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A. LISTENING (4.0 pts):
Part 1(10pts): Listen and complete the form below. (Part1 – Test 4 – Ielts Listening Recent Actual
1. every other week
2. Peter Wisrough
3. 168 Bridge Road
5. BS97PU
Part 2(10pts): You will hear an interview with a yoga teacher. For question 6 – 10, choose the answer
(A,B,C or D), which fits best according to what you hear. ( Advanced CAE practice Tests – Part 3- Test

6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. D
Part 3(10pts): Listen to the recording and decide whether the following sentences ( 11-16) are
true (T) or false (F). (IELTS Test Buider – Test 1 Adapted)

11 T
12 F
13 F
14 T
15 T
Part 1 (20pts). Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences and write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. After having children, the woman starts to __________.
A. go to seed B. come up smelling of roses
C. push up the daisies D. gild the lily
-go to seed: trở nên kém sắc, kém năng lực
-come up smelling of roses: thành công thoát nạn
-push up the daisies: chết
-gild the lily: vẽ rắn thêm chân, tô điểm thừa thãi
2. Reliable salesmen do not make ________ claims for their product.
A. unbridled B. extravagant C. madding D. unruly
-unbridled: không giới hạn, rất nhiều
-extravagant: quá mức, không phù hợp
-madding: điên rồ
-unruly: ngang bướng
3. Eva likes to have a dictionary _____ hand when she's writing.
A. at B. on C. off D. by
-at hand: trong tầm với, gần
-on hand: có sẵn
-offhand (adv) không suy nghĩ
-by hand: tự làm, thủ công

4. With the blistering pace of technological advancements in recent years, both workers
and employers have a myriad of choices, and ________ access to education.
A. exhaustive B. profuse C. bottomless D. unfettered
-exhaustive: thấu đáo, bao quát mọi khía cạnh
-profuse: nhiều
-bottomless: không có đáy, không có giới hạn
-unfettered access (collo) không giới hạn kết nối
5. It’s amazing how Jenny acts as though she and Darren ___________ serious problems at
the moment.
A. aren’t having B. hadn’t had C. weren’t having D. hadn’t been having
-Cấu trúc as if/though (như thể) ở đây dùng để nói về một tình huống không có thật, không phải dùng để đơn thuần
miêu tả lại hành động của một ai đó. Dấu hiệu at the moment -> lùi một thì, chia động từ ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
6. The winning team were ________ criticized by the local media for the way in which they
had gloated over the losing team.
A. shrilly B. decidedly C. roundly D. cheaply
-shrilly: với một âm thanh chói tai
-decidedly: kiên quyết
-roundly criticize (collo): chỉ trích gay gắt
-cheaply: rẻ
7. He's a(n) __________ piece of nothing at the office; no one even knows he exists.
A. two-bit B. abbreviated C. venial D. tinpot
-two-bit: vô giá trị, rẻ tiền
-abbreviated piece of nothing: người/ vật không quan trọng
-venial: (tội lỗi) dễ tha thứ
-tinpot: thấp kém
8. I _________ his telephone number while he was still talking.
A. jotted down B. wrote up C. set down D. dashed off
-jot/ write down: viết nhanh lại
-write up: viết một bản báo cáo/ mô tả, viết một bài chi tiết dựa trên dàn ý có sẵn
-set down: đặt xuống, đề ra quy định
-dash off: vội chạy trốn
9. I feel __________ to inform the head teacher that a number of students and parents are
annoyed with the decision.
A. my duty B. this my duty C. it my duty D. that my duty
-feel it + noun: dùng bày tỏ một quan điểm/ thái độ
10. A cute kid is _________ a lot of attention on the internet thanks to his uncanny
resemblance to a famous Kpop idol.
A. amassing B. raking C. garnering D. gathering
-amass: (tiền) tích cóp
-rake: thu thập => rake in it: có rất nhiều tiền
-garner one’s attention (collo): thu hút sự chú ý của ai
-gather: thu nhặt, tích lại
Part 2:(10pts) The passage below contains 10 errors. IDENTIFY and CORRECT them. (0) has been done as
an example.
1. truly à true 6. high-rank à High-ranking
2. obsessing à obsessed 7. As à Like
3. curl à curled 8. politics à political
4. which à that 9. Since à Over
5. from à to 10. few à little

