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* * * * * * WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIV NO. 8 HHHH $5.

DJIA 39291.97 g 52.82 0.13% NASDAQ 18429.29 À 0.1% STOXX 600 511.76 g 0.91% 10-YR. TREAS. g 8/32 , yield 4.297% OIL $81.41 g $0.92 GOLD $2,360.10 À $4.90 EURO $1.0813 YEN 161.31

Argentina’s Leaders Give Tanks for Independence Bid to Get
News President
Business & Finance To Quit
 The Fed’s Powell made a
subtle but important shift that
moved the central bank closer
to lowering interest rates
when he suggested that a fur-
ther cooling in the labor mar-
Is in Flux
ket could be undesirable. A2 Huddling Democratic
 Financial firms nudged the lawmakers see no
S&P 500 up less than 0.1%
to a record in a session that clear path to seeking
also saw the Nasdaq reach alternative nominee
an all-time high on a 0.1%
gain. The Dow fell 0.1%. B11
 A watchdog appointed to by some Democrats to seek an
monitor UAW internal oper- alternative to President Biden

ations is probing new allega- as the party’s nominee faced

tions against President Shawn new uncertainty Tuesday, with
Fain, including that he made frustrated lawmakers strug-
demands to benefit his do- gling for a path forward after
mestic partner and her sister, the president said he was dead
according to a court filing. B1 set against stepping aside.
 Jobless rates are set to
pick up only slightly in rich By Natalie Andrews,
countries in the short term, Lindsay Wise
while real wages will con-
POLITICAL FIREPOWER: President Javier Milei celebrates Argentina’s 208th anniversary of winning its independence from and Katy Stech Ferek
Spain atop a tank in a military parade in Buenos Aires on Tuesday with Vice President Victoria Villarruel.
tinue to rise as profit growth
The situation remained in
cools, the OECD said. B1
flux after House and Senate
 Athletic Brewing closed a

Pharmacy-Benefit Managers
Democrats held caucus meet-
new financing round that ings for the first time since Bi-
values the biggest nonalco- den flopped at the June presi-
holic beer brand in the U.S. at dential debate. His performance
around $800 million, people fa- heightened concerns that the
miliar with the matter said. B2
 Purdue Pharma backed an
effort by its top creditors to sue
members of the Sackler family
Increase Drug Costs, FTC Says 81-year-old incumbent couldn’t
beat former President Donald
Trump and might not be fit
enough for another four years
even if he did win.
over allegations they illegally
BY LIZ ESSLEY WHYTE ers that hired them to control ing overcharging patients for Systems’ MedImpact and Lawmakers aired their frus-
transferred billions of dollars to
costs. The actions can also cancer drugs,” she said. Prime Therapeutics, owned by trations with their predica-
private trusts before Purdue’s
Firms that manage drug lead to higher outlays for pa- For its investigation, the 19 Blue Cross Blue Shield ment, but a concerted push to
2019 bankruptcy filing. B3
benefits, which promise to tients at the pharmacy coun- agency requested documents health plans. install a new nominee didn’t
 Lucid and Fisker recalled keep a lid on high drug costs, ter, the agency said. from the six biggest PBMs. PBMs said the FTC report is emerge, even as a seventh
thousands of recently man- instead steer patients away The findings follow a two- The three largest—United- flawed and their practices House Democrat publicly called
ufactured electric vehicles from less-expensive medicines year investigation into the Health Group’s OptumRx, save their clients money. for Biden to make way for a
over issues that could and overcharge for cancer firms, known as PBMs, and calls Cigna’s Express Scripts and “Any suggestions from the new candidate. Private meet-
cause a loss of power. B4 therapies, Federal Trade Com- from some lawmakers to rein in CVS Health’s Caremark—man- FTC about policies that limit ings ended without consensus,
mission investigators found. the firms’ business practices. age about 80% of U.S. pre- the use of PBM negotiating leaving the stare-down without
 French software maker
The FTC, in a report re- FTC Chair Lina Khan said scriptions. Each of the three tools would instead reward the a clear resolution less than
Dassault Systemes cut its
leased Tuesday, detailed a the agency planned further shares a parent with a large pharmaceutical industry, leav- four months until Election Day.
full-year revenue guidance
number of actions that it said scrutiny of big PBMs with the health insurer. ing American businesses and “Like I said before, I’m
after saying that revenue
large pharmacy-benefit man- goal of making healthcare af- The agency also said it re- patients at the mercy of the with Joe,” Senate Majority
for the second quarter
agers use to boost their profits fordable. “Dominant phar- quested documents from Hu- prices drugmakers set,” a CVS Leader Chuck Schumer (D.,
missed its forecast. B3
and increase the spending of macy-benefit managers can mana’s Humana Pharmacy So- spokesman said. N.Y.) repeated multiple times
the health plans and employ- hike the cost of drugs—includ- lutions, MedImpact Healthcare Please turn to page A4 Please turn to page A8

 An effort by some Demo-

crats to seek an alternative to
Biden as the party’s nominee
Goodbye to the Hotel BP Warns
Of Profit Hit Biden Team Tried
faced new uncertainty, with
frustrated lawmakers strug-
gling for a path forward after
That Changed Vegas BP says second-quarter profit
to be hit by asset impairments
of as much as $2 billion. B3
To Veil His Aging
the president said he was dead BY DAWN GILBERTSON and beach towels are selling
set against stepping aside. A1 out as the hotel makes way for BP’s share price this year*
 Moscow launched a “whole- LAS VEGAS—John, Paul, a splashy new Hard Rock re-
of-government” effort to in- George and Ringo stare down sort. One Canadian fan re-
£5.40 Aides kept a tight rein on the
fluence the outcome of the from the gold-plated hotel turned home from a visit last president’s public appearances
U.S. presidential election and towers. Guests enter on Sieg- week and painted the Mirage 5.20
favors Republican candidate fried and Roy Drive. And pool scene on canvas with the Senior White House advis- Biden’s daily itinerary and
Trump in the race, senior U.S. Chevy Chase starred in the title “A Final Farewell.” ers for more than a year shielded him from im-
intelligence officials said. A3 movie most associated with Annie McKiernan wasn’t 5.00 have aggressively stage- promptu exchanges. Advis-
the place. planning to visit Las Vegas this managed President Biden’s ers restricted news confer-
 Firms that manage drug
You don’t have to know the summer. But she booked a Mi- ences and tried to make sure
benefits, which promise to keep 4.80
opening date of the Mirage rage trip with her husband and By Andrew Restuccia, meetings with donors stuck
a lid on high drug costs, instead
hotel and casino to know that friends when they heard about Annie Linskey, to scripted pleasantries.
steer patients away from less
it is ancient in Vegas years. the July 17 closing date. McKi- 4.60 Emily Glazer, Senior aides dismissed
expensive medicines and over-
Closure looms for the 3,000- ernan, who lives in San Jose, Rebecca Ballhaus travel suggestions over wor-
charge for cancer therapies,
room casino hotel that Calif., and works in accounting, Tuesday and Erich Schwartzel ries the president didn’t
FTC investigators found. A1
changed Las Vegas when it celebrated her 10th wedding 4.40 £4.54 have the stamina for them,
 Houston officials said it opened in 1989. Though just anniversary at the resort in –4.3% schedule, movements and including an idea for Biden
could take days to restore shy of 35 years old, it’s being 2007, treated her dad to “The personal interactions, as to make weekly cross-coun-
power to millions of custom- mourned like a beloved Beatles Love by Cirque du So- 4.20 they sought to minimize try trips in 2022 to tout the
ers after Beryl tore through boomer. Travelers are making leil” show for his 75th birthday Jan. 2024 July signs of how age has taken a his new infrastructure law.
the region, raising fears that last-minute pilgrimages, online and celebrated a friend’s 50th *As traded in London Note: £1=$1.28 toll on the oldest president All of this unfolded as Bi-
heat could pose new risks. A3 remembrances are pouring in at the hotel in 2022. Source: FactSet in U.S. history. den’s slips became increas-
and souvenir Mirage volcanoes Please turn to page A2 The White House limited Please turn to page A8
 A Russian court issued an
arrest warrant for Yulia Na-

valnaya, the widow of Kremlin
critic and opposition politician Let’s ‘Double-Click’
Alexei Navalny, as Moscow
On the Latest Corporate Buzzword
moves to silence any whis-
per of political dissent. A16
i i i

 Seven U.S. allies warned

that a Chinese state-spon- Or instead, just delve into the subject
# CRM.
sored hacking group poses a
threat to their networks, in of how the phrase makes many cringe
an unusual coordinated move
by Western governments to BY TE-PING CHEN both polarizing and perva-
call out a global operation AND NICHOLAS G. MILLER sive. Particularly on Wall Ranked #1 for CRM
Applications based on
they say is directed by Bei- Street, the figure of speech is IDC 2023 Revenue
jing’s intelligence services. A6 SPORTS Ruben Roy isn’t a guy who now being used as a short- Market Share Worldwide.
Washington Nationals tends to beat himself up, but hand for examining some-
 Hawaii banned deep-sea
he’s still chagrined about thing more fully, akin to dou-
mining within its territorial closer Kyle Finnegan is what he said on an earnings ble-clicking to see a
waters to protect the region’s the king of pitch-clock call last month. computer folder’s contents.
marine life and tuna fisheries,
Gov. Josh Green said. A3
violations. A12 A managing director at Some, like Roy, find the idiom

Stifel Financial, Roy dialed in obnoxious or twee. Dou- 21.7% 5.9% 4.4% 3.5% 3.4%
 Died: James Inhofe, 89, to hear the chief execu- ble-click defenders
former Oklahoma senator. A4 tive of a healthcare say the phrase en-
company discuss its courages deeper
CONTENTS Opinion................ A13-15 latest results. Dur- thinking. Source: IDC, Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker, April 2024.
Arts in Review..... A11 Personal Journal A9-10
Business News....... B3 Property Report.... B6
ing the Q&A, Roy Either way, it’s be-
asked the speaker Tell me come a verbal tic du
Crossword................ A12 Sports.......................... A12
Equities........................ B9 Technology & Media B4 to elaborate on his re- more jour. Executives and an-
Heard on Street.. B12 U.S. News.............. A2-4 marks about invest- alysts dropped double-
Markets & Finance B11 World News.. A5-6,16
ment opportunities. click 644 times in corporate
BUSINESS & FINANCE “I wanted to double-click a conference calls and events
> bit on some of the commen- during the first half of the
Podcaster Alex Cooper
tary you had,” Roy said, in- year, according to VIQ Solu-
is betting she can stantly cringing. tions, up from 139 times in
launch a fresh crop One of the fastest-spread- the same period of 2020. CRM market includes the following IDC-defined functional markets: Sales Force Productivity and Management,

s 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

of stars. B1 ing corporate buzzwords in “It’s almost like a joke. Marketing Campaign Management, Customer Service, Contact Center, Advertising, and Digital Commerce
Applications. © 2024 Salesforce, Inc. All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
All Rights Reserved recent years, “double-click” is Please turn to page A2
A2 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Powell Signals Interest-Rate Cut Is Closer
Central bank chair long cited an overheated labor fastest pace in 40 years in were more that we would fail
market as a primary risk to 2022 and 2023 to combat in- to hit our inflation target,”
tells lawmakers a bringing inflation back down. flation. Officials have held Powell said. Increasingly, the
cooling of the labor Powell conceded that he their benchmark rate between risks between allowing infla-
wouldn’t have arrived at such 5.25% and 5.5%, their highest tion to remain too high and al-
market carries risks a judgment as recently as two level in more than two de- lowing the labor market to
months ago—and indeed, the cades, since last July. slow down too much “are
BY NICK TIMIRAOS Fed leader was more mea- Through last year, Fed offi- coming much more into bal-
sured in comments made at a cials were laser focused on el- ance,” he said. “We’re very
Federal Reserve Chair Je- conference in Portugal last evated inflation. They haven’t much aware that we have two-
rome Powell made a subtle but week, before the release of the had to worry too much about sided risks now.”
important shift that moved the June employment report by trade-offs between fighting in- While almost all of Powell’s
central bank closer to lowering the Labor Department. flation with higher rates and commentary suggested it was
interest rates when he sug- Behind the shifting outlook an increase in joblessness be- a matter of when—not if—the
gested Tuesday that a further is labor-market data showing cause businesses were scram- Fed would cut rates, he re-
cooling in the labor market a slowdown in hiring and a bling to fill open jobs amid the peatedly spurned efforts by
could be undesirable. mild but steady increase in reopening from the pandemic. lawmakers to pin him down
“Elevated inflation is not the share of Americans look- Now, officials are trying to on the exact timing.

the only risk we face,” Powell ing for work amid an increase balance the risk of moving too Economic projections last
told the Senate Banking Com- in the workforce, due partly to slowly to reduce rates with the month showed most Fed offi-
mittee during the first of two more immigration. risk of moving too soon. While cials expect to cut interest
days of testimony Tuesday. The economy has continued layoffs are low, they tend to rates once or twice this year if
“We’ve seen that the labor to add more than 200,000 jobs rise rapidly as the economy inflation slows and growth is
market has cooled really sig- a month, on average, this year. weakens, which argues against solid but unspectacular. Mar-
nificantly across so many But the unemployment rate Fed Chair Jerome Powell on Capitol Hill Tuesday. keeping rates too high. But kets are focused on whether
measures.…It’s not a source of has inched up—to 4.1% in June lowering rates too soon could officials at the next meeting—
broad inflationary pressures from 3.7% in December, ac- demic conditions, when it was Fed’s preferred gauge, down ignite economic activity and July 30-31—might provide
for the economy now.” cording to last week’s report. “strong, but not overheated.” from 4% a year earlier but still allow inflation to settle out stronger hints that they could
That assessment is notable Powell described the job mar- Meanwhile, inflation fell to above the Fed’s 2% target. above the Fed’s target. cut rates at their subsequent
because Fed officials have ket as roughly back to prepan- 2.6% in May, according to the The Fed raised rates at the “For a long time, the risks gathering in September.

Corporate usage himself, preferring

more straightforward lan-

Buzzword He adds that since invent-

ing the function in 1979, he’s
come to regret it. He now

Grates thinks an extra “Shift” button

on the mouse would have
been more user-friendly.
“The double-click was a
Continued from Page One mistake,” says Atkinson, who
People are like, oh here we go left tech in 1995 to pursue
with double-click,” says Roy, nature photography. Person-
who’d been trying to avoid ally, he double-clicks less fre-
using the term when he acci- quently these days, given the
dentally let it slip. Col- rise of mouseless devices like
leagues, he says, haven’t let tablets and smartphones.
him forget it. “I double-tap, or I tap,” he
Annie Mosbacher, a Los says. “I long-press.”
Angeles-based marketer, re- Buzzwords tend to come
calls snapping to attention and go, says HR consultant
last year when she heard an Nancy Settle-Murphy, noting

executive use the phrase dur- that other tech-inspired jar-

ing a strategy meeting. After- gon, such as “RTFM”—or
ward, she and colleagues dis- read the f—ing manual—are
cussed it: “It was like, oh my less commonly used today
gosh, double-click? I guess than they once were.
this is a thing now?” “There are fewer manuals
The new jargon makes her now,” says Settle-Murphy,
roll her eyes. “Can’t we just who recently installed a
The Mirage stood out with attractions including a man-made volcano that erupted nightly. The Atrium, below, was a popular spot. say ‘this is an area we need video doorbell at her home
to focus on?’” she says. “We and notes it didn’t come with

Farewell to regurgitate this sort of lingo

as though it means some-
thing, and usually it’s about
any pictures or diagrams.
Corporate jargon can be
alienating. At a conference,

Hotel That trying to be impressive more

than anything else.”
Not so, says Ruben Linder,
Settle-Murphy was thrown
when an audience member
asked the speaker to double-

Made Vegas who’s owned a small audio

and video production busi-
ness in San Antonio for 25
click on a point they’d made.
“I thought, ‘these are
slides, there’s no link, how
years. These days, with the can they double-click?’” she
Continued from Page One rise of technology and a more says, admitting she later
On the last day of their last hectic corporate life, Linder searched online to find the
hurrah, drinking her last sip says people need reminders new meaning.
of coffee out of a Mirage mug to stop and examine what Double-click has a long
at breakfast, McKiernan grew matters—to double-click, if pedigree in the sales world.
sad. She dashed to the hotel you will. Matt Sunshine, head of the
gift shop for a $30 pink Mi- “The term is simple, but Center for Sales Strategy,
rage tank top and $50 gray it’s really profound,” he says. which trains salespeople,
hoodie. (Souvenirs were the He tries to carve out time to says when he sold ad spots
only things that weren’t half go to a cafe twice monthly for a local radio station in
off. Even wine was half-price.) with a notebook and engage Dallas in the 1990s, peers
“It just kind of hit me,” she in reflection. commonly used the term.
said. “I’ll double-click on my “Sales leaders would say,
Success was far from certain business, dou- ‘Hey, you need
when Steve Wynn opened the Visitation in Las Vegas went More than 3,000 Mirage em- “What are you having, ble-click on my to make sure
$630 million Polynesian- from 18 million in 1989 to ployees, including 137 who honey?” Brandy asked him. life,” he says. you double-
themed resort on the 50-yard nearly 41 million last year. have been there since it The other, ordering take- “I double-click Some find the click on that’
line of the Las Vegas Strip in The Mirage hasn’t kept up opened, are losing their jobs. out, said he’ll see her again on everything idiom obnoxious. with your pros-
November 1989. In a town then with glitzier Strip neighbors in Resort officials said 600 have when the Hard Rock opens in now.” pects,” Sun-
focused on casino gaming and recent years. Guest-room bath- already found new jobs, thanks three years. CPK isn’t in Hard Double- Defenders say it shine says,
all-you-can-eat buffets, the Mi- rooms still have the old tub- in part to job fairs held on site. Rock’s future, though. Early click lingo has meaning delve
rage stood out with pricier shower combo, the carpeting A steakhouse bartender with on, it was among the highest- leapfrogged be-
encourages more deeply
rooms, a 40-foot man-made is circa early 2000s and the 20 years’ service is going to be- grossing outlets in the chain. yond corporate deeper thinking. into any issues
volcano that erupted nightly, a restaurant lineup can’t com- come a barber, a front-desk Andrew Wong, an executive America. While customers
dolphin habitat, 20,000-gallon pete for foodies. Rather than agent is retiring and a con- from Vancouver, British Co- CEOs including might raise, as
aquarium behind the front desk sink hundreds of millions of cierge, at age 60, isn’t sure lumbia, and his wife brought Walmart’s in “Tell me
and Siegfried & Roy and their dollars into an overhaul, its what’s next. (One front-desk his mother to the resort in Douglas McMillon and more.”
white tigers. (The magicians parent, MGM Resorts Interna- agent lamented that people late June to celebrate her 79th Nvidia’s Jensen Huang have While he doesn’t know ex-
pulled Chase’s Clark Griswold tional, sold it to Hard Rock In- checking in were more curious birthday and toast all their deployed the term, so, too, actly when it first took off, he
on stage in the 1997 movie “Ve- ternational for nearly $1.1 bil- about what would happen to Mirage memories. They’ve have congressional represen- says the phrase neatly encap-
gas Vacation.”) lion in 2022. the fish in the aquarium than been visiting for more than 20 tatives, influencers and au- sulates a core principle in ef-
“It really changed every- Hard Rock plans to reno- the employees. The fish are re- years, his stays usually thors such as parenting guru fective sales strategy, in
thing,” said Las Vegas gaming vate the entire place and add locating to Mandalay Bay.) comped given his casino play. Dr. Becky Kennedy. which salespeople seek to
historian David Schwartz. “It a guitar-shaped tower where A Facebook group is calling Wong had to pay for some The phrase is “innovative,” identify and address custom-
worked so well, within about the volcano and lagoon now for Hard Rock to keep the Mi- nights on this trip given the says Beth DelGiacco, a vice ers’ needs and concerns, in-
20 years, most of the Strip sit, with 600 suites and an- rage name and features changeover to Hard Rock’s president of corporate com- stead of defaulting to one-
had been made in its image.” other pool. The casino will be petitions to save loyalty program, but says he munications at biotech com- size-fits-all pitches.
MGM Grand, Excalibur, on the Strip, rather than set the volcano. wouldn’t have missed it. pany Argenx, who praises its Double-clicking can help
Luxor, Treasure Island, Bella- back like it is today. Construc- In Vegas, change is as inevi- “We just wanted to be efficiency. identify new business pros-
gio and other massive resorts tion begins this fall, with table as casino ATM withdraw- here,” he said. “It’s only a few syllables. pects, says Scott Bond, vice
followed. They’re still coming. opening set for 2027. als and hangovers. Mirage Donna Colbourn checked Everyone knows what you president of consumer ser-
President Joe Lupo, a Las Ve- into the Mirage when she vis- mean when you say it,” says vices at Canadian real-estate
CORRECTIONS  AMPLIFICATIONS gas veteran who joined when
Hard Rock took over, said the
ited Las Vegas for the first
time in the 2000s and kept
DelGiacco, who regularly
trots it out with peers.
company Rennie, which re-
cently opened a U.S. location
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by farewell guests are bringing coming back. The London, On- Tech-inflected buzzwords in Seattle.
emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
nostalgia and special requests. tario, resident, who works in are especially apt to gain Not long ago, Bond was on
One Olympic coach requested strategic consulting for corpo- traction—think “network,” a Zoom call with his boss and
the same room he had when rate real estate, visited the ho- “bandwidth” or “take off- some new business contacts
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL he got engaged at the Mirage. tel frequently when she lived line”—because they can based in southern California.
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) The hotel obliged, Lupo said. in Texas and California be- sound smart or cutting-edge, The group hit it off, and af-
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 “I can’t tell you how many cause flights were cheap. says Doug Guilbeault, an as- terward, Bond found himself
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays. people have said to me, ‘This “It’s so funny how you get sistant professor at UC mulling possibilities.
Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
was the first place I stayed attached,” she said. Berkeley’s Haas School of “I looked at my boss and
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
when I came to Vegas,’ ” he Her three-night stay was bit- Business who has studied said, hold on, I think we’re
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which
are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the said. tersweet. She relaxed at her fa- corporate jargon. being presented with an op-
Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only
publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
At California Pizza Kitchen, vorite pool—and turned it into The inventor of the literal portunity here,” he says.
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email: an original Mirage tenant, two a painting—and enjoyed the double-click, former Apple “Why don’t we dive in and
Need assistance with your subscription? guys were at the counter to trip down memory lane. She designer Bill Atkinson, isn’t learn a little more?” His boss
By web:; By email:| By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625) say goodbye to their favorite was disappointed that some convinced. Reached while agreed, and the company is
Reprints & licensing: By email: | By phone: 1-800-843-0008
server, Brandy. One, a sports slot machines were already shut boating on a recent weekday, now planning to open its sec-
WSJ back issues and framed pages:
bettor from Ohio, visited the down and said the buzz from Atkinson, now retired, says ond American location in the
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
hotel for the first time for his previous visits was missing. he’s never heard anyone use Palm Springs area.
GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS 21st birthday years ago and “It’s time,” she said. “It double-click as a metaphor “We double-clicked,” he
fell in love with the place. needs a refresh.” and would steer clear of such says.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A3


Cite Russia
Beryl Leaves 1.9 Million Without Power

To Bolster It could take days to restore

power to the nearly two million

Trump Vote
customers still without it after
Beryl tore through the Houston
region, city officials said, rais-
ing fears that high tempera-
BY DUSTIN VOLZ tures could pose new risks.
The storm made landfall as
WASHINGTON—The Rus- a Category 1 hurricane early
sian government has launched Monday before being down-
a “whole-of-government” ef- graded. It flattened homes and
fort to influence the outcome caused widespread power out-
of the U.S. presidential election ages in Texas, mainly in the
and favors Republican candi- Houston area. At least seven
date Donald Trump in the race, people were killed, including
senior U.S. intelligence officials two who died after trees fell
said Tuesday. on their homes and one who
The officials didn’t mention was caught in floodwaters, of-
Trump by name but said that ficials said.
Russia’s current activity—de- As cleanup efforts began
scribed as covert social-media across the Houston metro area,
use and other online propa- forecasters warned that humid


ganda efforts—mirrored the conditions could lead to dan-
2020 and 2016 election cycles, gerously high temperatures.
when Moscow also favored Most of the region was placed
Trump and sought to under- under a heat advisory on Tues-
mine Democratic candidates, day, with the heat index ex-
according to U.S. intelligence pected to reach around 106 de-
agencies. grees Fahrenheit, the National
“We haven’t observed a Weather Service said.The heat
shift in Russia’s preferences advisory is expected to be
for the presidential race from lifted early Wednesday.
past elections,” a senior offi- More than 1.9 million cus-
cial in the Office of the Direc- tomers in Texas were still
tor of National Intelligence without power Tuesday eve-
said, during a media briefing ning, according to Power- At least seven people in the region died from the storm. One woman was killed when a tree destroyed her home in Houston.
summarizing intelligence on With power out
foreign threats to the election. across much of Southeast Beryl has inundated the Houston area since the storm
Along with Russia, Iran has Texas, a lack of air condition- made landfall Monday.
become “increasingly aggres- ing could put people at risk of
Rainfall since Sunday morning
sive” in its foreign influence heat exhaustion and heat 2 4 6 8 10 in.
efforts, including in recent stroke, the NWS said. College Station Livingston
Livi ngstton
weeks by covertly encouraging The storm barreled through
protests against the war in the Houston area Monday af-
Gaza, Avril Haines, the director ter making landfall roughly
of national intelligence, said in 100 miles southwest of the T E XA S
a separate statement on Tues- city. It brought wind gusts ex- LOUISIANA
day. ceeding 90 mph, blocking Houston
The warnings underscore roads and causing travel dis-
how U.S. adversaries are con- ruption. Parts of the Houston Galveston
tinuing to exploit social-media metro area saw over a foot of
Lake Jackson Gulf of Mexico
platforms and other avenues rain Monday, National
to manipulate public opinion, Weather Service meteorologist
despite efforts by the intelli- Andrew Orrison said. 50 miles Beryl made landfall
gence and law-enforcement The risk of heavy rainfall, Monday morning.
agencies to expose and crack flooding and tornadoes will Note: As of 7 a.m. local time Tuesday
down on the influence opera- shift to parts of the Great Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration CARL CHURCHILL/WSJ
tions. Lakes, interior Northeast, and
The Russian embassy in New England through Thurs- would reopen Wednesday and Atmospheric Administration
Washington didn’t respond to a day, according to Accu- extend gate hours at its con- has predicted an extremely ac-
request for comment. A spokes- Weather Chief Meteorologist tainer terminals to clear back- tive hurricane season, which
man for the Iranian govern- Jon Porter. logs. The Port of Galveston, a begins June 1 and ends Nov.
ment didn’t reply to a request “The threat of heavy rain hub for oil exports, reopened 30, with 17 to 25 named
for comment. and flooding is serious,” Por- Tuesday after shutting down storms, eight to 13 hurricanes,
Russia was seeking to influ- ter said in a statement from for one day. and four to seven major hurri-
ence specific voting groups, in- the forecaster. “We don’t want By Tuesday, Beryl had canes Category 3 and above.
cluding those in swing states, people in the path of Beryl to moved northeast and bringing —Paul Page
promote divisive narratives let their guard down.” heavy rains and wind to and Victoria Albert
and denigrate specific politi- Beryl is expected to cause southwest Arkansas, Orrison, contributed to this article.
cians, the officials who briefed as much as $32 billion in dam- the NWS meteorologist, said.
reporters said. They declined age and economic loss, includ- Beryl caused catastrophic
to provide details about the ing long-term impacts on damage during its path across Watch a Video
voters or politicians who have tourism and transportation, the Caribbean last week. At Scan this code
been targeted. according to an estimate by least nine people were killed to see the
The Kremlin is also working AccuWeather. before the storm made land- damage that
to influence members of Con- Port Houston, which closed fall in the U.S. Hurricane Beryl
gress and is broadly seeking to Monday and Tuesday, said it The National Oceanic and brought Texas.
undermine U.S. support for
Ukraine in its war with Russia,

Hawaii Enacts a New Law

the officials said.
Moscow employs commer-
cial firms to obscure its in-

To Ban Deep-Sea Mining

volvement and attempts to
spread propaganda by planting
it with influential Americans,
the senior ODNI official said.
Officials indicated that the
activity witnessed so far this
election cycle isn’t on the scale BY YUSUF KHAN Biden signed by 12 Democratic needed and not wanted,” said
or scope seen in 2016, when congressional figures including Jessica Battle, who leads the
Russia’s actions included a Hawaii is banning deep-sea Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii, Rep. World Wide Fund for Nature’s
hack-and-leak of Democratic mining, as rifts along party Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and initiative against deep-sea min-
Party emails, rudimentary cy- lines begin to show in the U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona ing.
ber-probing of some state elec- over the practice following called for a precautionary Because the U.S. hasn’t
tion systems and other actions calls to extract rare minerals pause or moratorium on sea- signed the United Nations Con-
intended to undermine Demo- from the ocean floor for de- bed mining, saying that not vention on the Law of the Sea,
cratic nominee Hillary Clin-
ton’s campaign.
But they said Moscow and
fense applications.
Hawaii’s Democratic gover-
nor, Josh Green, signed a bill
enough is known scientifically
about the industry.
Twenty-seven countries
it’s unable to vote at the Inter-
national Seabed Authority, the
U.N. body overseeing the issue
other countries were likely to
increase their efforts to influ-
ence the race as the November
into law Monday banning sea-
bed mining in the state’s Pa-
cific territorial waters, to pro-
have called for a ban or pause
on the extraction of minerals
from the sea floor, saying that
on related matters. An influen-
tial group of mostly former
military and political leaders,
election date drew closer.
In contrast to Russia and
Iran, China doesn’t appear to
tect the region’s marine life
and tuna fisheries, according to
a statement from Green.
doing so could cause irrepara-
ble harm to the marine envi-
ronment. Its proponents argue
including former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton, have
called for the U.S. to ratify the
be seeking to interfere in the The ban originally was pro- that the practice diverts harm Law of the Sea.
U.S. election, the official who posed by Democratic state Sen. away from terrestrial re- Many Republican leaders
briefed reporters said. U.S. in- Chris Lee, who said “stopping sources, for example rainfor- have voiced support for deep-

telligence agencies came to a the irreversible unintended ests in Indonesia that are being sea mining, saying that it
similar conclusion concerning consequences isn’t only about deforested for nickel needed in would give the U.S. a new
China’s involvement around protecting the endangered hab- steel, batteries and, increas- source of critical minerals that
the 2020 presidential election. itats, it’s also about ensuring ingly, national security defense is outside of China’s control.
The findings highlight the the sustainability of fishing, re- purposes. Mining of the seafloor could
rising concerns by U.S. officials specting cultural rights, and “Instead of opening another begin as soon as next year. The
and security experts about for- preventing harm to tourism fragile frontier to linear extrac- Metals Co., a Canadian mining
eign adversaries potentially and our economy, which is in- tion, investments must, and are firm, said it would launch an
pouring resources into the extricably linked to the health increasingly going to, alterna- exploitation contract with the
2024 presidential election con- of our environment.” tive technologies, circularity ISA in the second half of this
test eight years after Russia Hawaii’s ban comes after a and material substitutions. year, with the aim of starting
engineered a multipronged in- letter last month to President Deep seabed mining is not production in 2025. So far, the
terference campaign seeking to ISA has given 31 exploration
help Trump defeat Clinton. contracts to prospective min-
The efforts observed so far ers, including five Chinese con-
haven’t included attempts to tracts, but no exploitation con-
disrupt procedures of the elec- tracts.
tion itself, officials said. “It’s pure showmanship; it’s

Developments in artificial pure virtue signaling,” TMC

intelligence pose additional Chief Executive Gerard Barron
risks to the 2024 election, the said of the Hawaiian ruling.
Ocean Views | Spa | Golf | Villas
intelligence officials said, call- “We don’t know if they have 4 Pools | 5 Restaurants
ing it a “malign influence acce- any minerals in their waters.
lerant” that allowed bad actors We just don’t know. There is no
to quickly create convincing proposed deep-sea mining in
audio and video deepfakes. their territorial waters. What  | TERRANEA COM
—Joel Schectman The new Hawaii law is designed to protect marine life. they’re banning is something
contributed to this article. Above, a green sea turtle on the west coast of the Big Island. that is never going to happen.”
A4 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump Says Harris, Biden Both Unfit to Be President

BY VIVIAN SALAMA icy blueprint, from which
Trump recently tried to dis-
DORAL, Fla.—Former Presi- tance himself, is directly linked
dent Donald Trump attacked to Trump’s vision for America.
Vice President Kamala Harris The conservative project was
at a rally at one of his Florida crafted by many Trump allies.
golf clubs Tuesday, as President The rally marked Trump’s
Biden battled Democratic calls return to the campaign trail af-
to withdraw from the race. ter taking more than a week
Speaking to a crowd of sup- away from rallies while Biden
porters near the 10th hole of tried to save his teetering can-
his golf club at the Trump Na- didacy. Since the debate,
tional Doral Miami hotel, Trump and the GOP have
Trump dedicated several min- sought to play down his liabili-
utes to attacking Harris’s abil- ties and let Biden take center
ity to lead the country and stage. In addition to rebuking
manage the challenges facing Project 2025 last week, Trump
the nation, such as the crisis on endorsed a party platform
the southern border. Monday that was much shorter
“The radical left Democrat and less detailed than those of
Party is divided in chaos and the past. Doing so allowed the
having a full-scale breakdown. party to sidestep many policy

All because they can’t decide specifics and the potential for
which of their candidates is internal fights that could have
more unfit to be president: been triggered by a more de-
sleepy, crooked, Joe Biden or tailed document.
laughing Kamala,” he said, to Following Biden’s shaky per-
an eruption of boos. formance at last month’s de-
Repeatedly mispronouncing bate, a number of Democrats
her first name, Trump said have spoken out against Bi-
Harris would make a weak op- den’s candidacy, saying that
ponent this fall and said that Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Trump National Doral Miami golf club on Tuesday, the party has a better chance
she and the Democratic Party to defeat Trump with another
are complicit in what he de- The White House and top reduced his handicap to six as dent’s campaign, responding to summit in Washington, D.C., candidate leading the ticket. Bi-
scribed as a “cover up” about aides have said Biden remains vice president and that he was Trump’s rally, said in a state- Harris hit the campaign trail, den has remained defiant
Biden’s cognitive health. a sharp and vigorous leader. happy to play golf with Trump, ment: “Joe Biden doesn’t have dealing a fierce attack on the against those calls.
“They are all co-conspira- Trump also challenged Bi- “if you carry your own bag.” time for Donald Trump’s weird potential policies of a second All the while, Trump has
tors in the sinister plot to de- den to a round of golf, reupping Trump at the rally said he antics—he’s busy leading Trump term. In Las Vegas on opened a 6-point lead over Bi-
fraud the American public an exchange from their debate. would give $1 million to a char- America and defending the free Tuesday, Harris warned of the den among voters nationally,
about the cognitive abilities of The matchup at one point de- ity of Biden’s choice if he were world.” potential for a far-right take- with 80% saying the president
the man in the Oval Office,” he volved into boasting over the to win. As Biden presided over the over of the government. She is too old to run, a recent Wall
said. sport, when Biden said he had A spokesman for the presi- opening of this year’s NATO said that the Project 2025 pol- Street Journal poll found.


James Inhofe, Jurors Selected Shooting Near
Former Senator, 89 In Baldwin’s Trial Sotomayor’s Home
Former Republican Sen. A jury was seated Tuesday A U.S. marshal shot a sus-
James Inhofe of Oklahoma for Alec Baldwin’s involuntary pected carjacker while protect-
has died, according to a manslaughter trial in New ing Supreme Court Justice So-
statement from his family. He Mexico, where opening state- nia Sotomayor’s home,
was 89 years old. ments are set to start according to officials and
Inhofe had a stroke over Wednesday. property records.
the holiday weekend and died Twelve jurors and four al- The marshal, Tyler Wells,
Tuesday, his family said. ternates were chosen by was working with another
Inhofe, a veteran and Santa Fe County special pros- marshal on July 5 when a man
staunch conservative, served in ecutors and the actor’s team in a van stopped outside their
the U.S. Senate for nearly 30 of defense attorneys. unmarked government vehicle
years before retiring in 2023. They will be tasked with and pointed a firearm at
He also served in the Okla- deciding whether Baldwin Wells, according to a criminal
homa Legislature and as committed the felony when, complaint. Wells shot at the
Tulsa’s mayor. He was a mem- during a rehearsal in October man four times through the
ber of the U.S. House of Repre- 2021, a revolver went off window. The man, who was
sentatives from 1987 to 1994. while he was pointing it at struck in the mouth and fled
Inhofe was the top Repub- cinematographer Halyna the scene, was arrested at a
lican of the Senate Armed Hutchins, killing her and hospital.
Services Committee when he wounding director Joel Souza. The U.S. Marshals Service
retired, and had been chair- They were on the set of the confirmed the deputy U.S.
man of the committee. Western film “Rust.” marshals who were involved in
Inhofe was a proponent of Baldwin, 66 years old, a shooting incident were re-
the U.S. energy industry and could get up to 18 months in sponsible for protecting the
had been a climate science de- prison if the jurors unani- residences of Supreme Court
nier. He made headlines when mously find him guilty. justices. The Marshals Service

as chairman of the Senate When Judge Mary Mar- didn’t name the justice whom
Committee on Environment lowe Sommer asked the pool the deputies were protecting
and Public Works he brought of 70 possible jurors if they on July 5.
a snowball onto the Senate were familiar with the case, The Metropolitan Police De-
floor in 2015 in an attempt to all but two raised their hands partment reported the at-
disprove global warming. to indicate they were. tempted carjacking in the 2100
He had long supported Baldwin’s lawyer Alex Spiro block of 11th Street, North-
making English the national in his questioning highlighted west. Sotomayor bought a
language of the U.S. the gravity of the situation— condo there in 2012, according
A pilot, Inhofe once helped “obviously someone lost their to Washington, D.C., property
fly a plane around the world life”—and asked jurors to records. Sotomayor wasn’t
and in Congress helped pass come forward with any reser- home at the time of the inci-
the pilot’s bill of rights. vations about their own abil- dent, according to a person fa-
—Joseph De Avila ity to be fair and impartial. miliar with the matter. SOMETHING TO HOWL ABOUT: An American red wolf pup got a checkup last month at the
and Natalie Andrews —Associated Press —Alyssa Lukpat St. Louis Zoo’s wildlife reserve, where four of the endangered species were born this spring.

PBMs Raise tients, doctors and policymak-

ers said PBM business prac-
competitive harm.”
In announcing the interim
out of pocket for medicines
than if their plan had pre-

Search by
tices are raising drug findings, the agency said that ferred a generic.

Drug Costs, spending. Ohio’s attorney gen-

eral has sued some PBMs on
several PBMs hadn’t been
forthcoming and timely with
Also, PBMs have made
money by nudging patients to

allegations of price fixing. The documents and warned the use so-called specialty phar-

FTC Says White House hosted PBM crit-

ics at an event in March, advo-
agency could take the compa-
nies to court to force them to
macies—which fill prescrip-
tions for cancer drugs and

time Continued from Page One

Humana declined to com-
cating for increased transpar-
ency for the drug middlemen.
The FTC launched its inves-
tigation into PBMs in 2022.
One practice the FTC cited
involved how PBMs encourage
patients to take certain drugs
other drugs for complicated
diseases—that the firms are
connected with, the FTC said.
The PBMs paid affiliated phar-
ment, while Prime said it is The agency released the in- over others by ranking them macies more than they paid
different from other PBMs and terim results of its probe on a on lists, or formularies, of unaffiliated pharmacies, the
it fully complied with the 4-to-1 vote from commission- medicines covered by health FTC said.
FTC’s requests for informa- ers. Commissioner Melissa Ho- plans. Preferred medicines on For two cancer drugs, that
tion. lyoak, a Republican member, formularies often cost patients resulted in the parent compa-
“This report is based on an- voted against the release. less out of pocket. PBMs can nies’ pocketing an extra $1.6
ecdotes and comments from She said the report was exclude other medicines. billion over three years, ac-
anonymous sources and self- premature. “The Report fails The FTC said PBMs have cording to the agency’s re-
interested parties, and sup- to meet the standards of eco- excluded from formularies view of prescription and pay-
ported only by two cherry- nomic rigor expected of Com- drugs that would cost health ment data for both Medicare
picked case studies that are mission reports,” she wrote plans less, in exchange for and commercially insured
implied to be representative of in a dissenting statement. larger rebates from drugmak- patients.
the entire market,” said JC “Our job is not to score ers. The restrictions could For certain Medicare pa-
Scott, president of the Phar- cheap points for transient also force certain patients, tients and others who pay a
maceutical Care Management political favor—it is to iden- depending on the drug and percentage of their drug costs
Association, a trade associa- tify and protect against anti- their health plan, to pay more when they fill a prescription,
tion representing PBMs. “The the higher charges have
report completely overlooks Payments pharmacies affiliated with large PBMs collected meant higher out-of-pocket
the volumes of data that dem- for drugs payments.
onstrate the value that PBMs People with Medicare Part
Average payments Excess revenue
provide to America’s health- D prescription drug plans who
care system.” ABIRATERONE ACETATE (prostate cancer) are taking a generic version of
PBMs are a central part of Generic of Zytiga the prostate-cancer drug
the drug-supply and payment Total revenue Zytiga paid more than they
system. Among their roles is $137 million $685M $822M should have because of PBM
negotiating with pharmaceuti- practices, the FTC said.
cal companies how much The Wall Street Journal has
health plans and employers IMATINIB MESYLATE (leukemia) reported that mail-order phar-
will pay for a drug, and how Generic of Gleevec macies that share an owner
much they will reimburse a with a PBM have marked up
pharmacy to fill a prescription. $48.1 million $902.1M $950.2M the prices of drugs compared
The firms said they pass with other pharmacies. It has
along the discounts and other also reported that certain
savings they secure to health Note: Large PBMs (CVS Caremark, Express Scripts and OptumRx) paid affiliated pharmacies many drugs for cancer and other
times more than the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost, a measure of the average prices
plans and employers, thereby pharmacies pay for drugs, from 2020 to 2022 for two drugs. Includes prescriptions for both
complicated diseases cost
Based on 2023 proprietary survey holding down premiums. commercially insured and Medicare patients. more at pharmacies connected
A growing chorus of pa- Source: Federal Trade Commission to PBMs.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A5

Nobody Is Popular in European Politics
Votes in France, U.K. French Assembly distribution after 2024 legislative elections for established parties of the ergy-price spike that followed performing.
center right and center left is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “People have good reason to
show splintering as 178 Center 150 143 declining as voters turn to up- Immigration, environmental believe their political systems
The New Popular Macron’s party Far Right
leaders struggle to Front starts. New movements can policies, electricity bills, low are not delivering. That
rise fast but also fade quickly, wages and overstretched doesn’t mean they know what
claim clear mandates Left wing Right wing as French President Emmanuel healthcare services are among they want,” said Ivan Krastev,
Macron’s pro-business cen- the sources of discontent with head of the Center for Liberal
BY MARCUS WALKER trists have discovered. the performance of the politi- Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Patience with new govern- cal system. “Voters feel lost in a laby-
In the space of four days, ments is short. Being the in- Political fragmentation is rinth, so they run in different
France and the U.K. defied the cumbent can be a liability at a making countries such as directions, hoping the exit is
theory that European politics time of pervasive frustration France, Germany, Spain and there,” Krastev said. Rapid dis-
is shifting decisively toward with politics. the Netherlands less govern- appointment often follows, and
the anti-immigration right. “Democracy is in crisis,” said able just as geopolitical pres- the next election can bring
Instead, the results of re- 577 Matteo Renzi, a former Italian sures on Europe are growing. large swings. “The political cy-
cent elections confirm that the seats prime minister. “The first prob- Russian expansionism is cle is shortening,” he said.
bigger trend is fragmentation. lem is that when you vote, challenging the continent’s British voters turned over-
Divisions are multiplying in Absolute majority at 289 things don’t always change.” post-Cold War international whelmingly against the incum-
European societies, making it American voters are no hap- order. Chinese industries are bent Conservatives, but La-
harder for leaders to claim a 2 13 25 27 39 pier than Europeans about the threatening to swamp key Eu- bour’s win wasn’t accompanied
clear mandate—or, in many Socialist Other left-wing Other/ Other right- Republicans political choices on offer. For- ropean manufacturing sectors. by any great outpouring of
party parties Centrist parties wing parties party
countries, to cobble together a mer President Donald Trump The possible return of Trump hope or optimism. Many ob-
coherent governing majority. Source: French Ministry of the Interior CAMILLE BRESSANGE/WSJ and President Biden are the as American president could servers say the U.K.’s lack of
France’s fractured new Na- least-popular pair of candidates upend Europe’s security ar- economic growth or fiscal el-
tional Assembly will make A dysfunctional government tives, won just over 57% of the for the White House in at least rangements as well as trade bow room could quickly lead to
forming a government more could yet benefit Le Pen in her vote, their lowest combined three decades, according to a with the U.S. disappointment with new
difficult than at any time since attempt to win the presidency share in over a century. survey by the Pew Research In most of the big European Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
the creation of the Fifth Re- in three years, however. Many voters preferred small Center published in June. countries and in the U.S., far “No one really believes any-
public in 1958. The U.K.’s electoral system parties including centrists, en- Much of Europe is struggling more voters say they are dis- one can fix anything,” said
Any multiparty government is papering over the cracks. vironmentalists and the popu- with chronically low economic satisfied with democracy than Anand Menon, director of Lon-
is likely to have little holding it Last Thursday, Labour won list right. Turnout was also the growth and strained public fi- satisfied, according to a survey don-based think tank UK in a
together, apart from shared nearly two-thirds of the seats second lowest in a century. nances, leaving governments by opinion-polling group Ipsos Changing Europe. “It’s not un-
opposition to the far-right Na- in the House of Commons with As voters’ loyalty to tradi- with little room to maneuver. published in December. Among usual for Western countries in
tional Rally of Marine Le Pen, about one-third of the vote. tional parties declines, results Many Europeans’ living stan- the nations surveyed, only recent times. What recent elec-
which performed worse than Britain’s long-dominant par- are becoming more volatile dards have taken a blow from Swedes said they were happy tions have in common is a
expected in Sunday’s vote. ties, Labour and the Conserva- from ballot to ballot. Support post-Covid inflation and the en- with how their democracy is mood of antipolitics,” he said.

