [1] Căpitanu, V., Răducu, D., Dumitru, M., Popa, D.,
beet, potato), cultivator generally, fructiferous Toti, M., Motelică, M., 1999, Impactul emisiilor
trees, (fig. 2), grape-vine, because the product termocentralelor asupra mediului ambiant.
quality is inferior and specify technology Recultivarea haldelor de cenuşă. Institutul de
favorite ash sweeping; from grape-vine Cercetări pentru Pedologie şi Agrochimie, Bucureşti
cultivation ash banks are obtained not so good
[2] Răuţă, C., Dumitru, M., Ciobanu, C., Blănaru, V.,
wines even in case of deep covering because the
Latiş, L., Cârstea, Şt., Motelică, M., Lăcătuşu, R.,
roots are in the ash. To these disadvantages is 1995. Evaluarea stării de sănătate a solurilor din
added the heavy metals content products. România şi stabilirea măsurilor de protecţie,
conservare şi ameliorare. Arhiva I.C.P.A., Bucureşti

[3] Rotaru, I., Chirică, T., Bilegan, I.C., Jelev, A.,

2004, Dimensiunile socială şi ecologică a energeticii
nucleare. Conferinţa Naţională a Energiei – CNE
2004, Neptun, 13-17 iunie 2004

[4] ***, 2000, Energie pentru lumea de mâine. Să

acţionăm acum! Declaraţie CME, Editura Academiei
Române&Editura AGIR, Bucureşti

[5] ***, 2001, World Energy Council: Saurvey of

Energy sources
Figure 2. Fruit trees plantation on Rovinari’s ash
banks [6] ***, 2002, Raport privind starea mediului în
România în anul Ministerul Mediului şi Gospodăririi
Because in historical stage which we go Apelor
through is not necessary to obtain crops on any
lands, like in communist period, the researches [7] *** Revista Energetica, 2006, editată de Institutul
Naţional Român pentru Studiul Amenajării şi
recommended the forest recultivation on ash
Folosirii Surselor de Energie IRE, Bucureşti
backs with acacias, willow, underbrush,
pyramidal asp.

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