Part 3. (10pts) Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the spaces
provided below.
1. Independent = độc lập
2. breadth => The length and breadth of something' = chiều dài và chiều rộng của cái gì đó -> toàn bộ khu vực,
không gian của cái gì; toàn bộ nơi nào đó.
3. significant -> have a significant impact on sth = có tác động to lớn đến cái gì
4. goodwill = thiện ý
5. charitable =>charitable donations= quyên góp từ thiện
6. objections -> raise objectiosn to sth = dấy lên sự phản đối với
7. invaluable = vô giá -> Daais hiệu adj+ N
8. acknowledged / known = được thừa nhận/ biết đến
9. exemplary = gương mẫu, mẫu mực
10. selflessness= lòng vị tha
C. READING (60pts)
Part 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.(10pts)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (1) ............. to be successful? Having
someone around who always fears the worst isn't really a lot of (2) …...... - we all know someone who sees a
single cloud on a sunny day and says, 'It looks like rain.' But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it's
important to do something about it.
You can change your view of life, according to psychologist. It only takes a little…(3)….., and you'll find life
more rewarding as a..(4)................ . .Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confidence but it's also a
more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (5) ………….. . Optimists are more (6) ............. to start new
projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (7) ………..... to the world. Some people are brought
up to depend too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (8)……..... wrong.
Most optimists, on the (9) ……….. hand, have been brought up not to (10)….... failure as the end of the world -
they just get on with their lives.
1. A. counted B. expected C. felt D. waited
Count= đếm expect+ to V= mong chờ feel= cảm thấy wait= chờ đợi. Dịch: những người luôn
mong đợi thành công?
2. A. amusement B. play C. enjoyment D. fun
Amusement= giải trí play= sự vui chơi enjoyment= sự thích thú fun= niềm vui.
Dịch: khi ở gần những người luôn lo lắng những điều tồi tệ nhất thì thật sự không hề vui vẻ.
3. A. energy B. effort C. work D. effect
Energy= năng lượng effort= cố gắng work= công việc effect= ảnh hưởng.
Dịch: chỉ với một chút cố gắng, và bạn sẽ thấy cuộc sống đáng quý hơn.
4. A. result B. reason C. purpose D. product
As a result = kết quả là
5. A. supply B. suggest C. offer D. propose
Supply= cung cấp suggest= gợi ý offer= xảy ra propose= đề cử.
Dịch: đó là một cách nhìn cuộc sống lạc quan và tất cả đều phải xảy ra(1 cách tự nhiên).
6. A. possible B. likely C. hopeful D. welcome
Be likely to do sth = có khả năng làm gì
possible= có thể hopeful= đầy hi vọng welcome= đón nhận.
7. A. opinion B. attitude C. view D. position
Opinion= quan điểm attitude= thái độ view= cái nhìn position= vị trí.
Dịch: sự giáo dục trẻ nhỏ thật sự quan trọng đến việc hình thành thái độ với cuộc sống.
8 A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns
Go wrong= trở lên tồi tệ.
9. A. opposite B. others C. other D. far
In the other hand= mặt khác.
10 A. regard B. respect C. suppose D. think
Regard sth as sth = xem như
respect= kính trọng suppose= giả sử think = nghĩ.
Dịch: không xem thất bại như cái kết của cuộc sống- họ vẫn có thể thích nghi với nó.