As U.S. Election Looms, Zelensky Plays Balancing Act

BY ALAN CULLISON values will be defeated with it. was hosted by the Ronald Rea- based order that he said
“I want to be candid and gan Presidential Foundation, a would become widespread in
WASHINGTON—Facing an frank: now everyone is waiting part of the traditional Repub- Europe if Putin is allowed to
uncertain outcome in U.S. elec- for November, “ he said. “And lican establishment that has win in Ukraine.
tions in November and no clear truly speaking, Putin awaits backed aid to Ukraine. The Asked what he believed Pu-
pathway to NATO membership, November too.” foundation’s director, Roger tin thought of President Biden
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech was his Zakheim, said he invited Zel- and of Trump, Zelensky replied
Zelensky appealed Tuesday in third major appearance in the ensky to support its agenda that while Americans might
a speech at the beginning of U.S. since Russian President promoting Reagan’s belief in a see large differences, Putin
the alliance summit to a tradi- Vladimir Putin’s troops in- foreign policy based on peace doesn’t. “Biden and Trump are
tional vision of U.S. leadership. vaded Ukraine in 2022. Shortly through strength. very different, but they are
He acknowledged that after the invasion, he ad- In his speech, Zelensky said supportive of democracy, and


Ukraine’s future might be up dressed Congress in a speech he supported Reagan’s legacy. that’s why I think Putin will
for grabs in upcoming presi- that was interrupted by stand- He spoke further of Russian hate both of them,” he said.
dential elections in the U.S. in ing ovations. But during a sub- abuses—the targeting of civil- He renewed what has been
November. He steered clear of sequent visit he faced more of ian buildings in Ukraine and a a familiar balancing act before
criticizing Donald Trump, but an uphill fight, as skepticism missile campaign that has Western backers, expressing
did sound a note against U.S. of aid to Ukraine has grown taken down swaths of the gratitude for military assis-
isolationism, saying that if among some Republicans. country’s electricity grid— tance from alliance members
Ukraine is defeated, Western His appearance Tuesday and violation of the rules- while cajoling them for more. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky speaking Tuesday night.

NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Biden.


BY LARA SELIGMAN level commitments expected tries will enable the operation
AND DOUG CAMERON at the summit will finally of an additional Patriot battery,
translate to signed contracts according to a U.S. official. Majestic setting. Dynamic colors. Impressive scale.
Senior U.S. and European and increased production. Biden also pledged to en- Renowned Swiss-Czech painter
leaders opened this week’s The urgency was on display sure that Ukraine goes to “the Otto Pilny masterfully captures
NATO summit with a pledge Monday, when Russia attacked front of the line” for receiving the warmth of desert light in his
to increase the alliance’s in- Ukrainian cities, destroying a new air-defense interceptors.
vestment in military industrial children’s hospital in Kyiv and In the U.S., defense compa- monumental canvas, Sunrise in the
production, while acknowledg- killing and injuring dozens of nies and the Pentagon now say Desert. A stately sheik on a white
ing that more than two years civilians. Russia is expected to they were overly optimistic horse shields his eyes from the
after Russia invaded Ukraine, ramp up its air assault, target- about increasing production of rising sun, a testament to Pilny’s
the allies still struggle to pro- ing Ukraine’s energy grid and critical weapons. Supply-chain unparalleled skill in rendering
duce enough weapons and crucial infrastructure heading kinks and labor shortages atmosphere. The beloved artist was honored with the Order of
equipment to help Kyiv win. into the winter. meant it will take four years to
As Russian President Vladi- So far, the air-defense capa- double output of the U.S.-made
the Medjidie, a knightly distinction, by Egyptian King Abbas II.
mir Putin put his country on a bilities the U.S. and NATO allies Javelin antitank missiles that Signed “Otto Pilny / Cairo” (lower right). Circa 1890. Oil on canvas.
war footing, cranking out have pulled together for Kyiv Ukraine uses widely, twice as Canvas: 461/2”h x 701/4”w. Frame: 641/8”h x 873/4”w x 6”d. #31-8965
tanks and ammunition rounds, have failed to stop such attacks. long as initially expected.
NATO has had limited success While various countries have “We need to do more and
in accelerating the output of provided interceptors, those ef- we need to do it faster,” said
its own defense industry. forts haven’t kept up with the Chris Calio, chief executive of Scan to learn more
“The reality is that the war near-daily Russian barrage. The RTX, which produces the Pa- about this painting
in Ukraine has demonstrated U.S. has given one Patriot air- triot missile-defense system.
not only that the scopes have defense battery, the Nether- Production is starting to
been too small, and that the lands one and Germany two. accelerate. U.S. output of
production capacity has been President Biden said Tues- 155mm artillery shells has
delinquent, but it has also dem- day at the opening of the sum- more than doubled to 30,000 a
onstrated serious gaps in our mit that the U.S., Germany, the month since the start of the
interoperability,” NATO Secre- Netherlands, Romania and It- conflict and is expected to al-
tary-General Jens Stoltenberg aly will provide Ukraine with most double again by the end
said during a Tuesday event at the equipment for five addi- of the summer. U.S. companies
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. tional air-defense systems, and have also ramped up produc-
Stoltenberg said the allies in the coming months the U.S. tion of Patriot interceptors,
would pledge this week to in- and its partners will also send Himars rocket launchers and NEW ORLEANS 622 Royal Street | ASPEN POP-UP 228 S. Mill Street • Now-September
crease military spending, better “dozens” of other systems. the GMLR missiles they fire. • • 877-677-2801
coordinate production and do The U.S., Germany and Ro- “We are seeing the results as
more to enforce those prom- mania will each donate one Pa- we speak on the battlefield,” Since 1912, M.S. Rau has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
ises. But he acknowledged that triot battery; Italy will provide said Jake Sullivan, U.S. national- Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
efforts haven’t been sufficient a European-made SAMP/T air- security adviser, during the
to match demand in Ukraine. defense system; and Patriot Chamber of Commerce event.
It remains uncertain components donated by the —Daniel Michaels
whether the kinds of high- Netherlands and other coun- contributed to this article.
A6 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Israeli Scientists, Businesses Face Boycotts

Efforts gain traction heimer’s disease, water purifica- mote its goals, which include
tion and sustainable agriculture. the establishment of an inde-
from academia to “Academic institutions de- pendent Palestinian state and
defense, weighing on velop technology for the security winning the right of Palestinian
services that is later misused for refugees and their descendants
the nation’s economy human-rights violations,” the to live in Israel. But the move-
committee wrote. ment found limited traction.
BY ANAT PELED The statement was “very The environment changed
AND CARRIE KELLER-LYNN disturbing,” said Segal, whose after Israel responded to the
lab at the Weizmann Institute Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7
TEL AVIV—Years of pro-Pal- of Science, south of Tel Aviv, that killed more than 1,200
estinian campaigning for a has a research partnership people, mostly civilians, with
global boycott against Israel with Ghent University focus- around 250 hostages taken to
once found limited backing. But ing on factors driving obesity. Gaza, according to Israel.
in the months since the war in He said he doesn’t yet know if Some longtime goals of BDS
Gaza began, support for the the project will be terminated. and other pro-Palestinian or-
isolation of Israel has grown The committee also called ganizations are being realized

well beyond Israel’s war effort. for a Europe-wide suspension of as a result of the war, in which
The shift has the potential Israel’s participation in research about 38,000 people have died
to alter Israeli careers, hurt and education programs, which in Gaza, mostly civilians, ac-
businesses and weigh on the often depend on European cording to Palestinian officials.
economy of a country of nine Union funding. If European The figure doesn’t specify how
million people that depends partners heed the call, “this many were combatants.
on international cooperation would be a tremendous blow to Months of fighting, the human
and support for defense, com- our ability to do academic sci- A banner calls for Ireland’s national broadcaster to boycott the Eurovision Song Contest. toll and images of devastation
merce and scientific research. entific research,” Segal said. in Gaza have fueled interna-
When an ethics committee The new political and legal less universities want to collab- ence, Eurosatory, would be a for Starburst Aerospace, an in- tional opposition to how Israel
at Ghent University in Belgium initiatives against Israel is un- orate with Israeli institutions. rare opportunity to expand his ternational consulting firm that has carried out the war.
recommended terminating all precedented, said Eran Shamir- Things just happen when you business, he said. Then he was develops and invests in aero- “As Israeli companies and
research collaborations with Borer, former head of the in- get this symbolic status,” said told that, because of a French space and defense startups. institutions become isolated, Is-
Israeli institutions in May, Is- ternational-law department in Shamir-Borer, a fellow at the court decision, his firm was After the conference opened, rael will find it more difficult to
raeli computational biologist the Israeli military. They in- Israel Democracy Institute. prohibited from attending. Or- a French court overturned the oppress Palestinians,” BDS says
Eran Segal didn’t see it coming. clude moves against Israel and Israelis are finding their par- ganizers cited court orders af- ban, but for Madmoni it was on its website. BDS co-founder
The sciences had seen little its leaders at the United Na- ticipation in cultural institu- ter a French defense-ministry too late. Many Israeli compa- Omar Barghouti declined to
impact from global-boycott tions’ top court and the Inter- tions and defense trade shows ban issued in response to Israeli nies had withdrawn. comment for this article.
movements, and Segal’s work national Criminal Court. is increasingly becoming taboo. military operations in Gaza. The Boycott, Divestment and Israeli leaders have long
had nothing to do with the Is- “Becoming a pariah state Lidor Madmoni, chief execu- The French decisions Sanctions movement, formed criticized boycott efforts. Pres-
raeli military effort. The univer- means that even if things don’t tive of a small Israeli defense “shocked the entire commu- in 2005 by Palestinian civil-so- ident Isaac Herzog told an eco-
sity’s research collaborations, happen formally, less compa- startup, prepared for months nity” of Israeli defense technol- ciety organizations, has called nomic conference in May that
the Ghent committee noted, in- nies feel that they want to in- for a June international-weap- ogy companies, said Noemie Al- for years for the use of interna- Israel’s enemies “are trying to
clude research on autism, Alz- vest in Israel in the first place, ons show in Paris. The confer- liel, managing director in Israel tional pressure on Israel to pro- isolate us in order to harm us.”

Weeks of Battle
Leave Rafah
Empty, in Ruins
BY DOV LIEBER and heavy pressure from its
U.S. ally and sent tanks rolling
RAFAH, Gaza Strip—This 9- into Rafah and along the bor-
mile-long borderland separat- der area, it is now pointing to
ing the Gaza Strip from Egypt the damage and signaling that
was once a bustling commer- the heaviest fighting is almost
cial crossing for goods and done—not only in Gaza’s
people—and, Israel says, arms southernmost city, but also
and supplies for Hamas. across the enclave.
After weeks of fighting, it While Israel said it would
is now a flattened wasteland. continue to fight in areas

A trip through Rafah with where Hamas resurfaces, it

the Israeli military in open-air hasn’t identified another ma-
vehicles showed the adjacent jor military objective in Gaza,
neighborhoods to be entirely which could give it an opening
depopulated. Building after to let exhausted soldiers rest
building had been reduced to and refocus on the simmering
piles of rubble. The military, conflict with the militant
which controlled the itinerary, group Hezbollah along the bor- An Israeli soldier patrols in the southern Gaza Strip, where the war with Hamas, now in its ninth month, has leveled Rafah.
said Hamas’s extensive use of der with Lebanon to the north.
booby traps made it safer for “We are getting close to de- the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks end, Israel’s military said it tential for continued fierce length of the border fence with
soldiers to bring the buildings feating the Rafah brigade,” that left 1,200 dead. continued to find tunnels and fighting ahead. Egypt. Before the war, it had
down than to clear them. said the Israeli military The military says its prior- fight militants in Rafah. Above ground, Israel’s mili- been controlled by Palestinians.
Any structures still stand- spokesman, Daniel Hagari. ity now is to free the hostages Israel’s military says it has tary appears to have a tight Nearly every structure
ing were laced with bullet “The Rafah brigade is a meta- still held in Gaza, something it killed more than 900 militants grip of the city. But below along the road is now razed as
holes or had chunks taken out phor for all Hamas military has previously said is possible in Rafah and picked apart ground, troops are still in the Israeli troops say they con-
by tank rounds or airstrikes. frameworks around Gaza.” only with a deal that trades a much of the group’s military process of locating and under- tinue to locate tunnel en-
The administrative buildings Israel’s military has battled cease-fire for their release. infrastructure there. Gaza’s standing the extent of Hamas’s trances and rocket or mortar-
and roadways that made up with Prime Minister Benjamin “There is only one main health authorities don’t have vast tunnel network. launching sites.
the Rafah crossing itself—a vi- Netanyahu over the lack of a goal for us—to bring our hos- an estimate of civilian deaths By the time Israeli tanks Israel hasn’t said how long it
tal gateway for the Gaza Strip, political plan for securing the tages back home,” Hagari said. during the fighting there. rolled into the city, thousands plans to keep its troops in the
which before the war had been Gaza Strip after the fighting Gaza’s two million civilians A Wall Street Journal re- of Hamas’s militants had fled, Philadelphi Corridor, or whether
blockaded by Israel—also lay in and the need for a cease-fire desperately need an end to the porter and journalists from Israeli military officials said, they would leave at all.
ruins. A guard tower with its deal that frees hostages taken fighting. Most have been dis- other news organizations re- leaving a fighting force for an Hagari, the military spokes-
windows blown out sat empty. by Hamas. The dispute placed from their homes. Food cently got a firsthand look at insurgency that could plague man, said it would be up to Is-
Above it, a large sign that sur- erupted into the open in June and crucial supplies remain the aftermath during a trip the country for years. rael’s government to decide.
vived the fighting says in Ara- when the military said Hamas scarce. Even the counterinsur- through the border area and a A goal of the operation in “We’ll do whatever we need
bic, “Welcome to Palestine.” can’t be destroyed by force of gency phase of the fighting few small neighboring sec- Rafah was to stop suspected to do to accomplish the goals
Two months after Israel’s arms, a sign it was ready to that the Israeli military consid- tions of Rafah organized by Is- arms smuggling by seizing con- of the war,” he said.
military defied international shift to more-targeted tactics ers lower-intensity has been rael’s military. trol of the Philadelphi Corridor, —Saleh al-Batati
concern over civilian casualties in the war it launched after highly destructive. This week- A close look showed the po- a long sandy road that runs the contributed to this article.

U.S., Allies Issue Rare Warning on China Hacking Group

BY MIKE CHERNEY largest trading partner—led group targeted two networks “They are highly skilled at puter systems of dozens of ing to “pre-position” in critical
such an effort, a person famil- in 2022—though it didn’t iden- hiding within the network,” companies, universities and infrastructure networks for fu-
SYDNEY—Seven U.S. allies iar with the matter said. tify the organizations—and she said. “They look like legit- government entities as part of ture attacks.
warned that a Chinese state- “In our current strategic said the threat is continuing. imate traffic or normal users an effort to steal information Microsoft revealed last
sponsored hacking group poses circumstances, these attribu- “Having all eight nations and strike with precision that would benefit Chinese year that the state-sponsored
a threat to their networks, in tions are increasingly impor- collectively call this out is sig- when the time is right, steal- companies, the Justice De- Chinese campaign went after
an unusual coordinated move tant tools in deterring mali- nificant,” said Rachael Falk, ing valuable data.” partment said at the time. a range of networks on Guam
by Western governments to cious cyber activity,” said chief executive of the Cyber In one of the incidents, the Three of the defendants in and in the U.S., including com-
call out a global operation they Richard Marles, Australia’s Security Cooperative Research hackers accessed large amounts that case were officers in the munication, transportation,
say is directed by Beijing’s in- deputy prime minister and de- Centre in Australia. “You don’t of sensitive data and got privi- Hainan State Security Depart- maritime and other sectors.
telligence services. fense minister. see collective attribution from leged authentication creden- ment, a provincial arm of the The company said the hackers
Tuesday’s advisory was a On Tuesday, China accused so many agen- tials that en- Ministry of State Security, who were likely developing capa-
rare instance of Washington’s the U.S. and its allies of hyp- cies about one abled the group coordinated computer hackers bilities that could disrupt crit-
major allies in the Pacific and ing China’s cyber activities to malicious cyber to log in, the ad- at front companies for the ical communications infra-
elsewhere joining to sound the smear Beijing and distract threat actor APT40 conducts visory said. In ministry. The stolen informa- structure between the U.S.
alarm on China’s cyber activ- from Washington’s efforts to very often.” cybersecurity the other inci- tion included technologies for and Asia during future crises.
ity. Australia led and published engage in surveillance and es- Falk said dent, the group submersibles and autonomous The U.S. and its allies have
the advisory. It was joined by pionage worldwide. “Who is APT40 carefully operations for got several hun- vehicles, specialty-chemical stepped up their public criti-
the U.S., U.K., Canada and New the biggest threat to global carries out re- dred unique formulas, commercial-aircraft cism of Beijing in recent
Zealand, which along with cybersecurity? I believe the connaissance,
China’s Ministry username and servicing, and proprietary ge- months. In March, the U.S. hit
Australia make up an intelli- international community sees can look like a of State Security. password pairs, netic-sequencing technology, more alleged Chinese hackers
gence-sharing group of coun- this clearly,” said Foreign Min- legitimate user as well as multi- the Justice Department said. with sanctions and criminal
tries known as the Five Eyes. istry spokesman Lin Jian. and is very ef- factor authenti- Infectious-disease research charges, and the U.K. govern-
Germany, Japan and South Ko- The technical advisory de- fective at steal- cation codes was also targeted. ment accused Beijing of hack-
rea also signed on. tailed a group known in cyber- ing valuable data. She said and technical artifacts related Concerns about China’s hack- ing into its electoral register
The warning marked the security circles as Advanced APT40 rapidly exploits new, to remote access sessions. ing campaign have grown since to steal personal details of
first time South Korea and Persistent Threat 40, or and sometimes old, public vul- The advisory suggests the the 2021 case. U.S. officials are voters. That same month, New
Japan joined with Australia in APT40, which conducts cyber- nerabilities in widely used group is still active despite worried that China’s aims in- Zealand officials said that
attributing malicious cyber security operations for China’s software and uses compro- previous efforts to disrupt it. volve not just stealing sensitive APT40 was behind an August
activity to China. It was also Ministry of State Security and mised small home-office de- In 2021, U.S. prosecutors data and weapons information, 2021 cyberattack on networks
the first time Australia— has been based in the south- vices. That enables the group charged four Chinese nation- but also targeting infrastructure in Parliament.
which has been reluctant to ern island province of Hainan. to launch attacks and blend in als tied to APT40 with a cam- that underpins civilian life. U.S. —Grace Zhu in Beijing
point the finger at China, its The advisory detailed how the with traffic. paign to hack into the com- officials have said China is seek- contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A7

It has been 469 days since our friend and colleague Evan Gershkovich
was wrongfully detained by Russia during a reporting trip and accused of
espionage. The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. government vehemently
deny the allegation and continue to call for his immediate release.

No journalist should ever be detained for simply doing his job, and the charge
against Evan is an outrage. Journalism is not a crime, and any portrayal to
the contrary is iction.

The stakes are high: Without press freedom, there is no free society.

Every day Evan remains detained is a day too long. We will not rest until
he’s home.

Please continue to share Evan’s reporting and the latest updates on his
situation by visiting Use the hashtag #IStandWithEvan
to help keep his story front and center.

©2024 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ0440
A8 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


to be seen.” gathering. Phones and Apple “There is an anxiety that is gathering of the North Atlantic re-election and will help lead
Democrats “I think it was a construc-
tive conversation,” said Sen.
Watches were confiscated to
prevent instant leaks. Law-
felt across the country. It’s not
just in that room and it’s not
Treaty Organization in Wash-
ington, reading off a telepromp-
us through a process toward a
new nominee.”
Chris Coons (D., Del.), a close makers who have called for Bi- just with donors and it’s not ter. Standing in the auditorium Behind the scenes, many
Struggle on Biden ally. Coons didn’t an-
swer when asked whether
den to step aside stood before
the room and told colleagues
just with Democrats,” said Rep.
Greg Landsman (D., Ohio).
where NATO was signed into
existence in 1949, he drew ap-
members continue to harbor
doubts about the president’s

Path Ahead anyone at the lunch called for

Biden to leave the race.
Sen. Michael Bennet (D.,
that the party needs a differ-
ent candidate. The majority of
lawmakers stood by Biden,
Asked if Democrats were on
the same page, Rep. Steve Co-
hen (D., Tenn.) said, “We’re
plause for his robust defense of
the alliance and for his support
of Ukraine.
ability to make what they be-
lieve is a strong case on the
campaign trail. Polls show Bi-
Colo.) told colleagues he didn’t however, saying the June 27 not even in the same book.” Some lawmakers who had den trailing Trump, with most
Continued from Page One think Biden would prevail this debate was one bad night and One person familiar with privately said they believed voters thinking the president
in response to questions at fall. Later, speaking to CNN, he pointing to his successes, ac- the meeting said the party Biden needed to step aside is too old to serve.
his weekly Tuesday news con- said he believes Trump is on cording to two people familiar seemed evenly split on Biden. changed their tune Tuesday. Biden has begun making the
ference. track to “maybe win it by a with the meeting. “One-third of the caucus “The president made very rounds to lawmakers after the
Schumer’s terse comments landslide, and take with him “Right now, President Biden wants him gone, one-third clear yesterday that he is run- debate last month. Subsequent
followed a lengthy lunch the Senate and the House.” He is the nominee, and we sup- want him to stay, and one- ning. To me, that’s dispositive. media appearances have done
meeting with Senate Demo- said the White House “has port the Democratic nominee third are resigned he is the We have to support him,” said little to quell concerns. He had
crats, most of whom refused done nothing to really demon- that will beat Donald Trump,” nominee but think he is going Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New a virtual conversation with
to talk to reporters afterward. strate that they have a plan to said Rep. Pete Aguilar (D., Ca- to lose,” the person said. York, the top Democrat on the Democratic mayors on Tues-
Some looked dejected. “The win.” But he declined to say lif.), a member of party leader- Biden has said repeatedly he Judiciary Committee. day night, touting the passage
president said it’s in his that Biden should step aside. ship, speaking after the meet- plans to stay in the race, issu- Seven House lawmakers of Covid-19 legislation that
hands,” said Sen. Debbie Inside House Democrats’ ing. “Let’s see. Let’s see the ing a letter Monday to law- have publicly called for Biden funded cities.
Stabenow of Michigan. Asked own closed-door meeting, the press conference. Let’s see the makers calling for talk of a re- to quit the race, with Rep. —Siobhan Hughes,
if Biden should remain on the mood was somber, with some campaign stops. Let’s see all of placement to cease. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) saying Catherine Lucey
ticket, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illi- lawmakers shedding tears in this, because all of it is going Biden on Tuesday evening Tuesday that Biden should and Owen Tucker-Smith
nois said, “That still remains an emotionally wrenching to be necessary.” spoke at an opening event for a “declare that he won’t run for contributed to this article.

Biden’s dent in modern history,” he

High-profile Democratic

Team Keeps lawmakers also defended the

president’s mental acuity.
Some donors said they kept

Tight Rein their concerns quiet because

they didn’t want to risk their
access or influence. No one
wanted to jeopardize a chance
Continued from Page One to become an ambassador or
ingly obvious, and his top ad- host a fundraiser, said a Los
visers were assuring everyone Angeles-based longtime Dem-
the president was fine. ocratic donor.
When the 81-year-old presi-
dent took the stage at last
month’s debate, his abysmal Musical exit
performance stunned mem- When Biden was a senator,
bers of his party. he regularly spoke with re-
Now, many donors and law- porters. As vice president, he
makers say they feel misled by invited journalists to pool par-
what they say is an effort to ties. At the start of his presi-
tamp down concerns, raised dency, Biden spoke off-the-
well before the debate, about cuff more frequently,
whether Biden is fit for a sec- including at fundraisers.
ond term. These days, Biden’s public
News reports about the appearances are brief. He oc-
president’s mental acuity have casionally answers shouted
bukes and denials from Bi- his responses are often
den’s allies. The offices of Sen. clipped—sometimes a “yes,”
Patty Murray (D., Wash.) and “no” or just a thumbs-up.
Rep. Gregory Meeks (D., N.Y.) Since the debate, his public
alerted the White House ear- remarks have on average
lier this year when The Wall President Biden at the presidential debate with former President Donald Trump in Atlanta last month. lasted less than 10 minutes.
Street Journal asked questions His campaign has planned
about Biden’s performance at more unscripted interactions
a January meeting. The presi- with voters following criticism
dent spoke softly, paused for from Democrats.
long periods, read from notes White House aides often
to make obvious points, the erect barriers to keep report-
Journal reported. ers from asking Biden ques-
Murray told the Journal in tions. Journalists are some-
April she hadn’t seen a change times kept dozens or even
in Biden’s acuity during her hundreds of feet away from
years working with him. the president at events. White
On Monday, Murray said in House staff often blast music
a statement that Biden should so questions can’t be heard
consider his legacy in deciding during the president’s exit.
whether to remain in the race: Radio hosts who inter-
Biden’s team feels Washing- viewed the president last
ton is out to get him. This us- week, part of an effort to reas-
versus-them view has led to sure the public of Biden’s
what some Democrats called a mental fitness, said they were
bunker mentality, blinding the Biden speaking with reporters aboard Air Force One en route German Chancellor Olaf Scholz talking to Biden before the provided a list of approved
president and his aides to Bi- from Israel on Oct. 18 last year. start of a Group of Seven summit in 2022. questions from the Biden cam-
den’s political liabilities. paign. After that was re-
People close to Biden blame told people that he saw the Senate Majority Leader Chuck age. Katzenberg told them
A U.S. official said the ported, the campaign decided
a handful of advisers for put- president regularly, and that Schumer (D., N.Y.) after the that Biden was the best bet to
White House indicated early to curtail the practice, accord-
ting in place a strategy that Biden was sharp and in com- debate. A White House official beat Donald Trump.
on that Biden wouldn’t attend. ing to a person familiar with
minimized the president’s age- mand, according to those who said the president has spoken One entertainment execu-
The official disputed the char- the Biden booking operation.
related struggles. Those advis- spoke with Katzenberg. to at least 20 lawmakers since tive who had lunch with
acterization that Blinken was When Biden holds one of
ers include the president’s Biden has had plenty of the debate. Biden’s team re- Katzenberg around six weeks
standing in for the president. his rare news conferences,
big-picture thinkers: Anita moments in the public eye. He fused requests by Republican ago said he asked Katzenberg
A White House official said White House officials often
Dunn, who is responsible for was widely praised for his House leaders to meet with whether Biden was too inca-
that Biden during the summit reach out to reporters whom
the White House’s communi- State of the Union address in the president, instead offering balanced engagements with pacitated to win the election. the president might call on, in
cations strategy, along with March, where he made a conversations with senior world leaders and pressing“No. Absolutely not,” the exec- a bid to determine what ques-
political counselors Steve Ric- forceful case that the freedom White House aides. needs at home, ending one utive recalled Katzenberg say- tions they plan to ask. Many
chetti and Mike Donilon. of Americans was at risk in German officials, aware of ing. “I see him, I talk to him
evening at 10 p.m., after an reporters rebuff these re-
Biden allies outside the the November election. He has Biden’s fatigue at night, all the time. He’s solid.”
hourlong call with his team quests. White House aides of-
White House also pointed to made high-profile trips, in- sought to accommodate the about domestic matters. Katzenberg had dozens of ten hold the microphone for
lesser-known aides who have cluding a surprise visit to Kyiv president by planning a June During working hours atmeetings at the White House reporters so that aides can
served as gatekeepers for the last year and a trip to Israel 2022 event with German the summit, the people whofrom March 2023 through pull it away, preventing fol-
president, including Annie days after the Hamas attack. Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the were present said Biden March 2024, visitor logs low-up questions.
Tomasini and Anthony Bernal, The president’s public ap- early evening. show.
showed no sign of cognitive In June 2023, during an ap-
close confidants of Biden and pearances and his private in- The informal event, a soiree At some fundraising events,
decline. Yet, they said, he ap- pearance at a graduation cere-
first lady Jill Biden, respec- teractions, according to people at the Alpine resort Schloss the campaign allows Biden
peared to be physically worn mony for the U.S. Air Force
tively. The White House didn’t who described them, suggest Elmau during the Group of few impromptu moments,
out as the days passed. U.S. Academy, Biden tripped over a
make Tomasini, Bernal, Dunn, that Biden has moments Seven summit, was arranged even with top donors.
aides told officials at the sum- sandbag and fell as he walked
Ricchetti or Donilon available where he is sharp and detail- as a confidential meeting on Aides sometimes stepped in
mit that it was due to the lack across the stage. He got up
for comment. oriented. At other times, he is Ukraine in a relaxed setting. to help. At a fundraiser in
of air conditioning, according quickly with the assistance of
This account is based on in- forgetful, stumbles over words Biden didn’t show, officials New York around the time of
to the people, a contention the Secret Service agents. Biden’s
terviews, before and after the and struggles to convey his said. Instead, Secretary of State Department disputed.the United Nations General fall, which was replayed on
debate, with more than two thoughts. Those slip-ups have State Antony Blinken arrived Assembly last fall, Biden cable news for hours, raised
dozen current and former Bi- become more frequent, ac- and announced that Biden had seemed at a loss trying to an- alarms at the White House,
den administration officials, cording to people who have to go to bed, according to twoBiden salesman swer questions about the Mid- according to people familiar
as well as Democratic lawmak- met with the president. people who were there. Even before the Democratic dle East, according to a per- with the matter.
ers, major campaign donors Last summer, a former top Matthew Miller, a State De-primaries, some donors son there. An aide whispered Officials said it was a com-
and Democratic strategists, Biden adviser who had met partment spokesman, denied pressed Katzenberg on in Biden’s ear, the person said, monplace accident but none-
along with a Journal analysis with the president told an as- that Blinken said Biden had towhether Biden should be the and the president answered. theless recognized the damag-
of visitor logs. sociate the meeting was “not nominee, given his advanced
go to bed “or anything like it.” During a fundraiser at the ing political optics of Biden
“Joe Biden is proud of the good” and that Biden had Four Seasons in New tumbling to the ground. In the
team he leads as he continues noticeably aged since York in June 2023, Biden following months, they took
to build on the most success- they had last met. couldn’t recall the word extra precautions to make
ful record in modern Ameri- The president’s abys- for “veteran,” according sure he didn’t trip again. He
can history,” White House mal debate performance to attendees who bought started wearing sneakers
spokesman Andrew Bates said. was a crystallizing mo- a ticket. The president more often for better traction,
He disputed that Biden had ment for some Biden asked the group to help and he often used shorter
been shielded from the public backers, who said it him find the word, saying stairs when boarding Air
and that his staff acted as caused them to reassess he wanted to refer to a Force One.
gatekeepers. Many of the mea- previous interactions person who had served in The president, during a
sures the president’s team has with the president. An- the Army or Navy. meeting with Democratic gov-
put in place have been stan- other former Biden ad- Asked about these ernors last week, spoke of the
dard procedure in past admin- viser said the Atlanta de- events, Kevin Munoz, a need for more sleep and sug-
istrations, Bates said. The bate caused many people Biden campaign spokes- gested he avoid events that
president has done media in- to piece together gnaw- man, criticized reporters begin after 8 p.m.
terviews, answered questions ing concerns about Bi- who used anonymous That comment was met
from reporters and traveled den’s mental acuity they sources to recount the with incredulity by some gov-
around the U.S., he said. had long harbored. president’s behind-the- ernors, a person briefed on

A number of deep-pocketed scenes interactions. the talks said. Some, though,

donors have directed their “None of them change were relieved that Biden at
frustration at Hollywood mo- Trading places the facts at play this elec- least acknowledged there was
gul Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co- Lawmakers in both tion and what this cam- a problem, the person said.
chair of the Biden campaign. parties say they don’t get paign will be focused on —Siobhan Hughes, Bojan
At lunches around Los Angeles enough face time with every single day: that Pancevski and Robbie
before the debate, Katzenberg the president. Biden took President Biden is the Whelan contributed to this
made the case for Biden. He almost a week to call Biden speaking at a Fourth of July event this month in Washington. most accomplished presi- article.
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A9

school earlier this year, and Small

asked about the girl. Then Small
shared that he was worried about
a situation one of his young chil-
dren was having at school. The
colleague empathized. “And it was
helpful because he gave me per-
spective,” Small says.
You don’t need to discount peo-
ple who have been through what
you’ve been through, Small says.
But make sure they realize your
experience isn’t exactly the same
as theirs. If they seem dismissive,
you may need to remind them how
tough the situation is for you.
Here’s how to find the right

Know what you need

Do you want to vent, get advice,
or be distracted for a bit? Identi-
fying what you need will help you
decide who to approach. Some-
times you need someone who is a
good listener or who is analytical
and can help you think through
the problem. Other times you
need the friend who makes you
Then be clear with the other
person about what you need. Try:
“I’m sad about this problem and
just need you to listen.”
Follow the example of Colum-
bia’s Small: “When I give my wife
a paper I am working on to read, I
tell her I don’t need a hug,” he
says. “I need her advice and help
thinking it through.”

Ask multiple people

The Best Person for Advice Often Often, we seek second opinions
from doctors or other profession-
als. We should do this in our per-
sonal life, as well.

Isn’t Who You Think of First “It seems unrealistic, espe-

cially in a complicated or ambigu-
ous problem, for anyone to have
the perfect answer or support,”
says Andrew High, an associate
Here’s how to find the right people to lean on when you’re going through a tough time professor at Pennsylvania
State University, who
studies supportive
because they already got over the issues of her own. But her pal in-  Sociologist communication.
problem, they might think we terrupted her after just a few min- Nika Kabiri recently “It’s better to shop
ELIZABETH should, too. utes: “I knew this was going to asked a male around.”
BERNSTEIN “They’re no longer in distress happen,” the woman announced. colleague for Asking multi-
so they forget how painful the sit- So Kabiri changed tacks. relationship advice. ple people for

uation was,” says Hooria Jazaieri, She called a male colleague she’d help also keeps
an assistant professor of manage- only previously asked for work ad- you from overbur-
e tend to believe ment at Santa Clara University’s vice. Unlike her, he’s been married dening any one per-
the best person business school, who is one of the for years. She believed he was a
Those with son. “If someone gets
for support dur- researchers on the study. good listener and problem solver, so ‘weak ties’ burnt out helping you,
ing a tough time About half the time when we she decided to take a chance. Conversations with these they won’t have anything
will always be need guidance, we reach out to Kabiri explained her problem so-called weak ties can be sur- else to say,” High says.
someone who’s friends, family members and oth- and told her colleague that she prisingly helpful. People who don’t
been there before. ers close to us, research shows. was really sad. He listened and know us well don’t know our ’Emotion matching’

We’re wrong. But when we don’t—maybe we asked questions. Then he told her faults, so they’re less likely to People who have dealt with issues
New research shows we may fear they’ll judge us—we turn to that he and his wife had many judge us. Even if they do, we won’t of their own should be empa-
get better help from people who acquaintances or even strangers challenges over the years, but he care as much as we would if it thetic—and have problem-solving
have been through a significant for support. thought they were worth it, and were our sister or mother. skills. If their problem was differ-
challenge that is different from Someone you don’t know well he’d do the whole relationship And often they take place ent than yours, they won’t assume
our own. Social scientists say this may have different life experiences over again if he could. somewhere that feels safe and ap- they know what you’re going
is because those who have been you can draw upon, says Nika “I felt heard,” Kabiri says. propriate, such as when we talk through without asking questions.
through an unrelated challenge Kabiri, a sociologist who “It was exactly what I to someone at yoga class about The key is to look for someone
can empathize with our emotional studies how people needed.” our struggle with work-life bal- whose experience was emotionally
pain. Yet they won’t assume they make decisions. “You ance, says Mario Small, a profes- similar to yours, says Stephanie
know what our experience is like never know what sor of social science at Columbia Preston, a professor of psychology
or bring their own emotional bag- people know until  Mario Small, a University, who studies how we at the University of Michigan, who
gage to the conversation. you ask,” she says. sociologist at decide to disclose information to studies empathy. For example, if
Meanwhile, those who have When she had a Columbia someone. you’re devastated by the divorce
“been there” before sometimes problem recently University, says He recently experienced this you’re going through, someone
talk more than they listen. They with a new boy- he got perspective himself when he ran into a col- who has experienced a devastating
may also give advice based solely friend, she reached from a colleague league at a local hardware store. job loss may be a good fit.
on their experience and forget out to a girlfriend he ran into while The man’s teenage daughter had “Empathy is all about emotion
that ours may be different. And who’d had relationship shopping. experienced some trouble at matching,” Preston says.

Tweens Embrace
talk to a dermatologist before using
Moon Walk,” the product descrip-
tion page says.

Wrinkle Creams
Shai Eisenman, Bubble’s founder
and chief executive, said the brand
has a responsibility to educate its
customers about the risks of using
active ingredients before they are
BY NATASHA KHAN aging creams and serums. necessary.

Retailers and product makers When the company launched its
his spring, amid preparation generally say they advise preteens Moon Walk serum six months ago, it
for cookie sales and planning a and early teens to stick to gentler added the warning to the website
white-water rafting trip, the products. They have largely resisted and to TikTok advertisements for the
Girl Scouts of Larchmont-Mamaron- efforts to mandate product warn- products with an overview of age
eck welcomed a special guest ings or age requirements. recommendations for the full product
speaker: a dermatologist. line. “I don’t want to see anyone do-
Preteens and teens across the The warning debate ing anything that could potentially
country have ditched their crafts, Earlier this year, California assem- damage their skin,” Eisenman said.
videogames and toys, embracing blymember Alex Lee introduced a bill Drunk Elephant, the colorfully
antiaging and other beauty prod- that would require warnings or age packaged line owned by Japanese
ucts, and parents are concerned. verification for antiaging products. beauty giant Shiseido, has no such
Some of the most popular products The legislation was quashed at the warnings on its pages for specific
contain active ingredients such as appropriations-committee level. products. “Safety is always our top
retinol and glycolic acid, which can During the hearing for the bill, priority,” a Drunk Elephant spokes-
thin the top layer of the skin and then-10-year-old Scarlett Goddard- person said.
cause peeling and irritation. Strahan testified that she began us- Glow Recipe’s Watermelon Glow
While long-term impacts are still ing products that had antiwrinkling PHA + BHA Pore-Tight Toner says
being studied, most children have a and brightening properties—so that on its website page that the prod-
healthy skin barrier that becomes “she wouldn’t look old, no offense”— uct is suitable for all skin types and
easily disrupted when using harsh after listening to influencers on Tik- ages. “You may wish to consult a
topicals, according to dermatolo- Tok and YouTube. hundreds of cosmetics and skin-  Skin-care products from the dermatologist before using actives
gists. Some girls have reported get- She started getting burns and care brands as well as chains such Ordinary, Glow Recipe and Drunk on young skin,” it says.
ting rashes after using such creams bumps after using them. as Sephora and Ulta. Elephant. Glow Recipe didn’t reply to re-
and serums; others say they have “I wanted glowy skin, and instead The group said that it supports quests for comment.
gotten sunburned more easily. I have red, itchy skin,” Scarlett told dermatologists’ views that antiag- Estée Lauder, in February put out Kathryn Kirchoff-Torres, a neurol-
“No child was talking about alpha the committee. ing products are unnecessary for an Instagram post titled “Teens, you ogist who leads a seventh-grade
hydroxy acid before the pandemic,” Beauty retailers Sephora and preteens and teens and that they don’t need ten steps,” recommend- Girl Scout troop that attended An-
said Leah Ansell, the dermatologist Ulta Beauty, along with owners of should look for mild cleansers, hy- ing teens “avoid ingredients like sell’s presentation, has been con-
invited to talk to the Girl Scouts. popular brands such as the Ordi- drating moisturizers and protective retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids at cerned about how social-media
“Now, everyone is talking about nary, Drunk Elephant and Glow Rec- sunscreens. the start of your skincare journey.” marketing to tweens and teens con-
specific skin-care ingredients. It’s a ipe, don’t market antiaging products Ulta said it recommends youn- tains little factual information on
worrying and surprising trend.” to younger customers in stores or ger customers avoid retinols and The social-media effect skin care that is healthy and safe.
Girls in their preteens and early on their websites. They have said active ingredients and instead Bubble Skincare has a line on some “It’s a field even we as adults
teens have helped fuel a renais- preteens and younger teenagers reach for gentler alternatives. It of its product pages for formulas find challenging to navigate,” said
sance in the $430 billion global should stay away from products said it looks to brands to provide with higher levels of active ingredi- Kirchoff-Torres, who has a teenage

beauty market. Dubbed “Sephora with these ingredients. age recommendations. ents, such as its Moon Walk Gentle daughter. “We wanted a science-
Kids,” they follow influencers on Tik- Sephora referred questions to Some companies have high- Exfoliating Serum, that says it is based resource for our girls to have,
Tok and YouTube who post “get the Personal Care Products Council, lighted potential risks for younger recommended for those ages 14 so they’re not just buying items in
ready with me” videos touting anti- a trade association that includes customers. The Ordinary, owned by and up. “If you are younger than 14, order to fit in or to follow trends.”
A10 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Here Are the Financial Lessons

make when they start is they feel
like they have to work all the
time,” Miller says. “That burns
you out very fast. You have to be
selective and you have to say no—

I Learned as a New Freelancer and it’s hard.”

Younger people thrust into free-
lance life somewhat suddenly—
perhaps postgrad or post-layoff—
can find this balance even more
Set aside time each day dedicated to business tasks, and periodically reassess your assignments difficult. But maxing out in the
short-term will only
hurt you in the long-

term, de Leon says, no
matter what your age
t the beginning of or stage of career.
March, I hit an emo- Miller also recom-
tional high: I started mends doing a periodic
work as a freelancer, reassessment of your
excited to embark on past assignments, your
this new career I’d clients and your rela-
made for myself as a writer and tionships to both. “As
podcaster. I set about making your priorities change,
spreadsheets and lining up assign- go through your client
ments. Every social-media “heart” list. ‘Do they fit this
and “like” seemed like an extra bucket?’ ‘Do they fit
vote of confidence in favor of me that bucket?’ ‘Do they
betting on myself. My best friend fit three buckets?’ ‘Do
sent me flowers. I even threw a they fit no buckets?’”
party to celebrate. When I started, I
Then, one month later, I hit a had two paltry buckets:
low. I—the girl who is supposedly “Do I like doing it?”
“good with money” and was even and “Do they pay OK?”
paid to write about such things— No wonder I crashed
overdrafted my checking account out at the desk.
for the first time in years. I felt
embarrassed, of course, but mostly,
I felt a little panicked. I thought I’d The experiment
researched all I needed to know continues
about freelancing. I thought I had But in a weird way, I’m
the spreadsheets! glad I had that day at
Turns out, spreadsheets can the kitchen table, even
get you only so far as a freelancer, if it hurt my head a lit-
contractor or gig worker. More tle sleeping on the
young people are taking this type wood. Because under-
of work, as a full-time freelancer standing why I was too
(like myself) or as a way to aug- busy led me to another
ment their 9-to-5 so they can keep retaliation: I was sell-
making higher rents and their wal- ing myself too cheap.
lets can keep up with stubborn in- check for an especially lucrative So I assumed adjusting to the ment? Don’t simply move some for “If everybody keeps saying yes
flation. And in a world where assignment—totaling more than I rhythms of this new cash flow tax savings and the rest to other to you all the time and you don’t
you’re often doing the marketing, usually made in two months at my wouldn’t require anything more goals. Instead, think critically get any noes, it might feel good in
the money managing and—oh previous job—showed up earlier than keeping a closer eye on Excel about how you’ll pay yourself back the moment, but that’s a big sign
yeah—the actual work of your own than expected. and otherwise going about busi- for the time you spent earning you’re undercharging,” de Leon
freelance business, there are al- According to my freelance ness as usual. that money. says.
ways going to be some lessons you friends, this inconsistency in pay But then I had that scary mo- “It’s a business and you have Rate-setting isn’t a skill you
learn the hard way. schedule wasn’t spe- ment with the over- got to run it like a business,” have or you don’t, de Leon says.
“It’s all an experiment,” says cial; “it’s just the draft. It seems the Miller says. It’s instead honed over time, with
Paco de Leon, founder of the Hell way it happens,” close eye on those lots of trial and error. Younger or
Yeah Group, a financial firm for says Jen A. Miller, a Rate-setting spreadsheets still Taking on too much newer workers are best served by
creatives and other freelance longtime freelance is a skill that is wasn’t enough to At the start of my journey, a connecting with one another or to
workers. “You have a hypothesis: writer and author. catch myself in a friend cautioned me against sit- the larger freelance community; in
‘Can I do this and make a living?’ “It is both terrify- honed over humdrum account- ting on my hands and waiting for sharing lessons and tips, the col-
Get some data and what you do ing and exhilarating ing error. assignments. “Your biggest enemy lective can demand better pay as a
with that data, you make adjust- to not know what’s
time, with trial Younger freelanc- is your own inertia,” she says. whole.
ments to the hypothesis. If you around the corner,” and error. ers may feel intimi- So, I hit the ground running— I’d had a vague idea of how
look at entrepreneurship from that de Leon says. “In dated at the pros- mostly, to be honest, because I much I made per hour at previous
perspective, then you’ll realize it’s terms of managing pect of building this was worried about losing momen- jobs, so my main goal had been
all an experiment.” cash flow, I would system and struc- tum. I jumped on a podcast gig, exceeding that. And though I al-
say half the people I work with ture at the same time as they’re pitched dozens of stories and ways figured I’d take on some
Managing cash flow don’t think about this and the juggling new assignments and spent Monday to Sunday on the lower-paying gigs alongside more
When I took the leap in March, I other half are losing sleep over it.” seeking clients, but the money- phone or at the laptop. lucrative ones to create a diversity
knew there would be a learning I thought I was one of the chill management lessons learned now I knew I was doing a lot, but I of income streams, de Leon’s ad-
curve, and I was prepared to ad- ones. For every freelance payment will only continue to serve in vari- thought I had to be. I wanted edi- vice made me think twice about
just my personal-finance strate- I received, I keep three spread- ous jobs to come, whether free- tors and clients to keep me top-of- just how much of the latter I was
gies as a result. But three big is- sheets: one helping me keep track lance or not. mind, and, although I admit this taking on.
sues—my cash flow, the lack of of deadlines, another sorting my Miller’s advice: Set aside time somewhat sheepishly, I didn’t want “Every client is a chance for
boundaries on my work time and tax savings in advance, and the in your day to dedicate solely to my byline to fade from relevance. you to experiment and push and
my fees—threatened to upend my third detailing the household ex- business tasks. That $150? Re- Then, a mere four weeks into see where is the floor and where
experiment altogether. penses that my girlfriend and I search how you best want to allo- this experiment, I fell asleep at is the ceiling when it comes to a
One month, I made $150, a lot keep for our monthly money-date cate it, given your work schedule the apartment kitchen table, my rate,” de Leon says.

of it trickling into my account via discussions. Every freelance as- for the next quarter and any big usual workspace. All that running My hypothesis is still being
$5 and $70 subscriptions to my signment I complete, and pay- expenses on the horizon. The gi- caught up with me. tested, but so far, it’s paying of—
email newsletter. The next, a ment I receive, I log accordingly. ant check from that one assign- “One mistake a lot of people in lessons and in dollars.

