500858579 Grade 1 Mathematics Lesson Plan

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics 1

A. Tells and writes time by hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour using analog clock. -

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Telling Time
Reference : Math for Life Revised Edition 1
Author : Adela C. Villamayor
Textbook : Pages 370 - 377
Materials : Powerpoint presentation
Springboard : Sing "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Values Integration : Practice the habit of coming on time.

III. Procedure
A. Drill
 Skip counting by 2
B. Review
 How many month in a year?
 How many days in a week?
 How many hours in a day?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
 Sing the "Hickory Dickory Dock" Song
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse rans up the clock,
The clock struck one
The mouse runs down
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse rans up the clock,
The clock struck two
The mouse runs down
Hickory Dickory Dock
 What animal is mentioned in the song?
 Where does the mouse ran?
 What happened to the clock?

2. Presentation
 What object gives the sound tik-tak-tik-tak?
 Show a puppet clock and introduce Mr. Tik-tak Clock.
"Hi! I'm Mr. Tik-tak Clock.
What can you see on my face?
How many numbers do I have?
How many hands are on my face?
 We use clock to measure the passing of time.
 We can use :
- Digital Clock - shows us the exact time.
- Analog Clock - has three hands that move in one direction (Clockwise) to
show time.
Short Hand - tells the hour
Long Hand - tells the minute
Longest Hand - tells the second
 We can tell time by hour.
Example 1:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing at 7, and minute hand (long hand) is
pointing at 12, the time is 7 0'clock or 7:00.
Example 2:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing at 10, and the minute hand (long
hand) is pointing at 12, the time is 10 o'clock or 10:00.
Remember: In hour, the minute hand or long hand points to 12.

 We can tell time by half hour.

Example 1:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing at 9, and the minute hand (long hand)
is pointing at 6, the time is 9:30 or half past 9.
Example 2:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing at 12, and the minute hand (long
hand) is pointing at 6, the time is 12:30 or half past 12.
Remember: In half hour, the minute hand or long hand points to 6

 We can tell time by quarter hour.

Example 1:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing at 6, and the minute hand (long hand)
is pointing at 3, the time is 6:15 or quarter past 6.
Example 2:
If the hour hand (short hand) is pointing to 8, and the minute hand (long hand)
is pointing at 9, the time is 8:45 or quarter to 9.
Remember: In quarter hour, the minute hand or long hand points to either
3 or 9.

D. Generalization
 What do we use in telling time?
 What are the parts of the clock?
 What do we call the hands of the clock?
 How do we tell time?
 Why is it important to know how to tell time?

E. Application
 Group the students into 2 and play "Time Race Game"
 Using Analog clock folders Show, tell and write the exact time which the
teacher will show in words.
1 2.
half past 9 quarter past 5

3. 4.

half past 8
quarter past 3

5. 6.

half past 11
quarter past 1

IV. Evaluation
 Get your Math Book and answer pages 376.
Quiz A. Circle the correct time.
1. 2. 3.

12:05 8:15 12:30

1:55 3:40 5:00

4. 5 6.

11:55 5:50
2:00 4:15 10:25

7. 8. 9.
3:45 4:20 3:35
9:15 4:45 7:15

V. Assignment
 Get your Math Book and answer Quiz B and C page 377.

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:
Elementary Principal

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