Part 2:(10pts) You are going to read a passage and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
accordng to the text.
1.A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5.C
6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C
A public inquiry opened yesterday into plans to pump extra water from the Lake District National Park to
refill reservoirs drained by drought. United Utilities has submitted its proposals to take water from two lakes,
Windermere and Ullswater, to public scrutiny because of concerns about the potential damage to wildlife.
Anglers are concerned that spawning sites for salmon and trout could dry out if water is drained from the
rivers that flow from the lakes. But the utilities company insists that removing and treating the extra water will not
hurt local flora and fauna. The hearing, headed by the government inspector, Stuart Nixon, is being held in the
Cumbrian town of Windermere and will last for two days. A final decision is expected to be taken later this month
by Margaret Beckett, the Environment Secretary.
United Utilities insists that the drought orders are necessary to prevent the further depletion of water from two
of its reservoirs in the Lake District, Haweswater and Thirlmere. Because of the unusually dry summer this year,
Haweswater has only 53 per cent of its capacity compared with 68 percent at the same time last year. Thirlmere
has just 47 percent, whereas last year it had 79 percent.
If United Utilities is given the go-ahead, it would be able to take extra water from the Windermere and
Ullswater rivers – Leven and Eamont respectively – this winter, rather than having to take emergency measures
next year. Water from Ullswater would be piped into Haweswater reservoir; water from Windermere would enter
the local supply, and prevent further depletion of Thirlmere. Water supplies would reach two million people in
Manchester, Lancashire, south Cumbria and parts of Cheshire.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust said taking extra water could pose problems for wildlife if not properly managed. But
a spokesman said it was not opposing United Utilities' plans because it was better for water to be drained in the
wet winter months rather than in the summer. ‘If they don’t have to do it now, they will have to do it in April,’ the
spokesman said.
Dickon Knight, the agent for the landowner Holker Estates, said the proposed minimum flows on the river
Leven would harm efforts to protect salmon stocks. Alistair Maltby, the manager of the Eden Rivers Trust, said
taking water from the rivers during the winter was the best approach but urged United Utilities to mend leaks in its
pipes in the long run. Gary Dixon, customer service manager at United Utilities, said, ‘We can’t predict what
supplies will be like over the winter. Normally this is when our reservoirs would refill but if the low rainfall
continues we need to start planning ahead for next summer. Taking action now will have a lower impact on the
river environment than during the spring.’
The company said the deluge of rain in recent weeks was helping to top up the reservoirs. John Carberry, a
spokesman, said, ‘There is no crisis and no panic, but we are looking ahead for next year. There is a potential
impact on the environment which is why we are seeking permission to do what we want to do.’ The Environment
Agency said it would work with the utility company to ensure any damage to fish stocks was kept to a minimum.
1. According to the opening paragraph, the controversy arose due to ________.
A a proposed scheme to top up water supplies.
B excessive water in local lakes.
C civilians protesting over a threat to the environment.
D a possibility that reservoirs could be contaminated.
Clue: United Utilities has submitted its proposals to take water from two lakes, Windermere and Ullswater, to
public scrutiny because of concerns about the potential damage to wildlife.= United Utilities đã đệ trình đề
xuất lấy nước từ hai hồ Windermere và Ullswater để công chúng xem xét kỹ lưỡng vì lo ngại về khả năng gây
hại cho động vật hoang dã.
2. The word “hearing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. trial B. legal action C. lawsuit D. official meeting
Hearing = official meeting= cuộc họp chính thức
3. Who does the outcome of the proposal ultimately rest with?
A the area’s fishermen B a utilities company
C Margaret Beckett D Stuart Nixon
Clue: A final decision is expected to be taken later this month by Margaret Beckett, the Environment
Secretary.= Quyết định cuối cùng dự kiến sẽ được đưa ra vào cuối tháng này bởi Margaret Beckett, Bộ trưởng Môi
4. What have high temperatures resulted in?
A several bodies of water in the Lake District completely drying up
B United Utilities wanting to take certain measures
C two lakes being left with less than 50% of their water
D a large decrease in profits for United Utilities
Clue: Because of the unusually dry summer this year, Haweswater has only 53 per cent of its capacity
compared with 68 percent at the same time last year. Thirlmere has just 47 percent, whereas last year it had 79
percent.= Do mùa hè năm nay khô hạn bất thường, Haweswater chỉ có 53% công suất so với 68% vào cùng
thời điểm năm ngoái. Thirlmere chỉ có 47%, trong khi năm ngoái nó có 79%.
5. The word “go-ahead” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. leave B. consensus C. authorization D. permit
Go-ahead = cấp phép, cho phép = authorization
6. If the plan is implemented, _______.
A it will inevitably avert a national crisis.
B its impact will be felt nationwide.
C it could cause irreversible damage.
D it should preferably be done in winter.
Clue; If United Utilities is given the go-ahead, it would be able to take extra water from the Windermere and
Ullswater rivers – Leven and Eamont respectively – this winter, rather than having to take emergency
measures next year= Nếu United Utilities được chấp thuận, nó sẽ có thể lấy thêm nước từ các sông
Windermere và Ullswater – tương ứng là Leven và Eamont – vào mùa đông này, thay vì phải thực hiện các
biện pháp khẩn cấp vào năm tớ
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage?.
A the water depletion rate of all reservoirs is not the same.
B Wildlife might be affected by excessive water taking
C It’s inevitable that water should be drained sooner or later.
D Water from two rivers would be pumped into the local supply
Clue: Water from Ullswater would be piped into Haweswater reservoir; water from Windermere would enter
the local supply, and prevent further depletion of Thirlmere= Nước từ Ullswater sẽ được dẫn vào hồ chứa
Haweswater; nước từ Windermere sẽ đi vào nguồn cung cấp địa phương và ngăn chặn sự cạn kiệt thêm của
8. What is Alistair Maltby’s opinion on refilling reservoirs?.
A It will be detrimental to certain species of fish.
B It’s the best solution as long as a technical problem is sorted out.
C It will have a negative effect on the environment if left until spring.
D Its success depends on how well United Utilities manage the project.
Clue: Alistair Maltby, the manager of the Eden Rivers Trust, said taking water from the rivers during the
winter was the best approach but urged United Utilities to mend leaks in its pipes in the long run.= Alistair
Maltby, người quản lý của Eden Rivers Trust, cho biết lấy nước từ các con sông trong mùa đông là cách tiếp
cận tốt nhất nhưng thúc giục United Utilities sửa chữa rò rỉ trong đường ống về lâu dài.
9. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A it’s spring at the moment the passage was written
B salmon stocks are being kept to a minimum
C there will be an active collaboration for the common good
D water depletion has reached epidemic proportions
Clue: The Environment Agency said it would work with the utility company to ensure any damage to fish
stocks was kept to a minimum.= Cơ quan Môi trường cho biết họ sẽ làm việc với công ty tiện ích để đảm bảo mọi
thiệt hại đối với nguồn cá được giữ ở mức tối thiểu.
10. What is the overall tone of the passage?
A alarmed B sarcastic C neutral D dismissive
Giọng điệu chung của đoạn văn là trung lập
Part 3: (15pts) Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. ix 2. viii 3. vii 4. vi 5. iv 6. iii