A Lifetime subscription, meaning Walker has

long since earned his money’s worth.
In May, Rolling Stone said it was
Share of online companies offering these subscription options ferred to the lifespan of the radio
originally used for a subscription,
not the life of the listener. The deal
Monthly 88.3%
Subscription switching lifetime subscriptions
from print to digital-only. Walker
cost between $357 and $755, ac-
cording to court documents.
Isn’t as Long was annoyed.
He said a lifetime subscription
might not be worth it to him again: 12.7
A 2020 settlement gave around
900,000 customers a lifetime sub-
scription regardless of device. The
As You Think “I don’t know if there’s anything I
really want that bad.”
Lifetime/one-off 8.9
subscribers have to pay $35 to
transfer their account to new de-
Rolling Stone and its owner, Pen- vices. SiriusXM no longer offers
ske Media, didn’t reply to requests new lifetime memberships. It didn’t
BY KATHERINE HAMILTON for comment. The magazine’s terms Source: Membership Geeks’ survey of more than 2,300 online businesses offering subscriptions, respond to requests for comment.

say it can change the format and conducted April–July 2022 “The problem with these kinds of
lifetime subscription sounds number of issues distributed to offers is reading the fine print,” said
like a great deal. It isn’t al- subscribers. Greenberg, the consumer advocate.
ways. Language-software provider Bab- promised unlimited first-class “Most of us consumers hear or see
One-time payments with forever Deal of a lifetime bel costs $17.95 a month. For users flights and lounge access. The air- a lifetime subscription, and we take
benefits are attractive to consum- The one-time expense of a lifetime that upgrade to a more expensive line stopped selling the AAirpass as it at face value.”
ers looking to escape the sea of subscription is equivalent to a cer- subscription, the most popular pick travelers racked up the miles. Lifetime also isn’t all-inclusive.
endless subscriptions, from stream- tain number of monthly or yearly is the lifetime membership, said Ju- Companies might try to up-sell lif-
ing services to food delivery. ’Til- payments. Once you surpass that lie Hansen, Babbel’s chief revenue The fine print ers to other products. The video-
death-do-us-part deals are catching amount of time, the value kicks in. officer. It sells for $599, which In some deals, a lifelong benefit streaming service Nebula, which be-
on in software and other digital ser- Companies such as language- equates to almost three years of might not actually mean a buyer’s gan offering lifetime subscriptions
vices, like language-learning pro- learning platform Rosetta Stone paying the monthly subscription. entire life. in 2023, said new types of services
gram Babbel and video-sharing plat- and streaming platform Plex offer Lifetime deals can sometimes Defining a lifetime was at the may be subject to new fees for life-
form Nebula, where $599 and $300, them for various reasons. Those prove too costly for businesses. heart of a class-action lawsuit long members.
respectively, buy a lifetime. can include marketing, building cus- American Airlines once sold life- against SiriusXM. The satellite-radio
Use the subscription long tomer loyalty and seeking to imme- time access to its swanky Admirals company argued its membership re- Endgame
enough, the thinking goes, and you diately boost revenue. Club lounges. The program was dis- Buying lifetime access represents
will eventually enjoy the product or continued, but American honors the an investment in the future of a
service for free.  Jason Walker bought a lifetime contract for people who bought it. business and its products.
But a lifetime isn’t always as subscription to Rolling Stone Another lifetime pass, launched It might not pay off because the
long as you think, and beyond the magazine for $99 in 2004. in 1981 at a price of $250,000, company could go out of business.
simple math of how many years it If it is acquired, or makes significant
takes to come out ahead on the changes in its features, that could
deal, there is fine print. The terms also threaten the value of your
can translate to less value than membership.
you might have expected. Compa- Craig Walsh, a 75-year-old from
nies can change benefits after you Honolulu, has bought two lifetime
sign up. And some memberships passes that are now defunct. One
get discontinued. was for Ansett Australia, an airline
“You have to be a very savvy con- that ceased operations more than
sumer to sign up for something like two decades ago. Another was to

this, if you’re going to get your the Royal Show, a British agricul-
money’s worth,” said Sally Greenberg, tural event, which hosted its final
executive director of the advocacy show in 2009.
group National Consumers League. His lifelong pass for American’s
Jason Walker bought a lifetime Admirals Club, bought about three
subscription to Rolling Stone maga- decades ago, still works.
zine in 2004 for $99, when he was  Craig Walsh bought lifetime Walsh said he wouldn’t buy a
18. Most of the 400-plus print is- access to American Airlines’ lifetime subscription now, given his
sues he has received sit on his base- Admirals Club lounges. The experiences. “I didn’t know that the
ment shelves. Rolling Stone today program was discontinued, but lifetime card meant their lifetime,”
charges $59.88 for a year’s print American still honors the contract. he said. “I thought it meant mine.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A10A
A10B | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 NY / NE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A11


Clairo’s New
The singer-songwriter partners with producer
Leon Michels on her ’70s-inspired third album

ver the past 10 years, aesthetic while nudging it in in-
a particular kind of triguing new directions.
musical partnership Ms. Cottrill once again looks to
has become common: the ’70s for inspiration, but here
A singer-songwriter, she mines a lusher and rhythm-
usually a young forward version of the singer-
woman, pairs with a songwriter- songwriter sound, when lines be-
producer, usually a man, and the tween pop, adult contemporary
duo repairs to a studio and essen- and R&B were a little blurrier.
tially creates a large portion of an From the collection’s first track,
LP—writing, playing, mixing—by “Nomad,” the drums are higher in
themselves. In these cases, as with the mix and the songwriting is
Olivia Rodrigo when working with tighter and more focused than on
producer Dan Nigro or Lana Del the last Clairo record. The subtle
Rey when she records with Jack but clear emphasis on groove
Antonoff, the producer is also a makes all the difference, anchor-
multi-instrumentalist who can ing the songs and allowing Ms.
play whatever the song calls for, Cottrill to focus on melody. These
and record-making becomes an in- songs get to the point early and
timate collaboration be-
tween two principals.
The career of singer-
songwriter Claire Cottrill,
who records as Clairo, il-
lustrates how this dy-
namic works. She recorded
her first album, 2019’s
“Immunity,” with Rostam
Batmanglij, formerly of
Vampire Weekend, and his
ear for dreamy electronic
textures gave the music an
amniotic warmth. On her
second LP, 2021’s “Sling,”
Ms. Cottrill teamed with
Mr. Antonoff, leading to a
collection of songs with
slightly knottier structures
and keyboard-driven bal-
ladry that hinted at ’70s
folk-pop. On both sets, the
singer’s style, anchored by
her soft, near-whispered
vocals, was consistent.
The records drew from different Claire Cottrill, aka Clairo, right; the
genres but shared an emotional artist’s lush new record, ‘Charm,’
outlook. Ms. Cottrill’s self-re- is out Friday.
leased third album, “Charm,” out
Friday, finds her collaborating
with yet another producer, and it choruses on numbers like “Add Up
plays like the concluding chapter My Love” have a hook-laden effi-
of a trilogy, familiar but different ciency that recalls Fleetwood Mac.
enough to keep us engaged. On “Sling,” Mr. Antonoff’s
This time out, Ms. Cottrill, now drums were an afterthought. Here
25 years old, worked with Leon they’re where the ear goes first. ing clarinet and both Ms. Cottrill while tinged with yearning. “Sexy ganic production and prioritiza-
Michels, best known for his soul- The rhythm section—drummer and Mr. Michaels on flute. Later is something I see in everything / tion of instrumental interplay.
revival creations within the ex- Homer Steinweiss and bassist in the record, the slinky “Juna” Honey sticking to your hands / More hermetic singer-songwriter
tended universe of the Daptone la- Nick Movshon, both of whom are adds a spacey synth inspired by Sugar on the rim,” she sings, over LPs created by a duo—like Maggie
bel. Mr. Michels knows the sonic in bands with Mr. Michels—crafts Stevie Wonder ballads as well as a beat with a highly appealing Rogers’s “Don’t Forget Me” from
details and production touches arrangements that aren’t techni- trumpet and saxophone. bounce. The bright and hypnotic earlier this year, say—are compar-
that hint at identifiable feelings cally difficult but require a sense Ms. Cottrill is not an especially “Thank You” sounds like ear candy atively airless. Ms. Cottrill re-
from the music of the past—the of timing and swing that they nail strong lyricist but she reliably from the golden era of AM radio, mains an artist of limited range—
way reverb on a drum kit evokes every time. While the production lands on a striking phrase or im- even if the words fall flat—her line it’s impossible to imagine her
the dramatic rolls of Hal Blaine often seems sparse, it’s actually age. Her lines are fragmented, “I thank you for your time” is ad- belting out a chorus—but she’s a
with Simon & Garfunkel, say, or the product of careful editing and filled with hints and allusions, and dressed to a lover, but it’s some- master of mood, and this record is
how a warbly Mellotron chord can layering, with more elements than they avoid extremes. The sadness thing you’re more likely to hear at the best showcase so far for her
do the same with the refracted or- one might guess on first listen. is mostly the comforting kind; mo- a job interview. gifts.

chestrations of late-’60s chamber “Slow Dance” is built around a ments of joy are understood to be “Charm” is an album of modest
pop. On “Charm,” he deploys these pretty piano part and could be de- fleeting. The second track, “Sexy ambition that delivers beautifully. Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
techniques on an album that hews scribed as minimal, yet the credits to Someone,” is one of her finest And it has a leg up on the indie- rock and pop music critic. Follow
closely to Ms. Cottrill’s indie-pop list a dozen instruments, includ- songs, its words wistful and wry pop competition thanks to the or- him on X @MarkRichardson.


orn in 1936, Ann Burgess grew
up at a time when the career
choice for women was teacher
or nurse. So she became both, a
kind of super-woman—a professor
of psychiatric nursing
Ann Burgess: Nurse, Mother, Super-Sleuth
who was also wife,
mother and, as it movie that isn’t nat-
turned out, a hunter urally a movie: The
of serial murderers. action, so to speak,
“Mastermind: To has taken place in
Think Like a Killer,” a the mind of the sub-
three-part Hulu docu- ject and all the archi-
mentary directed by val material in the
Abigail Fuller, is based world isn’t going to
on “A Killer by Design: make it cinematic.
Murderers, Mindhunt- Where “Master-
ers, and My Quest to mind” really picks up
Decipher the Criminal momentum, though,
Mind,” co-written by is in episode 3, which
Dr. Burgess, a principal recalls more recent
pioneer in the science chapters in the Bur-
of criminal profiling. A gess history—her de-
woman who in the cision to back up the
early ’70s began help- Menendez brothers’
ing the FBI’s infant abuse defense in
Behavioral Sciences 1993, and her mem-
Unit attain the status ory work with Cosby
it has today, she and accuser Andrea Con-
her storied career stand, who settled
have crossed paths with those of Burgess was making her mark was were sound: Seeing the twin set of out of court for a re-
the Ski-Mask Rapist of the ’80s, the a sort of golden age of serial mur- footprints near where one of John ported $3.38 million.
Menendez brothers in the ’90s and der: The Green River Killer, the BTK Joubert’s murdered victims had Unlike with her
even Bill Cosby in 2005. Ms. Fuller’s Killer, John Wayne Gacy, Son of been found in 1983, Dr. Burgess de- earlier efforts, Dr.
position is that Dr. Burgess never Sam. Making use of duced that the killer Dr. Burgess, above and above left, Burgess came under fire for both
quite got the credit she was due: taped interviews that had refrained from paid close attention to the minds of cases, but that may be why they
Nobody played her in “The Silence had been done with carrying his victim, lawbreakers and victims alike. prove to be more interesting—the
of the Lambs,” as Scott Glenn es- the likes of Ted A documentary perhaps because he conflict, the relatively recent history
sentially did her longtime FBI col- Bundy, Charles Man- focuses on was too small to and the consistency of Dr. Burgess:
laborator John E. Douglas (though son and Edmund have done so—which Also appearing is “Killer by Design” For all their guilt, Lyle and Erik Me-
she did, apparently, inspire the Kemper, Dr. Burgess a pioneer in the was true of Joubert, co-author Steven Matthew Con- nendez weren’t serial killers; Cosby,
Wendy Carr character on TV’s listened for clues to executed in Nebraska stantine, who is the kind of willing according to his many accusers,
“Mindhunter”). Her work was not their modus ope-
field of criminal in 1996. accomplice and first-rate source of was a serial rapist. “Mastermind”
cloak-and-dagger or cops-and-rob- randi, just as she lis- profiling. Among those in- fundamental information that Dr. isn’t just about the mentality of
bers: Dr. Burgess focused early in tened to Opal Hor- terviewed are the Burgess is not. She doesn’t seem criminals, but about that of their
her academic career on the experi- ton, an 8-year-old girl subject’s adult chil- fired up about a movie being made pursuer.
ences and trauma of rape victims. It who in 1985 had dren, who recall about her; she may even think it’s
was a subject the FBI hadn’t managed to escape from killer good-naturedly growing up in a silly. She is the kind of interview Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer
thought a lot about. But through Brian Dugan and whose gently house with books on sexual assault, subject who can give one-word an- Thursday, Hulu
victims, Dr. Burgess found, criminals teased-out recollections led to Du- criminal psychology and child mo- swers, which is a nightmare for
HULU (2)

could be identified and caught. gan’s arrest. Dr. Burgess’s instincts, lestation and having a mom who the interviewer, and only adds to Mr. Anderson is the Journal’s TV
And the period during which Dr. unlike those of some investigators, cooked, cleaned and solved crime. Ms. Fuller’s dilemma of making a critic.
A12 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Baseball’s King of Pitch-Clock Violations

hen baseball introduced
the pitch clock before the
2023 season, Washington Kyle Finnegan has more time infractions by himself than the staffs of nearly half of MLB teams
Nationals closer Kyle Finnegan re-
alized that the new rules posed a
bit of a challenge. He worked But Finnegan likes to take his
slower than almost any of his time, sometimes to his own detri-
peers, and now suddenly he would ment. Boasting a fastball that sits
have to contend with a giant at 97 miles an hour, Finnegan said
countdown staring him in the face he needs those extra moments to
every time he stood on the mound. regain his strength between
During his bullpen sessions that pitches and as a result prefers to
winter, Finnegan timed himself in let the clock tick down. Most of
an effort to establish a zippier rou- the time, he’s able to mentally
tine, knowing his old ways might gauge how much time he has left
cause problems. Suffice to say, the without any hiccups.
new, speedier version of Finnegan What’s tripped him up are in-
remains a work in progress. stances when the clock resets
In a sport desperate to pick up quicker than he expects. The timer
the pace, Finnegan has emerged as starts at 15 seconds with nobody
a perpetual slowpoke. He has been on base and 18 seconds with run-
cited 16 times since last opening ners on, reduced from 20 seconds
day for failing to begin his deliv- last season amid concern that
ery before the clock struck zero, a game times had crept up as the
transgression that results in an summer went on. In certain in-
automatic ball for the batter. Only stances, like after a foul ball or a
Toronto Blue Jays starter Chris pickoff throw, it’s less clear exactly
Bassitt has more with 17. when the timer will start rolling.
But Finnegan stands alone in “Where I’ve gotten into trouble
another way. He has been dinged is not looking immediately at the
every 104 pitches, more frequently clock to see when it resets and
than anybody else in the league. It just thinking in my head that I
has earned Finnegan the ignomini- have a little more time,” Finnegan
ous title of King of Pitch-Clock In- said. “It’s all me thinking they
fractions. started the clock later than they
The past few months have been actually started it.”
particularly difficult. Finnegan has Despite his propensity for
committed nine violations in 2024 pitch-clock violations, Finnegan
entering Tuesday’s action, despite says he doesn’t intend to make any
having thrown just 37⅓ innings. significant changes. In every other
No other hurler has more than respect, what he’s doing on the
seven, and that pitcher, Jon Gray Kyle Finnegan was called for a pitch-clock violation that resulted in a walk-off win for the Rockies on June 22. mound has been working too well.
of the Texas At age 32, Finnegan has
Rangers, has his wrist as if to say, “You’re late!” That means people can now make emerged this season as one of the
thrown over 700 and emphatically summoned Jake it through nine whole innings best closers in the sport, convert-
more pitches than Cave home from third with the without suffering the effects of ing 23 saves and posting a 2.17


Finnegan. This winning run. The pitch Finnegan sleep deprivation afterward. Even ERA. At one point in April and May,
year, Finnegan has ultimately threw would’ve been World Series contests, which often Finnegan went 11 consecutive in-
been called for a ball four anyway, but in the record used to extend past midnight on nings without allowing a single hit.
pitch-clock viola- books, it was the first walk-off the East Coast, were last season Finnegan could be rewarded for
tion once every 64 pitch timer violation ever. completed in just three hours, the his performance. He is a top can-
pitches. “I know I’ve had my issues shortest since 1996. didate to be tapped as an injury
For fans who with it, but I do think it’s been All of this has happened with replacement on the National
don’t regularly good,” Finnegan said. “I would say only minimal disruption to the League All-Star roster if an oppor-
watch the Nation- that I don’t think it was ever in- flow of play. Despite plenty of tunity arises. It would be an im-
als, that number tended to decide a game like it did hand-wringing about whether pressive achievement for some-
might seem as- in Colorado, but a rule’s a rule.” forcing pitchers to move faster body who has spent more than a
tounding. That’s It’s a rule that, in spite of than the line at the DMV would decade in professional baseball
because Finnegan has more pitch- count full and the score tied in the Finnegan’s frequent tardiness, has destroy the fabric of America’s and didn’t reach the majors until
clock violations by himself than bottom of the ninth inning during a worked exactly as MLB had hoped. pastime, violations have hardly he was 28.
the full pitching staffs of nearly game against the Colorado Rockies, By just about any conceivable been a factor. Pitchers have been This past winter, the Nationals
half of MLB teams. Finnegan had 18 seconds to start measure, baseball’s pitch-clock era responsible for just 278 infractions signed Finnegan to a $5.1 million
The situation reached a nadir his motion. He took closer to 19. has been a resounding success. all year entering Tuesday, or one contract. If this season has shown
late last month when Finnegan Home-plate umpire Hunter The average game has gotten a every 1,426 pitches. That’s approx- anything, he might want to use
made an unfortunate sort of his- Wendelstedt immediately rose half-hour shorter since the intro- imately one every five games, ac- some of that money to invest in a
tory. With the bases loaded, the from his crouched position, tapped duction of the timer last season. cording to Stats Perform. good watch.

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk


2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 12 Ancient city
in the West
He Was Snubbed by the U.S.
17 18 19
13 Restaurant
booth request
At Last Year’s Ryder Cup.


22 23

21 Kick
23 Gaggle
Now He’s the Captain.
25 Semi stuff
27 28 29 30 BY ANDREW BEATON tender to make the team as date until he received a call
28 Nation a player. a couple of weeks ago telling
31 32 33 formerly AT LAST YEAR’S Ryder Ryder Cup captains are him that the job was his.
known as Cup, there was one notable typically elder statesmen Bradley added that while he
34 35 French Sudan absence from the U.S. roster: like Europe’s Luke Donald, doesn’t envision selecting
29 Kitchen pest Keegan Bradley. who returns to the role after himself to be on the team,
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The veteran, who had a victorious showing in Italy he would play if he automat-
30 Miffed
won twice on the PGA Tour last year. That’s partly why ically qualifies.
43 44 45 32 Like last season, was a surprise Woods seemed like a logical The captain’s main job at
mistletoe omission from the American choice. Woods, in a state- the Ryder Cup involves pick-
46 47 48 berries team, a snub viewed as cap- ment, said he would be open ing the players and strate-
33 Audacious tain Zach Johnson choosing to captaining a team in the gizing over matchups, and
49 50 51 52 players he was buddies with future but that his responsi- it’s a thorny job that Bradley
34 Trunks of
over the ones playing the bilities to the PGA Tour, is well familiar with. The
53 54 55 56 trees
best golf. which is negotiating a deal team gives six spots to auto-
35 Bawdy West matic qualifiers based on
57 58 59 36 Turns into points while the other six
37 “How do you are captain’s selections.
60 61 62 Even though Bradley ranked
do it all?”
in the top-12 by points last
year, he was left off the
PIER-TO-PIER | By George Jasper 38 Survived the squad when Johnson instead
Across 25 Hardly any 44 Lose Down semifinals picked Justin Thomas and
40 Pate toppers Jordan Spieth—close friends
1 H.S. student’s 26 Fairy tale 45 Big name in 1 Mishmash
who had more of a history in
concern starter pineapples 2 Sierra 41 Subject full of
the event.
4 •City located 27 Healing helper 46 Hibernation Nevada, e.g. unknowns “It’s nothing you did or
at the east 28 Where the hangout 3 Witherspoon’s 42 Place for the didn’t do,” Johnson told
end of Lake Ingenuity 47 Simple shelter co-star on cultivated Bradley over the phone. “I
Erie helicopter “The Morning 44 Excellent just feel like it’s best, this
48 See 24-Across
11 Nightclub flew Show” year, to go in a different di-
49 Convenient, 45 Film noir
VIPs rection.”
30 2014 like 4 Yacht spot classic What made the situation
14 Appeared in Olympics host convenience 5 River of 47 Navajo particularly excruciating is
the paper 31 Preceder of X, store Russia neighbors that the news was broken to
15 Handout from Y or Z shopping 6 Took a trip? 48 Butler in a Bradley while he was being
a concierge 32 Diminish 51 Like an angle movie trailed by cameras for the
16 Slippery gradually bracket overseer Netflix docuseries “Full
50 Meat Swing.” After receiving the
swimmer 33 •City on the 53 Miffed 8 Moseys along substitute
Keegan Bradley was named U.S. captain for the Ryder Cup.
call, footage showed Brad-
17 Quarry was banks of the 54 Make the cut? 9 Dey job? 51 “Symphonie ley’s wife telling their son to
his quarry, Charles
56 Diminish 10 Perform Espagnole” One year on, he doesn’t with LIV Golf’s Saudi back- give him a hug, saying he
twice 34 •City whose gradually composer have to worry about being ers, were his priority. “needs it.”
before the
18 Not past its harbor Édouard passed over by the guy pick- The U.S. wound up going “I was crushed,” Bradley
57 Personal headliner
“use by” date empties ing the team. In an unex- in an entirely different di- reflected. “It took us a while
driver? 11 Status of 52 Kerfuffle
19 Sixth col. into the pected move, Bradley on rection. The 38-year-old to get over that.”
Chesapeake 58 Like some TWA and 55 D.C. colleague Monday was named the Bradley is now the youngest Bradley handled the situ-
Bay nighttime Pan Am of 60-Across Americans’ captain for next captain since Arnold Palmer ation with grace. He was
20 Kelly Clarkson
song inspired 36 •Magnolia
campsites Previous Puzzle’s Solution year’s clash back on home served as player-captain in seen later in the series
State city on 59 Before, of J A V A S T Y L E A P A T
soil. 1963, which is also the last cheering on the same U.S.
by Psalm 46 In a role that many be- time that captains also com- team that had opted to leave
the Gulf of yore A V O N C H U A DM I R E
22 Pleasantly W I N D F A R M U N S T O P lieved would go to Tiger peted in the event. Bradley him at home. And, this time
Mexico 60 D.C. colleague
lazy, like S A N T A N A R N A C S I Woods, Bradley was instead currently ranks 19th in the around, Johnson was the
summer 39 Beaufort of 55-Down H A S S L E D S H E D placed in charge of the U.S. Official World Golf Ranking, one who told Bradley that he
scale category 61 PC connection E L S E H E B R A I C
afternoons roster for the biennial clash while he’s No. 35 according would be the next captain.

24 •With 40 Aides site, and a O D E N O S I R E E U S E against Europe at the Beth- to the analytics website Data Now Bradley, the winner
48-Across, with .edu hint to each L E A D F O O T S C E N I C page Black Course on Long Golf. of the 2011 PGA Champion-
addresses starred MO O R A G E U T A H Island. It’s a shocking twist Bradley’s appointment ship, is tasked with turning
capital city B A R T T R O T T E R
on the 43 Blunt on answer I D O P A S H A L O G E N not just because Woods was was so surprising that not around a U.S. team that was
Mississippi screen 62 Woeful C E L L O S H A L F P I P E the most high-profile candi- even he expected it. He said just beaten handily by Eu-
E L L I O T U N O O B I T date, but also because Brad- on Tuesday that he didn’t rope and has lost 10 of the
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at P E S T L E M E N P E C S ley is still a legitimate con- even know he was a candi- last 14 Ryder Cups.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A13

Team Biden’s Cynical Gamble BOOKSHELF | By Charles Gasparino

fine mess,
said Ollie to
ers weren’t listening.
This isn’t half the story,
which the paper might have
wasn’t “a great look for the
independence of the Justice
24 months of Biden bushwa
finally dissipated. In Mr. Bi-
den’s ABC interview, he didn’t
Stan. In a
chicken be-
tween the
mutely admitted when it
went out of its way this week
gratuitously to quote and
then refute an unremarkable
What’s the point at this
late date of continuing to re-
fuse to draw a link between a
clear thought (one of the
say a Trump victory would be
the end of the world, as long
as Mr. Biden can get his shot
at a second term and give it
president claim by Sen. J.D. Vance that few) expressed by Mr. Biden the old college try.
and his Mr. Biden had influenced the in the Times’s own pages and This sounds like the truth
Madoff: The Final Word
By Holman W.
party, the Democratic prosecutions of acts by fellow Democrats up leaking out of Mr. Biden for By Richard Behar
Jenkins, Jr.
leverage fa- Mr. Trump. and down the line in accor- a change. The problem now Avid Reader, 384 pages, $35

vors Joe Bi- “Misleading,” insisted a dance with that thought? is that Mr. Biden and his
den. He can’t be forced to Times news story. “There is Democrats have convinced y my count, there are about a dozen books written about
cough up his nearly 3,900 con- no evidence that Mr. Biden quite a few excited voters the life and crimes of Bernie Madoff, the ultimate fraud-
vention delegates. Mr. Biden has been involved in the His mental aging and and political hobbyists and ster that every other fraudster is now compared to. Jour-
alone will decide whether he prosecutorial decisions of his weekend militants that Mr. nalists, private investigators, a prison cellmate—even the sati-
remains his party’s nominee. Justice Department.” poor polls were the Trump is indeed the end of rist Andy Borowitz—have weighed in on the infamous Ponzi
It won’t be pundits. It won’t The Times must not read problem. Trump was the world. Mr. Biden will schemer since his arrest in 2008.
be mostly white Democrats in the Times, because two Aprils own their behavior after Which means if there is going to be another Madoff tome,
the House and Senate worried ago it reported what ap- the solution. Nov. 5 as much as he’ll own there must be something new to offer. Did Madoff have accom-
about losing their unsafe seats peared to be an orchestrated a Trump victory. plices that we don’t know of? Was his entire family in on his
in a Trump landslide. White House leak, saying “Mr. That said, Team Biden’s scheme? Is there a buried treasure chest somewhere in the
Remember the multiple Biden confided to his inner Especially when motive is bet hasn’t been a bad one Cayman Islands filled with billions in Madoff’s stolen loot?
constitutional crises that circle that he believed former so unambiguously clear: Mr. and may still pan out. If they Richard Behar’s account in “Madoff: The Final Word”
were supposed to follow if President Donald J. Trump . . Biden needed a Trump resur- can wangle their low-func- doesn’t fulfill this mandate. I don’t say this lightly. Mr. Behar is
Republicans nominated con- . should be prosecuted.” rection. He needed Republi- tioning or non-functioning a well-regarded veteran investi-
victed felon Donald Trump? The import of this leak can primary voters to rally incumbent past voters a sec- gative reporter. He tells us “The
Instead we’ve got a Demo- wasn’t lost on CNN guest back to Mr. Trump despite ond time, they will retain Final Word” was 10 years in the
cratic crisis without any pros- Rep. Ro Khanna, who immedi- the Jan. 6 disgrace. Mr. power. His staff and family making. He draws on more than
pect of an orderly outcome ately fretted: “We were going Trump was the only oppo- members can fill in around 300 interviews. He spoke and
except by bowing to King Joe. to be the party that upholds nent Mr. Biden might beat. Mr. Biden’s incapacities. Any corresponded with Madoff at
The Democrats are putting on the rule of law.” He’s the only opponent opportunities the country length, visiting him at the But-
a show of chaos, Mr. Trump a It wasn’t lost on CNN po- against whom a Biden re- might miss from not having ner, N.C., federal penitentiary
show of mastery right down litical commentator Amanda election bid is even tenable. an energetic chief executive— where he was housed until his
to junking his party’s pro-life Carpenter: “I do think it’s ex- And do you doubt now that say, a Ukraine resolution— death, in 2021, at the age of 82.
plank as no longer convenient tremely dangerous for Joe Bi- Mr. Biden places his desire are, at worst, counterfactuals Unfortunately there is little in
to his political aims. den to put his hand on the for a second term above to entertain pundits. this telling that hasn’t already
Tellingly, this was the mo- scale.” Or commentator David other considerations? This gamble may yet pay been covered or raised before in
ment when New York Times Urban: “If it’s true and the Mr. Biden’s physical decay off, but get ready for the big books, documentaries and even a
executive editor Joe Kahn president is pressuring Mer- makes him a weak candidate, question if it doesn’t. Will the movie in which the disgraced
found it necessary to justify rick Garland, even obliquely, but his physical decay isn’t now-opposition meet the new financier was portrayed, some-
himself to Washington Post it’s shameful.” why Mr. Trump, rather than president its cynicism en- what awkwardly, by Robert De Niro.
media reporter Erik Wemple, At MSNBC, unsuprisingly, some other Republican, is in- abled halfway? Or will Demo- Ponzi schemes are among the most simple of crimes, in
disowning any blame for the any impropriety was over- heriting the benefit, seeing a crats, the media, the FBI and theory: The trick is to keep attracting new investors, stealing
Democrats’ debacle. His re- looked in favor of cheerlead- smooth path back to the CIA double down on cynicism their money to pay those cashing out their phony returns. That
porters covered Mr. Biden’s ing for Trump prosecutions. White House, at least until and try to thwart him and his Madoff kept it going for years without conducting a single
deterioration aggressively Even so the Times’s own Mi- our national-security myrmi- voters with every legitimate trade, creating fake account statements while maintaining a
for years, he said. It isn’t the chael Schmidt intruded on dons have their say. and illegitimate means as small support staff, is a testament to his evil genius. His clients
paper’s fault if primary vot- the celebration to note that it This was the week when they did after 2016? included people like the “real estate baron Mort Zuckerman;
Baseball Hall of Fame hurler Sandy Koufax; actor John Malk-
ovich; film director and producer Steven Spielberg; New York

Democrats’ Chance to Reshuffle the Deck Mets co-owner Fred Wilpon; entertainment mogul David Gef-
fen; Larry Silverstein, developer of the rebuilt World Trade
Center.” Even the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel fell for the
These are the for any president, let alone than double the margin before helped Mr. Biden win the con, as did charities and scores of average Joes saving for
times that try one with his history. It would the debate. It’s hard to imag- Democratic nomination. Mr. retirement.
Democrats’ also mean accepting a reality ine Mr. Biden—or any Demo- Clyburn last week told CNN As Mr. Behar recounts, in 1960 Madoff created Bernard L.
souls. The that no one his age wants to crat—winning the presidential that if Mr. Biden stepped Madoff Investment Securities, which grew to include a market-
presidential face—that he’s no longer ca- election without prevailing in down, he would support a making and proprietary-trading operation that once accounted
debate and its pable of doing the job he the Keystone State. “mini-primary” as a way for- for 8% to 10% “of the total volume of equities bought and sold
POLITICS a f t e r m a t h loves. He’s proud of his re- This suggests a straightfor- ward for his party. He said on the New York Stock Exchange.” Madoff helped pave the way
have thrown cord, but what matters most ward test for Democrats pon- Ms. Harris likely would do for the true competitor of the NYSE, the Nasdaq Stock Market,
the party into is the next four years, not the dering their options: Which well in such a process, but he and later served as one of its chairmen.
By William
crisis. past four. candidate seems most likely insisted that “it would be fair His side-hustle investment firm operated largely in the
A. Galston
Democrats For the good of the coun- to carry Pennsylvania? Is it to everybody.” shadows, tucked away on the 17th floor of the Lipstick Building
say that Don- try, those Joe Biden trusts President Biden, who has While Mr. Clyburn supports in Midtown Manhattan. Following tips and newspaper
ald Trump and the Republican most must persuade him to trailed in nearly every poll Ms. Harris, he clearly doesn’t accounts of the investment fund’s growth and Madoff’s fantas-
Party will inflict grave, per- look squarely at the evi- conducted in the state since think that by virtue of being tical record of steady returns, regulators investigated but
haps irreparable, damage on dence—the medical indica- vice president, she’s somehow always walked away from charging him. Without guidance,
the constitutional institutions tions and the political facts. entitled to the nomination. most of his investors regarded Madoff as a savant. That is,
that make the U.S. great. The point of the debate with If Biden steps aside, History is on Mr. Clyburn’s until the fraud came crashing down during the 2008 financial
If Democrats truly believe Donald Trump was to dispel side. Since the end of World crisis, when Madoff couldn’t keep pace with the level of
this, then they have a duty to doubts about the president’s the party could still War II, every vice president redemptions to meet his phony gains.
nominate the candidate with fitness to serve and turn pub- beat Trump with the who has run for president— Mr. Behar, like many people who have looked into the
the best chance of defeating lic opinion against his oppo- including those who had al- Madoff saga, is skeptical that the crime wasn’t a bigger con-
Mr. Trump in November. nent. The reverse happened; right strategy. ready become president spiracy. As the story goes, Madoff confessed to his sons,
President Biden told ABC Mr. Trump gets to stand on through the death or resigna- Andrew and Mark, who turned their father in to the authori-
News’s George Stephanopou- the sidelines while the public tion of their predecessors— ties in December 2008. The two siblings ran Madoff’s market-
los on Friday that the stan- watches the president and his mid-April? Is it Vice President has been seriously challenged making and proprietary-trading operation with their uncle
dard by which he will judge party flail. Mr. Biden was al- Harris, who in a hypothetical for his party’s presidential Peter. The children weren’t charged, even though Irving Picard,
himself is whether he gave it ready trailing before the de- matchup posed in a February nomination. the court-appointed trustee subsequently tasked with recoup-
his all. But that’s not good bate, and now he’s further be- poll trailed Mr. Trump by 9 It wouldn’t be hard for the ing some of the stolen funds, believed that they knew, or at
enough if another candidate hind, with 7 in 10 Americans points? (In that same poll, Mr. party to design a mini-pri- least should have known, of the fraud. Mr. Picard continued
could do better. concluding he couldn’t do the Biden trailed by only 2 mary along the lines that Mr. seeking to recover money from Andrew and Mark even after
As if the stakes weren’t al- job in a second term. points.) Or would other candi- Clyburn suggests, and it they died.
ready monumental, the Su- All this points to Mr. Bi- dates do better? would offer many advantages.
preme Court just raised them. den’s near-certain defeat this There’s no way to get an- It would provide delegates
The winner of this year’s pres- fall. It’s hard to believe that swers without an open pro- with valuable information The scheme was a $68 billion grift that
idential contest will claim an no other candidate would cess that gives Democrats a about the candidates. It would Madoff kept going for years without
office newly unshackled from have better odds of winning. chance to acquire more infor- capture the attention of the
most legal restraints. The most plausible path to mation and test the alterna- press and the country. It conducting a single trade.
In these circumstances, a Democratic Electoral College tives. Inviting Mr. Biden’s ad- would inject excitement into a
Democrats must conduct an victory in November runs versaries to challenge him at listless race and offer hope to
open search for the best can- through the once-impregnable the convention is an empty a dispirited party. It would be Mr. Behar points out that while market-making is regarded
didate for the country, and the Blue Wall states. Although the gesture unless he frees his participatory and democratic. as the legitimate side of the family business, it hemorrhaged
convention delegates must president still has a fighting delegates to exercise their And the competition would money and was being subsidized by funds siphoned from the
make the final choice. chance in two of these best judgment. If Mr. Biden strengthen the nominee, investment arm. He quotes John Zach, one of the federal pros-
It’s not hard to understand states—Wisconsin and Michi- stands down, as he should, his whomever it may be, includ- ecutors in the case: “The accounting fraud that allowed them
why Mr. Biden is resisting this gan—he faces daunting odds successor should be selected, ing Ms. Harris. to move money up into the market-making business [run by
course. He sought the presi- in Pennsylvania, where polls not anointed. The Democrats can play out Peter, Andrew, and Mark] and prop it up, that was in service of
dency for more than three de- conducted since the debate An endorsement from Rep. a losing hand, or they can obscuring the Ponzi scheme.” (Peter received a 10-year sen-
cades before finally attaining have shown Mr. Trump lead- James Clyburn (D., S.C.) in the shuffle the deck and hope to tence for his involvement.)
it. Giving it up would be hard ing by nearly 6 points, more 2020 South Carolina primary deal themselves better cards. Other questions raised by Mr. Behar involve Madoff’s wife.
“Ruth ‘Ruthie Books’ Madoff. That’s the nickname FBI agents
privately gave her,” Mr. Behar writes. The author says financial

America’s Invisible Hostage Crisis records he uncovered show that Ruth “did plenty of work to
maintain some of the critical Ponzi bank accounts for decades
after the 1960s—and right up until early 2008.”
By John Ondrasik You may have heard of Chen of Bloomfield, N.J.; ident Biden would authorize All interesting stuff, but, like the other books on Madoff, Mr.

Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, who Omer Neutra of Melville, N.Y.; it. Secretary of State Antony Behar leads us to no real conclusion. On Ruth, for instance, he
’m old enough to remem- was born in Berkeley, Calif., and Keith Siegel of Chapel Blinken has suggested that Is- concedes that “this does not mean, of course, that Ruth knew
ber the yellow ribbons. In and lived in Richmond, Va., Hill, N.C. The nightly news rael could soon become “in- it was a Ponzi scheme, specifically, as opposed to just some
1979, Islamic radicals in before emigrating to Israel should be sharing their sto- distinguishable” from Hamas. very shady activity. There is no evidence she did.”
Iran took 52 Americans hos- with his parents at age 7. ries, profiling their families Imagine being a hostage fam- It’s been 16 years since Madoff’s $68 billion Ponzi scheme
tage, holding them for 444 Hersh attended the Nova mu- and pressing the U.S. govern- ily and knowing your loved collapsed. Over the years, victims have been getting a percent-
days. The hostages’ plight sic festival on Oct. 7. During ment to secure their release. one’s life depends on the age of their money back thanks to Mr. Picard, who continues to
captured the nation’s atten- the massacre, a Hamas gre- Why isn’t America’s heartland moral clarity, conviction and recover “a few tens of millions of dollars at a time” from those
tion. Some of them became nade blew off his left arm be- painted yellow with ribbons negotiating savvy of someone investors who withdrew a profit from the fund. Madoff’s estate
household names. Across the low his elbow. In April, his tied around trees, mailboxes capable of such a despicable was seized and sold off.
country people prayed for and light posts like in 1979. statement. The fallout has gone beyond financial misery. Some inves-
their release. That would let the hostages Jimmy Carter had his flaws tors who lost money killed themselves, as did Madoff’s son
The crisis was the lead Five U.S. citizens are and their families know they as president but at least, with Mark on the two-year anniversary of his father’s arrest.
story on the news every night. haven’t been forgotten. Operation Eagle Claw, he at- Andrew’s death from cancer came six years after the scam.
Tying a yellow ribbon on a still being held in Or have they been forgot- tempted to rescue our hos- Ruth is still alive and resides in an assisted-living facility.
tree or lamppost became a Gaza. Where are the ten? Have we lost our heart tages from Iran. President Bi- Mr. Behar’s storytelling and reporting is weakest when he
public expression of sorrow as a nation? den rarely mentions our suggests that the Securities and Exchange Commission had
and concern. Even the White yellow ribbons? On June 9, the Israel De- fellow citizens who are being good reason to ignore a number of red flags, including those
House Christmas tree had fense Forces executed a stun- held by barbaric terrorists. raised by Harry Markopolos, the quantitative analyst who
one. ning daylight raid in two Gaza Their freedom doesn’t seem pushed the SEC to investigate Madoff’s investment record
What a contrast to our cur- captors released a propaganda locations and freed four hos- to be a high priority for his before its collapse.
rent hostage crisis. On Oct. 7, video of a weary and tor- tages held by Hamas. Perhaps administration. Frankly, the Mr. Markopolos, the author writes, “provided no hard evi-
2023, Hamas killed more than mented Hersh speaking to the the U.S. is deploying its con- plight of our hostages doesn’t dence” in his initial correspondences with the agency and had
30 American citizens and took camera. Did you see it? Do siderable intelligence and spe- seem to mean much to most “paranoid” tendencies. Being a longtime newshound, Mr. Behar
as many as a dozen Ameri- you think you could pick him cial forces capabilities to res- Americans. should know that most whistleblowers are quirky and para-
cans hostage. Of those who out of a lineup? cue the five Americans held in It makes me wonder: Who noid. All the SEC had to do was check if Madoff had done any
were taken, at least two have Every American should captivity for nine months. are we anymore? trading. He hadn’t, of course. But the SEC didn’t check, which
been murdered. Five, we pray, know about Hersh and the Even if the Defense De- should be the final word on the sordid tale of Bernie Madoff.
are still alive. Do you know other hostages who are still partment were to propose Mr. Ondrasik is a musician
any of their names? Have you being held: Edan Alexander of such an operation, it strains who performs as Five for Mr. Gasparino is a Fox Business senior correspondent and a
seen one yellow ribbon? Tenafly, N.J.; Sagui Dekel- the imagination to think Pres- Fighting. columnist for the New York Post.
A14 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Great Democratic Lawfare Bust Where Does Shapiro Stand on Civil Rights?

hen Donald Trump was hit with lis about her romantic relationship with one of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro point. Many of their kids are trapped
four indictments last year, the pre- her underlings. doesn’t merely need to prove his in underperforming public schools.
moderate credentials by passing the Their future could be transformed by
vailing Democratic belief was that In the federal Jan. 6 case, special counsel
education freedom policy of Lifeline Lifeline Scholarships, which would
Mr. Trump would be a con- Jack Smith underrated the le- Scholarships (“Is Josh Shapiro Capa- grant them access to other learning
victed felon by Election Day. The Trump indictments gal challenges of bringing ble of Leadership?” by William opportunities.
How could President Biden have backfired in American history’s first pros- McGurn, Main Street, July 2). He Education freedom is a matter of
then possibly lose? Yet trying ecution of a former Presi- needs to prove that he stands with civil rights. Without it, huge numbers
to defeat Mr. Trump through historic fashion. dent. This included possible black and brown Pennsylvanians on of black and brown children will con-
the courts instead of at the claims of constitutional im- the civil-rights issue of our time. tinue to fall behind. With it, they’ll
polls has turned out to be munity. Mr. Trump was sure As the pastor of a black church have a better chance of getting
one of the great political miscalculations in to exploit every possible challenge, and the and founder of Black Pastors United ahead. If Mr. Shapiro keeps his prom-
presidential history. lower courts erred by refusing to look seri- for Education, I can attest that black ise, he’ll help these kids share in
The Supreme Court’s decision last week that ously at the Supreme Court’s Nixon v. Fitzger- families overwhelmingly support edu- America’s promise. But if he plays
cation freedom. In Philadelphia, over politics, he’ll block them from the
the Presidency enjoys constitutional immunity ald precedent. The High Court was all but
90% of black residents want the Life- equality that is their birthright.
for official acts has more or less sealed the fail- obliged to take the case. line Scholarships that Mr. Shapiro has REV. JOSHUA C. ROBERTSON
ure of the lawfare election strategy. Mr. Trump Mr. Smith might have written a narrow in- promised but not yet delivered. The The Rock Church
can be charged for unofficial conduct, but what dictment focused tightly on the law, but instead families at my church are a case in Harrisburg, Penn.
parts of the Jan. 6 indictment, if any, are in that he filed a document that reads like a report by
category? Lower courts will chew this over, but the House Jan. 6 committee. Then he demanded
it’s hard to see a trial before Election Day, or that the case proceed on an election timetable,
maybe ever if Mr. Trump wins. though courts did not agree, and now he is left
Is there a hall of fame for political backfires? with a shell of a case.
They Thought They Could Cover for Biden
Democrats cheered on the prosecutions of Mr. Mr. Smith’s other prosecution of Mr. Trump, President Biden’s debate perfor- we will likely see a mainstream me-
mance was painful (“Democrats Can’t dia blitz to make Vice President Ka-
Trump, hoping they’d guarantee his defeat. In- accusing him of keeping classified files after he
Avoid the Biden Problem,” Review & mala Harris out as the second coming
stead they energized his re-election effort. The left office and then covering it up, has been tied Outlook, June 29). But in all honesty, of Harry Truman: undervalued and
first indictment, brought by Manhattan District up in motions, with new briefings this month he performed better than I had ex- underutilized but ready for greatness
Attorney Alvin Bragg, stretched the law to turn on whether or how presidential immunity ap- pected. I have seen with my own when the opportunity arises. So, not
misdemeanor bookkeeping offenses into felo- plies. Meantime, Mr. Biden was let off the hook eyes, and heard with my own ears, to worry if Mr. Biden can’t finish a
nies. Almost immediately, Mr. Trump’s support for his own classified stash, since special coun- the president’s scripted speeches and second term as president.
in the GOP primary jumped several points, and sel Robert Hur thought a jury would see him as a handful of “softball” interviews The reality is that American voters
in the Real Clear Politics polling average it too old and forgetful to convict. over the last 3½ years. I truly know Ms. Harris’s limitations and
never again fell below 50%. None of this is a vindication of Mr. Trump’s thought that if you put that man on a that a vote for Mr. Biden is really a
Mr. Bragg’s indictment, which back then was conduct or an endorsement of paying off a porn stage without a teleprompter for 90 vote for foreign affairs to be directed
criticized as weak by legal analysts of all per- star, trying to overturn the 2020 election, or re- minutes, he just might have to tap by co-president Jake Sullivan and do-
out before it’s over. mestic affairs handled by co-presi-
suasions, gave Mr. Trump the argument that he fusing to help a besieged Congress on Jan. 6.
You ask a rhetorical question: “But dent Jeff Zients. Well, at least that
was being singled out unfairly. Republicans ral- But as the past nine years have shown over and did they really think they could hide would offer continuity.
lied to him. Maybe Mr. Bragg and other prose- over, Mr. Trump’s biggest opponents are often his decline from the public for an en- TIM LEE
cutors suspected this would happen. But all the his best asset. They convinced themselves he tire election campaign?” The answer Houston
better, from their perspective, if that would lead won in 2016 by colluding with Russia, and spe- is yes. The Democrats and a complicit
Republicans to pass over younger candidates, cial counsel Robert Mueller would get to the media did what they could to hide The new White House protocol for
including Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, to re- bottom of it. They impeached him twice. Mr. Mr. Biden’s decline for more than the president, more sleep and no
nominate Mr. Trump, who supposedly couldn’t Trump plowed through it all. three years. Was it entirely unreason- late-night meetings, is an important
win a general election. i i i able to assume they couldn’t do it for development. It puts China, Russia,
So much for that. The concocted nature of Democrats should have trusted the voters. a few more months? Iran, North Korea, Cuba and, say,
Mr. Bragg’s indictment, the first one to be un- They beat Mr. Trump once, if barely, in 2020, MICHAEL J. GALASSI Venezuela on notice that if you initi-
Hurst, Texas ate any more of your shenanigans af-
veiled, may have tainted the others in the public and won midterm elections in 2018 and 2022,
ter 8 p.m. EST, it will be considered
mind. Mr. Bragg secured a jury conviction this as Democratic turnout soared. Yet this time, Mr. Biden’s latest campaign catch- unsportsmanlike conduct. You will be
May, but it didn’t move the polling, since voters they thought, the legal cases against Mr. Trump phrase is: “When you get knocked issued a severe reprimand, possibly
can see that this business records prosecution would let them win almost by political disquali- down, you get back up.” But no one even a time-out.
would not have been brought against any busi- fication. And since Mr. Trump was sure to lose, knocked down Mr. Biden on that de- WALTER CAMPBELL
nessman not named Donald Trump. why bother having awkward conversations bate stage. He stumbled over his own Redondo Beach, Calif.
Meantime, the other legal efforts against about 81-year-old Mr. Biden? two feet. A more appropriate phase
him blew up one by one. The attempt by Colo- The silver lining is that perhaps this Demo- is: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” The most troubling question raised
rado and other states to kick Mr. Trump off the cratic lawfare failure and the Supreme Court’s GARY JOHNSON by the debate was one that was nei-
ballot as an “insurrectionist” failed 9-0 at the immunity decision will cause future prosecu- Dana Point, Calif. ther asked nor answered: Who’s run-
ning the country for the next seven
Supreme Court. The Georgia prosecution of Mr. tors to think twice about indictment as a politi-
Unless some Democratic Party el- months?
Trump for trying to reverse the 2020 election cal strategy. The painful result for Democrats ders (more elderly than Mr. Biden) MARK STAPPENBECK
imploded amid embarrassing public testimony is that Mr. Trump’s prosecutors might end up convince the president to step aside, Ridgewood, N.J.
from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Wil- indicting him into the Oval Office.

Mike Johnson, Leader of the Free World What Kind of Immigration Helps the Economy?

In “Immigration Is Behind the the new immigrant for the first five
he North Atlantic Treaty Organization The Speaker defended Donald Trump’s re- Strong U.S. Economy” (op-ed, July 1), years. People shouldn’t be released
summit this week will spawn many dis- cord and called on European allies to live up to Jason Furman seems to be claiming into our midst without checks, with-
cussions about America’s role in the their defense spending commitments. He noted that most Americans outside the out knowing their whereabouts, with-
Democratic Party are against immi- out accountability.
world, but the most important speech of the the security risks of an uncontrolled southern
gration and think it hurts the econ- SAMUEL J. MARK
week may be Republican Mike Johnson’s on border and the rising national debt, which will omy. That is far from true. It is our West Hempstead, N.Y.
Monday at the Hudson Institute. The House require hard spending adjustments. contention that immigrants should
Speaker laid down a marker for a GOP that re- But most notable was the larger picture enter legally, after careful background Prof. Furman rightly recognizes
jects U.S. decline and retreat abroad. Mr. Johnson painted. He didn’t indulge a checks, and then meet basic require- that immigrants who pay Social Se-
“While democracy is not perfect, the bur- false choice between meeting problems at ments with respect to employment curity taxes on their earnings can be
den of self-government is certainly far lighter home and threats abroad. He is pushing his and residence. a lifeline for our pay-as-you-go So-
than the yoke of tyranny,” Mr. Johnson said. party in the direction of Ronald Reagan, Mr. Furman writes that a high per- cial Security system, which is strug-
“But right now, absent American leadership, which is correct for the world moment and centage of immigrants who are com- gling to remain solvent for a few
we’re looking at a future that could be” de- politically popular. ing across the border illegally get more years. But like the operator of
fined by “communism and tyranny, rather than America is threatened “by Chinese Commu- jobs, pay taxes and contribute to the a mature Ponzi scheme who is des-
overall economy. But that is occur- perate for new cash flows in the
liberty and opportunity and security.” nists, by Russian oligarchs, and Islamic terror-
ring at the risk of admitting criminals face of rising withdrawals, he ig-
Mr. Johnson said Chinese President Xi Jin- ists. We can choose to ignore them, we can try and even terrorists, and at the ex- nores that more low-skilled immi-
ping wants to expand “his communist foot- to appease them,” the Speaker said. “Or we pense of the thousands of vetted, gration now will dig an even deeper
holds.” Vladimir Putin imagines a Russian em- can choose another course. . . . We can rearm, well-qualified people from all coun- hole for Social Security once the
pire that includes the Baltics, and Iran aspires rebuild, reinvigorate, restore, and reinstate tries who are left to wait and wait newcomers begin to qualify for ben-
to wipe Israel off the map. The Biden Adminis- fear in our enemies.” Decline “is always a and wait. efits. My family members will be
tration is “appeasing and apologizing and ac- choice. That is not a choice that Republicans NANCY LUNDELL condemned to “share” with them ac-
commodating. Joe Biden doesn’t treat China will be making anytime soon.” Rockledge, Fla. cording to a highly redistributive
like an enemy. He’s stopped supporting Israel, Mr. Trump could hardly do better than re- formula.
and has cozied up to Iran to revive the failed peat Mr. Johnson’s message word for word at It’s true that immigration has DON HECKERMAN
brought energy, excitement, diver- Tucson, Ariz.
nuclear deal,” he said. next week’s GOP convention.
sity and new ideas to America. But
since the mid-1800s, immigration
A True Threat to Democracy
The Doctors and Mr. Biden’s Decline has been controlled, regulated and
In “Democracy’s Death Has Been

Immigrants couldn’t be sick and
he White House press corps is finally fo- similar episodes behind closed doors. Could it Greatly Exaggerated” (op-ed, July 2),
had to be checked for infectious dis-
Matthew Hennessey goes to great
cusing on President Biden’s health and be that an 81-year-old President showing these ease. They needed sponsors to be ac-
lengths and covers much recent his-
asking what did everyone know and symptoms was allowed to work, and to cam- countable for any costs to support
tory to show that “American democ-
when did they know it? These paign for a second term, with- racy is a survivor.” But he ignores the
are good questions, and all the It’s dereliction of duty out a battery of neurological elephant in the room when he writes,
more so now that we are Trump Faced Challengers,
if he hasn’t been given and baseline tests of his men- “Please, tell me more about these
learning that a Parkinson’s tal competence? Biden Avoided Competition threats to democracy.” How about a
disease expert repeatedly vis- multiple cognitive tests. Millions of American fami- Ted Van Dyk makes a poor argu-
president who refuses to concede a
ited the White House but that lies have had difficult conver- fair election?
ment in “Biden Should Withdraw, and
Mr. Biden hasn’t seen a neu- sations with relatives showing If that isn’t a threat to democracy,
So Should Trump” (op-ed, July 1).
rologist outside of his routine physical. signs of mental deterioration. They urge them I don’t know what is.
Unlike President Biden, former Presi-
The White House confirmed Monday that Dr. to be tested in their best interests. Why wasn’t dent Donald Trump faced a host of
Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.
Kevin Cannard visited the White House eight the Commander in Chief pushed to do the challengers who actively campaigned
times from last July to March. He is the longest- same? to be the 2024 presidential candidate
serving neurologist and a specialist in move- Many White Houses have covered up a Presi- and who were options for voters to
ment disorders at Walter Reed National Mili- dent’s ailments—from FDR’s congestive heart consider in state primaries. Pepper ...
Mr. Trump may not be popular,
tary Medical Center, which serves the failure as he ran for a fourth term, to JFK’s Ad-
but the primary elections showed
And Salt
President. The White House didn’t disclose de- dison’s disease, to the severity of Donald
that he is more popular than the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
tails until the press inquired about his name Trump’s bout with Covid in 2020. But Mr. Bi- other Republican candidates. Mr. Bi-
showing up on visitor logs. den’s infirmity has now been exposed. It won’t den maneuvered to avoid that level
White House physician Kevin O’Connor issued suffice for his physician to repeat, as he said in of competition within his party.
a statement on Monday evening implying that February, that the President “fully executes all While it is true that many Republi-
Dr. Cannard had seen Mr. Biden three times as of his responsibilities without any exemptions cans feel Mr. Trump isn’t the ideal
part of the President’s annual physical, and that or accommodations.” candidate, ultimately they respect
other visits were related to “regular Neurology The White House physician can’t disclose the democratic process that played
Clinics” for White House military personnel. Dr. medical information without a patient’s permis- out in the primaries.
O’Connor said Mr. Biden’s physicals produced sion, and perhaps Mr. Biden simply refused to BILL AMEND
Yorba Linda, Calif.
“no findings” of a neurological disorder and take tests for cognition or Parkinson’s or other
added: “President Biden has not seen a neurolo- maladies that might be the cause of his symp-
Letters intended for publication should
gist outside of his annual physical.” toms. But the President is asking Americans to be emailed to Please
That last point is a scandal if true. Mr. Bi- elect him to serve until he’s 86, despite manifest include your city, state and telephone
den’s cognitive ability has clearly declined, as evidence of physical and mental decline. The number. All letters are subject to
he showed in the June 27 debate. The press is cognition coverup can’t continue, and it should editing, and unpublished letters cannot “We don’t require you to suffer fools
be acknowledged.
also now reporting that there have been many be disqualifying if it does. gladly, but it’s strongly encouraged.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | A15


The Pentagon Can’t Wait to Innovate

By Leon E. Panetta are also willing to steal to overcome Many policymakers seem to be-
And Mike Gallagher a dearth of homegrown innovation. lieve that we don’t need to mobilize

The well-documented theft of intel- the Defense Department until the
he U.S. faces grave na- lectual property and cyberattacks shooting starts. That’s a dangerous
tional-security threats conducted by state-sponsored actors delusion. Our enemies are intent on
around the globe. Con- in China, Russia, Iran and North Ko- aggression and will succeed in their
flicts in the Middle East rea reveals that our enemies have aims if we’re stuck catching up. We
and Europe, combined contempt for the rules-based inter- must innovate in peacetime with the
with a shifting balance of power in national order. Yet we needn’t stoop same speed and creativity with
the Indo-Pacific, embolden Amer- to their level to compete. By em- which we have traditionally inno-
ica’s adversaries and threaten the bracing American innovation and in- vated in war. The Naval Innovation
free world. If the U.S. doesn’t act genuity as cornerstones of our na- Center can be a hub for such think-
swiftly to ensure our technological tional-defense strategy, we can ing, with a focus on the rapid adop-
edge, we’ll risk further deterrence uphold and strengthen our funda- tion of commercial technology and

failures and the erosion of inter- mental values. the integration of cutting-edge prac-
national freedom. The Defense Department must tices from the private sector into
make the rapid adoption of new Defense Department operations.
technologies a priority, particularly America faces an axis of authori-
The American military in the commercial sector. This will tarianism whose combined economic
require Pentagon bureaucrats to of persistent problems, such as the novation in the Defense Department, and military power dwarfs any na-
must make rapid adoption overcome the aversion to risk that Pentagon’s “outdated” research and the complexity of the defense struc- tional-security challenge since World
of new commercial permeates their agency and to lever- development “model that struggles ture “hinders rapid adoption and ul- War II. To prevent cold-war compe-
age the expertise of academia and to adopt and apply leading commer- timately, implementation of new sys- tition from devolving into a hot war,
technologies a priority. the private sector. The goal will be cial innovations to weapon systems,” tems.” This will persist, the authors it’s time to innovate as if the free
to build a defense innovation ecosys- a shrinking industrial base, long ac- intone, unless the defense secretary world depended on it. The path for-
tem in which the brightest minds in quisition timelines, “an insufficient drives a shift toward “a culture of ward must be paved with invest-
China and Russia are expanding technology, strategy and defense can understanding of emerging technol- innovation and risk-taking.” ments in technology and under-
their global influence through con- collaborate without constraint. ogy” and “a bureaucracy seemingly Senior defense leaders and policy- girded by infrastructure built for
ventional military power and ad- That will be a tall order. As the designed to stifle speed and innova- makers can hasten that shift by in- innovative national-security research
vances in manufacturing and criti- Atlantic Council’s Commission on tion.” This means that while Ameri- vesting in collaborative projects, and education. Failure risks not only
cal technology. The U.S. is unlikely Defense Innovation Adoption and can companies “demonstrate techno- such as the Naval Innovation Center our current strategic position; it
to adopt industrial policy or match the Defense Innovation Board have logical prowess,” such innovation planned to open at the Naval Post- threatens our future stability and in-
our enemies in sheer production reported, the status quo is woefully “serves little use in deterring con- graduate School. The program would fluence on the world stage.
volume. That’s OK; our path for- insufficient. Washington has yet to flict” unless the Pentagon can put offer a unique national resource: a
ward instead lies in America’s ca- shift significant resources—or to “new technology into the hands of center for the military’s brightest Mr. Panetta served as defense
pacity to innovate. adapt business processes—to har- warfighters at a faster pace.” minds, tasked with removing barri- secretary, 2011-13. Mr. Gallagher
Our enemies prioritize personal ness commercial solutions at scale The Defense Innovation Board ers to innovation and accelerating served as chairman of the House Se-
power and ambition over their citi- or speed. The Atlantic Council’s Jan- added separately that despite nu- the Pentagon’s adoption of commer- lect Committee on the Chinese Com-
zens’ interests. Such authoritarians uary 2024 report highlighted a host merous initiatives to turbocharge in- cial technology. munist Party, 2023-24.

Kamala Harris Would Be the Best Democratic Choice

Four years ago, Joe money, and that he does radio inter- in November, but also that Republi- mala Harris is one way to shift the moderate voters in both parties.
Biden was the Dem- views only after knowing the ques- cans could flip the Senate and bol- campaign discussion away from Mr. The bigger risk for the party
ocratic Party’s solu- tions in advance. According to the ster their House majority. Biden’s infirmities and back to the might be sticking with Mr. Biden de-
tion to Donald New York Times, a Parkinson’s spe- The presidential race is no longer issues Democrats want front and spite the polls, or trying to replace
Trump. Today, Mr. cialist visited the White House eight about inflation, the border, abortion center for the duration of the race. him with someone other than Ms.
Biden is the prob- times in eight months. The com- or threats to democracy. It’s now True, it would be messy and risky, Harris. The delegates at the conven-
lem that needs to be mander in chief won’t take a cogni- entirely about Mr. Biden’s age and and Ms. Harris has baggage galore. tion who will formally nominate the
MOBILITY solved. But how? tive test and hasn’t held a solo health. It’s about an enfeebled in- She was tasked with addressing an president are Biden/Harris loyalists.
Democrats can’t press conference since November. cumbent president cocooned by illegal immigration crisis that rages According to Donna Brazile, a vet-
By Jason L.
correct course so During his post-debate sit-down on. When special counsel Robert eran political strategist and former
long as Mr. Biden with Mr. Biden, ABC News’s George Hur’s report in February described head of the Democratic National
continues to insist Stephanopoulos said that the num- She’d rally black voters Mr. Biden as “an elderly man with a Committee, half the delegates are
that nothing’s wrong, or at least ber of Americans who think he’s too poor memory,” she denounced that women and around a quarter are
nothing that can’t be addressed by old to serve has doubled since 2020 who are souring on description as “gratuitous, inaccu- black, a group that has lost some
getting more sleep and not schedul- and that he had never seen a presi- Democrats and she’s close rate, inappropriate.” But to para- enthusiasm for Democrats.
ing events after 8 p.m. Last month’s dent with a job-approval rating of phrase Mr. Biden: Don’t compare “If this is an open convention,
disturbing debate performance was only 36% get re-elected. “Well, I to Trump in the polls. her to the Almighty, compare her to which we’re all trying not to put in
a one-off, he says, and his strug- don’t believe that’s my approval rat- the Democratic alternatives with an motion, then you’re asking black
gling poll numbers are simply inac- ing,” Mr. Biden responded. “That’s election less than four months away. delegates and female delegates to
curate. “I am firmly committed to not what our polls show.” people who can’t or won’t tell him Mr. Trump currently beats Ms. turn their heads” and make some-
staying in this race, to running this According to RealClearPolitics, what he needs to hear. Mr. Biden’s Harris head-to-head but by less one other than Ms. Harris the nomi-
race to the end, and to beating Don- the president is trailing Mr. Trump campaign theme has been that he’s than he beats Mr. Biden, and nee, Ms. Brazile told me. “You’re
ald Trump,” he said this week in a in seven battleground states, and in for you and Mr. Trump is for him- there’s no reason to believe her disenfranchising them.” Ms. Brazile
letter to Democratic lawmakers. But five of them—Arizona, Georgia, self, but the president’s continued popularity has reached a ceiling. A doesn’t believe Mr. Biden is irre-
Democrats are questioning his Pennsylvania, Nevada and North presence in the race has turned that CNN poll taken after the debate trievably damaged, but she did al-
health and competence, not his Carolina—Mr. Trump’s lead is out- message on its head. had Mr. Trump ahead of Mr. Biden low that swapping in Ms. Harris
commitment. side the margin of error. Democrats Time that Democrats spend de- by 6 points while leading Ms. Har- could have an upside. “I think it
Since the debate, it’s been re- running in states and districts that fending Mr. Biden on this front is ris by only 2 points, which was would help bring home some black
ported that the president uses a Mr. Trump has carried are getting time not spent attacking Mr. Trump. within the margin of error. More- voters who are looking for a reason
teleprompter even in private homes anxious. The concern isn’t only that Replacing the president at the top over, Ms. Harris led the former to stand in long lines for the Demo-
when asking wealthy donors for Mr. Biden could lose the presidency of the ticket with Vice President Ka- president among independents and crats” on Election Day.

This Is How President Biden ‘Beat Medicare’

By Tomas J. Philipson America. These cost increases stem lion beneficiaries are enrolled in threaten seniors’ access to doctors. precedent for “nationalizing entire

from the interaction of price con- plans that raised their premiums by Because of price controls, the clinics industries.”
e finally beat Medicare.” trols with mandated changes to how 50% or more this year. Medicare’s that administer intravenous or in- Medicare is one of the nation’s
President Biden’s defend- Medicare drug plans design their open enrollment period begins Oct. jectable medicines under Medicare dearest but also costliest entitle-
ers dismissed those benefits. 15, reminding seniors of these harm- Part B will lose out on crucial reim- ments. In an era of soaring deficits,
words in the first debate as a gaffe. The Inflation Reduction Act’s ful changes shortly before Election bursement revenue used to employ conversations about belt-tightening
But it was one of his most accurate harmful effects extend beyond Day. doctors, nurses and administrative are reasonable and necessary. It’s
statements that night. That’s be- higher out-of-pocket costs to The law’s price controls will also staff. Clinics can expect a 47% de- one thing for policymakers to pur-
cause Mr. Biden’s administration has higher premiums. Its mandated deter companies from developing cline in these payments, according sue cuts while being honest about
overseen major cuts to Medicare— changes to benefit designs clash new medicines. A study I co-au- to an analysis by Avalere, a health- the trade-offs—in this case, less ac-
and promises to cut the program with how the plans would other- thored estimated that 135 fewer care consultancy. As a result, many cess to medicines, fewer plan op-
even more in a second term. wise work to serve customers, drugs will come to market through facilities might have to close or join tions, higher premiums and fewer
The president’s Inflation Reduc- something a colleague and I warned 2039 because of the Inflation Re- with large hospital chains—scenar- new drugs being developed. Basic
tion Act is projected to reduce about in these pages. duction Act. Research firm Vital ios that could hasten concentration economics dictates that slashing a
Medicare spending by $237 billion Transformation’s forecast is even and push up prices. program will lead to a decline in the
through 2031, according to the Con- bleaker, predicting that the U.S. Mr. Biden’s Medicare cuts aren’t quality and availability of its goods
gressional Budget Office. Most of His Inflation Reduction could lose 139 drugs within the next limited to the Inflation Reduction or services.
that reduction comes from the pro- decade. Act. In April the White House cut It’s another thing entirely for Mr.
gram spending less on prescription Act leaves patients with Dozens of life-sciences companies Medicare Advantage payments for Biden to make some of the largest
drugs. less access to medicines have announced cuts to their re- the second year in a row. These cuts cuts to Medicare in history, to deny
The president and his advisers search and development pipelines will reduce seniors’ benefits by his poorly designed law’s negative
don’t dispute those numbers, por- and higher premiums. because of the 2022 law. These an- nearly $400 per year. effects on patients, and then to por-
traying them as savings that will nouncements have come in earnings The damaging effects of govern- tray himself as a defender of the
help seniors rather than cuts that calls and filings with the Securities mental intrusion into the healthcare program.
are already hurting them. In fact, As we predicted, this has already and Exchange Commission—where system haven’t gone unnoticed.
the Inflation Reduction Act’s poorly reduced the number of Medicare deliberate misstatements would ex- More than 40 conservative organi- Mr. Philipson, an economist at
conceived government price-setting drug plans from which seniors can pose executives to civil and criminal zations recently sent a letter to con- the University of Chicago, was a
will disrupt access to medicines for choose and increased the average penalties—so they can’t be chalked gressional leaders warning that the member of the White House Council
millions of Medicare patients with premiums they pay. This year, the up to political posturing. price controls threaten patients and of Economic Advisers, 2017-20, and
diabetes, cancer, atrial fibrillation, number of stand-alone Part D plans The law’s flawed design also may the economy and set a dangerous its acting chairman, 2019-20.
rheumatoid arthritis and other dis- available to seniors dropped by 11%.
eases. The law’s price controls are Medicare Part D is the government-
likely to raise annual out-of-pocket
costs for 3.5 million Medicare bene-
ficiaries who take price-controlled
funded insurance program that cov-
ers most prescription drugs ob-
tained at pharmacies. That drop is
Hillsdale Bids Farewell to a Hero
medicines, according to an analysis 25% since Donald Trump’s final year By John J. Miller spreads fast. I learned of the trag- served in the U.S. Army National
commissioned by the Pharmaceuti- in office. In addition, premiums for edy hours later from a text message Guard in Iraq. He once bought

cal Research and Manufacturers of Part D plans are up 21%—and 5 mil- Hillsdale, Mich. from my son asking for prayers. Thanksgiving dinners for inmates
went to the funeral of a Spontaneous displays of compas- because the county jail couldn’t af-
stranger last week. At least I sion, respect and service from the ford special meals.
don’t think I’d ever met William community soon followed. My wife When Butler’s body moved from
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY Butler Jr., a Hillsdale County sher- heard about a meal train for the a morgue to a funeral home, hun-
Lachlan Murdoch iff’s deputy who was laid to rest at widow and her family. At the sher- dreds of people heard about it on
Executive Chairman, News Corp Lakeview Cemetery on July 3. Butler iff’s office, bouquets of flowers social media and lined the route to
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Chairman Emeritus, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp was killed in the line of duty on piled up around Butler’s vehicle. pay respect. Many later turned out
Emma Tucker Almar Latour June 27 at the age of 51 during Here’s to You Pub & Grub, a local again, along the roads between the
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher what should have been a routine bar, announced that it would donate chapel and the cemetery on the day
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: traffic stop—until a passenger with all proceeds from food orders on of his burial.
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, EVP, General Manager, warrants out for his arrest pulled June 29 to the Butlers. Its propri- For that occasion, the governor
Elena Cherney, Senior Editor; David Crow, Leadership; David Cho, Barron’s Editor in Chief;
Executive Editor; Chip Cummins, Newswires; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel, Chief
out a handgun, fired and fled the etors called it the busiest day in ordered flags at half-staff on public
Taneth Evans, Associate Editor; Brent Jones, Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, Chief People scene. their history, raising more than buildings and grounds throughout
Culture, Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print Officer; Jared DiPalma, Chief Financial Officer; In a small town like ours, we $17,000—most of it not from pur- the state. It was a fitting gesture,
& Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Artem Fishman, Chief Technology Officer;
probably did connect at some point. chases, but from people who just but nobody in our town needed the
Weekend; Prabha Natarajan, Professional Products; David Martin, Chief Revenue Officer, Business
Bruce Orwall, Enterprise; Philana Patterson, Intelligence; Dan Shar, EVP, General Manager, Butler and I may have stood in line wanted to give. Meanwhile, the command. I witnessed Hillsdale
Audio; Amanda Wills, Video Wealth & Investing; Ashok Sinha, SVP, Head of together at a sandwich shop or sat Hillsdale County Community Foun- businesses and the local hospital
Communications; Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief in the same bleachers at a high- dation set up a fund for additional and college lower them days earlier.
Paul A. Gigot Revenue Officer, WSJ | Barron’s Group;
Editor of the Editorial Page Sherry Weiss, Chief Marketing Officer
school football game. Perhaps we donations to the Butler family.
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
once exchanged pleasantries at the Friends told stories about Butler Mr. Miller is director of the Dow
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 farmers market or the county fair. at his funeral and around town. He Journalism Program at Hillsdale
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES When a police officer falls, word loved to fish. He was a patriot who College.
A16 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


In Moscow, Modi Balances Interests Russia Acts

To Arrest
Hours after Russia launched
a missile attack that struck
sites across Ukraine, including
a children’s hospital in Kyiv, In-
dian Prime Minister Narendra BY GEORGI KANTCHEV
Modi posted pictures of him-
self hugging Russian president A Russian court issued an
Vladimir Putin in Moscow. arrest warrant Tuesday for
The following day, Modi Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of
publicly chastised Putin over fierce Kremlin critic and oppo-
the attack in televised re- sition politician Alexei Navalny,
marks ahead of their private who died earlier this year.
talks, saying that “when inno- A court in Moscow accused
cent children are killed, when Navalnaya, who lives outside
we see innocent children dy- Russia but has vowed to con-
ing, it is heart-wrenching. tinue her late husband’s work,
“Solutions will not be found of participating in an “extrem-
on the battlefield,” Modi said, ist” group. The warrant means

calling for dialogue to end the that she would likely face im-
war in Ukraine. mediate arrest were she to re-
Modi’s visit—his first to turn to the country.
Russia in five years—is the lat- Navalny died in February in
est example of India’s delicate an Arctic prison colony where
and not-quite-neutral approach he was being held on charges
on the war. Modi met Ukrai- widely seen as politically mo-
nian President Volodymyr Zel- tivated. Navalnaya has blamed
ensky on the sidelines of the Russian President Vladimir
Group of Seven summit in Italy Putin for her husband’s death.
last month, but arrived in Mos- Russian authorities have de-
cow as Washington hosts a Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow on Tuesday. nied involvement. After the
North Atlantic Treaty Organi- court issued the warrant, Na-
zation meeting that will focus also makes it hard to argue a multipolar world but one West, said Bates Gill, a senior India is in their long-term in- valnaya called Putin a “mur-
on supporting Kyiv’s war effort. that Russia has been effectively that is free of American domi- fellow at the National Bureau terest,” said Swasti Rao, a derer and a war criminal.”
“It is a huge disappointment isolated—a key Western goal. nance,” said Brahma Chellaney, of Asian Research. Eurasian affairs expert at the For years, Navalnaya stood
and a devastating blow to peace Keeping Russia near even a strategic-affairs expert at the India also sees shoring up Manohar Parrikar Institute for beside her husband as he gal-
efforts to see the leader of the while drawing closer to the Center for Policy Research, a its ties with Russia, still its Defence Studies and Analyses vanized mass protests in Rus-
world’s largest democracy hug West, and the U.S. in particu- New Delhi think tank. “Ending major military supplier, as cru- in New Delhi, a government- sia. She accompanied him at
the world’s most bloody crimi- lar, is part of India’s sometimes America’s global pre-eminence cial to a goal it shares with the affiliated think tank. demonstrations and stood on
nal in Moscow on such a day,” enigmatic diplomatic doctrine is not an Indian objective.” U.S.—countering China. That Modi’s Moscow visit is the dais during the fiery
Zelensky wrote on the social- of “strategic au- For example, has become a greater concern largely intended to resolve is- speeches that eventually
media platform X on Tuesday. tonomy.” India’s while India has for India in the wake of a sues between the two countries earned him a central place
Russia has denied carrying foreign policy joined the deadly clash on its Himalayan that have cropped up since the among opposition figures. All
out the attack on the hospital. outlook, pre- Indian leader Shanghai Coop- border with China in 2020. war, including a trade imbal- the while she shunned a per-
India’s leader has publicly mised on pursu- hopes to resolve eration Organi- Against that complex back- ance because of India’s large sonal role in politics.
said the war is destabilizing and ing its national zation, a re- drop, the U.S. and other West- energy purchases and Russia’s In 2020, she flew her hus-
called for a diplomatic solution interest in a issues including gional security ern countries largely have re- recruitment of Indian nationals band out of Russia after he was
to bring it to an end, but has “multipolar” group founded frained from criticizing India to fight in its army. India’s for- poisoned with a nerve agent
never openly criticized Russia world, can
a trade in 2001 by Rus- over Russia, even as China’s eign secretary said in Moscow that he said was the work of
for the invasion. India also has sometimes look imbalance. sia and China as support for Russia is likely to be that Russia has promised to the Kremlin, which has denied
bought tens of billions of dollars similar to lan- a counter to ex- a prominent topic of discussion discharge those fighters. involvement. The couple defi-
of Russian oil, becoming the guage fre- isting multilat- at the NATO summit. The scale In Moscow, Modi thanked antly returned to Moscow in
second-largest importer of Rus- quently invoked eral groupings, of China’s oil purchases from Putin for the stabilizing effect 2021, well aware that he would
sian crude after China, a move by Putin and Chinese leader Xi it is frequently at odds with Russia dwarfs those of India’s, of its fuel sales to India, say- be jailed. When he was sen-
that some in the West say is Jinping as a criticism of what China. Modi was a notable ab- while U.S. administration offi- ing they had helped insulate tenced to prison later that year,
helping fund Russia’s war effort. they regard as a world cen- sence at this year’s gathering. cials have said dual-use tech- Indian citizens from the worst Navalny waved to his wife sit-
And Modi’s presence in tered around U.S. power. India’s diminished interest nology from Beijing is helping effects of inflation. ting in the courtroom and drew
Moscow, on the heels of a visit But India’s multipolarity is reflects its unease with the di- Moscow’s military production. Putin thanked Modi for a heart on the glass of the de-
by Hungarian leader Viktor Or- not China’s multipolarity, said rection of the organization as “There is a general consen- seeking a resolution to the fendant’s cage. The couple have
ban, whose country is holding Indian political experts. New Delhi tries to balance its sus in the West, which is very conflict, according to a Krem- a son and a daughter who both
the European Union presidency, “Russia and China also seek relations with Russia and the obvious, that an empowered lin statement. live outside of Russia.

Little-Known Retiree Challenges Venezuelan Strongman

BY KEJAL VYAS voting-age Venezuelans exiled The elections come after ef- alists, some driven by govern-
abroad, who make up nearly a forts by the U.S. and its Euro- ment handouts and others by
A few months ago, Edmundo quarter of the national elector- pean allies to coax Maduro a conviction that their leftist
González’s life in retirement ate, will be able to vote, the into holding a fair vote in ex- movement can only reach its
consisted of academic confer- civil-society group AlertaVene- change for relieving some of goals if they remain in power

ences, visiting old friends and zuela said in a report. The Eu- Washington’s economic sanc- at any cost, the International
playing with grandchildren at ropean Union, which was sup- tions against Caracas. Ma- Crisis Group said in a report.
his Caracas high-rise. posed to lead the largest duro’s government signed a “Are we going to let that
Few in Venezuela knew electoral-observation team, was deal in Barbados in October decrepit old man, who repre-
him. disinvited by Caracas until the with the U.S.-backed opposi- sents savage capitalism, into
Now, the soft-spoken 74- bloc lifts all sanctions against tion, committing to holding a power?” Maduro asked sup-
year-old is the opposition’s the Maduro government. democratic vote. But he later porters at a rally over the
presidential candidate in the Smaller monitoring teams from broke the agreement, com- weekend.
July 28 election and what the United Nations and the plaining that the U.S. hadn’t Rafael Guzman, a former
some analysts say could be a U.S.-based Carter Center will be helped Venezuela regain ac- lawmaker and adviser to a
last hope for democracy in a permitted. Maduro controls the cess to offshore accounts fro- major opposition party, said
country ruled for 11 years by National Electoral Council, the zen by financial sanctions. Maduro’s rivals need to offer
the strongman he is challeng- courts and the armed forces. As part of a campaign blitz, credible guarantees of secu-
ing, President Nicolás Maduro. Edmundo González holds a 20-point polling advantage. Still, about two-thirds of regime officials appear daily rity and possible amnesty to
González has never run for voters plan to participate in on state television and radio some regime officials to get
office, but polls give the for- Venezuela’s normally frac- appears three times, alongside the election, according to a re- to assure the public that Ma- them to give up power. “If
mer career diplomat a 20- tious opposition came to- a handful of other candidates cent poll conducted by Clear- duro will win. Meanwhile, on there’s no negotiations, there’s
point advantage over Maduro, gether to rally around with little support in polls. Path Strategies and Consul- social media, Maduro appears no transition,” Guzman said.
who is seeking a third six-year González as a third-string But González’s commanding tores 21, which gives González calm and in charge in care- In the interview, González
term. The same polls show Ma- choice after María Corina lead might not be enough to and Maduro support of 56% fully edited videos. said his campaign promotes na-
duro is widely reviled for driv- Machado, a charismatic pro- bank on when the vote in Ven- and 35%, respectively. In speeches, Maduro says tional reconciliation. “We could
ing the oil-rich nation to ruin business politician who gar- ezuela is neither free nor “We’re heading toward an only he can maintain order. He have a situation here where the
and leading a quarter of the nered 90% of the votes in a democratic, say Western dip- unprecedented situation where largely blames U.S. sanctions magnitude of our victory will
population—some eight million primary last year, was banned lomats and human-rights we’re looking at high partici- for Venezuela’s troubles and be so wide that the government
people—to flee the country. by the regime from running, groups. The Maduro adminis- pation, despite a government slams the opposition for sup- understands that we have a
“I’d never done party poli- as was her handpicked re- tration has been accused of that has set one of the worst porting them. The economic new reality in the country.”
tics, nor been in a popular placement. arbitrarily jailing dissidents, conditions for elections,” said downfall has stripped Ma- The next presidential term
election before,” González said The government never ex- rigging elections and coercing Guillermo Bolinaga, a Venezu- duro’s socialist party of the doesn’t begin until January.
in an interview with The Wall plained why it let González run. desperate voters with food elan with the political-risk majority it once held in rural “We’re going to have to sit
Street Journal. “This is all On the ballot, Maduro’s face ap- handouts. consulting firm Opportunitas areas and urban slums. But it down with them and see how
completely new to me.” pears 13 times while González Merely 1% of the 4.5 million Advisors in Florida. still counts on votes from loy- the government responds.”


Georgia’s Accession Children’s Hospital
Le Pen’s Financing
Halted Over Law Evacuated for Fire Under Investigation
Georgia’s accession to the Authorities evacuated a The Paris prosecutor’s of-
European Union has been children’s hospital and a retire- fice said it opened a prelimi-
halted and some of the bloc’s ment home on the outskirts of nary investigation last week
financial support frozen after the southern city of Patras af- into suspicions of illicit fi-
the country adopted a law on ter a wildfire flared in the nancing of far-right French
“foreign influence” that critics area. The evacuations were a leader Marine Le Pen’s 2022
fear would curb democratic precaution, and a large fire- presidential campaign.
freedoms, EU Ambassador in fighting effort—involving about The judicial probe opened
Georgia Pawel Herczynski 80 firefighters and 10 water- on July 2 into allegations of
said Tuesday. dropping aircraft—was paying accepting a loan, misappropri-
“We will seek to redirect off, a fire-service spokesman ating property, fraud and
support from the government said Tuesday, with the front forgery, the office said Tues-
of Georgia to civil society and contained. The fire raged day. It didn’t give details. Le
the media,” he said. through a pine forest on the Pen hasn’t commented.
The law, which took effect fringes of Patras, some 125 The investigation was
last month despite mass pro- miles west of Athens. opened after a report from
tests and a presidential veto, At least three other wild- the body responsible for
requires media and nonprofit fires struck Greece on Tues- monitoring candidates’ ex-
groups to register as “pursu- day. The country suffers every penses, dating from 2023.
ing the interests of a foreign summer from fires, which last Candidates in France are

power” if more than 20% of year killed more than 20 peo- barred from exceeding a cer-
their funding is from abroad. ple. After a dry winter and hot tain spending limit.
The opposition calls it “the spring, nearly 1,300 broke out French media reports said
Russian law” because Moscow across Greece in June, author- Le Pen isn’t the only 2022
uses similar legislation to stig- ities said—more than twice as presidential candidate being
PINEAPPLE EXPRESS: Bangladeshi farmers cut their transportation costs by using bicycles matize critics of the Kremlin. many as a year earlier. investigated.
to haul their wares through the woods to the market in the town of Tangail on Tuesday. —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press
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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B1

UAW Chief Faces New U.S. Probe OECD

At issue is whether
Fain punished aide
latest escalation in a dispute
with the union over access to
the UAW’s internal documents,
Chrysler parent Stellantis was
in retaliation for Boyer’s al-
leged “refusal to accede to de-
ing to the filing.
Fain justified his decision
regarding Boyer, alleging the
candidate pledging to root out
residual corruption at the
union, was elected in 2023 in a
for defying demands
on behalf of partner
which the court-appointed
watchdog argues he needs to
ensure that officials are com-
mands” to take actions that
“would have benefited [the
president’s] domestic partner
UAW vice president had been
derelict in his duties related to
enforcing the contract negoti-
surprise victory that installed
new leadership at the 89-year-
old labor group. Later that
plying with a 2020 settlement.
The civil settlement was
reached to end a multiyear
and her sister.”
Those actions would have
amounted to “financial mis-
ated with Stellantis last fall,
according to the monitor’s fil-
year, he led the UAW to big
contract wins in Detroit, after
staging a six-week strike at
To Cool
A federal watchdog ap- criminal investigation into cor- conduct” Boyer later claimed, The UAW leader alleged General Motors, Ford Motor
pointed to monitor the United ruption in the union’s top according to a separate docu- that Boyer’s failure to stand up and Stellantis. BY PAUL HANNON
Auto Workers’ internal opera- ranks that sent more than a ment Barofsky’s office filed to the automaker “turned a In his dealings with the car
tions is probing new allega- dozen top union officials to Monday. major victory into a perceived companies, Fain has taken an Unemployment rates are
tions against President Shawn prison, including two former The 55-year-old Fain is cur- loss among the membership,” unusually confrontational ap- set to pick up only slightly
Fain, including that he made presidents. rently engaged, according to according to a May 29 memo proach, bashing executives across the world’s rich coun-
demands to benefit his domes- The filing states that Barof- the UAW website. that was included as an exhibit publicly and using social media tries in the short term, while
tic partner and her sister, ac- sky is investigating whether The allegation is among a in the new court filing. to lob pointed criticism at the real wages will continue to
cording to a court filing Mon- Fain’s decision in May to re- handful of “serious” but unver- The UAW didn’t respond to automakers and rally support rise as profit growth cools, the
day. move UAW Vice President Rich ified claims the monitor is in- a request for comment on from the rank and file. Organization for Economic Co-
The filing by a lawyer for Boyer from his role as the vestigating related to the Tuesday. The union has endured operation and Development
monitor Neil Barofsky is the union’s top negotiator with union’s management, accord- Fain, who ran as a reform Please turn to page B2 said Tuesday.
In its annual report on the
jobs market, the Paris-based

Ivy League Alumni Clubs Hustle for Members

policy advisory body said
wages have been rising faster
than prices during the past
year, but real wages remain
below their levels from late
BY NEIL MEHTA 2019 in a number of countries,
including the U.S.
The Princeton Club in New The OECD said there are
York City was losing members signs that the jobs market is
and bleeding cash before clos- cooling, with the number of
ing its doors in October 2021. vacancies falling relative to
Some remaining members ex- the number of people looking
plored a last-ditch overhaul to for work. But it doesn’t expect
the six-decade-old property to see the sharp rise in jobless
that served the Ivy League rates that have accompanied
school’s alumni. past periods in which central
They explored ways to banks have raised their key in-

bring the club into the 21st terest rates to cool inflation.
century, make it less stuffy “The labor market remains
and more appealing to youn- pretty strong,” said Stefano
ger alumni who weren’t tied to Scarpetta, the OECD’s director
the club’s nearly 160-year his- for employment. “The labor
tory. One proposed moderniza- market is easing, but slowly.”
tion called for a new co-work- In the U.S., the OECD ex-
ing area, a cafe that spilled pects employment to increase
onto the sidewalk, and a by less than 1% in both 2024
fourth-floor lounge with a bar, and 2025, with the unemploy-
according to a presentation to ment rate remaining around
board members viewed by The 4%.
Wall Street Journal. That is broadly in line with
But those plans stalled be- the outlook across the OECD’s
fore they even got going. A 38 members, which are mostly
creditor foreclosed on the rich countries. The OECD fore-
property late last year, and the cast that employment will
club remains closed. Any fu- grow by 0.7% this year and
ture renovation at the 10-story next, having increased by 1.7%
clubhouse with a gray lime- in 2023.
stone facade is uncertain. Workers suffered a decline
New York’s storied Ivy in their real wages during the
League club circuit dates back surge in consumer prices that
to the 19th century. For years, began in early 2021. The OECD
these membership organiza- said that during the year
tions were considered among through the first quarter of
the U.S.’s most prestigious. 2024, real wages were rising
These days, say alumni and New York Ivy League clubs such as the Harvard Club, above, and Yale Club, below, have struggled to lure younger alumni. again as inflation cooled. Out
former members, the clubs of the 35 countries for which
have fallen out of fashion. The Princeton Club of New York data was available, 29 re-
venues are victims of dated net assets corded a rise in real wage.
decor, mediocre food and in Among those that didn’t were
some cases lingering dress $10 million France and Japan.
codes—for most of their histo- On average, real wages
ries, these clubs have required 5 were 3.5% higher than a year
men to wear coats and ties— earlier, a development that
out of step with young alums. 0 should support consumer
The clubs still have their spending and economic
loyalists, especially midcareer –5 growth. However, real wages
professionals and long-timers were still below their 2019
who find them convenient for levels in 16 countries, includ-
business meetings and hotel ing the U.S., where the short-
stays. The Harvard Club, the fall stood at 0.8%.
oldest and wealthiest of the –20
The OECD expects the re-
bunch, has a membership that covery in real wages to con-
is robust and growing, a –25 tinue this year. Offsetting that
spokeswoman said. upward pressure on prices,
2011 ’15 ’20
Yet more Ivy League gradu- profit growth has slowed in
Please turn to page B6 Source: Tax filings compiled by ProPublica Please turn to page B2

INSIDE Podcaster Alex Cooper Has the Attention of Gen Z

BY SARA ASHLEY O’BRIEN dio world. The podcast market 150th Kentucky Derby. At the
has chilled since Cooper’s chat horse race, Cooper and Alix
Alex Cooper made waves in show made her Spotify roy- Earle, one of her new podcast
2021 when she signed a three- alty, second only to Joe Rogan. hosts at Unwell, sat for a Q&A
year, $60 million deal with Streamers and radio compa- and did a meet-and-greet with
Spotify for “Call Her Daddy,” nies have gone through budget fans. And later this month, she
her raunchy podcast about sex cuts and layoffs. “Call Her will be hosting live Olympic
and dating that became a slick Daddy” has established an av- watch parties in Paris for NBC-

sit-down interview show. Now erage audience of around 10 Universal’s streaming service
BUSINESS NEWS that the agreement is ap- million per episode, according Peacock. The Summer Games
BP says it will book proaching its end, she has her to the people familiar with the were once appointment TV for
sights set on a much bigger matter, and remains one of people of all ages, but viewer-
an impairment of entertainment empire. the most popular shows ship has declined in recent
up to $2 billion. Last year, she and her film- across all platforms. The show years. “How can we get these
B3 producer husband, Matt Kap- has become an A-list press people to care?” Cooper says.
lan, founded Trending, a media stop for the likes of Megan Jeremy Zimmer, the CEO of
company aimed at Gen Z audi- Fox, Priyanka Chopra-Jonas United Talent Agency, which
ences. Through a subsidiary and John Mayer. Cooper is represents Cooper, floated her
called Unwell, she is recruiting Alex Cooper along with her husband founded Trending, a betting she can launch a new name to Molly Solomon, the
online personalities to host media company aimed at Gen Z audiences. generation of edgy stars, all executive producer and presi-
new podcasts, looking for while trying to grow her show dent of NBC Olympics produc-
buzzy books to option and de- made Cooper a star. The com- MTV executive who is devel- and brand. “We know how to tion, last spring, for potential
veloping reality shows. Cooper pany took over the space Kap- oping scripted and un- produce a podcast,” Cooper Summer Games programming.
is on the hunt for a new distri- lan had rented for ACE Enter- scripted TV for Trending. says. “I could do it in my sleep Solomon met Cooper and Kap-
bution partner for her podcast tainment, his production firm, “Wait, have you been doing at this point.” lan over breakfast in Los An-
and she is hoping to pocket now part of Trending. On the your meetings here?” she asks At 29 years old, Cooper is a geles in June 2023, where
$100 million in her next deal, walls are posters from his another staffer, incredulously, young millennial with a Cooper pitched herself as a
according to people familiar films like the Netflix hit “To after spotting a walking pad Zoomer’s sense for content. natural partner—a former Di-
TECHNOLOGY with the matter, a hefty sum in All the Boys I’ve Loved Be- under her desk. “Shut up.” This has made her a decisive vision 1 college soccer player
Electric-vehicle makers an industry that has retrenched fore.” Aside from that, it looks She introduces the em- talent scout and a coveted with millions of female fans.
since its frothiest days. like any old startup. ployee as Sienna, Kaplan’s for- conduit for brands looking to “I was just so impressed,”
Lucid and Fisker On a recent Tuesday morn- “She’s an icon and she’s mer assistant who now devel- reach young women. says Solomon, whose 20-year-
issue safety recalls. ing at the Trending offices in crushing it,” Cooper says as ops concepts for reality shows. In April, Churchill Downs old daughters are Cooper fans.
B4 West Hollywood, there are few she passes by Mina Lefevre, a Cooper’s ambitions come Racetrack teamed with her to “She’s this generation’s Oprah
signs of the spicy show that former Meta Platforms and amid a sea change in the au- drum up excitement at the Please turn to page B4
B2 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in
today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Ford Motor...................................B1
MGM Resorts International
America’s Biggest Nonalcoholic
Athletic Brewing.....................B2
General Atlantic......................B2
General Motors........................B1
Beer Brand Doubles Its Valuation
Bank of America...................B11 Goldman Sachs..............B2,B11
BP...............................................B3,B11 H O BY LAUREN THOMAS 2023 nonalcoholic beer sales, by brand family* Annual U.S. sales, change from
a year earlier†
C Humana...........................................A1 OptumRx........................................A1
Athletic Brewing contin-
ues to ride the wave of Amer- 0% 5 10 15 20 Nonalcoholic beer 40%
Capital Constellation.........B11 I
Christian Dior..........................B12 P icans drinking less alcohol. Athletic Brewing Beer
Intercontinental Exchange
Cigna..................................................A1 Prime Therapeutics...............A1 The biggest nonalcoholic 30
..............................................................B11 beer brand in the U.S. has
Citation Capital.......................B11 Purdue Pharma........................B3 Heineken
iShares Russell 2000 ETF closed a new financing round 20
.............................................................B12 S that values it at around $800
CSX....................................................B11 Samsung Electronics..........B4 million, people familiar with Budweiser
J 10
CVS Health...................................A1 Shell...................................................B3 the matter said. That is
JPMorgan Chase...................B11 roughly double its valuation
D Shiseido..........................................A9 O’Doul’s
K SPDR S&P 500 ETF.........B12 from just two years ago. 0
Dassault Systemes...............B3
Growth-investment firm
E Keurig Dr Pepper...................B2 Stellantis.........................................B1 Busch
General Atlantic is leading –10
Elliott Investment L Stifel Financial...........................A1
the $50 million equity-financ- 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23
Management..........................B3 Lucid..................................................B4 U ing round. Stella Artois
Estée Lauder..............................A9 LVMH Louis Vuitton Moët Ulta Beauty.................................A9 Athletic, founded in 2017,
Share of U.S. adults who drink alcohol,
Express Scripts.........................A1 Hennessy.................................B12 UnitedHealth...............................A1 has quickly ascended the
Corona by age group
ranks to become the king of
Exxon Mobil................................B3 M V nonalcoholic beers. It sur- 70%
F MedImpact Healthcare Volkswagen.................................B2 passed competing products 35–54
from Heineken and Budweiser 65
as the No. 1 nonalcoholic beer 18–34