7. deter crime

8. (air) pollution

9. block light

10. education
A. After hours of driving south in the pitch-black darkness of the Nevada desert, a dome of hazy gold suddenly
appears on the horizon. Soon, a road sign confirms the obvious: Las Vegas 30 miles = Sau nhiều giờ lái xe về phía
nam trong màn đêm tối đen như mực của sa mạc Nevada, một vùng sáng ánh vàng lấp lánh bỗng hiện ra nơi chân
trời. Chẳng bao lâu sau, một tấm biển chỉ đường xác nhận lại sự thật quá rõ ràng: Las Vegas chỉ còn cách đó 30
dặm. Looking skyward, you notice that the Big Dipper is harder to find than it was an hour ago.
=> ix. Approaching the city
B. Light pollution—the artificial light that illuminates more than its intended target area—has become a problem
of increasing concern across the country over the past 15 years= Ô nhiễm ánh sáng — ánh sáng nhân tạo chiếu
sáng một vùng rộng lớn hơn dự định – đã trở thành một vấn đề ngày càng khiến nhiều người lo ngại trong vòng
15 năm qua. Ở vùng ngoại ô, nơi các bãi đỗ xe thuộc các cửa hàng mua sắm luôn được thắp sáng chói chang như
một tiêu chuẩn, chỉ có thể nhìn thấy 200 trong số 2.500 ngôi sao thuộc dải Ngân Hà trong một đêm trời trong . In
the suburbs, where over-lit shopping mall parking lots are the norm, only 200 of the Milky Way’s 2,500 stars are
visible on a clear night. Even fewer can be seen from large cities. In almost every town, big and small, street lights
beam just as much light up and out as they do down, illuminating much more than just the street. Almost 50
percent of the light emanating from street lamps misses its intended target, and billboards, shopping centres,
private homes and skyscrapers are similarly over-illuminated.= Những ngọn đèn đường tỏa ra ánh sáng hắt lên cả
phía trên và phía dưới, chiếu sáng không chỉ đường phố. Gần 50 phần trăm ánh sáng phát ra từ đèn đường không
chiếu sáng khu vực mục tiêu ban đầu của chúng, và các biển hiệu, các trung tâm mua sắm, nhà riêng và những
tòa nhà chọc trời cũng sử dụng đèn chiếu sáng quá mức giống nhau.
=> viii. More light than is necessary
=> Keywords: Light pollution, artificial light, over illuminated