INDEX TO PEOPLE brand by sales in U.S. grocery

stores, according to an analy-
Samuel Adams

sis of NielsenIQ data. Coors 55+ 55

B Fain, Shawn.................................B1 Musk, Elon...................................B4 It sold more than 258,000
Bates, Zack..................................B6 G P barrels of beer last year, mak- 50
Boyer, Rich....................................B1 ing it a top-20 U.S. brewery, *Based on U.S. grocery store sales
Gutstadt, David.......................B6 Pollio, Travis...............................B4
†Sales in grocery, liquor and convenience stores; based on 52-week periods.
Brooks, Kathleen.....................B3 Portnoy, Dave............................B4 executives told The Wall 45
H Sources: Bump Williams Consulting analysis of NielsenIQ data (2023 sales);
C R Street Journal. NielsenIQ (annual sales); Gallup (drinking alcohol) 2001-03 2011-13 2021-23
Hagge, Tiffany.........................B11 Athletic plans to use the
Cardenas, Gustavo...............B11 Hansen, Julie...........................A10 Rosner, Lindsay......................B11
new capital to continue ex- ment of the beer market. But mofuku culinary brand, David and live a healthier lifestyle.
Chang, David..............................B2 Huang, Jensen..........................A2 S
panding, including through overall beer sales are down as Chang; and cyclist Lance Last year, Athletic ex-
Cinnamond, Eric....................B12 Hudson, Lydie..........................B11 Scarpetta, Stefano.................B1 the recently announced ac- consumer tastes shift. Over Armstrong. ceeded $90 million in sales,
Cooper, Alex.................................B1 K Shufelt, Bill..................................B2
quisition of a third U.S. brew- the past decade, the craft- Summer is one of the busi- according to the company.
Crawford, Andrew..................B2 Singer, Paul..................................B3
Kaplan, Matt...............................B1 ing facility that the company beer boom peaked, then the est times for Athletic, Shufelt The growth has come in part
Solca, Luca.................................B12
D expects will double its brew- hard-seltzer craze peaked. said in an interview. More thanks to its cans getting
L Solomon, Molly.........................B1
Daloz, Pascal..............................B3 ing capacity. The company Now, in addition to alcohol- consumers also are opting for more-valuable real estate in
Leon, Paco de.........................A10 W
E this summer introduced its free beer, people are reaching nonalcoholic options when stores.
Lupo, Joe.......................................A2 Walker, John...............................B2 biggest marketing campaign for canned cocktails. gathering with friends and As part of its investment,
Eisenman, Shai........................A9 M Z to date, dubbed “Ask For Athletic was co-founded by family throughout the year, General Atlantic will secure a
F McMillon, Douglas................A2 Zimmer, Jeremy.......................B1 Athletic.” Chief Executive Bill Shufelt, a and not just for sober mo- seat on Athletic’s board. The
Its products include the former trader at hedge-fund ments such as Dry January, firm also will be participating
Free Wave Hazy IPA and Up- firm Point72 Asset Manage- he said. in a secondary offering—
Cumulative change in real wages 4Q 2019–1Q 2024* side Dawn Golden. Athletic ment. “Ten years ago, there were when existing shareholders
for select countries says its brewing process is Beverage company Keurig no options,” Shufelt said can sell shares to another
0 2 4 6 8% similar to that of normal beer Dr Pepper invested more about the nonalcoholic mar- party—bringing the firm’s to-
Poland but that the company moni- than $50 million in the busi- ket. “We had to totally tal funding in Athletic to well
South Korea
tors the temperature and ness to take a minority stake change the product and the over $50 million.
Portugal other factors to keep alcohol in 2022. At the time, Athletic marketing.” “The penetration [of the
Mexico levels extremely low. was valued at roughly $400 Shufelt left Point72 in 2017 nonalcoholic market] is still
Greece Nonalcoholic options have million, a securities filing to help start Athletic along- really low in North America,”
U.K. surged as Americans continue shows. side his co-founder, John said Andrew Crawford, global
OECD† cutting back on alcohol, with Athletic’s other high-pro- Walker. Shufelt has said he head of General Atlantic’s
France younger Americans drinking file backers include former became interested in nonalco- consumer sector. “The best
U.S. the least. Nonalcoholic beer is professional football star J.J. holic beer when he stopped part about Athletic is they
Japan now the fastest-growing seg- Watt; the founder of the Mo- drinking to focus on his work are defining the category.”
UAW’s the president’s office and cer-
tain union board members in
attempts to further her own
-8% -6 -4
*Except for Canada, Japan, Mexico and South Korea, which are through 4Q 2023
-2 0 Fain Faces priorities.
Mock, in response, alleged
that she was targeted for “her
†An unweighted average of 35 OECD countries
Source: OECD New Probe refusal to authorize certain im-
proper expenditures” for Fain’s
office, the court document

Job Markets of purchasing power and lim-

iting further inflationary pres- Continued from page B1
Mock, represented by the

sures,” the OECD said. years of upheaval as the Jus- same attorney who represents

Expected The recovery of the job

market from the initial blow
delivered by the spread of the
tice Department finished its
sprawling corruption investi-
gation into top UAW leaders,
Boyer, declined to comment
Additionally, Barofsky in

To Cool Covid-19 virus has been par-

ticularly strong for workers in
lower-wage parts of the econ-
ultimately exposing a series of
kickback schemes, embezzle-
ment and other illicit activi-
April began looking into a
third allegation that a UAW re-
gional director “embezzled”
Shawn Fain has taken an unusually confrontational approach.

omy, and for women, the ties. The civil funds by using
Continued from page B1 OECD said. In 17 of the 33 settlement in- a union credit
most countries. While profits countries with available data, cluded a six- card for per-
grew much more rapidly than traditionally lower-pay indus- year period of The union has sonal expenses
wages in 2021, the OECD esti- tries recorded a faster rise in independent endured years and by “misap-
mates that since the start of real wages between 2019 and oversight by a propriating
2022, labor costs grew more 2023, while employment court-ap- of upheaval union prop-
rapidly than profits in about growth for women has out- pointed monitor erty,” according
two-thirds of the countries paced that of men over the and required
during a to the court fil-        
with data available. same period. the UAW to pay sprawling probe. ing. The re-             
In the OECD’s view, a “Wages are performing bet- $1.5 million to gional director    
squeeze on profits can allow ter in the lower end than in resolve out- isn’t named in      
for further wage rises without the middle or high end,” Scar- standing tax is- the court docu-  !" # $% &'( &'&)
triggering a fresh pickup in in- petta said. sues. ment. " " # $% &'( &'&)
flation. That is an outcome Looking forward, the OECD Barofsky, who has a man- The friction with Barofsky’s * "  "     $%  +,( &'&)-
that central banks have feared said the transition to jobs that date to rid the UAW of fraud, office comes as Fain seeks to       
since the start of the inflation produce lower greenhouse gas corruption and illegal behavior, repair the UAW’s reputation
-.       ""
surge. emissions could have big re- began investigating allegations and capitalize on last year’s
“There are no signs of a gional impacts, with many of of “financial misconduct and contract gains by organizing
price-wage spiral,” the OECD the new jobs that are created retaliation” among the union’s other nonunion auto factories.            
said. being in different locations to top officials in February. The union had a break-
However, it warned that those that are lost. The OECD That same month, the through in April when workers
wage rises could yet have an estimates that just 7% of em- union’s board removed some at Volkswagen’s factory in
impact on inflation. ployment is in what it de- authority from the UAW’s sec- Chattanooga, Tenn., voted
“Looking ahead, it will con- scribes as high-emission in- retary-treasurer, Margaret overwhelmingly to join the
tinue to be important to strike dustries, but those who lose Mock, after the union’s compli- UAW. The win was followed by Call Toll-Free: +1  
a balance between allowing their jobs might face a lengthy ance director alleged she a setback the next month
wages to make up some of the period of lower earnings with- abused her power. The director when workers at Mercedes- Dealer Manager
ground they have lost in terms out retraining. claimed Mock improperly de- Benz’s plant in Vance, Ala., re-
nied legitimate requests from jected UAW representation.

How Jeans for Millennials Helped Revive

Abercrombie & Fitch Stock
Goldman Buys TAIT Stake              
       !  "# 
  $   "        
%         & % ' 
BY COLIN KELLAHER ing a potential sale that could    $       %
value the company at about              
Goldman Sachs has struck $1.3 billion.  & " " "!     ! "!     
a deal to acquire a majority TAIT, which designs and    &      % '  
"   "       ()*  
stake in TAIT, the entertain- builds concert-touring infra-    + &   "     $  

ment company that engi- structure, said its manage-  & %

neered the staging for Taylor ment team would continue to   !   ,   "# 
Swift’s blockbuster “Eras lead the company and would $     " % ' ,  
      &       "
Tour.” remain significant sharehold-        " " "!     "
TAIT on Tuesday said that ers.  "%    !   ,  
      " % '    
the private-equity arm of Providence, which focuses        ! " % '   
Goldman Sachs Asset Manage- on media, communications,               "! 
ment’s alternative-invest- education and technology     " !      !  & 
ments platform is buying a companies across North
majority stake in the Lititz, America and Europe, invested -.) ) //0         %  
-%)%  &   "$   12
Scan this code for a video on fashion Pa., company from affiliates of in TAIT in 2019. !    "! -.) ) //0   "$3
retailer Abercrombie & Fitch’s turnaround Providence Equity Partners Goldman Sachs Alterna-     &! & "!  -.)     "   &
($ )$ *           " 
playbook. After years of declining sales, the and other investors for an un- tives’ private-equity business, )  4 0 %
company now has become one of the disclosed amount. launched in 1986, has invested
5 -.) 6768%   %
fastest-growing stocks. Bloomberg last week re- more than $75 billion since its
ported that TAIT was explor- inception.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B3


BP to Book Up to $2 Billion Impairment

Company also warns down around 20%, mainly due
to the lower trading contribu-
earnings will be hit tion in both gas and oil and
by weak oil trading, negative revisions in refining,
Jefferies analysts said in a re-
low refining margins search note.
Analysts currently expect
BY CHRISTIAN MOESS LAURSEN the company to book $3.01 bil-
lion in underlying RC profit—a
BP expects to book an im- metric similar to net income,
pairment of up to $2 billion used by U.S. oil companies—
for the second quarter, and according to a consensus
warned that weak oil trading polled by FactSet.
and lower refining margins However, BP’s upstream
would hurt earnings. volumes look stronger than
The British energy com- anticipated, offsetting some of
pany said Tuesday that it ex- the weakness seen elsewhere,
pects second-quarter results RBC Capital Markets analysts
to be hit by after-tax asset im- wrote in a note.
pairments and one-off con- BP’s quarterly upstream
tract provisions of $1 billion to production—the extraction of
$2 billion, including charges crude oil and natural gas—is
relating to a review of its expected to broadly match
Gelsenkirchen refinery in Ger- that of the first quarter, when
many. it produced 2.38 million bar-
BP said in March that it rels of oil-equivalent a day. Oil
planned to close a third of the production will be stable com-
crude-processing refinery’s pared with the previous quar-

daily capacity of 265,000 bar- ter, while gas and low-carbon

rels due to a weakened de- energy production is set to fall
mand outlook. The London- slightly, BP said.
based company also took a The announced impair-
$1.34 billion impairment re- ments come after its London
lated to the refinery last year rival Shell last week warned
due to a change in the eco- of noncash charges, also up
nomic outlook, it said in its to $2 billion, after pausing
annual report. construction of a major bio-
The company expects its Refining results could grow more volatile for oil companies and refiners as they grapple with falling demand for traditional fuels. fuels plant in the Nether-
customers and products seg- lands and relating to the sale
ment result to weaken from interest and tax in the first profits. could occur more frequently in Meanwhile, BP’s gas mar- of its chemicals plant in
the previous quarter as it quarter. BP’s refining margins were the future for oil companies keting and trading is expected Singapore.
takes a $500 million to $700 The warning echoes a simi- mainly harmed by weaker and refiners as they grapple to be average, it said. In the BP’s shares fell 4.3% Tues-
million hit from significantly lar message from BP’s U.S. middle distillates margins and with falling demand for tradi- first quarter, BP reported day in London, bringing the
lower realized refining mar- peer Exxon Mobil on Monday, narrower North American tional fuels as renewables grow $1.66 billion in the gas and decline for the year so far to
gins. The division booked when it said lower refining heavy crude-oil differentials, it in popularity, XTB research di- low-carbon energy division. 2.5%. BP’s second-quarter re-
$1.29 billion in underlying re- margins across the industry said. rector Kathleen Brooks said in Tuesday’s update should sults are scheduled to be re-
placement-cost profit before would hurt its second-quarter Volatile refining results a market comment. bring earnings estimates leased on July 30.

Purdue Pharma Backs Creditor Suit Against Sacklers

BY ALEXANDER GLADSTONE ing to Monday’s filing. The Representatives for the ruptcy and settled civil opioid bankruptcy court can’t sign between the company, its
AND ANDREW SCURRIA company also is seeking to re- families of the late Mortimer lawsuits against the Sacklers away creditors’ claims against creditors and the Sacklers.
start negotiations with the Sackler and the late Raymond as well. third parties like the Sacklers The company has asked the
Bankrupt opioid maker Pur- Sacklers, whose wealth has Sackler said the creditors’ fil- The family members agreed without unanimous consent. bankruptcy court overseeing
due Pharma is backing an ef- been estimated near $11 bil- ing “is riddled with factual er- to pay $6 billion over time to Some opioid plaintiffs voted its case to extend a freeze on
fort by its top creditors to sue lion. rors, ignores that about half fund opioid abatement and down the family’s offer in fa- pending lawsuits against the
members of the Sackler family The proposed litigation the money was paid in taxes addiction programs in return vor of continued litigation. Sacklers for another 60 days
who own the company over al- names a host of family mem- and is contrary to the goal of for a full release of civil opioid Following the Supreme to prevent a costly resumption
legations that bers and Sack- working together towards a liability. Court ruling, Purdue has of litigation and allow for
they illegally ler-related enti- resolution that provides bil- The justices said that a sought to restart negotiations closed-door negotiations.
transferred bil- ties as lions of dollars for communi-
lions of dollars Purdue defendants, ac- ties and people in need.”
to private supports giving cusing them of Family members previously
trusts before
Purdue’s 2019 the creditors
themselves by
have denied wrongdoing in
court filings and said that all
Who’s Who of Distinguished Leaders: 2024 Honorees
bankruptcy fil- fraudulently profit distributions they re- Since 1898, Marquis Who’s Who has remained the
committee legal transferring ceived from Purdue were le- standard for reliable and comprehensive biographical
The official standing to sue. Purdue’s assets gal. reference material. We are proud to highlight hand-selected 20 24
committee of to themselves The committee’s filing said listees who have been recognized as Distinguished Leaders
Purdue’s credi- or for their Purdue has confirmed it isn’t in their fields of endeavor.
tors filed a pro- benefit while the optimal party to pursue Of 1.5 million listees, only a small percentage is recognized
posed complaint against the the company was facing large such claims against the Sack-
with the Distinguished Leaders honor. We laud these
Sacklers on Monday after the legal liabilities. lers. The company supports individuals for their ambition, professional fortitude, industry
Supreme Court last month re- The creditors committee, the committee’s motion for contributions, and career accomplishments.
jected a $6 billion settlement composed of individuals and sole standing to pursue and
agreement to resolve the mass entities with opioid-related settle those causes of action,
opioid-related lawsuits against claims against Purdue, is seek- according to the filing.
the company’s family owners. ing to recover more than $11.5 The Supreme Court’s ruling
Purdue supports granting billion that the Sacklers al- sank a proposed reorganiza-
the creditors committee the legedly moved out of the com- tion plan for Purdue that
legal standing to sue, accord- pany. would have ended its bank-

Dassault Systemes Decreases

Its Full-Year Revenue Guidance
BY IAN WALKER Dassault Systemes quarterly revenue for the year to grow
Jason Thomas Adams, MS Albert “Al” E. Depew Kenneth L. Funderburk, Esq.
in the range of 6% to 8%, VP, HSE, Risk, Quality & Lean Mfg President Attorney
revenue, change from Norsk Hydro Depew Tax/Estate Planning Funderburk Law
Dassault Systemes cut its a year earlier down from previous guidance
full-year revenue guidance of 8% to 10%, and for diluted
after saying that revenue for 20% EPS to rise 8% to 11%, com-
the second quarter missed its pared with 10% to 12%.
forecast because of customer Chief Executive Pascal
caution given the geopolitical 15 Daloz said that despite the
environment. delays in orders, all deals are
The French software still expected to be booked in
maker said second-quarter 2Q 2024 future quarters.
revenue is expected to be company “However, we anticipate
€1.495 billion, equivalent to estimate that a certain volatility in
$1.62 billion, compared with +4% customers’ decision-making
company guidance of €1.525 5 will continue and conse-
billion to €1.555 billion. quently believe it is prudent
It said revenue is €30 mil- to reflect this in our full-year
lion lower than expectations outlook,” he said.
because of transaction de- The company expects to
lays. 2022 ’23 ’24 report earnings for the sec- Barry Jackson, PhD,LPC-PA,NCC Dr. Clifford King Ella McElwee, PhD, HmD, ND
However, diluted earnings Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company ond quarter ended June 30 Professor Emeritus, Director Elementary School Principal (Ret.) Founder, Director
per share was in line with on July 25. Commonwealth University of Penn. SCCPSS Health By Choice Inc.
guidance, at 30 European EPS of 30 to 31 European Dassault Systemes shares
cents. The company had cents. fell 5.2% Tuesday in Paris,
guided for second-quarter Dassault Systemes expects ending at €33.69.

Swissair Swiss Air Transport Company Ltd. in debt

restructuring liquidation / publication of provisional

Elliott Contests Court Ruling distribution list for the 5th interim payment
The provisional distribution list for the 5th interim
payment in the debt restructuring proceedings with
assignment of assets concerning Swissair Swiss Air
BY JOE WALLACE the LME last fall. Transport Company Ltd. in debt restructuring liquidation,
Balz Zimmermann-Strasse, 8302 Kloten, will be open to
The dispute revolves inspection by the creditors concerned between 10 July
2024 and 22 July 2024 at the offices of the liquidator,
True to form, Elliott In- around the LME’s decision to Karl Wüthrich, attorney-at-law, Wenger Plattner,
Goldbach-Center, Seestrasse 39, 8700 Küsnacht. For
vestment Management isn’t cancel $12 billion in nickel inspection, please call the hotline on +41 43 222 38 50
backing down in a fight over a trades after prices spiked in to arrange an appointment.
Appeals against the provisional distribution list must
blowup in trading on the Lon- early 2022. be lodged with the Bezirksgericht Bülach als untere
Aufsichtsbehörde für Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs,
don Metal Exchange. Elliott says the decision de- Spitalstrasse 13, Postfach, 8180 Bülach, within ten
Lawyers for Paul Singer’s prived it of over $728 million days of the list’s publication, i.e. by 22 July 2024 (date
of postmark of a Swiss post office). If no appeals are
hedge-fund firm, a veteran of in profit. The LME, owned by lodged, the 5th interim payment will be made as
legal brawls against oppo- Hong Kong Exchanges and provided for in the provisional distribution list. Heather Sawyer Kenneth Allen Taylor, PhD Amber Windsor, PhD
Küsnacht, 10 July 2024 Realtor Donald L. D. Caspar Prof. Child Life Counselor
nents such as the Argentine Clearing, argues it averted a Swissair Swiss Air Transport Company Ltd.
in debt restructuring liquidation William Pitt Sotheby’s Intl Realty Biological Science, Florida State U. Child & Adolescent Mental Health
government, appeared in Lon- potential “death spiral” of de- The Liquidator:
don’s Court of Appeal Tuesday faults by brokers unable to Karl Wüthrich
to contest a ruling in favor of pay margin calls.
B4 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Lucid, Fisker Issue

EV Safety Recalls
Issues with some least 10 instances, according to dated their software to fix the
a report from regulators dated issue will be notified to do so
recent electric- July 1. The company transmit- in August and can follow up
vehicle models could ted an over-the-air update to with customer service if assis-
vehicles on June 24 to correct tance is needed.
cause loss of power the issue. The owners of impacted
Fisker’s recall involves an Fisker vehicles will have to get
BY DEAN SEAL issue with the battery man- their cabin electric water
agement systems of 2023 and pumps replaced with an im-
Lucid Group and Fisker 2024 Ocean vehicles that proved coating at no cost.

have each deployed recalls on could cause cabin electric wa- Fisker isn’t aware of any acci-
thousands of recently manu- ter pumps to fail, according to dents or injuries reported in
factured electric vehicles over a July 2 report from the Na- connection with the recall, ac-
issues that could cause a loss tional Highway Traffic Safety cording to the report.
of power. Administration. Representatives for Lucid
Lucid is recalling 2022 and Lucid said more than 5,200 and Fisker didn’t immediately Fisker Ocean SUVs at a company sales and service center in Vista, Calif., in May.
2023 model Lucid Air vehicles vehicles could potentially be respond to requests to com-
over a safety mechanism that wrapped up in its recall, while ment on Tuesday. than 12,500 vehicles in North its fortunes shift in the past reported on Monday that de-
is susceptible to intermittent Fisker is pegging that number Fisker’s recall comes within America and Europe over is- month after a bumpy couple liveries were up 70% in the
hardware connection faults, at more than 7,500 vehicles. weeks of the EV company fil- sues with their outer door of years, as demand for EVs quarter ended June 30, which
which has caused vehicles to Owners of the affected Lu- ing for bankruptcy and issuing handles. starts to show signs of revival. followed price cuts earlier this
lose power while driving in at cid vehicles who haven’t up- a voluntary recall of more Lucid, meanwhile, has seen The California-based startup year on its Air sedan.

Podcaster ships, eliciting dishy details

about her guests’ lives. She
also has given them space to
an event. “We’ve been very in-
tentional about our program-
ming on game days, towards

Has Gen Z talk about more sensitive is-

sues, including eating disor-
ders, addiction and transgen-
women and the female audi-
ence,” he says.
He noted that the Red Sox’s

Attention der rights. The fame of her

guests has reached new
heights. “When Jane Fonda
successful 2023 Barbie Night
and Taylor Swift’s NFL effect
are proof that young women
came on, I remember so many can be better galvanized
Continued from page B1 Gen Z people were like, ‘This around men’s professional
Winfrey.” woman’s iconic,’” Cooper says. sporting events.
NBC has made no topics “I’m like, of course.” In June, when Cooper threw
off-limits for the broadcasts, Heidi Klum says that her the first pitch at Fenway Park,
Cooper says, so she plans to 20-year-old daughter, Leni, the baseball stadium was deco-
pull from the “Call Her encouraged her to go on the rated with posters of Cooper
Daddy” playbook: What’s the podcast this year. She an- and there was a mechanical
deal with beds at the Olympic swered questions like, “On a bull in the concourse. Ticket
Village? And are athletes hav- scale of prude to total freak, holders received Red Sox jer-
ing a lot of sex there? “That,” where do you fall, Heidi?” seys with “Unwell” on the
she says, “will be my No. 1 (Her response: “Nine.”) “I let back. Pollio says over 5,500
question.” my guard down,” says Klum. tickets were purchased for the
Cooper records “Call Her themed event, a large portion
Daddy” in a West Hollywood of all individual tickets avail-
Podcast’s start home near the Trending of- able—and that nearly three-
Cooper grew up in New- fice—an atmosphere that quarters of buyers were
town, Pa., the youngest of guests say is more inviting women. “It shows the power of
three children. She enjoyed than other press stops. her brand,” he says.
making movies in her child- “There were no frills or
hood basement, and when she anything, she was in sweats,”
matriculated at Boston Uni- says actor Chace Crawford. Coveted fan base
versity, she decided to study “We rolled right into conver- In an election year, Coo-
film and television. sation laughing.” per’s fan base also comprises

In 2018, after graduation A listener of the show since two coveted demographics in
and moving to New York City, its earliest days, which he the eyes of political candi-
Cooper and Sofia Franklyn called “peak comedy and also dates: young people and
launched “Call Her Daddy.” very real and raw,” Crawford women. Cooper hasn’t shied
They were two roommates in jumped at the opportunity to away from talking about polit-
their early 20s, talking frankly go on the show while promot- icized issues like abortion.
about getting blackout drunk, ing the new season of Ama- “Anyone that has a uterus and
masturbation and one-night zon’s “The Boys.” “Alex is gen- even if you have a penis, you
stands. The show was quickly uinely interested and fully should care about women’s
acquired by Barstool Sports, engaged,” he says of her inter- Cooper will be hosting live Olympic watch parties in Paris for NBCUniversal’s streaming rights,” she says.
the male-oriented media out- view style. “There’s no BS. service Peacock. NBC has made no topics off-limits for the broadcasts, Cooper says. Still, politicians don’t make
let founded by Dave Portnoy, And it’s why she’s on top.” good guests for her show, she
and soon ranked among the Last fall, Cooper sold out tour and really saw the audi- “Everyone has put their of- Contracts with talent vary says. “I think my fans have no
top 30 U.S. podcasts. her seven-show, six-city “Un- ence and the relationship she fers in, and now we’re all go- person by person and are con- interest,” she says. “When it
After a falling-out with well Tour,” filling large venues had with them—I have never ing back and forth, trying to fidential, the company said. comes to political figures, I
Franklyn in 2020 amid con- including the Theater at Madi- seen anything like it,” says T.J. decide which is going to be And while Unwell stars have all kind of just feel like they can
tract negotiations with Bar- son Square Garden, and two Marchetti, 55, who joined Coo- the best place,” she says. first created podcasts, that be on CNN and Fox.”
stool, Cooper hosted solo for nights at The Met in Philadel- per’s company last fall as the Last August, Cooper might not be the starting point Cooper is turning 30 in Au-
another year in an agreement phia. Each show had surprise chief brand officer for Unwell. launched Unwell with two for all future talent it brings gust. She just got married this
that would give her ownership celebrity guests, including In April, she released a signed TikTok stars, Alix Earle into its fold. Its focus is to help spring and hopes to have chil-
of the show. Then she took it Bravo’s Andy Cohen, comedian “Call Her Daddy” episode with and Madeline Argy. Both are personalities build community, dren someday. “When a child
to Spotify, where the Chelsea Handler and country Olympic gold medalist Simone hosting podcasts, and Earle has and then expand into areas in- is involved, who knows, maybe
show assumed a more tradi- artist Kelsea Ballerini. Biles—the first step in her already seen success with a line cluding merchandise, events, I will have a moment and re-
tional interview format. “Being not a part of the de- partnership with NBCU for the of T-shirts, sweats and baseball consumer products, film and set my boundaries within the
Cooper still turns the con- mographic and not part of the Summer Games. The episode hats; Cooper says two recent television, the company said. show and myself,” she says.
versation to sex and relation- ‘Daddy Gang,’ when I went on was one of the top five epi- merchandise drops sold over Thanks to Cooper’s experi- But for the moment, she is
sodes of “Call Her Daddy” this “seven figures” apiece. ence navigating ownership of absorbed in building her busi-
year by listenership, according In February, Unwell an- her podcast’s intellectual ness, working 12-hour days,
to Cooper’s team. At an NBCU nounced its first male star: property, Unwell stars are able six days a week. She feels that
Olympics media preview in Harry Jowsey, an Australian to own the rights to the the work she is doing is in a
late June, the network aired a reality-television personality brands they’ve built if they league of its own.
clip of the Biles interview; a from the Netflix shows “Too leave its network. “I just compete with myself
longer version will air on Hot to Handle” and “Perfect Cooper says she takes meet- in a healthy way,” Cooper
prime time during the Games. Match.” More recently, Tik- ings with authors she finds on says. “I don’t think there is
Quitting smoking Toker Hallie Batchelder,
known for sharing her unapol-
TikTok to see about optioning
their work for film. Kaplan,
anyone that I would want to
be compared to or that I see
Seeking a new deal
was hard. This comes as Cooper has
ogetic NYC dating and party-
ing escapades, and the actor
meanwhile, is in charge of
Trending partnerships and
doing exactly what I want to
be doing.”
Screening for lung been shopping around for a
new “Call Her Daddy” distri-
and comedian Owen Thiele
joined the Unwell roster.
oversees the scripted film and
television ventures. The two
—Anne Steele
contributed to this article.
cancer is easy. bution partner for months, as
her current deal with Spotify
“We’re never trying to just
not include the men. We want
are co-CEOs and make big de-
cisions together. Styling: James Valeri;
nears its end. Sirius is among men to be a part of the con- Travis Pollio, director of hair: Hikaru; makeup: John
the front-runners, people fa- versation,” says Cooper. “I ticket strategy and promotion McKay; manicure: Riley
miliar with the matter said, think the more men can be a for the Boston Red Sox, says Miranda; set design: Jeremy
and Cooper is looking for a part of the conversation, the he experienced the power of Reimnitz; production: Day
minimum $100 million guar- more things can change. Ele- Cooper’s fandom last Novem- International; director of
antee and revenue sharing on vating female voices is impor- ber when he stumbled upon a photography: Sean O’Neill
the upside. tant to me, but I’m absolutely line of over a thousand people
In January, the audio ver- not opposed to bringing the chanting “Daddy” on Boston’s
sion of the podcast became men in.” Lansdowne Street. They were Watch a Video
available on competitor ser- Cooper says she looks for queuing up for an Unwell Tour Scan this code
vices like Apple, Amazon and talent that is “very concrete in event at MGM Music Hall. for a video with
iHeartPodcasts while Cooper who they are, who they’re try- Pollio says he reached out Alex Cooper
works toward inking a new ing to reach and what their to Cooper’s team this spring about her
distribution deal. voice is.” to see about collaborating on podcast’s rise.

Samsung Union Launches Indefinite Strike

BY KWANWOO JUN management back to the ne- The union said in a state- Samsung’s management
gotiating table. ment Wednesday that man- and union leaders have been
Samsung Electronics The 30,000-member union, agement’s unwillingness to in on-again, off-again wage
unionized workers have de- which accounts for nearly a talk to union leaders has led negotiations since January
cided to launch an indefinite quarter of the company’s to an “indefinite general but have failed to work out an
If you smoked, you may still be at risk, strike in South Korea, press- workforce, said that about strike” and that prolonged in- agreement.
but early detection could save your life. ing harder for their demands 6,500 workers have been on dustrial action would make Among union demands
on wages and work condi- strike across the country “management eventually were an extra one day of leave
Get tions. since Monday. come to the negotiating ta- to mark the union’s founda-
The National Samsung Samsung, the world’s larg- ble.” tion day, an average 3.5%
Electronics Union’s decision est maker of memory chips The union urged union wage increase for all union
came on Wednesday, the final and smartphones, has re- members to not return to members and a change to
day of a three-day walkout ported no immediate disrup- work until it reverses its deci- what the union says is an un-
that it said failed to bring tions to production. sion. fair bonus pay system.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B5
B6 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Ivy League U.S. to Scrutinize
Clubs Seek More Property Deals
Members Near Military Bases
Continued from page B1
ates are turning to a new gen- BY RICHARD VANDERFORD move, but Washington has re-
eration of private clubs such peatedly sought to broaden its
as Casa Cipriani, Zero Bond More foreign real-estate powers to review investment

and Soho House, amid a new transactions near U.S. bases flows amid growing worries
Golden Age for membership stateside would face scrutiny about China.
clubs with features such as a under a new Biden adminis- Cfius generally has focused
rooftop pool or an omakase tration proposal, a move that on corporate deals. In 2018,
restaurant. comes amid concerns about though, Congress expanded
“When you hear people China. the committee’s authority to
talking about clubs they’re ex- The U.S. Treasury Depart- encompass real-estate trans-
cited about, they don’t men- ment on Monday proposed a actions near military bases
tion university clubs,” said Da- vast expansion of the number and other sensitive sites.
vid Gutstadt, a real-estate of domestic installations it Under Monday’s proposal,
developer and Princeton alum- watches under a law that al- for example, the administra-
nus whose Philadelphia-based The Harvard Club is among those that have eased their dress code to appeal to newer alumni. lows the government to block tion would be able to review
firm was consulted to renovate foreigners from buying land. transactions within 100 miles
that club before it closed. decade of annual net losses in At the Yale Club, women were alumni of more than two The proposal would allow of Joint Base Cape Cod, lo-
membership since its incep- first permitted as members in dozen colleges. the Committee on Foreign In- cated in Sandwich, Mass.,
tion in the mid-1990s, accord- 1969, though parts of the club Regina Jaslow, a 1997 vestment in the U.S., which re- meaning real-estate deals near
Pandemic setback ing to a member of the club’s remained men-only until the Wharton School graduate, views deals for national secu- Boston and Providence, R.I.,
The pandemic was another leadership. The Cornell Club ’70s. joined the Penn Club’s leader- rity issues, to look into real- could in theory also come un-
blow to the clubs, which has lost $280,000 to $2.1 mil- While a spiffier bar area ship in 2005. As the director estate purchases near more der the Cfius magnifying
missed out on revenue from lion every fiscal year since and more casual dress code of member marketing, she than 50 military sites that glass. Cfius’s rules, though,
their restaurants and other 2016, tax filings show. might help attract a younger helped attract young members hadn’t previously been cov- exempt most transactions in
services when the clubs closed The Princeton Club likely set of alumni to the Princeton by introducing late-evening ered. Some of the added in- built-up urban areas from re-
because of Covid-19 restric- suffered the most. It lost Club, a number of older club networking events and speed stallations are deemed sensi- view.
tions. Some fed-up members roughly one-third of its mem- board members have been dating. The club soon reversed tive enough that even deals up The proposal also would al-
dropped out for good. bership during the pandemic, generally resistant to major a 10-year downturn in mem- to 100 miles away could be low officials to review trans-
More recently, the rise in according to a person familiar change, according to Steven bership and even recovered its blocked. actions within 100 miles of
campus activism over the war with the situation. In 2021, the Morales, a former staffer at losses, she said. But it still “Cfius plays an integral role Wright-Patterson Air Force
in Gaza has complicated some club defaulted on a $40 mil- the Princeton Club. struggled to retain profession- in U.S. national security by Base near Dayton, Ohio, up
younger members’ relation- lion loan tied to its building on als in their 30s. thoroughly reviewing real-es- from one mile, which would
ship with the clubs. Two re- West 43rd Street. An unknown Some of the Penn Club’s tate transactions near sensi- put some real-estate deals in
cent Ivy League graduates now buyer using a shell company Casual dress strategies to attract young tive military installations, and the booming Columbus area
living in New York City said acquired the property for $8 Still, the clubs have loos- members are used across the this proposed rule will signifi- under Cfius’s purview.
their colleges’ crackdowns on million in December. ened their rules to some de- Ivy League circuit. While older cantly expand its jurisdiction In May, President Biden or-
pro-Palestinian protests per- The Ivy clubs are still rela- gree over the past several alumni can pay annual dues and ability to accomplish this dered MineOne Partners, a
suaded them not to join one of tively homogenous, Gutstadt years. For decades, dress close to $2,000, the clubs offer vital mission,” Treasury Secre- crypto company ultimately
their alma mater clubs. said, which reflects the codes have been a fault line discounted memberships for tary Janet Yellen said. owned by Chinese nationals,
The Ivy League schools with schools’ alumni bases. But between older and younger recent alumni. Treasury didn’t single out to sell real estate located
clubs in New York tend to keep young people are seeking out alumni. In 1999, the Yale Club At the Harvard Club, gradu- any one national security con- within a mile of a Wyoming
most membership and other environments that reflect the became the first of Manhat- ates of the Class of 2024 just cern as a driver behind the nuclear missile base.
information private, but some diversity of the city, he said. tan’s Ivy clubs to allow casual pay $100 for their first year,
recent events suggest dis- The Harvard Club, founded dress on Fridays in an attempt which is returned to them as a
tress. in 1865, was the first estab- to attract younger members $100 club gift card. For Har-
The Yale Club changed its lished and Princeton was close and creatives. vard alumni living in New York
admission process to accept behind. Early on, the Ivy The Yale Club today allows City, dues otherwise range
members without an affilia- League clubs were populated jeans throughout the club- from $520 to $2,598 annually.
tion to the university. Most by businessmen who wanted house, and the Harvard Club The Cornell Club has launched
anyone can now apply to the to conduct meetings out of the now permits “casual attire”— young-alumni-exclusive events
club if they have the endorse- public’s eye, according to Zack except in two of its main halls and given recent graduates
ment of at least two members, Bates, chief executive of con- after 5 p.m. free fitness memberships to
according to a club document. sulting company Private Club All but the Harvard Club al- reel them in.

A Yale Club representative Marketing. low alumni of several other If these efforts don’t suc-
declined to comment about Like their respective col- colleges to apply for member- ceed, the clubs face a potential
changes to the admission sys- leges, the clubs didn’t wel- ship as “affiliate” members. crisis. “Their existing mem-
tem. come women as members for Collectively, the four remain- bers all die out,” said Bates,
The Penn Club chalked up a decades after their founding. ing clubhouses represent the private club consultant. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B7


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq CarrierGlobal CARR 62.29 -0.84 Datadog DDOG 126.63 -5.77 FTI Consulting FCN 213.73 0.02 Heico HEI 224.89 -3.30 HuntingIngalls HII 241.93 -1.07 s ICE ICE 142.46 1.29
Stock Market listed securities. Prices are consolidated from trades reported by various Carvana CVNA 125.70 3.38 DaVita DVA 137.92 0.54 Fabrinet FN 239.90 -1.76 Heico A HEI.A 177.64 -2.11 HyattHotels H 148.63 -0.04 InterContinentl IHG 104.25 -0.15
market centers, including securities exchanges, Finra, electronic communications t IBN 29.38 0.24 IBM
CaseysGenStores CASY 360.62 -6.95 Dayforce DAY 48.32 -0.14 FactSet FDS 411.74 -6.13 HenrySchein HSIC 64.44 -0.31 ICICI Bank IBM 176.48 -1.16
networks and other broker-dealers. The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies
based on market capitalization. Catalent CTLT 57.30 0.19 DeckersOutdoor DECK 939.05 -13.65 s FairIsaac FICO 1568.06 38.00 Hershey HSY 182.75 -2.01 IdexxLab IDXX 477.89 -5.84 IntlFlavors IFF 96.81 -0.48
Caterpillar CAT 326.06 -3.00 t Deere DE 348.84 -6.16 Fastenal FAST 62.56 -0.27 Hess HES 145.78 -0.85 ING Groep ING 17.89 -0.03 IntlPaper IP 42.55 -0.62
Underlined quotations are those stocks with large changes in volume compared Celanese CE 131.40 -2.59 DellTechC DELL 145.74 -0.23 FederalRealty FRT 100.59 ... s HessMidstream HESM 37.17 0.05 IQVIA IQV 213.05 4.11 Interpublic IPG 28.51 0.13
with the issue’s average trading volume. DAL 46.89 0.54 FedEx HewlettPackard 21.25 0.36 ITT ITT 125.97 -0.92 Intra-Cellular ITCI 74.07 2.51
CelsiusHldg CELH 55.55 -0.51 DeltaAir FDX 292.73 -2.80 HPE
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues whose price changed by 5% or more if Cemex CX 6.27 -0.02 s DescartesSystems DSGX 100.27 0.35 Ferguson FERG 188.00 -2.66 Hilton HLT 215.25 0.68 IcahnEnterprises IEP 16.83 -0.28 Intuit INTU 650.42 -9.16
their previous closing price was $2 or higher. Cencora COR 222.37 -1.32 DeutscheBank DB 16.66 -0.07 Ferrari RACE 426.29 -1.09 Hologic HOLX 74.75 0.22 Icon ICLR 324.00 3.08 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 442.30 -2.23
Footnotes: CenovusEnergy CVE 19.26 -0.32 DevonEnergy DVN 46.06 -0.46 Ferrovial FER 39.71 -0.94 HomeDepot HD 337.09 -2.51 IDEX IEX 195.24 -0.40 InvitatHomes INVH 36.10 -0.03
s-New 52-week high; t-New 52-week low; dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four Centene CNC 65.74 -0.45 DexCom DXCM 110.84 -0.13 FidNatlFinl FNF 48.08 -0.21 HondaMotor HMC 31.64 -0.18 IllinoisToolWks ITW 234.06 0.15 s
IronMountain IRM 93.13 0.26
quarters. CenterPointEner CNP 29.63 -0.69 Diageo DEO 126.67 -1.43 FidNatlInfo FIS 73.72 -1.13 Honeywell HON 210.60 -1.03 Illumina ILMN 106.68 -1.16
ItauUnibanco ITUB 6.11 0.13
Stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. ET and CentraisElBras EBR 7.10 0.16 DiamondbkEner FANG 202.60 -0.75 FifthThirdBncp FITB 36.21 -0.02 HormelFoods HRL 30.04 -0.11 ImperialOil IMO 67.68 -0.54
changes in the official closing prices from 4 p.m. ET the previous day. CerevelTherap CERE 40.53 -0.06 Dick's DKS 200.96 -0.12 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 1720.09 34.17 DR Horton DHI 136.00 -0.18 Incyte INCY 60.70 2.53 J K L
CharlesRiverLabs CRL 201.85 -0.61 DigitalRealty DLR 153.30 -0.36 FirstHorizon FHN 15.51 0.40 HostHotels HST 17.54 -0.15 Informatica INFA 28.96 -1.64
CharterComms CHTR 293.91 3.35 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 130.00 1.14 FirstSolar FSLR 225.23 -1.89 HoulihanLokey HLI 135.02 0.80 Infosys INFY 19.30 -0.20 JD 26.82 0.35
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 Net Net s CheckPoint CHKP 169.89 0.49 Disney DIS 97.05 -0.32 FirstEnergy FE 38.65 0.06 HowmetAerospace HWM 80.24 -0.23 IngersollRand IR 91.73 -0.38 JPMorganChase JPM 207.63 2.46
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Chemed CHE 527.82 -6.45 DocuSign DOCU 51.91 -1.92 Fiserv FI 151.09 0.11 Hubbell HUBB 371.15 -5.86 Ingredion INGR 111.98 -0.91 Jabil JBL 110.01 -0.01
Net DolbyLab DLB 78.88 -0.66 Flex HubSpot HUBS 560.21 -25.95 s Insmed INSM 70.27 0.22 JackHenry JKHY 162.88 -1.46
Stock Sym Close Chg CheniereEnergy LNG 175.98 0.58 FLEX 29.30 -0.34
AB InBev BUD 59.01 -0.33 Berkley WRB 78.75 -0.87 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 50.03 0.63 DollarGeneral DG 128.54 -0.99 Floor&Decor FND 89.87 -2.34 Humana HUM 373.36 2.93 Insulet PODD 195.17 -3.50 JacobsSolns J 136.44 -1.22
AnnalyCap NLY 19.02 0.03 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 410.52 1.44 DollarTree DLTR 104.03 -2.69 Fluor -0.53 JBHunt JBHT 155.54 -2.50 Intel INTC 34.59 0.60 JamesHardie JHX 31.27 -0.52
A B C ChesapeakeEner CHK 82.54 -0.06 FLR 43.68
AnteroResources AR 32.48 -0.32 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 6189994574.90 Chevron CVX 152.98 -1.35 DominionEner D 49.48 0.15 FlutterEnt FLUT 198.93 1.48 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.97 -0.02 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 125.25 1.78 Continued on Page B8
AECOM ACM 82.37 -1.05 Aon AON 293.16 -4.95 BestBuy BBY 86.42 0.91 Chewy CHWY 24.81 0.01 Domino's DPZ 477.83 -22.50 FomentoEconMex FMX 112.33 2.44
AES AES 17.68 -0.17 APi Group APG 36.48 -0.25 Bio-Techne TECH 71.29 -0.27 Chipotle CMG 57.48 -2.03 Donaldson DCI 69.34 -1.08 FordMotor F 12.90 -0.08
AFL 88.93 0.41
ANSS 327.35 -0.29
ApolloGlblMgmt APO 116.68 0.76 Bio-RadLab A BIO 274.88 -0.06
AppFolio APPF 248.87 -3.68 Biogen BIIB 229.06 0.99
ChordEnergy CHRD 167.99 -1.75
Chubb CB 253.34 0.35
DASH 108.95 -0.09 Fortinet
DOV 175.13 -1.36 Fortis
FTNT 60.28
FTS 39.25
Borrowing Benchmarks
APA APA 28.79 -0.05 s Apple AAPL 228.68 0.86 BioMarinPharm BMRN 82.98 0.30 ChunghwaTel CHT 36.12 -0.19 Dow DOW 51.58 -1.22 Fortive FTV 72.64 -0.90
ASE Tech ASX 11.96 0.18 AppliedIndlTechs AIT 183.80 -4.88 BioNTech BNTX 80.51 0.02 Church&Dwight CHD 104.61 -0.97 DrReddy'sLab RDY 77.68 0.16 FortuneBrands FBIN 64.30 -0.13
ASML ASML 1059.97 -17.42 s ApplMaterials AMAT 251.47 5.18 Birkenstock BIRK 56.29 -0.47 ChurchillDowns CHDN 138.80 0.13 DraftKings DKNG 36.74 -0.85 FoxA FOXA 35.19 0.67
18.80 -0.01
57.53 -0.67
AppLovin APP 84.71 -0.47 BlackRock
Aptargroup ATR 140.04 -1.47 Blackstone
BLK 802.28 12.09
BX 121.28 0.51
Cigna CI 328.37 4.59
CincinnatiFinl CINF 116.93 0.25
Dropbox DBX 22.02 -0.22 FoxB
DukeEnergy DUK 100.94 0.30 Franco-Nevada FNV 122.62
FOX 32.76 0.62
Money Rates July 9, 2024
AbbottLabs ABT 101.64 -0.48 Aptiv APTV 69.08 -0.60 BlockHR HRB 52.99 -0.59 Cintas CTAS 711.30 0.26 Duolingo DUOL 186.77 -9.94 FranklinRscs BEN 22.06 -0.08
AbbVie ABBV 168.05 1.53 Aramark ARMK 32.43 -0.65 Block SQ 64.51 0.28 CiscoSystems CSCO 45.80 -0.26 DuPont DD 78.53 -0.94 FreeportMcM FCX 50.80 -0.33
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
Abercrombie&Fitch ANF 179.24 0.71 ArcelorMittal MT 22.35 -0.65 BlueOwlCapital OWL 16.92 0.02 s Citigroup C 66.55 1.81 Dynatrace DT 43.18 -2.11 FreseniusMedCare FMS 19.37 -0.03 international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
Accenture ACN 298.06 -1.41 ArchCapital ACGL 98.00 -0.26 BlueprintMed BPMC 115.25 -1.07 CitizensFin CFG 36.30 0.75 elfBeauty ELF 206.42 3.34 FullTruck YMM 8.21 0.17
AcuityBrands AYI 236.34 -2.23 ADM ADM 63.13 -0.25 Boeing BA 183.24 -2.60 CleanHarbors CLH 220.24 -2.95 EMCOR EME 363.56 -0.28 don’t always represent actual transactions.
Adobe ADBE 566.02 -9.38 AresMgmt ARES 134.78 -0.99 Booking BKNG 3977.48 -7.15 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 15.18 -0.29 ENI E 30.57 -0.31 G H I Week —52-WEEK—
AdvDrainageSys WMS 152.99 -0.91 argenx ARGX 457.68 21.26 BoozAllen BAH 154.39 0.69 Clorox CLX 131.85 -1.00 EOG Rscs EOG 125.67 0.04 Inflation Latest ago High Low
AdvMicroDevices AMD 177.10 -1.59 s AristaNetworks ANET 365.75 -5.32 BorgWarner BWA 31.66 0.23 Cloudflare NET 82.58 -2.30 EPAM Systems EPAM 182.59 -3.54 GE Aerospace GE 163.13 -0.40
May index Chg From (%)
Aegon AEG 6.25 0.07 s Arm ARM 182.28 -2.42 BostonSci BSX 76.51 0.40 Coca-Cola KO 62.69 -0.27 EQT EQT 36.54 0.16 GE HealthCare GEHC 76.87 0.52
AerCap AER 94.02 0.83 AscendisPharma ASND 136.45 -0.01 BristolMyers BMY 40.86 0.87 EagleMaterials EXP 212.39 -1.03 GE Vernova GEV 172.98 -1.39 level April '24 May '23 Other short-term rates
CocaColaCon COKE 1076.86 -12.39
AffirmA AFRM 28.36 0.21 AspenTech AZPN 188.95 -9.94 BritishAmTob BTI 31.77 0.20 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 72.22 -1.21 EastWestBncp EWBC 71.76 1.02 GFLEnvironmental GFL 38.71 -0.64
AgilentTechs A 125.42 -0.65 Assurant AIZ 161.61 0.21 Broadcom AVGO 1733.31 -12.55 EastGroup EGP 173.36 -1.09 GSK GSK 38.60 -0.11 U.S. consumer price index Week 52-Week
Cognex CGNX 48.46 1.16 Latest high low
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 70.20 0.27 AsteraLabs ALAB 56.20 -2.71 BroadridgeFinl BR 199.99 -1.78 EastmanChem EMN 94.66 -1.09 Gallagher AJG 263.93 -0.61 All items 314.069 0.23 3.3 ago
CognizantTech CTSH 66.89 -0.66
AstraZeneca AZN 76.67 -0.46 BrookfieldAsset BAM 37.88 -0.26 ETN 318.71 -0.25 GameStop GME 24.60 0.15
AirProducts APD 254.70 -0.20 s Coherent COHR 75.11 -1.44 Eaton Core 318.629 0.20 3.4 Call money
Airbnb ABNB 152.45 0.49 Atlassian TEAM 177.98 -3.82 Brookfield BN 42.99 0.27 eBay EBAY 52.65 -0.14 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 44.80 -0.23
CoinbaseGlbl COIN 219.97 -0.59
AtmosEnergy ATO 114.77 0.69 BrookfieldInfr BIP ECL 242.25 -0.63 Gap GPS 23.27 -0.17 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.00
AkamaiTech AKAM 92.48 -0.46 27.87 -0.42 ColgatePalm CL 97.04 -0.54 Ecolab
GRMN 161.49 -0.04
International rates
t Albemarle ALB 90.47 -8.68 Autodesk ADSK 243.96 -4.00 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 29.60 0.51 Comcast A CMCSA 37.51 0.18 Ecopetrol EC 11.13 -0.10 Garmin
t Albertsons ACI 19.45 -0.16 Autoliv ALV 106.40 -1.58 Brown&Brown BRO 90.08 -0.49 EdisonIntl EIX 71.53 -0.04 Gartner IT 448.09 -1.05 Commercial paper (AA financial)
ComfortSystems FIX 301.13 -0.99 Week 52-Week
40.33 -1.33 ADP ADP 234.71 1.27 Brown-Forman A BF.A 42.55 -0.57 EdwardsLife EW 93.48 1.64 GenDigital GEN 24.13 -0.42
Alcoa AA CommerceBcshrs CBSH 56.30 0.91
GNRC 142.85 0.66
Latest ago High Low 90 days 5.29 5.35 5.54 5.14
Alcon ALC 88.99 -0.56 AutoZone AZO 2817.06 -19.34 t Brown-Forman B BF.B 41.50 -0.56 SABESP SBS 15.48 0.35 Elastic ESTC 112.38 -3.34 Generac
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 116.04 -0.61 Avalonbay AVB 203.82 0.70 Bruker BRKR 61.21 -0.99 ElbitSystems ESLT 187.49 -1.07 GeneralDynamics GD 279.51 -0.96
Secured Overnight Financing Rate
Avangrid AGR 35.33 0.04 BuildersFirst BLDR 134.30 -0.19
ConagraBrands CAG 28.74 0.34
ElectronicArts EA 140.58 0.93 GeneralMills GIS 62.69 0.19 Prime rates
Alibaba BABA 75.70 2.20 Confluent CFLT 27.87 -1.33
Avantor AVTR 20.88 -0.06 BungeGlobal BG 109.95 -0.44 ElevanceHealth ELV 529.24 2.69 GeneralMotors GM 46.26 -0.29 U.S. 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.25 5.32 5.40 5.40 5.05
AlignTech ALGN 247.48 -1.46 ConocoPhillips COP 111.19 -1.04
Allegion ALLE 114.67 -0.37 AveryDennison AVY 213.00 -2.10 BurlingtonStrs BURL 240.21 1.67 EmersonElec EMR 109.59 -0.38 Genmab GMAB 25.64 0.16 Canada 6.95 6.95 7.20 6.95
ConEd ED 88.85 0.43
Gentex GNTX 33.26 -0.18
Value 52-Week
AlliantEnergy LNT 51.67 0.28 AxaltaCoating AXTA 33.94 -0.42 CACI Intl CACI 425.08 -2.23 ConstBrands A STZ 252.09 -1.75 Enbridge ENB 35.38 ... Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Latest Traded High Low
Allstate ALL 158.72 -0.82 AxonEnterprise AXON 298.51 -3.97 CAVA CAVA 90.24 -4.50 ConstellationEner CEG 215.96 0.23 EncompassHealth EHC 83.97 ... GenuineParts GPC 131.04 -1.84
BCE BCE 31.54 -0.19 CBRE Group CBRE 88.77 0.41 s EDR 27.45 0.05 GileadSciences GILD 67.76 0.21 Policy Rates
AllyFinancial ALLY 41.03 0.53 Cooper COO 85.68 0.03 Endeavor DTCC GCF Repo Index
s AlnylamPharm ALNY 254.74 -0.37 BHP Group BHP 58.36 0.01 CDW CDW 214.80 -2.07 EnergyTransfer ET 16.12 0.03 GitLab GTLB 50.21 -2.79
Copart CPRT 54.44 -0.35 Euro zone 4.25 4.25 4.50 4.00 Treasury 5.410 29.270 5.504 5.089
s Alphabet C GOOG 190.44 -0.04 BJ'sWholesale BJ 88.08 0.29 t CF Industries CF 69.87 0.49 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 103.59 0.78 GlobalPayments GPN 95.79 0.27
s BP BP 34.80 -1.75 CGI A GIB 101.51 0.06
Core&Main CNM 49.06 -0.67
ENTG 140.23 -1.29 GlobalFoundries GFS 53.60 0.11 Switzerland 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.75 MBS 5.423 56.570 5.689 5.121
Alphabet A GOOGL 188.98 -0.05 CorebridgeFin CRBG 29.49 0.46 Entegris
AltairEngg ALTR 96.49 -1.28 BWX Tech BWXT 94.30 -1.23 CH Robinson CHRW 86.55 -0.07 Entergy ETR 104.95 0.20 Globant GLOB 177.75 -2.24 Britain 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.00
s Corning GLW 44.67 1.62 Weekly survey
Altria MO 46.70 0.68 BXP BXP 61.26 0.51 CME Group CME 194.62 -0.35 EnterpriseProd EPD 29.19 0.06 GlobeLife GL 81.91 0.99 Australia 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.10
Corpay CPAY 269.47 -2.09 AMZN 199.34 0.05 Baidu BIDU 95.40 7.45 CMS Energy CMS 58.86 0.16 Equifax EFX 240.26 -1.04 GlobusMedical GMED 68.33 -0.27
Latest Week ago Year ago
Corteva CTVA 50.72 -1.00 Overnight repurchase
Ambev ABEV 2.08 0.02 BakerHughes BKR 33.43 -0.74 CNA Fin CNA 45.48 0.51 Equinix EQIX 766.83 9.91 GoDaddy GDDY 144.38 0.73
CoStar CSGP 71.59 -1.04
Amcor AMCR 9.56 -0.07 Ball BALL 58.86 -1.06 CNH Indl CNH 9.47 -0.20 Equinor EQNR 27.39 -0.38 GoldFields GFI 15.50 -0.03 U.S. 5.43 5.41 5.48 5.04 Freddie Mac
s Costco COST 886.85 6.01
Amdocs DOX 78.41 0.07 BBVA BBVA 10.26 -0.07 CRH CRH 75.89 1.66 Equitable EQH 40.80 0.42 s GoldmanSachs GS 472.83 8.01
CoterraEnergy CTRA 26.48 -0.09
3.58 0.03
30-year fixed 6.95 6.86 6.81
Ameren AEE 71.36 0.65 BancoBradesco BBDO 2.10 0.01 CSX CSX 32.48 -0.91
Coty COTY 9.90 -0.06
EquityLife ELS 64.17 0.44 Grab GRAB U.S. government rates 15-year fixed 6.25 6.16 6.24
AmericaMovil AMX 18.01 0.39 BancodeChile BCH 23.50 0.37 CVS Health CVS 57.62 0.73 EquityResdntl EQR 67.95 -0.04 Graco GGG 78.05 -0.45
Coupang CPNG 21.34 -0.07
AmerAirlines AAL 10.98 0.05 BancSanBrasil BSBR 4.95 0.07 CadenceDesign CDNS 315.26 -2.10
Crane CR 140.60 -1.84
ErieIndemnity ERIE 356.56 -11.26 Grainger GWW 908.57 -8.78 Discount Notes on data:
AEP AEP 87.69 0.58 BcoSantChile BSAC 19.38 0.47 CaesarsEnt CZR 36.81 -0.85 EssentialUtil WTRG 37.20 0.02 GraphicPkg GPK 25.34 -0.14
Credicorp BAP 168.66 6.66 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.25 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
AmerExpress AXP 237.75 3.24 BancoSantander SAN 4.71 -0.04 CamdenProperty CPT 108.01 -0.02 EssexProp ESS 275.97 2.87 GpoAeroportuar PAC 160.07 5.00
loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
Crocs CROX 143.25 -1.27
AmericanFin AFG 121.13 0.23 BanColombia CIB 33.59 0.18 Cameco CCJ 48.99 0.26 EsteeLauder EL 104.21 -2.29 GpoAeroportSur ASR 303.51 2.81
Federal funds U.S. banks, and is effective July 27, 2023. Other
s CrowdStrike CRWD 385.88 -4.83
AmHomes4Rent AMH 37.23 -0.17 s BankofAmerica BAC 41.42 0.80 CampbellSoup CPB 45.38 0.36 s EvercoreA EVR 214.61 1.97 Guidewire GWRE 138.86 -1.05 prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending
CrownCastle CCI 97.06 0.44 Effective rate 5.3300 5.3300 5.3500 5.0800
AIG AIG 75.75 0.94 BankMontreal BMO 84.60 0.35 CIBC CM 48.52 0.26 Everest EG 372.80 -0.24 HCA Healthcare HCA 316.91 0.70 practices vary widely by location; Discount rate
Crown Holdings CCK 71.90 -1.05 High 5.6500 5.6500 5.6500 5.4000
AmerTowerREIT AMT 195.96 -0.21 BankNY Mellon BK 60.21 0.67 CanNtlRlwy CNI 115.57 -1.13 Evergy EVRG 53.24 0.34 HDFC Bank HDB 61.29 -0.63 is effective July 27, 2023. Secured Overnight
CubeSmart CUBE 44.19 -0.48
AmerWaterWorks AWK 130.72 0.80 BankNovaScotia BNS 45.71 0.49 CanadianNatRscs CNQ 35.43 -0.56 EversourceEner ES 57.84 0.53 HF Sinclair DINO 48.98 -1.01 Low 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 5.0500 Financing Rate is as of July 8, 2024. DTCC GCF
Cummins CMI 268.68 -0.94
AmericoldRealty COLD 26.18 0.19 Barclays BCS 11.17 -0.31 CdnPacKC CP 78.46 -1.47 ExactSciences EXAS 44.09 -1.10 HP HPQ 35.42 0.10 Bid 5.3300 5.3300 5.3300 5.0700 Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing
Curtiss-Wright CW 274.15 1.54
Ameriprise AMP 433.29 6.23 BarrickGold GOLD 17.44 0.06 CapitalOne COF 136.99 1.18 Exelon EXC 34.43 0.19 HSBC HSBC 42.98 -0.35 Offer 5.3500 5.3500 5.3700 5.0800 Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in
CyberArkSoftware CYBR 269.79 -3.60 applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of
Ametek AME 164.13 -0.37 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 37.18 -0.29 CardinalHealth CAH 96.01 -0.87 Expedia EXPE 128.56 3.06 H World HTHT 31.06 0.21
AMGN 315.91 4.45 BaxterIntl BAX 34.01 0.40 Carlisle CSL 407.60 -2.53 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 118.65 -1.26 Haleon HLN 8.61 0.12 U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett
AmkorTech AMKR 41.94 1.19 t BectonDicknsn BDX 221.47 -4.07 Carlyle CG 40.30 -0.19
D E F ExtraSpaceSt EXR 153.53 -1.04 Halliburton HAL 32.83 -0.38
Treasury bill auction Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
Amphenol APH 68.62 0.63 BeiGene BGNE 144.53 0.18 CarMax KMX 72.26 -0.74 DTE Energy DTE 108.67 -0.34 ExxonMobil XOM 110.94 -1.24 HartfordFinl HIG 99.75 0.60
4 weeks 5.280 5.270 5.325 5.150 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor
AnalogDevices ADI 232.01 -1.33 BellRing BRBR 55.19 -3.91 Carnival CCL 17.90 0.34 Danaher DHR 239.79 -0.86 F5 FFIV 171.58 -1.56 Hasbro HAS 56.54 -0.29 13 weeks 5.230 5.240 5.345 5.210 Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
AngloGoldAsh AU 28.36 0.09 BentleySystems BSY 47.80 -1.55 Carnival CUK 16.49 0.37 Darden DRI 140.29 -4.50 FTAI Aviation FTAI 104.25 -2.22 HealthpeakProp DOC 19.64 0.01 26 weeks 5.080 5.115 5.350 4.975 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
AmerSports AS 11.16 0.7 1847Holdings EFSH 2.20 12.8 lululemon LULU 288.11 -1.4 NewFortressEner NFE 19.23 -2.2 PaycomSoftware PAYC 139.50 -0.1 SciSparc SPRC 0.64 -8.4 TivicHealth TIVC 0.32 -0.1
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE Ampco-PittsWt AP.WS 0.05 ... ElevaiLabs ELAB 0.56 -0.2 LumosPharma LUMO 1.75 -18.3 NewHorizAircraft HOVR 0.46 -6.8 PediatrixMedical MD 6.62 -2.3 SeelosTherap SEEL 0.47 36.0 TonixPharm TNXP 0.58 -15.5
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low AmphastarPharm AMPH 36.56 -1.0 EnvericBiosci ENVB 0.41 -11.1 MGP Ingredients MGPI 68.86 -1.0 NewellBrands NWL 5.73 -6.8 PetMedExpress PETS 3.66 -4.7 SerinaTherap SER 5.93 -0.3 TrawsPharma TRAW 0.33 -3.3
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. AppleHospREIT APLE 13.95 -1.1 Envista NVST 15.70 -2.6 MagicEmpire MEGL 0.52 0.4 NexPtDivRlEstPfdA NXDTpA 13.51 -1.6 PierisPharm PIRS 7.27 -0.5 SigningDaySports SGN 0.23 0.4 TrueBlue TBI 9.39 -4.1
AptoseBiosci APTO 0.70 -2.8 Eshallgo EHGO 1.66 1.1 MalibuBoats MBUU 30.33 -2.3 Nike NKE 72.38 -0.8 PineappleFinl PAPL 0.61 -2.9 SiloPharma SILO 0.84 -5.5 UnitySoftware U 15.16 -3.9
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 AssocCapital AC 28.58 -0.5 Eventbrite EB 4.49 -4.3 MammothEnergy TUSK 2.50 -4.1 908Devices MASS 4.60 -5.5 PodcastOne PODC 1.24 -8.6 SiteOneLandscape SITE 114.60 -0.6 UrbanOneA UONE 1.67 1.2
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % AstecIndustries ASTE 28.46 -1.1 Evertec EVTC 28.76 -9.5 Manitowoc MTW 10.01 -3.6 NotableLabs NTBL 0.52 -4.7 Polaris PII 73.29 -1.7 SleepNumber SNBR 8.13 -3.5 UrbanOne D UONEK 1.32 -7.6
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg ByndCannasoft BCAN 0.58 -4.1 Expion360 XPON 0.90 -2.3 Manpower MAN 66.03 -6.1 NouveauMonde NMG 1.70 -3.9 Pool POOL 293.51 -2.7 SoFiTech SOFI 6.15 0.5 ULY 1.45 -5.2
BectonDicknsn BDX 220.65 -1.8 Fanhua FANH 1.46 -2.6 MarineProducts MPX 8.99 -4.3 NuSkinEnts NUS 9.76 -9.5 Portillo's PTLO 9.06 -4.4 VCIGlobal VCIG 0.50 -2.9
Hagerty HGTY 11.22 -0.4 RoyalCaribbean RCL 163.67 1.4 Solventum SOLV 47.98 -3.3
Highs HalozymeTherap HALO 54.35 0.6 S&P Global SPGI 461.38 1.0
0.53 -0.4
1.19 -13.7
0.56 -1.8
101.50 -1.6
MatthewsIntl MATW
MAT 15.87 -1.3
23.39 -2.1
ProAssurance PRA
QuidelOrtho QDEL
10.88 -3.8
29.83 -1.2
SpiritAirlines SAVE 3.13 -4.3
VicinityMotor VEV
VirginGalactic SPCE
0.35 -2.6
7.00 -10.0
Harrow HROW 23.46 1.5 SDCLEDGEAcqn SEDA 12.00 0.3 SportsmansWrhs SPWH 2.00 -0.5
ADMA Biologics ADMA 12.15 2.7 Bio-Path BPTH 1.61 -8.4 5EAdvMatls FEAM 0.99 -13.1 McDonald's MCD 243.53 -0.8 O-I Glass OI 10.08 -2.4 QuiptHomeMed QIPT 2.85 -1.7 WalgreensBoots WBA 10.69 -0.3
HessMidstream HESM 37.38 0.1 Shineco SISI 4.90 43.2 StandardMotor SMP 26.09 -2.5
AlnylamPharm ALNY 256.24 -0.1 BioAtla BCAB 1.14 -7.9 FreightTech FRGT 0.31 -4.6 Medifast MED 17.89 -0.5 OlympicSteel ZEUS 40.42 -3.7 RFAcqnIIRt RFAIR 0.07 -12.5 Wendy's WEN 15.62 0.1
IdahoStratRscs IDR 11.50 2.1 SiTime SITM 147.70 3.6 StardustPower SDST 8.84 4.4
Alphabet A GOOGL 191.36 ... Bloomin'Brands BLMN 16.44 -7.4 FreshDelMonte FDP 21.23 -0.3 MoleculinBiotech MBRX 3.22 -2.8 OmegaFlex OFLX 48.80 -4.3 RPC RES 5.69 -2.2 WillametteValley WVVI 3.57 -4.0
Innodata INOD 17.75 3.6 SkeenaRscs SKE 6.43 ... Stoneridge SRI 14.08 -3.8
Alphabet C GOOG 192.86 ... BluejayDiag BJDX 0.53 13.3 Gauzy GAUZ 9.91 -6.7 MolinaHealthcare MOH 286.96 -1.9 Omnicell OMCL 25.12 -1.4 ResourcesConnect RGP 9.70 -3.4 Winnebago WGO 49.68 -2.9
Insmed INSM 71.32 0.3 SkyWest SKYW 84.68 0.4 SurgePays SURG 2.75 -2.4
Amedisys AMED 97.66 ... BoneBiologics BBLG 1.00 -9.8 Genprex GNPX 1.80 -1.1 Monro MNRO 21.00 -6.0 180DegreeCap TURN 3.60 -0.8 RevivaPharmWt RVPHW 0.20 -15.6 XortxTherap XRTX 1.64 -2.6
ICE ICE 142.49 0.9 SOHU 16.06 2.9 TelaBio TELA 4.03 -4.6
AmerSupercond AMSC 29.14 -2.8 BridgerAerospace BAER 3.00 3.3 0.11 -4.5 MontereyCapA MCAC 8.38 -4.4 Owens&Minor OMI 12.36 1.9 RobertHalf RHI 60.83 -5.3 XTI Aerospace XTIA 0.35 -6.6
IntlMediaAcqn IMAQU 16.34 -3.7 SolunaPfdA SLNHP 7.43 10.6 Getaround GETR
Brown-Forman B BF.B 41.42 -1.3 MoolecScience MLEC 1.01 -2.4 PROS PRO 24.39 -7.3 RockyMtnChoc RMCF 1.75 -4.9 T Stamp IDAI 0.42 -0.7 Xerox XRX 10.70 -3.2
AmkorTech AMKR 42.13 2.9 GinkgoBioworksWt DNA.WS 0.02 -4.0
IronMountain IRM 93.82 0.3 SteelConnect STCN 13.00 ... TaboolaWt TBLAW 0.13 -0.4
Anterix ATEX 41.17 1.1 BurningRockBio BNR 5.37 -8.3 MullenAuto MULN 2.15 -3.1 PaciraBioSci PCRX 20.25 1.7 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 25.20 -0.3 YumChina YUMC 30.27 -0.1
JefferiesFinl JEF 51.82 1.0 Surmodics SRDX 42.44 0.5 Globavend GVH 0.50 -10.3
CF Industries CF 69.13 0.7 NWTN NWTN 1.22 -6.8 PapaJohn's PZZA 42.41 -3.5 RumbleON RMBL 3.32 -9.0 10xGenomics TXG 17.73 -1.1 ZapataComputingWt ZPTAW 0.03 31.6
Apple AAPL 229.40 0.4 Goodyear GT 10.60 -2.4
JumiaTech JMIA 11.21 29.9 SuRoCapNts2026 SSSSL 24.40 0.8 Natuzzi NTZ 4.60 -2.5 ParPacific PARR 23.60 -3.2 RyersonHolding RYI 18.21 -2.8 ThunderPower AIEV 1.02 -7.0 Zentek ZTEK 0.96 -3.0
ApplMaterials AMAT 252.13 2.1 CLPS CLPS 0.79 0.3
Junee JUNE 5.19 2.4 SynchronossNts26 SNCRL 22.65 -0.2 GranitePointMtg GPMT 2.70 -1.8
AristaNetworks ANET 376.50 -1.4 CNS Pharm CNSP 1.00 -11.2 Nevro NVRO 7.46 -9.1 PattersonUTIEn PTEN 9.51 0.4 SPI Energy SPI 0.40 -8.4 TitanPharm TTNP 4.82 -5.2 ZoomInfoTech ZI 11.52 4.8
KLA KLAC 879.89 1.0 SynchronyFinl SYF 48.97 1.6 GrayTelevision GTN 4.39 -0.9
ArloTech ARLO 16.94 19.7 CVR Energy CVI 24.48 -2.7
KensingtonCapV A KCGI 11.11 ... SynovusFinPfdE SNVpE 25.50 0.3 Greenlane GNLN 0.24 -11.8
Arm ARM 188.75 -1.3 CableOne CABO 320.94 -3.2
KinrossGold KGC 8.65 0.1 112.61 -0.1 Greif A GEF 55.95 -2.5
TJX TJX CalavoGrowers CVGW 21.34 -2.9
Balchem BCPC 163.10 -0.2 KrystalBiotech KRYS 195.60 1.2 HavertyFurn HVT 23.09 -3.1
BankofAmerica BAC 41.83 2.0
Teradyne TER 156.11 -0.4 CalidiBiotherap CLDI 0.14 -7.2
HawaiianElec HE 7.61 10.7
LamResearch LRCX 1118.68 1.0 TeraWulf WULF 6.05 -8.0 CambiumNtwks CMBM 1.76 -13.9
BkofHawaiiPfdB BOHpB 25.89 0.1 EliLilly LLY 935.00 1.6 HelenofTroy HELE 60.00 -27.7
TTD 101.62 2.5

Business Real Estate & Auctions

TradeDesk CarbonRevolution CREV 6.19 -1.6
BarfreshFood BRFH 4.29 14.9 Macom Tech MTSI 118.77 -1.9 HookerFurnishings HOFT 13.09 -3.3
TurningPoint TPB 34.85 1.7 Cemtrex CETX 0.20 -4.0
BoneBiologWt BBLGW 70.44 61.9 MakeMyTrip MMYT 92.13 4.7 Huntsman HUN 21.41 -1.2
UFP Tech UFPT 304.95 0.3 CERoTherap CERO 0.17 -6.3
BowenAcqn BOWN 10.62 -0.1 ManhattanBridge LOAN 5.59 1.8 iHuman IH 1.67 -2.3
UltraClean UCTT 55.15 0.8 CetusCapitalAcqn CETU 6.53 -18.1
BreadFinancial BFH 46.46 2.5 ManulifeFinl MFC 27.27 -0.2 UnitedTherap UTHR 326.46 1.8 ChecheWt CCGWW 0.02 -22.0
IndContractDrill ICD 1.06 -4.3 To advertise: email or
Camtek CAMT 140.50 -0.3 MirumPharm MIRM 36.92 1.9 Indivior INDV 9.14 -33.6
UnivDisplay OLED 225.26 -0.5 ChinaLiberalEduc CLEU 0.31 -30.1
CetusCapitalAcqn CETU 16.00 -18.1 MonolithicPower MPWR 868.97 -0.7 Insperity NSP 86.82 -2.3
UniversePharm UPC 4.32 3.5 Chuy's CHUY 23.74 -2.1
CetusCapitalAcqn CETUU 13.13 2.0 Moody's MCO 437.30 0.8 InteractStrength TRNR 0.91 -24.4
VeriskAnalytics VRSK 275.94 0.8 Cibus CBUS 7.41 -9.4
CheckPoint CHKP 170.92 0.3 MotorolaSol MSI 392.34 ... VertexPharm VRTX 487.95 0.9 CleanCore ZONE 1.98 -8.1
CirrusLogic CRUS 138.65 3.9 Napco Security NSSC 54.96 -1.7 JackintheBox JACK 46.75 -4.5
Viking VIK 35.30 0.6 Comstock LODE 0.14 -3.2
Citigroup C 66.76 2.8 NMI Holdings NMIH 34.59 1.4 JazzPharm JAZZ 99.74 -0.1
Walmart WMT 70.25 0.3 ConduitPharm CDT 0.40 -16.4
Coherent COHR 77.49 -1.9 NetApp NTAP 132.94 1.5 Jet.AI JTAI 0.25 -6.5
CoreMoldingTech CMT 14.64 -2.7
GLW 45.05 3.8
COST 896.67 0.7
NVMI 246.34
NVS 108.88
Lows CorsairGaming CRSR
CrackerBarrel CBRL
9.93 -2.4
38.51 -2.9
JohnsonOutdoors JOUT
KoreGroup KORE
32.90 -2.4
1.30 -2.2 REAL ESTATE AUCTION U.S. Department of Housing
Ho and
CrowdStrike CRWD 398.33 -1.2 ACCO Brands ACCO 4.46 -1.3 KairousAcqnWt KACLW 0.01 -14.4
DescartesSystems DSGX 100.89 0.4
0.3 AGCO AGCO 92.75 -1.1
CrossCtyHlthcr CCRN 12.92 -2.9
KY FirstFedBncp KFFB 3.04 -0.5 AUGUST 14, 2024 Urban Development
Cryoport CYRX 5.32 -5.5
DrillingToolsIntl DTI 6.36 -14.7 1895Bancorp BCOW 8.46 1.5 AMN Healthcare AMN 47.18 -2.5 KindlyMDWt KDLYW 0.19 -21.1
CumulusMedia CMLS 1.78 -1.1 Office of Housing
BROS 43.49 -3.6
DYN 37.22 10.7
OntoInnovation ONTO 238.15
PalantirTech PLTR 28.38
Cyngn CYN
DanimerScientific DNMR
3.52 0.5
0.53 -2.0
34.31 -2.4
9.73 -3.0
19.5+/-ACRES Seller
EdgewiseTherap EWTX 23.10 9.2 ParkNational PRK 144.76 1.7 Accolade ACCD 3.35 -4.0 Dayforce DAY 47.08 -0.3 LCI Inds LCII 96.19 -1.5 EAST SIDE OF MIDLOTHIAN RD. NORTH OF
EmergentBiosol EBS 8.86 7.3 PennantPark PNNT 7.95 -1.3 Adient ADNT 23.28 -2.3 Deere DE 345.94 -1.7 Lakeside LSH 3.32 1.9 OLD MCHENRY RD. • HAWTHORN WOODS, IL
Endeavor EDR 27.55 0.2 PiperSandler PIPR 236.44 0.4 AdlaiNortye ANL 3.01 -1.8 DelekUS DK 22.16 -2.5 LambWeston LW 76.85 -4.5
EvercoreA EVR 217.11 0.9 PitneyBowes PBI 6.54 -1.1 AdvanSix ASIX 20.86 -2.8 DentsplySirona XRAY 23.95 -1.9 LasVegasSands LVS 41.20 0.4
Currently Zoned Agriculture • Strong Residential Healthcare Loan Sale 202- (“HLS 202-”)
Development Potential with Newer Construction Nearby
FairIsaac FICO 1575.01 2.5 ProficientAuto PAL 17.75 0.2 AgEagleAerial UAVS 0.41 -3.7 DigiAsia FAAS 3.65 -34.2 Lear LEA 112.26 0.2 Bid Submission Date August , 202
Gildan GIL 39.12 -0.7 PropertyGuru PGRU 5.60 4.9 AlaunosTherap TCRT 0.60 ... DineBrands DIN 31.25 -2.3 LegalZoom LZ 7.78 -1.5 Previously Valued Over $1,500,000
GladstoneCap GLAD 24.12 -0.8 PublicServiceEnt PEG 75.93 1.3 Albemarle ALB 90.32 -8.8 DouglasDynamics PLOW 21.32 -1.6 LionElectricWt LEV.WS.A 0.10 -45.3
Glaukos GKOS 123.54 -0.7 Reddit RDDT 76.74 -3.0 AlbemarlePfdA ALBpA 44.00 -6.8 Dril-Quip DRQ 15.98 -9.9 LithiumAmArg LAAC 2.91 -4.9 Suggested Opening Bid $475,000  Section 232 healthcare loans       
GolarLNG GLNG 34.19 0.8 RevolutionMed RVMD 44.80 11.0 Albertsons ACI 19.41 -0.8 DuckhornPtf NAPA 6.61 -2.4 LithiumAmericas LAC 2.49 -3.8               total
GoldmanSachs GS 479.30 1.7 RiverNorthCapPfd RMPLp 25.19 0.1 Allient ALNT 23.61 -0.2 DuluthHoldings DLTH 3.48 -1.1 LiveWireWt LVWR.WS 0.10 ... FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
Grindr GRND 12.50 1.6 RoyalBkCanada RY 110.27 0.4 AltisourcePortf ASPS 1.09 -4.3 eHealth EHTH 4.19 0.5 LTRY 0.82 3.3
unpaid principal loan balance of approximately $ million
Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. Secretary-Held commercial loans secured by first    liens • 312.440.2000
Falcon Capital Advisors, Transaction Specialist supported by Mission
Capital Advisors
REAL ESTATE AUCTION For further information:; 1-844-709-0763;
Business Real Estate & Services
To advertise: email or
JULY 31, 2024 Interested participants must execute a
Qualification Statement and Confidentiality Agreement.
This is a sale of due and payable notes.
N.W. CORNER OF 84 AVE. S. & WEST This announcement is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy mortgage loans. LINCOLN HIGHWAY • FRANKFORT, IL

Information concerning the mortgage loans will be furnished only to, and bids will be accepted
only from, bidders who certify that they have such knowledge and experience in financial and
Possible plan for up to 16 residential business matters as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks and who certify that they

RM/ REAL ESTATE AUCTION units or re-zoning for commercial use. have the resources to bear the risk of a purchase of the mortgage loans.

Previously Priced Over $350,000

NW Suggested Opening Bid $185,000 MAINE
Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. • 312.440.2000 Real Estate Foreclosure Auction 24-64
(7) Commercial/Industrial Lots - 42.12+/- Acres Total
Selling as an Entirety
Central Maine Commerce Center - Business Park
Commerce Dr., Augusta, ME
Near-term cash flow Tue, July 30th at 11AM On Premises