Keyword Location: Paragraph B, lines 1, 3

Explanation: The excessive use of artificial lights is increasing every year in the suburbs and cities. Light
pollution is a bigger menace in the cities, where street lights are illuminating more spaces than intended. A similar
sort of light that is effused from billboards, high rises, and shopping malls is contributing to the problem.

C. America has become so bright that in a satellite image of the United States at night, the outline of the country is
visible from its lights alone. The major cities are all there, in bright clusters: New York, Boston, Miami, Houston,
Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, and, of course, Las Vegas= Nước Mỹ đã được thắp sáng nhiều đến nỗi chỉ cần
nhìn vào một bức ảnh vệ tinh chụp vào ban đêm, có thể thấy rõ biên giới quốc gia nhờ vào ánh đèn. Những thành
phố lớn cũng đều có thể dễ dàng được nhìn thấy, trong những cụm sáng lớn: New York, Boston, Miami, Houston,
Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, và dĩ nhiên, Las Vegas.. Mark Adams, superintendent of the McDonald
Observatory in west Texas, says that the very fact that city lights are visible from on high is proof of their
wastefulness. “When you’re up in an airplane, all that light you see on the ground from the city is wasted. It’s
going up into the night sky. That’s why you can see it.”
=> vii. Seen from above
=> Keywords: Satellite image, the outline of the country, bright clusters

Keyword Location: Paragraph C, lines 1-2

Explanation: The lights in the main cities of the United States are so vivid that they can be viewed as glaring
clusters in satellite images. The entire silhouette of America can be distinguished just from the intense lights.
However, it is just a sign of the wasteful and mindless expenditure of light energy that is prevalent in the country.

D. But don’t we need all those lights to ensure our safety? The answer from light engineers, light pollution control
advocates and astronomers is an emphatic “no.” Elizabeth Alvarez of the International Dark Sky Association
(IDA), a non-profit organization in Tucson, Arizona, says that overly bright security lights can actually force
neighbours to close the shutters, which means that if any criminal activity does occur on the street, no one will see
it. And the old assumption that bright lights deter crime appears to have been a false one: A new Department of
Justice report concludes that there is no documented correlation between the level of lighting and the level of
crime in an area. And contrary to popular belief, more crimes occur in broad daylight than at night. = Và giả định
lỗi thời rằng đèn sáng ngăn ngừa tội phạm là một sự sai lầm: Một báo cáo mới của Sở Tư pháp kết luận không có
mối liên hệ nào được ghi nhận giữa mức độ thắp sáng và tình hình tội phạm trong một khu vực. Và trái với niềm
tin phổ biến, nhiều tội ác xảy ra ngay giữa thanh thiên bạch nhật hơn là vào ban đêm.
=>vi. A problem lights do not solve
=> Keywords: Old assumption, a false one, contrary to popular belief

Keyword Location: Paragraph D, lines 3-4

Explanation: For decades, people have believed that a luminous space is hardly probable to turn into a crime
scene and protect the people around. However, there is no sound evidence to support such claims. It is also said
that people living in such neighborhoods are prone to closing their drapes to guard their homes against obtrusive
lights, hence risking the odds of not spotting crime. Moreover, it was seen that crimes take place more during the
day than at night. Hence, lights necessarily do not solve the problem of crimes.

E. For drivers, light can actually create a safety hazard. Glaring lights can temporarily blind drivers, increasing the
likelihood of an accident= Với các tài xế, ánh sáng thực sự là một mối nguy với sự an toàn. Ánh đèn quá chói có
thể khiến tài xế không nhìn thấy gì, làm gia tăng nguy cơ xảy ra tai nạn. To help prevent such accidents, some
cities and states prohibit the use of lights that impair night-time vision. For instance, New Hampshire law forbids
the use of “any light along a highway so positioned as to blind or dazzle the vision of travellers on the adjacent
=> iv. People at risk from bright lights
=> Keywords: Safety hazard, glaring lights, temporarily blind drivers

Keyword Location: Paragraph E, lines 1-2

Explanation: Bright lights can sometimes jeopardize lives. For example, the harsh lights from cars can result in
brief blindness in the drivers. It makes them prone to accidents, especially when driving on a highway.

F. Badly designed lighting can pose a threat to wildlife as well as people= Bố trí ánh sáng tồi có thể là mối đe dọa
cho động vật hoang dã và con người.. Newly hatched turtles in Florida move toward beach lights instead of the
more muted silver shimmer of the ocean. Migrating birds, confused by lights on skyscrapers, broadcast towers and
lighthouses, are injured, sometimes fatally, after colliding with high, lighted structures. And light pollution harms
air quality as well: Because most of the country’s power plants are still powered by fossil fuels, more light means
more air pollution.
=> iii. The environmental dangers
=> Keywords: Threat to wildlife as well as people

Keyword Location: Paragraph F, line 1

Explanation: Glaring artificial lights do not only harm people, at the same time are perilous for wildlife. Often
migratory birds are misled and injured due to brightly lit skyscrapers. It is noticed in Florida that baby turtles are
moving away from the ocean towards the beach due to bright lights. Additionally, air pollution ensues from light
pollution, since a large amount of fossil fuel is used to produce light energy.
G. So what can be done? Tucson, Arizona is taking back the night. The city has one of the best lighting ordinances
in the country, and, not coincidentally, the highest concentration of observatories in the world. Kitt Peak National
Optical Astronomy Observatory has 24 telescopes aimed skyward around the city’s perimeter, and its cadre of
astronomers needs a dark sky to work with.
H. For a while, that darkness was threatened. “We were totally losing the night sky,” Jim Singleton of Tucson’s
Lighting Committee told Tulsa, Oklahoma’s KOTV last March. Now, after retrofitting inefficient mercury lighting
with low-sodium lights that block light from “trespassing” into unwanted areas like bedroom windows, and by
doing away with some unnecessary lights altogether, the city is softly glowing rather than brightly beaming. The
same thing is happening in a handful of other states, including Texas, which just passed a light pollution bill last
summer. “Astronomers can get what they need at the same time that citizens get what they need: safety, security
and good visibility at night,” says McDonald Observatory’s Mark Adams, who provided testimony at the hearings
for the bill.
I. And in the long run, everyone benefits from reduced energy costs. Wasted energy from inefficient lighting costs
us between $1 and $2 billion a year, according to IDA. The city of San Diego, which installed new, high-
efficiency street lights after passing a light pollution law in 1985, now saves about $3 million a year in energy
J. Legislation isn’t the only answer to light pollution problems. Brian Greer, Central Ohio representative for the
Ohio Light Pollution Advisory Council, says that education is just as important, if not more so. “There are some
special situations where regulation is the only fix,” he says. “But the vast majority of bad lighting is simply the
result of not knowing any better.” Simple actions like replacing old bulbs and fixtures with more efficient and
better-designed ones can make a big difference in preserving the night sky.
Questions 7-10
Complete each of the following statements with words taken from the passage.
Write ONE or TWO WORDS for each answer.
7. deter crime

=>Clue: And the old assumption that bright lights deter crime appears to have been a false one: A new
Department of Justice report concludes that there is no documented correlation between the level of lighting and
the level of crime in an area.

8. (air) pollution

=>Clue: Because most of the country’s power plants are still powered by fossil fuels, more light means more air

9. block light

=>Clue: Now, after retrofitting inefficient mercury lighting with low-sodium lights that block light from
“trespassing” into unwanted areas like bedroom windows,

10. education

=>Clue; Central Ohio representative for the Ohio Light Pollution Advisory Council, says that education is just as
important, if not more so

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