Proximity to log markets

26 to 356 acre tracts
Prices start at $3,800 per acre!
SEALED BIDS DUE AUGUST 21, 2024 Keenan Keenan Auction Co., Inc.
2063 Congress Street
For terms of sale visit
or call (207) 885-5100 and request by auction
Auction Portland, ME 04102
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Continued From Page B7 Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
Stock Sym Close Chg s NUE 150.25 -2.22 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 14.18 0.11 RIVN 15.71 0.22 Sony SONY 90.44 3.84 TexasInstruments TXN 200.16 -1.31 s VertexPharm VRTX 485.99 4.10
EliLilly LLY 932.50 14.50 Microsoft MSFT 459.54 -6.70 Nucor Rivian
s JefferiesFinl JEF 51.50 0.50 LincolnElectric LECO 186.13 -0.12 MicroStrategy MSTR 1301.77 11.19 Nutanix NTNX 59.41 -0.19 Pfizer PFE 27.72 -0.21 Robinhood HOOD 22.60 0.51 Southern SO 78.12 0.32 TexasPacLand TPL 750.00 -1.49 Vertiv VRT 92.76 0.43
J&J JNJ 147.05 1.57 Linde LIN 431.20 -4.54 MidAmApt MAA 139.11 -0.03 Nutrien NTR 48.56 -0.52 PhilipMorris PM 101.67 -0.92 Roblox RBLX 39.39 -0.43 SoCopper SCCO 114.99 -1.46 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 166.52 -5.04 Viatris VTRS 10.80 0.19
nVentElectric NVT 76.16 -0.56 Phillips66 PSX 132.81 -3.14 RocketCos. RKT 13.25 -0.02 SouthwestAir LUV 27.47 0.12 Textron TXT 85.13 -0.72 s Viking VIK 34.34 0.22
JohnsonControls JCI 67.14 -0.09 LiveNationEnt LYV 95.12 0.65 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 11.06 -0.14
JLL 206.04 2.31 MFG 4.29 -0.04 NVIDIA NVDA 131.38 3.18 Pilgrim'sPride PPC 37.93 -0.32 Rockwell ROK 261.24 -3.87 SouthwesternEner SWN 6.82 0.05 ThermoFisher TMO 531.86 -4.43 VinFastAuto VFS 4.18 -0.10
JonesLang LloydsBanking LYG 2.94 -0.05 MizuhoFin
JuniperNetworks JNPR 36.92 -0.01 MBLY 26.68 -1.14 PinnacleWest PNW 77.45 1.04 RogersComm B RCI 36.49 -0.30 Spotify SPOT 311.55 -2.16 ThomsonReuters TRI 167.02 -0.85 Vipshop VIPS 13.42 0.27
LockheedMartin LMT 460.30 -1.46 Mobileye
KB Financial KB 61.28 -0.83 Loews L 74.66 0.25 Moderna MRNA 116.07 -0.38
O P Q Pinterest PINS 43.34 -0.10 RoivantSciences ROIV 10.83 0.11 SproutsFarmers SFM 80.58 -1.96 3M MMM 99.69 -1.41 Visa V 265.44 -0.96
PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 18.65 0.12 Roku ROKU 63.11 2.09 StanleyBlackDck SWK 80.85 -0.44 Toast TOST 24.93 -0.48 Vistra VST 91.40 -1.48
KBR KBR 62.54 -0.94 LogitechIntl LOGI 94.60 -0.34 MohawkInds MHK 109.98 -1.87 ONEOK OKE 82.42 0.42
KE Holdings BEKE 15.16 0.43 t MolinaHealthcare MOH 287.30 -5.48 ON Semi PlainsGP PAGP 19.65 0.10 Rollins ROL 49.74 -0.18 Stantec STN 83.93 -0.79 TollBros TOL 110.49 -0.26 Vodafone VOD 9.11 0.05
Lowe's LOW 216.33 -0.82 ON 73.48 -1.53
t Pool POOL 296.17 -8.31 RoperTech ROP 550.47 -6.33 Starbucks SBUX 72.75 -1.82 TopBuild BLD 380.30 -5.23 VulcanMatls VMC 242.25 0.28
KKR KKR 105.58 0.51 Lucid LCID 3.09 -0.07 MolsonCoorsB TAP 49.94 -0.22 O'ReillyAuto ORLY 1015.62 -7.17
s KLA Primerica PRI 233.35 -0.16 RossStores ROST 146.83 0.14 StateStreet STT 74.42 1.05 Toro TTC 87.81 -2.01
KLAC 874.90 8.35 t lululemon LULU 289.87 -4.16 MNDY 237.74 -6.50 OccidentalPetrol OXY 61.02 0.07
18.47 0.42 MDLZ 65.24 -0.92 Okta PrincipalFinl PFG 80.87 2.41 s RoyalBkCanada RY 109.59 0.40 SteelDynamics STLD 124.25 -0.02 TorontoDomBk TD 55.90 0.26
Kanzhun BZ LyondellBasell LYB 93.20 -1.25 Mondelez OKTA 94.64 -3.41 KSPI 127.96 -3.87 MongoDB MDB 250.51 -9.59 OldDomFreight ODFL 178.41 -2.65
ProcoreTech PCOR 64.41 -0.64 s RoyalCaribbean RCL 163.13 2.30 Stellantis STLA 19.45 -0.03 TotalEnergies TTE 68.09 -1.56 WEC Energy WEC 78.01 -0.04
56.37 0.18 M N s MonolithicPower MPWR 846.20 -5.62 OldRepublic ORI Procter&Gamble PG 165.66 -0.86 RoyalGold RGLD 131.36 0.22 Steris STE 213.51 -6.32 ToyotaMotor TM 201.67 -3.27
Kellanova K 30.01 -0.09 WEX WEX 178.04 -0.83
Kenvue KVUE 18.22 -0.03 MonsterBev MNST 49.80 -0.38 OmegaHealthcare OHI 33.55 -0.22
Progressive PGR 209.49 -0.22 t RoyaltyPharma RPRX 25.63 -0.08 StifelFinancial SF 81.84 0.62 TractorSupply TSCO 257.26 -3.66 W.P.Carey WPC 54.85 -0.37
s Macom Tech MTSI 115.82 -2.28 s Prologis PLD 114.45 0.04 RyanSpecialty RYAN 56.36 -1.22 STMicroelec STM 41.51 -0.90 s TradeDesk TTD 101.52 2.44
KeurigDrPepper KDP 31.95 -0.34 Moody's MCO 435.95 3.45 Omnicom OMC 90.51 0.90 WPP WPP 47.37 -0.77
M&T Bank MTB 149.80 1.60 MorganStanley MS 102.61 2.02 OnHolding
PrudentialFinl PRU 118.63 1.59 Ryanair RYAAY 119.07 0.02 Stryker SYK 335.57 1.46 Tradeweb TW 104.25 -0.85
KeyCorp KEY 14.29 0.26 ONON 37.20 -0.73 Wabtec WAB 157.24 0.52
KeysightTech KEYS 136.06 -2.04
MGM Resorts MGM 43.74 0.05 Morningstar MORN 295.85 -3.28 s OntoInnovation ONTO 234.44
Prudential PUK 18.49 -0.05 SAP SAP 200.28 -2.51 SumitomoMits SMFG 13.73 -0.06 TraneTech TT 333.74 0.22 t WalgreensBoots WBA 10.79 -0.03
MKS Instrum MKSI 135.06 -1.00 Mosaic s PublicServiceEnt PEG 75.58 0.99 s S&P Global SPGI 460.30 4.41 SunComms SUI 118.12 0.66 TransDigm TDG 1270.46 -1.72
KimberlyClark KMB 139.43 0.15 MOS 26.91 -0.15 OpenText OTEX 30.88 -0.12 s Walmart WMT 69.90 0.22
KimcoRealty KIM 19.24 -0.02
MPLX MPLX 42.11 -0.22 s MotorolaSol MSI 390.72 0.15 Oracle
PublicStorage PSA 288.99 -1.45 SBA Comm SBAC 195.53 1.57 SunLifeFinancial SLF 49.13 -0.03 TransUnion TRU 76.33 -0.29
ORCL 140.68 -4.35 WarnerBrosA WBD 7.34 0.23
KinderMorgan KMI 19.99 0.08 MSA Safety MSA 185.87 0.37 MurphyUSA MUSA 455.10 -4.30 Orange
PulteGroup PHM 104.70 -0.56 SEI Investments SEIC 64.26 -0.60 SuncorEnergy SU 37.46 -0.49 Travelers TRV 203.14 -1.09
ORAN 10.60 0.03 WarnerMusic WMG 30.34 -0.18
s KinrossGold KGC 8.59 0.01 MSCI MSCI 489.07 -3.19 NICE NICE 172.72 -1.00 Orix
PureStorage PSTG 65.88 0.71 SK Telecom SKM 20.68 -0.03 Sunoco SUN 56.74 0.54 Trex TREX 72.92 1.96
IX 112.72 -1.28 WasteConnections WCN 178.13 0.61
KinsaleCapital KNSL 376.04 -3.58 MagnaIntl MGA 42.75 0.19 NIO 4.50 0.04 OtisWorldwide OTIS 96.31
Qiagen QGEN 40.06 -0.18 SS&C Tech SSNC 61.42 -0.58 SuperMicroComp SMCI 895.61 -3.73 Trimble TRMB 55.23 -1.06
NIO -1.09 WasteMgt WM 210.02 -0.60
Knight-Swift KNX 47.99 -1.34
s MakeMyTrip MMYT 90.72 4.06 NNN REIT NNN 42.12 -0.31 Ovintiv
Qorvo QRVO 119.69 -1.13 Saia SAIA 438.51 -21.09 Suzano 9.71 -0.07 TCOM 50.91 1.35
OVV 46.47 -0.25 SUZ Waters WAT 282.97 -2.60
PHG 26.26 0.02 ManhattanAssoc MANH 242.17 -4.05 NRG Energy NRG 79.26 0.69 OwensCorning OC 165.34
Qualcomm QCOM 207.12 -0.77 Salesforce CRM 252.43 -4.54 s SynchronyFinl SYF 48.45 0.78 TruistFinl TFC 38.91 0.66
Philips -2.00 Watsco WSO 476.90 -4.92
KoreaElecPwr KEP 7.28 0.02 s ManulifeFinl MFC 26.94 -0.05 NVR NVR 7484.08 30.02 PDD PDD 137.72 3.04
QuantaServices PWR 254.79 0.13 Samsara IOT 35.13 -1.00 Synopsys SNPS 607.94 -7.55 TurkcellIletism TKC 8.08 -0.03 WeatherfordIntl WFRD 120.01 -1.97
Maplebear CART 33.19 -0.92 NXP Semicon NXPI 274.91 QuestDiag DGX 138.36 -0.56 Sanofi SNY 50.07 -0.17 Sysco TWLO 56.39 -1.01
KraftHeinz KHC 31.93 -0.17 -2.31 PG&E PCG 17.34 0.16 SYY 69.16 -0.50 Twilio WebsterFin WBS 43.59 0.75
Kroger KR 51.86 -0.08 MarathonOil MRO 27.89 -0.30 Nasdaq NDAQ 60.81 0.37 PNC Finl PNC 161.51 2.74 SareptaTherap SRPT 150.25 -1.22 TylerTech TYL 508.86 -2.62 WellsFargo WFC 59.88 0.87
LKQ LKQ 41.25 -0.51 MarathonPetrol MPC 162.92 -4.55 Natera NTRA 109.43 -0.09 POSCO PKX 67.26 -1.03
R S Schlumberger SLB 45.20 -1.04 T U V TysonFoods TSN 55.91 -0.78 Welltower WELL 104.83 0.41
LPL Financial LPLA 273.22 0.70 Markel MKL 1552.84 2.03 NationalGrid NGG 60.35 -0.36 PPG Ind PPG 125.26 -1.74 RBC Bearings RBC 278.12 0.10 SchwabC SCHW 74.53 1.29 UBS Group UBS 30.27 -0.12 WescoIntl WCC 154.12 -2.54
MarketAxess MKTX 204.40 ... NatWest Sea SE 73.54 0.58 TC Energy TRP 37.49 0.01 UDR UDR 40.81 -0.01
L3HarrisTech LHX 225.96 -0.04 NWG 8.37 -0.24 PPL PPL 27.41 0.01 RB Global RBA 76.67 -0.08 WestPharmSvcs WST 318.63 -1.35
Labcorp LH 199.35 -3.61 Marriott MAR 237.52 -2.34 s NetApp NTAP 132.09 1.97 PTC PTC 177.48 -9.84 RELX RELX 46.10 0.02 Seagate STX 104.35 0.92 TD Synnex SNX 110.79 -1.21 U-Haul UHAL 59.88 -2.01 WesternDigital WDC 78.43 -0.07
s LamResearch LRCX 1112.55 10.94 Marsh&McLen MMC 211.80 -2.46 NetEase NTES 93.54 1.81 Paccar PCAR 101.34 0.06 RPM RPM 103.91 -2.52 Sempra SRE 75.58 0.40 TE Connectivity TEL 149.76 -0.90 U-Haul N UHAL/B 57.18 -1.94 WesternMidstrm WES 41.18 -0.26
MartinMarietta MLM 530.67 0.69 Netflix ServiceIntl SCI 69.55 -0.33 Telus TU 15.44 0.03 UL Solutions ULS 43.49 0.42
LamarAdv LAMR 118.53 -0.29 NFLX 685.74 ... PackagingCpAm PKG 176.32 -3.23 RTX RTX 101.11 1.01 Westlake WLK 140.20 -2.44
MarvellTech MRVL 73.84 -1.07 Neurocrine ServiceNow NOW 744.01 -22.19 Ternium TX 36.50 -0.89 US Foods USFD 50.06 -1.56
t LambWeston LW 76.86 -3.62 NBIX 143.30 1.06 s PalantirTech PLTR 27.39 -0.31 RalphLauren RL 179.49 2.42 Weyerhaeuser WY 27.57 -0.02
t LasVegasSands LVS 41.62 Masco MAS 65.62 -0.17 NewOrientalEduc EDU 80.36 SharkNinja SN 70.85 -3.08 TFI Intl TFII 145.01 -1.25 UWM UWMC 6.86 0.24
0.17 1.26 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 336.18 -1.46 RangeResources RRC 33.41 -0.55 WheatonPrecMtls WPM 56.07 -0.08
LatticeSemi LSCC 59.75 -1.92 MasTec MTZ 102.04 -0.20 NYTimes A NYT 51.91 0.02 PanAmerSilver PAAS 21.49 -0.05 RaymondJames RJF 118.67 1.20 Shell SHEL 72.58 -0.14 s TJX TJX 112.15 -0.06 Uber UBER 71.32 0.07 Williams WMB 42.39 0.04
Mastercard MA 444.70 -0.88 Newmont NEM 43.89 -0.24 ParamountA PARAA 21.14 SherwinWilliams SHW 298.91 -1.34 TKO TKO 110.75 -1.43 Ubiquiti UI 151.77 0.32
LegendBiotech LEGN 46.71 -0.70 0.12 RealtyIncome O 52.76 -0.40 Williams-Sonoma WSM 142.22 -0.37
MatadorRscs MTDR 58.54 -0.50 NewsCorp B NWS 28.56 ShinhanFin SHG 37.20 -0.42 T-MobileUS TMUS 179.05 -0.12 UiPath PATH 11.93 -0.89
Leidos LDOS 145.05 -0.51 0.46 ParamountB PARA 11.53 0.35 s Reddit RDDT 70.59 -2.22 WillisTowers WTW 257.34 -2.40
LEN 142.50 -0.13 MatchGroup MTCH 30.94 0.74 NewsCorp A NWSA 27.72 0.47 ParkerHannifin PH 508.68 -0.09 RegalRexnord RRX 133.53 -2.44 Shopify SHOP 66.13 -1.21 TPG TPG 40.49 -0.08 UltaBeauty ULTA 396.01 0.19
Lennar A Wingstop WING 395.05 -11.46
Lennar B LEN.B 134.57 0.59 McCormickVtg MKC.V 70.74 1.39 NextEraEnergy NEE 72.12 0.01 Parsons PSN 78.13 -0.56 RegencyCtrs REG 62.08 0.34 SimonProperty SPG 147.57 0.70 T.RowePrice TROW 114.47 -0.20 Unilever UL 55.55 -0.28 Wipro WIT 6.38 -0.03
LennoxIntl LII 535.61 -7.57 McCormick MKC 70.07 0.63 t Nike NKE 72.46 -0.59 Paychex PAYX 117.02 0.85 RegenPharm REGN 1054.03 1.78 SiriusXM SIRI 3.43 0.18 TaiwanSemi TSM 184.52 -2.11 UnionPacific UNP 221.78 -1.61 WIX 156.79 1.26
LeviStrauss LEVI 18.38 -0.58 t McDonald's MCD 245.82 -2.03 NiSource NI 28.91 0.34 t PaycomSoftware PAYC 140.16 -0.19 RegionsFinl RF 20.11 0.32 SkechersUSA SKX 67.33 -0.41 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 149.36 -2.64 UnitedAirlines UAL 47.20 0.38 WoodsideEnergy WDS 19.17 -0.36
LiAuto LI 20.12 -0.07 McKesson MCK 586.81 -2.72 Nokia NOK 3.86 -0.03 Paylocity PCTY 134.01 0.71 ReinsGrp RGA 207.34 1.62 Skyworks SWKS 106.41 0.03 TakedaPharm TAK 13.15 -0.03 UnitedMicro UMC 8.59 -0.07 Woodward WWD 173.11 0.27
LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 52.22 -0.18 Medpace MEDP 410.95 5.31 Nomura NMR 5.97 0.03 PayPal PYPL 59.00 -0.09 Reliance RS 277.90 -2.80 SmithAO AOS 80.73 -0.33 Tapestry TPR 41.56 -0.35 UPS B UPS 134.28 -1.25 WooriFinl WF 32.32 -0.10
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 52.66 ... Medtronic MDT 76.88 0.04 Nordson NDSN 225.00 -1.51 Pearson PSO 12.86 -0.01 RenaissanceRe RNR 217.28 -0.43 Smith&Nephew SNN 27.51 0.35 TargaResources TRGP 132.41 -0.14 UnitedRentals URI 627.41 -10.01 Workday WDAY 223.09 -3.45
LibertyFormOne A FWONA 65.47 -0.45 MercadoLibre MELI 1722.05 38.30 NorfolkSouthern NSC 213.75 -0.50 PembinaPipeline PBA 37.18 -0.05 RentokilInit RTO 30.35 -0.05 Smucker SJM 109.37 -0.48 Target TGT 147.60 -1.12 US Bancorp USB 39.87 0.41 WynnResorts WYNN 84.76 -0.49
LibertyFormOne C FWONK 73.68 -0.55 Merck MRK 126.04 0.26 NorthernTrust NTRS 83.93 1.03 PenskeAuto PAG 144.13 -1.91 RepublicSvcs RSG 195.32 0.03 SmurfitWestRock SW 44.83 -1.39 TechnipFMC FTI 25.97 -0.20 US Steel X 38.79 -0.41 XP XP 17.45 0.38
LibertyLiveC LLYVK 37.88 -0.20 MetaPlatforms META 530.00 0.68 NorthropGrum NOC 423.73 -6.52 Pentair PNR 75.01 -0.19 ResMed RMD 190.33 -2.59 Snap SNAP 16.75 0.25 TeckResourcesB TECK 48.28 -0.50 s UnitedTherap UTHR 322.65 5.76 XPO XPO 101.15 -2.76
LibertyLiveA LLYVA 36.92 -0.29 MetLife MET 69.92 0.51 NorwegCruise NCLH 18.66 0.54 PepsiCo PEP 161.90 -0.22 RestaurantBrands QSR 68.07 -1.96 Snap-On SNA 256.11 -1.30 TeledyneTech TDY 381.69 -1.15 UnitedHealth UNH 492.11 2.77 XcelEnergy XEL 52.47 0.36
LibertySirius C LSXMK 22.82 0.26 Mettler-Toledo MTD 1308.00 -22.00 s Novartis NVS 108.23 0.17 PerformanceFood PFGC 61.60 -1.80 Revvity RVTY 104.01 -0.63 Snowflake SNOW 137.46 -4.11 Teleflex TFX 218.07 6.34 s UnivDisplay OLED 221.38 -1.07 XPeng XPEV 7.51 0.06
LibertySirius A LSXMA 22.80 0.29 MicrochipTech MCHP 92.34 -0.92 NovoNordisk NVO 140.43 -2.64 PermianRscs PR 16.01 -0.19 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 45.31 -0.36 SOQUIMICH SQM 40.23 -1.27 Ericsson ERIC 6.33 -0.07 UniversalHealthB UHS 180.95 0.32 Xylem XYL 133.59 -0.47
Light&Wonder LNW 104.25 -0.63 MicronTech MU 131.14 0.45 s NuHoldings NU 13.15 0.31 PetroleoBrasil PBR 15.15 0.02 RioTinto RIO 66.98 -0.19 t Solventum SOLV 48.02 -1.62 TelefonicaBras VIV 8.57 0.11 UnumGroup UNM 50.63 0.45 YPF YPF 20.73 0.18
Telefonica TEF 4.25 0.01 VICI Prop VICI 27.64 -0.19 Yum!Brands YUM 126.66 -1.28
TelekmIndonesia TLK 18.97 0.28 Vale VALE 11.56 0.08 t YumChina YUMC 30.43 -0.02
TempurSealy TPX 45.89 -1.56 ValeroEnergy VLO 146.30 -1.66 ZTO Express ZTO 20.36 0.21
Tenaris TS 30.46 -0.16 Vaxcyte PCVX 80.93 1.58 ZebraTech ZBRA 315.24 0.76
ADVERTISEMENT TencentMusic TME 15.27 0.76 VeevaSystems VEEV 182.23 -0.66 Zillow C Z 47.94 1.08
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Amount Payable /
Senior Associate Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
(New York, NY): Assist in all aspects of infra-
If You Purchased Certain Named Generic Pharmaceutical Drugs structure credit investments. Make non-equity Increased
Directly from Certain Pharmaceutical Manufacturers investments with the ability to transact across MV Oil Trust MVO 17.0 .41 /.33 Q Jul25 /Jul15
multiple entry points in the capital structure.
from May 1, 2009 through December 31, 2019, Provide custom-tailored financing solutions Stocks
Your Rights May Be Affected by a Proposed Class Action Settlement. across a breadth of capital needs, including HOOKIPA Pharma HOOK 1:10 /Jul10
greenfield and brownfield projects, acquisition
A federal court authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer. finance, liquidity and growth, and restructuring Foreign
and secondary purchases. Work with invest- Banco BBVA Argentina ADR BBAR ... .47134 Jul22 /Jul15
ment banking; buyside equity and credit; finan-
What is the lawsuit about? A proposed Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit (“the Lawsuit”), which alleges that cial modeling; accounting; and infrastructure in- DouYu Intl ADR DOYU ... 9.71 Aug30 /Aug21
Sandoz Inc. and Fougera Pharmaceuticals Inc. (collectively “Settling Defendants”) and other generic drug manufacturers violated vesting. Req’s bachelor’s degree plus 2 yrs exp. Luxfer Holdings LXFR 4.5 .13 Q Aug07 /Jul19
the federal antitrust laws by conspiring to fix, maintain, and stabilize prices, rig bids, and engage in market and customer allocations Salary Range: $200,000.00-$200,000.00 per Note: Dividend yields as of 3:30 p.m. ET
of certain generic drugs (the “Named Generic Drugs”), causing direct purchasers of the Named Generic Drugs to pay more than they year. Mail resume to Lori Gish, Global Infra-
should have. The Settling Defendants deny liability as alleged in the Lawsuit. The Court has not decided who is right. The proposed Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
structure Management LLC, 1345 Avenue of
Settlement does not resolve any of the claims of the Settlement Class against the remaining Defendants. The Lawsuit against the the Americas, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10105. KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO:
remaining Defendants is ongoing. Ref: AL7GIMNY
Who is included? The Court has certified a Settlement Class that includes all persons or entities, and their successors and
assigns, that directly purchased one or more of the Named Generic Drugs from one or more Current or Former Defendants in the DEA
United States and its territories and possessions, at any time during the period from May 1, 2009 through December 31, 2019.
Excluded from the Settlement Class are Current and Former Defendants and their present and former officers, directors, BANKRATE.COM® MMA, Savings and CDs
management, employees, subsidiaries, or affiliates, judicial officers and their personnel, and all governmental entities. The
Settlement Agreement listing the Named Generic Drugs and Current and Former Defendants is available on the Settlement
website: The Settlement Agreement also is on public file with the United States DEA NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Average Yields of Major Banks Tuesday, July 9, 2024
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 in the case In re: Generic SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS MMA 1-MO 2-MO 3-MO 6-MO 1-YR 2-YR 2.5YR 5YR
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 2:16-MD-02724. 2016 Cadillac XTS Sedan
VIN 2G61N5S3XG9103634 National average
What does the Settlement provide? The proposed Settlement provides for a $265,000,000.00 payment by Settling Seized from Leandro Antonio Tabora- Savings 0.53 0.45 0.50 1.67 1.58 1.63 1.40 1.17 1.20
Defendants (“Settlement Fund”). The Settlement Fund may be reduced to $233,200,000.00 or increased to a maximum of Mendez on 03/24/2021 at 7218 Fox-
$327,351,850.00 under certain circumstances as explained in the Settlement Agreement. In addition, the Direct Purchaser Plaintiff crest Lane, Humble, TX. Any person as- Jumbos 0.85 0.47 0.51 1.72 1.63 1.75 1.52 1.27 1.33
(“DPP”) attorneys who have worked on the Lawsuit for the Settlement Classes will seek Court approval to pay expenses, and serting an ownership or possessory inter- Weekly change
service awards for the class representatives (or named plaintiffs) out of the Settlement Fund. DPP attorneys will also request est and desiring to claim the above vehi-
attorneys’ fees of up to one-third of the net Settlement Fund, including interest, after expenses (and service awards) are cle has 30 days from the date of the first
Savings 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01
deducted, and any portions of the Settlement Funds created from DPPs’ prior Settlements that have been set aside pursuant to publication to file a claim with DEA at Jumbos -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Court Order. Any motion for fees, expenses and service awards will be posted on the Settlement website 1433 West Loop South, Suite 600, Hou- no later than November 22, 2024. The calculations of the dollar amount that each ston, TX 77027. Attn: DEA/ARG.
Settlement Class Member will be paid from the Settlement Fund are set forth in the Plan of Allocation, which also is available on
Consumer Savings Rates
Below are the top federally insured offers available nationwide according to's
What are your options? If you are a Settlement Class Member and you do nothing, you will remain in the Settlement Class
and are eligible to participate in the Settlement as described in this notice, if the Settlement is approved. However, you will need NOTICE OF SALE weekly survey of highest yields. For latest offers and reviews of these financial institutions, please
to complete, sign, and return the claim form (once it is sent to you) in order to obtain a payment. We do not know when the visit Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.
claim forms will be mailed. You should check for information regarding timing.
If you did not receive a Notice in the mail, and you think you are a potential Settlement Class Member, please identify yourself High yield savings
or your company by letter to the following address: In re: Generic Pharmaceuticals Pricing Antitrust Litigation – Direct NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to: (a) Section Bank Yield Bank Yield
Purchasers, c/o A.B. Data, Ltd., P.O. Box 173095, Milwaukee, WI 53217. Or send an email to 9-610 of the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) as in effect Phone number Minimum (%) Phone number Minimum, or call 877-315-0583. You may be required to submit proof of a qualifying (%)
in the State of New York and (b) the Security Agreement,
direct purchase to establish that you are a Settlement Class Member. Such claimants may also be required to submit purchase dated as of June 2, 2022 (as amended, supplemented or Money market account Six-month CD
data as part of the claims process. As a Settlement Class Member, unless you opt out of the Settlement, you will be bound by all otherwise modified, the “Security Agreement”), by and
orders and judgments of the Court. among, Moshe Silber, an individual (the “Borrower”), MyBankingDirect $500 5.55 Bask Bank $1,000 5.35
Westwood Jackson Apts MM LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company (“Westwood MM”), and CBRM Realty (516) 683-4100 (877) 839-2265
In addition, if you are a Settlement Class Member, you may request exclusion from (or opt out of) the Settlement, and if you do
not opt out, you may also object to the Settlement. Instructions for opting-out or objecting can be found in the publicly available Inc, a New York corporation (“CBRM”, and together Forbright Bank $1 5.30 Popular Direct $10,000 5.35
with the Borrower and Westwood MM, the “Debtors”),
case file and website, as described above. You must mail your request to opt out or your objection by October 8, 2024. The Court the other debtors party thereto, and Acquiom Agency (888) 855-7788 (800) 274-5696
will hold a Fairness Hearing on March 17, 2025, to decide whether to approve the Settlement and any requests for fees, expenses, Services LLC, as secured party (the “Secured Party”),
and service awards for the Class Representatives. The Court will also consider a Plan of Allocation for distributing the Settlement the Secured Party will offer for sale at public sales (such
Vio Bank $100 5.30 Merrick Bank $25,000 5.35
Fund to Settlement Class Members. If there are objections, the Court will consider them at the hearing. You do not need to attend sales, collectively, the “Auction”) all right, title and (888) 999-9170 (866) 638-6851
the hearing. If you wish to appear at the hearing, you must file a “Notice of Intention to Appear” with the Court and you may hire interest of the Debtors in and to the following collateral
your own attorney to appear in Court for you at your own expense. (the “Subject Collateral”): (i) Lot 1 consisting of 100%
of the limited liability company membership interests in
One-month CD One-year CD
RH Dearborn Redevelopment JV LLC, a Delaware limited Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 CFG Community Bank $500 5.36
For more information: Go to the website: or call 877-315-0583 for more liability company, and all proceeds (as defined in the UCC)
information on the Settlement, the lawsuit, and your potential rights and options related to the Settlement, and the Plan of thereof; (ii) Lot 2 consisting of 100% of the limited liability (713) 358-9400 (888) 205-8388
Allocation. The website includes, for example, a list of the generic drugs that you would have had to purchase and a list of the company membership interests in Fox Capital LLC, a New Presidential Bank, FSB $1,000 0.10 Bask Bank $1,000 5.30
generic manufacturers that you would have had to purchase directly from in order to be eligible for a payment. York limited liability company, and all proceeds thereof;
(iii) Lot 3 consisting of (x) 100% of the limited liability (800) 799-1424 (877) 839-2265
company membership interests in Westwood Jackson Apts BrioDirect $500 0.05 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 5.26
MM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and (y) 100%
of the limited liability company membership interests in (877) 369-2746 (888) 873-3424
CAREERS Westwood Jackson Apts LLC, a Delaware limited liability
ANNOUNCEMENTS CAREERS company, and all proceeds of the foregoing; and (iv) Two-month CD Two-year CD
Lot 4 consisting of 49% of the limited liability company
membership interests in 100 Phillips Parkway LLC, a Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 4.76

We Write Your Book Finance Delaware limited liability company, and all proceeds of (713) 358-9400 (888) 873-3424
the foregoing. The Subject Collateral is security for the
Morgan Stanley Services Group Inc. is hiring for Presidential Bank, FSB $1,000 0.10 First National Bank of America $1,000 4.75
    Borrower’s obligations under the Credit Agreement,
Life Story or the Story of Your the following roles throughout facilities in New
York, NY: Vice President to build and maintain
dated as of June 2, 2022 (as amended, supplemented or (800) 799-1424 (800) 968-3626
Success in Business + Lessons     otherwise modified, the “Credit Agreement”), among the
Java Spring Boot services, ETL flows, and Py-      Borrower, the lenders party thereto, and Acquiom Agency State Bank of India California $1,000 0.05 Bask Bank $1,000 4.75
Learned & Advice for Others. thon data quality rules (3246740, salary range
   ! " # 
Services LLC, as administrative agent.
(877) 707-1995 (877) 839-2265
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AUCTION $185000 to $200000); Vice President, Institu-
tional Securities Technology to conduct data $ %&'() ! modeling, design, and configuration of data-  " " *  
The Subject Collateral is being sold in four separate
lots as described above on an “AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH
Three-month CD Five-year CD
(904) 293-9893 * Since 1999 bases (3246826, salary range $185650 to !$  $+  ALL FAULTS” basis pursuant to the following terms and
Bask Bank $1,000 5.35 First National Bank of America $1,000 4.50
$200000); Director to assist the team in provid-   (! ( $ (877) 839-2265 (800) 968-3626
ing critical operational, analytical, and strategic 1. Parties interested in bidding at the Auction may,
insights to help accelerate the growth of com-  ) )  %& subject to executing confidentiality agreements and America First FCU $500 5.25 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 4.50
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES panies (3246674, salary range $178000 to , !!)  ( meeting the bidder qualifications set forth in the
(801) 627-0900 (888) 873-3424
bidding procedures (the “Bidding Procedures”), which
$178000); Associate to perform analysis of the  ! " #   can be obtained by contacting CBRE Capital Markets, Inc. Banesco USA $1,500 5.25 Quontic Bank $500 4.30
potential risks and rewards for large corporate    -!&./  (“CBRE”) as provided below, obtain additional information
derivative and exotic derivative transactions 0$ )$  123  concerning the Subject Collateral by contacting CBRE. (888) 228-1597 (800) 908-6600
2nd Trust Deed (3245110, salary range $130000 to $140000);
Vice President to develop appropriate risk mod-
4)    ,  " 
( 4)" * 5 6. 0$
The Bidding Procedures provide additional information
about the bidding process, including bidder qualifications,
Auction participation and determination of the winning High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000
eling techniques for securitized products for in-
12% Return ternal and regulatory frameworks (3244499,
salary range $150000 to $190000); Vice Presi-
dent to cover the risk management of macro
776" !$ % $ 
 * 8 6. 0$77  ()
$   4)!"
2. The Auction will be held on July 25, 2024 at 10:00
A.M. (New York City time) via a web-based video
Money market account
Vio Bank 5.30
Six-month CD
Merrick Bank 5.35
42% L.T.V. • 2 YEARS
conferencing and/or telephonic conferencing program
markets products including derivatives, exotics   $$6 " $  selected by the Secured Party access to which will be made
and cross-asset trading strategies with empha- available to qualified bidders.
(888) 999-9170 (866) 638-6851
%%%! 9 9:
IRVINE, CA 5.25 5.25
sis on quantitative analysis (3244518, salary 3. The Subject Collateral will be sold on an “AS-IS, UFB Direct America First FCU
range $150000 to $190000). All positions re- 9  ;  ( 6) ! WHERE-IS, WITH ALL FAULTS” basis, without recourse,
+,<:  ,6  ,6 (877) 472-9200 (801) 627-0900
quire related degree and/or experience and/or and without any express or implied representations or

CUSTOM HOME skills. Multiple open positions at various profes-

sional levels. For more information and to apply
=6%: >?1@ A 
warranties whatsoever, including, without limitation, as
to the condition of title, value, or quality of the Subject
Collateral, or without regard to assets, liabilities,
Western State Bank
(701) 277-5003
5.15 Vio Bank
(888) 999-9170

online, visit us at &+,'&>?1@ financial condition, or earnings of any Debtor or any of
section/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en Scroll down to their affiliates. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY One-month CD One-year CD
the “Join our team” heading and search for OF THE FOREGOING, ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER Lone Star Bank 0.20 Credit One Bank, NA 5.40
ALLIANCE PORTFOLIO these opportunities. No calls please. EOE
2 Market Research & Analysts and Marketing
120 Vantis Dr., Ste. 515 • Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. (713) 358-9400 (877) 825-3242 Specialists wanted at NY Fantuan Inc. The sale of the Subject Collateral is specifically subject to
Presidential Bank, FSB 0.10 CFG Community Bank 5.36
RE Broker • CA DRE • 02066955 Broker License ID Vice President Work with Fantuan food delivery app data and all taxes, liens (other than those of the Secured Party),
claims, assessments, liabilities and encumbrances, if any,
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC hiring for the follow- conduct market research to optimize customer (800) 799-1424 (888) 205-8388
that may exist against the Subject Collateral under the
ing role in NY, NY: Vice President to research experience and expand market outreach to UCC or other applicable law. The Secured Party makes no State Bank of India California 0.05 Popular Direct 5.30
& implement trading strategies, focusing on Re- Mandarin speaking Chinese communities in NY representations or warranties and provides no assurances (877) 707-1995 (800) 274-5696
CAREERS tail suite of indices, incl robust research tech- and beyond. as to any Subject Collateral. Prospective bidders should
niques, writing index descriptions, assessing perform their own diligence as to the Subject Collateral.
trading impact & costs, & coding the algorithm Req: Bachelors in relevant fields, Masters highly
4. The Secured Party reserves the right to determine
Two-month CD Two-year CD
into Morgan Stanley’s systematic strat. infra- preferred. which bidders qualify for participation in the Auction, Lone Star Bank 0.20 Luana Savings Bank 4.86
Finance-Internal Auditor structure (salary range $250,000 to $250,000). At least two years of working experience with reject any bid or all bids at the Auction, to announce
(713) 358-9400 (800) 666-2012
(New York, NY): Work on audits & assurance Positn req’s rel degree &/or exp &/or skills. For marketing, market research and market data such other terms at the Auction as may be commercially
review & provide practical, innovative, & value- more info & to apply, visit analysis. Combined experience with marketing and reasonable in the Secured Party’s discretion or to accept Presidential Bank, FSB 0.10 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.76
added solutions in response to identified is- data science highly preferred. non-conforming bids. Further, the Secured Party reserves the right to cancel, postpone or adjourn the Auction by (800) 799-1424 (888) 873-3424
sues. Analyze & assess risks arising from both tion/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en Scroll down & en- Bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese highly announcement made at the Auction, either before or after
the business & support functions (Non-Core ter 3246665 as “Job Number” & click “Search
State Bank of India California 0.05 TAB Bank 4.70
preferred. the commencement of bidding, without written notice or
Legacy, Credit, Cash Equity, Capital Market, & jobs.” No calls pls. EOE further publication. The Secured Party reserves the right (877) 707-1995 (800) 355-3063
Compliance). Identify & evaluate the effective- Starting $9800/month, 45-22 162nd ST, APT2C, to credit bid any portion of its secured indebtedness then
ness of internal controls designed to address Flushing, NY 11358 outstanding under the Credit Agreements at the Auction. Three-month CD Five-year CD
risks. Document & communicate audit review Please mail resume to NY Fantuan Inc. Attn: HR at The Secured Party reserves the right to implement such
issues, root causes & risks, & prepare reports address above other terms or conditions at the Auction or regarding America First FCU 5.25 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.50
of audit review findings for senior management.
Vice President, Acquisition the Auction procedures as the Secured Party, in its sole (801) 627-0900 (888) 873-3424
Morgan Stanley Investment Mgmt., Inc. hiring discretion, determine to be commercially reasonable under
Apply knowledge of auditing financial state- Merrick Bank 5.25 Popular Direct 4.30
ments; banking & wealth management opera- for the following role in NY, NY: Vice President, Associate: the circumstances.
Acquisition to spprt Firm in several areas of in- Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC hiring for the All inquiries concerning this Notice of Public Sale (866) 638-6851 (800) 274-5696
tions & regulations (Credit, Cash Equity, Capital and the terms and conditions of the sale (including
Market, & Compliance); &, compliance & risk frastructure pvt equity investing (salary range following role in NY, NY: Associate to determine
$250,000 to $250,000). Positn req’s rel degree requirements to be a “qualified bidder”) should be made Popular Direct 5.25 Quontic Bank 4.30
management support. Req’s Master’s degr plus req’d data & campaign solutions & assist in im- to: CBRE Capital Markets at Any
2 yrs exp. The salary range is $90,979 - &/or exp &/or skills. For more info & to apply, plementation (salary range $106000 to person making any inquiry or request must: (i) disclose
(800) 274-5696 (800) 908-6600
$117,000 annually, based on various factors visit $110000). Position req’s rel degree &/or exp the person or entity on whose behalf such information is
tion/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en Scroll down & en- &/or skills. For more info & to apply, visit being sought, (ii) execute the confidentiality agreement, Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
such as experience, education, skills, internal &
external market data, etc. Please forward your ter 3250506 as “Job Number” & click “Search which can be reviewed at the website https://tinyurl. compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD
jobs.” No calls pls. EOE tion/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en Scroll down & en- com/SilberUCC (case sensitive), and (iii) maintain the figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
resume to Credit Suisse, P.O. Box confidentiality of the information provided in accordance
AL196CSNY, 909 Third Avenue, 15th floor, ter 3244491 as “Job Number” & click “Search with the confidentiality agreement.
which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
New York, NY 10022. No phone calls. jobs.” No calls pls. EOE Source:, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B9


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
39291.97 t 52.82, or 0.13% Trailing P/E ratio 27.23 22.86 5576.98 s 4.13, or 0.07% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.15 19.69 18429.29 s 25.55, or 0.14% Trailing P/E ratio *† 32.36 31.25
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.15 18.22 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 22.65 20.10 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 29.51 28.92
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.15 2.08 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.30 1.58 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.76 0.72
All-time high 40003.59, 05/17/24 All-time high 5576.98, 07/09/24 All-time high: 18429.29, 07/09/24

Current divisor 0.15221633137872

40100 5650 18400

39600 5525 17800

65-day 39100 5400 17200

moving average

38600 5275 16600

Session high
DOWN UP 38100 5150 16000

Session open Close

Close Open 65-day moving average 65-day moving average 15400


37600 5025

Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
37100 4900 14800
Apr. May June July Apr. May June July Apr. May June July
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 791,184,658 10,157,776
Industrial Average 39492.28 39146.60 39291.97 -52.82 -0.13 40003.59 32417.59 14.7 4.3 4.1 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 329,218,108 5,189,315
Transportation Avg 15128.47 14992.62 14993.76 -164.85 -1.09 16695.32 13556.07 -5.9 -5.7 0.3 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 450,657,210 4,706,072
Utility Average 913.09 902.43 908.84 4.23 0.47 955.01 783.08 -0.6 3.1 0.5 Volume After Hours Issues traded 2,891 299
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 55027.42 54858.17 54874.77 -2.14 -0.004 54876.91 40847.04 23.5 14.8 6.5 Advances 1,033 133
NVIDIA NVDA 8,652.4 131.49 0.11 0.08 131.60 128.01
Barron's 400 1135.10 1128.45 1128.65 -3.65 -0.32 1166.53 907.97 14.0 5.2 3.6 Declines 1,754 152
Full Truck Alliance ADR YMM 7,605.6 8.38 0.17 2.07 8.38 8.03
Unchanged 104 14
Nasdaq Stock Market Comcast Cl A CMCSA 7,093.8 37.51 -0.0002 -0.001 37.58 37.45 New highs 91 7
Nasdaq Composite 18511.89 18381.60 18429.29 25.55 0.14 18429.29 12595.61 33.9 22.8 7.8 Vale ADR VALE 6,677.4 11.62 0.06 0.48 11.65 11.56 New lows 83 10
Nasdaq-100 20543.90 20395.57 20453.02 13.48 0.07 20453.02 14109.57 35.3 21.6 11.3 KE Holdings ADR BEKE 5,740.0 15.16 unch. unch. 15.20 15.16 Closing Arms† 0.78 0.57
Monterey Cap Acqn Cl A MCAC 5,574.8 8.52 -0.55 -6.06 11.33 8.00 Block trades* 3,738 132
Pfizer PFE 5,544.7 27.72 -0.001 -0.003 27.75 27.65
500 Index 5590.75 5574.57 5576.98 4.13 5576.98 4117.37 25.6 16.9 8.5 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Ambev ADR ABEV 4,111.5 2.08 unch. unch. 2.09 2.08
MidCap 400 2908.89 2887.03 2887.47 -18.18 -0.63 3046.36 2326.82 8.3 3.8 2.2 Total volume*4,839,149,842 190,107,318
SmallCap 600 1290.23 1280.11 1281.24 -8.61 -0.67 1345.71 1068.80 4.4 -2.8 -2.0 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,612,659,352 101,260,696
SMART Global Holdings SGH 475.0 24.82 1.60 6.89 26.89 23.00 Decl. volume*2,179,887,770 86,003,063
Other Indexes
iShares MSCI ACWI ETF ACWI 287.3 120.36 5.73 5.00 120.36 114.37 Issues traded 4,345 1,957
Russell 2000 2039.97 2023.92 2029.47 -9.20 -0.45 2124.55 1636.94 6.1 0.1 -3.8
Advances 1,856 794
NYSE Composite 18127.43 18022.68 18048.58 -39.28 -0.22 18388.26 14675.78 13.5 7.1 2.8 Vanguard Small-Cap Grwth VBK 221.8 260.00 11.90 4.80 260.00 247.84
Declines 2,326 1,102
Value Line 582.32 578.24 578.43 -3.89 -0.67 615.81 498.09 -0.27 -2.6 -4.9 Primo Water PRMW 78.6 21.74 0.95 4.57 21.74 20.78
Unchanged 163 61
NYSE Arca Biotech 5326.08 5274.25 5322.63 38.67 0.73 5511.46 4544.40 2.1 -1.8 -3.4
TTEC Holdings TTEC 180.2 6.15 0.22 3.71 6.15 5.83
New highs 160 302
NYSE Arca Pharma 1069.09 1059.55 1068.42 2.95 0.28 1078.36 837.32 27.6 17.4 12.2 ...And losers New lows 159 30
KBW Bank 106.85 104.42 106.23 1.59 1.52 107.64 71.71 29.2 10.6 -5.1 10x Genomics TXG 63.0 16.10 -2.15 -11.78 18.25 15.78 Closing Arms† 0.67 0.72
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 146.37 144.58 145.32 -0.27 -0.19 151.36 102.94 20.5 15.6 0.9 LZ 121.2 7.05 -0.80 -10.19 8.03 6.96 Block trades* 28,534 979
PHLX§ Oil Service 84.42 83.06 83.37 -1.00 -1.18 98.76 76.90 -4.4 -0.6 10.2 Zapp EV ZAPP 1,884.8 16.86 -1.09 -6.07 19.14 16.17 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 5826.16 5713.94 5765.20 -0.01 -0.0002 5765.21 3185.18 57.8 38.1 20.7 Monterey Cap Acqn Cl A MCAC 5,574.8 8.52 -0.55 -6.06 11.33 8.00 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 12.61 12.35 12.51 0.14 1.13 21.71 11.86 -15.7 0.5 -8.2 NXP Semiconductors NXPI 76.7 260.58 -14.33 -5.21 275.40 260.58 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 817.78 –0.36 –0.04 12.5 Soligenix SNGX 7.42 5.42 271.00 32.00 1.83 -32.7 DigiAsia FAAS 3.65 -1.90 -34.17 13.99 3.65 -66.5
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 335.04 –0.76 –0.22 5.8 Zapp EV ZAPP 17.95 8.71 94.26 46.20 0.70 -58.4 Indivior INDV 10.19 -5.15 -33.57 24.90 9.14 -54.9
MSCI World 3579.33 –3.37 –0.09 12.9 uniQure QURE 6.67 2.89 76.46 11.59 3.73 -41.3 Helen of Troy HELE 64.33 -24.68 -27.73 143.68 60.00 -50.3
MSCI Emerging Markets 1111.70 4.40 0.40 8.6 Shineco SISI 4.51 1.36 43.17 4.90 0.61 43.3 Applied Digital APLD 5.47 -1.67 -23.39 11.07 2.36 -35.2
Americas MSCI AC Americas 2092.41 0.97 0.05 15.4 Longeveron LGVN 2.87 0.80 38.65 37.50 0.77 -91.3 Lumos Pharma LUMO 1.78 -0.40 -18.35 4.55 1.75 -44.4
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 22042.50 –83.63 –0.38 5.2 AEterna Zentaris AEZS 6.88 1.63 31.05 12.80 3.96 -39.2 Cetus Capital Acquisition CETU 7.70 -1.70 -18.09 16.00 6.53 -25.0
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2270.52 20.64 0.92 –14.7 Jumia Technologies ADR JMIA 10.99 2.53 29.91 11.21 2.23 159.2 Ryvyl RVYL 1.83 -0.40 -17.94 17.50 1.12 -84.2
Brazil Bovespa 127108.22 559.88 0.44 –5.3 Athira Pharma ATHA 3.39 0.77 29.39 4.30 1.33 14.5 Wetouch Technology WETH 2.07 -0.38 -15.51 18.78 1.13 -72.0
Chile S&P IPSA 3507.71 –27.53 –0.78 1.2 Relmada Therapeutics RLMD 4.10 0.91 28.53 7.22 2.42 51.9 Drilling Tools Intl DTI 5.40 -0.93 -14.69 6.36 2.43 21.1
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 53331.81 424.12 0.80 –7.1 ZyVersa Therapeutics ZVSA 4.75 1.04 28.03 91.00 3.41 -94.6 Cambium Networks CMBM 1.79 -0.29 -13.94 16.56 1.76 -88.2
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 511.76 –4.67 –0.91 6.8 Haoxi Health Technology HAO 6.60 1.36 25.95 10.60 4.03 ... MicroAlgo MLGO 5.51 -0.89 -13.91 156.00 1.56 -76.3
Eurozone Euro STOXX 504.30 –5.84 –1.14 6.4 Kymera Therapeutics KYMR 39.44 7.48 23.40 45.31 9.60 75.1 Roadzen RDZN 2.18 -0.35 -13.83 17.00 1.55 -79.5
Belgium Bel-20 3950.57 5.53 0.14 6.5 Zevra Therapeutics ZVRA 5.48 0.98 21.94 7.28 3.89 13.4 TROOPS TROO 2.55 -0.37 -12.67 4.79 0.73 -44.9
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 2819.81 –42.85 –1.50 23.5 Qilian Intl Hldg QLI 4.76 0.79 19.90 5.97 1.78 10.7 Iris Energy IREN 12.82 -1.81 -12.37 15.75 2.79 89.9
7508.66 –1.56 –0.5 Arlo Technologies ARLO 16.52 2.72 19.71 16.94 7.77 50.3 GeoVax Labs GOVX 2.52 -0.35 -12.20 10.24 1.09 -71.8
France CAC 40 –118.79
Germany DAX 18236.19 –235.86 –1.28 8.9
Israel Tel Aviv 2053.96 7.45 0.36 10.1
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 33864.47 –182.07 –0.53 11.6 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 930.70 –2.15 –0.23 18.3
Oslo Bors All-Share 1626.39 7.0 NVIDIA NVDA 280,294 -32.7 131.38 2.48 140.76 39.23 Monterey Cap Acqn Cl A MCAC 3,301 9592 9.07 -4.43 12.47 8.38
Norway –7.99 –0.49
Maxeon Solar Technologies MAXN 223,939 764.1 0.25 -8.15 28.48 0.17 Tristar Acquisition I TRIS 1,640 8531 11.17 ... 11.19 10.46
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 80620.02 –163.49 –0.20 4.8
Spain IBEX 35 10898.82 –123.28 –1.12 7.9 Tesla TSLA 159,518 70.1 262.33 3.71 299.29 138.80 Target Global I Cl A TGAA 779 5008 11.45 1.33 12.19 10.62
974.84 –0.68 8.0 Soligenix SNGX 133,540 63328.9 7.42 271.00 32.00 1.83 SPDR SSgA Glb Allocation GAL 340 3300 43.75 -0.05 43.95 37.04
Sweden OMX Stockholm –6.65
Intel INTC 96,680 101.9 34.59 1.77 51.28 29.73 Broadway Financial BYFC 219 3197 5.40 -8.01 8.47 4.41
Switzerland Swiss Market 12037.36 –14.30 –0.12
Turkey BIST 100 10796.57 –67.51 –0.62 44.5 ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 96,446 -25.9 7.39 -0.14 23.34 7.29 Indivior INDV 2,941 2875 10.19 -33.57 24.90 9.14
U.K. FTSE 100 8139.81 –53.68 –0.66 5.3 Pineapple Energy PEGY 76,044 1406.4 2.30 91.67 21.45 0.62 Simplify MBS ETF MTBA 3,229 1828 50.67 0.14 51.89 49.51
U.K. FTSE 250 20645.02 –153.30 –0.74 4.9 Ocean Power Technologies OPTT 73,944 185.3 0.42 5.50 0.77 0.12 Helen of Troy HELE 5,463 1601 64.33 -27.73 143.68 60.00
Direxion TSLA Bull 2X TSLL 68,295 90.6 15.83 7.39 21.10 4.94 NeueHealth NEUE 116 1513 5.15 2.79 22.00 4.94
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 185.01 0.94 0.51 9.2
Palantir Technologies PLTR 52,986 25.7 27.39 -1.12 28.38 13.68 IQ Candriam Intl Eq IQSI 125 1439 29.73 -0.20 30.53 24.54
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7829.70 66.54 0.86 3.1
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 2959.37 36.92 1.26
–0.5 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 17523.23 –0.83 –0.005 2.8
80351.64 0.49 11.2
Scan this code
India BSE Sensex 391.26
Japan NIKKEI 225 41580.17 799.47 1.96 24.3 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3426.09 21.62 0.64 5.7 track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2867.38 9.62 0.34 8.0 new highs/lows, mutual funds and Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 23900.08 21.93 0.09 33.3 ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1319.92 –2.58 –0.20 –6.8
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Tues YTDchg Tues YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00003934 25418 4.7
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0011917.0720 13.4 Europe
Brazil real .1844 5.4220 11.7 Czech Rep. koruna .04277 23.379 4.5
Canada dollar .7333 1.3637 2.9 Denmark krone .1450 6.8985 1.8
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Chile peso .001069 935.13 6.9 Euro area euro 1.0813 .9249 2.1
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000247 4048.45 4.47 Hungary forint .002746 364.23 4.9
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007253 137.88 1.4
A consumer rate against its Five-year ARM, Rate Mexico peso .0558 17.9137 5.6 Norway krone .0944 10.5943 4.1
benchmark over the past year 6.00% Uruguay peso .02495 40.0750 2.6 Poland zloty .2541 3.9360 –0.01 avg†: 6.60% 14% Sweden krona .0947 10.5629 4.6
Tradeweb FTSE Asia-Pacific
5-year 6.25% Switzerland franc 1.1137 .8979 6.7
Star One Credit Union Tuesday Close 5.00 Australiadollar .6741 1.4835 1.1
adjustable-rate 8.00% t 7 WSJ Dollar Index Turkey lira .0304 32.8731 11.5
Sunnyvale, CA 408-742-2801 China yuan .1375 7.2727 2.2
mortgage (ARM) 4.00
Ukraine hryvnia .0245 40.7500 6.8
t STAR Financial Bank 6.38% t Hong Kong dollar .1280 7.8114 0.02
6.00 0 UK pound 1.2787 .7820 –0.4
One year ago 3.00 India rupee .01198 83.495 0.4
Fort Wayne, IN 765-622-4185 Middle East/Africa
Indonesia rupiah .0000615 16271 5.7
4.00 Apple Federal Credit Union 6.63% s
2.00 –7 s Japan yen .006199 161.31 14.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6529 .3770 unch
t Euro
Fairfax, VA 800-666-7996 Yen Kazakhstan tenge .002082 480.40 5.5 Egypt pound .0208 48.0670 55.4
5-year Treasury 2.00 1.00 Macau pataca .1242 8.0510 –0.04 Israel shekel .2721 3.6755 2.0
note yield Chemung Canal Trust Company 6.63% –14
Malaysia ringgit .2124 4.7075 2.4 Kuwait dinar 3.2676 .3060 –0.4
Elmira, NY 607-737-3711 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2023 2024
0.00 New Zealand dollar .6125 1.6327 3.2 Oman sul rial 2.5975 .3850 unch
Citizens Equity First Credit Union 6.63% month(s) years
A S ON D J FMA M J Pakistan rupee .00359 278.513 –0.9 Qatar rial .2741 3.648 0.1
Peoria, IL 309-633-3603 maturity Philippines peso .0171 58.503 5.6 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7509 0.02
2023 2024
Sources: Tradeweb FTSE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7404 1.3507 2.4 South Africa rand .0551 18.1562 –0.8
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0007226 1383.88 6.9
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0032881 304.13 –6.1
WSJ Dollar Index 100.03
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
0.10 0.10 4.38
Federal-funds rate target 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.00 l 5.50 5.25 Taiwan dollar .03071 32.560 6.1
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .02746 36.410 5.9 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Prime rate* 8.50 8.50 8.25 l 8.50 5.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
SOFR 5.32 5.40 5.05 l 5.40 5.27
Money market, annual yield 0.49 0.48 0.46 l 0.64 0.41
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2169.800 4.470 4.600 5.120 4.040 3.340 –3.279 Commodities
Tuesday 52-Week YTD
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.84 2.84 2.77 l 2.88 2.39 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3113.130 4.560 4.680 5.280 3.950 –1.587–10.719 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.42 7.47 7.01 l 8.28 4.32 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2061.940 4.890 5.040 5.740 4.490 4.719 –2.933
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.87 6.88 6.34 l 7.42 4.47
DJ Commodity 1018.56 -7.93 -0.77 1079.94 934.97 4.87 6.34
Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2035.000 5.110 5.290 6.050 4.620 4.507 –2.703
Jumbo mortgages, $766,550-plus† 7.50 7.57 7.07 l 8.33 4.37 FTSE/CC CRB Index 289.98 -0.93 -0.32 300.23 258.09 8.37 9.91
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3642.767 6.973 7.106 9.101 6.847 10.853 1.901
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.60 6.59 6.20 l 7.16 3.70 Crude oil, $ per barrel 81.41 -0.92 -1.12 93.68 68.61 8.79 13.62
Muni Master, ICE BofA 586.888 3.462 3.548 4.311 3.038 3.397 –0.914
New-car loan, 48-month 7.86 7.94 7.26 l 7.94 3.74 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.344 -0.022 -0.93 3.575 1.575 -14.17 -6.76 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 869.936 7.866 8.057 8.842 7.205 9.718 –2.085
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Gold, $ per troy oz. 2360.10 4.90 0.21 2433.90 1816.60 22.20 14.43
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
B10 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 * ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Metal & Petroleum Futures Aug 20.42 20.68 20.04 20.13 –.30 4,590
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. highs and lows for different types of bonds
Contract Open
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Total Total
July 8,430 8,430 8,430 8,023 330 416
return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Sept 7,873 8,344 7,521 8,150 445 49,479 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
July 4.6165 4.6470 4.5590 4.5780 –0.0440 2,977 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Sept 4.6065 4.6515 4.5510 4.5775 –0.0405 159,851 July 252.00 252.00 s 252.00 252.00 15.80 183
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sept 233.65 252.35 s 233.15 249.95 15.55 103,811 2061.94 -0.01 U.S. Aggregate 4.890 4.490 5.740 2035.00 -0.1 Mortgage-Backed 5.110 4.620 6.050
July 2363.10 2363.70 2360.30 2360.10 4.90 60 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 2006.93 -0.2 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 5.150 4.640 6.020
Aug 2366.50 2378.30 2356.00 2367.90 4.40 327,285 Oct 20.31 20.31 19.61 19.62 –.51 350,629
Sept 2379.10 2389.00 t 2369.90 2380.50 4.30 201 3133.95 0.4 U.S. Corporate 5.360 5.020 6.430 1198.04 -0.1 Fannie mae (FNMA) 5.100 4.620 6.050
March'25 20.58 20.61 20.02 20.03 –.44 187,426
Oct 2390.30 2401.40 2380.00 2391.20 4.20 26,826 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 3045.04 1.7 Intermediate 5.230 4.950 6.350 1848.63 0.2 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 5.040 4.540 6.190
Dec 2413.90 2425.60 2403.60 2415.20 4.20 133,043 Sept 38.11 38.11 38.11 38.11 … 1,994
4126.63 -2.1 Long term 5.610 5.160 6.600 586.89 -0.2 Muni Master 3.462 3.038 4.311
Feb'25 2444.00 2447.20 2428.40 2438.30 4.20 11,611 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. July 66.96 66.96 t 66.96 66.96 –.36 12 595.82 -0.7 Double-A-rated 4.980 4.540 5.760 413.65 -1.2 7-12 year 3.219 2.721 4.097
July 1019.00 1040.50 s 1011.00 982.50 –29.00 3 Dec 71.40 71.40 70.48 70.55 –.50 155,947 848.03 0.8 Triple-B-rated 5.550 5.250 6.700 476.48 0.1 12-22 year 3.694 3.388 4.742
Sept 1017.50 1027.00 978.00 986.20 –28.50 21,390 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. July 478.00 478.00 473.00 474.75 14.70 15
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 452.69 0.8 22-plus year 4.238 4.070 5.274
July 996.30 996.30 992.10 989.70 –14.00 17 Sept 430.90 448.95 429.00 447.70 18.75 7,525 542.13 3.1 High Yield Constrained 7.853 7.620 9.560 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Oct 1016.00 1024.20 992.10 999.00 –14.50 75,340
525.99 3.8 Triple-C-rated 13.419 12.616 15.455 537.02 -1.2 Global Government 3.520 2.950 3.810
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Interest Rate Futures
July 31.200 31.200 30.720 30.772 0.154 508 3642.77 2.8 High Yield 100 6.973 6.847 9.101 800.49 -0.3 Canada 3.500 3.090 4.260
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Sept 31.020 31.435 30.785 31.056 0.143 131,250 350.39 -1.7 EMU§ 3.281 2.669 3.790
Sept 126-010 126-050 124-270 125-120 –27.0 1,663,107 473.88 3.9 Global High Yield Constrained 7.627 7.552 9.440
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl.
Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 358.70 3.7 Europe High Yield Constrained 6.333 6.207 8.022 640.20 -3.0 France 3.320 2.540 3.630
Aug 82.22 82.48 81.25 81.41 –0.92 259,927
Sept 118-260 118-300 118-010 118-140 –18.0 1,678,320
Sept 81.45 81.65 80.42 80.56 –0.96 283,971
Dec 118-230 118-310 118-040 118-160 –19.0 1,883
U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 456.39 -2.4 Germany 2.650 2.020 3.030
Oct 80.64 80.80 79.59 79.71 –0.98 150,439
Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 1804.04 1.2 U.S Agency 4.850 4.380 5.390 269.22 -3.5 Japan 1.480 0.790 1.480
Dec 79.21 79.38 78.15 78.25 –1.03 208,183
Sept 110-160 110-180 110-070 110-130 –6.0 4,486,285 1.4
June'25 76.17 76.34 75.23 75.32 –0.92 102,689 1597.12 10-20 years 4.850 4.360 5.370 495.08 -2.8 Netherlands 2.890 2.260 3.320
Dec 110-300 110-300 110-195 110-250 –6.5 1,738
Dec 73.86 74.02 73.01 73.10 –0.84 122,300 3422.54 -0.8 20-plus years 4.880 4.500 5.740 791.35 -2.5 U.K. 4.410 3.790 4.880
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Aug 2.5727 2.5878 2.5201 2.5236 –.0555 80,715
Sept 106-295 106-317 106-250 106-295 –2.7 6,367,065 2751.09 0.9 Yankee 5.180 4.860 6.110 869.94 2.5 Emerging Markets ** 7.866 7.205 8.842
Sept 2.5873 2.6009 2.5384 2.5418 –.0510 69,203
2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Sept 102-086 102-096 102-071 102-087 –.9 4,291,317 ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
Aug 2.5342 2.5604 2.5188 2.5274 –.0105 123,899 Dec 102-212 102-212 102-199 102-197 –.9 24

Sept 2.5007 2.5211 2.4827 2.4904 –.0158 104,003 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
July t 94.6700 94.6700 .0000 394,738
94.6725 94.6725
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu.
Aug 2.373 2.448 2.331 2.344 –.022 193,989 Aug 94.6850 94.6850 t 94.6800 94.6800 –.0050 515,067 Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Sept 2.384 2.454 2.351 2.360 –.022 287,794 Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg. selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Oct 2.492 2.550 2.461 2.468 –.024 150,033 April 94.6425 94.6425 94.6425 94.6425 .0000 5,887
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Nov 2.918 2.957 2.884 2.889 –.030 133,654 June 94.6500 94.6500 94.6450 94.6475 –.0025 1,194,405 Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Jan'25 3.692 3.719 3.660 3.669 –.019 111,482 4.625 U.S. 2 4.624 s l 4.616 4.870 4.931
Currency Futures
March 3.161 3.187 3.132 3.142 –.017 108,559 4.375 10 4.297 s l 4.267 4.428 4.047
Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
4.250 Australia 2 4.212 t l 4.218 3.997 4.413 -42.3 -42.3 -54.4
Agriculture Futures July .6224 .6227 .6197 .6205 –.0021 3,545
Sept .6283 .6287 .6256 .6264 –.0021 338,993
3.750 10 4.354 t l 4.372 4.232 4.256 5.0 8.8 18.9
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
July 400.25 406.75 397.00 400.25 4.50 732 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD 2.500 France 2 3.117 s l 3.067 3.171 3.463 -151.8 -157.4 -149.4
Dec 408.25 412.75 406.25 408.40 .75 647,037 July .7333 .7339 .7329 .7338 .0005 984 3.500 10 3.208 s l 3.120 3.103 3.186 -109.6 -116.4 -88.2
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept .7347 .7351 .7340 .7350 .0005 250,710
2.900 Germany 2 2.933 s l 2.915 3.092 3.266 -170.2 -172.7 -169.0
July 308.00 340.00 308.00 308.25 –4.25 11 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
July 1.2809 1.2825 1.2779 1.2788 –.0026 1,490
2.200 10 2.586 s l 2.542 2.618 2.636 -171.8 -174.2 -143.1
Dec 316.75 317.50 307.50 309.60 –8.00 3,430
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept 1.2814 1.2832 1.2785 1.2794 –.0026 208,520 3.600 Italy 2 3.494 s l 3.444 3.604 3.918 -114.1 -119.7 -103.8
July 1177.00 1185.00 1160.00 1161.40 –12.75 903 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF 3.850 10 3.962 s l 3.886 3.959 4.354 -34.2 -39.8 28.6
1098.00 1101.00t 1077.50 1080.00 –19.50 413,369 Sept 1.1232 1.1241 1.1215 1.1229 –.0012 93,195
Nov 0.400 Japan 2 0.352 t l 0.361 0.349 -0.042 -428.3 -428.0 -499.9
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Dec 1.1388 1.1359 1.1337 1.1350 –.0012 584
Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD 1.100 10 1.076 t l 1.091 0.973 0.436 -322.8 -319.3 -363.1
July 378.50 381.80 375.90 376.20 –3.30 1,180
Dec 321.40 322.70 t 317.80 318.70 –2.70 240,023
July .6738 .6749 .6726 .6742 .0002 673 2.800 Spain 2 3.133 s l 3.096 3.265 3.561 -150.2 -154.5 -139.5
Sept .6751 .6761 .6736 .6753 .0002 222,798 3.250 10 3.320 s l 3.262 3.359 3.631 -102.2 -43.7
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. -98.4
48.51 48.60 46.91 46.86 –2.14 1,176
Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
July 0.125 U.K. 2 4.136 s l 4.127 4.379 5.380 -49.9 -51.4 42.3
July .05557 .05576 .05541 .05580 .00020 28
Dec 48.20 48.23 46.20 46.31 –1.95 228,540
Sept .05496 .05528 .05479 .05526 .00020 185,820 4.250 10 4.163 s l 4.118 4.264 4.651 -14.1 -16.6 58.4
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
July 17.01 17.20 17.10 17.11 .04 190
Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb FTSE U.S. Treasury Close
July 1.0829 1.0836 1.0809 1.0816 –.0013 2,442
Sept 14.79 14.92
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
14.60 14.60 –.19 7,492
Sept 1.0859 1.0868 1.0841 1.0848 –.0013 621,798 Corporate Debt
July 552.25 555.25 553.50 554.25 1.25 151
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Sept 569.50 578.75 569.25 572.00 1.50 214,734
Index Futures expectations
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Sept 39670 39818 39450 39596 –54 88,479
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
July 584.75 586.00 574.25 581.00 7.50 55 Spread*, in basis points
Dec 40095 40199 39841 39983 –54 289
Sept 577.50 586.75 576.75 577.60 .50 132,723 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept 5627.75 5645.75 s 5626.25 5631.25 6.00 2,033,591
Dec 5697.00 5708.75 s 5690.00 5694.50 5.75 12,510 Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center MSKCC 5.000 5.27 July 1, ’42 65 –7 n.a.
Aug 260.100 260.825 254.775 255.725 –3.450 18,474
Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index –5
Sept 261.125 261.825 255.775 256.825 –3.800 10,149 Sept 2936.70 2939.90 2911.70 2913.60 –18.60 36,732
Erac USA Finance ENTERP 7.000 5.43 Oct. 15, ’37 112 118
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec … 2952.60 2947.50 2929.60 –19.70 n.a. KeyCorp KEY 2.250 5.69 April 6, ’27 127 –5 131
Aug 184.800 185.750 180.350 182.350 –2.000 115,317 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Sept 20681.00 20771.75 s 20615.75 20678.50 18.75 259,894 Puget Sound Energy PSD 5.764 5.83 July 15, ’40 123 –5 n.a.
Oct 185.600 186.450 181.725 183.300 –2.000 95,267
Dec 20942.00 21028.75 s 20874.00 20935.75 20.25 1,045
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index 5.132 5.07 Feb. 26, ’27 65 –5
Westpac New Zealand WSTPNZ n.a.
July 89.750 89.975 89.225 89.325 –.350 13,021 Sept 2058.10 2064.90 2039.30 2047.80 –8.90 444,147
Aug 89.650 90.250 88.300 88.400 –1.125 91,366
Dec 2086.10 2086.10 2061.30 2069.30 –8.70 241 Virginia Electric and Power … 6.350 5.59 Nov. 30, ’37 127 –4 n.a.
Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Sept 3059.90 3069.30 s 3059.80 3060.60 .70 5,974 Elevance Health ELV 5.850 5.38 Jan. 15, ’36 108 –4 n.a.
July 439.50 444.50 t 437.00 438.50 –5.00 741 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Sept 104.67 104.89 104.63 104.81 .14 43,084 Kaiser Foundation Hospitals KPERM 4.875 5.28 April 1, ’42 68 –4 n.a.
Sept 476.00 477.00 467.50 468.00 –10.00 9,066
Dec 104.37 104.37 104.37 104.43 .14 361
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb.
July 19.82 19.87 19.72 19.77 –.03 3,455 Source: FactSet
…And spreads that widened the most
Banco Santander SANTAN 6.921 6.04 Aug. 8, ’33 173 17 180
Vodafone 4.875 5.80 June 19, ’49 131 13 134
Cash Prices | Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Verizon Communications VZ 4.125 4.98 March 16, ’27 56 9 60

These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—separate
from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future months. Goldman Sachs GS 6.250 5.49 Feb. 1, ’41 90 8 96
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Royal Bank of Canada RY 1.150 5.11 July 14, ’26 48 7 n.a.
Copper,Comex spot 4.5780 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.0775
Energy 5
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s *108.7 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.0250 Morgan Stanley MS 6.375 5.35 July 24, ’42 76 80
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 74.000 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s *665.0
Food Koninklijke Philips PHIANA 6.875 5.77 March 11, ’38 146 5 149
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 13.900 Battery/EV metals
Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 12550 Beef,carcass equiv. index Protective Life Global Funding PL 5.215 5.15 June 12, ’29 88 5 90
BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 11525 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 305.75
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,w 3899
Engelhard industrial 2366.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 3933
select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 284.13 High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.3197
Handy & Harman base 2367.90 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 485 Bond Price as % of face value
Butter,AA Chicago-d 3.1400
Handy & Harman fabricated 2628.37 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 194.00
LBMA Gold Price AM *2371.65
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 196.75 7.450 6.23 May 1, ’34 108.837 0.59
LBMA Gold Price PM *2376.65 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.8150
Bombardier BBDBCN n.a.
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 118.00
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2451.02 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6313 7.721 7.90 June 4, ’38 98.500 0.50
Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 2.4038 Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 96.110
Maple Leaf-e 2474.59 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *81.50 Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.5691 0.27
American Eagle-e 2474.59 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 4.100 6.72 Oct. 1, ’46 70.000 69.438
Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 2.2850
Mexican peso-e 2849.53 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. 0.21
Flour,hard winter KC-p 17.50 Rockies Express Pipeline ROCKIE 6.875 7.22 April 15, ’40 96.777 95.750
Austria crown-e 2313.09
Grains and Feeds Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.93
Austria phil-e 2474.59 5.250 18.22 Aug. 1, ’26 78.500 0.13
Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 87.60 Hughes Satellite Systems … 78.135
Silver, troy oz. Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w n.a. Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a. Seagate HDD Cayman … 4.750 6.00 Jan. 1, ’25 99.420 0.05 99.016
Engelhard industrial 31.2000 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.7300 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.3038
Handy & Harman base 30.7800 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w n.a. Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Handy & Harman fabricated 38.4750 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w n.a. Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 301.75
…And with the biggest price decreases
LBMA spot price *£24.1800 Cottonseed meal-u,w n.a.
(U.S.$ equivalent) *30.9900 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w n.a. Hughes Satellite Systems … 6.625 53.23 Aug. 1, ’26 45.500 –3.84 48.750
Fats and Oils
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 23815 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w n.a.
Paramount Global PARA 6.875 7.10 April 30, ’36 98.185 –1.27 93.426
Other metals Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.8650 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a.
LBMA Platinum Price PM *1008.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w n.a. Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.4850 Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.450 5.85 Sept. 15, ’36 105.174 –0.32 103.615
LBMA Palladium Price PM *1013.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w n.a. Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1000.0 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w n.a. Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 7.200 7.60 July 18, ’36 96.875 –0.30 n.a.
Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.3800
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1015.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 9.1750 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.5200
OneMain Finance … 7.125 5.97 March 15, ’26 101.812 –0.28 101.750
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2475.5 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 5.5350 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 3.150 6.01 Oct. 1, ’26 94.125 –0.17 94.125
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 7/8 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Source: Dow Jones Market Data Source: MarketAxess

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret
LgCpGwId InstPre 36.98 +0.03 25.4 SAIUSMinVolIndFd 20.75 -0.04 11.1 CoreBond 10.17 ... 0.7 LgCapGow I 81.95 -0.02 24.6 MuLTAdml 10.88 +0.01 0.7 TgtRetInc 13.36 -0.01 3.9
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. MidCpInxInstPrem 31.22 -0.11 4.3 SAIUSQtyIdx 23.70 +0.05 22.4 EqInc 23.97 +0.03 5.3 MidCap 103.04 -0.56 3.0 MuLtdAdml 10.80 ... 0.9 Welltn 45.00 -0.01 10.0
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e and s SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 23.24 +0.02 17.8 SrsBlChGroRetail 20.39 +0.02 30.5 LgCpGwth 77.18 +0.02 28.3 R2030 25.90 -0.02 8.2 MuShtAdml 15.73 ... 1.4 WndsrII 47.14 -0.03 10.8
apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r- SeriesBondFd 8.91 -0.01 0.1 SrsEmrgMkt 19.32 +0.11 11.5 JPMorgan R Class Putnam Funds Class A PrmcpAdml r 183.43 +0.68 17.3 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes SeriesOverseas 14.29 -0.07 10.2 SrsGlobal 14.93 -0.01 7.8 CoreBond 10.18 -0.01 0.8 PutLargCap p 34.99 -0.02 14.0 RealEstatAdml 118.69 +0.04 -3.2 ExtndIstPl 313.84 -1.77 2.6
x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to incomplete SerLTTreBdIdx 5.53 -0.02 -3.9 SrsGroCoRetail 25.46 +0.09 30.8 CorePlusBd 7.17 -0.01 1.2 Putnam Funds Class Y SmCapAdml 103.45 -0.60 1.9 IdxIntl 19.71 -0.01 7.1
price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; data under review. NN-Fund not SmCpIdxInstPrem 25.23 -0.11 0.9 SrsIntlGrw 18.55 -0.08 8.3 Lord Abbett I PutLargCap 35.00 -0.02 14.2 SmGthAdml 87.20 -0.73 2.9 MdCpGrAdml 99.06 -0.46 5.2
tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. TMktIdxInstPrem 152.11 ... 15.7 SrsIntlVal 12.94 -0.03 10.9 ShtDurInc p 3.85 ... 2.7 Schwab Funds STBondAdml 10.07 ... 1.4 MdCpVlAdml 77.41 -0.08 4.2
TotalMarketIndex 19.25 ... 15.8 TotalBond 9.45 -0.01 0.8 Metropolitan West 1000 Inv r 119.36 +0.02 NA STIGradeAdml 10.23 -0.01 2.1 SmValAdml 77.40 -0.28 1.1
TtlIntIdxInstPr 14.12 -0.01 7.4 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI 8.98 -0.01 NA S&P Sel 86.08 +0.06 NA STIPSIxAdm 24.19 ... 2.6 TotBd2 9.41 -0.01 ...
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 USBdIdxInstPrem 10.26 ... 0.1 TotalBd 8.95 -0.01 1.0 TRBdPlan 8.42 -0.01 NA TSM Sel r 93.65 ... NA TotBdAdml 9.53 -0.01 ... TotIntlInstIdx r 131.81 -0.13 7.1
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD Fidelity Advisor I U.S.TreBdIdx 8.69 ... -0.2 MFS Funds TIAA/CREF Funds TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.49 -0.03 -0.1 TotItlInstPlId r 131.85 -0.12 7.1
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Total Bd 9.44 -0.01 0.8 Fidelity Selects IIE 34.95 -0.14 6.1 EqIdxInst 38.91 ... 15.6 TotIntlAdmIdx r 32.96 -0.03 7.1 TotSt 132.58 -0.01 15.6
Fidelity Freedom Semiconductors r 36.91 +0.03 52.2 MFS Funds Class I IntlEqIdxInst 23.44 -0.08 7.2 TotStAdml 132.60 -0.01 15.6 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
AB Funds Artisan Funds US CoreEq2 36.34 -0.04 12.6 FF2030 17.77 -0.02 7.7 Softwr 27.38 -0.47 0.8 GrowthI 219.72 -0.06 27.7 LrgCpGrIdxInst 64.99 +0.06 25.4 BalInst 48.04 -0.02 9.4
MuniIncmShares NA ... 2.8 IntlVal Inst 49.58 -0.16 7.9 US Small 44.38 -0.28 0.6 FF2035 TxMCapAdml 285.57 +0.04 16.2
15.81 -0.01 9.3 Tech 36.94 -0.09 29.6 ValueI 50.34 -0.01 6.7 VANGUARD ADMIRAL
TxMIn r 16.10 -0.05 6.1 DevMktsIndInst 16.12 -0.05 6.1
AB Funds - ADV Baird Funds US SmCpVal 44.52 -0.18 -0.2 FF2040 11.62 ... 11.2 First Eagle Funds Natixis Funds 500Adml 514.64 +0.39 17.8 DevMktsInxInst 25.20 -0.08 6.1
LgCpGrAdv 113.45 -0.15 22.3 AggBdInst 9.73 ... 0.5 US TgdVal 31.25 -0.15 -1.3 Freedom2030 K 17.75 USGroAdml 180.70 +0.16 23.2
-0.02 7.8 GlbA 68.24 -0.13 8.2 LSGrowthY 28.11 -0.01 21.0 BalAdml 48.03 -0.02 9.4 ExtndInst 127.17 -0.72 2.6
American Century Inv CorBdInst 10.06 -0.01 0.8 USLgVa 47.34 -0.03 7.3 Freedom2035 K 15.79 ValAdml 62.63 -0.02 8.8
-0.01 9.3 Franklin A1 Northern Funds CAITAdml 11.33 ... 0.2 GrwthInst 199.68 +0.22 25.1
Ultra 93.19 +0.11 25.1 BlackRock Funds Dodge & Cox StkIdx WdsrllAdml 83.61 -0.06 10.9
Freedom2040 K 11.62 -0.01 11.2 IncomeA1 2.33 -0.01 3.4 57.30 +0.04 NA CapOpAdml r 204.54 +0.64 14.1 InPrSeIn 9.37 -0.01 1.3
American Funds Cl A HiYldBd Inst 7.05 ... 3.9 Balanced 103.52 +0.14 4.9 DivAppIdxAdm 49.85 -0.10 WellsIAdml 60.86 -0.05 2.6
Idx2030InsPre 20.21 -0.02 7.1 FrankTemp/Frank Adv Old Westbury Fds 8.8 InstIdx 458.94 +0.35 17.8
AmcpA 42.89 -0.16 14.7 BlackRock Funds III GblStock 15.87 ... 6.4 Idx2035InsPre 23.26 -0.02 8.5 IncomeAdv 2.31 ... 3.5 LrgCpStr 20.09 ... 15.7 EMAdmr 37.39 +0.18 9.9 WelltnAdml 77.69 -0.02 10.0
InstPlus 458.93 +0.35 17.8
AMutlA 54.74 -0.07 8.2 iShS&P500IdxK 653.38 +0.50 17.7 Income 12.48 ... 1.0 Idx2040InsPre 24.44 -0.01 10.3 FrankTemp/Franklin A Parnassus Fds EqIncAdml 89.08 +0.04 7.2 WndsrAdml 74.33 -0.05 3.8 InstTStPlus 94.42 -0.01 15.6
BalA 34.96 -0.07 10.0 BlackRock Funds Inst Intl Stk 51.63 -0.17 5.0 DynaTech A 168.82 -0.11 26.2 ParnEqFd 62.50 -0.12 13.6 ExplrAdml 105.86 -0.64 2.5 VANGUARD FDS MidCpInst
Idx2045InsPre 25.68 -0.01 10.9 66.08 -0.18 4.6
BondA NA ... NA EqtyDivd 20.46 +0.01 7.2 Stock 257.50 +0.58 8.8 Idx2050InsPre 25.73 -0.01 11.0 Growth A 141.99 -0.43 15.8 PGIM Funds Cl Z ExtndAdml 127.18 -0.72 2.6 DivdGro 38.00 -0.13 4.0 MidCpIstPl 325.89 -0.88 4.7
CapIBA 68.84 -0.13 5.3 StratIncOpptyIns 9.40 ... 2.2 DoubleLine Funds Fidelity Invest RisDv A 92.96 -0.45 5.4 TotalReturnBond NA ... NA GroIncAdml 107.02 +0.02 19.2 IntlVal 42.09 -0.04 4.3 SmCapInst 103.45 -0.60 1.9
CapWGrA 66.75 -0.26 12.0 TotRet NA ... NA TotRetBdI 8.71 -0.01 1.0 Balanc 29.85 -0.02 11.8 Guggenheim Funds Tru PIMCO Fds Instl GrwthAdml 199.67 +0.22 25.1 LifeGro 45.01 -0.01 9.7 SmCapIstPl 298.60 -1.71 1.9
EupacA 58.47 -0.21 9.4 Calamos Funds Edgewood Growth Instituti BluCh 227.03 +0.28 31.0 TotRtnBdFdClInst 23.48 -0.03 1.0 AllAsset 11.07 -0.01 NA HlthCareAdml r 93.32 +0.34 8.9 LifeMod 32.27 -0.01 7.2 STIGradeInst 10.23 -0.01 2.1
FdInvA 82.37 -0.28 16.4 MktNeutI 14.63 ... 3.7 EdgewoodGrInst 51.03 -0.26 16.7 BluChpGr K6 34.71 +0.05 29.3 Harbor Funds TotRt 8.55 ... NA HYCorAdml r 5.38 -0.01 2.5 PrmcpCor 36.33 +0.05 14.5 STIPSIxins 24.20 -0.01 2.5
GwthA 75.37 -0.10 19.3 Columbia Class I Federated Hermes Int Contra 20.75 +0.04 29.1 CapApInst 121.07 +0.03 25.5 PIMCO Funds A InfProAd 23.01 -0.03 1.3 STAR 28.45 -0.01 7.0 TotBdInst 9.53 -0.01 ...
HI TrA 9.60 ... 4.4 DivIncom I 32.48 -0.03 7.8 TtlRtnBdI 9.40 ... 0.4 ContraK 20.83 +0.05 29.1 Harding Loevner IncomeFd 10.54 ... NA InfTechIdx 306.44 -0.78 24.1 TgtRe2020 28.21 -0.01 5.0 TotBdInst2 9.41 -0.01 ...
ICAA 58.07 -0.11 16.3 Dimensional Fds Fidelity CpInc 9.98 -0.01 6.1 IntlEq 26.76 ... 3.1 PIMCO Funds I2 IntlGrAdml 112.39 +0.22 10.4 TgtRe2025 19.56 -0.01 6.4 TotBdInstPl 9.53 -0.01 ...
IncoA 24.26 -0.06 5.0 EmgMktVa 32.27 +0.02 10.7 500IdxInstPrem 193.68 +0.15 17.8 GroCo 41.59 +0.14 30.3 Invesco Funds Y Income 10.54 ... NA ITBondAdml 10.19 -0.01 0.3 TgtRe2030 38.12 -0.02 7.4 TotIntBdIdxInst 29.25 -0.04 -0.1
N PerA 63.75 -0.20 14.0 EmMktCorEq 24.54 +0.06 10.4 Contrafund K6 29.70 +0.06 29.0 InvGrBd 9.94 -0.01 0.6 DevMktY 40.81 +0.23 5.7 PIMCO Funds Instl ITIGradeAdml 8.58 -0.01 1.2 TgtRe2035 23.99 -0.01 8.5 TotStInst 132.62 -0.01 15.6
NEcoA 63.94 -0.12 18.5 IntlCoreEq 15.95 -0.07 5.7 ExtMktIdxInstPre 80.11 -0.45 2.6 LowP 46.52 -0.29 5.6 JHF III DispVal IncomeFd 10.54 ... NA LarCapAd 128.83 +0.08 17.6 TgtRe2040 42.97 -0.02 9.3 ValueInst 62.63 -0.01 8.8
NwWrldA 81.60 +0.07 8.8 IntSmCo 20.00 -0.10 4.7 FidSerToMarket 18.11 ... 15.7 Magin 14.95 -0.01 25.2 DispValMCI 28.24 -0.14 3.2 Price Funds LTGradeAdml 7.75 -0.02 -2.2 TgtRe2045 29.39 -0.02 10.2 WCM Focus Funds
SmCpA 66.80 -0.28 0.8 IntSmVa 22.67 -0.12 8.1 GlexUSIdxInstPre 15.18 -0.01 7.8 NASDAQ 234.30 +0.32 23.2 John Hancock BlChip 192.57 +0.15 28.9 MidCpAdml 299.13 -0.81 4.6 TgtRe2050 49.29 -0.02 10.9 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 25.26 -0.19 11.0
TxExA 12.40 +0.01 0.9 LgCo 37.00 +0.03 17.7 GrowthCompanyK6 29.27 +0.09 30.4 OTC 23.71 -0.02 29.6 BondR6 13.43 -0.01 0.9 DivGro 77.83 -0.14 10.5 MuHYAdml 10.70 ... 1.9 TgtRe2060 50.68 -0.02 10.9 Western Asset
WshA 60.93 -0.13 12.2 US CoreEq1 40.82 -0.04 13.9 IntlIdxInstPrem 50.59 -0.14 7.2 Puritn 26.39 -0.01 14.2 JPMorgan I Class Growth 108.02 +0.06 24.7 MuIntAdml 13.58 ... 0.3 TgtRet2055 55.00 -0.02 10.9 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | B11


Goldman Sachs, ICE, Other Citation Capital

Financials Spark S&P 500 Wins the Backing
BY RYAN DEZEMBER Index performance on Tuesday
0.6% Nasdaq Composite
flation Thursday when the La-
bor Department is scheduled to
Of Wafra Venture
Financial firms nudged the publish consumer prices for
S&P 500 to a record, a rare day S&P 500 June. BY LAURA KREUTZER for Social Security of Kuwait,
lately when a sector other than 0.4
Dow Jones Industrial Average U.S.-listed shares of BP shed the Alaska Permanent Fund
technology led the broad stock 4.8% after the U.K. energy giant Citation Capital, one of a and Britain’s Railways Pension
index higher. warned that weak oil trading handful of private-equity Trustee Co., a manager known
Shares of Goldman Sachs 0.2 and lower refining margins firms started by women in re- as RailPen. Since then, the ven-
Group and Intercontinental would hurt earnings. CSX lost cent years, landed backing ture has added more institu-
Exchange ended the session at 2.7% after Wall Street analysts from Capital Constellation, a tional investors to its ranks and
records, while an additional six 0 trimmed earnings estimates. venture formed by alternative- has backed 30 fund manag-
banks and fi- Overseas, Japan’s Nikkei 225 asset manager Wafra and sev- ers, including some newly
TUESDAY’S nance compa- closed 2% higher at a record eral institutional investors. formed and others whose
MARKETS nies in the –0.2 Tuesday and added an addi- New York-based Capital firms had reached inflection
S&P 500 tional 0.1% at midday Wednes- Constellation made a strategic points, such as healthcare-fo-
closed at their highest prices in day. France’s CAC and Ger- investment in midmarket-fo- cused Avista Capital Partners.
at least a year. JPMorgan, Citi- –0.4 many’s Dax shed 1.6% and 1.3%, cused Citation, which former “We’re building the next
group, and Bank of America respectively, on Tuesday. S&P BDT Capital Partners senior generation of GPs that have a
are among the big firms sched- 500 futures were up 0.1% early dealmaker Tiffany Hagge and reason to exist, not just in
uled to disclose spring-quarter –0.6 Five-minute intervals Wednesday. ex-Credit Suisse executive Ly- 2024, but in 2034 and 2044,”
earnings on Friday. 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4 die Hudson co-founded last said Gustavo Cardenas, man-
The S&P 500 gained less year. The new commitment will aging director at Wafra who
than 0.1% to set its 36th record Source: FactSet
AUCTION RESULTS help fuel Dallas-based Citation’s helps lead its strategic part-
Here are the results of Tuesday's Treasury auctions.
this year. The tech-heavy Nas- All bids are awarded at a single price at the market- growth and support its deal ac- nerships.
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
daq Composite added a little ployment data suggest the la- as the market has priced in. between that price and the face value. tivity, according to Hudson. Citation targets invest-
more than 0.1% to also notch a bor market has “cooled “It is absolutely a soft land- 52-WEEK BILLS Terms of the deal weren’t ments in founder- and family-
record. The Dow Jones Indus- considerably.” He said the cen- ing,” she said. “That may not Applications $133,659,888,900 disclosed. Wafra typically com- owned North American com-
Accepted bids $48,591,812,900
trial Average declined 0.1%, or tral bank is weighing the po- have been something thought " noncompetitively $1,585,156,600
mits $100 million to $200 mil- panies typically generating an
about 53 points. tential that high rates wreck possible by many market par- " foreign noncompetitively $12,000,000 lion to managers backed average of $75 million in ad-
Auction price (rate) 95.171944
Tuesday started out as an- the economy and cause exces- ticipants in the beginning of (4.775%)
through Capital Constellation, justed pretax earnings, ac-
other day with chip makers sive unemployment against the the year, but as the data has Coupon equivalent 5.024% which is guided by Wafra, peo- cording to Hudson. The firm
Bids at clearing yield accepted 47.07%
and other firms with an angle risk of reigniting inflation with come through that is absolutely Cusip number 912797LW5
ple familiar with the firm said. focuses on three sectors, in-
on the artificial-intelligence rates cut too soon. what we’re seeing.” The bills, dated July 11, 2024, mature on July 10, 2025. The capital generally goes to- cluding consumer products,
boom leading the way. Technol- Lindsay Rosner, head of Treasury yields rose follow- THREE-YEAR NOTES ward a range of objectives, in- industrials and business and
ogy stocks turned lower, while multisector investing at Gold- ing Powell’s remarks but eased Applications $164,119,003,800 cluding deal financing and add- financial services.
Accepted bids $67,423,503,800
Treasury yields and shares of man Sachs Asset Management, in afternoon trading. The yield " noncompetitively $260,128,600
ing staff, and often provides Citation made its first in-
banks rose following Federal said the Fed has successfully on benchmark 10-year notes " foreign noncompetitively $250,000,000 Capital Constellation with mi- vestment last year, acquiring a
Auction price (rate) 99.933233
Reserve Chairman Jerome brought inflation down toward ended at 4.297%, up from (4.399%)
nority stakes in the managers. majority stake in Cibo Vita, a
Powell’s midmorning remarks its targeted levels without too 4.267% on Monday. Yields rise Interest rate 4.375% Wafra formed Capital Con- family-owned maker of natu-
to Congress. much damage to the economy. as prices fall. Bids at clearing yield accepted 78.35% stellation in 2018 with backing ral snacks sold under its Na-
Cusip number 91282CKZ3
Powell told the Senate Bank- She said the central bank will Investors and central bank- The notes, dated July 15, 2024, mature on July 15,
from a handful of investors that ture’s Garden brand and pri-
ing Committee that recent em- likely cut rates in September, ers will get the next read on in- 2027. included the Public Institution vate labels.

Exchange-Traded Portfolios |

Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds. Preliminary close data as of 4:30 p.m. ET ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)

Closing Chg YTD iSh MSCI EM EEM 43.82 0.41 9.0 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV 100.41 ... 0.1 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 527.53 –0.64 4.0 VangdLC VV 255.11 0.18 16.9
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShNatlMuniBd MUB 106.97 –0.06 –1.3 JPM EqPrem JEPI 56.13 –0.20 2.1 SPDR S&P Div SDY 126.23 –0.30 1.0 VangdMegaGrwth MGK 327.08 0.18 26.0
Closing Chg YTD iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.33 ... 0.1 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.35 ... 0.2 VangdMC VO 241.54 –0.25 3.8
TechSelectSector XLK 234.28 –0.08 21.7
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 68.71 –0.16 5.8 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.62 –0.02 –0.5 PacerUSCashCows COWZ 53.42 –0.55 2.8 VangdRealEst VNQ 83.76 –0.02 –5.2
VanEckSemicon SMH 274.81 0.22 57.2
CommSvsSPDR XLC 87.24 0.31 20.1 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 558.93 0.09 17.0 iShRussMC IWR 80.61 –0.33 3.7 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 82.35 0.22 62.4 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 97.47 0.11 24.9
VangdSC Val VBR 180.23 –0.30 0.1
CnsmrDiscSel XLY 190.02 0.33 6.3 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 57.73 –0.60 4.1 iShRuss1000 IWB 303.37 0.02 15.7 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.51 ... 0.1 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 510.89 0.11 17.0
VangdExtMkt VXF 167.66 –0.53 2.0
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 32.53 –0.09 11.3 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 105.54 –0.64 –2.5 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 378.95 0.13 25.0 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 392.94 –0.13 4.3 VangdST Bond BSV 76.81 –0.01 –0.3
VangdDivApp VIG 183.67 –0.24 7.8
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 88.76 –0.88 5.9 iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 120.95 0.01 14.9 iShRuss1000Val IWD 173.96 –0.02 5.3 SPDR Gold GLD 218.56 0.17 14.3 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 77.43 –0.03 0.1
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 59.69 –0.08 6.3
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 41.75 0.77 11.0 iShCoreS&PUSGrw IUSG 132.11 0.08 26.9 iShRuss2000 IWM 201.40 –0.44 0.3 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 35.59 –0.36 4.6 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.96 ... –0.6
iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 45.40 –0.07 –1.5 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 50.09 –0.34 4.6
HealthCrSelSect XLV 144.95 0.49 6.3 iShS&P500Grw IVW 96.07 0.10 27.9 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 48.70 0.04 4.4 VangdSC VB 216.09 –0.48 1.3
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 97.52 –0.09 –1.7 VangdFTSE EM VWO 44.85 0.43 9.1
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 120.84 –0.44 6.0 iShS&P500Value IVE 181.73 0.05 4.5 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 65.37 0.08 16.9 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.27 0.06 –1.5
204.85 0.07 21.5 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 84.01 –0.20 7.7 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 67.51 –0.79 4.7
InvscNasd100 QQQM iShSelectDiv DVY 120.45 0.18 2.8 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 83.21 0.11 27.9 VangdTotalBd BND 72.37 –0.04 –1.6
InvscQQQI QQQ 497.77 0.09 21.5 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 173.29 0.03 17.8 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 94.06 –0.14 –2.4 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 555.82 0.10 16.9 VangdGrowth VUG 388.33 0.24 24.9 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.74 –0.08 –1.3
InvscS&P500EW RSP 163.72 –0.17 3.8 iShGoldTr IAU 44.66 0.13 14.4 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.17 ... 0.0 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 38.95 –0.36 5.4 VangdHiDiv VYM 118.83 0.03 6.4 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 61.34 –0.18 5.8
iShBitcoin IBIT 32.96 2.49 ... iShiBoxx$IGCpBd LQD 107.93 –0.18 –2.5 iShTIPSBond TIP 106.82 –0.15 –0.6 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 64.03 0.02 15.0 VangdInfoTech VGT 598.63 –0.21 23.7 VangdTotalStk VTI 272.42 –0.03 14.8
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 57.76 –0.03 7.3 iShMBS MBB 92.23 0.03 –2.0 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 92.35 –0.44 –6.6 SchwabUS Div SCHD 77.11 0.03 1.3 VangdIntermBd BIV 75.25 –0.09 –1.5 VangdTotWrldStk VT 114.66 –0.02 11.5
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 73.63 –0.37 4.7 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 114.63 –0.03 12.6 iShUSTech IYW 156.65 –0.20 27.6 SchwabUS LC SCHX 65.56 –0.02 16.2 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 80.39 –0.12 –1.1 VangdValue VTV 160.58 0.01 7.4
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 54.99 0.35 8.7 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 79.37 –0.40 5.3 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.64 –0.04 –1.7 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 104.62 0.12 26.1 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.39 –0.07 –1.6 WT FRTrea USFR 50.39 0.04 0.3

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B12 | Wednesday, July 10, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Where Have All the Good Stocks Gone?

With prices at records, there are fewer stocks to buy and the quality of remaining ones is surprisingly bad—blame interest rates

Low interest rates are good for whereas the most popular one
stocks. Are they good for the stock tracking large stocks, the SPDR
market? S&P 500 ETF, appears far more
That seems like an odd distinc- expensive at about 27 times.
tion, but it is one that could weigh They are both pricey: Barely
on American investors’ future re- half of the companies in the small-
turns. There aren’t nearly as many company ETF are profitable, and
companies to buy and the ones negative numbers aren’t counted
that remain just aren’t what they in the denominator of that ratio.
used to be. Even during past deep recessions
Most investors are pleased with a higher share of small companies
their portfolios these days, in that index made some profits.
whether they own some of the At a time when risk-free Trea-
popular names like Nvidia, Micro- sury bills yield over 5%, one re-
soft and Apple that have been sponse could be waiting for stocks
powering the market or mutual to get cheaper. But attempting to
funds lifted heavenward by the time the market usually ends
same group of companies. It is at badly for nonprofessionals. A bet-
times of top-heaviness like these ter option for those who prefer
that contrarians who want to stay cheap index funds might be to


invested have pivoted to the mar- choose a healthier benchmark.
ket’s forgotten corner: small For example, a popular index
stocks. ETF tracking an S&P Dow Jones
For example, the leading large- Indices small-cap index sounds
company index, the S&P 500, beat similar to its FTSE Russell coun-
the most popular small-company terpart but has beaten it by 300
equivalent, the Russell 2000, by 93 percentage points over the 24
percentage points during the years both have existed. The dif-
1994-99 tech boom. Like today, a Americans have never had as many ways to slice up the market cheaply, but they are ordering from a shrinking menu. ference seems to be that the index
handful of large companies made provider screens for profitability
up a disconcerting share of those Number of mutual funds and ETFs Index performance, past three years Total return before adding a stock, so it in-
gains. Then through 2014 the versus number of U.S. stocks cludes fewer of them. Similarly, a
small-cap index beat the S&P by small-cap index maintained by
12,000 30% 1,000%
114 percentage points. Wilshire Indexes recently had a
But the latest bull market has iShares Core S&P Small Cap vastly superior average return on
damaged that escape ramp. Look Funds S&P 500 equity of 8.63% versus 4.65% for
20 800
no further than one of the broad- 10,000 its Russell counterpart. Wilshire
est measures of U.S. equities: The published a report in April urging
FT Wilshire 5000 Index had far investors to pay attention and
10 600
more stocks to choose from than it “avoid the size trap.”
could fit a quarter-century ago. 8,000 An even better strategy to bet
Recently it was down to 3,381 on a small-cap renaissance might
0 400
members, which doesn’t make for be to choose value stocks or to
quite as catchy a name. 6,000 venture beyond U.S. borders for
It seems like that shouldn’t be small-cap opportunities. Similar to
–10 200
happening. Americans have rarely the way the stock-perfor-
been as excited about stocks as Stocks mance pendulum has swung too
they are today and have never had 4,000 far in the direction of large com-
–20 Russell 0 Russell 2000
as many ways to slice and dice the 2000
panies, value investing has been in
market cheaply, but they are or- the doghouse. Foreign, and partic-
dering from a shrinking menu. Yearly Weekly
ularly European small-caps, also
2,000 –30 –200
There are now close to three times appear poised for outperformance,
as many stock funds available to 1996 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 2022 ’23 ’24 2001 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 ’24 according to a report last week
them as listed American compa- Sources: Investment Company Institute, World Bank (funds vs. stocks); FactSet (index performance, total return) from DataTrek Research. Cinna-
nies. Even though an unprece- mond’s small-cap value fund holds
dented 70% of the world’s stock- index funds made smaller U.S. equity investors using cheap debt into large versus small and look at few stocks today, but foreign ones
market value is American, companies attractive acquisition that snapped up hundreds of at- published valuation measures, are well-represented.
including all 10 of the most valu- opportunities. tractive corporations. That pres- then that problem isn’t obvious. Don’t expect even a well-con-
able companies, fewer than 10% of “A lot of these profitable com- ents a problem for Cinnamond and For example, FTSE Russell divides structed index to deliver absolute
listed companies in the world panies that were more like a bond anyone else focused on earning a the U.S. market into the largest returns similar to past glory days,
were in 2022, according to the that we love were bought,” says high return on smaller companies: 1,000 and the next 2,000 stocks. A though. Until the U.S. market is
World Bank—less than half the Eric Cinnamond, co-founder of extremely slim pickings. leading exchange-traded fund repopulated with good, small com-
proportion of the late 1990s. Palm Valley Capital Management. “The ones that remain have tracking the latter group, the panies or more of the current ones
How can both be true? The ex- The small-cap and value-investing profit margins way below the his- iShares Russell 2000 ETF, sup- turn cheap, stock investors face
planation is that a long period of veteran says it was a combination torical norm,” he said. posedly has a trailing price-to- another hangover from years of
low interest rates and the rise of of other companies and private- If you simply sort the market earnings ratio below 13 times, low rates. —Spencer Jakab

Dior’s $57 Handbags

Have a Hidden Cost:
Reputational Risk
Christian Dior struck gold LVMH fashion and leather goods
when it found a supplier willing to division operating margins
assemble a €2,600 handbag, equiv-
alent to around $2,816, for just
€53 a piece—or did it? Cleaning
up the reputational damage may 40
not come cheap.
A Milan court named LVMH-
owned Dior and Giorgio Armani as 30
two brands whose products were
made in sweatshop-like conditions 20
in Italy. Images of an unkempt fa-
cility where designer handbags
were produced, which was raided 10
as part of an investigation into It-
aly’s fashion supply chain, are

worlds apart from those the lux-
ury industry likes to show its cus- 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23
tomers. Source: the company
To keep up with the strong de-
mand for their goods, some high- Some of Dior’s production was
end brands rely on independent contracted out directly to a
workshops to supplement their in- Chinese-run factory in Italy.
house factories.
Sales at LVMH’s leather-goods is for Dior to pay its suppliers end of the spectrum. Bernstein’s analysis, and deprecia- what exactly people are paying for
division have almost doubled since more and keep them on a tighter Bernstein analyst Luca Solca es- tion of the company’s assets is when they shell out for a fancy
2019. leash. Either way, the result seems timates that a €10 billion luxury €156. Running the brand’s stores— purse. Recent price increases also
While more outsourced manu- likely to be lower profits than fashion label, roughly Dior’s size, including paying the rent on some make the cheap manufacturing
facturing is understandable in a shareholders have grown accus- may spend just 23% of its sales on of the most exclusive shopping costs hard to stomach. A mini
boom, brands may also have taken tomed to. the raw materials and labor that streets in the world—and head-of- Lady Dior bag that cost $3,500 in
cost-saving measures too far in a Top luxury brands such as go into its products. This implies a fice costs come to an additional 2019 will set shoppers back $5,500
push to juice profits. Some of Christian Dior can have very high €2,600 Dior purse would cost €390. This leaves €1,300 of pure today, a 57% increase.
Dior’s production was contracted margins because consumers are €598 to make, equivalent to $647 operating profit for Dior, or a 50% A dozen other luxury labels that
out directly to a Chinese-run fac- willing to pay steep prices for for a roughly $2,800 product at margin. remain unnamed are under inves-
tory in Italy, where workers as- goods they see as status symbols. current exchange rates. “This is the reality of the busi- tigation for similar issues in their
sembled the bags in unsafe condi- They also can spread high fixed In reality, the cost may be even ness,” says Solca. “The retail price Italian supply chains, so this may
tions, according to a translated costs, such as expensive advertis- lower, based on the results of the for the goods of major luxury be a much wider problem.
court order. In other instances, ing campaigns, over a large vol- Italian investigation. The €53-a- brands is typically between eight Profits will take a hit if the in-
Dior’s suppliers subcontracted ume of sales. piece assembly price it cited, and 12 times the cost of making dustry decides to clean up its act.
work out to low-cost factories that For the LVMH group overall, the equivalent to around $57, didn’t the product.” But the cost of doing nothing
also used irregular labor. cost of making the products it include the cost of the leather and LVMH hasn’t commented on the might be higher. Luxury brands
Nipping the problem in the bud sells—everything from Champagne hardware, but that would add only investigation, which first made that charge customers thousands
would require hundreds of mil- to watches to cosmetics— another €150 or so, according to headlines nearly a month ago. of dollars and rely on a reputation
lions of dollars of investment in amounted to 31% of sales in 2023. one Italian supplier. Meanwhile, a public-relations for quality can’t afford to be
new facilities to bring more manu- But the margins on big-brand Advertising fees are a further storm is brewing. Luxury influenc- cheap.
facturing in-house. The alternative handbags are probably at the high €156 per handbag, according to ers on social media are asking —Carol Ryan

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